Russian language of the early 21st century. List of used literature


1. Russian language of the Soviet period and the modern linguistic situation.

The historical events of the twentieth century could not but influence the history of the Russian language. Of course, the system of language has not changed in one century - social events do not affect the structure of the language. Has changed speech practice speakers of Russian, the number of those who speak Russian has increased, the composition of words in certain areas of the dictionary has changed, and the stylistic properties of some words and figures of speech have changed. These changes in the practice of using language and in speech styles were caused by major social events during the formation and fall of the Soviet socio-political system.

Soviet period in the history of Russia began with the events of October 1917 and ended with the events of August 1991.

The peculiarities of the Russian language of the Soviet era began to take shape before 1917 - during the period? World War and finally took shape in the 20s of the twentieth century.

Changes in the vocabulary and style of the Russian language associated with the decomposition and fall of the Soviet system began around 1987-88 and continue to the present day.

It is interesting to note that the fall of the Soviet system was accompanied by trends in the speech practice of society that are in many ways reminiscent of the social and speech changes of the 20s.

Both the 20s and 90s of the twentieth century are characterized by:

politicization of language;

a pronounced evaluative attitude towards words;

the transformation of many words into symbols of a person’s belonging to a certain socio-political group;

the loosening of language norms in mass use and the speech of prominent public figures;

growing mutual misunderstanding between different social groups.

Features of the language of the Soviet era and trends caused by changes in society after 1991 have a direct impact on the current state of Russian speech. Therefore, sort out the problems speech culture modern society is possible only on the basis of an analysis of the characteristics of the Russian language of the Soviet era.

These features arose in the speech of party leaders and activists and spread through

reports at meetings;

resolutions and orders;

communication with visitors of institutions

and became speech models for wide (in the first years of Soviet power - illiterate and semi-literate) sections of the population. From the official language, many words and phrases passed into everyday speech. IN reverse direction- from the vernacular and jargons - into the language of resolutions, reports, orders, words characteristic of the low style and peculiarities of the speech of illiterate people penetrated. This situation is typical for the 20s, then speech practice changed towards strengthening literary norms, increased educational level leaders and the entire population, however, the very norms of Soviet official business and journalistic styles came into conflict with the historical cultural traditions of the Russian language.

2. Grammatical features Soviet-era Russian speech

The grammatical features of Soviet-era speech consist in the disproportionate use of some capabilities of the grammatical system of the Russian language. They are characteristic of bookish and written speech; colloquial speech was free from abuses in grammar, although some clerical phrases could penetrate into colloquial speech.

Typical grammatical speech impediments were the following:

loss of verbality of a sentence, replacement of verbs with names (improvement, perfection, promotion, in one of the speeches at the meeting - impossibility);

transformation independent words in formal official ones, including

verbs (made an attempt, fight, approach accounting),

nouns (task, question, matter, work, line, strengthening, strengthening, deepening, construction),

adverbs (extremely, significantly);

conglomeration identical cases(the possibility of a delaying effect of income taxation);

frequent use superlatives adjectives (greatest, fastest, most wonderful);

incorrect agreement and management;

incorrect word order;

template phrases that cause unnecessary personification of abstract nouns.

Examples of template phrases with abstract nouns as subjects are the following sentences:

The deepening crisis forces us to evaluate the industry's prospects.

The growing need for steamships prompted Sovtorgflot to raise the issue with the center about the speedy transfer of ships.

The merger of homogeneous organizations is intended to limit the number of suppliers.

If we highlight the grammatical basics in these sentences, we get a rather fantastic picture:

Deepening forces you to evaluate...

The aggravation prompted to initiate...

Merger means...

This elimination of man from the text, the creation of mythical subjects, was sometimes explained by the specifics business style. In fact, the reason for such a construction of the statement was the desire to avoid personal responsibility by presenting any situation as the result of the action of natural forces (deepening, aggravating, decreasing).

A striking example How a word can completely lose its meaning is illustrated by the following sentence: A lot of hard work has gone into the organization and development of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. If work is put to work, then the meaning of the word work is completely forgotten.

Already in the 20s, philologists drew attention to the problems of using the Russian language in newspapers and everyday speech. G. O. Vinokur wrote about this: “Stamped phraseology closes our eyes to the true nature of things and their relationships... it substitutes for us their nomenclature instead of real things - moreover, it is completely inaccurate, because it is petrified.” G. O. Vinokur did next output: “Since we use meaningless slogans and expressions, our thinking becomes meaningless and meaningless. You can think in images, you can think in terms, but is it possible to think in vocabulary cliches?” (Vinokur G.O. Culture of language. Essays on linguistic technology. M.: 1925, pp. 84-86).

Technospheres, such as: special (professional and terminological) vocabulary; common; slang vocabulary. Questions about the classification of new vocabulary in the Russian language were analyzed, the main problems of the vocabulary of the technosphere in the Russian language were highlighted beginning of the XXI century. In the second chapter, during the analysis of methods, means and models of word formation in the Russian language, common and...

A word addressed to another object in the world changes its semantics, at the same time changing for speakers the very fragment of the linguistic picture of the world. Until recently, the word information occupied a very modest and inconspicuous place in lexical system Russian language, performing the functions relative adjective from the noun information - “Relating to information; informative" [BAS]. IN...

Not only about the meanings of words, but also about the norms and rules for using words in speech, about typical compatibility reflecting cultural traditions and about the situational conditionality of the word. Chapter 2: The nature of changes in the Russian language system of the late 20th century Language and time are two inseparable concepts: how language lives in time, specific historical and social era, so time is reflected in language. Lexical...

