Diagram of the periodic table. Periodic law D


The periodic system is a multi-story “house” containing a large number of apartments. Each “tenant” or in his own apartment under a certain number, which is permanent. In addition, the element has a “surname” or name, such as oxygen, boron or nitrogen. In addition to this data, each “apartment” contains information such as relative atomic mass, which may have exact or rounded values.

As in any house, there are “entrances”, namely groups. Moreover, in groups the elements are located on the left and right, forming. Depending on which side there are more of them, that side is called the main one. The other subgroup, accordingly, will be secondary. The table also has “floors” or periods. Moreover, periods can be both large (consist of two rows) and small (have only one row).

The table shows the structure of an atom of an element, each of which has a positively charged nucleus consisting of protons and neutrons, as well as negatively charged electrons rotating around it. The number of protons and electrons is numerically the same and is determined in the table by the serial number of the element. For example, the chemical element sulfur is #16, therefore it will have 16 protons and 16 electrons.

To determine the number of neutrons (neutral particles also located in the nucleus), subtract its atomic number from the relative atomic mass of the element. For example, iron has a relative atomic mass of 56 and an atomic number of 26. Therefore, 56 – 26 = 30 protons for iron.

Electrons are located at different distances from the nucleus, forming electron levels. To determine the number of electronic (or energy) levels, you need to look at the number of the period in which the element is located. For example, it is in the 3rd period, therefore it will have 3 levels.

By the group number (but only for the main subgroup) you can determine the highest valence. For example, elements of the first group of the main subgroup (lithium, sodium, potassium, etc.) have a valence of 1. Accordingly, elements of the second group (beryllium, calcium, etc.) will have a valency of 2.

You can also use the table to analyze the properties of elements. From left to right, metallic, and non-metallic are amplified. This is clearly seen in the example of period 2: it begins with an alkali metal, then the alkaline earth metal magnesium, after it the element aluminum, then non-metals silicon, phosphorus, sulfur and the period ends with gaseous substances - chlorine and argon. In the next period, a similar dependence is observed.

From top to bottom, a pattern is also observed - metallic properties increase, and non-metallic properties weaken. That is, for example, cesium is much more active compared to sodium.

Helpful advice

For convenience, it is better to use the color version of the table.

Discovery of the periodic law and creation of an ordered system of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev became the apogee of the development of chemistry in the 19th century. The scientist summarized and systematized extensive knowledge about the properties of elements.


In the 19th century there was no idea about the structure of the atom. Discovery by D.I. Mendeleev was only a generalization of experimental facts, but their physical meaning remained unclear for a long time. When the first data appeared on the structure of the nucleus and the distribution of electrons in atoms, it was possible to look at the law and system of elements in a new way. Table D.I. Mendeleev makes it possible to visually trace the properties of the elements found in.

Each element in the table is assigned a specific serial number (H - 1, Li - 2, Be - 3, etc.). This number corresponds to the nucleus (the number of protons in the nucleus) and the number of electrons orbiting the nucleus. The number of protons is thus equal to the number of electrons, which means that under normal conditions the atom is electrically .

The division into seven periods occurs according to the number of energy levels of the atom. Atoms of the first period have a single-level electron shell, the second - a two-level, the third - a three-level, etc. When a new energy level is filled, a new period begins.

The first elements of any period are characterized by atoms that have one electron at the outer level - these are alkali metal atoms. The periods end with atoms of noble gases, which have an external energy level completely filled with electrons: in the first period, noble gases have 2 electrons, in subsequent periods - 8. It is precisely because of the similar structure of the electron shells that groups of elements have similar physics.

In the table D.I. Mendeleev has 8 main subgroups. This number is determined by the maximum possible number of electrons at the energy level.

At the bottom of the periodic table, lanthanides and actinides are distinguished as independent series.

Using the table D.I. Mendeleev, one can observe the periodicity of the following properties of elements: atomic radius, atomic volume; ionization potential; electron affinity forces; electronegativity of the atom; ; physical properties of potential compounds.

Clearly traceable periodicity of the arrangement of elements in the table D.I. Mendeleev is rationally explained by the sequential nature of filling energy levels with electrons.


