Russian language training test. Russian language practice tests

Practice tests with answers to all tasks.

  • Demo version (demonstration version) of the FIPI Unified State Examination in the Russian language 2016 with answers and comments

    Demo version of FIPI 2016 in interactive form with answers and comments

  • Task 1. Information processing of written texts

    Exercise 1 tests the ability to work with information contained in a short text.
    No knowledge required. You just need to carefully read and comprehend the text, and then correlate your understanding with the proposed wording

  • Task 2. Means of communication of sentences in the text

    In task 2 It is necessary, having understood the text and the nuances of meaning, to restore the missing semantic component. It is expressed by a word or combination of words offered for selection

  • Task 3. Lexical meaning of the word

    Seemingly familiar words: cup, product, show, number, come... But all these words are polysemantic, and determining in which of the meanings presented in the dictionary they are used in the proposed texts may not be easy.

  • Task 4. Orthoepic norms (stress setting)

    Task 4 checks mastery of spelling (accentological) norms. Know that, for many reasons, errors in accent are not uncommon. Often people do not even suspect that they are placing the emphasis incorrectly. The volume of words is determined by the FIPI list

  • Task 5. Lexical norms (use of a word in accordance with the lexical meaning and the requirement of lexical compatibility)

    Task 5 devoted to the use of paronymous words. Will help you prepare , in it you will find an interpretation of meanings and examples of lexical compatibility of words

  • Task 6. Morphological norms (formation of word forms)

    Task 6 one of the most difficult and voluminous tasks. You need to know typical errors in the formation of forms of nouns, adjectives, numerals, pronouns, adverbs, verbs and be able to notice them in a number of examples proposed for analysis

  • Task 7. Syntactic norms. Approval standards. Governance standards

    Task 7 introduced in 2015. In the 2016 version of the Unified State Exam, changes were made to it. We offer you updated training versions of task 7. Remember: it can bring as much as 5 points. Therefore, it requires special attention during preparation.

  • Task 8. Spelling roots

    Task 8 - a simple task in which you need to correctly determine the spelling “Checked vowel in the root” and, having selected a test word, correctly write the selected word in the answer

  • Task 9. Spelling prefixes

    Task 9 voluminous, but not difficult. The spelling of prefixes is checked. Let's remember how Russian prefixes are written

  • Task 10. Spelling of suffixes of various parts of speech (except for suffixes with N and NN)

    Task 10 voluminous, but not difficult. The spelling of suffixes is checked. Let's remember how Russian suffixes are written

  • Task 11. Spelling personal endings of verbs and participle suffixes

    Task 11 requires attention. If you make mistakes in the tests, get acquainted with the step-by-step tactics. To do this, see the Handbook for preparing for the Unified State Exam.

  • Task 12. Spelling NOT and NI

    Task 12 requires understanding of the topic, attention and knowledge in which cases NOT or NI becomes a prefix

  • Task 13. Continuous, hyphenated, separate spelling of words

    To complete task 13 you need to remember the basic rules of continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling of words and learn to distinguish homonyms

  • Task 14. Spelling -Н- and -НН- in various parts of speech

    Task 14 covers a whole range of rules for writing N and NN. This is one of the most error-prone tasks. Requires attention and knowledge

  • Task 15. Punctuation marks in a simple complicated sentence (with homogeneous members). Punctuation in complex sentences and simple sentences with homogeneous members.

    For task 15 you can get 2 original points. To do this, you need to correctly place punctuation marks in five sentences and choose two of them that require only one comma

  • Task 16. Punctuation marks in sentences with isolated members (definitions, circumstances, applications, additions)

    Task 16 - one of the difficult ones. Find out what separation is and what types of separations are found in CMMs

  • Task 17. Punctuation marks in sentences with words and constructions that are grammatically unrelated to the members of the sentence

    Task 17 tests the ability to recognize introductory words and combinations and not combine them with homonymous members of a sentence. Let's remember the lists of introductory words. Let's find out which words are not introductory

  • Task 18. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence

    Task 18 Dedicated to the punctuation of complex sentences. Let's consider different cases encountered in CMMs

Option 1.

  1. In which word is there an error in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted incorrectly?

A) let's call

B) catalog

D) old

2. Which answer option uses the highlighted word incorrectly?

A) I looked at photographs taken over ENEMY territory by our planes.
B) I heard HIDDEN, restrained sadness in the man’s voice.
C) Staying in one place for too LONG has its negative sides: you begin to look at the situation through the eyes of the natives.
D) From the nearby river floodplain there was a cool smell of SWAMP dampness.

  1. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

A) lie down (on the floor)

B) their work

B) hot soups

D) six hundred students

4. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form.


B) at BOTH ends of the log


D) respected DIRECTORS of factories

  1. Specify the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence .
    about the richness of language,

A) a discussion began in the audience.

B) I became interested in this problem.

B) specific examples are required.

D) we meant mainly his vocabulary.

