I will solve OGE 9 thematic questions in physics. Elective course program in physics “Preparation for the OGE in physics

Preparation for the OGE and the Unified State Exam

Basics general education

Line UMK A.V. Peryshkin. Physics (7-9)

Preparing for the OGE in physics: task No. 23

In the 9th grade, schoolchildren are faced with mandatory state exams for the first time. What does this mean for a teacher? Firstly, the task is to prepare children for intensive preparation for certification work. But the most important thing: not just to give complete knowledge on your subject, but to explain what kind of tasks have to be completed, analyze typical examples, errors and give students all the tools for successful completion exam.

When preparing for the OGE, experimental task No. 23 raises the most questions. It is the most difficult, so it takes the most time - 30 minutes. And for him successful completion you can get the most points - 4. This task begins the second part of the work. If we look into the codifier, we will see that the controlled elements of content here are mechanical and electromagnetism phenomena. Students must demonstrate ability to work with physical instruments and measuring instruments.

There are 8 standard sets of equipment that may be needed for the exam. Which ones will be used becomes known a few days before the exam, so it is advisable to conduct additional training before the exam with those tools that will be used; Be sure to repeat how to take readings from instruments. If the exam is held on the territory of another school, the teacher can visit there in advance to view the kits ready for use. A teacher preparing instruments for an exam should pay attention to their serviceability, especially those subject to wear. For example, using an old battery may result in the student simply not being able to set the required current.

It is necessary to check whether the devices match with specified values. If they do not match, then the true values ​​are indicated in special forms, and not those recorded in the official sets.

The teacher responsible for conducting the exam may be assisted by a technical specialist. He also monitors compliance with safety precautions during the exam and can intervene in the progress of the task. Students should be reminded that if they notice any malfunction of any equipment while doing a task, they should report it immediately.

There are three types of experimental tasks found in the physics exam.

Type 1. " Indirect measurements physical quantities." Includes 12 topics:

  • Density of matter
  • Archimedes' force
  • Sliding friction coefficient
  • Spring stiffness
  • Period and frequency of oscillations mathematical pendulum
  • Moment of force acting on the lever
  • Work elastic force when lifting a load using a movable or stationary block
  • Work of friction force
  • Optical power of the collecting lens
  • Electrical resistance of the resistor
  • Work of electric current
  • Electric current power.

Type 2. "Presentation" experimental results in the form of tables or graphs and formulation of a conclusion based on the experimental data obtained.” Includes 5 topics:

  • Dependence of the elastic force arising in the spring on the degree of deformation of the spring
  • Dependence of the oscillation period of a mathematical pendulum on the length of the thread
  • Dependence of the current strength arising in the conductor on the voltage at the ends of the conductor
  • Dependence of sliding friction force on normal pressure force
  • Properties of an image obtained using a converging lens

Type 3. " Experimental verification physical laws and consequences." Includes 2 topics:

  • Law of series connection of resistors for electrical voltage
  • The law of parallel connection of resistors for electric current

Preparing for the OGE in physics: tips for students

  • It is important to very accurately write down everything that the rules require on the answer form. When checking your work, it’s worth taking another look to see if you missed anything: schematic drawing, formula for calculating the desired value, results of direct measurements, calculations, numeric value the desired value, conclusion, etc., depending on the conditions. The absence of at least one indicator will result in a decrease in score.
  • For additional measurements entered into the form, the score is not reduced.
  • Drawings must be done very carefully; sloppy diagrams will also take away points. It is important to learn to control the indication of all units of measurement
  • When writing down the answer, the student should not indicate the error, but it is worth conveying to him the information that the examiner has criteria and the correct answer already contains the boundaries of the interval within which the correct result may be.

Preparation for the exam in general and for the experimental task in particular cannot be spontaneous. Without constantly developing skills in working with laboratory equipment, it is almost impossible to complete tasks. Therefore, teachers are advised to familiarize themselves with demo options exam paper and disassemble typical tasks during laboratory tests.

