How to correctly write a social portrait of a person. How a psychological portrait of a personality is compiled

Results of psychological analysis of the text:

Dear L.L.!

The text of your friend (acquaintance) or patient O is highly focused on a specific reader, who is either you or the person who is trying to influence her, perhaps conducting psychotherapeutic sessions with her.

O is a suggestible person, she tends not to impose her own, but to adapt to the interlocutor, in particular, to use the words he said in her answers. Its text, for example, begins with a repetition of the wording of the assigned task ( The most important thing about me as a person is...). The combination of one’s own and other people’s fragments creates the impression or image of a “half-nun, half-harlot,” which, like any image, has a distant relationship to reality.

And later in the text, especially at the beginning of phrases, O uses other people’s words. Other people's words are usually terminology and scientific expressions, often from the vocabulary of a psychologist ( I am prone to constant introspection... But outwardly I show emotions... Pathologically I cannot...). Her own speech, on the contrary, is colloquial, contains spelling errors that appear under the influence of vernacular, and contains childish expressions ( from the father And Nya, s samo l th childhood /small/, in general her with people, accepting myself in this form, being... in yourself I ).

He confuses the spiritual and the spiritual (spirit and soul). Her problems are indeed related to mental movements and belong to the care of a soul specialist (psychologist). Faith and spirituality are understood incorrectly ( state of spiritual search and concentration on oneself) and illiterate ( My spiritual search is associated with “God-seeking”). Apparently, religion attracts her as an opportunity for communication and submission to authority. And she may well fall under the influence of more or less persistent sectarians (which you, L.L., apparently rightly fear).

Apparently, her main problem is loneliness, lack of communication and emotional contacts ( I try to enjoy everything that comes my way). There may be some delay in the development of the emotional sphere. At the very least, O is prone to purely childish manifestations ( I love to get involved in everything new..., with pleasure I...understand the whole gamut of sensations from despair to insane joy).

Most likely, O is concentrating too much on his experiences ( Being constantly inside myself, I am not attentive to others). Like a child, comes under excessive influence from a source of emotion ( I act not according to a thought-out decision, but spontaneously and based on momentary sensations and intuition) and is incapable of sober assessments of him ( Sensitive, but not touchy. Moderately irresponsible and unprincipled). The above examples mainly contain not O’s self-assessments, but assessments of those around her (other people’s speech), who, apparently, are trying to educate her, and whose words she obediently repeats (in the form of repentance).

The trouble is that the assessments of others for O - as for a child - are more important and significant than his own ideas:
Pathologically I cannot (or I am afraid that it looks like this from the outside) “pressure” (influence) those around me.

But their educational influence does not bring solutions to problems. It does not lead to success or “correction”, but to repentance, apologies and unjustified low self-esteem ( I'm a completely aimless creature). The need for emotional contact appears to be stronger.

Dear L.L.! Apparently, you should not reproach your friend for her frivolity and unwillingness (ability) to defend her interests. Most likely, she is no less touchy than others, but she is more embarrassed than others to demonstrate and discuss her grievances. It is in this case that she probably withdraws into herself and refuses to communicate ( Since childhood I have preferred a “hermit” lifestyle... I need a lot of time to be with myself).

You are right when you say that she gives the impression of a closed, strange and unexpected person in her manifestations, but, most likely, you are mistaken when you assume that she is closer to “spiritual practice” than living other people, and you are afraid of “going into your inner world". Most likely, your friend is no more “focused on deeply internal criteria” than a 10-15 year old child - rather, on the contrary. Agree that for a woman of 33 years old (and with a higher education), a childish view of the world creates certain problems, in particular, as you rightly write, problems of (equal) communication. And the greatest danger for your friend is “bad company.”

Apparently, it is not worth focusing it on reflection and moral issues. It will be more useful to help establish more productive and regular contacts with others, especially with peers of the opposite sex, perhaps at first even with psychological peers, boys of 17-18 years old, to try to remove unjustified emotional extremism caused by a lack of communication and healthy emotional release. Moreover, as you rightly note, “social and conventional norms are not the motivating beginning of the behavior and life” of your friend, “although she knows about them, knows that she often violates them, but considers herself right and is not going to do anything change".

If you plan to involve a specialist in solving your friend’s problems, then, apparently, a specialist in family therapy and/or a sexologist would be more suitable. In Samara, where you live, you can contact...