6. Identify the word in which the unstressed vowel of the root being tested is missing.

A) adhering

B) anal..mal

B) exchange...whip

D) wait...let

7. Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix.

A) ex..increase,

B) and..scoop, without..whole

C) prescription, o..throw

D) pr..shelter, pr..stop

8. Determine the word in which the letter Y is written in place of the gap.

A) aiming...

B) arid

B) cherry

D) hoping.. having hoped

9. Definea word in which the letter Y is written in place of the gap.

A) dozing puppy

B) foals ford..t

B) snowflakes ta..t

D) creeping birch

10. Indicate all the numbers replaced by one letter N.

The beds were made with (1) shabby, many-washed (2) bedspreads, and the starched (3) corners of embroidered napkins hung from the pile of pillows.

11. Indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

On the tower stood (1) shivering from the coolness of the night (2) a guard in an overcoat (3) thrown over his shoulders (4) over his overcoat.

12. Write out from the sentence a word formed in a prefix-suffix way:

One day, when the desert was still resting in the predawn cool, he went hunting for goitered gazelles.

13. From the sentence, write out a subordinating phrase with the connection MANAGEMENT.

I sat down more comfortably and pulled my cloak deeper.

14. Synonyms: define and give examples.

15. Methods of word formation in the Russian language.

Option 2.

A) panicle
B) spruce
In the sea
D) people

2. Which word consists of a root, one suffix and an ending?

A) having said
B) sandy
B) knitted
D) predict

3. Which of the following words means “humane”?

A) humanitarian
B) cheerful
B) optimistic
D) humane

4. In which row in all words is the letter E written in place of the gap?

A) in every lock, oh annoying pain
B) on a thorny bush, under a spreading poplar
C) in a nearby forest, next week
D) hot_m cha_m, in a hare_habit_

5. Indicate the option in which b is not written in the blank?

A) Imagine the widest trousers, made of chintz with large flowers.
B) This type of chintz is used in bourgeois homes for curtains and upholstery.
B) We need to shake ourselves up.
D) Why are you smiling so mysteriously?

6. Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word.

A) The proximity of the Neva (not) refreshed the hot air.

B) That year winter was late, only in the second half of November a dry, fierce wind bound the river with bluish ice and scratched the ground (not) covered with snow with deep cracks.

B) It was drizzling with a fine, (not) annoying rain like spring.

D) Borisov was (not) tall, but broad-shouldered.

7. Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY.

A) In the slanting rays of light, the illuminated leaves trembled a LITTLE (SLIGHTLY), and a subtle, (C) Slightly intoxicating aroma wafted through the open window.

B) (C) BY WILL, the rested dogs easily carried the installation, SO (THAT) Anisimov could barely keep up with them on his not yet broken-in skis.

Q) (And) SO, tell us, boy, (FROM) WHERE did you get this compass?

D) (C) DURING the whole summer, (AS) AS the snow melts, more and more new lawns of green grass appear on the mountains.

8. Indicate the number of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

A) There is no longer any measure, name or comparison for our suffering.

B) Bird whistling and clicking are heard in the morning in the forest and in coastal bushes.

C) The nuts are ground into flour in a hand mill or placed in water overnight.

D) It was autumn time and the morning frosts had already painted the trees and grasses in dark purple, purple and golden-orange tones.

9. How to explain the placement of the colon in this sentence?

And then one day a simple but amazing thing caught my attention: outside the window, a flower grew from the moss that here and there covered the ledges of the old pre-Catherine wall.

A) The first part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the condition of what is said in the second part.
B) The second part of a non-union complex sentence explains, reveals the content of what is said in the first part.
C) The generalizing word comes before homogeneous members of the sentence.
D) The second part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the consequence of what is said in the first part.

10. U show all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

We had already passed the forest (1), the road ran in a recess (2) on both sides (3) of which (4) sandy slopes with pine trees rose.

11. Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written.

With his hands in the pockets of his long (1) drape coat, the little man looked benevolently (2) at the black (3) stallion, hotly and impatiently moving his thin legs. (Andreev L.)

12. Mark the quality adjectives:

Glass, tomorrow, bearish, tall, childish, calm.

13. What type of subordinating connection is used in the phrase JOYFUL MILITARY men from the sentence: The newcomers didn’t even have time to really get excited before they were taken in by a flying squad of cheerful military men, frantically dreaming of the front...

14. Antonyms: define and give examples.

15. Types of subordinating connections in phrases.

Option 3

1. In which row is the same letter missing in all words?

a) direct meaning, direct, forced, stop
b) seek, grow, parent
c) in_reality, inter_tier, inter_tier
d) convey, too_too, ruthless

2. Indicate the option in which the letter I is missing?

a) obsessive
b) set_how
c) cherry
d) nut_k

3. In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word?

a) Approaching, I wanted to quickly pass, but my mother, seeing me and immediately lighting up with a gentle but sad smile, called me.
b) The look of her kind eyes dims, becomes perplexed, then sad.
c) One of the letters, in particular, contained the last, concluding phrases of the novel, which were omitted from the manuscript and therefore not included in any publication.
d) This pain, which burned me so hotly in the first moment, did not last, however, very long.