That is, until 1988, so computer vocabulary was the property of initiates, and the language of “computer scientists” was closed to society. Since the beginning of the computer revolution in the late 80s of the 20th century, the vocabulary of computer slang and new additions to it have become public domain. Currently, the whole world is paying great attention to the development of microprocessor technology, computer technology...

Report on the topic:

"Russian language in modern world».

Prepared by student of class 11 “B” Ivanova Tatyana


Introduction........................................................ ........................................................ ........ 3

Statistics................................................. ........................................................ .... 4

The competitiveness of the Russian language is obvious. It successfully acts on the world stage as an intermediary language. Takes on the function of conveying not only the content itself, but also the nationally specific aspects of the generally significant achievements of other peoples and their languages.

Russian language as a world language.

Widely published statistics around the world indicate that the most effective factor in the admission of the Russian language to the “club of world languages” turned out to be historical events and achievements of the people who are native speakers of this language.

One of the signs of a world language should be considered its spread outside the monolithic and ancestral territory, its study in different countries peace. An additional property of the Russian language as a world language is the nature of its assimilation - not only from generation to generation through family, environment, through interethnic marriages, through waves of emigration and migration, but also through conscious, usually “academic”, “business”, “scientific”, "creative" learning. For a world language, it is important not only the number of people who speak it, but also the global distribution of native speakers, their coverage of different countries, the largest in terms of the number of countries, as well as the most influential social strata population in different states.

The Russian language is distinguished by its high information content, that is, the ability to store in its system the maximum experience of communication and verbal creativity, proven means and possibilities for expressing and transmitting thoughts.

Preserving its uniqueness and identity over a vast space and for a long time, the Russian language has absorbed the riches of the languages ​​of the West and East, mastered the Greek-Byzantine, Latin, Eastern and Old Slavonic heritage. He accepted the achievements of the new languages ​​of the Romance and Germanic areas of Europe. However, the main source of its development, processing and polishing was the creative creativity of the Russian people, several generations of Russian figures in science, politics, culture and literature - thanks to them, the Russian language became a highly developed, rich, orderly, stylistically differentiated, historically balanced world language.

Problems of the modern Russian language.

On the other hand, it should be noted that there are negative trends in the development and use of the Russian language.

You can often hear now: the Russian language is in danger, almost mortal; colloquial comes down to very small set words, is contaminated with foreign words, primarily “Anglicisms”. Like, if this continues, the Russian language will lose its face.

But what actually happens to the Russian language? What state is it in now?.. Here and there we increasingly hear Americanized jargon and the dominance of foreign terms.

But does this mean that the Russian language is dying? Or vice versa? In this sense, the Russian language is undoubtedly in less danger than French or German, since thanks to its flexibility, the endless play of suffixes and prefixes, it has always easily absorbed foreign words and quickly Russified them. Moreover, various dialects and related languages ​​are still alive.

It is well known that the exchange of words between languages ​​is a completely natural and inevitable process. The Russian language “absorbs” all neologisms like a sponge, adapts them to suit itself, and all the new words live their own Russian life, they are already perceived as native. Vocabulary is growing.

Nevertheless, concern for the Russian language is natural, since suddenly, almost overnight, Russia opened up Western civilization after many decades of isolation. A lot of new words appeared, and the generous Russian people began to use fashionable expressions, sometimes without thinking about the real meaning of what they said. There are many inconsistencies and errors in speech. The greatest concern is the disappearance of some original Russian words, words with purely Russian roots! The modern Russian language is rapidly losing its diversity. In this regard, we objectively lag behind the West: the number of words in various dictionaries, for example, the English language, is growing, but mainly due to scientific terms, which are becoming more and more numerous every year.


To summarize, we can conclude that, on the one hand, our Great Russian language is gradually reaching the world level and developing, but on the other hand, there are many important problems in the modern Russian language that hinder its development.

1. Vinogradov language. (Grammatical doctrine of words). M. graduate School, 1996.

2. Vygotsky. oral speech.. M.: Enlightenment.

3. Leontiev. , speech, speech activity. M.: Education, 1995.

4. Modern Russian language. Proceedings - Fedorchuk Part II. M. Moscow State University Publishing House. 1999. 5. Ushakova. T..N., Pavlova. N. D., Zachesova in human communication. M.: Nauka, 2000

5. Magazine "Russian Century" | No. 6, 2011.

10-11 grades

Explanatory note

Working programm created based on sample program secondary (full) general education In Russian. The program details and reveals the content of the standard, determines the strategy for teaching, raising and developing children. The principles of organizing educational material correspond to those set out in the Russian language program for grades 10 - 11 of general educational institutions by T.V. Raman “Thematic and lesson planning in Russian to the “Manual for Russian language classes in high school” by V.F. Grekova, S.E. Kryuchkova, L.A. Cheshko. M., "Exam", 2010.

68 hours 2 hours a week are allocated for studying the Russian language in grades 10-11, of which 2 tests, 10 tests, 2 tests.

Target teaching the Russian language - the formation of linguistic, communicative and linguistic competence.