  • Mendeleev table

The periodic law, which is the basis of modern chemistry and explains the patterns of changes in the properties of chemical elements, was discovered by D.I. Mendeleev in 1869. The physical meaning of this law is revealed by studying the complex structure of the atom.

In the 19th century, it was believed that atomic mass was the main characteristic of an element, so it was used to classify substances. Nowadays, atoms are defined and identified by the amount of charge on their nucleus (the number and atomic number on the periodic table). However, the atomic mass of elements, with some exceptions (for example, the atomic mass is less than the atomic mass of argon), increases in proportion to their nuclear charge.

With an increase in atomic mass, a periodic change in the properties of elements and their compounds is observed. These are the metallicity and non-metallicity of atoms, atomic radius, ionization potential, electron affinity, electronegativity, oxidation states, compounds (boiling points, melting points, density), their basicity, amphotericity or acidity.

How many elements are in the modern periodic table

The periodic table graphically expresses the law he discovered. The modern periodic table contains 112 chemical elements (the last ones are Meitnerium, Darmstadtium, Roentgenium and Copernicium). According to the latest data, the following 8 elements have also been discovered (up to 120 inclusive), but not all of them have received their names, and these elements are still few in any printed publications.

Each element occupies a specific cell in the periodic table and has its own serial number, corresponding to the charge of the nucleus of its atom.

How is the periodic table constructed?

The structure of the periodic table is represented by seven periods, ten rows and eight groups. Each period begins with an alkali metal and ends with a noble gas. The exceptions are the first period, which begins with hydrogen, and the seventh incomplete period.

Periods are divided into small and large. Small periods (first, second, third) consist of one horizontal row, large periods (fourth, fifth, sixth) - of two horizontal rows. The upper rows in large periods are called even, the lower rows are called odd.

In the sixth period of the table after (serial number 57) there are 14 elements similar in properties to lanthanum - lanthanides. They are listed at the bottom of the table as a separate line. The same applies to actinides located after actinium (with number 89) and largely repeating its properties.

The even rows of large periods (4, 6, 8, 10) are filled only with metals.

Elements in groups exhibit the same valency in oxides and other compounds, and this valency corresponds to the group number. The main ones contain elements of small and large periods, only large ones. From top to bottom they strengthen, non-metallic ones weaken. All atoms of side subgroups are metals.

Tip 4: Selenium as a chemical element on the periodic table

The chemical element selenium belongs to group VI of the periodic table of Mendeleev, it is a chalcogen. Natural selenium consists of six stable isotopes. There are also 16 radioactive isotopes of selenium known.


Selenium is considered a very rare and trace element; it migrates vigorously in the biosphere, forming more than 50 minerals. The most famous of them are: berzelianite, naumannite, native selenium and chalcomenite.

Selenium is found in volcanic sulfur, galena, pyrite, bismuthin and other sulfides. It is mined from lead, copper, nickel and other ores, in which it is found in a dispersed state.

The tissues of most living beings contain from 0.001 to 1 mg/kg; some plants, marine organisms and fungi concentrate it. For a number of plants, selenium is an essential element. The need for humans and animals is 50-100 mcg/kg of food; this element has antioxidant properties, affects many enzymatic reactions and increases the sensitivity of the retina to light.

Selenium can exist in various allotropic modifications: amorphous (vitreous, powdery and colloidal selenium), as well as crystalline. By reducing selenium from a solution of selenous acid or by rapidly cooling its vapor, red powdered and colloidal selenium is obtained.

When any modification of this chemical element is heated above 220°C and subsequently cooled, glassy selenium is formed; it is fragile and has a glassy luster.

The most thermally stable is hexagonal gray selenium, the lattice of which is built from spiral chains of atoms located parallel to each other. It is produced by heating other forms of selenium until melting and slowly cooling to 180-210°C. Within hexagonal selenium chains, the atoms are bonded covalently.

Selenium is stable in air, it is not affected by oxygen, water, dilute sulfuric and hydrochloric acids, but it dissolves well in nitric acid. Interacting with metals, selenium forms selenides. There are many known complex compounds of selenium, all of them are poisonous.