4. Indicate in which row all words are written with a hyphen.

a) Deputy Prime Minister, half a box, in Italian
b) half the battle, in one’s own way, socially significant
c) truly, at the very least, south_west
d) freshly baked, carriage-like, unconvincing

5. Give an INCORRECT explanation of the spelling of the word.

a) corrected - in an adjective formed from the noun correction, two N are written at the junction of the root and the suffix
b) school – the prefix PRI- gives the word the meaning of spatial proximity
c) ivy - at the end of a noun after a sibilant, O is written under stress
d) backhand - at the end of the adverb after the hissing one the letter b is written

6. Which word is stressed incorrectly?

a) sorrel
b) catalog
c) chassis´
d) blinds´

7. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

a) seven hundred and fifty-five jokes
b) the highest
c) six Georgians
d) delicious cakes

8. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence: Smiling slightly,

a) I felt dizzy.
b) you can charm others.
c) I slowly raised my eyes.
d) remembered the past.

9. Identify the sentence with a grammatical error.

a) A slight smell of resin came from the barges standing behind the Birzhevoy Bridge.
b) Dupre was a hairdresser, then a soldier in Russia.
c) My father is a doctor.
d) Some people come and draw across the sea the same insurmountable, but now invisible line, which on earth is called the border.

10. Indicate all the numbers in whose place one letter N is written?

In the foreground of the picture, a girlish figure in a snow-white dress with braided sleeves (1) stands out against the background of figures of mummers (2) with faces smeared with (3) soot.

Usually running ahead was (1) hanging to one side (2) a long pink tongue (3) a white poodle Artaud (4) shorn like a lion.

12. Write out from the sentence a word formed in a prefix-suffix way:

Occasionally, a small desert bustard with colorful plumage and decorations on its head will catch your eye.

13. From the sentence, write out a subordinating phrase with the connection MANAGEMENT.

14. Homonyms: define and give examples.

15. Parts of speech: classification, definition, examples.

Option 4.

1. In which word is the sound [th] ([j]) pronounced?

a) honey
b) sings
c) calling
d) fields

2. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence:While on guardian of peace and tranquility,

a) the Cossacks had strength and faith.

b) the Cossacks at all times drew their strength from the Orthodox faith.

c) the role of the Cossacks was undeservedly belittled and forgotten.

d) the Cossacks were remembered in difficult times.

3. Which word consists of a prefix, a root and two suffixes?

a) restless
b) entered
c) considering
d) contentment

4. Which of the following words means “seriously focused”?

a) global
b) thoughtful
c) mocking
d) perky

5. In which row in all words is the letter E written in place of the gap?

a) on long journeys, with the strictest warning
b) in the best case_, about a blossoming flower_
c) in the current state, about the beloved hero
d) about the impressive_power_of the developed_youth_

6. Give an example where b is not written in place of the gap.

a) How will I manage without you now?
b) The aunt walked around his feet, not understanding why everyone was so worried.
c) The aunt closed her eyes to fall asleep as quickly as possible, since she knew from experience that the sooner you fall asleep, the sooner the morning will come.
d) Imagine now that you come to a store and find thieves in it.

7. Indicate the word with the missing letter I.

a) set_how
b) vermicelli
c) glomerulus_k
d) resourceful

8. In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word?

a) On this day the lessons were not learned; they had to be prepared partly during breaks.
b) And he awkwardly stomped around, funny in his childish embarrassment.
c) He looked at the silent movement of the hairdresser’s lips from an inaudible but expressive whisper.
d) At the suggestion of the same Mitya, who is inexhaustible in inventions, they explored the ruins of the palace.

9. In which sentence should the word DRAMATIC be used instead of the word DRAMATIC?

a) Our club often hosts DRAMATIC performances.
b) DRAMATIC events became the main content of the ancient Greek tragedy “Prometheus Bound”.
c) I went to the DRAMA club in the fifth grade.
d) His despondency and DRAMATIC voice confused the listeners with their seriousness.

10. Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written.

The sun was golden in the east, behind the dim (1) blue of the distant (2) forests, behind the white snowy lowland (3) which the ancient Russian city looked at from the low bank.

11. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

The train curved around the bend and (1) gathering (2) the cars into an accordion (3) threw up dust that smelled of fuel oil (4).

12. From the sentence, write out subordinating phrases with the connection CONCORDING.

At the edge of the forest, a motley herd has scattered, the cows are noisily picking off the lush grass, their muzzles are splashed with dew up to their eyes.

13. Write out from the sentence a word formed by a prefix:

In the morning, the expedition camp was moved to the cave and spent a whole week exploring the surrounding area.

14. Phraseologisms: give a definition and give examples.

15. Types of complex sentences.


Option 1

12. predawn

13. pulled on his raincoat

Option 2

12. tall, calm

13. approval

Option 3

12. occasionally

13. left the grove

Option 4

12. juicy grass