Objectives of teaching Russian in grades 10-11:

    improvement spelling and punctuation literacy;

    systematization basic spelling rules and the ability to apply them;

    security practical use of linguistic knowledge and skills in Russian language lessons, in working with text;

    consolidate and deepen knowledge of phonetics, graphics, word formation, grammar;

    promotion literacy of oral and written speech;

    improvement all kinds speech activity student:

    mastery Russian norms literary language;

    enrichment vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech;

    formation skills of coherent, logical presentation of thoughts in oral and written form;

    development independent activity student;

    Preparation to the final certification;

    upbringing student through the means of the subject itself.

    upbringing citizen and patriot; formation of an idea of ​​the Russian language as a spiritual, moral and cultural value people; awareness national identity Russian language; mastering the culture of interethnic communication;

    further development and improvement ability and readiness for verbal interaction and social adaptation; readiness for work, conscious choice professions; self-organization and self-development skills; information skills;

    mastering knowledge about the Russian language as a multifunctional sign system and social phenomenon; language norm and its varieties; norms of speech behavior in various areas of communication;

    mastery of skills identify, analyze, classify language facts, evaluate them from the point of view of normativity; distinguish functional varieties of language and model speech behavior in accordance with communication tasks;

To implement the program, the educational complex of S. E. Kryuchkova, V. F. Grekova, L. A. Cheshko is used.

Textbook: S. E. Kryuchkov, V. F. Grekov, L. A. Cheshko “Russian language grade 10”, Moscow “Enlightenment” 2012.

Content school course Russian language in 10th grade

Spelling of prefixes.

Spellings in endings.

Spelling rules that require the distinction of morphemes: O and E after sibilants and c, Y and I after c, separating b and b, consonants at the junction of morphemes.

Content training course for 11th grade

Study of systematic elementary course grammar, phonetics, vocabulary, word formation, syntax and punctuation ends in the 9th grade, therefore, at the final stage of training there is correctional work, systematization and deepening of knowledge. The leading rules of spelling and punctuation are presented in comparison and contrast, supplemented with the necessary information from historical grammar and etymology, what does educational material more accessible and understandable, helps students understand the cause-and-effect relationships between the facts of the language.

In preparation for a new type of exam in the Russian language - the Unified State Exam, introductory work is carried out with CIMs at the beginning of the 10th grade, then time is devoted to practical work on the Unified State Exam in accordance with the lesson materials.

Principles of Russian spelling. Morphological principle as a leading one in the Russian spelling system. Spelling as a system of spelling rules. Sections of Russian spelling and a general rule for each of them.

Spelling of morphemes. Spelling of roots: spelling of root vowels and consonants.

Spelling of prefixes.

Spelling suffixes. N and NN in suffixes.

Spellings in endings.

Spelling of auxiliary parts of speech. Not with in different parts speech. Spelling of derivative prepositions. Homophones because - because, but - for that, etc.

Spelling rules that require the distinction of morphemes: O and E after sibilants and c, Y and I after c, separating b and b, consonants at the junction of morphemes.

Merged, hyphenated, separate spellings. System of rules. Working with a dictionary.

Writing lowercase and capital letters. Introduction to the main content this section spelling. Working with a dictionary.

At the end of the study of each topic, material for control is given: a dictation or a test.

Lessons on speech development are provided: presentations with elements of essays, argumentative essays, essays, etc.

Requirements for the level of training of graduates

As a result of studying the Russian language, the student must


    the connection between language and history, culture of Russian and other peoples;

    the meaning of concepts: speech situation and its components, literary language, language norm, speech culture;

    basic units and levels of language, their characteristics and relationships;

    • spelling, lexical, grammatical, spelling and punctuation norms of the modern Russian literary language; norms of speech behavior in the socio-cultural, educational, scientific, official and business spheres of communication;

be able to

    carry out speech self-control; evaluate oral and written statements from the point of view of linguistic design, the effectiveness of achieving the set communicative tasks;

    analyze linguistic units from the point of view of correctness, accuracy and appropriateness of their use;

    conduct linguistic analysis texts of various functional styles and varieties of language;

listening and reading

speaking and writing

    create oral and written monologue and dialogic statements various types and genres in educational and scientific literature (based on the material studied academic disciplines), socio-cultural and business spheres of communication;

    apply in practice verbal communication basic spelling, lexical, grammatical rules modern Russian literary language;

    observe the spelling and punctuation norms of the modern Russian literary language in writing practice;

    comply with the norms of speech behavior in various areas and situations of communication, including when discussing debatable problems;

    use basic techniques for information processing of oral and written text;

use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life For:

    awareness of the Russian language as a spiritual, moral and cultural value of the people; familiarization with the values ​​of national and world culture;

    development of intellectual and creativity, independent activity skills; self-realization, self-expression in various areas human activity;

    increasing vocabulary; expanding the range of languages ​​and speech means; improving the ability to self-assess based on observing one’s own speech;

    improving communication skills; developing readiness for verbal interaction, interpersonal and intercultural communication, cooperation; self-education and active participation in industrial, cultural and public life states.

Table of thematic distribution of hours


Sections, topics

Number of hours

Work program by class

Grade 10

Grade 11










Morphemics. Word formation. Spelling



Morphology and spelling



Functional parts of speech



Repetition and generalization of what has been learned






Syntax and punctuation






Simple sentence



Difficult sentence



Speech styles



Calendar - thematic planning Russian language lessons in 10th grade

(68 hours, 2 hours per week) based on a textbook for grade 10, authors: V. F. Grekov, S. E. Kryuchkov,

L. A. Cheshko.


Contents (sections, topics)

Expected date

Actual date

Introduction (5 hours)

Russian language in the modern world.


Styles and types of speech.


The concept of the norm of literary language. Types of norms.


Practical work. Types of literary language norms.


Practical work. Editing text. Comprehensive text analysis.


