Who can undergo professional retraining? What is professional retraining? Professional retraining programs


Professional retraining programs were developed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia as an alternative second higher education. Professional retraining is a convenient, inexpensive and, most importantly, fast way (the program includes only specialized disciplines) to obtain a second education and master a new specialty. This compares favorably with a second higher education, which lasts 3 years or more, is much more expensive and is rich in general subjects.

As in the case of basic higher education programs, when enrolling in professional retraining specialties, you can choose any form of study: off-the-job (full-time), on-the-job (evening or distance-learning), part-time (correspondence) and individual forms of training. The form of professional retraining is determined by the educational institution, depending on the complexity of the program.

There are two types of professional retraining:

Professional retraining to perform a new type of professional activity

The volume of classes is over 500 classroom hours (6 months).

Document on education - State diploma of professional retraining.

This is the improvement of an employee’s knowledge within the framework of his specialty (specialization). Training is carried out taking into account the qualification requirements for specific professions and positions. Only persons with completed higher or secondary vocational education can study here.

Upon completion of the program, students undergo final state certification. Those who successfully pass the test are issued a diploma of the established form. The holder of such a document receives the right to work in a certain field of activity.

Vocational training for additional qualifications

The volume of classes is from 1000 hours of total labor intensity (2 years), of which 750 classroom hours.

Document of education - State-issued Diploma of additional (higher) education or State-issued Diploma of additional (secondary) education.

Obtaining additional qualifications based on the specialist’s existing higher (secondary) vocational education. But, unlike professional retraining courses, additional qualification programs can be attended by both persons who have received basic vocational education and 3rd-4th year students of all specialties.

Obtaining additional qualifications is practically an analogue of a second higher professional education. Disciplines that the student took as a student can be re-credited. However, the assignment of additional qualifications is not equivalent to obtaining a second higher education; professional retraining is a relevant and in-demand addition to it.

Upon completion of training, a final certification is also carried out and a diploma of the established form is issued, certifying the receipt of additional qualifications.

We will highlight in a separate line additional vocational training programs with an entrepreneurial focus - business education. In Russia, MBA is classified as a professional retraining program. A graduate of the MBA program receives a diploma of additional (to higher) education with the award of the degree “Master of Business Administration (MBA).” Read more about business education in Russia and abroad in the MBA section.

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Professional retraining is a way of obtaining a new profession through an additional education program. You can master the professional retraining program both in public universities and in private or state training centers. Vocational retraining is intended for those who already have secondary vocational or higher education. The result of retraining is obtaining a diploma issued by an educational institution. What kind of document is this, what does it look like and does it have an expiration date?

What is a vocational retraining diploma?

It involves mastering an educational program and then passing certification (passing an exam) by a qualification commission. In case of successful passing, the examinee receives a document conferring qualifications - a diploma or certificate.

If a student has completed a full retraining course, then the diploma becomes the main document with which he can later get a job. Until 2013, a diploma was required for completing more than 500 hours of training; now there is no such requirement.

Is a retraining diploma a state or established document?

Currently, people are issued a professional retraining diploma of the established form. At the same time, such diplomas are issued by both universities and private educational centers. The previous law on education, which was in force until 2013, provided for the issuance of state-issued professional retraining diplomas. However, there were almost no state standards for additional vocational education programs, and in the current version of the law the wording “state model” was replaced with “established model.”

It should be noted that the law equates professional retraining to (documents on their receipt are considered equivalent).

At the same time, the law does not prohibit it if a student undergoes professional retraining in parallel with mastering the main specialty. In this case, both documents are issued to him after passing the qualifying exams.

What does a professional retraining diploma provide?

According to the law, the holder of a diploma has exactly the same opportunities as a specialist with a standard education. That is, he has the legal right to get a job and engage in specific activities in the profession that is specified in the document.

Students who fail the certification, or are expelled and under-study, are given only a certificate of study.

How long is a professional retraining diploma valid?

Unlike a certificate of advanced training, the validity of which must be renewed periodically, a diploma will always be valid.

