A message on the topic of the Russian squad. Is the squad a princely army or a public organization? See what “druzhina” is in other dictionaries


As a result of mastering the materials presented in Chapter 7, students will develop:

  • ? General cultural competencies (GC): OK-15, OK-16, OK-8;
  • ? Professional competencies(PC): PC-2, PC-3, PC-4, PC-5, PC-12, PC-29, PC-34, PC-35, PC-49, PC-50, PC-51.


Studying and assimilating the materials presented in Chapter 7 will allow you to: know:

  • ? content and specifics of managerial work;
  • ? meaning management decisions in ensuring the competitiveness of the company;
  • ? sequence of work in the decision-making process;
  • ? technical means used in management;
  • ? classify management decisions;
  • ? use various sources information for evaluating alternatives when making management decisions;
  • ? evaluate the effectiveness of managerial work;
  • ? main elements of management culture;
  • ? various ways of making management decisions;
  • ? skills in conducting business conversations.


Managerial work has its own specifics, since managerial work is mental, although it has elements of physical labor.

K. Marx divided mental work into three types. The result of the first type is a “finished product” in the form of books, paintings and other works of science and art created by scientists, writers and artists.

The product of the second type of mental labor is the activity of teachers, lecturers, actors, doctors, etc., i.e. this labor is inseparable from the labor process.

The third type is directly related to material production, i.e. management employees are directly involved in production material goods.

All three types of mental labor are represented in management. Management personnel are engaged in management work, i.e. managers, specialists and technical performers.

The subject of management work is information, the result of management work is management decisions. The product of managerial labor (managerial decision) is inseparable from the activities of the manager. When making a decision and communicating it to his subordinates, the leader must be convinced of its necessity and expediency, must organize its implementation, and at the same time he acts as a scientist, speaker, teacher, theorist and propagandist.

Thus, the specificity of managerial work is that it represents all types of mental work. It is creative because it is based on the science and art of management and requires significant expenditure of mental energy (attention, memory, will).

Managerial work directly affects production, so it can be called productive. The term “managerial labor productivity” can be considered legitimate.

Another feature is the difference between the technology of managerial labor and the technology of production labor. The technology of production labor is more or less stable, repeated day after day, and designed in advance. The technology of managerial work is constantly changing, new production situations arise, which each time require new management decisions.

Management personnel perform work that varies in nature and content, and in cycle duration. Many jobs are random. The work of management employees is not always amenable to formalization; it is difficult to measure and standardize it.

Managerial work consists of:

  • supplementing management functions, i.e. collection, processing, transmission of information (working with documents) and development of management decisions;
  • working with people, receiving visitors;
  • organization of personal work;
  • planning and time allocation;
  • conducting conversations;
  • telephone conversations;
  • visiting workplaces;
  • organizing and conducting office meetings. Management decisions in companies are a creative act of the subject of management that determines the program of the team’s activities to achieve the set goal with the least expenditure of labor, material and financial resources based on knowledge of the objective conditions for the functioning of the managed object and analysis of the necessary information.

Development effective solutions- a fundamental prerequisite for ensuring the competitiveness of a company in the market, namely:

  • creating an effective team professional managers;
  • formation of organizational structures;
  • implementation of correct personnel policy;
  • regulation of socio-economic and psychological

relations in the company;

Creating a positive image of the company, etc.

An incorrect management decision can send performers down the wrong path, leading to a decrease in product quality, waste of labor, material and financial resources, and thus the loss of markets for the company's goods.

At the stages of implementation of the decision made, the entire staff of the company participates (Fig. 7.1), which translates into reality and materializes the goals of the company in its field of activity. Competitiveness of the company completely depends on the level of the organization and on the efficiency of the company’s personnel, on the management of the processes of all types of the company’s activities.

In preparing a management decision important role plays by the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of receipt of the necessary information. They are presented to her high requirements. The clarity of the task statement, data analysis, and the efficiency of processing results depend on the qualifications of the personnel and the methods and technologies used in the process of management work.

Despite the huge variety of activities, production tasks, conditions and situations in which they occur, the classification of management decisions according to a number of common features and grounds is possible and useful (Fig. 7.2), while certain types of management tasks correspond to certain methods for solving them.

In typical work situations, typical (standard) solutions are used. Rules and instructions are being developed for performing a number of works, defining the conditions for making positive or negative decisions.

In practice, few management decisions turn out to be completely programmable (i.e., stereotyped) or non-programmable. Many solutions require a creative, individual approach.

Rice. 7.1.

decision making

There are various decision making methods:

  • analytical;
  • intuitive;
  • based on previous experience;
  • rational;
  • standard;
  • risk based;
  • spontaneous, etc.

Rice. 7.2. Classification of management decisions effect: a rational decision is justified using an objective analytical process.

An important decision is usually accompanied by numerous subsequent decisions. It affects everything structural links companies. An effective manager must understand the interdependence of decisions and choose alternatives that make the greatest contribution to increasing the competitiveness of the company. The decision sometimes involves compromises, difficulties, dangerous consequences and side effects, the significance of which the manager must foresee and be ready to prepare appropriate measures to prevent them.

Decision making is a central element of administrative activity. This special kind activities aimed at choosing the best of the available alternatives.

The conditions of choice are influenced by the novelty of the problem under consideration. If the same problem occurs repeatedly, the manager develops standard methods for solving it. Over time, these methods may become part of the regulatory documents that define the solution. In this case, the choice disappears.

Decision-making problems are called unique choice problems when either the object of choice or the setting in which it is made is new. The manager must know the rules for instructing subordinates in order to be able to explain to them the logical basis for the choice and the procedure for completing the task.

Problems of rational choice in unique situations characteristic of administrative activities have the following common features:

  • uniqueness, unrepeatability of the situation of choice;
  • the difficulty of assessing the alternatives under consideration;
  • insufficient certainty of the consequences of decisions made;
  • the presence of a set of heterogeneous factors that should be taken into account;
  • appointment of a person or group of decision makers (DMs).

Problems of rational choice in unique situations have always existed, but for a number of reasons in last years their importance has increased significantly due to the fact that:

  • 1) dynamism has increased sharply environment and the period of time when previously made decisions remain correct has decreased;
  • 2) the development of science and technology led to the emergence large number alternative choices when making a decision;
  • 3) the complexity of each of the decision options has increased;
  • 4) interdependence has increased various solutions and their consequences.

The requirements for information necessary for making management decisions have also become significantly more complex (Fig. 7.3).

In situations where unique decisions are made, there is always a lack of information, which can only be filled through practical experience and detailed elaboration of various hypotheses. Experienced leaders tend to listen to everything useful tips, but act in their own way, based on their vision of the development of future events, their assessment of certain performers. Thus, when solving problems of choosing a management decision in unique situations, the manager has to overcome a number of significant additional difficulties.

In most cases, assessments of the quality of alternatives can be roughly divided according to the criteria of effectiveness and cost.