Vocabulary (7 hours)

Lexical meaning words.


Basic lexical groups words Homonyms. Paronyms.


Synonyms, antonyms.


Russian phraseology.



Figures of speech like means of expression language.



Russian language dictionaries.



Test on the topic: “Vocabulary”.


Orthoepia.(1 hour)


Orthoepy. Orthoepic norms of the Russian language.


Morphemics. Word formation. Spelling (12 hours)


Principles of Russian orthoepy. Use of capital letters.



Composition of the word. Basic ways of forming words.



Spelling of vowels in the root of a word.



Spelling of consonants in the root of a word. Double consonants.



Spelling of prefixes. International word-formation elements.



A combination of consonants at the junction of prefixes and roots.



Use of separators ъ and ь.



The letters I and Y after the prefixes.



Spelling of vowels after sibilants and C.



Spelling difficult words. Word hyphenation rules.



Test on the topic: “Morphemics. Word formation."



Reserve lesson.


Morphology and Spelling. (30h)


Noun. Morphological analysis of a noun. Gender and number of nouns.



Spelling endings and suffixes of nouns.



Spelling endings and suffixes of nouns. Orthoepic and morphological norms.



Spelling of surnames and titles settlements in the instrumental case.



Spelling compound nouns.



Adjective. Morphological analysis of the adjective.



Spelling suffixes and endings of adjectives. Morphological norms.






Analysis of test work.



Reserve lesson.



Spelling compound adjectives.



Test on the topics: “Noun”, “Adjective”.



Numeral. Morphological analysis of a noun.



Spelling of numerals. Morphological norms.



Pronoun. Morphological analysis of pronouns.



Spelling of pronouns. Morphological norms.



Test on the topic: “Numeral noun.”



Test on the topic: “Pronoun”.



Verb. Morphological analysis of the verb.



Spelling of verbs. Morphological norms.



Participle. Morphological analysis of the participle.



Spelling participles. Morphological norms.



Participle. Morphological analysis of gerunds.



Spelling of gerunds. Morphological norms.



Test on the topic: “Verb”.



Test on the topic: “Communion”, “Communion”.



Adverb. Morphological analysis of the adverb.



Spelling adverbs. Morphological norms.







Reserve lesson.


Functional parts of speech. (6 hours)


Preposition as a functional part of speech. Spelling prepositions.



Union as a functional part of speech. Spelling conjunctions.



Particle as a functional part of speech. Spelling particles.



Interjection as a part of speech.



Test on topics: “Service parts of speech, interjection.”


Repetition and generalization of what has been learned. (5 hours)


Final test for the 10th grade program



Final control dictation.



Summing up the year.



Reserve lesson.


Calendar - thematic planning in the Russian language for grade 11

(68 hours, 2 hours per week) based on a textbook for grade 11, authors: V. F. Grekov, S. E. Kryuchkov,

L. A. Cheshko.


Contents (sections, topics)

Expected date

Actual date

A word about the Russian language. Russian language as a developing phenomenon.


Syntax and punctuation.(1 hour)

Principles of Russian punctuation. Use of punctuation marks. Punctuation text analysis.


Collocation (2h)

Phrase. Types of syntactic connection.


Test on the topic: “Phrase combinations”.


Simple sentence.(21h)

A simple, uncomplicated sentence. The grammatical basis of the sentence.


Sentences are narrative, interrogative, incentive. Exclamatory sentences.


Two-part and one-part sentences. Syntactic and punctuation analysis of a simple sentence.


Complete and incomplete sentences.



Dash between subject and predicate.



Minor members offers.



Practical work on the topics: “Minor members of a sentence”, “Two-part and one-part sentences”.



Test on the topic: “A simple sentence.”



A simple complicated sentence. Homogeneous members sentences and punctuation marks with them.



Punctuation marks for homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions.



Punctuation marks in sentences with generalizing words with homogeneous members.



Test on the topic: “A simple complicated sentence. Homogeneous members of a sentence."



Punctuation marks for isolated parts of a sentence. Separate and non-separate definitions and applications.



Construction of phrases with common definitions expressed by participles and adjectives.



Special circumstances. Isolation of circumstances expressed by gerunds.



Punctuation marks when comparative turnover. Clarifying members of the sentence.



Test on the topic: “ Separate members offers".





Punctuation marks for words and constructions that are not grammatically related to the sentence. Introductory words and sentences. Punctuation marks in sentences with plug-in constructions.



Addresses and punctuation marks with them.



Test on the topic “Isolated members of a sentence.”



Reserve lesson.


Complex sentence (24h)


Difficult sentence. Compound sentence. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence.



Complex sentence. Punctuation marks in complex sentences.



Main groups subordinate clauses by value.



Test on the topics “Complex sentence”, “Complex sentence with one subordinate clause”.



Complex sentences with several subordinate clauses.



Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence.

27.12, 15.01.


Complex sentences With different types connections: coordinating, subordinating, non-union.

17.01, 22.01.


Test on the topics “Complex sentence with several subordinate clauses”, “Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence”.



Methods of transmitting someone else's speech. Punctuation marks in sentences with direct and indirect speech. Punctuation marks when quoting."

29.01, 31.01.


Syntactic synonymy.



Syntactic norms.



Fine and expressive means of the Russian language.






Control dictation.



Analysis control dictation. Work on mistakes.



Reserve lesson.



R.R. Text as a speech work. Semantic and compositional integrity of the text. Problem, author's position.

28.02, 05.03.