This test is designed to determine a psychological portrait. The test consists of a questionnaire that takes into account 17 personality factors. By answering the questions, you will be able to determine the characteristics of your personality, as well as better understand yourself. This will help you recognize your strengths and tell you where else you need to “improvement”. Since the test is fully automated, complete confidentiality of information is guaranteed (that is, the result will be available only to you).

Each question has three answer options. From them, choose the one that you think best suits your views.

You should not take the test if you:

  • Tired;
  • Are in a state of strong emotional arousal;
  • Looking for a solution to a problem.

Because all these factors can affect the correctness of the answers.

When answering questions, remember:

  • Don't overthink your answers. Give the one that comes to mind first.
  • Be sure to answer all the questions in a row, without leaving anything out.
  • If you answer questions not in order, but in a style - 1, 27, 93, 64, 2, etc. then the real picture will be distorted. Because the order of the questions is not random.
  • Of course, a question cannot always describe a specific situation. In this case, try to imagine the average, most frequently occurring situation that corresponds to the meaning of the question and, based on this, choose an answer.
  • There are no right or wrong answers here. Consider that you are simply expressing your opinion and not taking a test.
  • Answer as honestly as possible, in this case you will get the most realistic picture and will be able to get to know yourself better.
  • If you do not answer all the questions, you will receive a distorted description that does not correspond to your psychological portrait.

After receiving the result, you may be surprised that the psychological portrait may contain seemingly mutually exclusive traits, such as courage and indecision. Sociability and isolation. But this is only at first glance. Depending on the situation, different aspects of character may dominate. A person can be bold in making any serious decisions at work and timid when meeting women. If a character trait appears two or more times in a characterization, then it is dominant. And in the absence of extreme situations, it is the dominant character traits that will control a person’s behavior.

Below, as an example, is presented the psychological characteristics of one of our employees who passed the test.

Realism, strength, independence. Relies only on himself. Doesn't tolerate meaninglessness. Intellectually developed. Abstract thinking. High learning ability. Dissatisfaction with oneself, excessive self-criticism. Impulsive, cheerful, full of enthusiasm. Tends to be relaxed, balanced, and content. A person with a developed imagination. Immersed in internal needs, he cares more about practical issues. Serene, trusting of people, calm. Conscientious, persistent, reliable, obliging. Entrepreneurial, offering his own solution. Aware, socially accurate, committed to maintaining a good reputation. Extrovert, easy to talk to. Sociable, courageous, spontaneous in the emotional sphere, cheerful. Can easily tolerate other people's complaints and tears, as well as difficulties in communicating with people in emotionally intense situations. Possible careless attitude to little things and ignoring danger signals. Open, benevolent, slightly susceptible to feelings of jealousy, cheerful, does not strive for competition, cares about others. Works well in a group. Direct, natural, unsophisticated, sentimental. Emotional stability, endurance. The person is emotionally mature, calm, stable in his interests, efficient (but without nervous fatigue), oriented to reality.

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Moscow 2016



1. Temperament

2. Character

3. Abilities

4. Emotionality

5. Strong-willed qualities

6. Ability to communicate

7. Self-esteem

8. Accentuation

General conclusion



I decided to conduct a psychological personality analysis on a friend of mine, namely a neighbor who rents an apartment with us and lives in a separate room. His name is Valentin, age 25, has a higher education in energy engineering and works in his specialty in a small company. I believe that Valentin is an ideal candidate for this psychoanalysis, since I do not see him often and do not know him very well as a person, but I can draw conclusions about some of his personal qualities.

1. Temperament

Temperament, along with other additional characteristics of the type, has a significant impact on a person’s character and behavior, as well as on his relationships with other people. It is one of the reasons for behavioral differences in people of the same personality type. Temperament is a stable set of individual psychophysiological characteristics of a personality associated with dynamic rather than meaningful aspects of activity. Temperament is the basis of character development. From a physiological point of view, it is determined by the type of higher nervous activity of a person and is manifested in a person’s behavior (character), in the degree of his vital activity. Temperament characterizes the dynamic features of mental activity, i.e., the speed of reaction, its pace, rhythm, intensity, sharpness, amplitude. It also reflects a person’s emotionality. These are impressionability (susceptibility, sensitivity to influences), speed (the speed with which emotion becomes the motivating force of actions) and emotional lability (the speed with which an emotional state ends, or is replaced by one another). (sensitivity to emotions), reflects the origin, duration, the speed of onset and cessation of various feelings, sensations and moods. Basic emotional states: impressionability, impulsiveness and stability/instability of emotional states of temperament, characteristics of various temperaments can help to understand the traits of a person’s temperament if they are clearly expressed, but people with pronounced traits of a certain temperament are not very common, most often people have a mixed temperament in various combinations. But the predominance of traits of any type of temperament makes it possible to classify a person’s temperament as one or another type.