Selenium is obtained from paper or production waste by electrolytic refining of copper. This element is present in sludge along with heavy metals, sulfur and tellurium. To extract it, the sludge is filtered, then heated with concentrated sulfuric acid or subjected to oxidative roasting at a temperature of 700°C.

Selenium is used in the production of rectifying semiconductor diodes and other converter equipment. In metallurgy, it is used to give steel a fine-grained structure and also improve its mechanical properties. In the chemical industry, selenium is used as a catalyst.


  • KhiMiK.ru, Selen

Calcium is a chemical element belonging to the second subgroup of the periodic table with the symbol Ca and an atomic mass of 40.078 g/mol. It is a fairly soft and reactive alkaline earth metal with a silvery color.


From Latin, “” is translated as “lime” or “soft stone”, and it owes its discovery to the Englishman Humphry Davy, who in 1808 was able to isolate calcium using the electrolytic method. The scientist then took a mixture of wet slaked lime, “flavored” with mercuric oxide, and subjected it to the process of electrolysis on a platinum plate, which appeared in the experiment as an anode. The cathode was a wire that the chemist immersed in liquid mercury. It is also interesting that calcium compounds such as limestone, marble and gypsum, as well as lime, were known to mankind many centuries before Davy’s experiment, during which scientists believed some of them to be simple and independent bodies. It was not until 1789 that the Frenchman Lavoisier published a work in which he suggested that lime, silica, barite and alumina were complex substances.

Calcium has a high degree of chemical activity, which is why it is practically never found in nature in its pure form. But scientists estimate that this element accounts for about 3.38% of the total mass of the entire earth's crust, making calcium fifth most abundant after oxygen, silicon, aluminum and iron. This element is found in sea water - about 400 mg per liter. Calcium is also included in the composition of silicates of various rocks (for example, granite and gneisses). There is a lot of it in feldspar, chalk and limestones, consisting of the mineral calcite with the formula CaCO3. The crystalline form of calcium is marble. In total, through the migration of this element in the earth's crust, it forms 385 minerals.

The physical properties of calcium include its ability to exhibit valuable semiconducting abilities, although it does not become a semiconductor and a metal in the traditional sense of the word. This situation changes with a gradual increase in pressure, when calcium is given a metallic state and the ability to exhibit superconducting properties. Calcium easily interacts with oxygen, air moisture and carbon dioxide, which is why in laboratories this chemical element is kept tightly closed for work and chemist John Alexander Newland - however, the scientific community ignored his achievement. Newland's proposal was not taken seriously because of his search for harmony and the connection between music and chemistry.

Dmitri Mendeleev first published his periodic table in 1869 in the pages of the Journal of the Russian Chemical Society. The scientist also sent notices of his discovery to all the world's leading chemists, after which he repeatedly improved and finalized the table until it became what it is known today. The essence of Dmitry Mendeleev's discovery was a periodic, rather than monotonous change in the chemical properties of elements with increasing atomic mass. The final unification of the theory into the periodic law occurred in 1871.

Legends about Mendeleev

The most common legend is the discovery of the periodic table in a dream. The scientist himself has repeatedly ridiculed this myth, claiming that he had been coming up with the table for many years. According to another legend, Dmitry Mendeleev vodka - it appeared after the scientist defended his dissertation “Discourse on the combination of alcohol with water.”

Mendeleev is still considered by many to be the discoverer, who himself loved to create under an aqueous-alcohol solution. The scientist’s contemporaries often laughed at Mendeleev’s laboratory, which he set up in the hollow of a giant oak tree.

A separate reason for jokes, according to rumors, was Dmitry Mendeleev’s passion for weaving suitcases, which the scientist was engaged in while living in Simferopol. Later, he made crafts from cardboard for the needs of his laboratory, for which he was sarcastically called a master of suitcase making.

The periodic table, in addition to ordering chemical elements into a single system, made it possible to predict the discovery of many new elements. However, at the same time, scientists recognized some of them as non-existent, since they were incompatible with the concept. The most famous story at that time was the discovery of such new elements as coronium and nebulium.