According to the law, qualification documents - including professional retraining diplomas - are designed for a certain period of validity. The Ministry of Education and Science has approved recommendations for the preparation of qualification documents, according to which such documents indicate only the date of their issue.

Diploma sample: professional retraining

In accordance with the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Clause 5, Article 60), people who pass the final certification are issued diplomas. A sample diploma of professional retraining can be found on the websites of educational organizations.

The document states that the certification commission certifies the holder’s right to conduct professional activities in the relevant field. In addition, the diploma states to whom it was issued, on what dates the person underwent professional retraining and what the name of the additional professional program was, and what day the commission’s decision was dated. The document is signed by the head of the educational organization and the chairman of the commission.

The annex to the diploma states what disciplines and to what extent the person studied, what the results of exams or tests are and the grade based on the results of general certification.

Have you worked as an accountant all your life, but dream of becoming a photographer? Or maybe you want to improve your work in your current specialty? You need to get professional retraining. But first, you need to understand why professional retraining is needed, as well as what its advantages and differences from a second higher education are.

Definition of vocational training

Professional retraining refers to the acquisition of new skills and knowledge for additional professional education. Retraining is designed for those who already have a higher or secondary vocational education. At the same time, according to Art. 76 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, you can master a new profession both after graduation and in parallel with studying at a university or technical school.

The law also stipulates that training can be built both as a continuous course and in stages.

Professional retraining covers a narrow range of disciplines necessary to study and, as a rule, completing it takes much less time and is much cheaper than obtaining a second higher education degree. In addition, professional retraining programs are more extensive and varied.

Advantages of professional retraining

    Retraining helps both to expand knowledge in an already chosen specialty (and increase competitiveness in the labor market) and to acquire a completely new one.

    Programs are created with a focus on professional standards and employer requirements.

    Training under the professional retraining program takes place in the shortest possible time; there are no general subjects that do not relate to the discipline being studied.

    Studying is relatively inexpensive.

    You can choose any convenient form of education: correspondence, evening, distance learning.

    After professional retraining, you can continue your studies in graduate school.

Professional retraining helps employees advance their careers, find jobs with better working conditions and more decent pay. Professional retraining is indicated for professionals who have been in their positions for a long time and need to update their knowledge and skills.

The convenience of professional retraining is that sometimes you don’t even need to visit an educational institution to study: it is possible to gain knowledge remotely, without interrupting your main job.

For those who want to gain fundamentally new knowledge and a new job, experts recommend that they first of all proceed from their preferences and mindset. People with developed logical thinking are suitable for the profession of economist or financier; for those who get along well with people - a manager. And if you don’t have certain skills and aspirations, but you want to change your profession, it’s better to choose a neutral specialty (operator, sales consultant, and so on).

Types of professional retraining

Depending on the purpose of retraining, there are two types:

    Retraining aimed at improving knowledge and skills in an existing profession. In this case, training programs are created taking into account the specifics of the profession and the requirements of employers. To receive this type of professional retraining, you must have completed secondary vocational or higher education. As a rule, six months are given for training.

    Retraining to acquire additional qualifications (as a profitable alternative to a second higher education). Designed for people with secondary vocational or complete higher education. Study lasts on average two years. The results of exams and tests in overlapping disciplines are re-credited for students.

In both cases, a person receives a standard diploma of completed training.

How the training program is structured

Training programs for professional retraining vary greatly depending on the specialty being mastered. In this case, three options for mastering a new profession are provided:

  • part-time (independent preparation and in-person examination at an educational institution);


The latter form is now the most in demand, since many specialties can be mastered without attending any lectures, and performing practical classes from home.

What is professional retraining?

Professional retraining is a type of additional education that allows an employee in a short time (the program includes only specialized disciplines) to obtain additional competencies (knowledge, abilities, skills, as well as personal qualities) necessary to perform the functions of a new area of ​​professional activity or obtain additional qualifications. Training is carried out taking into account the qualification requirements for specific professions and positions.

Upon completion of the program, students undergo a final certification. Those who successfully pass the test are issued a diploma of the established form. The holder of such a document receives the right to work in a certain field of activity.

What document is issued upon completion of training?

Upon completion of the program, a diploma of professional retraining of the established form is issued.