For many unique choice problems, the concepts of “cost” and “effectiveness” are multifaceted. As a rule, for rational decision Direct and indirect evaluations of effectiveness, environmental evaluations and side effects must be taken into account. Monetary performance evaluations are only one approach. The same applies to estimates of losses in risky situations, since many losses when implementing alternatives cannot be expressed in money.

Management decisions made can significantly influence various aspects production, which increases the number of possible assessments. Typically, changes in estimates over time need to be taken into account. Along with the well-known economic rule of accounting for future costs and results, problems of accounting for new types of assessments that characterize the consequences of a decision at different points in the future increasingly arise.

Setting the problem and developing a model of the decision-making process, as well as alternatives for achieving it, are important stages work on a management decision (Fig. 7.4).

Comparing heterogeneous aspects of evaluating an alternative often creates difficulties for the manager, so it is necessary to avoid subjectivity in comparisons, as this causes additional criticism. An even more complex situation arises in collective decision-making: each member of the collective decision-making body may have different measures for comparing heterogeneous qualities. Some may be interested primarily in economic criteria, others in environmental ones, and still others in lobbying specific interests.

Rice. 7.3.

company management

Rice. 7.4.

Rice. 7.4.

Rice. 7.4.

Consequently, several alternatives may have different evaluations, and the outcome of the choice depends on which of these evaluations are optimal in the case under consideration.

The main source of information for evaluating alternatives is the professionalism of experts and decision-makers, according to the hierarchy of responsibilities assigned to them and allocated powers in the management structure.

Middle and lower level managers endorse the decision, senior manager signs it, accepting full responsibility. Therefore, the highest-ranking manager, not completely trusting his subordinates to make decisions, seeks to find competent experts who could impartially assess the quality of the proposed solution options. Often the best solution to a problem arises after re-evaluating it, i.e. after searching for a new alternative.

Administrative bodies typically have organizational systems for solving complex choice problems, which consist of established rules for collecting and analyzing information (usually with deadlines), the procedure for considering options, their agreement and approval.

The widespread introduction of computers into the economy has led to a reduction in human labor costs in many areas of activity. First of all, standard operations and accepted and approved office procedures (banking operations, accounting calculations) were transferred to computers. Next came the turn of repeated management decisions in identical situations. Currently, heuristic programs have already been written and used to solve problems that were in the past the prerogative of human creative activity - proving theorems, solving complex logical problems etc. In the offices of large companies, where the latest computer technology management processes operate, they are considered as a universal tool that guarantees a modern level and high quality management. The possibilities of using e-commerce technologies and ERP systems confirm this.

The rapid development in Russia of the market for management consulting services is a natural result of the increasing complexity of managing firms in the economy. The objective need to use consultants and specialists in the design of organizational structures for the purposes of reengineering in the administrative apparatus is continuously increasing. Along with other factors, this need is associated with rapid changes in engineering and technology of control processes in the surrounding world since the mid-1990s.

There are two reasons preventing the use of more advanced methods and procedures for making management decisions. First of which is associated with the traditional prejudices of management staff, attachment to the usual forms of preparing management decisions. Second- with the imperfection of the style and methods of work of foreign consultants, transferring Russian conditions Western experience without taking into account the specifics of domestic reality.

But in recent years, the new generation of Russian managers has received good knowledge possibilities of modern Internet technologies, constantly works with computers, has much higher qualifications and is able to quickly make complex management decisions.

Any collaboration between managers and consultants - two-way process. Simply instructions from senior managers cannot stimulate the “implementation” of new decision-making methods, since the joint work of staff and consultants is necessary. Structuring the decision-making process and judicious use of experts can lead to an increase in the manager's ability to effectively decide increasingly complex problems.

Specialists in methods for optimizing management decisions and consultants-analysts face complex problems. Many real processes occurring in the administrative apparatus are much more complex than those for which standard analytical approaches have already been developed. Sometimes the interests of structural divisions and the company as a whole do not coincide. Not always in conflict situation a compromise solution is clearly being developed that takes into account the different interests and goals of other departments; the technology for making decisions by the management team has not been worked out. Because of this, there are additional problems in coordinating the work of various departments of the management apparatus, detailed and labor-intensive coordination of conflicting interests is required.

In real situations, when making managerial decisions, a manager is required to have such qualities as mastery of the art of analyzing a situation, deep professional knowledge of techniques and methods of decision-making, the ability to provide evidence-based arguments, professional skills in managing people, having adequate knowledge of economics and labor organization and , of course, management.

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Throughout the life of human society, there have been those who lead and those who are led. But people until the beginning of the 20th century attached little importance to the very concept of management. Leaders (customers, managers and others) managed based on intuition. At that time they did not think about it seriously. From the beginning of the 20th century, management began to emerge as an independent science and continues to develop today. Throughout the development of this science, the main focus has been on how a leader must lead in order for the organization to work effectively.

Modern development of society shows that successful activity The organization largely depends on skillful and competent leadership.

In this work we will consider issues such as: managerial work: characteristics, features, types; types of division of labor of managers; requirements for managers; manager and entrepreneur; types of managerial work; management levels.

1. Managerial work: characteristics, features, types

Managerial work is a type of labor activity, operation and work to perform management functions in an organization by administrative and managerial employees.

Managerial labor emerged during the period of division and cooperation of labor.

The work of administrative and managerial workers is integral part total social labor. Consequently, the more efficient the labor in the management system, the higher the results of the total labor.

However, administrative and managerial employees, unlike workers, do not themselves directly influence the subject of labor, i.e. do not produce with their own hands (using labor tools) material assets. They create the necessary organizational, technical and socio-economic prerequisites for efficient work people directly involved in production (commercial) operations. Consequently, the higher the quality of management functions, the more reliable and efficient the production facility will function. In the process of managerial work, certain resources are used - material, financial, labor - buildings, structures, means and objects of labor of employees of the management apparatus, costs for the functioning of the management system, qualified specialists, etc. The efficiency of their use also affects the final results of production activities. Thus, managerial labor is a type of social productive labor, since the total product is the result of the activities of production workers and management personnel. It is just as necessary as the labor of workers.

Managerial work is extremely diverse, and therefore the operations and procedures that characterize the content of this work are difficult to clearly classify and typify. In addition, the range of management operations is continuously expanding, and the operations themselves are changing due to, on the one hand, the transformation of management methods and areas of their application and, on the other hand, due to the increasing use of new technical means of storing, transmitting, accumulating, and processing information. Revolutionary changes in the content of operations and management work procedures are being introduced by computer technology, which makes it possible to introduce fundamentally new information technologies. Nevertheless, it is possible to identify the most characteristic operations of managerial work, which occur primarily in the process of developing and making management decisions.

They are:

* formulation of the problem;

* searching for information manually and using computers;

* information analysis;

* grouping information (manually or using a computer);

* simple calculations without a computer;

* calculations using a computer;

* preparation of decisions;

* individual decision making;

* making decisions collectively;

* paperwork, writing letters, etc.