Four ways to add nucleons
The mechanisms of nucleon addition can be divided into four types, S, P, D and F. These types of addition are reflected by the color background in the version of the table presented by D.I. Mendeleev.
The first type of addition is the S scheme, when nucleons are added to the nucleus along the vertical axis. The display of attached nucleons of this type, in the internuclear space, is now identified as S electrons, although there are no S electrons in this zone, but only spherical regions of space charge that provide molecular interaction.
The second type of addition is the P scheme, when nucleons are added to the nucleus in the horizontal plane. The mapping of these nucleons in the internuclear space is identified as P electrons, although these, too, are just regions of space charge generated by the nucleus in the internuclear space.
The third type of addition is the D scheme, when nucleons are added to neutrons in the horizontal plane, and finally, the fourth type of addition is the F scheme, when nucleons are added to neutrons along the vertical axis. Each type of attachment gives the atom properties characteristic of this type of connection, therefore, in the composition of the periods of the table D.I. Mendeleev has long identified subgroups based on the type of S, P, D and F bonds.
Since the addition of each subsequent nucleon produces an isotope of either the preceding or subsequent element, the exact arrangement of nucleons according to the type of S, P, D and F bonds can only be shown using the Table of Known Isotopes (nuclides), a version of which (from Wikipedia) we used.
We divided this table into periods (see Tables of filling periods), and in each period we indicated according to which scheme each nucleon is added. Since, in accordance with microquantum theory, each nucleon can join the nucleus only in a strictly defined place, the number and patterns of nucleon addition in each period are different, but in all periods of the D.I. table. Mendeleev's laws of nucleon addition are fulfilled UNIFORMLY for all nucleons without exception.
As you can see, in periods II and III, the addition of nucleons occurs only according to S and P schemes, in periods IV and V - according to S, P and D schemes, and in periods VI and VII - according to S, P, D and F schemes. It turned out that the laws of nucleon addition are fulfilled so precisely that it was not difficult for us to calculate the composition of the nucleus of the final elements of the VII period, which are in the table of D.I. Mendeleev's numbers are 113, 114, 115, 116 and 118.
According to our calculations, the last element of the VII period, which we called Rs (“Russia” from “Russia”), consists of 314 nucleons and has isotopes 314, 315, 316, 317 and 318. The element preceding it is Nr (“Novorossiy” from “ Novorossiya") consists of 313 nucleons. We will be very grateful to anyone who can confirm or refute our calculations.
Honestly, we ourselves are amazed at how accurately the Universal Constructor works, which ensures that each subsequent nucleon is attached only to its only correct place, and if the nucleon is placed incorrectly, then the Constructor ensures the disintegration of the atom, and assembles a new atom from its spare parts. In our films, we showed only the main laws of the work of the Universal Designer, but there are so many nuances in his work that to understand them will require the efforts of many generations of scientists.
But humanity needs to understand the laws of the work of the Universal Designer if it is interested in technological progress, since knowledge of the principles of the work of the Universal Designer opens up completely new prospects in all areas of human activity - from the creation of unique structural materials to the assembly of living organisms.

Filling out the second period of the table of chemical elements

Filling out the third period of the table of chemical elements

Filling out the fourth period of the table of chemical elements

Filling out the fifth period of the table of chemical elements

Filling out the sixth period of the table of chemical elements

Filling out the seventh period of the table of chemical elements

Periodic law D.I. Mendeleev and the periodic table of chemical elements is of great importance in the development of chemistry. Let's plunge back to 1871, when chemistry professor D.I. Mendeleev, through numerous trials and errors, came to the conclusion that “... the properties of the elements, and therefore the properties of the simple and complex bodies they form, are periodically dependent on their atomic weight.” The periodicity of changes in the properties of elements arises due to the periodic repetition of the electronic configuration of the outer electron layer with an increase in the charge of the nucleus.

Modern formulation of the periodic law is this:

“the properties of chemical elements (i.e., the properties and form of the compounds they form) are periodically dependent on the charge of the nucleus of the atoms of the chemical elements.”

While teaching chemistry, Mendeleev understood that remembering the individual properties of each element caused difficulties for students. He began to look for ways to create a systematic method to make it easier to remember the properties of elements. The result was natural table, later it became known as periodic.

