Exam in chemistry fipi 30 options. Approximate exam options

The reference book contains all the theoretical material on the chemistry course necessary for passing the Unified State Exam. It includes all elements of content, verified by test materials, and helps to generalize and systematize knowledge and skills for a secondary (high) school course. Theoretical material presented in a concise accessible form. Each section is accompanied by examples of test tasks that allow you to test your knowledge and degree of preparedness for the certification exam. Practical tasks correspond to the Unified State Exam format. At the end of the manual there are...

Cheat sheet on inorganic chemistry Olga Makarova

This manual is summary answers to exam questions. The structure of the benefit corresponds to the national educational standard in the discipline "Inorganic Chemistry". This publication will help systematize previously acquired knowledge, as well as prepare for an exam or test in this subject and pass them successfully. The manual is intended for students of higher, secondary specialized and secondary educational institutions.

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Test materials for the Unified State Exam include text analysis tasks (Part A, Part B), which test the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of schoolchildren acquired in middle and high school. This manual will allow students to recall acquired knowledge on the topics “Text. Speech" and independently prepare for the Unified State Exam. The keys are given at the end of the book. Conscientious work on the proposed tasks will help you score the maximum test score at performing the Unified State Exam By Russian language.

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In the directory addressed to graduates and applicants, in in full The material of the course “History of Russia” is given, which is tested on the unified state exam. The structure of the book corresponds to the codifier of content elements on the subject on the basis of which exam assignments– testing and measuring materials for the Unified State Examination. The reference book presents the following sections of the course: “History of Russia from antiquity to early XVII century,” “History of Russia in the 17th–18th centuries,” “Russia in the 19th century,” “Russia in the 20th century.” beginning of XXI V.". Short form presentation provides...

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2017 Olga Slavnikova

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It is very important for every student to prepare thoroughly and efficiently for the exam. final exam. Manual by Savinkina E.V. “Unified State Examination-2017. Chemistry. 50 options exam papers to prepare for the Unified State Exam" will help you do this. Besides fifty practice tests here is a control. All questions correspond necessary requirements educational standard.

Students are asked questions different levels difficulties. So, questions 1-26 correspond to basic requirements to knowledge of the chemistry course and require a short answer. Further up to task 35, the questions have a higher level of difficulty, but they also require a short answer. And the last 5 tasks have increased level complexities and require a detailed, substantiated answer. At the end of the manual, answers are provided to help determine how well the student is prepared to take the exam. Solutions calculation problems are given in very detail so that you can navigate well and see where the error lies. This way, the student will be able to understand which topic needs to be studied more carefully.

The tasks offered in the book cover all the topics studied in school course chemistry. There are questions here about chemistry as a science, about methods of knowledge, about the structure of atoms and matter, chemical bonds. It also touches on topics of organic and inorganic chemistry, about methods of obtaining substances and many others. Such a wide coverage of topics in assignments will allow the best way prepare for the exam. The manual can be used by both teachers and students for independent control.

On our website you can download the book “Unified State Examination 2017. Chemistry. 50 options for examination papers to prepare for the unified state exam” by E. V. Savinkina for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy a book in an online store.

Unified State Exam 2017. Chemistry. A set of materials for preparing students. Kaverina A.A., Medvedev Yu.N. and etc.

M.: 2017. - 256 p.

This manual is intended to prepare 11th grade students for the Unified State Exam (USE) in chemistry. Edition includes typical tasks on all content lines of the examination work, as well as approximate options in Unified State Exam format 2017. The manual will help schoolchildren test their knowledge and skills in the subject, and teachers will help assess the degree to which individual students have achieved the requirements of educational standards and provide them with targeted preparation for the exam.

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PART 2. STANDARD OPTIONS for the Unified State Exam 2017 181

This manual includes a set of materials for preparing for the Unified State Exam in chemistry. The complex includes standard test tasks and standard options, similar in structure to control measuring materials (CMMs) for the Unified State Exam in chemistry in 2017.
Structure of the benefit. The benefit consists of three parts. Part 1 contains tasks of various types intended for thematic control. These tasks are similar in a number of ways to the tasks that are used in the CMM for the exam. So, in particular, the tasks of part 1 of the manual, as well as the KIM tasks, are aimed at testing the mastery of elements of the content of key sections of the high school chemistry course:
- Periodic law And Periodic table chemical elements DI. Mendeleev. The structure of the atom. Chemical bond. Structure of matter.
- Classification and nomenclature inorganic substances. Characteristic chemical properties of simple substances - metals and non-metals, the main classes of inorganic substances.
- Theory chemical structure organic compounds. Classification and nomenclature of organic compounds. Chemical properties main classes of organic compounds.
- Chemical reaction. Classification chemical reactions in inorganic and organic chemistry. Regularities of the occurrence of chemical reactions of various types. Electrolysis aqueous solutions and molten salts, alkalis and acids.
- Methods of knowledge of substances and chemical reactions. Use of substances. General understanding of industrial methods for obtaining essential substances. Quantitative relationships in chemistry.

Unified State Exam 2017. Chemistry. A set of materials for preparing students. Kaverina A.A., Medvedev Yu.N. and etc.

M.: 2017. - 256 p.

This manual is intended to prepare 11th grade students for the Unified State Exam (USE) in chemistry. The publication includes standard tasks for all content areas of the examination work, as well as sample options in the 2017 Unified State Exam format. The manual will help schoolchildren test their knowledge and skills in the subject, and teachers will help assess the degree to which individual students have achieved the requirements of educational standards and provide them with targeted preparation for the exam.