The (indirect) impact of administrative and managerial workers on the product of total labor is carried out through the use of information and its transformation into appropriate decisions to change the state of this object in the direction of achieving the set goals.

Therefore, the main feature of the work of administrative and managerial workers is the informational nature of the subject and product of their work, due to the fundamental difference between the labor process (in its content and results) from other types of labor.

The final product of management work is decisions that determine the measures of control influences on objects. But not all solutions, only implemented ones. The results of the work of employees as a whole should be assessed not by the number of orders or documents issued, but by their impact on the activities of the entire team of the organization or its division. This entails a very significant specific requirement for solving issues of organizing the work of employees - a preliminary analysis of document forms, methods and means of performing various labor functions in order to identify and eliminate structural and documentation excesses, improve organizational forms of management using the capabilities of automated systems.

Another feature of managerial work is its mental nature. This follows from the informational nature of the subject and product of work, due to which administrative and managerial workers, as a rule, have to expend a significant amount of nervous and emotional effort, especially when searching for and implementing solutions.

In management, as in any other type of labor activity, there is a division of labor. This division is manifested in connection with the difference in control objects. The difference in classes and types of management objects leads to the need for specialization of managers depending on the sphere, branch of the economy, and the type of managed object. There is also a division by types of management activities, by management specialties, for example, analysts, planners, accountants, and managers are distinguished.

From the standpoint of the specific content of work, operations, procedures performed by employees engaged in management work, their role in the preparation and adoption of management decisions, different groups of management workers are also distinguished. This division reflects different levels of complexity of individual operations, requirements for professionalism, and decision-making powers. Employees directly or indirectly involved in management, sometimes known as “white collar workers,” are divided into three categories depending on the nature and content of the functions performed:

* managers represented by executives and managers empowered to make management decisions and directly carry out control actions;

* specialists represented by employees of the management services apparatus, officials who analyze information about the management object, participate in the preparation, discussion, selection of management decisions, and prepare recommendations for managers;

* technical performers serving managers and specialists performing auxiliary operations to support the management process and its participants.

Each of these groups has its own characteristics, both in terms of the content of their work and the nature of mental stress, and in terms of the impact on the results of the work collective.

Thus, the heads of organizations and their departments determine the goals and directions of activity, select and place personnel, coordinate the work of performers, production (commercial) and management departments, ensure coordinated, well-coordinated and effective work of the relevant teams. Creative operations predominate in their work, although there are significant differences between them (the managers).

The work of managers is very diverse and responsible. It combines individual, collegial and collective activities.

The manager must personally familiarize himself with information, incoming documentation, check, sign, and sometimes prepare outgoing letters and documents, think through upcoming decisions and make them, analyze the current situation, ongoing processes related to the object of management. This shows individual activity manager

At the same time, managers are called upon to participate in collegial decision-making with the participation of managers of higher and lower levels, partners, subordinates, subordinate specialists, advisors to public and trade union leaders. This is mainly an advisory activity.

Collective activity is the work of a manager with the production, labor collective, and performers.

During contacts and communication with employees, the manager finds out the socio-psychological situation in the team, listens to the opinions and complaints of employees, informs them about preparations and decisions made, justifies the need and feasibility of implementing plans, activities, encourages them to be effective, quality work. Contacts with performers can be in the nature of production meetings, meetings, visits to departments, workplaces, and personal receptions.

The work of specialists (engineers, technicians, economists, etc.) is more clearly outlined and defined, who develop and implement new or improved types of products, technological processes, as well as forms of labor organization and management, provide the enterprise with the necessary documentation, materials, repairs and other service, carry out commercial activities, i.e. perform a specific function or part of a function. The activities of specialists combine creative and repetitive operations, although there are also significant differences between them (specialists).

Specialists, being consultants, advisers, assistant managers, performing work necessary for management, are rarely authorized to make decisions that are within the competence of their manager. But they have a huge influence on management decision-making, putting forward and justifying certain options for such decisions and participating together with the manager in choosing the final option, convincing him in favor of one or another decision. With a manager who is incompetent in his field and not competent enough, the fate of management decisions most often lies in the hands of specialists.

Technical performers (secretaries, clerks, accountants and others) perform a variety of work related to supporting the activities of managers and specialists. Their work is considered to be the easiest to manage, and to a certain extent it is so. Moreover, their work is dominated by repetitive operations. Although, with the increasing use of computer and other information technology in production and management, a significant increase in the volume of management information, the need to systematize it, and sift out redundant information, the work of support staff becomes sharply more complicated, requires training, knowledge, experience, and increasingly affects the quality of management processes in in general. In addition, the share of creative operations in it is increasing.

IN modern conditions 3 types of managerial work can be distinguished: heuristic, administrative and operator.

Heuristic work is primarily the work of managers and specialists. It most fully reflects the nature of creative mental activity, its psychophysiological essence.

Analytical operations involve obtaining and perceiving information necessary for decision-making. Such operations, depending on the forms and methods of their implementation, include: review and study of various documents and literary sources; conducting oral interviews, surveys and direct observations; presentation of the results of the analysis in relevant documents (certificates, reports, analytical reviews); establishing or clarifying the diagnosis of the current situation.

Constructive operations are associated with the preparation and adoption of various kinds of decisions. These operations vary depending on the content, nature and complexity of solutions, as well as on the corresponding methods of their individual and collective search.

Administrative work is a specific type of mental work, the functional purpose of which is to directly control the actions and behavior of people in the process of their work activities.

The process of administrative work consists of the implementation of the following organizational and administrative operations: service and communication (transmission and reception of oral information through telephone conversations, walking around workplaces, receiving employees and visitors, moving within the enterprise); administrative (communicating decisions to performers by issuing oral orders, written orders, instructions, setting tasks for performers or approving personal work plans drawn up by them, oral instructions in the process of performing tasks and instructions, drawing up and approving written instructions); coordination (mutual coordination of the work of departments and services through meetings and sessions, drawing up a work schedule indicating performers and deadlines); control and evaluation (control of the execution of orders, decisions of meetings, plans, tasks, instructions, evaluation of the work of departments and performers, incentives and penalties).

Operator labor is mainly the work of technical performers to perform stereotypical, repetitive operations necessary for information support production and management processes.

It should be noted that the content of the work of administrative and managerial workers does not remain unchanged. Research shows that accounting, information and documentation operations still occupy up to 70% of their working time. However, as a result of the use of technical means by managers and specialists, the transfer of stereotypical, meaningless functions to machines, the creation of new methods and means of labor, and the improvement of management organization, the content of their work changes significantly and increases in their work.

2. Types of division of labor of managers

There are three types of division of labor: functional, structural and technological (professional and qualification).

1) Functional separation labor is based on the formation of groups of management workers performing the same management functions (for example, a planning group, a motivation group, etc.).

2) Structural separation The work of managers is based on such characteristics of the managed object as organizational structure, scale of production, field of activity, etc.

The structural division of labor is divided into vertical and horizontal.