R.R. Educational essay-reasoning.

07.03, 12.03.

Speech styles. (12h)


Journalistic style and its features.



PS Genres: travel essay, portrait essay, problem essay.

19.03, 21.03.


Writing reviews based on journalistic style texts.

04.04, 09.04.


Art style and its features.



Types of tropes and stylistic figures.



Writing reviews based on artistic style text.

18.04, 23.04.


Scientific style and its features.



Popular science substyle.



Conversational style speech.



R.R. Features of reasoning as a type of speech. Practical work. Typological analysis text-reasoning.

07.05, 14.05.


Final test in Unified State Exam format.

16.05, 21.05, 23.05, 28.05.

Bibliography for students:

    Grekov V.F., Kryuchkov S.E., Cheshko L.A. Russian language. Textbook for grades 10 – 11 of general education institutions – M. “Prosveshcheniye” 2008

    Unified State Exam 2014. Russian language: typical exam options: 30 options / edited by I. P. Tsybulko - M.: Publishing house " National education» 2013.

    Russian language. Essay on the Unified State Exam. Well intensive training: teaching aid N. A. Senina, A. G. Narushevich. - 4th Publishing House, revised - Rostov-on-Don: Legion, 2013.

    Unified State Exam. Workshop on the Russian language. Work on the commentary and the formulated problem of the text and the argumentation of one’s own opinion: preparation for the implementation of part 3 (C). G. T. Egorova.-M: Publishing House “Exam”, 2012.

List of literature for teachers:

5.T.V.Raman. Thematic and lesson planning in the Russian language. To the “Manual for Russian language classes in high school” by V. F. Grekova, S. E. Kryuchkova, L. A. Cheshko. M., "Exam", 2004.

6.Russian language. Grades 10-11: textbook. for general education. institutions/ Grekov V.F., Kryuchkov S.E., Cheshko L.A., M., 2009.

7. Methodological manual Zolotareva I.V., Dmitrieva L.P. Lesson-based developments in Russian language. 11th grade.. M. VAKO, 2005.

8.N.V. Egorova and others. Lesson developments in the Russian language. Classical program and preparation for the Unified State Exam. - M.: VAKO, 2004.

9.A.I. Vlasenkov. Russian language. Grammar. Text. Speech styles. 10-11 grades. M.: “Enlightenment”, 2000.

10.Unified state exam Russian language 2011-2012. Control measuring materials. M.:


Grade 10

Test on the topic “Phonetics. Orthoepy. Spelling".

1. Dictation with grammar task

1) The growth of the population of our planet - serious problem. 2) It touches on the deepest problems of history, delicate issues of human nature and society, values ​​and beliefs established by centuries-old traditions. 3) Establishing mutual understanding between humanitarian and exact sciences absolutely necessary when studying society. 4) Humanity, being open system, has not yet exhausted its resources.

Grammar task:

Option 1

Option 2

1. Perform phonetic analysis

Serious (sentence 1)

Being (sentence 4)

2.Analyze morphemes with alternating sounds.

In sentences 1, 2, underline words with alternating vowels in the root, write words with paired vowels in brackets.

In sentences 1, 2, underline words with alternating consonants in the root, write words with paired consonants in brackets.

Test on the topic “Adjective”.

1. Vocabulary dictation

Responsive friend long journey, in colorful plumage, pork stew, sand beach, sharp beak, baked pie, picky boss, young age, tower crane, helpless little squirrel, hedgehog gloves, a swan song, nomadic people, with a wolf pack, Circassian language, short ponytail, Friday issue of the newspaper, silver Age, prayer exclamation, canvas fabric, Forgiveness Sunday, a daring look, everyday worries, a flighty girl, a wasp waist, a steadfast tin soldier, a waxed tablet, a long-distance call.

2. Linguistic analysis

Write down an offer, make it parsing And morphological analysis highlighted adjectives.

Thismoonless the night seemed to be the samebeautiful and as gorgeous as ever.

Practical work on the topic “Analysis of the means of expressiveness of Russian speech in author’s texts”

1. Practical work. Analysis of the poem.

Find figurative and expressive means in A. T. Tvardovsky’s poem “Two Lines” (1943) and determine their role.

From a shabby notebook

Two lines about a boy fighter,

What happened in the forties

Killed on ice in Finland.

It lay somehow awkwardly

Childishly small body.

The frost pressed the overcoat to the ice,

The hat flew far away.

It seemed that the boy was not lying down,

And he was still running,

Yes, he kept the ice behind the floor...

Among the big brutal war,

I can’t imagine why,

I feel sorry for that distant fate

As if dead, alone,

It's like I'm lying there

Frozen, small, killed

On that unknown war,

Forgotten, small, lying.

Test on the topic “Phrase combinations”.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the utilitarian needs of personal communication in trade, diplomacy, everyday life, but not due to private life and professional conditions, and under the pressure of interstate political, economic, scientific and cultural relations, requiring broad mutual understanding, ranging from meetings of heads of government to mass tourist excursions.

