Summary of the story: sun stone. Stone Flower

Of course, you won’t find a place in all the land opposite our Ilmen stone storehouse. There is nothing to argue about here, because it has been written about in all sorts of languages: in the Ilmen Mountains there are stones from all over the world.

Such a place, of course, could not pass by Lenin’s eye. In 1920, Vladimir Ilyich, by a personal decree, declared these places as protected areas. So that, it means, industrialists and hitters of all sorts by the scruff of the neck, and save these mountains for science, for future times.

It seems like a simple matter. It is known that Lenin’s eye saw not just on the ground, but under the ground. Well, I foresaw these mountains too. Only our old miners still don’t quite believe it. It can’t be like that, they say. The war was then on full force was walking. Comrade Stalin had to hurry from front to front, and then suddenly the pebbles floated out. This case did not pass without incident. And in their own way they tell it like this.

There lived two artel brothers: Maxim Vakhonya and Sadyk Uzeev, nicknamed Sandugach. One, then, is Russian, the other is Bashkir, but they have the same thing - from an early age they worked in the mines and mines and were always together. They say there was great friendship between them, to the surprise of people. But they themselves did not resemble each other at all. Vakhonya is a heavy man, a beard down to his navel, straight shoulders, a scary fist to look at, a bearish leg, and the conversation is thick and boorish. It will hum slowly, and then it will carry the flies to the side half a fathom, but its character is soft. In a drunken case, when some thorn irritates him, he only threatens:

Get away from sin, boy! No matter how I accidentally hit you.

Sadyk was not very tall, he was thin, he had seven hairs instead of a beard, and they were out of place, but he had a strong vein. A slaughterer, one might say, is also of the first article. That's how it happens. There’s really no one to look at, but I’m taxed at work. His character was cheerful. The great hunter will sing, and dance, and blow the kurai. It is not for nothing that he was given the nickname Sandugach, in our language a nightingale.

These Maxim Vakhonya and Sadyk Sandugach came together to live on the same path. Not everything, of course, was earned for the treasury and the owners. It also happened himself - friend they shoveled the sands and looked for their share. It happened and they found it, but it wasn’t in their pockets. It is known that the artisan's happiness was shown one road. Everyone will take a walk, as expected, and go back to work, only somewhere new: maybe it will be more fun there.

Both are single. Why should they sit in one place! We collected our knapsacks, grabbed our tools, and off we went.

Vakhonya hums:

Let's go and see where people live well.

Sadyk walks cheerfully and chuckles:

Walk, Maximka, walk! For the new mysteries, the squeaky squeak sticks to the hands. The dear fireplace is jumping to the baradam. One time your barada will become half a pound.

“Probably, not a single one will stay with you,” Vakhonya laughed it off and cackled like a lech: ho-ho-ho!

This is how two artel brothers lived. They drank their fill of sweets: Sadyk lost his right eye while working, Vakhonya couldn’t hear at all in his left ear.

They, of course, visited the Ilmen Mountains more than once.

How Civil War began, both old men ended up in the same places. According to the miner's position, of course, both took a rifle and went to fight for Soviet power. Then, after Kolchak was driven to Siberia, the political instructor said:

Fiery, they say, thank you, comrade old men, on behalf of the Soviet government, but only now, as you are disabled underground workers, apply to the labor front. Besides,” he says, “you violate front visibility, like one is crooked and the other is deaf.”

It’s offensive to old people, but what can you do? The political instructor said correctly - we need to see what is happening at the mines. We went straight to Ilmeny, and there were quite a crowd of people there, and all the hits were the latest. This one doesn’t feel sorry for anything, just to earn more rubles. He will quickly fill up all the holes and mines if it seems beneficial. It’s clear that the merchant is behind the hit, but he’s not showing himself, he’s hiding. Our old people were thinking - what to do? They ran to Mias, to Zlatoust, talked about it, but it didn’t do any good. They wave it off:

There’s no time for that now, and there are chapters for that. They started asking about these chapters, and my head started to become cloudy. There is one chapter for copper work, another for gold, and a third for stone. But what if there is everything on the Ilmen Mountains? The old people then decided.