The vertical division of labor is based on the identification of three main levels of management: lower, middle, higher.

Table 1 - Types of managers by management level

Management level


Main goals

The president

Executive Vice President

Director of the organization, his deputies

Managers responsible for functional subsystems

Formulating the goals of the organization and departments, developing long-term plans, adapting the organization to various changes, interaction of the organization with the external environment

Head (director) of the branch

Head of Department


Coordination of the work of lower-level managers, management of individual specialized divisions and functions


Head of the functional bureau in the workshop

Direct organization and management of employees engaged in core activities, control over the use of raw materials and equipment

Horizontal division of labor is the placement of specific managers at the head of individual departments. Horizontal division of labor involves the specialization of managers in key areas of activity that form the subsystems of the enterprise. Such subsystems are: personnel, production, marketing, finance, research and development.

Figure 1 - Structural division of labor of managers

3) Technological (professional and qualification) division of labor takes into account the types and complexity of the work performed. In accordance with this type of division of labor, three categories of workers are distinguished within the organization’s management apparatus:




3. Requirements for managers

The concept of "manager" has a very broad meaning and is used in relation to:

The organizer of specific types of work within individual divisions or program-target groups;

The head of the enterprise as a whole or its divisions (divisions, divisions, departments);

Leader in relation to subordinates;

An administrator at any level of management who organizes work, guided by modern methods, etc.

In world practice, it is customary to distinguish managers at three levels:




In accordance with these levels, managers are required to different requirements. These requirements are high for any level of managers. In general, middle-level line managers are involved in solving assigned tasks, lower-level managers are involved in eliminating problems associated with achieving goals, and senior-level managers are involved in setting overall goals. Thus, although it appears that responsibility is evenly distributed, most of it falls on top-level managers. It is so customary that if an enterprise fails, then the manager is blamed for everything, and if the company achieves success, then this success belongs exclusively to the employees of this organization.

However, one can list General requirements requirements for managers of any level. So, the requirements can be divided into 6 main blocks:

1. Knowledge of specialty:

Knowledge of production process technology and its functioning;

Knowledge of management theory, basic laws and techniques;

Knowledge of general economic theory;

Knowledge of marketing theory;

As well as general erudition in the specialty;

Knowledge of the science of psychology (very important when working with people);

2. Personal qualities:

Ability to stay in shape;

Endurance in a state of uncertainty and stress;

Endurance in any conflict situation;

Communication skills;

Listening skills;


Adaptability to the situation;

Receptivity to criticism, self-criticism;

The desire to succeed and the willingness to work for it;

Age and external data;

Strength of will;

3. Personal abilities:

The ability to persuade, to push through your ideas (charisma);

Ability to distribute responsibilities and give clear instructions;

Ability to stimulate and motivate employees;

Ease of communication, tact and diplomacy;

4. Intellectual abilities:

Intelligence and prudence;

Creative potential;

Ability to make the right decision;

Logical, structural, systems thinking;


5. Working techniques:

Rationality and consistency in work;

Ability to concentrate as much as possible;

Ability to make decisions and solve problems;


Ability to express thoughts and negotiate;

6. Physical capabilities:

Activity and mobility;


Strength and health.

4. Manager and entrepreneur

According to P. Drucker, “a manager is a person who provides leadership, gives directions, develops and makes decisions.” The main driving force of a manager is the use of available resources. He is obliged to select criteria for evaluating the organization’s activities and establish a system of planning and control. In implementing his own or someone else’s plan, a manager is characterized by a multitude of opinions and factors taken into account, and the desire to reduce risk. His perception is evolutionary and long-term oriented. When using resources, the manager is primarily interested in fulfilling the conditions set by the business owners and in creating a stable system for allocating resources. In general, a true manager strives to create universal schemes and procedures in all areas of his activity, not excluding his personal life. “A manager is someone who knows how to organize his work so that it fits into the 9 to 18 schedule; he knows how to arrange things in such a way that it does not fall apart when he goes on vacation and does not stop when he goes on an important business trip; he knows everything he needs to know, and knows from which specialist he can find out what he himself does not need to know; he works with the organization of the business, and not with the business itself.

An entrepreneur works in his business, is “inside” it: the business of the Entrepreneur is inseparable from himself, it dies, starting from the very moment when the Entrepreneur, for one reason or another, stops doing it. The manager starts working on his business and gets good results when the business starts to live independent life, can be easily separated from it and transferred to another manager, for example, a professional Manager.”

For a manager, his status and the amount of power and the amount of material remuneration are important.

Common mistakes made by managers:

The desire to climb the career ladder as quickly as possible, without connecting it with the results actually achieved;

Preoccupation with status symbols, such as office size or mobile phone model;

Cares first of all about his own interests, while a good leader also cares about his people;

The desire for self-isolation.

If you try to create a portrait of an ideal manager, you will get something like this: inner freedom, initiative, rationality and criticality, logic and integrity, openness to information, dynamism, broad outlook, high professionalism, the ability to inspire trust and manage people’s attention, goal orientation.

As is the case with entrepreneurs, ideal managers are rare in nature. Most often, companies are headed by people who combine these two aspects.

The term “entrepreneurship” was introduced back in the 18th century by the French economist Cantilon and meant “initiative independent activity of citizens aimed at generating profit or personal income, carried out on their own behalf, at their own peril and risk and under their own property responsibility.”

In almost unchanged form, this definition is still true today. Entrepreneurs act at the intersection of business ideas with the legal environment, economic situation, political situation and ethical standards. The difference is that an entrepreneur, in spirit and style of work, can act not only on his own behalf, but also on behalf of the company at the peril and risk of its shareholders.

According to M. Weber, there are two types of entrepreneurs - rational and adventurous. The first is based on ethics (often called “Protestant or capitalist ethics”) and focuses on guaranteed profits in the future. The second one acts on the principle “if you don’t cheat, you don’t sell,” striving for immediate gains. Unfortunately, the majority of our new entrepreneurs belong to the second type, and this has created a negative connotation in the perception of the word itself. However, only rational entrepreneurs have a chance to get into big business.

Entrepreneurship is the quality on which any business is based at the first stage of its development. “Business Psychology” contains a list of requirements for an entrepreneur in alphabetical order: adaptability, activity, faith, will, imagination, flexibility, efficiency, love of life, ingenuity, individualism, initiative, intuition, control, resourcefulness, innovation, education, resourcefulness, optimism, responsibility, search for new solutions, practicality, enterprise, self-criticism, freedom to manage funds, risk-taking, courage, ability to develop, ability to contact people, ability to plan.

We have to admit that in life such a set of qualities can be found extremely rarely. Most often, we see everyday “enterprise”, which is transferred from everyday achievements to business and helps to earn money for an inexpensive car and a built-in kitchen.

The finest hour of true entrepreneurs comes in times of change: technological revolutions, political cataclysms, mass consumer hysteria, etc. Then they start talking about “the spirit of entrepreneurship in the air.”