Grammar task

Option 1

Option 2

1. Perform a phonetic analysis of the word.



2. Determine the morphological affiliation of the words.

By virtue of

Starting from

3. Determine the type of subordinating connection in the phrase.

Truly all-encompassing

Personal communication

Grade 11

Test on the topic “Isolated members of a sentence”

1.Dictation with grammar task

1) The response received was considered as consent. 2) We will meet with you soon, for example, tomorrow. 3) These are unpretentious bright flowers called calendula, or marigold. 4) Cars scurried around below like fast colorful beetles. 5)Despite the strong headwind and big wave, the boat continued to stubbornly move forward. 6) Not far from St. Petersburg, twenty-nine kilometers to the west, on Kotlin Island, in Gulf of Finland, Peter the Great founded the fortified city of Kronstadt. 7) One evening a friend, Doctor Livesey, came to see his father. 8) In the evenings, he sat in the common room in the very corner, by the fire, and drank rum, slightly diluting it with water. 9) I would like to know: is my comrade Billy here in this house? 10) The first sailors, leaving land, were guided by the outlines of the coast, by the shape of clouds and waves and, of course, by the stars. 11) You cannot work carelessly. 12) Longitudes on Earth are counted from the Greenwich, or prime, meridian. 13) Some biblical names, including Ham and Judas, have become common nouns. 14) His face, lined with wrinkles, remained imperturbable. 15) The steamer set sail and, having described a circle, ran down. 16)B " The captain's daughter“Pushkin portrayed Pugachev as a strong, powerful, but extremely contradictory character.

Grammar task:

1.Make syntax and punctuation analysis sentences 2, 13.

2. Write down the numbers one-part sentences, indicate their type.

3. Write down the numbers of sentences with heterogeneous definitions.

4. Among sentences 12-16, find a sentence complicated by a separate common agreed upon definition. Write the number of this offer.

2. Parsing sentences

1) Not cooled down from the heat,

The July night shone...

And above the dim earth

Sky, full of thunder,

Everything was trembling in the lightning...

2) And all of nature, like fog,

A hot drowsiness envelops me.

3) Just lightning fires,

Igniting in succession,

Like demons are deaf and dumb,

They are having a conversation with each other.

4) The clouds are melting in the sky,

And, radiant in the heat,

The river rolls in sparks,

Like a steel mirror...

5) The waves rush, thundering and sparkling,

Sensitive stars stroke from above.

6) I love thunderstorms at the beginning of May,

When the first thunder of spring

As if frolicking and playing,

Rumbling in the blue sky.

Evaluation of students' oral responses

Oral questioning is one of the main ways to take into account students’ knowledge of the Russian language. The student’s detailed answer should represent a coherent, logically consistent message on a specific topic, show his ability to apply definitions and rules in specific cases.

When assessing a student's answer, one must be guided by the following criteria:

1) completeness and correctness of the answer;

2) the degree of awareness and understanding of what has been learned;

3) linguistic design of the answer.

Rating "5" is given if the student: 1) fully presents the studied material, gives correct definitions linguistic concepts; 2) shows an understanding of the material, can substantiate his judgments, apply knowledge in practice, give the necessary examples not only from the textbook, but also compiled independently; 3) presents the material consistently and correctly from the point of view of the norms of literary language.

Rating "4" is given if the student gives an answer that meets the same requirements as for a grade of “5”, but makes 1-2 mistakes, which he himself corrects, and 1-2 shortcomings in the sequence and linguistic design of what is presented.

Rating "3" is given if the student demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the main provisions of this topic, but: 1) presents the material incompletely and allows inaccuracies in the definition of concepts or the formulation of rules; 2) does not know how to substantiate his judgments deeply and convincingly enough and give his examples; 3) presents the material inconsistently and makes mistakes in the language of the presentation.

Rating "2" is given if the student reveals ignorance of most of the relevant section of the material being studied, makes mistakes in the formulation of definitions and rules that distort their meaning, presents the material in a disorderly and uncertain manner, and notes such shortcomings in the student’s preparation that are a serious obstacle to the successful mastery of subsequent material.

Rating "1" is given if the student reveals complete ignorance or misunderstanding of the material.

Rating("5", "4", "3") can be given not only for a one-time answer (when testing a student’s preparation is allotted certain time), but also for dispersed in time, i.e. for the sum of answers given by the student during the lesson (lesson score is displayed), provided that during the lesson not only the student’s answers were heard, but also his ability to apply knowledge was checked practice.

Dictation assessment

Rating "5" is awarded for error-free work, as well as if it contains1 minor spelling error or 1 minor punctuation error.

Rating "4" is displayed if available in the dictation2 spelling and 2 punctuation errors, or 1 spelling and 3 punctuation errors, or 4 punctuation errors in the absence of spelling errors, can be indicated for 3 spelling errors, if among them there are similar ones.

Rating "3" is awarded for a dictation in which they are admitted4 spelling and 4 punctuation errors, or 3 spelling and 5 punctuation errors, or 7 punctuation errors with no spelling errors.

Rating "2" is awarded for a dictation in which it is allowedup to 7 spelling and 7 punctuation errors, or 6 spelling and 8 punctuation errors, 5 spelling and 9 punctuation errors, 8 spelling and 6 punctuation errors.

At more dictation errors are scored"1".

ABOUTperformance price additional tasks

Rating "5" is given if the student completed all tasks correctly.

Rating "4" is given if the student has completed at least3/4 tasks .

Rating "3" awarded for work done correctlyat least half of the tasks.

Rating "2" awarded for work in whichMore than half of the tasks have not been completed.

Note. Spelling and punctuation errors made when completing additional tasks are taken into account when calculating the grade for the dictation.

Evaluation of control vocabulary dictation

Rating "5" awarded for a dictation in which there are no errors.

Rating "4" is given for a dictation in which the student made a mistake1 - 2 errors.

Rating "3" 3 - 4 errors.

Rating "2" is given for a dictation in which it is allowedup to 7 errors.