Our modern table is very similar to the periodic table. Let's take a closer look at it.

Mendeleev table

Mendeleev's periodic table consists of 8 groups and 7 periods.

The vertical columns of a table are called groups . The elements within each group have similar chemical and physical properties. This is explained by the fact that elements of the same group have similar electronic configurations of the outer layer, the number of electrons on which is equal to the group number. In this case, the group is divided into main and secondary subgroups.

IN Main subgroups includes elements whose valence electrons are located on the outer ns- and np-sublevels. IN Side subgroups includes elements whose valence electrons are located on the outer ns-sublevel and the inner (n - 1) d-sublevel (or (n - 2) f-sublevel).

All elements in periodic table , depending on which sublevel (s-, p-, d- or f-) valence electrons are classified into: s-elements (elements of the main subgroups of groups I and II), p-elements (elements of the main subgroups III - VII groups), d-elements (elements of side subgroups), f-elements (lanthanides, actinides).

The highest valency of an element (with the exception of O, F, elements of the copper subgroup and group eight) is equal to the number of the group in which it is found.

For elements of the main and secondary subgroups, the formulas of higher oxides (and their hydrates) are the same. In the main subgroups, the composition of hydrogen compounds is the same for the elements in this group. Solid hydrides form elements of the main subgroups of groups I - III, and groups IV - VII form gaseous hydrogen compounds. Hydrogen compounds of type EN 4 are more neutral compounds, EN 3 are bases, H 2 E and NE are acids.

The horizontal rows of a table are called periods. The elements in the periods differ from each other, but what they have in common is that the last electrons are at the same energy level ( principal quantum numbern- the same ).

The first period differs from the others in that there are only 2 elements: hydrogen H and helium He.

In the second period there are 8 elements (Li - Ne). Lithium Li, an alkali metal, begins the period, and the noble gas neon Ne closes it.

In the third period, just like in the second, there are 8 elements (Na - Ar). The period begins with the alkali metal sodium Na, and the noble gas argon Ar closes it.

The fourth period contains 18 elements (K - Kr) - Mendeleev designated it as the first large period. It also begins with the alkali metal Potassium and ends with the inert gas krypton Kr. The composition of large periods includes transition elements (Sc - Zn) - d- elements.

In the fifth period, similar to the fourth, there are 18 elements (Rb - Xe) and its structure is similar to the fourth. It also begins with the alkali metal rubidium Rb, and ends with the inert gas xenon Xe. The composition of large periods includes transition elements (Y - Cd) - d- elements.

The sixth period consists of 32 elements (Cs - Rn). Except 10 d-elements (La, Hf - Hg) it contains a row of 14 f-elements (lanthanides) - Ce - Lu

The seventh period is not over. It begins with Franc Fr, it can be assumed that it will contain, like the sixth period, 32 elements that have already been found (up to the element with Z = 118).

Interactive periodic table

If you look at periodic table and draw an imaginary line starting at boron and ending between polonium and astatine, then all metals will be to the left of the line, and non-metals to the right. Elements immediately adjacent to this line will have the properties of both metals and non-metals. They are called metalloids or semimetals. These are boron, silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony, tellurium and polonium.

Periodic law

Mendeleev gave the following formulation of the Periodic Law: “the properties of simple bodies, as well as the forms and properties of compounds of elements, and therefore the properties of the simple and complex bodies they form, are periodically dependent on their atomic weight.”
There are four main periodic patterns:

Octet rule states that all elements tend to gain or lose an electron in order to have the eight-electron configuration of the nearest noble gas. Because Since the outer s- and p-orbitals of noble gases are completely filled, they are the most stable elements.
Ionization energy is the amount of energy required to remove an electron from an atom. According to the octet rule, when moving across the periodic table from left to right, more energy is required to remove an electron. Therefore, elements on the left side of the table tend to lose an electron, and those on the right side tend to gain one. Inert gases have the highest ionization energy. The ionization energy decreases as you move down the group, because electrons at low energy levels have the ability to repel electrons at higher energy levels. This phenomenon is called shielding effect. Due to this effect, the outer electrons are less tightly bound to the nucleus. Moving along the period, the ionization energy smoothly increases from left to right.