The main driving force of an entrepreneur is to take advantage of emerging opportunities. It is characterized by a revolutionary, result-oriented perception of reality. However, the habit of acting under risk conditions often leads to a narrowing of the planning horizon and limits the range of factors taken into account by entrepreneurs when making decisions.

When using resources, many entrepreneurs have to invent new ways to save them and show all possible flexibility.

Finally, entrepreneurs need to constantly monitor the preservation of their property rights, the desire of employees for independence and maintain control over the situation.

But as soon as business begins to stabilize and free resources appear, most entrepreneurs become bored and begin to look for new opportunities for new exploits in the business niche.

At the beginning of the journey of many entrepreneurs there was nothing supernatural or especially heroic. It’s just that, largely under the pressure of circumstances, they somehow took the first step, which entailed subsequent actions.

Entrepreneurial behavior is characterized by a creative, non-standard approach to solving production problems. In this way, it differs from the so-called incremental behavior, which focuses on planning from the available level and extrapolation of the patterns of the past for the future period.

The entrepreneurial incentive system rewards creativity and initiative, unlike other incentive systems that reward past performance and stability of results.

The main difficulty for entrepreneurs is not to find an idea or resources, but to find their client and organize the process of interaction with him. That is, to play an essentially different role - the role of a “manager”.

Any entrepreneur is also (to one degree or another) a manager. It is characterized by more professional knowledge of the field of activity and the presence of certain knowledge in the field of theory and practice of managing production, sales and marketing activities.

5. Types of managerial work

Division of managerial labor- an objective process of isolating its individual types into independent spheres of labor activity of various groups of managerial workers, which helps to improve the quality of management influences.

Types of division of managerial labor

1. Functional division of labor (horizontal), involving the allocation of functions objectively necessary for effective management organization, and assigning them to individual employees and departments of the management apparatus. As a result, managers, specialists, and employees are identified according to their functional role in the management process. All categories of employees contribute to the development and implementation of control actions (see clause 1.3).

2. Hierarchical (vertical) division of labor provides for the distribution of work packages for the implementation of management functions across the levels of the management hierarchy, assigning them to individual management employees and forming the powers of the latter on this basis. The vertical division of labor forms management levels.

3. Technological division of labor- this is the differentiation of the management process into operations for the collection, transmission, storage, analysis and transformation of information performed by certain categories of workers.

4. Professional division of labor involves differentiation of managerial work and assignment to individual employees in accordance with their professional training.

5. Qualification division of labor- distribution of work in accordance with the degree of professional training. For example, the level of qualification of specialists is characterized by category, rank or class.

6. Official division of labor involves differentiation of managerial work in accordance with the competence of employees (a set of rights, duties, responsibilities).

Types of leaders

1. Based on the division of labor, line and functional managers (supervisors, managers) are distinguished.

Line managers- persons acting on the basis of unity of command, responsible for the condition and development of the organization or its divisions. For example, line managers are: director, head of the domestic tourism department, head of a group, sector, etc.

Functional managers- persons responsible for a certain functional area of ​​activity in the management system, heading functional units. For example, marketing director, HR director, etc.

2. According to their place in the management system of organizations, they are distinguished:

lower-level managers (heads of sectors, groups, foremen, etc.);

mid-level managers (heads of departments, product, project, regional managers, etc.);

senior managers (director, his deputies).

Each level of management differs in the nature of the work performed. Thus, the work of managers at the lower level of management is associated with the solution of mainly operational (coordination, control, regulation of activities) and tactical problems, characterized by a variety of actions performed, frequent changes activities, constant communication with immediate superiors and subordinates. The actions of middle managers are dominated by the solution of tactical problems, however, issues of a strategic nature can be resolved. Senior managers determine the general directions of the functioning and development of the organization and its major components. The corresponding activity has a strategic orientation, is characterized by scale, complexity, and connection with the external environment of the organization. Structure of working time for managers (Fig. 2):

To summarize, we note that the division of managerial labor is an important factor in increasing its effectiveness, and in each organization it takes on its own specific form. As for the vertical division of labor, in small-sized organizations, which is typical for tourism activities, there may be no middle level of management.

6. Levels of Management

In a large organization, all management work is strictly divided horizontally and vertically. Horizontally, specific managers are placed at the head of individual divisions (heads of departments). Superior managers coordinate the work of subordinate managers, who, in turn, also coordinate the work of managers below them, and so on until they descend to the level of a manager who coordinates the work of non-managerial personnel, i.e. workers who physically produce products or provide services. This vertical division of labor forms levels of management.

The number of control levels may vary. Many levels do not yet determine the effectiveness of management. The number of levels is sometimes determined by the size of the organization and the volume of management work. Sometimes this is a historically established structure.

Regardless of the number of levels of management, all managers are divided into three categories based on the functions they perform in the organization: lower-level managers, middle managers and senior managers.

There is a parallel division of managers into three levels, introduced by the American sociologist Talcott Parsons: the technical level corresponds to the level of the lower level, the managerial level corresponds to the level of middle managers, the institutional level corresponds to the level of senior management (see Fig. 3).

Levels of Management

Lines a, b, c show that at each subsequent level of management there are fewer management personnel.

The institutional level also refers to the level of special structures, so-called institutions, for example, the state, Joint-Stock Company etc., performing certain social functions.

Low-level managers are junior bosses. This management level is directly above the workers and other production employees. They ensure the continuity of the production process and are responsible for the use of equipment, raw materials and labor resources.

A typical position at this level is foreman, shift foreman, senior foreman, and production site manager. This level of management has direct contact with workers. The work here is characterized by great variety and brevity of tasks. Managers at this level spend a lot of time communicating with subordinates and little communication with senior managers.

The work of lower-level managers is coordinated and controlled by middle-level managers. Typical positions of these managers are shift supervisor, shift engineer, shop floor manager, department head, and branch director.

It is very difficult to identify common features characterizing the work of these managers. Basically, the nature of the work of the head of this unit is determined by the content of the work of the department entrusted to him. For example, the work of the head of a production department at an industrial enterprise mainly comes down to coordinating and managing lower-level managers. He is also engaged in analyzing data on the progress of the production process of labor productivity and establishing connections between production departments.

Middle-level managers perform the job of liaison between lower- and senior-level managers. They accumulate information about the progress of the production process, process and analyze it, give it a convenient form for decision-making by senior managers; middle managers spend 70 to 90% of their working time in oral communication.

A relatively small group consists of senior managers. In production, this is the plant director, CEO associations, the president and vice-president of the corporation, at the state level - these are ministers, at the university - the rector, vice-rector. These are the people who make the most important decisions in the organization. At this level, individuals are valued who, with their managerial qualities, can influence the entire appearance of any organizational structure.

During the working day, senior managers carry out enormous management work at a tense pace. They usually live for their work. Their workday never ends. And at home, their thoughts are aimed at finding options to increase the efficiency of the organization they lead.

