Program of the regional August pedagogical council “Change Management: New Educational Results” - Program. "Increasing social capital"

Today, a new approach to education is being formed and implemented in educational institutions, which is dictated, first of all, by the new law “On Education in the Russian Federation.”

Legislation in the educational sphere involves the management of educational results

The main documents regulating the areas are three federal laws:

  • Law No. 273 “On Education in the Russian Federation”;
  • Law No. 83 “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with improving the legal status of state (municipal) institutions”;
  • Law No. 44 “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs.”

These three laws consolidated the legal independence of schools and led to an awareness of the need to manage educational outcomes. Today, the school lives in new financial and economic conditions, since the funding mechanism has changed: from funding based on the status of an educational organization to funding based on the number of students. In many ways, the basis for the sustainability of the educational system is determined by financial and economic mechanisms and a properly organized educational process.

The life of a modern school is based on an understanding of how the management team of an educational institution is formed, taking into account the requirements of all laws, regulations, documents, including federal state educational standards of general education.

Managing educational results as the main goal of the school

A new approach to organizing the educational process provides for its organization in such a way that educational results must be not only measurable, but also planned and manageable.

Management of educational results is the starting point that forms the basis of the management system in an educational organization, as well as the basis for constructing the educational process. After careful planning of the educational result, all the activities of the teaching staff and the methodological teaching system are built.

Educational outcomes are positive measurable changes in the educational sphere. Today in the education system there is a transition to managing educational results, that is, to a clear vision, analysis, planning and control of educational results in their operational form. This is expressed in such formulations as “the school will achieve”, “students will learn”, “teachers will master” and so on.

Managing the quality of education as a component of managing educational results

In addition to the transition to management based on results, a modern school is moving from control to management of the quality of education in the school. Within the framework of this approach, not only the assessment of educational achievements, the quality of educational programs and conditions is carried out, but options for management decisions in the school are designed that can change the situation for the better. Such activities are a key task of the management team of a modern school.

The concept of quality of education is spelled out in the law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. Here we should emphasize that this term includes two components: the quality of educational activities and the quality of educational results.

The concept of “quality of education” includes not only already achieved, but also planned results, as well as an assessment of the compliance of these results with the expectations and demands of the child, school, region, society, and state. This category also includes the content of education, its reflection in textbooks and teaching aids, the educational environment, the training and professional activities of the teacher, the adequacy of teaching aids, and much more.

What does technology for achieving educational results include? If we consider it within the framework of the educational process, or narrowing it within the framework of the educational process, then we can say that when preparing for a lesson, the teacher determines manageable educational results and analyzes them through various categories and groups. For example, separately subject and meta-subject educational results, as well as personal educational results, are formulated for a long period, and not for each lesson.

Having planned certain educational results, the teacher selects types of educational activities in accordance with the subject focus. Then there is a selection of learning tasks and situations through which students are immersed in certain types of learning activities. Next, the teacher selects teaching tools that support the types of learning activities in order to effectively manage educational results.

Thus, improving the quality of education in modern conditions is a set of services, procedures, and tools that allow a teacher or manager to build and improve the educational process for the effective management of educational results and compliance of the educational process with legal requirements.

The Minister of Education of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Svetlana MAKOVSKAYA, spoke about working with requests for educational results, achieving new educational results, and measuring them in a speech at the August Pedagogical Council.


We strive to build our work with the expectations of the family, employers, and the state, based on the principles of public participation and focus on the needs of the regional economy. The need to organize our work taking into account these principles is visible, in particular, from the changes in parents’ requests to the school. In the 90s, parents' requests were associated with acquiring good knowledge, today - with obtaining a comprehensive education, which is not limited to school lessons. Modern education, according to parents, should include early specialization, modern forms of additional education, strong connections between the school and universities, and institutions of secondary vocational education.

It is no coincidence that the 25 specialized classes in mathematics, natural science, engineering and technology, opened in the 2015/2016 academic year, are in high demand from parents. From September 1, 2016, 79 specialized classes will begin operating in 40 schools in the region. Graduates of these classes are already demonstrating higher academic performance.

We have achieved wide coverage of schoolchildren in the Olympiad and competitive movement. A process has been built to identify gifted children through competitions and olympiads. In 2016, our guys became prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad in 11 subjects. Kirill Novoselov (Lyceum No. 7 of Krasnoyarsk) became the winner of the All-Russian Olympiad and for the first time in the last 10 years, as a representative of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, was included in the list of candidates for the Russian Federation national team to participate in the international Chemistry Olympiad.

The purpose of the education system is to help discover interest, maintain motivation and provide opportunities to develop abilities. The regional education system has positive experience in this direction. For example, the Krasnoyarsk Summer School, which celebrated its 40th anniversary last year, has experience in organizing the successful entry of gifted schoolchildren into modern research practices. The uniqueness of this school also lies in the fact that it allows the student to enter the community of students, graduate students, young scientists and further self-determination in scientific and professional activities.

In May 2016, a regional law was adopted providing additional payments to first-year students of Krasnoyarsk universities who scored the highest number of points and entered priority areas for the region. This will make it possible to concentrate the most talented schoolchildren from the region in universities and create special competitive advantages in attracting gifted schoolchildren to universities in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The number of students applying for such a payment in the 2016/2017 academic year will be about 130 people.

In the draft Strategy for the Development of the Krasnoyarsk Territory until 2030, special attention is paid to the request for quality education for rural schoolchildren. We will be able to achieve the necessary educational results through the idea of ​​enriching the educational environment and implementing targeted training of teaching staff for rural schools. We include the special professional competencies of a rural teacher as his ability to work with a group of students of different ages and mastery of the content of two or more academic subjects. We have already started work in this direction. For example, this year we are completing the retraining of 50 teachers in the English language program. This will reduce the number of vacancies for foreign language teachers in rural schools of the region by a quarter.

An option for expanding the educational opportunities of rural schoolchildren may be close interaction with professional institutions. Thus, in the Kansk district, a tripartite agreement was signed between the district education department, the Filimonovskaya secondary school and the Kansk Technological College. Pupils of the Filimonovskaya school participate in professional tests at the technical school in seven professions; pupils of the 10th and 11th grades, while still studying at school, have the opportunity to master vocational training programs at the college.

One of the important forms of public participation in the assessment of educational results is the procedure for independent quality assessment, which allows you to receive feedback from parents and employers about the results of the educational process. In our region there is positive practice in the Emelyanovsky district and the city of Norilsk in carrying out independent quality assessment. The public council of Minusinsk is active. But in the region as a whole, in most municipalities, independent assessment has not yet become a management tool.


In 2015, as in previous years, following the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, we developed the infrastructure of preschool education. During the year, 27 new kindergarten buildings were built in the region. In general, since 2012 there has been a significant increase in the number of new places created in the preschool education system. In total, during this period (from 2012 to 2015), more than 35.5 thousand places (35,690) were introduced, including almost 13 thousand (12,960) in 2015. The program for introducing new places continues.

In addition to the task of improving the regional infrastructure of preschool education, we must organize educational activities in accordance with federal state educational standards for preschool education.

In 2013-2015, within the framework of the regional project “Education Quality Management”, we created the groundwork for the implementation of this task. The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education was carried out in pilot mode in 45 preschool educational organizations in 15 municipalities. When implementing this task, the cities of Krasnoyarsk, Yeniseisk, Zelenogorsk, Achinsk, Sosnovoborsk, Borodino, Berezovsky and Shushensky districts became “growth points”.

I would especially like to note that in the ranking of municipal kindergartens in Russia, prepared by the International Information Agency "Russia Today" and the Institute of Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Childhood of the Russian Academy of Education in the fall of 2015, four kindergartens from the Krasnoyarsk Territory were included in the top ten best kindergartens in Russia.


Based on the results of mastering the primary school curriculum in four classes of schools in the region, monitoring work was traditionally carried out on the main meta-subject results: “reading literacy” and “ability to work in a group.”

It can be noted that the situation with the basic level of reading and working with information is quite favorable: 91% of fourth-graders have reached the required level. They work well with factual information, highlight the most important logical connections, and draw simple conclusions. 36% of them showed elevated levels. They can learn independently from texts. The greatest difficulty for students is the ability to deeply understand the content of the text in detail.

Despite the generally good figures for the number of schoolchildren who coped with the work of the two procedures, we state that more than 9% of primary school students will not be able to continue their education at the next age stage, since they have not developed basic meta-subject results at a sufficient level.

It remains important for us to establish an ideology of supportive assessment in educational institutions, where the results of a student’s education are assessed not so much for a mark in a journal, but for his own advancement. The leaders of this direction in their territories were: the Univers gymnasium (director Igor Vladimirovich Skrubert) and Lyceum No. 9 (Irina Gennadievna Osetrova), gymnasium No. 1 in Kansk (Svetlana Gennadievna Podolyak) and gymnasium No. 91 in Zheleznogorsk (Tatyana Vladimirovna Golovkina ).


In the 2015/2016 academic year, in preparation for the implementation of inclusive education, we focused on creating an accessible environment in educational organizations. Participation in the activities of the state program “Accessible Environment” made it possible to attract about 100 million rubles to the region to create a barrier-free environment. The volume of co-financing from the regional budget amounted to 48 million rubles. This made it possible to create a universal barrier-free environment for inclusive education of children with disabilities and schoolchildren without developmental disabilities in 362 schools in the region (which is 22% of the total number of schools).

The results achieved in solving the problem of creating an accessible environment are visible on the slide. The main result of the completed school year is that for the first time (!) all students with disabilities were involved in the educational process.

Another important task facing elementary schools is the organization of education for children with disabilities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Physical Education. On September 1, 2016, children with disabilities will enter the first grades of general education schools in the region, the share of which is almost 3% (1,051 people) of the total number of first-graders (36,500 people).

However, we are faced with a problematic question: how ready are teaching staff today to introduce standards for the education of children with disabilities and mental retardation? Over the past year, almost 32% of primary school teachers (about 2,000 people) underwent advanced training. Including all teachers who will work according to the new standards from September 1 in the first grades. Advanced training was organized on the basis of the IPK, KSPU named after. V. P. Astafiev, regional pedagogical colleges. In Lyceum No. 11 in Krasnoyarsk, internship practice is being implemented to master the teacher specialization “Teacher of an inclusive primary school.”


In 2016, all graduates of basic school admitted to the state final certification in the form of the OGE (main state exam) had to pass two mandatory exams (Russian language and mathematics) and two exams of the student’s choice.

Compared to 2015, we have fewer students who failed exams in Russian language and mathematics. Positive dynamics are also observed in terms of average scores and students’ level of preparation.

However, the results of exams in elective subjects present a different picture. The proportion of students who received bad grades is high in almost every subject. Perhaps this situation is caused by the fact that the results of taking optional exams this year did not affect the receipt of a certificate; the choice of students was largely thoughtless. And next year, when a positive certification result will be required to obtain an education document, will make its own adjustments.

Based on the results of the 2016 unified state exam, one can also generally note a trend towards improving results in compulsory subjects - Russian language and mathematics: 32% of graduates performed “excellent” work in mathematics at a basic level; At the Unified State Examination in mathematics at the profile level, the number of participants who did not pass the established minimum score decreased from 18% to 14%. At the same time, in general, the number of Unified State Exam participants who scored high (more than 80) in the Russian language, specialized mathematics, history, and English increased. The average score in these subjects increased. However, the proportion of students who did not pass the minimum threshold in mathematics at the basic level continues to remain high, almost 3% (2.67).

For the second year, graduates have the opportunity to choose the level of the exam in mathematics. According to teachers, this is the right move. However, to address the issue of the quality of mathematics education, we still lack a comprehensive approach. The problem of content of mathematics curricula at a basic level has not yet been resolved. They still differ from specialized ones only in the number of topics or the number of hours on a particular topic. In such a situation, students who choose the basic level never encounter “mathematics for life” as outlined in the concept of development of mathematics education.

Unfortunately, an increase in academic results in mathematics is not automatically followed by an increase in results in natural science subjects. The 2016 Unified State Exam results tell us this. The dynamics of Unified State Examination results in these subjects is negative.

The Federal State Educational Standard has brought to the fore the tasks of personality education. The formation of personal results should occur through the school system and the system of relationships. The task of education is especially important for orphans and children left without parental care. It is known that the socialization of orphans in a foster family is much more effective than in orphanages. Therefore, our strategy remains to increase the number of children being raised in foster families. I would like to note the successful practice of educating teaching staff in orphanages, implemented through socialization in sports. As a positive example of working with this category of children, I would like to cite the results of the work of the team at the Kansky Orphanage named after. Yu.A. Gagarin. For the second year in a row, a team of children wins the All-Russian football competition among teams from orphanages and boarding schools “The Future Depends on You” in Sochi. In the fall of 2016, the guys will go to England for the second time to visit the Arsenal football club.


Currently, the regional system of additional education prioritizes three groups of educational outcomes.

The first group is universal competencies that ensure the effectiveness of most types of activities (self-organization, communication, teamwork, etc.). The key event in working with these results is the regional competency Olympiad. Over the past two years, the team from the Krasnoyarsk Territory has occupied a leading position in it. In 2016, Andrey Sapovsky (Kansky district) became the winner of the All-Russian Competency Olympiad.

The second group of new educational results is a number of personal and meta-subject educational results that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. The key tool in working with these results is the regional project for the integration of general and additional education in the Krasnoyarsk Territory “Real Education”.

The third group of new educational results is associated with the formation of professional and transprofessional competencies of schoolchildren - participants in early career guidance programs and the basics of professional training for schoolchildren JuniorSkills.

The key event in working with these results was the first Regional Championship of “Young Professionals” (JuniorSkills) in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. 39 teams of schoolchildren from 11 municipalities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory took part in it. The competition was held in five competencies. In May 2016, three regional teams in three competencies successfully took part in the II National JuniorSkills Championship in Krasnogorsk.

Currently, the first practice of interaction between vocational and additional education organizations has been obtained: as part of the summer educational shift, a joint educational project of the Kansk College of Technology and the Krasnoyarsk Regional Palace of Pioneers has been implemented to train children in the competence “Electrical installation work”.


The effectiveness and quality of education management in the region can also be judged by all-Russian ratings. For example, in terms of the number of schools included in the federal top 500, our region is in 39th place among 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation; four schools in the region are included in the ranking.

In 2016, the RAEX rating agency (Expert RA) for the second time prepared a rating of the 200 best schools in Russia. The purpose of the ranking is to determine which schools prepare the largest number of students for the best universities in Russia - universities from the top 20 in the RAEX ranking. In total, the compilers of the rating processed information on the admission of over 87 thousand graduates from 15 thousand Russian schools.

The agency deliberately refused to analyze data on the average Unified State Examination score. The RAEX (Expert RA) school rating allows you to understand which schools form the intellectual elite of Russia: where they prepare graduates who successfully enter the top 20 Russian universities. Our region is in third place in this ranking, represented by 18 schools, among which the Univers gymnasium and gymnasium No. 13 of Krasnoyarsk are noticeably leading in terms of position in the ranking.

In conclusion, defining our guidelines in our work, I would like to recall the words of V.V. Putin, said at a meeting of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Strategic Development and Priority Projects: “We do not need vague development criteria that are incomprehensible even to specialists, but clear and precise concepts what we must do, what we must achieve and what tasks we must solve, with full personification of responsibility for this achievement or, conversely, for the lack of results. This is a fundamentally important thing."


Regional August Pedagogical Council

"Change Management: New Educational Outcomes"

Location: Krasnoyarsk

08/23/2016 (first day of work):

International Exhibition Center "Siberia", Grand Hall "Siberia", st. Aviatorov, 19:

project, expert sessions, presentation platforms of successful practices in the main areas of changing the content of education, analysis of the problems of their implementation, tasks for 2016-2017;

MAOU "Secondary school No. 151", st. Alekseeva, 22 d:

expert sessions, discussion and presentation platforms

Participants: teachers, heads of state regional and municipal educational organizations, heads of municipal education authorities, methodological services, representatives of the parent community, public professional organizations



(grand hall "Siberia", 1st floor foyer; "Siberia" International Exhibition Center, 1st floor foyer)


Operation of exhibition areas of the Siberian Educational Forum

1 0.00-10.30

Opening by the Minister of Education of the Krasnoyarsk Territory S.I. Makovskaya Regional August Pedagogical Council 2016 (Grand Hall “Siberia”, 1st floor foyer)

1 0.30-11.15

Break, visiting the exhibitions of the Siberian Educational Forum, moving to the venue, start of work of the venues of the regional August Pedagogical Council


First tape(application)




Second tape(application)

15.30-15. 45



Third tape(application)

Annex 1

Work program

sites of the regional August pedagogical council,

Site name

Work format, topic

Moderator (host)

Speeches (topic of speech, surname, initials, position, place of work of the speaker)

Number of participants, venue

1 tape

1. Analysis of the quality of the introduction of federal state educational standards for preschool education in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Discussion platform:

“Development of the regional preschool education system: achievements, problems and ways to solve them”

S.V. Demina, Head of the preschool education sector of the general education department of the Ministry of Education of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

L.G. Obrosova, Head of the Center for Preschool Education, KKIPK;

T.I. Justus, head of the MAOU "General educational institution" Krasnoyarsk University Gymnasium No. 1 Univers", kindergarten "Zhuravushka", senior researcher at the Center for Preschool Education KK IPK

75 people, Moscow Exhibition Center Siberia,

Problem session:

“Federal and regional procedures for assessing the quality of education at the level of primary general education”

S.V. Semenov, Director of KGKSU "TsOKO"

L.A. Ryabinina, Deputy Director of KGKSU "TsOKO";

T.Yu. Shepherd, Head of the Monitoring Department of KGKSU “TsOKO”;

R.S. Rameeva, Head of the Information and Analytical Department of KGKSU "TsOKO"

30 people, Moscow Exhibition Center Siberia,

hotel, meeting room

Discussion platform

“Federal State Educational Standards and the quality of training of graduates: what and how does the school prepare them?”

E.V. Velichko, Head of the Department of Extrabudgetary Services, Marketing and Development

A.V.Luchenkov, Deputy Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Siberian Federal University"

N.E. Omelko, Methodologist of the Center for Educational Standards and Professional Development KK IPK

L.A. Malinova, researcher at the Center for Educational Standards and Professional Development of the KK IPK

S.N. Palekha, Deputy Director of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 27, Krasnoyarsk

N.V. Yagodkina, director of MBOU Secondary School No. 18 in Achinsk

student of MBOU Secondary School No. 18 in Achinsk,


4. Updating the content and teaching methods of the subject “history”: main problems and ways to solve them

Problem symposium

Artemyev E.V., Head of the Department of Social Science Disciplines and Methods of Teaching, KKIPK,

O.G. Zelova

Kangun S.I, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General History of KSPU named after. V.P. Astafieva Krasnoyarsk), Chairman of the regional commission of the Unified State Examination in History
Zelova O.G.., art. teacher of the department of social scientific disciplines and methods of teaching them, KKIPK KK IPK, executive secretary of the regional commission of the Unified State Exam in History
Fedorov A.V.., history teacher at MAOU Gymnasium No. 14 in Krasnoyarsk. Chairman of the regional commission of the OGE in history;

Bloshko A.A. head teacher of MBOU secondary school No. 23 with in-depth study of individual subjects", Krasnoyarsk, head of the methodological association of social disciplines of the Sverdlovsk region, executive secretary of the subject commission of the OGE in history

Participants (geography) :

Suraikina E. G.

Kokhanova O. V

40 people, MAOU "Secondary School No. 151"

5. Analysis of intermediate results and prospects for further implementation of the project “Improving the quality of mathematics education”

Round table

Updating the content and teaching methods of the subject “Mathematics” as part of the implementation of the concept of improving the quality of mathematics education: main problems and ways to solve them

S.V. Krokhmal,

S.V. Krokhmal, Head of the Center for Mathematical Education of the KK IPK,

T.V. Polyakova, senior lecturer at KKIPK,

O.V.Znamenskaya, PhD, Ph.D., Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Siberian Federal University"

50 people

MAOU "Secondary School No. 151"

6. Legal and personnel readiness of general education organizations of the region to implement the Federal State Educational Standard for non-special education students with disabilities and the Federal State Educational Standard for students with mental retardation (intellectual impairment)

Expert session

Social and professional examination of the activities of regional innovation platforms on the issues of maintaining the Federal State Educational Standards of NEO for students with disabilities and the Federal State Educational Standard for students with educational disabilities

M.V. Kholina, Head of the Special Education Department of the Ministry of Education of the Krasnoyarsk Territory,

N.F. Ilyina, Head of the scientific and methodological department of the QC IPK

Presentation of the experience of regional innovation platforms:

N.A.Potapova, Director of the MBOU “Secondary boarding school No. 1 named after V.P. Sinyakova" Krasnoyarsk,

L.V. Horse, director of the MBU “Center for Psychological, Pedagogical and Medical-Social Assistance No. 5 “Consciousness”, Krasnoyarsk,

E.A. Klochkova, director of the Krasnoyarsk secondary school No. 5

100 people,

ABC, middle hall

7. Regional projects for updating the content and technologies of additional education in the Krasnoyarsk Territory: analysis of current practice and development prospects

Presentation platform Regional project for the integration of additional and general education in the formation

meta-subject and personal results of students “Real Education”

A.E. Ovchinnikov, Head of the System Development Laboratory of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Palace of Pioneers.

A.V. Stegantsev, scientific director of the “Real Education” project, rector of the Academy of Optiopractice,

N.F. Loginova, Head of the Center for Educational Standards and Professional Development of the KK IPK,

T.V. Nazarova, director of the MAOU DO "Center for Additional Education" of the Kuraginsky district,

Yu.V. Kachaeva, Deputy Director for Education and Resource Management of Gymnasium No. 12 “Music and Theater”, Krasnoyarsk;

E.S. Bakhmareva, Deputy Director of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Palace of Pioneers.

100 people, International Exhibition Center "Siberia", large meeting room

8. Practices for organizing work with gifted children at the municipal and regional level

Round table. Problems of implementing organizational and technological models for conducting the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

HELL. Abakumov,

Deputy Director of the KSUOU “School of Cosmonautics”;

N.V. Laletin, Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics
and computer science NOUVPO "SIBUP"

Experts: E.V. Fox, Dean of the Faculty of Pre-University and Fundamental Training of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Siberian State Technological University",

S.I. Nyukalova, Head of the department for organizing student admission of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "SibSAU"

Speakers: Yu.S. Kuznetsova, methodologist of the education administration department

V.V. Sapronova, methodologist of the MBU "MIMC" in Lesosibirsk

40 people

MAOU "Secondary School No. 151"

10. Development of education in the education system of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Presentation platform. A set of measures to ensure the implementation of the Strategy for the Development of Education in the Russian Federation until 2025 in the education system of the Krasnoyarsk Territory for 2016–2020: priority areas and expected results of implementation

T.A. Gridasova,

Presentation participants:

E.G. Prigodich, Head of the Center for Education and Civic Education of the KK IPK, A.V.Bardakov, head of the laboratory “Organization and methodology for the formation of spiritual and moral culture” of the KK IPK, N.V. Bazhitov, Advisor to the Head of the Agency for Youth Policy and Social Development Programs of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Head of the Institute of Youth Policy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory , S.A. Fedorova, Head of the Department of Family Education, KK IPK, Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Yu.V. Verkhushina, Deputy Head of the Youth Policy Agency, I.A. Zakharov, chief specialist of the department of cadet educational institutions and work with gifted children of the Ministry of Education of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, V.V. Bibikova, Chairman of the Krasnoyarsk Makarenkov Association, G.N.Kucher, Director of the regional innovation platform for the development of education at secondary school No. 8 in Achinsk, O.E. Kravchuk, Deputy Director of School No. 143 in Krasnoyarsk - a pilot site for the development of monitoring of educational results, M.V.Metelkina, chairman of the regional Association of Law Teachers, director of secondary school No. 7 in Divnogorsk, V.A. Kolomiets

60 people,

MAOU "Secondary School No. 151"

10. Updating the content and teaching methods of the academic subject “physical education”: main problems and ways to solve them

Round table: Changes in the activities of physical education teachers in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard using modern educational technologies

V.A. Krasilov, teacher of the Department of Health and Life Safety of the KKIPK, teacher of the year in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 2015.

V.A. Krasilov, Lecturer at the Department of Health and Life Safety of the KK IPK,

A.G. Harutyunyan, Head of the Department of Physical Education, Siberian State Aerospace University named after Academician
M.F. Reshetneva,

D.V. Usov, physical education teacher, MBOU secondary school No. 149. Krasnoyarsk,

D.M. Novokreshchenov, physical education teacher at Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Lyceum No. 11”, Krasnoyarsk

30 people

MAOU "Secondary School No. 151"

11. Social and professional examination of projects of young teachers

Expert session:

“My profession is “Teacher”:

"I am a citizen":

M.A. Murashova,

Presentation of 17 projects.


T.V. Ivanova, chief specialist of the department of additional education and work with teaching staff;

N.V. Zimen, member of the board of the regional public organization of the Krasnoyarsk Territory “Creative Union of Teachers”;

V.V. Ovcharenko, teacher of additional education MAOU "Krasnoyarsk University Gymnasium No. 1" Univers ";

N.G. Berezovskaya, Deputy Director of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Palace of Pioneers;

HE. Gurina, director of MBOU secondary school No. 92, Krasnoyarsk;

EAT. Shevchuk, Deputy Director of the KGBU "House of Education Workers"

50 people

Grand Hall "Siberia", hall No. 3

12. Introduction of professional standards for teachers

Expert session: “Assessing teacher qualifications as a tool for managing an educational organization (using the example of cases of pilot educational organizations)”

S.Yu. Andreeva, Vice-Rector of the KK IPK,

I.B. Zubkovskaya, methodologist of the scientific and methodological department of the KKIPK, M.V. Grushenkov, chief specialist of the department of additional education and work with teaching staff of the Ministry of Education of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

E.V. Makeeva, head of MBDOU “Combined kindergarten No. 5 “Kolosok”, Kansk;

Zh.V. Sunteeva, Deputy Director of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Lyceum No. 8 of Krasnoyarsk;

N.L. Kushnerova, head of MBDOU “Combined kindergarten No. 10 “Alyonushka”, Kansk;

T.A. Lanina, Deputy Director of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 9, Divnogorsk

30 people, Grand Hall “Siberia”, hall No. 1

13. Sources of professional development for teachers

Problem discussion

“The Museum and Educational Center as a platform for the formation of professional reflection of a teacher”

S.P. Averin,
G.M. Weber
co-chairs of the Regional Council of Veterans,

Zh.V. Ivanova, director of the educational center “Prospect for the development of a museum and educational center”

L.V. Bondarenko, Researcher, Laboratory of QC IPC

L.I. Belyaeva, veteran of pedagogical work “On the role of didactic theater in the professional development of a teacher”

25 people,

Etc. Mira, 76, “Museum and Educational Center” 1st floor

14. Results of the implementation of the regional project “Territorial programs and network cooperation”

Discussion platform “Problems of implementing municipal education development strategies and projects”

E.A. Chiganova, rector of KKIPK,

Participants: representatives of municipal education departments,

A.A. Sedelnikov, Chairman of the Public Chamber for Education and Enlightenment of the Civil Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory,

S.D. Krasnousov, Associate Professor of the Department of Management, Economics and Law of the KK IPK, I.A. Kitaeva, Analyst at the QC IPC Analytics Center.

60 people,

Grand Hall "Siberia", hall No. 2

15. Cooperation in training: levels, models, content of activities, management

Directors' Club The state and prospects of school cooperation in replicating successful experience

Litvinskaya I.G., senior researcher LMT KSO KK IPC,

Zhukova O.N., Director of Dolgomostovskaya Secondary School of Abansky District

I.F. Kosheleva, Deputy Director of Secondary School No. 7 in Achinsk,

L.V. Shivernovskaya, director of secondary school No. 5, Divnogorsk, Zhukova O.N., director of Dolgomostovskaya secondary school, Abansky district

20 people, International Exhibition Center "Siberia", small meeting room

16. Modernization of the vocational education system of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Change management

Discussion “Modern ideas about professionalism and new educational results in the system of secondary vocational education of the region. Change management"

Blinov G.N., Deputy Director for Research, KGBU "Center for Socio-Economic Monitoring"

Zolotareva N.M., Director of the Department of State Policy in the Field of Workforce Training and Further Vocational Training of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Dudyrev F.F.,

Vasiliev K.B.,

Nikitina O.N.,

Novikov V.V., Head of the Labor and Employment Agency of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Kachan N.N., Head of Kansk

Kukushkin S.G., Deputy General Director for Personnel Management of JSC Information Satellite Systems named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev"

Glushkov A.N., Development Director of CJSC Firm Kultbytstroy

Popkov V.E., Director of the Krasnoyarsk Industrial and Metallurgical College, national expert at WorldSkills Russia

250 people, International Exhibition Center "Siberia",

3rd floor,

Presentation of all-Russian projects " Improving the quality of work of schools operating in unfavorable social conditions


Head Analytics Center QC IPC

I.I. Kostryeva, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Management and Law of the KK IPK

30 people

International Exhibition Center "Siberia", ABK, 3-03

Development of professional competence of heads of educational organizations

Presentation of the results of the 1st stage of the project

"Increasing social capital"

E.G. Murgova,

Heads of schools participating in the project

30 people

International Exhibition Center "Siberia", ABK, 5-07

2 tape

1. Analysis of the quality of the introduction of federal state educational standards for preschool education in the Krasnoyarsk Territory"

Section: “Analysis of the effectiveness of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education in municipalities and preschool educational organizations”

Kablukova I.G., Associate Professor of the Department of Childhood Pedagogy of KSPU named after. V.P. Astafieva

Yufereva S.N., Head of the Medical Educational Institution DSKN No. 8 of Sosnovoborsk;

Kytmanova N.P., Deputy Head of Internal Affairs of MBDOU No. 16 of Yeniseisk;

Bandukova Yu.L., chief specialist of the department of preschool, general and additional education of the education department of the administration of the ZATO of Zelenogorsk;

Pozhidaeva G.M., methodologist of the information department of the education department of the Nazarovsky district

75 people

MIDC Siberia, ABK, 3-08

2. Practice of assessing the quality of primary and basic general education"

Discussion “Approaches to creating a system for assessing the quality of education in primary schools”

LA. Ryabinina, Deputy Director of KGKSU "TsOKO";

S.V. Semenov, director of KGKSU "TsOKO",

Larkova I.A., methodologist of the monitoring department of the KGKSU "TsOKO"

T.V. Molchanova, senior lecturer of the Department of Management, Economics and Law, KK IPK

30 people, Moscow Exhibition and Business Center Siberia, hotel, meeting room

3. Quality indicators for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education

Presentation platform

“Effective forms and methods of ensuring continuity in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of NOO and Federal State Educational Standards of LLC”

N.F. Loginova, Head of the Center for Educational Standards and Professional Development, KKIPK

Putintseva N.P., director of Abansky secondary school No. 3;

Kazantseva S.V., Deputy Director of MAOU Gymnasium No. 2 of Krasnoyarsk;

Dorokhova N.V., Deputy Director of MAOU “Gymnasium No. 1 - “Univers”, Krasnoyarsk

Grishchenko Natalya Petrovna. English teacher, MAOU Lyceum No. 9 “Leader”, Krasnoyarsk

60 people, “Grand Hall”, hall No. 4-4a

4. Regional innovation platforms as a resource for introducing the Federal State Educational Standard for general education in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Expert session Social and professional examination of the practices of innovative schools in the direction of “Introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard”

M.E. Maryasova, Methodist of the Center for Educational Standards and Professional Development KKIPK

30 people

International Exhibition Center "Siberia", ABK, 3-03

5. Updating the content and methods of teaching academic subjects: main problems and ways to solve them

Discussion platform Qualification profile of a teacher of history, social studies and geography" (discussed based on a comparison of the requirements of the standards: Federal State Educational Standard, historical and cultural standard, concepts in social studies, draft concept of geographical education, professional standard of a teacher)

I.V. Molodtsova, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Science Disciplines and Methods of Teaching Them KK IPK;

V.V. Kornilov, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Science Disciplines and Methods of Teaching Them KK IPK

Participants (History social studies):

Fedorov I. G.., Chairman of the Regional Branch of the All-Russian public organization Association of History and Social Studies Teachers, Divnogorsk, MBOU “School No. 2 named after. Yu.A. Gagarin", deputy director for scientific and scientific research, history teacher

Lobzenko I.S.., Krasnoyarsk, MBOU Lyceum No. 2, teacher of history and social studies

Prishchepa S.V.., MBOU Emelyanovskaya secondary school No. 1, teacher of history and social studies, head of the Regional Educational Institution of the Emelyanovsky district

Metelkina M.V.., Chairman of the Regional Branch of the All-Russian public organization Association of Law Teachers, Divnogorsk, director of MBOU Secondary School No. 7, village. Ovsyanka, “Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation”

Participants (geography) :

Suraikina E. G., geography teacher, MBOU secondary school No. 153

Kokhanova O. V., geography teacher, MBOU Secondary School with UIOP No. 10

Kornilov V.V. Associate Professor KDONTsMP KKIPK

40 people

MAOU "Secondary School No. 151"

6. Updating the content and teaching methods of the subject “art”

Round table "The concept of teaching the subject area "Art" in the Russian Federation: changing the content and organization of art education in school"

Masich G.N., and about. Head of the Department of Humanitarian Disciplines and Methods of Their Teaching, KKIPK


O.A. Khasanov, senior lecturer of the department of humanities disciplines and methods of teaching them, KKIPK

L.V. Khudonogova, senior lecturer of the Department of Primary Education, KKIPK

40 people

MAOU "Secondary School No. 151"

7. Analysis of intermediate results and prospects for further implementation of the project “Improving the quality of mathematics education”

Round table “Resources for improving the quality of preparation of students for the state final certification at the profile level (with a high degree of predominance of educational programs at the basic level of education in mathematics)”

S.V. Krokhmal, Head of the Center for Mathematical Education, KKIPK

“The system of work of educational organizations and teachers to improve the quality of preparation of students for the State Examination”

MAOU "Gymnasium No. 1" Kansk

MAOU "Gymnasium No. 4" Kansk

Kuropatkina S.M., mathematics teacher, MAOU “Secondary School No. 17”, Achinsk

Senkina E.V. teacher of the Center for Education and Training of the KKIPK “Presentation of the regional network community”

50 people

MAOU "Secondary School No. 151"

8. Regional innovation platforms as a resource for improving the quality of mathematics education in the Krasnoyarsk Territory"

T.V. Polyakova, Senior Lecturer at the Center for Mathematical Education of the KKIPK

Project “Introduction of robotics into the educational process of school” Drachuk G.A. Director of the MBOU "Ozernovskaya secondary school No. 47" of the Yenisei region

40 people, MAOU "Secondary School No. 151"

9. Legal and personnel readiness of general education organizations of the region to implement the Federal State Educational Standard for non-special education students with disabilities and the Federal State Educational Standard for students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities)

Problem session

Ensuring the readiness of educational organizations for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Physical Education.

E.A. Grishanova, chief specialist of the special education department of the Ministry of Education of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

“Ensuring the readiness of educational organizations for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Physical Education: achievements of the problem, prospects”,
Shandybo S.V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of KSPU named after. V.P. Astafieva, head of the regional innovation platform of the educational center “Center for Implementation of Federal State Educational Standards”;

“Development and implementation of a correctional work program for students with ASD in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Disabilities”,

Galochkina T.Yu., Deputy Director for Education and Resource Management of the Krasnoyarsk Secondary School No. 7;

“Providing organizational and methodological conditions for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Physical Education for students with speech impairments”,

Artemyeva A.L., teacher-speech therapist, oligophrenopedagogue MBOU “Secondary School No. 63”, Krasnoyarsk;

Expert: Galkina E.A., Vice-Rector for Educational and Methodological Activities, Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical University. V.P. Astafieva"

100 people,

ABC, middle hall

Presentation platform: Regional project for the integration of additional and vocational education for the formation of pre-professional competencies “Development of the regional JuniorSkills movement”

Ovchinnikov A.E.,

Gertsik Yu.V., director of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Palace of Pioneers; Ermakov S.V., Ph.D., methodologist at the Center for Modern Technologies of Vocational Education;

Abazin D.D., head of the laboratory for the development of the JuniorSkills movement of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Palace of Pioneers;

representatives of JSC Information Satellite Systems named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev";

Berlinets T.V., director of the Kansk College of Technology;

Savelyeva A.V., Executive Director of the Center for Social Programs of RUSAL.

70 people, Grand Hall “Siberia”, hall No. 2

Expert session. Public professional examination of IEP practices to support highly motivated schoolchildren

Pronchenko L.A., Head of the Department of Cadet Educational Institutions and Work with Gifted Children of the Ministry of Education of the Krasnoyarsk Territory,

R.N. Rudich,

Deputy Head of the MKU "Department of Education of the Motyginsky District";

Experts: Luchenkov A.V., Deputy First Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Siberian Federal University",

Yurkov D.V., Director of MAU "Center for Psychological-Medical-Social Support for Children "Ego"

Speakers: Prokofiev Yu. V., Head of the program of the year-round school of intellectual growth “Man and his health through the eyes of modern medicine and medical specialties”,

Ovsyannikova N. N., Deputy Director for Education and Resource Management of the Krasnoyarsk Cadet Corps named after A.I. Swan",

Khudonogova I.Yu., Head of the interdistrict resource center for working with gifted children of the Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical College No. 1 named after. M. Gorky"

40 people

MAOU "Secondary School No. 151"

12. Development of education in the education system of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Problem session. Discussion of practices for integrating the school mediation method into the educational space

E.G. Prigodich, Head of the Center for Education and Civic Education, KK IPKRO

I.Yu. Miroshnikova, Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Krasnoyarsk Territory,

ON THE. Nikitina, manager Department of Social Work of the Law Institute of Siberian Federal University, expert of the Juvenile Service project, professional mediator,

O.V. Trashy, executive director of the CROO Mediation Center “Territory of Consent”, professional mediator, chairman of the organizing committee of the Open Festival of School Mediation Services, E.Yu. Fomina, Executive Director of the KRMOO “Cooperation Center”, M.A. Tukalova, methodologist of CC IPCRO, L.A Litvintseva, director of the innovative internship platform for school mediation - Gymnasium No. 7 in Krasnoyarsk, D.V. Protopopov, director of the regional innovation platform for school mediation - secondary school No. 95 in Zheleznogorsk, HE. Trunova, deputy director of secondary school No. 94 in Krasnoyarsk, L.A. Belskaya, Head of the Center for Developmental Technologies of Secondary School No. 149 in Krasnoyarsk

50 people

MAOU "Secondary School No. 151"

V.A. Kolomiets, Head of the Department of Youth Initiatives and Patriotic Education of the Agency for Youth Policy and Implementation of Social Development Programs in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Merkulova O. M. Tereshkova I.V.

Bantysh S. V Lakis N. V

Divakova O.Yu., s Cherenkova O.V.,

30 people

MAOU "Secondary School No. 151"

14. Social and professional examination of projects of young teachers

Expert session:

Presentation of 17 projects of young teachers in the following categories:

“My profession is “Teacher”:

projects related to the professional formation and development of young teachers, the professional standard of a teacher, improving the image of the teaching profession;

“New educational results for schoolchildren”:

projects aimed at developing meta-subject competencies, personal results of schoolchildren (civic position, patriotic education, healthy lifestyle skills, etc.), meeting the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of general education;

"I am a citizen":

social projects aimed at developing the territories of the region, celebrating significant historical events for the region, preparing for the 2019 Universiade.

M.A. Murashova,

Presentation of 17 projects.


50 people

Grand Hall, hall No. 3

Round table “Results of testing new regional requirements for certification of teachers implementing educational standards for preschool education”

M.V. Grushenkov,

Taskina S.V., Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work of KGBPOU “CPC No. 2”;

Meshcheryakova L.N., methodologist of KGBPOU “CPC No. 2”;

Ivannikova L.A., methodologist of KGBPOU “CPC No. 2”;

70 people, International Exhibition Center "Siberia", amphitheater

17. Cooperation in training: levels, models, content of activities, management

Round table: Practices of cooperation in and for learning

Minova M.V., Head of the Laboratory of LMTKSO KK IPK, Lebedintsev V.B., Associate Professor LMTKSO KK IPK, Minov V.A., Head of the Center for the Development of Education of the Peoples of the North


Wolf O.K., director of the Krasnoturansky school,

Druppova T.A., Head of the Education Department of the Administration of the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets Municipal District,

Kulmaer O.E., deputy director of secondary school No. 7 in Achinsk,

Khmyrova M.A., Deputy Director of Secondary School No. 7, Kansk

30 people, MAOU "Secondary School No. 151"

18. Changes in the system of secondary vocational education in the Krasnoyarsk Territory: new educational results

Seminar “Assessment and analysis of educational results in the system of secondary vocational education: review of existing practices, outlines of the project” (second session of the School of Management and Professional Excellence “Modern College: assessment of educational results”)

Butenko A.V., Associate Professor, Siberian Federal University

Ivanova L.V., Director of the Center for the Development of Vocational Education

Dudyrev F.F., chief expert of the Institute of Education of the Higher School of Economics

Vasiliev K.B., Project Manager for Education, World Bank Moscow Office

NikitinaHE., Deputy Minister of Education of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

AronovA.M., expert at the Center for the Development of Vocational Education, professor at Siberian Federal University

Polyanskaya M.V., Deputy Director of the Krasnoyarsk Construction College

60 people, International Exhibition Center "Siberia",

large meeting room

19. Development of the WorldSkills Russia movement in the region"

Discussion “Development of the “Young Professionals” movement (WorldSkills Russia) in the region”

Dmitrienko L.A., Deputy Head of the Department of Secondary Vocational Education of the Ministry of Education of the Krasnoyarsk Territory;

Ovchinnikova N.P., Deputy Director of the Krasnoyarsk Technological College of Food Industry, Head of the SCS

GrekovaL.A., Head of Department at the Center for the Development of Vocational Education

VlasovA.A., Analyst at the Center for the Development of Vocational Education, coordinator of the project for the development of the “Young Professionals” movement (WorldSkills Russia) in the region"

20. Ensuring the effective activities of regional educational and methodological associations"

Seminar “Activities of regional educational and methodological associations of the region: tasks, results, project proposals”

Volchenko O.I., .

Lyuft N.A., Deputy Director of the Center for the Development of Vocational Education

Perepelkina T.V.,;

BoyarkinaA.A., methodologist at the Center for the Development of Vocational Education

AlferovaI.A., Head of the information, methodological and training center of the Achinsk Trade and Economic College

Boyarskaya T.A.,

Voinova N.A.,

Volkhonskaya T.V.,

Gerasimenko N.A.,

Eremenko L.N.,

Kirichenko G.P.,

Kotlyarova O.K.,

Perepelkina T.V., Deputy Director of the Krasnoyarsk Technical School of Transport and Service

Polezhaeva A.A., Deputy Director of the Krasnoyarsk College of Services and Entrepreneurship

Timoshev P.V.,

Sheveleva R.N.,

30 people, International Exhibition Center "Siberia", small meeting room

21. Licensing, accreditation: application practices. National system of professional qualifications

Overview of the directions of the national system of professional qualifications

Bobkovskaya I.M., Head of the Department of Vocational Training and Vocational Guidance Agency of Labor and Employment of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Veprentseva V.B., chief specialist of the department of secondary vocational education of the Ministry of Education of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Polyakova V.V., Deputy Director of the Krasnoyarsk College of Welding Technologies and Energy

Syrodoeva L.M., methodologist at Sosnovy Bor Mechanical and Technological College

Mavlyutova L.N., director of the Kansky College of Industrial Technologies and Agriculture

Representative of the Labor and Employment Agency of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

40 people, International Exhibition Center "Siberia", ABK, 5-07

22. “Formation of social competencies of students. Integration of activities of secondary vocational and general education institutions

Seminar “Integration of the activities of institutions of secondary vocational and general education”

Voropaeva S.A.

Tuktarova R.R., methodologist at the Center for the Development of Vocational Education

Stepanova N.I., Deputy Director of the Krasnoyarsk Technical School of Industrial Service

Berlinets T.V., director of the Kansk Technological College

Zhadan A.I., Director of Achinsk College of Industrial Technologies and Business

Buzina E.A., Deputy Director of the Krasnoyarsk Technological College of Food Industry

Kirichenko G.P., Deputy Director of the Uyarsky Agricultural College

Gromova E.L., director of the Evenki Multidisciplinary Technical School;

Chapogir S.I., methodologist of the Evenki Ethnopedagogical Center, teacher of the taiga nomadic kindergarten “Ayakan”.

3 tape

1. Resources for changing the quality of primary general education

Round table

“Results and effects of the project “Possibilities of changing teacher practice to achieve planned results by primary school students”

Raitskaya G.V., Head of the Department of Primary Education, KKIPK,

Martynets M.S., Associate Professor, Department of Primary Education, KKIPK

Expert: N.A. Pesnyaeva (candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of primary and preschool education of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Further Professional Education of Agro-Industrial Complex and PPRO, Moscow)

60 people, ABK, 3-08

2. Practice of assessing the quality of primary and basic general education

Presentation platform Approaches to developing a school system for assessing the quality of education:

Molchanova T.V., senior lecturer of the Department of Management, Economics and Law KK IPK

R.S. Rameeva, head of information and analytical department

T.A. Karmakova, deputy director of MBOU “Gymnasium No. 91” in Zheleznogorsk;

T.V. Avanova, Deputy Director of MAOU “Gymnasium No. 1 “Univers”;

O.S. Moiseenko, Deputy Director of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 9”, Nazarovo;

O.V. Doroshkova, Deputy Director of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1, Nazarovo

30 people, International Exhibition Center "Siberia",

hotel, meeting room

3. Quality indicators for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education

Round table

“Can a school alone provide a solution to the problem of a child’s education?”

NOT. Omelko, Methodologist of the Center for Educational Standards and Professional Development KK IPK

Gromyko M. E., head of the Center for Additional Education Lyceum No. 9 “Leader”;

Lobanova T.A., geography teacher, Shushenskaya Secondary School No. 2;

Yagodkina N.V., director of MBOU Secondary School No. 18 in Achinsk;

Anosova T.V., acting Director of MAOU Gymnasium No. 14 of Economics, Management and Law, Krasnoyarsk

80 people

International Exhibition Center "Siberia", amphitheater

4. Regional innovation platforms as a resource for introducing the Federal State Educational Standard for general education in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Expert session Social and professional examination of the practices of innovative schools in the direction of “Introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard”

M.E. Maryasova, Methodologist of the Center for Educational Standards and Professional Development KK IPK

Experts: A.V.Luchenkov, Deputy Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Siberian Federal University, T.Yu. Shopenkova, Deputy Head of the Kansk Education Department, V.A. Malitsky, winner of the All-Russian competition “Director of the Year 2013”

Participants are representatives of schools:

Kartashov E.A., director of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 97 of Zheleznogorsk;

Khramtsov A.V., director of MAOU Lyceum No. 1 in Kansk;

Chernikov B.S., director of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 167 of Zelenogorsk;

Pisareva Natalya Nikolaevna, physics teacher, MAOU Lyceum No. 9 “Leader”, Krasnoyarsk;

Zhikhareva T.A., director of Municipal Budget Educational Institution Secondary School No. 94 of Krasnoyarsk;

Grachev A.S., head of the engineering school of MAOU “Gymnasium No. 1 - “Univers”, Krasnoyarsk;

Wolf O.K., director of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Krasnoturansk Secondary School

30 people, International Exhibition Center "Siberia", ABK, 3-03

5. Updating the content and teaching methods of the educational subject “history”: main problems and ways to solve them

Round table: Ways to modernize the content and methods of teaching history, social studies and geography in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

E.V. Artemiev, Head of the Department of Social Science Disciplines and Methods of Teaching, KKIPK,

O.G. Zelova, senior teacher of social science disciplines and methods of teaching them, KKIPK

Participants (history social studies):

Fedorov I. G.., Chairman of the Regional Branch of the All-Russian public organization Association of History and Social Studies Teachers, Divnogorsk, MBOU “School No. 2 named after. Yu.A. Gagarin", deputy director for scientific and scientific research, history teacher;

Matvienko A. S. KGBPOU "Balahta Agrarian College", teacher of history and social studies;

Artemyev E. V. Head of KDONTsMP KKIPK;

Bloshko A.A. head teacher of MBOU secondary school No. 23 with in-depth study of individual subjects", Krasnoyarsk, head of the methodological association of social disciplines of the Sverdlovsk region, executive secretary of the subject commission of the OGE in history

Zelova O. G. St. teacher of KDONTsMP

Participants (geography) :

Suraikina E. G., geography teacher, MBOU secondary school No. 153

Kokhanova O. V., geography teacher, MBOU Secondary School with UIOP No. 10

Kornilov V.V. Associate Professor KDONTsMP KKIPK

40 people

MAOU "Secondary School No. 151"

6. Updating the content and teaching methods of the academic subject “Russian language”, “literature”, “art”, “technology”: the main problems of teaching and ways to solve them

Discussion platform Approaches to the development of technological education in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

HE. Bogdanova, Head of the Department of Natural Science Disciplines and Methods of Their Teaching, KKIPK

Kartashov Evgeniy Aleksandrovich, director of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 97”;

Ushakova Natalya Petrovna, teacher of computer science and technology, MAOU “Gymnasium No. 13 “Academ”

40 people

MAOU "Secondary School No. 151"

7. Analysis of intermediate results and prospects for further implementation of the project “Improving the quality of mathematics education”

Round table “What the results of the mathematical tournament tell us”

A.S. Chiganov, Director of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics KSPU named after. V.P. Astafieva,

E.V. Senkina, teacher at the Center for Mathematical Education

Senkina E.V. teacher of the Center for Education and Training of the KKIPK “Group mathematical tournament: first results”

Bormova T.M. Deputy Director of the MBU "Nazarovo Interschool Methodological Center" "Organization of a lesson in mathematics based on formative assessment."

Bogdanova O.V. Deputy Director of MAOU "Gymnasium No. 1" Sosnovoborsk "Formation of meta-subject competence of a teacher as a condition for increasing meta-subject results of students in the educational field "Mathematics""

40 people

MAOU "Secondary School No. 151"

8. Regional innovation platforms as a resource for improving the quality of mathematics education in the Krasnoyarsk Territory"

Expert session Social and professional examination of the activities of regional innovation platforms in the direction of “Improving the quality of engineering and mathematics education”

T.V. Polyakova, Senior Lecturer at the Center for Mathematical Education of the KKIPK

Project “Introduction of robotics into the educational process of school” Drachuk G.A. Director of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Ozernovskaya Secondary School No. 47" of the Yenisei District

Project "Engineering and Technology School" MBOU "Secondary School No. 97" of Krasnoyarsk

Project "Children's Engineering School" Gutorina S.A. Director of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 152” in Krasnoyarsk

40 people, MAOU "Secondary School No. 151"

9. Legal and personnel readiness of general education organizations of the region to implement the Federal State Educational Standard for non-special education students with disabilities and the Federal State Educational Standard for students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities)

Round table

Indicators of legal and personnel readiness of educational organizations for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of Non-Educational Education for students with disabilities (based on the example of pilot schools testing the Federal State Educational Standards for Disabilities and the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education and municipal projects)

Dianova V.I., Head of the Laboratory of Inclusive Education, KK IPK;

Sidorenko O.A., Head of the Department of General and Correctional Pedagogy and Psychology KK IPK,

Pigo O.V., director of the Zelenogorsk comprehensive boarding school;

Chernikov B.S., director of MBOU "Secondary School No. 167" Zelenogorsk,

Shadrina M.N., director of MBOU Secondary School No. 12, Achinsk

100 people, International Exhibition and Business Center "Sibir", ABK, middle hall

10. Regional projects for updating the content and technologies of additional education in the Krasnoyarsk Territory: analysis of current practice and development prospects

Discussion Search for new ideas and projects for the development of additional education in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Ovchinnikov A.E., Head of the System Development Laboratory of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Palace of Pioneers.

Open discussion.

Krokhmal E.I., head of the department of additional education and work with teaching staff of the Ministry of Education of the Krasnoyarsk Territory;

Bakhmareva E.S., Deputy Director of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Palace of Pioneers;

Urazova Yu.E., head of the commission “Pedagogy of additional education” of Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical College No. 2;

Kovalenko M.V., director of gymnasium No. 12 “Music and Theater”, Krasnoyarsk;

Stegantsev A.V., Dr. psychol. Sciences, Rector of the Academy of Optiopractice;

Legkikh M.V., teacher of additional education MCOU DO "Children and Youth Center of the Achinsk District."

Representatives of non-state educational and other organizations in the field of additional education.

Ulanova I.A., methodologist of the department of public initiatives, curator of socio-cultural projects of the Krasnoyarsk regional youth environmental public organization “Natural Heritage”

50 people, Grand Hall “Siberia”, hall No. 2

11. Practices for organizing work with gifted children at the municipal and regional level

Round table:

Network of specialized classes in the region: general principles, first experience, development prospects

T.A. Gridasova, Head of the General Education Department of the Ministry of Education of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

A.V. Gavrilin, Vice-Rector of the KK IPK

Spivak S.Yu., director of Lyceum No. 1 in Achinsk;

Elin O.Yu., director of gymnasium No. 1

Shugaley N.Yu., director of gymnasium No. 11 in Krasnoyarsk;

Egorova O.Yu., head of the education department of Lesosibirsk;

Lis E.V., Dean of the Faculty of Pre-University and Fundamental Training of Siberian State Technical University

100 people,

MAOU "Secondary School No. 151"

12. Development of education in the education system of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Problem session. Civic-patriotic education, formation of Russian civic identity: meanings and challenges for the state, society, and individual

E.G. Prigodich, Head of the Center for Education and Civic Education of the KK IPKRO

S.N. Bordukova, director of the Drokino secondary school named after the Decembrist M.M. Spiridova, Emelyanovsky district, L.A. Sidorova, deputy director of the gymnasium for VR, No. 11, Krasnoyarsk, T.V. Melnik, deputy director for VR, secondary school No. 93, Krasnoyarsk, O.V. Rudinskaya, head. Department of methodological and educational work on patriotic education of the KGBUK "House of Officers", O.N. Krasnodubova, Deputy Head, Head of Department of the Agency for Youth Policy and Implementation of Social Development Programs in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, I.V. Dolgushina, President of the Association of TV Broadcasters and TV Producers of the Krasnoyarsk Territory “Yenisei TV”, G.N. Yemtsov Associate Professor, Department of History of State and Law, SibFU, I.A. Zakharov, Chief Specialist of the Ministry of Education of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

50 people, MAOU "Secondary School No. 151"

13. Development of education in the education system of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Brainstorming: Formation of a system of work for the Krasnoyarsk regional branch of the all-Russian public-state children's and youth organization "Russian Schoolchildren's Movement"

V.A. Kolomiets, Head of the Department of Youth Initiatives and Patriotic Education of the Agency for Youth Policy and Implementation of Social Development Programs in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Merkulova O. M., Deputy Director for Educational Work, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 149”, Krasnoyarsk, Tereshkova I.V.., Deputy Director for Educational Work, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Gymnasium No. 7”, Krasnoyarsk,

Bantysh S. V., Deputy Director for Educational Work of MAOU “Lyceum No. 9 “Leader”, Krasnoyarsk, Lakis N. V., Deputy Director for Educational Work, MAOU “Lyceum No. 11”, Krasnoyarsk,

Divakova O.Yu., s Deputy Director for Educational Work, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 84”, Krasnoyarsk, Cherenkova O.V., Deputy Director for Educational Work, MBOU "Aginsk Secondary School No. 2"

30 people, MAOU "Secondary School No. 151"

14. Social and professional examination of projects of young teachers"

Expert session:

Presentation of 17 projects of young teachers in the following categories:

“My profession is “Teacher”:

projects related to the professional formation and development of young teachers, the professional standard of a teacher, improving the image of the teaching profession;

“New educational results for schoolchildren”:

projects aimed at developing meta-subject competencies, personal results of schoolchildren (civic position, patriotic education, healthy lifestyle skills, etc.), meeting the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of general education;

"I am a citizen":

social projects aimed at developing the territories of the region, celebrating significant historical events for the region, preparing for the 2019 Universiade.

