Target orientation of VD activity courses in areas. GFS in extracurricular activities

This article describes the forms of extracurricular activities by area and type. All types, directions and forms of extracurricular activities of students at the stage of primary general education are focused on educational results.

Forms of extracurricular activities in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard of NOO

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (FSES IEO), the main educational program of primary general education is implemented by the educational institution, including through extracurricular activities.

Extracurricular activities of students, as well as activities within lessons, are aimed at achieving results in mastering the main educational program of the school. Particular attention in the Federal State Educational Standards of the second generation of educational institutions is focused on achieving personal and meta-subject results, which determines the specifics of extracurricular activities, during which the student must not only and not so much learn, but learn to act, feel, make decisions, etc.

The purpose of organizing extracurricular activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of NEO is to create conditions for students to achieve the social experience necessary for life in society and to form a system of values ​​accepted by society, to create conditions for the multifaceted development and socialization of each student in their free time from school; creation of an educational environment that ensures the activation of social and intellectual interests of students, the development of a healthy, creatively growing personality, with formed civic responsibility and legal self-awareness, prepared for life in new conditions, capable of socially significant practical activities.

Extracurricular activities of an educational institution are aimed at achieving educational results:

  • students' acquisition of social experience;
  • formation of a positive attitude towards basic social values;
  • acquisition by schoolchildren of experience of independent social action.

The planned results of mastering the program of extracurricular activities include:

personal results— the readiness and ability of students for self-development, the formation of motivation for learning and knowledge, the value and semantic attitudes of primary school graduates, reflecting their individual personal positions, social competencies, personal qualities; the formation of the foundations of Russian civil identity;

meta-subject results— UUD mastered by students (cognitive, regulatory and communicative).

In addition, extracurricular activities in elementary schools allow the teaching staff to solve a number of very important tasks:

  • ensure favorable adaptation of the child at school;
  • optimize students' workload;
  • improve conditions for child development;
  • take into account the age and individual characteristics of children.

Structure of extracurricular activities.

Extracurricular activities in primary school are carried out through:

  • educational institution curriculum;
  • additional educational programs of a general education institution;
  • educational programs of institutions of additional education for children;
  • cool guide.

Directions, types and forms of extracurricular activities.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard of the Russian Federation, the organization of classes in areas of extracurricular activities is an integral part of the educational process at school. The hours allocated for extracurricular activities are used at the request of students and in forms other than the lesson system of education. The Federal State Educational Standard of the Russian Federation determines the main directions of extracurricular activities.

The directions, types and forms of extracurricular activities are very closely interrelated.

Areas of extracurricular activities:

  1. Sports and recreation
  2. Spiritual - moral
  3. General intellectual
  4. General cultural
  5. Social

Types of extracurricular activities:

  • Play activity
  • Cognitive activity
  • Problem-based communication
  • Leisure and entertainment activities
  • Artistic creativity
  • Social creativity
  • Labor activity
  • Sports and recreational activities
  • Tourism and local history activities

Forms of extracurricular activities:

  • Circle
  • Studio
  • Section
  • An association
  • Elective
  • Scientific society
  • Conference
  • Competition
  • Tournament
  • Meeting
  • Concert
  • Play
  • Practice
  • Excursion
  • Cultural trip
  • Hiking trip
  • Subbotnik
  • Landing

Forms of extracurricular activities in the following areas:

Sports and recreation:

  • Visiting sports sections
  • Organization of excursions, Health Days and other sports competitions.
  • Conducting health talks.
  • Use of game moments, physical education minutes, exercises before lessons in lessons.
  • Dynamic breaks and walks in elementary school.
  • Participation in sports competitions.
  • Operation of a summer health day camp.

General cultural:

  • Organization of excursions to theaters and museums, exhibitions of children's drawings, crafts and creative works of students;
  • Conducting thematic classes on the aesthetics of the student’s appearance, culture of behavior and speech;
  • Participation in competitions and exhibitions of children's creativity of the aesthetic cycle at the school, district, and region level.

General intellectual:

  • Subject weeks;
  • Library lessons;
  • Competitions, excursions, Olympiads, conferences, business and role-playing;
  • Project activities;
  • Participation in research conferences;
  • Development of projects for lessons.