Electron affinity– the change in energy when an atom of a substance in a gaseous state acquires an additional electron. As one moves down the group, the electron affinity becomes less negative due to the screening effect.

Electronegativity- a measure of how strongly it tends to attract electrons from another atom associated with it. Electronegativity increases when moving in periodic table from left to right and from bottom to top. It must be remembered that noble gases do not have electronegativity. Thus, the most electronegative element is fluorine.

Based on these concepts, let us consider how the properties of atoms and their compounds change in periodic table.

So, in a periodic dependence there are such properties of an atom that are associated with its electronic configuration: atomic radius, ionization energy, electronegativity.

Let us consider the change in the properties of atoms and their compounds depending on their position in periodic table of chemical elements.

The non-metallicity of the atom increases when moving in the periodic table left to right and bottom to top. Due to this the basic properties of the oxides decrease, and acidic properties increase in the same order - when moving from left to right and from bottom to top. Moreover, the acidic properties of oxides are stronger, the higher the oxidation state of the element that forms it.

By period from left to right basic properties hydroxides weaken; in the main subgroups, from top to bottom, the strength of the foundations increases. Moreover, if a metal can form several hydroxides, then with an increase in the oxidation state of the metal, basic properties hydroxides weaken.

By period from left to right the strength of oxygen-containing acids increases. When moving from top to bottom within one group, the strength of oxygen-containing acids decreases. In this case, the strength of the acid increases with increasing oxidation state of the acid-forming element.

By period from left to right the strength of oxygen-free acids increases. When moving from top to bottom within one group, the strength of oxygen-free acids increases.

Categories ,

The nineteenth century in the history of mankind is a century in which many sciences were reformed, including chemistry. It was at this time that Mendeleev's periodic system appeared, and with it the periodic law. It was he who became the basis of modern chemistry. The periodic system of D.I. Mendeleev is a systematization of elements that establishes the dependence of chemical and physical properties on the structure and charge of the atom of a substance.


The beginning of the periodic period was laid by the book “The Correlation of Properties with the Atomic Weight of Elements,” written in the third quarter of the 17th century. It displayed the basic concepts of the known chemical elements (at that time there were only 63 of them). In addition, the atomic masses of many of them were determined incorrectly. This greatly interfered with the discovery of D.I. Mendeleev.

Dmitry Ivanovich began his work by comparing the properties of elements. First of all, he worked on chlorine and potassium, and only then moved on to working with alkali metals. Armed with special cards on which chemical elements were depicted, he repeatedly tried to assemble this “mosaic”: laying it out on his table in search of the necessary combinations and matches.

After much effort, Dmitry Ivanovich finally found the pattern he was looking for and arranged the elements in periodic rows. Having received as a result empty cells between the elements, the scientist realized that not all chemical elements were known to Russian researchers, and that it was he who must give this world the knowledge in the field of chemistry that had not yet been given by his predecessors.

Everyone knows the myth that the periodic table appeared to Mendeleev in a dream, and he collected the elements into a single system from memory. This is, roughly speaking, a lie. The fact is that Dmitry Ivanovich worked quite long and concentrated on his work, and it exhausted him greatly. While working on the system of elements, Mendeleev once fell asleep. When he woke up, he realized that he had not finished the table and rather continued filling in the empty cells. His acquaintance, a certain Inostrantsev, a university teacher, decided that the periodic table had been dreamed of by Mendeleev and spread this rumor among his students. This is how this hypothesis emerged.


Mendeleev's chemical elements are a reflection of the periodic law created by Dmitry Ivanovich back in the third quarter of the 19th century (1869). It was in 1869 that Mendeleev’s notification about the creation of a certain structure was read out at a meeting of the Russian chemical community. And in the same year, the book “Fundamentals of Chemistry” was published, in which Mendeleev’s periodic system of chemical elements was published for the first time. And in the book “The Natural System of Elements and Its Use to Indicate the Qualities of Undiscovered Elements,” D. I. Mendeleev first mentioned the concept of “periodic law.”