Time use by senior managers: BC-70% - scheduled meetings, DE-3% - trips, inspections; EM-12% - paperwork: MA - 6% - telephone conversations. SD-9% - unscheduled meetings

management manager time leader


During the period of market formation, the need arose to link the new quality of work of management personnel, to increase the role of its creative, intellectual component with changing conditions economic growth, with awareness of the objective nature of the development of social organization of labor.

Among the methodological problems of labor efficiency, an important place is occupied by the question of the very principle of its determination. Various opinions have been expressed on this matter. The most justified view is the view of efficiency as a comparison of the results of the work of management personnel, expressed by a useful (technical, technological, organizational, social, economic, etc.) effect.

The ratio of efficiency elements (effect and costs) indicates the following possibilities for increasing it: with constant costs and increasing effect; with a constant effect and cost reduction; with a faster increase in effect compared to the increase in costs. Which of the listed opportunities will be acceptable for a particular enterprise will be dictated by the market.

The weakest link in assessing the labor efficiency of management personnel is the insufficient development of methodology quantitative measurement costs and results of labor. The main problem of assessing the effectiveness of managerial labor is to determine its share in the resulting effect of an enterprise, association, or industry. In other words, the indirect assessment of the results of the work of the management apparatus has not yet been satisfactorily compared with end results production. Such a connection is established with some degree of accuracy using the so-called significance coefficients for performing certain functional duties. As a rule, these coefficients are established empirically.

Taking into account the specific nature of the work of managerial employees and its ambiguous impact on the final production results, efficiency assessment should be carried out comprehensively, highlighting as objects of assessment: the total employee; a team of employees of a functional unit; individual worker.

Increasing the labor efficiency of management personnel and obtaining specific assessments of it are problems from the right decision which largely depends on the development of market relations in society.


1. Dinevich V.A., Roganov S.V., Yakunina N.I. Indicators and criteria for management effectiveness. - M., 1975.

2. Zhuravel V.I. Fundamentals of management in the healthcare system. K., 1994.

3. Kurochkin A.S. Organization of enterprise management: Textbook. - K.: MAUP, 1996.

4. Kurochkin A.S. Enterprise management: Textbook. allowance - K.: MAUP, 1998.

5. Markov M. Technology and efficiency social management. - M., 1982.

6. Pogorelova T.V. Labor efficiency of management personnel and its components / Problems of management in the transition to a market economy: material. All-Russian Ph.D. Section 3.4. - M., 1992.

7. Slesinger. G.E. Labor in industrial production management. M., 1967.

8. Tulenkov N.V. Introduction to theory and practice of management: Textbook. allowance. - K.:MAUP, 1998.

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The essence of management, its functions and specificity are determined, on the one hand, by the tasks being solved, and on the other hand, by the content of the “simple” moments of the process of managerial work (its subject, means and the work itself). Managerial work is a type of mental work. Without directly acting as a creator of material wealth, he becomes an integral part of the labor of the total worker. Consequently, managerial labor is productive, necessary for any combined method of production.

The main goal of management as such is to create the necessary conditions (organizational, technical, social, psychological, etc.) for the implementation of the objectives of the organization (enterprise), to establish harmony between individual processes, to coordinate and harmonize the joint activities of workers in order to achieve specific planned results. Consequently, management is, first of all, work with people, and their work activity serves as an object of controlling influence

Information is a specific object of managerial work, which determines its informational nature. It combines creative, logical and technical operations related to information processing, and the exchange of activities between the subject and the object of management, between the subjects of management themselves, is of an informational nature.

Achieving the control goal is accomplished through the preparation and implementation of a set of control actions. Controlling influences on groups of people and on their work activities are a specific product of managerial work. The main form of such influence is management decision.

In the management process, its subjects decide the most various problems- organizational, economic, technical, socio-psychological, legal nature. This diversity has also become an important feature of managerial work.

Management is a multifaceted and ambiguous process. Accordingly, analysis of the external and internal environment, making management decisions on this basis is a procedure that depends on a complex and moving set of factors, constantly creating non-standard situations. It is these circumstances that require a creative approach to it from a person engaged in this specific activity. The decisions made by managers depend not only on their knowledge and qualifications, but also on personal qualities, practical experience, common sense, intuition.

Means of managerial labor - organizational and Computer Engineering, and the level and completeness of its use determine the culture and effectiveness of management.

It should be noted that the point of view on management as a sphere of work exclusively with people, outlined above (see), is not the only and generally accepted one. In particular, back in the first third of the twentieth century, in the circles of domestic scientists it was decided different views on management processes. Thus, scientific schools and directions were created in the USSR, over 100 prominent scientists dealt with management problems. At this time, two main groups of management concepts were clearly identified: organizational, technical and social.

TO organizational and technical There are a number of concepts, including:

  • “organizational management” A.A. Bogdanov, according to which all types of management in nature, technology and society have similar features, which allows us to talk about the existence of a science of general principles organizations, i.e. tectology. A.A. Bogdanov anticipated some provisions of cybernetics;
  • “physiological optimum” O.A. Yermansky, i.e. compliance of the characteristics of the employee, his mental and physical qualities with the characteristics of the profession;
  • “narrow base” A.K. Gasteva. He explored workplace, a specific worker, his functionality depending on external influences.

The “concept of work attitudes” he proposed included three areas:

1) the theory of labor movements in production processes and workplace organization;

2) methods of rational industrial training;

3) theory of management processes.

Unlike Western scientists, the USSR also studied the worker, considering him a creative subject. Psychophysiological studies were carried out and issues of worker fatigue were studied, and representatives of foreign schools started later. The provisions from “Note Sheet No. 1,” widely known throughout the country, are still relevant today:

  • don't be afraid to experiment;
  • never get irritated;
  • be able to speak, talk, listen, etc.

TO social The group includes the following concepts:

1) “organizational activities” P.M. Kerzhentsev, who argued that the study of organizational techniques and the determination of the most rational methods of organizational work is of exceptional importance. They were allocated three general directions organizational work for any institution:

2) “organizational clarity”, i.e. clear distribution of functions between departments, strict organizational structure;

3) savings;

4) accounting and control;

  • “social and labor concept of production management” N.A. Vitke, who clearly distinguished between the management of things and people and concentrated on the latter. the main task- organization of people as participants in a single labor cooperation. Creature administrative work comes down to creating a favorable socio-psychological atmosphere in production teams. ON THE. Witke formulated the requirements for managers - bearers of the administrative function. Among them is the ability to correctly select managers, set goals, determine responsibilities, coordinate work, etc.;
  • “the theory of administrative capacity” F.R. Dunaevsky. Under the administrative capacity of F.R. Dunaevsky understood the ability of managers to manage a certain number of subordinates, regardless of personal qualities. He formulated the problem of the increase in the information barrier in management with the development of production and the swelling of the managerial apparatus. Difficulties can be overcome through careful selection and training of personnel, the introduction of new planning methods, and expanding the “boundaries of administrative capacity” with the help of technology.