Detailed analysis all types of tasks you can see inwebinar

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New teaching aid intended for preparation for the OGE in physics for the main course secondary school in 2016. The book contains:
- 15 versions of educational and training tests compiled according to specifications and demo versions of the OGE for 2016, and answers to them;
- theoretical material for preparation for the OGE in physics: brief background information, basic physical concepts and laws, etc.;
- materials for revision for grades 7-9: thematic tests in the main sections of physics for the basic school course, milestone and final tests and answers to them;
- guidelines for students.
The publication is addressed to ninth-graders preparing for the OGE in physics, teachers and methodologists. The assignments can be used by teachers to compile their own tests and conduct ongoing monitoring of learning. The book may be useful for parents to check their child’s readiness for the exam.

The substance consists of chemical elements and chemical compounds. Substances consisting of chemical elements are built from atoms. Chemical compounds are formed from chemical elements - molecules. In gases, molecules are located at distances exceeding the size of the molecules themselves and interact weakly with each other. In liquids, molecules are located quite close to each other, but their arrangement is disordered. In solid crystalline bodies ah molecules are located in in strict order and oscillate around the equilibrium position.

Molecules are in continuous motion. This is evidenced by some experimental facts, such as diffusion and Brownian motion.

Diffusion is the mutual penetration of molecules of one substance between the molecules of another.
Brownian motion is a very fine particles substances under the influence of the molecules of the liquid in which the substance is dissolved.

Temperature is a physical quantity that characterizes thermal state bodies.
Thermal equilibrium is the process of equalizing the temperatures of two bodies having different temperatures and brought into contact.

Internal energy is the sum of the kinetic energies of movement of all molecules of the body and the sum of the potential energies of interaction of these molecules. The internal energy of a body can be changed in two independent ways: by heat transfer and by doing work.

Table of contents
From authors 7
Chapter I. Theoretical material to prepare for OGE 9
§1. Contents of the main educational programs in physics 9
§2. Basic physical concepts, quantities and laws 12
§3. Quick reference 23
Chapter II. Material for revision for grade 7 25
§1. Physics and physical methods nature studies 25
1.1. Physical quantities. Measurement of physical quantities 25
§2. Initial information about the structure of matter 29
2.1. Diffusion in gases, liquids and solids Oh. Aggregate states substances 29
§3. Interaction of bodies 31
3.1. Speed. Calculation of path and time 31
3.2. Substance density 33
3.3. Hooke's Law 35
3.4. Test 37
§4. Pressure of solids, liquids and gases 45
4.1. Gas and liquid pressure 45
4.2. Communicating vessels 47
4.3. Archimedes power 49
4.4. Test 53
§5. Work and power. Energy 60
5.1. Mechanical work. Power. Simple mechanisms. Potential and kinetic energy 60
5.2. Test 62
§6. Final test for 7th grade 69
Chapter III. Material for revision for grade 8 76
§1. Thermal phenomena 76
1.1. Calculation of the amount of heat required to heat a body or released by it during cooling 76
1.2. Test 78
1.3. Graph of melting and solidification of crystalline solids. Specific heat melting 84
1.4. Boiling, vaporization and condensation 86
1.5. Test 89
§2. Electrical phenomena 96
2.1. Atom Diagramming various elements 96
2.2. Ohm's law for circuit section 97
2.3. Electricity. Connection of conductors 99
2.4. Test 102
§3. Electromagnetic phenomena 110
3.1. Test 110
§4. Final test for 8th grade 118
Chapter IV. Material for revision for grade 9 125
§1. Mechanics 125
1.1. Mechanical movement. Relativity of motion. Material point. Reference system. Trajectory. Path 125
1.2. Rectilinear uniform motion. Speed ​​of rectilinear uniform motion 127
1.3. Straightforward uniformly accelerated motion: instantaneous speed, acceleration, movement 131
1.4. Test 135
1.5. The phenomenon of inertia. Body mass. Interaction of bodies. Force. Rule of addition of forces. Newton's Laws 144
1.6. Uniform movement around the circumference. Period and frequency of circulation 146
1.7. Gravity. Free fall. Law universal gravity. Artificial satellites Earth. Body weight. Zero Gravity 148
1.8. Forces in nature. Elastic force. Friction forces 149
1.9. Pulse. Law of conservation of momentum 152
1.10. Test 155
1.11. Job. Power. Kinetic energy. Potential energy interacting bodies 165
1.12. Law of conservation of mechanical energy 166
1.13. Test 169
1.14. Mechanical vibrations. Period, frequency and amplitude of oscillations. Period of oscillation of mathematical and spring pendulums. Energy conversion at oscillatory movement 177
1.15. Mechanical waves. Wavelength. Sound 179
1.16. Test 181
§2. Electromagnetic field 189
2.1. A magnetic field. Direction of field lines. Detection magnetic field. Magnetic field induction 189
2.2. The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. Lenz's rule. Generator alternating current. Ecological problems related to thermal power plants 191
2.3. Electromagnetic field. Electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic nature light 194
2.4. Test 195
§3. Atomic structure and atomic nucleus 203
3.1. Radioactivity as evidence complex structure atoms. Alpha, beta, gamma radiation. Rutherford's experiments. Nuclear model atom 203
3.2. Radioactive transformations of atomic nuclei. Conservation of charge and mass numbers in nuclear reactions 205
3.3. Test 208
§4. Final test for grade 9 213
Chapter V. Answers to Chapters II-IV 220
Chapter VI. Preparation for the OGE. Training options 230
§1. Characteristics of the structure and content of the examination paper OGE form 230
§2. Training options OGE tests 233
Instructions for performing work 233
Option No. 1 234
Option No. 2 243
Option No. 3 252
Option No. 4 261
Option No. 5 270
Option No. 6 280
Option No. 7 289
Option No. 8 297
Option No. 9 305
Option No. 10 315
Option No. 11 324
Option No. 12 332
Option No. 13 340
Option No. 14 348
Option No. 15 356
Answers to options 365.