Let's go all the way to Comrade Lenin himself. He'll probably find the time.

They began to get ready, only then the old people had a falling out. Vakhonya says: for the show you need to take one expensive stone, which is cut. Well, and golden sand too. But Sadyk got his way: take a sample of every stone, because it’s a scientific matter.

They argued and argued, and then they agreed: everyone will pack their own bag, as it seems best to them.

Vakhonya went to great lengths about zircons and phenacites. I ran to Kochkar and spotted blue euclasics and pink topaz there. Golden sand too. His bag came out neatly and the stone was all a gem. And Sadyk made a lot of things that he couldn’t even lift. Vakhonya rumbles:

Ho-ho-ho. You could stuff all the mountains into a bag! Figure it out, they say, Comrade Lenin, which is a matter that no one needs.

Sadyk is offended by this.

“You are a stupid person,” he says, “Maksimka, if you understand Lenin’s tank like that.” He needs science, but doesn’t care about the market price of the stone.

Let's go to Moscow. Of course, there were some mistakes along the way. At one point Vakhonya fell behind the train. Although Sadyk had his heart set on him, he became very sad and even fell ill. After all, we were always together, but then we were separated on such an important matter. And carrying two bags of stones is a hassle for one. They walk around asking if you are carrying salt in bags for speculation? And once you show the stones, now there will be questions about what such stones are for, for personal enrichment or for a museum? In a word, anxiety.

Vakhonya still managed to somehow manage to catch up with the train just outside Moscow. They were so happy with each other that they made the entire carriage audience laugh to tears: they began hugging. Then they started arguing again about the stones, which bag was needed, only softer, with a joke. As they began to approach Moscow, Vakhonya said:

I'll carry your bag. It’s more convenient for me and not so funny. You are smaller and your bag will be smaller. Moscow, go ahead, not Mias! This requires order.

The first night, of course, we broke up at the station, and in the morning we went around Moscow to look for Comrade Lenin. They quickly found them and rushed straight into the Council of People's Commissars with the bags. There they ask what kind of people they are, where they are from, what their business is.

Sadyk answers:

We would like to show Bachka Lenin the fireplace.

Vakhonya immediately buzzes:

The places are rich. It is necessary to save from hits. There was no success at home. You definitely need to see Comrade Lenin.

Well, we took them to Vladimir Ilyich. They began to talk about the matter, they were in a hurry, interrupting each other.

Vladimir Ilyich listened, listened and said:

Let's go one by one, guys. I see that you have a state matter, you need to understand it.

Here Vakhonya, where the agility came from, let’s lay out your expensive stones, and he himself buzzes: from such a hole, from such a mine, did he take the stone, and how much is it worth in rubles.

Vladimir Ilyich asks:

Where do these stones go?

Vakhonya answers - more for decoration. Well, there are rings, earrings, beads and all that stuff. Vladimir Ilyich thought for a moment, admired the stones a little and said:

We can wait with this.

Then it was Sadyk’s turn. He untied his bag and let’s throw the stones on the table, and he himself said:

Amazon-fireplace, Calumbit-fireplace, Labrador-fireplace..

Vladimir Ilyich was surprised:

I see from you different countries stones.

Yes, Lenin! You're telling the truth. The fireplace came running from every direction. Stone brain fireplace, and that is. A solar fireplace was found in the Eremeevskaya pit.

Vladimir Ilyich smiled and said:

We probably don't need a stone brain. This goodness can be found even without a mountain. But we need a sun stone. It's more fun to live with him.

Because, Bachka Lenin, our fireplace is good because it is warmed by the sun. In that place the mountains turn and come out into the steppe.

