Phraseologism play first fiddle indicate meaning. Play first fiddle

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Express To be in charge of something, to lead something. Francis graciously allowed the English attorney to imagine that England was playing first fiddle in matters of intervention.(N. Nikitin. Northern Aurora). - From the expression of musicians “to play the first violin in the orchestra” (the first violin is the name of a violin or group of violins in a string or symphony orchestra that performs the leading part). Lit.: Riman G. Musical dictionary. - M., 1896. - P. 966; Encyclopedic musical dictionary. - M., 1959. - P. 194. Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST A. I. Fedorov 2008

Meanings in other dictionaries

Play the first role

Play the first role

PLAY THE FIRST ROLE. Razg. Express To be a leader, dominant in something. Mamochkin had more than enough pride, his reputation as a good intelligence officer was established, and he really participated in many glorious deeds, where Anikanov played the first role (E. Kazakevich. Zvezda). PLAY THE FIRST ROLE. Outdated In the morning I visited my bankers, one of whom in Leipzig plays the first role in his...

Play wake-up call (wake-up call)

PLAY WAKE UP (WAKE UP). PLAY WAKE UP (WAKE UP). Razg. Joking. To wake up, disturb, or raise someone from their place. - Isn’t it time, guys, to play a wake-up call for Spiridon? Look, it will be like this in the evening. Titushko went to wake up Spirka. He immediately stood up, playfully looking around the shore, the hut, and strangers (I. Akulov. Kasyan Ostudny). We sit and sit in the waiting room. And suddenly, right next to your ear, you hear: “Pa-a-dyom!” - ...

play first fiddle ( foreigner) - set the tone, have a dominant influence; give direction that others follow Wed. First violin Not only musicians play, but, quite often, “musicians”. *** Aphorisms. Wed. Dea Ton angeben. Cm. artist.

Russian thought and speech. Yours and someone else's. Experience of Russian phraseology. Collection of figurative words and parables. T.T. 1-2. Walking and apt words. A collection of Russian and foreign quotes, proverbs, sayings, proverbial expressions and individual words. St. Petersburg, type. Ak. Sciences.. M. I. Mikhelson. 1896-1912.

What does the expression "first violin" mean?

When do they say that? Give example sentences with this expression.

Elena bow

The first violin is called the solo violin, that is, the leading instrument in a particular orchestra. A violinist who plays a solo violin is also usually called the first violin. Since the first violin is the main one in the orchestra among other instruments, it is also customary to call people who play the first role in a team, in a public organization, or in a group of students.

Svetlana kuznetsova

First violin, or prima, is such a violin or even a group of violins in a string or symphony orchestra, which is given the right to be the leader, it is followed, the rest of the orchestral instruments are equal to it. There are also violins in the orchestra (secondary, viola**, etc.), but the prima is the most important, performing the first part, the leading one.

So it is in our life. There are people who can lead others. They are good organizers, leaders, clearly dominant in some matter. They say about them that they play first fiddle in business, work, team.

Play first violin- this is a phraseological turn that originated from a musical concept, changing the original meaning, acquiring a new, figurative one.

And it’s clear why the turnover is transferred to people.

For example.

In our class Konstantin plays first fiddle, being the ringleader and organizer of many interesting events.

Sometimes one of the guys wanted too play first fiddle, but for various reasons they did not succeed.

United Russia Party plays first fiddle in the life of the country.

This phraseology can be applied not only to people, but to their deeds.

For example.

When preparing borscht, my grandmother added not only beets, but also beet tops,

believing that she plays first fiddle in borscht. That's what she said.

The phraseology “first violin” most likely arose in the musical environment, but is now used in a wide variety of cases, but by educated people, the expression is not common. Usually the first violin is called the leader, but not the boss, the person who attracted attention.

The first violin at the corporate party was the director's secretary.


Playing the first violin is an understandable expression in the musical world, but in a figurative sense it means for people to be first, dominant, to play a major role, to be the leader in some business, and even in thieves' terms there is this expression - a thief of the highest classification.


The first violin is the leading instrument in the orchestral performance of musical works. You can say a solo violin, against the background of others, which is played by peripheral notes, and digressions. The first violin is also a musician who plays the solo violin.

What is the meaning of the phraseological unit GRAB THE FIRST VIOLIN

Vladimir Karpachev

This is the same as “being the lead singer”, “playing the first role”.
So we are talking about people who are clearly dominant, leading others.
It is clear why this is so: in orchestras there are always not one, but several violins: “prima”, or “first violin”, “second”, “viola”, etc.
Of these, the “first violins” are always considered to be leading; the rest of the instruments to some extent follow them and are equal to them.