You probably need to start by deciphering the three mysterious letters - OGE, so as not to be confused with the usual abbreviation Unified State Exam. So, OGE is the Main State exam. It is taken by ninth grade graduates and a year ago it was called GIA (State Final Attestation).

How many and what exams ninth-graders will now have to take can be read in the article. And we will talk about how you should and can prepare for exams.

By the way, if you are determined DO NOT choose exam in physics, then you can safely close this page :) If you are still in doubt, read and think, there is still time.

Step 1. Why take the physics exam?

There may be several options: I like the subject, I sympathize with the teacher, for company with a friend, I don’t know what else to choose, I want to go to a specialized engineering class, I'll go to college technical focus.

If there are any reasons other than the last two, reconsider your future efforts - passing the physics exam is not at all easy! In addition to the theoretical part, there is also practical part (laboratory work). First, look and consult with your teacher.

Next, I will consider preparation for the exam for those who are determined to take the OGE in physics for the last two reasons - specialized engineering grade 11 or technical college. By the way, not every college requires test scores, so check beforehand.

Step 2. What do you need to know to pass the OGE in physics?

I won’t frighten you with the word “everything,” but you really need to know a lot. The exam paper contains topics from both and, of course, the main thing is the material. Not everything will have to be repeated (remembered); the topics are described in detail in the document (pdf, 255Kb).

Step 3. How to prepare for the exam?

TEXTBOOKS AND NOTES: Take textbooks for grades 7 and 8 from the library and start reading them carefully. Find your notes from these years on the shelves. You have (hopefully) taken detailed notes and homework in class, this should also help.

Pay special attention physical meaning various quantities, formulations of laws, formulas. I advise you to create a cheat sheet with formulas and constantly look at it when preparing. It will not be superfluous to understand various physical phenomena and be able to explain them with their help various processes, and also know which scientist made what discovery in physics. IN OGE options There are quite a lot of matching tasks.