Melancholic- a person who is easily vulnerable, prone to constantly experiencing various events, he reacts little to external factors. He cannot restrain his asthenic experiences by force of will; he is highly impressionable and easily emotionally vulnerable. These traits are emotional weakness.

Phlegmatic person- slow, calm, has stable aspirations and mood, outwardly stingy in the manifestation of emotions and feelings. He shows perseverance and perseverance in his work, remaining calm and balanced. He is productive at work, compensating for his slowness with diligence.

Sanguine- a lively, hot, active person, with frequent changes of mood and impressions, with a quick reaction to all the events happening around him, quite easily coming to terms with his failures and troubles. He is very productive at work when he is interested, becoming very excited about it; if the work is not interesting, he is indifferent to it, he becomes bored.

Choleric- fast, passionate, impetuous, but completely unbalanced, with sharply changing moods with emotional outbursts, quickly exhausted. He does not have a balance of nervous processes, this sharply distinguishes him from a sanguine person. A choleric person, getting carried away, carelessly wastes his strength and quickly becomes exhausted.

Valentin does not speak very quickly, has a rather loud voice and expressive, unusual facial expressions. However, he is rather slow, outwardly almost always calm and self-confident. He is not very verbose and does not like large companies, preferring the company of one or two close people. Having conducted an Eysenck test consisting of 57 questions to Valentin, I concluded that by temperament he is phlegmatic and introverted. Using Eysenck's technique, extraversion (the personality's focus on the outside world) and neuroticism (the result of imbalance in the processes of excitation and inhibition) are determined - the properties that underlie temperament. This result is quite consistent with Valentin’s external manifestations; I completely agree that his temperament type is dominated by phlegmatic traits.

2. Character

The structure of persistent, relatively constant mental properties that determine the characteristics of relationships and behavior of an individual. When they talk about character, they usually mean just such a set of properties and qualities of a person that leave a certain stamp on all its manifestations and actions. Character traits constitute those essential properties of a person that determine a particular way of behavior or way of life.

In the system of personality relationships, four groups of character traits are distinguished: a person’s attitude towards other people (sociability, sensitivity and responsiveness, respect for other people, and the opposite traits - isolation, callousness, rudeness, contempt for people);

Traits that show a person’s attitude to work, to his business (hard work, accuracy, a penchant for creativity, conscientiousness in work, responsible attitude to work, initiative, perseverance, and the opposite traits - laziness, a tendency to routine work, dishonesty in work, irresponsible attitude towards business, passivity);

Traits that show how a person relates to himself (self-esteem, correctly understood pride and the self-criticism associated with it, modesty, and its opposite traits: conceit, sometimes turning into arrogance, vanity, arrogance, resentment, shyness, self-centeredness - how the tendency to consider oneself and one’s experiences at the center of events, egoism - the tendency to care primarily about one’s own personal good);

Traits that characterize a person’s attitude towards things: (neatness or sloppiness, careful or negligent handling of things).

Valentin has a calm, even character. Of course, he is a little reserved, but he communicates very openly with friends and family. He talks to strangers very respectfully and rather reservedly. Responsive, will always come to the rescue in a difficult situation. He helped me solve everyday problems many times and easily copes with tasks such as fixing something, especially when it comes to a computer. He is very clean and requires everyone to keep the house clean and treat things with care. Despite this, I can’t say that his character is hard or too soft, it’s something in between. Valentin has an inner confidence that does not turn into pride and selfishness, because he is ready to help close people even to the detriment of himself. Valentin works very hard, he likes his work and talks about it with interest. Sometimes he can sit up all night writing a report and won’t go to sleep until everything is done right. Valentin is definitely a perfectionist, you can feel it in everything - both in the order in his room and in his attitude towards work. He has a rather technical mindset, and in my opinion he has a natural ability for the exact sciences.