1. Management. Textbook manual / P.V. Shemetov, L.E. Cherednikova, S.V. Pastukhova.

2. Vikhansky O.S., Naumov A.I. Management: Textbook.

Management technology is a set of operations, processes and procedures of management work performed on the basis of existing rules and instructions that help increase the productivity of management personnel.

In turn, human productivity is the amount of labor produced by him in a certain unit of time. It is influenced by a large number of factors, which are also partly interdependent on each other (the impact of the environment, psychological attitude on work, motivation, health status, leader behavior, management style, etc.) The results of managerial work are influenced by mental and physical stress. The working conditions that cause them are designated as loads. Tension, therefore, is a consequence of the load and means the influence of the process of managerial work on a person. Loads arise from the work task and, accordingly, from the content of work and the environment.

Labor in the science of labor economics is considered as the application of mental and physical strength in order to obtain maximum benefit.

The essence of management, its functions and specificity are determined, on the one hand, by the tasks that it solves, and on the other, by the content of the “simple” moments of the process of managerial work, i.e. its subject, means and labor itself. Managerial labor does not directly act as a creator of material wealth, but is an integral part of the labor of the total worker, and therefore productive labor.

Managers, specialists and support workers (management personnel), unlike workers, do not directly influence the subject of labor, and do not produce material assets using means of labor (with their own hands). They create the necessary organizational, technical and socio-economic prerequisites for the effective work of people directly involved in production and commercial operations. Consequently, the higher the quality of implementation of management functions, the more effective the organization’s work will be. In the process of managerial work, resources are involved - financial, material, labor, costs are incurred for the functioning of the management system, highly qualified specialists are attracted, etc. The efficiency of their use also affects the results of production activities. All this indicates that managerial labor is a type of social productive labor, since the total product is the result of the activities of production workers and management personnel. It is just as necessary as the labor of workers.

Managerial work, as a type of labor activity, arose as a result of the general division of labor, which was a consequence of a certain inclination human nature to trade and exchange one item for another. From this point of view, the product offered by the bearer of managerial labor has sufficient high cost. Its value is predetermined by such important substances of managerial work as content, complexity, subject, product, functions, means, result, evaluation and accounting of labor. It is these concepts that determine and characterize the higher importance of management activity compared to other types of human labor (abstract labor, which is found only in the sphere of exchange, creates new value; concrete labor, present in absolutely all methods of production, which transfers and preserves old value) . Managerial work is recognized as intellectual work, expediently carried out with the help of mental abilities a person whose goal is to produce goods and services for the benefit of humanity.

The complexity of managerial work is determined by several circumstances:

ñ scale, quantity, structure of tasks to be solved, organizational connections, variety of principles and methods (methods) used;

ñ the degree of efficiency, independence, responsibility, and riskiness of management decisions made by managers;

ñ search for non-traditional approaches in the process of preparing and making management decisions in connection with dynamic changes in management objects.

The subject of managerial work is the managed system, organization, and workforce.

The product of managerial labor and the main form of management influence is a management decision.

Functions of managerial labor are specialized types of activities characterized by the homogeneity of the work performed, their target orientation. Basic (general) functions are inherent in all social management systems (planning, organization, motivation, control). Special Features related to the organization’s implementation of its mission (industrial, commercial, educational, scientific and other activities). Private functions (marketing, leasing, engineering, personnel work and etc.).

Means of managerial labor are divided into means of labor of the first order (information) and means of labor of the second order (systems for searching, processing and transmitting information).

The result of managerial work is always the results of the activity of the managed system (managed object).

Evaluation and accounting of managerial work depend on many factors. Managerial personnel can be valued based on their contributions to the organization. Each person on the staff is the bearer of a certain management culture. Working in a specific organization, he uses his own economic logic. Correctly applied, it, in combination with management culture, can be a means of achieving goals in the preparation and implementation of management decisions on wide range questions.

If, as a result of these decisions, at lower costs, positive result, and with it new value, this can be characterized as added value with the participation of management personnel (or managerial added value).

Indeed, the added value is very important concept in economic science. It means exactly what its name suggests: how much value is added to a product or service. To cite the classic definition: all production streams share a common characteristic, so that the material becomes increasingly valuable as it moves through the production process. The same university graduate hired for a job has greater value for the organization than just a student on the territory of this university.

According to K. McConnell and S. Brew, value added is “the cost of a product sold by a firm minus the cost of products (materials) purchased and used by the firm for its production, equal to revenue, which includes the equivalent of wages, rent, interest and profit” .

Consequently, managerial labor creates its own added value - this is what management personnel add to the value of the organization, that is, the difference between what it costs the organization and what it brings to it. Added value with the participation of personnel can also be identified as the ability of the product of managerial work (managerial decision) to determine the goals of joint work, conditions, ways, forms and methods of achieving them.

In this case, managerial work also influences the formation of cost thinking in the organization, which consists of the following:

ñ the actions of employees at all levels of the management hierarchy are focused on finding reserves to increase added value, on maximizing the value of the organization (its tangible and intangible assets);

ñ management decisions are correlated with goals, efficiency standards, and innovation guidelines, based, in turn, on indicators that have the greatest impact on increasing added value;

ñ each employee of the organization has a clear, logically based idea of ​​how his actions can influence the increase in added value and maximize the value of the organization;

ñ material compensation and remuneration system for employees is determined primarily by their contribution to the creation of new value.

Cost thinking, in this case, allows us to consider any events in the context of increasing added value, and the process of generating and implementing ideas as one of essential functions In the organisation.

When assessing managerial labor and its role in increasing added value, we are more interested in the thesis of considering the amount of labor productivity of management personnel. It can be measured in several ways.

The greater the value of a labor-related resource such as capital, the higher will be the productivity and demand for labor.

Technological improvements, innovations, original management decisions have an impact on the quality of capital, and therefore on increasing staff productivity (the same effect). Increasing the quality of the most variable resource - managerial labor under the multiparametric influence of management culture - causes an increase in personnel productivity and, consequently, the demand for more qualified personnel.

By dividing the volume of created products and services by the number of employees. This indicator increases (and therefore, added value increases) if the same number of workers produces more products and services thanks to the introduction of advanced production and management technologies, liberation of the creative capabilities of staff, promising personnel policies and continuous improvement systems of managerial and sociocultural interaction.

To produce more and better goods and services, the actions of specific workers are required, who provide the organization with their intellectual and physical potential, their skills and abilities. We call this phenomenon energy output - the efficiency factor in labor.

This or that energy return is manifested in an increase or decrease in labor productivity; the intensification or decline of this return occurs due to the influence of a whole system of factors: motivational, psychological, sociocultural, legal, economic, political, production and entrepreneurship factors. This thesis is confirmed by specific calculations of researchers in different countries. For example, every unit of products or services produced in Russia requires energy costs 2-3 times more compared to states Western Europe or the USA, since success in the economic development of these countries is achieved with fewer losses and for more short term, and we have, through the harsh logic of reality, economic life, sometimes ill-considered management decisions, which bring recessions, inflation, and a decrease in economic growth.