Synonyms: dominate, reign, dominate, reign, dominate, dominate, excel


First violin is the name of the violin or group of violins in a string or symphony orchestra that plays the leading part, and the violinist who plays the leading part in the orchestra. To play the first violin means to play a leading role in any business, enterprise, undertaking; to be a leader, an instigator, a ringleader.

Play first violin. What does this expression mean? who knows please write.

Yulia Pavlova

This means that the person is not a manager, but a leader.
This is in a figurative sense.
But literally - you need to understand the essence of the orchestra.
In an orchestra, the conductor and first violin are nearby. The violinist's skill is so great that the conductor can only give him superficial instructions and wishes. All the richness and temperament of the orchestra depends on the skill and mood of the first violin. The conductor listens to the tempo of the game and guides the others in their nuances, reminding them where and how to play, according to the nature of the current performance. . The first violin does not need such instructions; often it is a touring maestro who has joined the orchestra for two or three performances.
Here the glory belongs to him, and the orchestra only helps him in the design.

The expression “first violin” comes from a professional environment. This is what professional musicians who work in an orchestra say. The fact is that all other instruments are equal to the violin. The first violin, as it were, sets the tone and leads the main line. And everyone else adapts to it. This is the organizational structure and tradition of the classical orchestra.

Playing the first violin is very responsible and honorable. Such games go to real professionals.

The period when this phraseological unit entered our speech is not possible to determine. But I think it definitely dates back several centuries.

The expression “play first fiddle” is used in the following cases:

  • When they want to emphasize the professionalism of an individual in a large team.
  • About the leader. Moreover, both in a good sense and in a negative sense.
  • When they want to emphasize someone's leading role.

This phraseological unit is often used in colloquial speech, and can also be found in literary works.

For example: In this small but close-knit company, the first violin was played by the boy Vanya. His friends obeyed him unconditionally.

Well, somewhere like that. This is to illustrate the possible uses of this phraseology.

Razg. To be the main one in something. in fact. FSRY, 429; BMS 1998, 529; ZS 1996, 31; FM 2002, 443.

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Play first violin Express. To be in charge of something, to lead something. Francis graciously allowed the English attorney to imagine that England was playing first fiddle in matters of intervention.(N. Nikitin. Northern Aurora). - From the expression of musicians “to play the first violin in the orchestra” (the name of a violin or group of violins in a string or symphony orchestra that performs the leading part). Lit.: Riman G. Musical dictionary. - M., 1896. - P. 966; Encyclopedic musical dictionary. - M., 1959. - P. 194.

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

See what “Play first violin” is in other dictionaries:

    play first fiddle- to dominate, to reign, to dominate, to reign, to dominate, to dominate, to excel Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

    PLAY FIRST VIOLIN- who, what [in what] Act as a leader. This means that a person or group of persons (X), organization, state, etc. (Z) manifests itself in what form. case (R) as the initiator, occupies a leading position in it. speech standard. ✦ X Z… … Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    play first fiddle- 1) Play the leading part in the orchestra; 2) To be the most important person in which city. actually... Dictionary of many expressions

    Play first fiddle- Razg. To be the main one in what l. in fact. FSRY, 429; BMS 1998, 529; ZS 1996, 31; FM 2002, 443 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    play first fiddle- to be the main one in what l. in fact, to occupy a leading, dominant position in something...

    play the lead, first role, play the first violin- See excel... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999 ... Synonym dictionary

    Play first violin- (foreign language) to set the tone, to have a primary influence; give direction that others follow. Wed. The first violin is played not only by musicians, but, quite often, by “musicians”. *** Aphorisms. Wed. Den Ton angeben. See Artist... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    play first fiddle- (foreign language) set the tone, have a dominant influence; give direction that others follow Wed. The first violin is played not only by musicians, but, quite often, by musicians. *** Aphorisms. Wed. Dea Ton angeben. See artist... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    PLAY- PLAY, play, play, imperfect. 1. without additional Have fun, have fun; frolicking, having fun. The children played in the garden all day. The cat plays on the carpet. || into what and what. Spend time in some activity that serves as entertainment, provides... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    play- a/y, a/eat, a/yut, nsv.; play (to 2 4, 9, 10 values), owl. 1) (with whom/what, at what and without additional) Do something. for entertainment, pleasure. Play with the puppy. Play hide and seek. Playing cards. Play in the yard. The sea gently spread over... Popular dictionary of the Russian language


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