3. Capabilities

So, abilities are those characteristics of a person that allow him to successfully master one or another type of activity, profession, improve in them, and effectively perform functional duties in difficult situations. Abilities vary. Some of them are general in nature, manifested in most activities, for example, mental and physical abilities, learning abilities; others - narrow, special: technical, camera, musical, literary, mathematical. Being interconnected, general and special abilities develop in unity. Moreover, each ability includes a number of mental characteristics of a person and depends on them. These include, for example, attentiveness, observation, certain qualities of memory, imagination, and thinking. The psychological prerequisites for the development of abilities are motives, as well as emotional and volitional properties: love for one’s work, perseverance and activity in overcoming difficulties, etc.

As I already said, Valentin has technical abilities. One day, my computer broke down and I turned to Valentin for help, he fixed everything in literally 15 minutes and what’s more, my laptop began to work even faster than before. I don’t know whether he has such abilities from birth, or whether he developed them within himself, but he definitely has them. Valentin said that since childhood he loved to help his father repair his car and motorcycle, and rummaged through tools. When they bought him his first computer, he spent days and nights studying it, even arguing with his parents about it. In this regard, I can conclude that from childhood Valentin sought to develop technical abilities. Also, Valentin always has everything “sorted out,” from his personal belongings to the organization of time, and, in my opinion, this is also an ability that needs to be developed in oneself. He also cooks deliciously, and this also requires certain, perhaps creative, abilities.

4. Emotionality

Emotionality is a property of a person that characterizes the content, quality and dynamics of his emotions and feelings. One of the main components of temperament. The properties of emotionality as one of the areas of manifestation of temperament are impressionability, sensitivity, impulsiveness, etc. The substantive aspects of emotionality reflect phenomena and situations that are of particular significance for the subject. They are inextricably linked with the core characteristics of the personality, its moral potential: the orientation of the motivational sphere, worldview, value orientations, etc. The qualitative properties of emotionality characterize the individual’s attitude to the phenomena of the external world and are expressed in the sign and modality of the dominant emotions. The dynamic properties of emotionality include features of the appearance, course and cessation of emotional processes and their external expression.

Valentin is not prone to vivid displays of emotions. It is difficult to anger him, piss him off or make him laugh a lot. Now he has problems at work, they are not paying his wages. When he talked about this, I did not notice strong emotions on his face. Of course he is upset, but he believes that “tears will not help grief,” and instead of discussing employers, you need to think rationally and try to solve this problem. Although I believe that he still has internal feelings about this, he just doesn’t show them. Valentin is not inclined to “play to the public”, he is not conflicted. Perhaps his feelings are superficial and he is not prone to deep experiences, despite the fact that he is an introvert. He does not complain about fate, but approaches everything rationally. And there is no challenge in this rationality, that is, he does not impose his point of view on others, he is simply, in my opinion, this way from birth.

5. Strong-willedquality

Strong-willedquality - This is a person’s ability to achieve goals in the face of real difficulties. The main ones are strength and fortitude, determination.

Forcewill- the degree of necessary volitional effort exerted to achieve the desired goal. This quality is manifested in the individual’s overcoming difficulties.

Durabilitywill- the level of consistency and repetition of efforts made to achieve a goal over a sufficiently long period of time. Almost any person placed in difficult conditions is able to withstand a one-time blow of fate. Only those who are distinguished by their fortitude can constantly resist difficulties.

Determination- the degree of awareness and clarity of the goal, as well as the perseverance with which obstacles are overcome in achieving it.

Moreover, will manifests itself thanks to such personality qualities as independence, perseverance, self-control, self-restraint, determination, self-confidence, perseverance, assertiveness, endurance, commitment, initiative, courage, patience, perseverance.

Strong-willedquality are also manifested in other personality characteristics, such as locus of control, propensity to take risks, etc.

Locus of control is a quality that characterizes a person’s tendency to attribute responsibility for the results of his activities either to external forces and circumstances, or to his own efforts and abilities. There are:

- internal(internal) locus of control - the tendency to take responsibility for all events in one's life;

- external(external) locus of control - the tendency to attribute the reasons for one’s successes and failures to external factors (fate, chance, circumstances, attackers, etc.).