TRAINING WORKS STATGRAD: In addition to demo versions of works for and for, be sure to participate in training work StatGrad. In the first half of the year they will be held in October and December, in the second half of the year - in February, April and May. You will feel yourself in real time and once again appreciate your strengths and capabilities. It's always good to exercise :)

PRINTED MANUAL: Some people perceive information better from a computer screen, while others prefer to read books in paper version. You can choose this collection (author Kamzeeva E.E., one of the developers of exam papers) or this collection (author Khannanov N.K.)

You can solve tasks either selectively, by topic, or the whole option at once. In any case, if you have difficulties, do not immediately look at the answers (they are in the collections) - first look through the textbook again.

ELECTRONIC RESOURCES: This can be either an open FIPI task bank or materials on the forum in the section. It could be anyone online simulator, for example this one.

TEACHER CONSULTATIONS: There will definitely be consultations, we will coordinate the schedule with you from the second quarter :)

Scale for converting points to grades

Maximum amount points that the examinee can receive for completing the entire examination work - 40 points. That is, maximum score has not changed since last year.
Mark on a five-point scale "2" "3" "4" "5"
Number of points for correctly completed tasks 0 - 9 10 - 19 20 - 30 31 - 40
The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes high school. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be the indicator bottom line which corresponds to 30 points. Scale for converting points to grades

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Slide captions:

OGE –2016 PHYSICS Elena Anatolyevna Shimko, Chairman of the PC in Physics, Associate Professor of the Department of General and experimental physics Altai State University eashimko@land . ru

How to prepare for the exam: Determine what knowledge and skills are tested by KIM tasks in physics (demo version and specification of KIM OGE, OGE codifier) Compose short summary for each topic Execute training tasks parts 1 and 2 using Open Bank assignments on the website www. fipi. ru


OGE 2-5, 7-8, 10-14, 16-18, 20-21 1 point 1, 6, 9, 15, 19 2 points http://ege.edu22.info/blank9/

22: Qualitative task 2 points 23: Experimental task 4 points 24: Qualitative problem 2 points 25-26: Calculation problems 3 points OGE

Scale for converting points into assessment Points 0-9 10-19 20-30 31-40 Rating Unsatisfactory. Satisfied Good Excellent Mark 2 3 4 5 Parts of the work Number of tasks MPB % of all work Type of tasks Part 1 22 28 70 Answer form No. 1: 13 tasks with the answer in the form of 1 number, 8 tasks with the answer in the form of a set of numbers, Answer form No. 2 : 1 task with a detailed answer (22) Part 2 4 12 30 Answer form No. 2: Tasks with a detailed answer (23-26) Total: 26 40 100 Structure of KIM OGE in physics in 2016

1. Physical concepts. Physical quantities, their units and measuring instruments 4 2 5 Answer form No. 1

2. Mechanical movement. Uniform and uniformly accelerated movement. Newton's laws. Forces in nature. 4 3

3. Law of conservation of momentum. Law of conservation of energy 4. Simple mechanisms. Mechanical vibrations and waves. Free fall. Circular movement. 3 4

5. Pressure. Pascal's law. Archimedes' law. Density of substance 2

6. Physical phenomena and laws in mechanics. Process analysis 1 2

7. Mechanical phenomena ( calculation problem) 80

8. Thermal phenomena 1

9. Physical phenomena and laws. Process analysis 2 5

10. Thermal phenomena (calculation problem) 1

11. Electrification of bodies 2

12. D.C 1

13. Magnetic field. Electromagnetic induction 4

14. Electromagnetic vibrations and waves. Optics 3

15. Physical phenomena and laws. Process analysis 1 2

16. Electromagnetic phenomena (calculation problem) 8

17. Radioactivity. Rutherford's experiments. Composition of the atomic nucleus. Nuclear reactions. 1

18. Possession of basic knowledge of methods scientific knowledge 4

19. Physical phenomena and laws. Process Analysis

19. Physical phenomena and laws. Process analysis 3 2

20. Extracting information from physical text: “Thunder and Lightning” 3 2

Answer form No. 2

CASIO models FX-ES 82.85, 350, 570, 991 Possible Cannot Calculator for OGE-physics

VIDEO CLASSES Preparing students for the OGE in physics phys.asu.ru