Is a professional retraining diploma equivalent to higher education?

Diplomas of professional retraining provide approximately the same thing as a second higher education - an additional specialty that forms the basis of your basic education.

The main difference between a diploma of professional retraining and a diploma of second higher education is the duration of study (from 250 academic hours), i.e. you spend less time and, accordingly, money, but graduates of both have the same qualifications and can apply for the same vacancies.

Another difference from a second higher education is a narrower selection of disciplines, necessary only for a given field of activity.

Programs of Prof. retraining is saturated only with special disciplines that are necessary for professional activities. There is nothing extra, superfluous, no water in them. Everything in them is aimed at obtaining the competencies that a person needs when working in a specific field, so that he not only has knowledge, but also knows how to work.

Form of study (full-time, evening, correspondence)?

As in the case of basic higher education programs, when enrolling in professional retraining specialties, you can choose any form of training: on-the-job (evening or distance learning), with partial time off from work (correspondence) and individual forms of training. The form of training for professional retraining programs is determined by the educational institution, depending on the complexity of the program.

What is the difference between a diploma of professional retraining and a diploma of second higher education?

Professional retraining and second higher education are essentially very similar concepts, since they pursue the same goals - expanding the field of knowledge, skills, obtaining a new specialty, etc. However, the following fundamental differences exist between these concepts.

First, you need to decide that higher education and professional retraining, which is additional education, belong to different educational programs. This is clearly stated in Art. 9 of the Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education”, which regulates the relevant areas of training.

1. Higher education, including second higher education, is aimed at training highly qualified personnel (Part 1 of Article 69 of the Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ).

Professional retraining is aimed at obtaining the competence necessary to perform a new type of professional activity, acquiring new skills, new qualifications (Part 5 of Article 76 of the Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ).

2. Higher education can be obtained only in an educational organization of higher education (clause 4, part 2, article 23 of the Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ).

Professional retraining can also be completed in other educational institutions (Parts 6, 10, Article 76 of the Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ).

3. A second higher education can only be obtained if you have a basic higher education.

They can receive a second or subsequent higher education in the following educational programs of higher education (Part 8 of Article 69 of the Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ):

  1. persons with a bachelor's, specialist's or master's degree - in bachelor's or specialist's programs;
  2. persons with a specialist or master's degree - in master's programs;
  3. persons who have a diploma of completion of residency or completion of an assistantship-internship - in residency or assistantship-internship programs;
  4. persons who have a diploma of completion of postgraduate study (postgraduate studies) or a diploma of a candidate of sciences - in programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel.

Note. Persons with higher professional education, confirmed by the assignment of the qualification “certified specialist”, have the right to be admitted on a competitive basis to study in master’s programs, which is not considered as receiving by these persons a second or subsequent higher education (Part 15 of Article 108 of the Law of December 29. .2012 N 273-FZ).

You can undergo professional retraining if you have a higher or secondary vocational education. In addition, you can undergo professional retraining if you receive secondary or higher vocational education (Part 3 of Article 76 of the Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ).

4. Upon receipt of a second higher education, a diploma is issued (bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s diploma) (clauses 2, 3, 4, part 7, article 60 of the Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ).

Upon completion of professional retraining, a diploma of professional retraining is issued (clause 1, part 10, article 60, part 15, article 76 of the Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ).

Note. If a person undergoing retraining receives secondary or higher education, then a retraining diploma will be issued to him simultaneously with the corresponding document on education and qualifications (Part 16 of Article 76 of the Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ).

Are there any advantages of a retraining program compared to a second higher education?

  • Training under a professional retraining program takes a significantly shorter period of time (the standard period of study under a higher education program is 3.5 years for those who already have a higher education and 5-6 years for those who enter after the 11th grade).
  • This is “on-the-job training”, according to a schedule and form convenient for you: evening, part-time, part-time, part-time, on weekends, etc.
  • This is a focus on students obtaining practical skills and specific knowledge in their chosen field of activity. The professional retraining program places emphasis on professional disciplines.
  • The tuition fee is significantly less than for a second higher education.
  • To enroll, you do not need to take any entrance exams; you just need to write an application.