Format: pdf

Size: 3.6 MB

Watch, download:drive.google

PART 2. STANDARD OPTIONS for the Unified State Exam 2017 181

This manual includes a set of materials for preparing for the Unified State Exam in chemistry. The complex includes standard test tasks and standard options, similar in structure to control measuring materials (CMMs) for the Unified State Exam in Chemistry in 2017.
Structure of the benefit. The manual consists of three parts. Part 1 contains tasks of various types intended for thematic control. These tasks are similar in a number of ways to the tasks that are used in the CMM for the exam. So, in particular, the tasks of part 1 of the manual, as well as the KIM tasks, are aimed at testing the mastery of elements of the content of key sections of the high school chemistry course:
- Periodic law and Periodic table of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev. The structure of the atom. Chemical bond. Structure of matter.
- Classification and nomenclature of inorganic substances. Characteristic chemical properties of simple substances - metals and non-metals, the main classes of inorganic substances.
- Theory of the chemical structure of organic compounds. Classification and nomenclature of organic compounds. Chemical properties of the main classes of organic compounds.
- Chemical reaction. Classification of chemical reactions in inorganic and organic chemistry. Regularities of the occurrence of chemical reactions of various types. Electrolysis of aqueous solutions and melts of salts, alkalis and acids.
- Methods of knowledge of substances and chemical reactions. Use of substances. General understanding of industrial methods for obtaining essential substances. Quantitative relationships in chemistry.

Unified State Exam 2019, Chemistry, 50 training options, Savinkina E.V., Zhiveinova O.G., 2018.

A manual for preparing for the Unified State Exam is offered to schoolchildren and applicants, which contains 50 options for practice exam papers. The 51st option is the control one.
Each option is compiled in full accordance with the requirements of a single state exam, includes tasks different types and level of difficulty.
At the end of the book, self-test answers to all tasks are given.

This manual is intended to prepare 11th grade students for the Unified State Exam (USE) in chemistry. The publication includes standard tasks for all content areas of the examination work, as well as sample options in the 2019 Unified State Exam format. The manual will help schoolchildren test their knowledge and skills in the subject, and teachers - assess the degree to which individual students have achieved the requirements of educational standards and ensure their targeted preparation for the exam.

Download and read Chemistry, Unified State Examination, Preparing for the final certification, Kaverina A.A., Medvedev Yu.N., Molchanova G.N., 2019

For the first time, schoolchildren and applicants are offered a manual for preparing for the Unified State Exam, which contains 10 options for practice exam papers. Each option is compiled in full compliance with the requirements of the Unified State Exam and includes tasks of different types and levels of difficulty. At the end of the book, self-test answers to all tasks are given.

Download and read the Unified State Exam, Chemistry, 10 training options, Savinkina E.V., Zhiveinova O.G., 2018

This manual is intended for practicing practical skills and students’ skills in preparing for the chemistry exam in grade 11 in the Unified State Exam format. It contains options for diagnostic work in chemistry, the content of which corresponds to the testing and measuring materials developed Federal Institute pedagogical dimensions for conducting the Unified State Exam. The book also includes answers to tasks and criteria for checking and assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer.
The materials in the book are recommended for teachers and methodologists to identify the level and quality of students’ preparation in the subject and determine the degree of their readiness for the Unified State Exam.
The publication complies with the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES).

Download and read Chemistry, Preparation for the Unified State Exam, Diagnostic work, Eremin V.V., 2019

Order No. 699 of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation teaching aids publishing house "Exam" are approved for use in educational institutions.

Download and read Unified State Examination 2019, Chemistry, Medvedev Yu.N., 2019

Codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates educational organizations for conducting the unified state exam in chemistry.
The codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates of educational organizations for conducting the unified state exam in chemistry (hereinafter referred to as the codifier) ​​is compiled on the basis of the Mandatory minimum content of the main educational programs Federal component state standards basic general and secondary (complete) general education in chemistry (basic and profile levels) (order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 2004 No. 1089).
The codifier contains a systematic list essential elements content (56), which is considered as an invariant kernel existing programs in chemistry for educational organizations.
The codifier consists of two sections: “List of content elements tested at the unified state exam in chemistry” (section 1) and “List of requirements for the level of training tested at the unified state exam in chemistry” (section 2).

Download and read Unified State Exam 2019, Chemistry, grade 11, Specification, Codifier, Project

The author of the assignments is a leading scientist, teacher and methodologist who is directly involved in the development of control measuring instruments Unified State Exam materials.
Typical test tasks in chemistry contain 14 versions of sets of tasks, compiled taking into account all the features and requirements of the Unified State Exam in 2019. The purpose of the manual is to provide readers with information about the structure and content of the 2019 KIM in chemistry, the degree of difficulty of the tasks.
The collection contains answers to all test options and provides solutions to all tasks of one of the options. In addition, samples of forms used in the Unified State Exam for recording answers and solutions are provided.
The manual is intended for teachers to prepare students for the chemistry exam, as well as for high school students and graduates - for self-preparation and self-control.

Download and read Unified State Examination 2019, Chemistry, Typical test tasks, Medvedev Yu.N.

When familiarizing yourself with the demo version of the tests measuring materials The 2019 Unified State Examination should be borne in mind that the tasks included in it do not cover all content elements that will be tested using the KIM options in 2019. Full list elements that can be controlled at the unified state exam 2019 are given in the codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates of educational organizations for conducting the unified state exam 2019 in chemistry.
The purpose of the demo version is to: to enable any USE participant and the general public to get an idea of ​​the structure of the CMM options. types of tasks and their levels of difficulty: basic, advanced and high. The given criteria for assessing the completion of tasks high level The complexities with the long answer included in this option give an idea of ​​the requirements for the completeness and correctness of recording the long answer.
This information will allow graduates to develop a strategy for preparing for the Unified State Exam.

Download and read Unified State Examination 2019, Chemistry, grade 11, Demo version, Project

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