Evaluation of essays and presentations

Rating "5" is given

Content and speech

1. The content of the work is fully consistent with the topic.

2. Factual errors are missing.

3. The content is presented sequentially. -

4. The work is distinguished by the richness of its vocabulary, the variety of syntactic structures used, and the accuracy of word usage.

Overall at work


Allowed:1 spelling, or 1 punctuation, or 1 grammatical error.

Score "4" is given

Content and speech

1. The content of the work is mainly consistent with the topic (there are minor deviations from the topic).

2. The content is mostly reliable, but there are a few factual inaccuracies.

3. There are minor violations of the consistency in the presentation of thoughts.

4. Lexical and grammatical structure speech is quite varied.

5. The style of work is unified and sufficiently expressive.

In general, work is allowedno more than 2 defects in content and no more than 3 - 4 speech defects.


Allowed:2 spelling and 2 punctuation errors, or 1 spelling and 3 punctuation errors, or 4 punctuation errors in the absence of spelling errors, as well as 2 grammatical errors.

Score "3" is given

Content and speech

1. The work contains significant deviations from the topic.

2. The work is reliable in the main, but there are some factual inaccuracies in it.

3. There were some violations of the sequence of presentation.

4. The vocabulary is poor and the words used are monotonous. syntactic constructions, there is an incorrect usage of words.

5. The style of work is not unified, the speech is not expressive enough.

In general, work is allowedno more than 4 defects in content and 5 speech defects.


Allowed: 4 spelling and 4 punctuation errors, or 3 spelling errors and 5 punctuation errors, or 7 punctuation errors in the absence of spelling errors (in grade IV - 5 spelling errors and 4 punctuation errors), as well as 4 grammatical errorserrors.

5. Stylish unity and expressiveness of the text have been achieved.

Overall at work1 defect in content and 1 - 2 speech defects are allowed.


Allowed: 1 spelling, or 1 punctuation, or 1 grammatical error.

Well...I've run out of printed essays. I’ll post the essays or answers to the question that we wrote this year.
This is what we wrote at the beginning of the year...On history. Now you’re even re-reading it, but I would rewrite something and take it deeper... It’s always like this... You write, it seems good... And a year later you read it and are horrified! Okay, I won't change anything. ;) And I wanted exactly this picture... Well, this is such an association... And the fact that I think Russia is very special, you don’t really look at it... I admit that every country is a “mystery country” "...But I wrote what was in my heart.

My view on the situation of Russia in the 21st century.

Rus', where are you going? Give an answer. Doesn't give an answer.
(N.V. Gogol “Dead Souls”)

“You can’t understand Russia with your mind,” that’s exactly what Tyutchev said and hit the target. Who doesn't know this phrase these days? And at the same time, many begin to refute it, they say, they invented that Russia is somehow special, but other countries are not, the same can be said about every country. Maybe, maybe... But it seems to me that history proves the truth of this phrase in the best possible way.

There is a lot of logic in the history of most countries, a lot of reason. From time immemorial, there have been successful, developed European countries, and there have been countries in Africa and Asia, for example, that were exploited by stronger ones. The strong always take advantage of the weak - this is a law of nature. But nowhere, nowhere, did what we call serfdom exist. For a white man to be enslaved by the same white man, from a resident of the same country, the same race. Yes... “You can’t understand Russia with your mind.”

Only our country wanted to build a kind of communism, about which Karl Marx wrote scientific works, and even lead the whole world. Yes, he wrote, there was a lot of reasonable and logical in his theory, but it was a theory. And only Russia decided to bring what was written on paper to life. We all know what happened. And after that, try to argue... “You can’t understand Russia with your mind.”

What to expect from such an unpredictable, but always striving forward country? What will the 21st century bring us? How difficult it is to guess anything and how endless the number of possible options is. I'll try to put forward my point of view. In my opinion, the 21st century will be one of the calmest in our history. And not because everything in the country will be perfect and people will be happy (I don’t believe in the idyll). It’s just that after such a turbulent, difficult 20th century, over which the specter of death constantly hovered, people want to relax, they want peace and security.
I believe in the concept of the “Russian spring” and I believe that Russians are rightfully called a patient nation. Yes, we are patient, we can endure a lot, and we can endure for a long time. And those in whose hands the power can press on this spring for a long time, press, press. But watch out if it gets to the point where that spring shoots out. In the 20th century, in my opinion, this is exactly what happened. And now the Russians are resting from the storms of those days, and again they can put pressure on their spring... But not forever!

It seems to me that in the 21st century the government will try to slowly and carefully reform many aspects of Russian life that have changed with the change in the existing system. Reform will be carried out slowly, not radically, since the government understands perfectly well that the people are tired of constant shocks and permanent shifts life principles.

Russia will also try to achieve sustainable and high position in the world, that is, a lot of attention will be paid foreign policy. It is more important than ever for us to restore, or rather re-establish, external relations and gain recognition on the world market.

Concerning domestic policy In my opinion, the “oil issue” will be resolved more than once, since oil is Russia’s main raw material, its main export. I do not dare to guess how exactly this issue will be resolved, since here we can expect different and unpredictable options.

Despite the fact that I have expressed a number of assumptions regarding the position of Russia in the 21st century, these are just assumptions, a subjective point of view, since I repeat: I consider Russia a truly unpredictable country for which logic is not the determining factor. However, I would like to hope that Russia will adequately solve all the problems that arise along its way. I would like to believe that the world community will gladly accept us and will be happy to cooperate, and not to use our resources. Well, for my part, I am ready to do everything possible and in my power to help Russia in its development and prosperity. But it will be oh, how difficult, because: “You can’t understand Russia with your mind”!
I dedicate my poem to the mystery country - Russia:

I'm ready to help you
To go one way,
If you agree to give me your hand
And go through all the obstacles with me.