This, says Vladimir Ilyich, is most valuable, that the mountains turned towards the sun and do not fence off the steppe.

Then Vladimir Ilyich called and ordered all the stones to be rewritten and the strictest decree to be made so that all the violence on the Ilmen Mountains would be stopped and this place would be made a protected area. Then he rose to his feet and said:

Thank you, old people, for your concern. You did a great job! State! - And, you know, I shook their hands.

Well, those, of course, are out of their minds. Vakhoni’s entire beard is covered with tears like dew, and Sadyk shakes his beard and says:

Ay, Lenin! Ay, Lenin!

Here Vladimir Ilyich wrote a note to appoint old people as guards for the reserve and assign them pensions.

Only our old people never made it home. On the roads at that time, it is known how they drove. We went to one place and guessed another. The war there, apparently, was in full swing, and, although one was deaf and the other crooked, both went to fight again.

From that time on, there was no word about these old people, and the decree on the reserve soon came. Now this reserve is called Leninsky.

One day, an old malachite carver had a talented student. The old man rejoiced at his abilities, the clerk rejoiced at the impeccably completed work, and the master began to trust him with the most expensive orders. The young master would live and live, but he became sad and often went uphill. I kept looking for an extraordinary stone flower in order to comprehend the very essence of beauty and harmony. He achieved his goal - he met the Mistress of the mountain, and saw a stone flower. To your own detriment.

The meaning of the story

The story tells about a talented young master Danil, who in a wonderful way mastered the craft of a malachite carver, but this was not enough for him. His soul yearned for unique knowledge, for which he abandoned ordinary earthly life.

The old master Prokopich did not need students, and he dismissed them all, considering them unsuitable for the malachite business. But one day they assigned him a boy who quickly showed amazing talent and ingenuity. The meeting with Prokopyich was a happy turn in fate for Danilka: in him he found both a generous teacher and a caring father.

Danilka had everything: ability, hard work, universal recognition of his skill, and even fame. He lived a calm and satisfying life, he had everything for work necessary tools and the best stone. He got himself married good girl Katerina. But he was not happy.

Any completed work seemed to him insufficiently virtuosic, uninspiring, unreal. He believed that there was something in the world that would allow him to one day live out his dream. These thoughts of his were spurred on by the gloomy stories of the villagers about the existence of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain and the unknown Stone Flower. Danilko really wanted to look at this flower in order to reproduce it in stone.

He began to disappear from home more and more often. Fellow villagers constantly saw him in the fields, then in the meadows, then near the abandoned mine near Zmeinaya Gorka. They began to say that the boy had gone crazy, and they were not far from the truth. Some kind of obsession was directly guiding Danilka. It was as if he was looking for a treasure inaccessible to others. And the mistress of the Copper Mountain always keeps an eye on such people, and she began to give the master tips. But the better his work became with her help, the more he began to yearn for an unattainable ideal.

No precautions helped. Even the Mistress's own warnings did not stop him. She showed the master a stone flower. And he could not resist this craving. On the night before his marriage, he smashed his very own with a hammer. better job(now he saw all her shortcomings) and disappeared in an unknown direction...

Picture or drawing Stone flower

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« Stone Flower» summary Bazhov's tale will remind you of what this tale is about and what it teaches.

Bazhov “Stone Flower” summary

Danila was an orphan. At first he was sent to serve in the master's house, to carry out various assignments. But the boy was thoughtful and loved to dream and was not suitable for the role of an intelligent servant. Then he was sent to graze the cows. But even during this work, he often thought and spent a lot of time observing nature.

One day he got carried away with his observations and several cows from the herd got lost and were eaten by wolves. Danila was severely punished and sent to study with malachite craftsman Prokopich. Prokopich was a distinguished master, but very strict; he was picky about his students and scolded them. Nobody wanted to become his student. But the strict Prokopyich liked the observant Danila and treated him like his own son.

Danila had a natural sense of stone. He felt how the stone had to be processed in order to fully reveal it natural beauty.