Structure and rules for placing elements

The first steps in creating the periodic law were taken by Dmitry Ivanovich back in 1869-1871, at that time he worked hard to establish the dependence of the properties of these elements on the mass of their atom. The modern version consists of elements summarized in a two-dimensional table.

The position of an element in the table carries a certain chemical and physical meaning. By the location of an element in the table, you can find out what its valence is and determine other chemical characteristics. Dmitry Ivanovich tried to establish a connection between elements, both similar in properties and differing.

He based the classification of chemical elements known at that time on valence and atomic mass. By comparing the relative properties of elements, Mendeleev tried to find a pattern that would unite all known chemical elements into one system. By arranging them based on increasing atomic masses, he still achieved periodicity in each of the rows.

Further development of the system

The periodic table, which appeared in 1969, has been refined more than once. With the advent of noble gases in the 1930s, it was possible to reveal a new dependence of elements - not on mass, but on atomic number. Later, it was possible to establish the number of protons in atomic nuclei, and it turned out that it coincides with the atomic number of the element. Scientists of the 20th century studied electronic energy. It turned out that it also affects periodicity. This greatly changed ideas about the properties of elements. This point was reflected in later editions of Mendeleev’s periodic table. Each new discovery of the properties and characteristics of elements fit organically into the table.

Characteristics of Mendeleev's periodic system

The periodic table is divided into periods (7 rows arranged horizontally), which, in turn, are divided into large and small. The period begins with an alkali metal and ends with an element with non-metallic properties.
Dmitry Ivanovich's table is vertically divided into groups (8 columns). Each of them in the periodic table consists of two subgroups, namely the main and secondary ones. After much debate, at the suggestion of D.I. Mendeleev and his colleague U. Ramsay, it was decided to introduce the so-called zero group. It includes inert gases (neon, helium, argon, radon, xenon, krypton). In 1911, scientists F. Soddy were asked to place indistinguishable elements, the so-called isotopes, in the periodic table - separate cells were allocated for them.

Despite the correctness and accuracy of the periodic system, the scientific community did not want to recognize this discovery for a long time. Many great scientists ridiculed the work of D.I. Mendeleev and believed that it was impossible to predict the properties of an element that had not yet been discovered. But after the supposed chemical elements were discovered (and these were, for example, scandium, gallium and germanium), the Mendeleev system and his periodic law became the science of chemistry.

Table in modern times

Mendeleev's periodic table of elements is the basis of most chemical and physical discoveries related to atomic-molecular science. The modern concept of an element was formed precisely thanks to the great scientist. The advent of Mendeleev's periodic system introduced fundamental changes in the understanding of various compounds and simple substances. The creation of the periodic table by scientists had a huge impact on the development of chemistry and all sciences related to it.

Classified sections of the periodic table June 15th, 2018

Many have heard about Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev and about the “Periodic Law of Changes in the Properties of Chemical Elements in Groups and Series” that he discovered in the 19th century (1869) (the author’s name for the table is “Periodic System of Elements in Groups and Series”).

The discovery of the table of periodic chemical elements was one of the important milestones in the history of the development of chemistry as a science. The discoverer of the table was the Russian scientist Dmitry Mendeleev. An extraordinary scientist with a broad scientific outlook managed to combine all ideas about the nature of chemical elements into a single coherent concept.

Table opening history

By the middle of the 19th century, 63 chemical elements had been discovered, and scientists around the world have repeatedly made attempts to combine all existing elements into a single concept. It was proposed to place the elements in order of increasing atomic mass and divide them into groups according to similar chemical properties.

In 1863, the chemist and musician John Alexander Newland proposed his theory, who proposed a layout of chemical elements similar to that discovered by Mendeleev, but the scientist’s work was not taken seriously by the scientific community due to the fact that the author was carried away by the search for harmony and the connection of music with chemistry.

In 1869, Mendeleev published his diagram of the periodic table in the Journal of the Russian Chemical Society and sent notice of the discovery to the world's leading scientists. Subsequently, the chemist repeatedly refined and improved the scheme until it acquired its usual appearance.