Spiritual and moral:

  • Meetings with WWII and labor veterans, lessons of courage, visiting the school museum.
  • Exhibitions of drawings.
  • Design of newspapers about the military and labor glory of Russians,
  • Themed classroom hours.
  • Preparation for participation in the military sports game "Zarnitsa".
  • Festivals of patriotic song, parades and songs.


  • Carrying out cleanup days.
  • Work at the school site.
  • Growing and caring for indoor plants.
  • Campaign “Plant a tree”, “White flower”, “Feed the birds”, etc.

Forms of extracurricular activities by type:

  1. Verbal and logical.

The main means of influence is the word (word persuasion), which evokes response emotions in children.

  • Conversations on various topics
  • Discussions
  • Meetings
  • Conferences
  • Lectures

The main thing here is the exchange of information, messages from teachers, students and other adults. Discussion of problematic issues.

  1. Figurative and artistic forms
  • Concerts
  • Performances
  • Holidays

The main means of influence is a joint, predominantly aesthetic experience. The main thing here is to evoke strong, deep and ennobling collective emotions.

  1. Labor forms of extracurricular activities
  • Work at the school site
  • Work on decorating and cleaning the office
  • Caring for indoor plants
  • Organization of duty during breaks and in the school canteen
  • Help the school librarian
  • Labor landings

In modern conditions, it is necessary to place emphasis on the personal significance of work, when the child realizes that the acquired skill will be useful to him in life, when he is interested in eventually going there.

  1. Game (leisure) forms of work
  • Joint holidays
  • Preparation of concerts and performances
  • Week of theatre, dance, vocals
  • Watching and discussing films and performances
  • Competitions
  • Competitions
  • Hiking trips
  • Excursion walks to the park
  • Excursion trips

The role of play in organizing leisure time occupies an important place in a child’s life, and therefore is considered by teachers as one of the main means of education. Games can be sports, educational, competitive, competitive, intellectual, etc.

  1. Psychological forms
  • Lectures
  • Conversations
  • Discussions
  • Psychological exercises
  • Consultations
  • Trainings

In forms of this type, the main means of influence are elements of psychological training, methods of practical psychology, individual and group psychotherapy. These forms require special knowledge and skills.

Results of extracurricular activities

All types, directions and forms of extracurricular activities of students at the stage of primary general education are strictly focused on educational results.

The educational result of extracurricular activities is the direct spiritual and moral acquisition of the child through his participation in one or another type of activity.

The educational effect of extracurricular activities is the influence (consequence) of one or another spiritual and moral acquisition on the process of development of the child’s personality.

Levels of results of extracurricular activities

First level. 1 class

The student knows and understands social life

Acquisition by the student of social knowledge (about social norms, about the structure of society, about socially approved and disapproved forms of behavior in society, etc.), understanding of social reality and everyday life.

Achieved in collaboration with the teacher

Second level. 2-3 grades

The student values ​​social life

Obtaining experience by the schoolchildren and the formation of positive attitudes among schoolchildren towards the basic values ​​of society (person, family, Fatherland, nature, peace, knowledge, work, culture).

Achieved in a child-friendly environment.

Third level. 4th grade

The student acts independently in public life

Students gain experience of independent social action.

Achieved in interaction with a social subject.

Achieving all three levels of extracurricular activity results will indicate the effectiveness of educational work:

  • introduction of effective forms of organizing recreation, health improvement and employment for children;
  • improving psychological and social comfort in a single educational space;
  • strengthening the health of pupils;
  • development of creative activity of each child;
  • strengthening the connection between family and school.


D.V. Grigoriev, P.V. Stepanov “Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. Methodical designer" M.: Prosveshchenie, 2014.

The problem of using the free time of younger schoolchildren has always been pressing for society. Raising children occurs at any moment of their activity. However, it is most productive to carry out education in your free time from studying.

In accordance with the federal state educational standard of primary general education (FSES IEO), the main educational program of primary general education is implemented by the educational institution, including through extracurricular activities.

Extracurricular activities within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO should be understood as educational activities carried out in forms other than classroom activities and aimed at achieving the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education.

Extracurricular activities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard acquire new relevance, because it is the standards that have established the mandatory nature of its organization.