Rumors about the young talented master reached the master, and Danila began to be entrusted with making complex products from malachite. One day he was given a drawing of an original vase and was allowed to work on it for an unlimited amount of time. Danila took up this work, but it did not please him. The vase turned out beautiful, but did not look like it was alive.

Then he decided to make his own vase, in the shape of a flower, which was supposed to look like a living flower. Danila wanted to show all the natural beauty of the stone. From one old master he heard a story about a stone flower that the Mistress of the Copper Mountain has. Whoever sees this flower will learn how to make stone products that look like they are alive. And Danila really wanted to look at this wonderful flower.

One day, looking for a stone for his vase, he wandered through the mine and heard female voice, who advised him to look for the required stone at Snake Hill. There he actually found the right stone and got to work. At first, work on the new vase went well, but soon stalled. Top part the flower didn't work out. Danila even decided to postpone the wedding with his fiancee Katya, he was so passionate about his work. Failures with making a flower vase kindled his desire to see the mysterious stone flower, and Danila again went to Snake Hill. There the Mistress of the Copper Mountain appeared to him. Having heard that his idea with a vase did not come out, she suggested taking another stone, but still inventing a vase on her own. But Danila certainly wanted to see her wonderful stone flower. The mistress of Copper Mountain warned Danila that in this case he would not want to live and work among people and would return to her, to Copper Mountain. But Danila insisted on his own, and managed to see a wonderful stone flower.

In this story by Bazhov we're talking about about loyalty, trust to a loved one. main character– Katerina was left alone, her fiancé Danila disappeared. They were talking all sorts of things: as if he had run away, as if he had disappeared

Stone Flower

One day, an old malachite carver had a talented student. The old man rejoiced at his abilities, the clerk rejoiced at the impeccably completed work

Malachite Box

One Ural woman, whose name was Nastasya, inherited a box from her late husband Stepan

Copper Mountain Mistress

This story is about the serf Stepan, who worked in the mines. One day he met the Mistress of the Copper Mountain and passed all the tests that she asked him.

Ognevushka Jumping

They say that you need to believe, then everything will come true. So Fedyunka believed it – in his own eyes. He and several adults “imagined” the fairytale Firefly. She appeared in the fire, looking like herself - a cheerful girl

Silver hoof

The action takes place in ancient times in a Ural factory settlement. The main characters of the work are grandfather Kokovanya, the girl Daryonka, the cat Muryonka and the forest goat.

Sinyushkin well

There was a guy named Ilya. A difficult fate befell him; he buried all his relatives. From his grandmother Lukerya he inherited a full sieve of feathers.

Information for parents: Sun stone- instructive, but good fairy tale writer Pavel Bazhov. It is suitable for reading to children aged 7 to 11 years. The fairy tale “The Sun Stone” tells how during the Civil War simple people cared about preserving wealth Ural mountains. Schoolchildren can read this fairy tale themselves or together with their parents.

Read the fairy tale Sunstone

Of course, you won’t find a place in all the land opposite our Ilmen stone storehouse. There is nothing to argue about here, because it has been written about in all sorts of languages: in the Ilmen Mountains there are stones from all over the world.

Such a place, of course, could not pass by Lenin’s eye. In 1920, Vladimir Ilyich, by a personal decree, declared these places as protected areas. So that, it means, industrialists and hitters of all sorts by the scruff of the neck, and save these mountains for science, for future times.

It seems like a simple matter. It is known that Lenin’s eye saw not just on the ground, but under the ground. Well, I foresaw these mountains too. Only our old miners still don’t quite believe it. It can’t be like that, they say. The war was then in full force. This case did not pass without incident. And in their own way they tell it like this.

There lived two artel brothers: Maxim Vakhonya and Sadyk Uzeev, nicknamed Sandugach. One, then, is Russian, the other is Bashkir, but they have the same thing - from an early age they worked in the mines and mines and were always together. They say there was great friendship between them, to the surprise of people. But they themselves did not resemble each other at all. Vakhonya is a heavy man, a beard up to the navel, straight shoulders, a scary fist to look at, a bearish leg and a thick, butor-like conversation. It will hum slowly, and then it will carry the flies to the side half a fathom, but its character is soft. In a drunken case, when some thorn irritates him, he only threatens:
- Get away from sin, boy! No matter how I accidentally hit you.

Sadyk was not very tall, he was thin, he had seven hairs instead of a beard, and they were out of place, but he had a strong vein. A slaughterer, one might say, is also of the first article. That's how it happens. There’s really no one to look at, but I’m taxed at work. His character was cheerful. The great hunter will sing, and dance, and blow the kurai. It is not for nothing that he was given the nickname Sandugach, in our language a nightingale.

These Maxim Vakhonya and Sadyk Sandugach came together to live on the same path. Not everything, of course, was earned for the treasury and the owners. It happened that they shoveled the sands themselves - they were looking for their share. It happened, and they found it, but it wasn’t in their pockets. It is known that the artisan's happiness was shown one road. They'll go for a walk as expected, and then go back to work, only somewhere new: maybe it'll be more fun there.

Both are single. Why should they sit in one place! We collected our knapsacks, grabbed our tools, and off we went.
Vakhonya hums:
- Let's go see where people live well. Sadyk walks cheerfully and chuckles:
- Walk, Maximka, walk! For the new mysteries, the squeaky squeak sticks to the hands. The dear fireplace is jumping to the baradam. One day your barada will become half a pound.
“No one will stay with you, I bet,” Vakhonya laughed it off and cackled like a lech: ho-ho-ho.

This is how two artel brothers lived. They drank their fill of sweets: Sadyk lost his right eye while working, Vakhonya couldn’t hear at all in his left ear.
They, of course, visited the Ilmen Mountains more than once. When the civil war began, both old men ended up in the same places. According to the miner's position, of course, both took a rifle and went to fight for Soviet power. Then, after Kolchak was driven to Siberia, the political instructor said:
- Fiery, they say, thank you, comrade old men, on behalf of Soviet power, but only now, as you are disabled underground workers, apply to the labor front. In addition, he says, you violate front visibility, like one is crooked and the other is deaf.

It’s offensive to old people, but what can you do? The political instructor said correctly - we need to see what is happening at the mines. We went straight to Ilmeny, and there were quite a crowd of people there, and everything was the latest hit. This one doesn’t feel sorry for anything, just to earn more rubles. He will quickly fill up all the holes and mines if it seems beneficial. It’s clear that the merchant is behind the hit, but he’s not showing himself, he’s hiding. Our old people were thinking - what to do? They ran to Mias, to Zlatoust, talked about it, but it didn’t do any good. They wave it off:
“There’s no time for that now, and there are chapters for that.” They started asking about these chapters, and my head started to become cloudy. There is one chapter for copper work, another for gold, and a third for stone. But what if there is everything on the Ilmen Mountains? The old men then decided:
- Let's go all the way to Comrade Lenin himself. He'll probably find the time.

They began to gather. Only then did the old people have a falling out. Vakhonya says: for the show you need to take one expensive stone, which is cut. Well, and golden sand too. But Sadyk got his way: take a sample of every stone, because it’s a scientific matter.
They argued and argued, and then they agreed: everyone will pack their own bag, as it seems best to them.

Vakhonya went to great lengths about zircons and phenakites. I ran to Kochkar and snatched blue euclasics and pink topaz. Golden sand too. His bag came out neatly, and the stone was all a gem. And Sadyk made a lot of things that he couldn’t even lift. Vakhonya rumbles:
- Ho-ho-ho. You could stuff all the mountains into a bag! Figure it out, they say, Comrade Lenin, which is a matter that no one needs.
Sadyk is offended by this.
“You are stupid,” he says, “you, Maksimka, are a man if you understand Lenin’s tank like that.” He needs science, but doesn’t care about the market price of the stone.
Let's go to Moscow.

Of course, there were some mistakes along the way. At one point Vakhonya fell behind the train. Although Sadyk had a grudge against him, he became very sad and even fell ill. After all, we were always together, but then we were separated on such an important matter. And carrying two bags of stones is a hassle for one. They walk around asking if you are carrying salt in bags for speculation? And once you show the stones, now there will be questions about what such stones are for, for personal enrichment or for a museum? In a word, anxiety.

Vakhonya still managed to somehow manage to catch up with the train just outside Moscow. They were so happy with each other that they made the entire carriage audience laugh to tears: they began hugging. Then they started arguing again about the stones, which bag was needed, only softer, with a joke. As they began to approach Moscow, Vakhonya said:
“I’ll carry your bag.” It’s more convenient for me and not so funny. You are smaller and your bag will be smaller. Moscow, go ahead, not Mias! This requires order.

The first night, of course, we broke up at the station, and in the morning we went around Moscow to look for Comrade Lenin. They quickly found them and rushed straight into the Council of People's Commissars with the bags. There they ask what kind of people they are, where they are from, what their business is. Sadyk answers:
- Backa Lenin we would like to show you the fireplace. Vakhonya immediately buzzes:
- The place is rich. It is necessary to save from hits. There was no success at home. You definitely need to see Comrade Lenin.

Well, we took them to Vladimir Ilyich. They began to talk about the matter, they were in a hurry, interrupting each other.
Vladimir Ilyich listened, listened and said:
- Come on, friends, one by one. I see that you have a state matter, you need to understand it.
Here Vakhonya, where the agility came from, let’s lay out your expensive stones, and he himself buzzes: from such a hole, from such a mine, did he take the stone, and how much is it worth in rubles.
Vladimir Ilyich asks:
-Where do these stones go?

Vakhonya answers - more for decoration. Well, there are rings, earrings, beads and all that stuff. Vladimir Ilyich thought for a moment, admired the stones a little and said:
- We can wait a bit with this.
Then it was Sadyk’s turn. He untied his bag and let’s throw the stones on the table, and he himself said:
- Amazon-kamin, calumbit-kamin, labrador-kamin... Vladimir Ilyich was surprised:
— I see you have stones from different countries.
- Yes, Lenin! You're telling the truth. The fireplace came running from every direction. Stone brain-fireplace, and that is. A solar fireplace was found in the Eremeevskaya pit.

Vladimir Ilyich smiled and said:
“We probably don’t need a stone brain.” This goodness can be found even without a mountain. But we need a sun stone. It's more fun to live with him.
Sadyk hears this conversation and continues to try:
“Because, Bachka Lenin, our fireplace is good because it is warmed by the sun.” In that place the mountains turn and come out into the steppe.
“This,” says Vladimir Ilyich, “is most precious that the mountains turned towards the sun and do not fence off the steppe.”

Then Vladimir Ilyich called and ordered all the stones to be rewritten and the strictest decree to be made so that all the violence on the Ilmen Mountains would be stopped and this place would be made a protected area. Then he rose to his feet and said:
- Thank you, old people, for your concern. You did a great job!
State! - and, you know, he shook their hands.

Well, those, of course, are out of their minds. Vakhoni’s entire beard is covered with tears, like dew, and Sadyk shakes his beard and says:
- Hey, Lenin! Ay, Lenin!
Here Vladimir Ilyich wrote a note to appoint old people as guards for the reserve and assign them pensions.
Only our old people never made it home. On the roads at that time, it is known how they drove. We went to one place and guessed another. The war there, apparently, was in full swing, and although one was deaf and the other crooked, both went to fight again.
From that time on, there was no word about these old people, but the decree on the reserve soon came. Now this reserve is called Leninsky.