Maybe you are rich, strong,
If only that's what you want.
You may be fierce and evil,
But you don’t want this!

We will help you get better,
We will help you find the right path,
Everyone will begin to wonder with delight,
How confidently you will move forward!


June 6 marks the Day of the Russian Language as one of the official languages ​​of the UN. Viktor Pogadayev, a professor, linguist, and teacher of the Russian language at the University of Malaya, told our magazine about the importance of the Russian language in the modern world.

The modern linguistic development of the world continues the trends laid down in the 70s of the twentieth century and is characterized by two multidirectional processes: the development of national languages ​​and the increasing spread of several languages ​​as means of broad interstate, interethnic and world communication.

Currently, the Russian language still ranks fourth in the world in terms of prevalence. English is the leading language; for 500 million people it is their native or second language, and over 1 billion people speak it as a foreign language. In second place is Chinese, which is spoken as a native language by over 1,350 million people. The third place is taken Spanish, spoken by about 360 million people. U French, which is currently owned by about 270 million people, there is every reason to move to more high place ranking of world languages. World languages ​​include Hindi/Urdu (260 million people), Arabic (230 million people), Portuguese (currently spoken by over 190 million people) and Bengali (about 190 million people).

In the modern world they talk about the “boom of the Russian language”, because, despite post-perestroika upheavals and cataclysms, reforms and transformations, the ability to read outstanding works of literature in the original that have universal significance is increasingly progressing as the main motive for its study in various points Earth.

Russian language preserves long tradition successful study in the mass system public education different countries. The opportunity to receive high-quality education based on the Russian language is one of the most important factors that can ensure its position in the modern world. In order to preserve the Russian language and culture in non-CIS countries, philological specialists are actively engaged in popularizing the Russian language and explaining the prospects for its practical use.

In connection with the internationalization of science and the use of high and advanced technologies, the Russian language is involved in the orbit of global informative, mainly written exchange as “ scientific language" Russian is one of the few languages ​​included in the worldwide network of media: print, radio, television.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the utilitarian needs of personal communication in trade, diplomacy, and everyday life became truly all-encompassing, but not due to private life and professional conditions, but under the pressure of interstate political, economic, scientific and cultural ties that require broad mutual knowledge, starting from meetings of heads governments to mass tourist excursions.

The competitiveness of the Russian language is obvious. It successfully acts on the world stage as an intermediary language. Takes on the function of conveying not only the content itself, but also the nationally specific aspects of the generally significant achievements of other peoples and their languages.

Currently, Russian is the native language of 130 million citizens Russian Federation, 26.4 million residents of the CIS and Baltic republics and almost 7.4 million residents of non-CIS countries (primarily Germany and other European countries, the USA and Israel), that is, in total for 163.8 million people. Over 114 million speak Russian as a second language (mainly in the CIS and Baltic states) or know it as a foreign language (in non-CIS countries).

Widely published statistics around the world indicate that the most effective factor in the admission of the Russian language to the “club of world languages” turned out to be historical events and achievements of the people who are native speakers of this language.

One of the signs of a world language should be considered its spread outside the monolithic and ancestral territory, its study in different countries of the world. An additional property of the Russian language as a world language is the nature of its assimilation - not only from generation to generation through family, environment, through interethnic marriages, through waves of emigration and migration, but also through conscious, usually “academic”, “business”, “scientific”, "creative" learning. For a world language, it is important not only the number of people who speak it, but the global distribution of native speakers, their coverage of different, maximum in number of countries, as well as the most influential social strata of the population in different states.

Thus, 170 million people on the planet speak Russian and 350 million understand it. Now there are about 30 million people living outside Russia for whom it is native. In addition, 180 million people study Russian, making it the language of global communication.

The Russian language is distinguished by its high information content, that is, the ability to store in its system the maximum experience of communication and verbal creativity, proven means and possibilities for expressing and transmitting thoughts.

Preserving its uniqueness and identity over a vast space and for a long time, the Russian language has absorbed the riches of the languages ​​of the West and East, mastered the Greek-Byzantine, Latin, Eastern and Old Slavonic heritage. He accepted the achievements of the new languages ​​of the Romance and Germanic areas of Europe. However, the main source of its development, processing and polishing was the creative creativity of the Russian people, several generations of Russian figures in science, politics, culture and literature - thanks to them, the Russian language became a highly developed, rich, orderly, stylistically differentiated, historically balanced world language.


Viktor Aleksandrovich Pogadaev is an orientalist scientist. Since 2001, he has been working as a teacher of Russian at the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur. In 2009, he was named one of the hundred best teachers of the year by the International Biographical Center (Cambridge, England). V.A. Pogadaev is the author of more than 200 scientific works, including several Malay and Indonesian dictionaries, the pocket encyclopedia “Malaysia” (Moscow, 2000), a monograph in Malay “The Great Russian Poet Pushkin and the East” (Kuala Lumpur, 2003), articles on the history and culture of countries South-East Asia. Viktor Alexandrovich is engaged and literary translation. In 2009, an anthology of Russian literature in Malay, compiled and translated by him, was published in Kuala Lumpur.

Vladislav REMARCHUK, Associate Professor at the Institute of Asian and African Countries at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov