What is heroism? What is a feat? Are they necessary and relevant in our time? True heroism is the inner freedom of a person. Who can accomplish the feat

Manifestations of heroism

Heroism is valor, courage, courage, bravery, determination, dedication, and the ability to perform a feat. The hero takes upon himself the solution of a task that is exceptional in its scale and difficulty, assumes a greater measure of responsibility and responsibilities than is imposed on people under normal conditions by generally accepted norms of behavior, and therefore overcomes special obstacles. A personal feat can play the role of an initiative, an example for many people and turn into mass heroism. A person performs heroic deeds because he considers it necessary. This is a kind of conscious choice to follow one’s duty as a citizen in a critical situation, even to the detriment of oneself and one’s life. Over the centuries-old heroic history, Russia has such a number of feats that no other state in the world has, there has never been and never will be such a number of Heroes of the Fatherland.

Over the years, the Heroes of the Fatherland were called differently: People's Heroes, Knights of the Highest Orders, Knights of St. George, Heroes of the Soviet Union, Knights of the Order of Glory and Labor Glory, Heroes of Socialist Labor, Knights of the Orders of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation. Knights of the Order of Modern Russia.

All of them are united, along with their common homeland, by the most important factor - the origins of their heroism and courage, the origins of their exploits. Heroism and exploits, as the highest manifestation of patriotic feelings, have always been and remain the national treasure of our Fatherland.

What kind of miracle heroism this is is difficult to answer for everyone. Why do some people, who seem no different from others, decide to save a person? After all, when you rush to help someone, you don’t think what they will say, you simply rush to help... It would seem that courage, dedication and courage are such powerful foundations of heroism that even the uninitiated will think that these personality pillars are quite enough to accomplish feat. However, in reality, relying only on courage, dedication and courage will be a waste of energy if thought does not come out in unity with these human factors. Loss of thought and sacrifices are in vain. The action then becomes the real embodiment of heroism when underneath it there is a wide plateau of the meaning of life. We can recall many examples of heroism during the Great Patriotic War. Those who fought at the front were ordinary people who, in extreme situations, rose to heroic status. These were exactly the same people as you and me.

“Always be heroes,” this slogan was vividly embodied in the immortal feat of Panfilov’s men, which was accomplished by 28 soldiers of the 316th division of General I.V. Panfilov. Defending the line at the Dubosekovo crossing, this group under the command of political instructor V.G. On November 16, Klochkova entered into combat with 50 German tanks, accompanied by a large detachment of enemy machine gunners. Soviet soldiers fought with unparalleled courage and tenacity. “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat. Moscow is behind us,” the political instructor addressed the soldiers with such an appeal. And the soldiers fought to the death, 24 of them, including V.G. Klochkov, died the death of the brave, but the enemy did not pass here. A striking example that personifies the heroic spirit of our soldiers is the feat of the Komsomol member of the Marine Corps M.A. Panikahin. During an enemy attack on the approaches to the Volga, he, engulfed in flames, rushed to meet a fascist tank and set it on fire with a bottle of fuel. The hero burned down along with the enemy tank. His comrades compared his feat with the feat of Gorky’s Danko: the light of the Soviet hero’s feat became a beacon to which other heroic warriors looked up. What strength of spirit was demonstrated by those who did not hesitate to cover with their bodies the embrasure of the enemy bunker that was spewing deadly fire! Private Alexander Matrosov was one of the first to accomplish such a feat. During the Great Patriotic War, Matrosov’s feat was repeated by over 200 Soviet soldiers and officers! Of course, selflessness and contempt for death in the fight against the enemy do not necessarily entail the loss of life.

Moreover, often these qualities of Soviet soldiers help them mobilize all their spiritual and physical strength to find a way out of a difficult situation. Faith in the people, confidence in victory, in the name of which the Russian man goes to death without fear of it, inspires the fighter, pours new strength into him. The whole world knows the iron steadfastness of our soldiers in the days of the heroic defense of Leningrad, Sevastopol, Kyiv, and Odessa. The determination to fight the enemy to the end was a mass phenomenon and was expressed in the oaths of individual soldiers and units. Here is one of these oaths taken by Soviet sailors during the defense of Sevastopol: “For us the slogan is “Not a step back!” became the slogan of life. We are all, as one, unshakable. If there is a lurking coward or a traitor among us, then our hand will not waver - he will be destroyed.”

Any person can be a hero who has such feelings as: compassion, love, mutual assistance, understanding and patience. And therefore, you can become a hero not only in war, but also in everyday life: saving a drowning person, preventing a fire or terrorist attack, standing up for the weak.

You can become a hero for yourself when you do not give in to persuasion to try drugs, smoking, alcohol - this is also a feat, do not give in to the “weak” reason, but at the same time you will win your life, your future and make your own choice in your favor . And when you yourself can answer “no to evil,” then you can try to tell your friends about it - this is also a feat to express your opinion.

And if this happens, then everything in this life will change for the better!

In any case, everyone should become a hero for themselves, feel like a hero, try to be a hero. Then the people around you may begin to admire you. The main thing is to try hard! The main thing is to want it!

The uniqueness of the Ministry of Internal Affairs among other government bodies is that it is law enforcement agencies that most often have direct contact with citizens. The work of police officers determines the observance of the rule of law in the life of the country, order on city streets, and sometimes peace in the homes and apartments of the citizens themselves. In terms of the number of socially significant government functions provided and the degree of penetration into all layers of society, only the Ministry of Health and Social Development or the Ministry of Education and Science can be compared with the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Today, many aspects of citizens’ daily lives depend on the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Internal affairs bodies are responsible for maintaining order on the streets, preventing and solving crimes, protecting and protecting private property, government and commercial facilities. Units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs fight for safety on the country's roads, ensure the holding of public events, and come to the aid of citizens in emergency situations day and night. From the minister to the local police officer, the Ministry of Internal Affairs guards the interests of the citizen, the law and society.

As you know, a person is not born a patriot, endowed with patriotic consciousness, courage, heroism and bravery, a sense of loyalty, and the traditions of the state of which he is a citizen.

The heroism of employees of internal affairs bodies represents an organic unity, a fusion of labor and military heroism, since the conditions of service are such that it is difficult to draw a clear line between a labor feat and the manifestation of heroism, courage, courage of personnel for the establishment of constitutional order, the disarmament of gangs, the detention of an armed criminal , calming down a hooligan crowd, stopping the movement of vehicles with a drunk driver behind the wheel is, on the one hand, a normal official activity for special police units, operational personnel, traffic police officers, and on the other hand, it is committing a feat, a heroic act.

The basis of heroism among employees of internal affairs bodies is loyalty to the Oath, pride in service for the glory of the Fatherland, the readiness of personnel to perform official tasks in strict accordance with the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation, to follow the glorious traditions of previous generations of employees of internal affairs bodies.

In modern conditions, we call patriots and heroes of service those employees who do not shy away from active creative activities aimed at serving the people, society, the Motherland and, which is implemented in the impeccable performance of tasks to protect the constitutional rights of citizens, proper protection of public order and security, active offensive crime fighting.

personal feat courage heroism

Heroic, accomplishment of outstanding societies. the meaning of actions that meet the interests of the people. masses, advanced classes and requiring from a person personal courage, perseverance, readiness for self-sacrifice. Since ancient times people... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

heroism- a, m. heroïsme m. The ability to perform heroic actions and deeds; dedication, courage. Sl. 18. Where are you, dark ages, centuries of barbarism and heroism? 1793. Karamzin PRP 1 89. The harsh, cruel heroism of Sparta and Messina. MM 1803 3 199. Heroism in sight... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

The highest degree of civil or military courage. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Pavlenkov F., 1907. HEROISM Greek, from heros, hero. Extraordinary courage; the spirit characteristic of the hero. Explanation of 25,000 foreign words... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Heroism, valor, courage, bravery, courage, bravery, fearlessness, fearlessness; courage, fearlessness, masculinity, self-sacrifice, audacity, fearlessness, heroism, determination. Ant. cowardice, cowardice Dictionary of Russians... ... Synonym dictionary

HEROISM, heroism, many. no, husband (book). The ability to perform a feat; distracted noun to heroic. During the disaster, he showed true heroism. He is not distinguished by heroism. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

An action of outstanding social significance. Military heroism is multifaceted and is associated with the most complex and dangerous situations that require enormous volitional efforts, high military skill, and the ability to quickly accept the only... ... Naval Dictionary

HEROISM, huh, husband. Courage, determination and self-sacrifice in critical situations. G. defenders of the Motherland. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

See Hero (Source: “Aphorisms from around the world. Encyclopedia of Wisdom.” www.foxdesign.ru) ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

See aesthetic V.V. Vinogradov. History of words, 2010 ... History of words

heroism- Selfless, peerless, unparalleled, greatest, amazing, exceptional, true, unprecedented, unprecedented, extraordinary, ostentatious. Tawdry. Combat, military, mass, revolutionary, labor, etc. Dictionary of epithets of the Russian language. 2006 ... Dictionary of epithets

Heroism- Heroism ♦ Heroisme The extreme degree of selfless courage, opposing any real or possible evil. Such courage is able to withstand not only fear, but also suffering, fatigue, despondency, disgust, temptation, etc. This... ... Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary


  • , Vyazemsky Yuri Pavlovich. With this book we continue the new series-library of Yuri Vyazemsky “Clever Men and Clever Women: Olympiad”. Let's prepare for the Olympics together! The collection is dedicated to Russian literature - its problems,…
  • Heroism in Russian literature. From “Song of the Prophetic Oleg” to “Quiet Don”, Vyazemsky Yu.P. With this book we continue the new series-library of Yuri Vyazemsky “Clever men and women: Olympiad”. Let's prepare for the Olympics together! The collection is dedicated to Russian literature – its problems,...

These days the glory will not be silent! Every year we move further and further away from the war era. But time has no power over what people experienced during the war. It was a very difficult time. The Soviet soldier knew how to boldly look mortal danger in the eye. By his will, his blood, victory was achieved over a strong enemy. There are no limits to the greatness of his feat in the name of the Motherland, just as there are no limits to the greatness of the labor feat of the Soviet people. “Everything for the front, everything for victory!” - this slogan became the main one from the first days of the war for the people who replaced the workers who went to the front. Women and teenagers became the main force on the labor front. My fellow Volga residents did a lot to defeat Nazi Germany. Many military factories were evacuated from the west of the country to Kuibyshev. Kuibyshev became an important industrial center. I have read many stories about how wartime boys stood at their machines for twelve to fourteen hours so that their fathers and brothers would return from the front as quickly as possible. Young people also worked in the countryside at the front line. After all, front-line soldiers and workers needed bread. Schoolchildren helped adults grow and harvest crops. They weeded the crops, cut hay, and harvested vegetables. Women's tractor brigades began to be created in the region. My grandmother, Timryazanskaya Maria Ivanovna, worked in Galina Lazareva’s women’s tractor team. This was the first women's tractor brigade created in the Stavropol region during the war. My grandmother graduated from machine operator school, worked as a helmsman on a combine harvester, and then as a tractor driver on a Universal. It was necessary to work from dark to dark. During the autumn-winter season, it was necessary to repair equipment. The premises were cold. My grandmother said that even my feet froze to my boots. But it was necessary to work, because people were dying at the front. Unfortunately, my grandmother passed away early, and I heard so few of her stories. Decades have separated us from the harsh days of war. A generation that bore the heavy burden of war is passing away. But the people's memory will preserve the unfading feat, the unheard-of suffering, and the unshakable faith of the people. Kondakov Alexander Municipal Lyceum No. 57 Ordinary fascism. To say that they are animals is not enough. A fascist is more than a beast. This is a monster, a cannibal. Blood, human blood, the extermination of people - this is what feeds the fascist, this is what keeps him on his feet. We will never forgive the bloody Hitler for the death of our fathers and grandfathers! Never! Examples of fascist torture of Soviet people can be given endlessly. It hurts to remember this, but we cannot forget about it. That is why, in spite of everything, I will give several examples of fascist atrocities. In Brest, on the football field, fascist fanatics began to shoot people one by one. Their children were shot in front of mothers. The massacre lasted about an hour. The fascist officer commanded the survivors: “Run!” - and the crowd ran. A machine gun started firing after those running... Near Kalach on an early July morning, the Germans opened strong mortar and artillery fire. The Red Army soldiers were about to repel the Nazis, but when they looked out of the trenches, they saw a terrible picture. About a hundred women, with their heads bowed low, slowly walked towards the trenches, and behind them enemy tanks were moving, and machine gun fire was heard every now and then at the Soviet women. This is the insidious, brutal, vile act the fascists committed. In the village of Ivischi, Iznokovsky district, Smolensk region, the Germans locked fifty elderly people in a church and set it on fire. These and other letters, diaries, wartime leaflets, posthumous notes found in cartridge cases, old soldiers' triangles with field mail stamps, photographs, newspaper clippings... What a wealth of feelings and thoughts they contain! Collected together, they recreate the pages of a heroic past that has already become history. A story that does not age with time and always remains in people's memory. Yura Stepanov Tell me, what glory will crown your deeds? What measure to measure The path that you have walked? Mikhail Isakovsky The greatest human deed! The Great Patriotic War is a huge emotional wound in human hearts. This terrible tragedy began on the twenty-second of June, one thousand nine hundred forty-one, and ended only four years later, after four difficult years - on the ninth of May, one thousand nine hundred and forty-five. This was the greatest war in the history of mankind. A huge number of people died in this war. It’s terrible to think that our peers - children of thirteen or fourteen years old - took part in this tragedy. People gave their lives for the fate of their Motherland, for their comrades. Even the cities that withstood the entire onslaught of Hitler's army were awarded the title of heroes.

We all remember the original theme of essays on the Russian language, “Hero of Our Time.” Hero of our time - who is he? And why can a hero only be of “our” time? Who can accomplish the feat? And out of time? Let's try to turn to values, the meaning of life, truth - the essence of the categories of morality that do not have a transitory meaning.

Is it moral?

Thinking about values ​​is not in fashion now. The question “who can accomplish a feat” is not discussed. The pressing issue is price. Despite the fact that the number of “beautiful words” used to hide speculation has increased incredibly. Every newly-minted “guru” makes “posts” and “reposts” about subtle concepts, turning them into trash.

First of all, it is worth understanding that the categories are not identical. What is moral is a timeless truth. This kind of morality is contained in the commandments. “Thou shalt not kill” is the sacred right to life of every person, and no one can encroach on what is sacred. Morality is a historical form of morality. In one historical era it is moral to execute a person, in another it is to declare a moratorium and recognize the right to life as absolute, which means returning the moral basis to the concept.

Selfie heroics

In eastern countries, a hand is cut off for theft. In Eurasian ones, the punishment for such an act is determined by the amount. Moreover, the larger it is, the more problematic the punishment. Where are the boundaries of morality, where are the standards of morality? It's difficult to answer the question. Who is the hero? Can a character in modern videos accomplish a feat? Mass posting of clips of “achievers” - modern selfers - turns into nonsense towards oneself, and sometimes even a crime towards society.

“Heroism” in the understanding of the authors of the stories, when simple human stupidity is exposed to worldwide publicity, is one of the options for modern morality, or rather, the lack thereof. In principle, this will not surprise you. The famous expression “Oh times, oh morals!” as old as time.

Instinct or awareness?

Heroism is a person’s ability to self-sacrifice for the sake of universal human values. Is Pavlik Morozov a hero, a man who accomplished a feat? In the last century, he was the standard for educating the younger generation. The time when incomparable values ​​were put on the scales - the individual or society - is gone, swinging the scales in the other direction. In our time, this is an “anti-hero” who betrayed his father - the prototype of this version of the modern entrepreneur who solves the issue of personal enrichment at any cost.

People who went to the breach in the name of saving friends, loved ones, the Motherland? A mother protecting her child? Is it instinct or awareness, heroism? Has he remained “in the name” of the past? If not, in what forms does it manifest itself today? What feats do people perform nowadays?

Why is it advisable in this case to ask a question rather than answer it? Because the question opens the way to knowledge of the truth. And the answer closes it. And in our time it is very difficult to unequivocally answer the question of heroism.

Batman - the hero of our time

The world, in its fleeting movement, according to the principle of rationalism, must strive for an absolute point of equilibrium. This is the ideal path of development - only towards truth, only towards unity. Because multiplicity is chaos and disorder.

The hero of our time who can accomplish a feat is a kind of collective image, a cartoon Batman. Because modern society is virtual, there is a substitution of play and life. That’s why people’s actions are so often beyond comprehension.

Heroism is not necessarily a public, one-time act. The tradition of our thinking paints a picture of such a super-many hero who works miracles in front of the eyes of a woman in love. Again some kind of TV template.

True heroism is the inner freedom of man

Lifelong heroism is a true masterpiece of humanism. Women who raise worthy children are happy themselves, happy society. Everyday heroism, in which all energy, time, and thoughts are devoted to a holy purpose - the upbringing of a person. You can call a hero a person who has made a world discovery and brought benefit to people. This man consciously put his soul, heart, thought, life into something that all humanity can use. Here is a real hero, outside of time, outside of space.

Heroes who have accomplished feats are people of a high level of morality and responsibility. They will not film themselves for the purpose of posting them on the Internet. This is an intimate question of a person's conscience. Most often, heroes do not consider themselves such, they simply fulfilled a duty of honor. A debt that sometimes costs your life. Debt, which in itself is not an obligation to anything external, but the internal need of the person himself to act morally.

The time of the “selfie” as a tribute to immediacy will pass along with the history of the formation of the Internet. There will remain humane principles of morality that are timeless.