M.A. Murashova, methodologist of the Center for Educational Standards and Professional Development KK IPK

Presentation of 17 projects.


T.V. Ivanova, chief specialist of the department of additional education and work with teaching staff;

N.V. Zimen, board member of the regional public organization of the Krasnoyarsk Territory “Creative Union of Teachers”;

V.V. Ovcharenko, teacher of additional education, Krasnoyarsk University Gymnasium No. 1 “Univers”;

N.G. Berezovskaya, Deputy Director of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Palace of Pioneers;

HE. Gurina, director of Municipal Budget Educational Institution Secondary School No. 92, Krasnoyarsk;

EAT. Shevchuk, Deputy Director of the KGBU “House of Education Workers”

50 people, Grand Hall, hall No. 3

15. Introduction of professional standards for teachers

Section Problems of the practice of introducing professional standards for teachers at the municipal level

N.F. Loginova, Head of the Center for Educational Standards and Professional Development of the KK IPK,

M.V. Grushenkov, chief specialist of the department of additional education and work with teaching staff of the Ministry of Education of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

T.P. Cherepakhina, zHead of the methodological department of the MBU "Ermakovsky IMC",

S.Yu. Makhova, Deputy Director for Water Resources Management at the Nizhnesuetukskaya Secondary School, Ermakovsky District,

Abramova E.V.,Head of MBDOU "Ermakovsky kindergarten No. 1 of a combined type",

MBDOU "Ermakovsky kindergarten No. 1 combined type" Tsvetsykh N.D., Director of MBU NMMC Nazarovo,

Podlipaeva A.A., Deputy Head of the Education Department of the Shushensky District,

Tselitan S.V., director of the MMC Novoselovsky district

50 people

Grand Hall "Siberia", hall No. 4-4a

16. Sources of professional development

Presentation platform.

Advanced training program “Mentoring support for young teachers in the first 2 years of work”

T.A. Alekseeva Director of KGBPEU “Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical College No. 1 named after M. Gorky"

YUM. Zalega, Head of the Center for Providing Information and Educational Environments of the KK IPK, O.V. Schmidt, head of the center for foreign language education of the KK IPK, N.L. Solyankina, senior teacher of the CC IPK; E.A. Chuvasheva, Deputy Director of the Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical College No. 1 named after. M. Gorky", I.K. Ripinskaya, head of practice at Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical College No. 1 named after. M. Gorky", O.V. Kurygina, Deputy Director of Secondary School No. 151,

E.K. Burbukina, head of MKU “Education Management of the Yenisei Region”

30 people

Grand Hall "Siberia", hall No. 5

17. Changes in the system of secondary vocational education in the Krasnoyarsk Territory: new educational results

Seminar “Assessment and analysis of educational results in the system of secondary vocational education: review of existing practices, outlines of the project” (second session of the School of Management and Professional Excellence “Modern College: assessment of educational results”)

Butenko A.V., Ivanova L.V.

Dudyrev F.F., chief expert of the Institute of Education of the Higher School of Economics

Aronov A.M., expert at the Center for the Development of Vocational Education, professor at Siberian Federal University

Vasiliev K.B., Project Manager for Education, World Bank Moscow Office

Nikitina O.N., Deputy Minister of Education of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Polyanskaya M.V., Deputy Director of the Krasnoyarsk Construction College

60 people, International Exhibition Center "Siberia",

large meeting room

18. Development of the WorldSkills Russia movement in the region"

Seminar “Project “School of Professional Education Leaders”

Dmitrienko L.A., Ovchinnikova N.P.,

Vlasov A.A.

Heads of Specialized Competence Centers

40 people, International Exhibition Center "Siberia", ABK, 4-01

19. Ensuring the effective activities of educational and methodological associations

Seminar “Designing and planning the activities of regional educational and methodological associations for the medium term and the 2016-2017 academic year”

Volchenko O.I., Lyuft N.A., Perepelkina T.V.

Alferova I.A., Head of the information, methodological and training center of the Achinsk Trade and Economic College

Boyarskaya T.A., Deputy Director of the Krasnoyarsk College of Radio Electronics and Information Technologies

Voinova N.A., Deputy Director of the Achinsk College of Oil and Gas

Volkhonskaya T.V., Deputy Director of the Nazarovo Energy Construction College

Gerasimenko N.A., Deputy Director of the College of Hospitality and Service Industry

Eremenko L.N., Deputy Director of the Krasnoyarsk Construction College

Kirichenko G.P., Deputy Director of the Uyar Agricultural College

Kotlyarova O.K., Deputy Director of the Krasnoyarsk College of Services and Entrepreneurship

Perepelkina T.V., Deputy Director of the Krasnoyarsk Technical School of Transport and Service

Polezhaeva A.A., Deputy Director of the Krasnoyarsk College of Services and Entrepreneurship

Timoshev P.V., Deputy Director of the Aerospace College

Sheveleva R.N., Deputy Director of Kansky Polytechnic College

40 people, International Exhibition Center "Siberia", small meeting room

20. Licensing, accreditation: application practices. National system of professional qualifications

Seminar “Review of changes in legislation in the field of education”

Veprentseva V.B., chief specialist of the department of secondary vocational education of the Ministry of Education of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Nazarova T.L., Head of the State Accreditation Sector of the Department of Licensing and State Accreditation of the Ministry of Education of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Petaeva G.I., Head of Department, Center for the Development of Vocational Education

40 people, International Exhibition Center "Siberia", ABK, 5-07

21. “Formation of social competencies of students. Integration of the activities of institutions of secondary vocational and general education"

Seminar “Formation of social competencies of POU students”

Voropaeva S.A., chief specialist of the department of secondary vocational education of the Ministry of Education of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Fomicheva G.N., Head of the structural unit of the Center for the Development of Vocational Education

Tuktarova R.R., methodologist at the Center for the Development of Vocational Education

Stepanova N.I., Deputy Director of the Krasnoyarsk Technical School of Industrial Service

Berlinets T.V.., director of the Kansk Technological College

Zhadan A.I.., director of the Achinsk College of Industrial Technologies and Business

Pitenina O.N., Deputy Director of the Achinsk College of Oil and Gas

Buzina E.A., Deputy Director of the Krasnoyarsk Technological College of Food Industry

Kotelnikova O.Yu., Deputy Director of the Krasnoyarsk Multidisciplinary College

40 people, Grand Hall “Siberia”, hall No. 1

08/24/2016 (second day of work):

Congress Hall of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Siberian Federal University", Svobodny Ave., 82, building 9

plenary session;

Participants: heads of state regional and municipal educational organizations, heads of municipal education authorities, heads of local government bodies of the territories of the region, representatives of the executive and legislative authorities of the region, public organizations


Registration of participants of the regional August pedagogical council


Plenary meeting of participants of the regional August pedagogical council


Opening of the pedagogical council.


N.M. Zolotareva, Director of the Department of State Policy in the Field of Workforce Training and Further Vocational Training of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation


Greetings from the participants of the August Pedagogical Council A.M. Kleshko, Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory


Greetings from the participants of the August Pedagogical Council L.V. Kosaryntseva, Chairman of the territorial (regional) organization of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of the Russian Federation


Report S.I. Makovskaya, Minister of Education of the Krasnoyarsk Territory "Change Management: New Educational Outcomes"


Staging Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory V.A. Tolokonsky tasks for the regional pedagogical community in the near and medium term

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