The use of various operations in managerial work, turning them into processes and procedures (management techniques) allows us to ensure focused and coordinated work of participants in joint work (team, association) to solve the problems facing them.

Management is, first of all, working with people, so their work activity is the object of management influence. In this case, it is important for the manager to achieve the main goal of management as such - to create the necessary conditions(organizational, financial, technical, social, psychological, etc.) to solve the assigned problems, establish an algorithm for coordinated actions between individual labor processes and joint work, further applying the functions of organization, coordination, motivation and control.

Managerial work has an informational nature, since its specific object is information. In this regard, managerial work combines creative, logical and technical operations for receiving, processing information, transferring it to the object of management, and transforming the converted information into a management decision.

It should be noted that managerial work is distinguished by its intellectual nature, since the process of developing, adopting and practical implementation of management decisions that can change the state and course of social processes, the performance of the organization, the level of use of available resources, and indirectly - the consciousness and behavior of people. As is known, any joint work requires a control influence that synthesizes the organization of people’s activities and the management of this activity. In the process of joint work, psychological in nature are formed. interpersonal relationships: likes, dislikes, friendship, professional attachment, culture of mutual demands, etc. Therefore, depending on the style of leadership, subordination, subordination, management culture, technologies for making and implementing management decisions, one or another model of employee behavior largely depends.

Any organization is a system of coordinated behavior. When people come to work in it, they sacrifice part of their values ​​(freedom, personal time, independence, etc.) in exchange for social statuses, benefits, privileges to satisfy personal interests. The organization represents a trade-off between personal independence and the achievement of goals that serve to control employee behavior, introduce measurement standards, and methods for stimulating work effort.

Only managerial work contains a powerful emotional and psychological component with a pronounced dominance of will. Management personnel, depending on their position, constantly perform mental and volitional operations of analysis, assessment, decision selection, subordination, subordination, execution, understanding of orders, management, control, feedback etc. All this affects consciousness, feelings, value orientations person, forms a certain model of behavior. For managers, responsibility is added to this set, the subordination of one’s own “I” to the management function.

The managerial work of managers is dominated by a large amount of information, an increasing lack of time for its transformation, irregular workload, and the social significance of the decisions made.

In modern conditions, it is customary to call three types of managerial work: heuristic, administrative and operator. This classification became possible when determining the specific content of work, operations, procedures performed by employees engaged in management work and their role in the preparation and adoption of management decisions. Depending on the level of complexity of individual operations, requirements for professionalism, and powers in making management decisions, managers, specialists and technical performers are distinguished ( support staff).

Managers are empowered to make management decisions and directly implement control actions.

Specialists perform certain management functions, are busy analyzing information about the management object, and prepare materials for future management decisions. The main feature of their activities is that they work under conditions of strict restrictions in the form of orders and instructions from managers, technical and technological standards, organizational regulations for activities and qualification requirements regarding special knowledge. Technical performers (support personnel) must create conditions for the effective work of managers and specialists. The specificity of their activities lies in the execution of standard procedures and operations, and the fact that it is to a greater extent amenable to rationing.

Each of these groups has its own characteristics, both in terms of the content of their work and the nature of mental workload, and in terms of the impact on the results of the organization’s activities.

In modern conditions, managerial work acquires different features than before. It is characterized by the widespread use of technical means and information technology. As a result, information itself becomes both the main subject and product of this work. Information gradually moves into the category of goods and acquires use value. Part of the working time is freed up through the introduction of management information systems, which allows managers to pay more attention to expanding personal connections with employees and improving the management mechanism. By obtaining high-quality information and working with application software packages, the comfort of managerial work increases. The variability of management decision projects is increasing, which makes it possible to minimize costs and increase the efficiency of implemented measures: the information contained in the decision increases its value many times over, being realized in tangible elements of production.

Managerial work is a special type of mental work associated with the implementation of executive and administrative functions and the transformation of information. It is characterized by high complexity, intensity, a wide range of tasks, and often requires creative approach, its results are not always predictable. As a rule, managers have long working hours, they have to think about their problems both day and night. Managerial work is associated with increased responsibility, since shortcomings in the work of managers significantly affect the results of the entire team.

Managerial labor emerged during the period of division and cooperation of labor.

The work of administrative and managerial workers is an integral part of total social labor. Consequently, the more efficient the labor in the management system, the higher the results of the total labor.

However, administrative and managerial employees, unlike workers, do not themselves directly influence the subject of labor, i.e. do not produce material assets with their own hands (using means of labor). They create the necessary organizational, technical and socio-economic prerequisites for the effective work of people directly involved in production (commercial) operations.

Consequently, the higher the quality of management functions, the more reliable and efficient the production facility will function. Thus, managerial labor is a type of social productive labor, since the total product is the result of the activities of production workers and management personnel. It is just as necessary as the labor of workers.

Managerial work is extremely diverse, and therefore the operations and procedures that characterize the content of this work are difficult to clearly classify and typify. In addition, the range of management operations is continuously expanding, and the operations themselves are changing due to, on the one hand, the transformation of management methods and areas of their application and, on the other hand, due to the increasing use of new technical means of storing, transmitting, accumulating, and processing information. Revolutionary changes in the content of operations and management work procedures are being introduced by computer technology, which makes it possible to introduce fundamentally new information technologies. Nevertheless, we can identify the most characteristic operations of managerial work, which occur primarily in the process of developing and making management decisions:

ü Statement of the problem;

ü Searching for information manually and using a computer;

ü Information analysis;

ü Grouping of information;

ü Decision making;

ü Preparation of documents, etc.

The final product of managerial work is decisions that determine the measures of managerial influence on objects. But not all solutions, only implemented ones. The results of the work of employees as a whole should be assessed not by the number of orders or documents issued, but by their impact on the activities of the entire team of the organization or its division.

A feature of managerial work is its mental nature. This follows from the informational nature of the subject and product of work, due to which administrative and managerial workers, as a rule, have to expend a significant amount of nervous and emotional effort, especially when searching for and implementing solutions.

In management, as in any other type of labor activity, there is a division of labor. This division is manifested in connection with the difference in control objects. The difference in classes and types of management objects leads to the need for specialization of managers depending on the sphere, branch of the economy, and type of management object. There is a division by type of management activity, by management specialization, for example, analysts, planners, accountants, and managers.

In managing a workforce, 3 types of managerial work can be distinguished:

1) Heuristic work is primarily the work of managers and specialists. It most fully reflects the nature of creative mental activity, its psychophysiological essence.

Analytical operations involve obtaining and perceiving information necessary for decision-making. For example, conducting oral interviews, surveys and direct observations; presentation of the results of the analysis in relevant documents (certificates, reports).

Constructive operations are associated with the preparation and adoption of various kinds of decisions. These operations vary depending on the content, nature and complexity of solutions, as well as on the corresponding methods of their individual and collective search.

2) Administrative work is a specific type of mental work, the functional purpose of which is to directly control the actions and behavior of people in the process of their work activities.