The essence of Mendeleev's discovery is that with increasing atomic mass, the chemical properties of elements change not monotonically, but periodically. After a certain number of elements with different properties, the properties begin to repeat. Thus, potassium is similar to sodium, fluorine is similar to chlorine, and gold is similar to silver and copper.

In 1871, Mendeleev finally combined the ideas into the periodic law. Scientists predicted the discovery of several new chemical elements and described their chemical properties. Subsequently, the chemist’s calculations were completely confirmed - gallium, scandium and germanium fully corresponded to the properties that Mendeleev attributed to them.

But not everything is so simple and there are some things we don’t know.

Few people know that D.I. Mendeleev was one of the first world-famous Russian scientists of the late 19th century, who defended in world science the idea of ​​ether as a universal substantial entity, who gave it fundamental scientific and applied significance in revealing the secrets of Existence and to improve the economic life of people.

There is an opinion that the periodic table of chemical elements officially taught in schools and universities is a falsification. Mendeleev himself, in his work entitled “An Attempt at a Chemical Understanding of the World Ether,” gave a slightly different table.

The last time the real Periodic Table was published in an undistorted form was in 1906 in St. Petersburg (textbook “Fundamentals of Chemistry”, VIII edition).

The differences are visible: the zero group has been moved to the 8th, and the element lighter than hydrogen, with which the table should begin and which is conventionally called Newtonium (ether), is completely excluded.

The same table is immortalized by the "BLOODY TYRANT" comrade. Stalin in St. Petersburg, Moskovsky Avenue. 19. VNIIM im. D. I. Mendeleeva (All-Russian Research Institute of Metrology)

The monument-table of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements by D. I. Mendeleev was made with mosaics under the direction of Professor of the Academy of Arts V. A. Frolov (architectural design by Krichevsky). The monument is based on a table from the last lifetime 8th edition (1906) of D. I. Mendeleev’s Fundamentals of Chemistry. Elements discovered during the life of D.I. Mendeleev are indicated in red. Elements discovered from 1907 to 1934 , indicated in blue.

Why and how did it happen that they lie to us so brazenly and openly?

The place and role of the world ether in the true table of D. I. Mendeleev

Many have heard about Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev and about the “Periodic Law of Changes in the Properties of Chemical Elements in Groups and Series” that he discovered in the 19th century (1869) (the author’s name for the table is “Periodic System of Elements in Groups and Series”).

Many have also heard that D.I. Mendeleev was the organizer and permanent leader (1869-1905) of the Russian public scientific association called “Russian Chemical Society” (since 1872 - “Russian Physico-Chemical Society”), which throughout its existence published the world-famous journal ZhRFKhO, until until the liquidation of both the Society and its journal by the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1930.
But few people know that D.I. Mendeleev was one of the last world-famous Russian scientists of the late 19th century, who defended in world science the idea of ​​ether as a universal substantial entity, who gave it fundamental scientific and applied significance in revealing secrets Being and to improve the economic life of people.

There are even fewer who know that after the sudden (!!?) death of D.I. Mendeleev (01/27/1907), then recognized as an outstanding scientist by all scientific communities around the world except the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, his main discovery was “Periodic law” - was deliberately and widely falsified by world academic science.

And there are very few who know that all of the above is connected together by the thread of sacrificial service of the best representatives and bearers of the immortal Russian Physical Thought for the good of the people, the public benefit, despite the growing wave of irresponsibility in the highest strata of society of that time.

In essence, the present dissertation is devoted to the comprehensive development of the last thesis, because in true science, any neglect of essential factors always leads to false results.

Elements of the zero group begin each row of other elements, located on the left side of the Table, “... which is a strictly logical consequence of understanding the periodic law” - Mendeleev.

A particularly important and even exclusive place in the sense of the periodic law belongs to the element “x”—“Newtonium”—to the world ether. And this special element should be located at the very beginning of the entire Table, in the so-called “zero group of the zero row”. Moreover, being a system-forming element (more precisely, a system-forming essence) of all elements of the Periodic Table, the world ether is the substantial argument of the entire diversity of elements of the Periodic Table. The Table itself, in this regard, acts as a closed functional of this very argument.