Do I need to take exams for admission?

Unlike the second higher education, when applying for additional education programs, you do not need to take entrance exams; you just need to fill out an application and sign an agreement.

Form of payment; Is it a one-time payment or is it possible to pay in installments?

Payment is either a one-time payment or installment payments are available.

What are the training periods?

Professional retraining programs start from 250 and end with 900 academic hours. This takes from 3 months to a year.

Are there age restrictions?

There are no age restrictions, only basic education is required.

Does a professional retraining diploma provide a guarantee of employment?

Training in professional retraining programs is necessary to bring the education of enterprise employees into compliance with the introduced professional standards that establish the requirements for the specialty of a higher education diploma and the position held (Federal Law No. 122 of 05/02/2015). Consequently, this is a prerequisite for employment and contributes to maintaining an existing position and career growth.

Professional retraining is a type of additional education that allows an employee in a short time (from 3 months) to acquire additional knowledge and skills necessary to perform the functions of a new area of ​​professional activity or obtain additional qualifications.

In an increasingly competitive labor market, additional vocational education increases employment opportunities.

What primary education is needed for professional retraining?

To obtain a diploma of professional retraining, you must have a diploma of higher, secondary or primary vocational education.

Does the professional retraining diploma have state accreditation?

With the adoption of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation on education dated December 29, 2012, all diplomas, including higher education, do not have state accreditation.

Does your diploma give you the right to conduct activities only in the Rosneft company, or can I get a job at any other enterprise with it?

A diploma of professional retraining indicates a wide range of professional competencies of a person, which gives him a significant advantage when finding employment in various structures.

Where does the training take place?

Training is conducted in the evening from 19.00, Krasnoyarsk, Svobodny Ave., 82, building 6, as well as remotely or at the location of the training customer.

The professional retraining system is a training complex that allows you to acquire new knowledge that may be required for another profession. There are two types of professional retraining:

  • mastering another profession - acquiring narrowly focused knowledge in a certain area necessary for a particular specialty. The period of preparation of this kind is at least six months. The training itself takes from 250 to 500 training hours. Upon completion of the courses, state certification is carried out and a state diploma is issued, indicating professional retraining;
  • obtaining additional qualifications - mastering disciplines common to the main profession. At the end of the training, retests are carried out, based on the results of which a state diploma is issued. This process involves about a thousand sessions. The main difference from a second higher education is the opportunity to acquire additional qualifications.

The main goal of this type of training is to gain the opportunity to work in a new profession or position.

Thus, people who want to get a different specialty than the one they already have are interested in professional retraining.

Increasing the level of existing qualifications

Since work processes and their technologies do not stand still, constantly developing and improving, employees need to improve their own knowledge and skills. This need is met by another type of training - advanced training. It includes three types:

  • Short-term courses - consist of 72 lessons covering specific thematic sections. The peculiarity of such courses is that they are conducted by qualified employees of the same organization in which those wishing to improve their qualifications work. Upon completion of training, personnel are tested in an exam, after which a certificate is issued;
  • Long-term courses include a significantly larger number of classes - up to five hundred, and also involve a more in-depth study of individual topics. Courses of this kind are necessary, first of all, for those who wish to improve their knowledge to perform a wider range of business responsibilities;
  • Thematic seminars dedicated to a specific subject or problem. This type of training usually includes about a hundred classes, allowing you to acquire the necessary skills at an accelerated pace. This variety can also be used in production as training to solve specific problems in a particular industry.

The main purpose of these courses is to improve and complement existing knowledge, and improve the quality and level of skills possessed by employees.

Main differences

Comparing the two types of additional vocational training, you can see that these concepts are quite close. However, there is a significant difference:

  • the amount of time allocated directly to classes;
  • terms of training - depending on the number of training hours;
  • document issued at the end of training. Completion of retraining is evidenced by a state-issued diploma, and advanced training is evidenced by a certificate or certificate;
  • final specialist status. After undergoing retraining, the employee receives the prospect of performing a completely different type of activity, and increasing his professional level allows him to perform his duties at a higher level;
  • monetary costs - for advanced training they are significantly less.