Project goal: to carry out education most productively in free time from teaching, using extracurricular activities as a resource that allows the school to achieve a new quality of education

Project objectives: to encourage the child to choose a range of interests and develop personal abilities.

Main part

Extracurricular activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard are included in the main educational program, namely in the part that is formed by participants in the educational process. At the present stage, extracurricular work is an excellent extension of the school infrastructure. The advantages of using extracurricular activities to consolidate and practically use certain aspects of the content of academic subject programs are also obvious.

Extracurricular activities in primary school allow us to solve a number of important problems. Ensure favorable adaptation of the child at school.

  1. Optimize students' workload.
  2. Take into account the individual characteristics of students.
  3. Formation of communication skills.
  4. Development of a positive attitude towards basic social values ​​(person, family, nature, peace, knowledge, culture, work) - for the formation of a healthy lifestyle.
  5. Development of creative and intellectual abilities.
  6. Training in the rules and forms of teamwork.

The practical implementation of extracurricular activities is based on the following principles:

  • Involving students in active activities.
  • Accessibility and visibility.
  • The connection between theory and practice.
  • Taking into account age characteristics.
  • A combination of individual and collective forms of activity.
  • Purposefulness and sequence of activities (from simple to complex).

In accordance with the requirements of the standard, extracurricular activities are organized in the areas of personal development:

  1. Sports and recreation.
  2. General cultural direction.
  3. Social direction.
  4. General intellectual direction.
  5. Spiritual and moral direction.

We implement sports and recreational activities in the programs “Rhythmics”, “Swimming”, “Dynamic pause”.

Increased physical activity is a biological need of a primary school student, the degree of which determines his health and overall development

The main focus of this area is on promoting health, developing motor abilities, and gaining theoretical and practical knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

The general cultural direction is represented by the programs “Verbal Fun” and “Talk about Proper Nutrition”. The goal of which is to reveal new abilities of students in the field of creativity, to develop the ability to see life through the eyes of a creative person. In this area, teachers carry out their work in the form of play sessions, mini-performances, competitions, and exhibitions.

The general intellectual direction is implemented by the “RTS” program.

The leading idea of ​​the programs is to find ways to organize the educational process in such a way that the mechanism of independent search and processing of new knowledge will be mastered even in the everyday practice of interacting with the world. The forms of organizing the work of circles are varied. These are conversations, games, observations.

The social direction is represented by the program “Psychological ABC”, “SDA”. Classes have begun with the preparatory stage - adaptation of first-graders; work is continuing on the development of personality. The work is carried out in the form of games, tests, entertaining tasks, messages, and watching videos.

Spiritual and moral direction - the implementation of this program will be implemented from 2nd grade. Presented by the ABC of Morality program

The educational results of schoolchildren’s extracurricular activities are distributed across three levels.

Level 1 – the student knows and understands social life.

Acquisition by schoolchildren of social knowledge about social norms, the structure of society, socially approved and disapproved forms of behavior in society.

Level 2 – the student values ​​social life.

The student’s experience and positive attitude towards the basic values ​​of society (person, family, nature, peace, knowledge, etc.)

Level 3 – the student acts independently in social life.

Students gain experience of independent social action.

Extracurricular activities are closely related to basic education and are its logical continuation and an integral part of the educational system created at school.

When organizing extracurricular activities for younger schoolchildren, it is necessary to take into account that upon entering the 1st grade, children are especially receptive to new social knowledge and strive to understand the school reality that is new to them.

To evaluate the effectiveness of classes, you can use the following indicators:

  • the degree of assistance that the teacher provides to students in completing assignments;
  • children’s behavior in class: liveliness, activity, interest provide positive results;
  • an indirect indicator of the effectiveness of classes can be an increase in the quality of academic performance in mathematics, the Russian language, the environment, literary reading, etc.


When organizing extracurricular activities for younger schoolchildren, it is necessary to take into account that upon entering the 1st grade, children are especially receptive to new social knowledge and strive to understand the school reality that is new to them.

School after school is a world of creativity, manifestation and disclosure by each child of his interests, his hobbies, his “I”. A child, making a choice, freely expresses his will and reveals himself as a person. It is important to interest him in after-school activities so that the school becomes a second home for him, which will make it possible to turn extracurricular activities into a full-fledged space for upbringing and education.