In my opinion, Valentin has sufficient willpower to overcome difficulties. But still, willpower prevails over strength, since it is difficult for him to force himself to start doing something new. As I indicated above, he is now having problems with his job, but at the same time he does not want to leave it. I offered him the option of earning money as a computer technician. To this he replied that he did not want to start something new, meet new people, and he was not confident in his abilities. Perhaps he’s just really not ready for this, in terms of knowledge. But most likely the problem is that it is difficult for him to change his field of activity, to change something in his life. Because of this, I can conclude that Valentin’s willpower may be developed, but not enough. But his willpower is very developed, because he can do familiar and routine work for hours without getting bored. Also, having conducted a test for locus of control, I found that he had 17 responses in favor of the internal locus, and 9 in favor of the external locus. That is, the internal locus still prevails.

6. Skillcommunicate

Sociability is a person’s ability to quickly come into contact with people and establish connections and relationships with them. As a rule, this term is used in relation to establishing contacts in the business sphere of communication. While in relation to informal communication we more often use the terms sociability or contact. Types of communication skills: Communication skills can be divided into two types: written and oral. Written communication skills are reflected in whether you know the rules for writing business letters and filling out various types of official documents, as well as how competently you write (do you have punctuation, spelling or syntax errors). Your speech should be as concise as possible and at the same time, in a few phrases, you should be able to convey the necessary information to the reader. As they say, brevity is the sister of talent. You need to be able to express your thoughts briefly and succinctly. Oral communication gives you more room to express yourself and use your verbal communication skills. Oral communication skills presuppose the ability to clearly express one’s thoughts, the ability to listen to one’s interlocutors and at the same time win them over. You must not only force your interlocutor to listen to you, but also make sure that he himself becomes interested in further communication with you and is ready to accept your position. In addition, in personal contact, factors such as the ability to read body language, a sense of style when choosing an appropriate outfit for the situation, and the ability to cope with one’s emotions and not express them in public are considered no less important. The latter is precisely what distinguishes sociable people from sociable people - if a sociable person can allow himself to lose his temper, flare up and say something out of emotion, then a sociable person must be a truce at heart who will not allow emotions to prevail over reason. To summarize, we can say that a sociable person is distinguished by the following character traits: sociability; tact; subtle sense of humor; courtesy; eloquence; the ability to interest the interlocutor.

Valentin has a hard time getting along with new people, but is quite a pleasant person when communicating with old acquaintances and friends. Nonverbal manifestations are not very bright, but facial expressions are unusual and expressive. Despite this, he is able to interest you if the conversation is about something interesting to him. For his “friends,” he is a very sweet and kind person, but for those whom he sees for the first time, he may seem withdrawn. For example, this was my first impression of him when I first met, but then it changed.

7. Self-esteem

Self-esteem-- this is a person’s idea of ​​the importance of his personality, activities among other people and evaluation of himself and his own qualities and feelings, advantages and disadvantages, expressing them openly or even closed

The main evaluation criterion is the individual’s system of meanings and non-meanings.


Regulatory, on the basis of which problems of personal choice are solved

Protective, ensuring relative stability and independence of the individual


Self-esteem is the impetus for personal development.

A significant role in the formation of self-esteem is played by the assessments of others about the personality and achievements of the individual. In theory, self-esteem is a person's assessment of himself.

Self-awareness- not only self-knowledge, but also a certain attitude towards oneself: towards one’s qualities and conditions, capabilities, physical and spiritual strengths, that is, self-esteem . Man as a person is a self-evaluating being. People can evaluate themselves, their actions and actions. Without self-esteem, it is difficult and even impossible to determine yourself in life. True self-esteem presupposes a critical attitude towards oneself, constantly measuring one’s capabilities against life’s demands, the ability to independently set achievable goals for oneself, strictly evaluate the flow of one’s thoughts and its results, subject the guesses put forward to careful testing, and thoughtfully weigh all the pros and cons ", abandon unjustified hypotheses and versions. True self-esteem maintains a person’s dignity and gives him moral satisfaction and more. An adequate or inadequate attitude towards oneself leads either to harmony of spirit, providing reasonable self-confidence, or to constant conflict, sometimes leading a person to a neurotic state. Self-esteem usually consists of projects, etc.

Valentin's self-esteem is adequate, neither overestimated nor underestimated. He feels confident, but not overly self-confident. The only thing where he is not confident in his abilities is starting something new, leaving the “comfort zone”.

8. Accentuation

Accentuationcharacter- this is an extreme variant of the norm, in which certain character traits are excessively strengthened, as a result of which selective vulnerability is revealed in relation to a certain kind of psychogenic influences with good resistance to others. In other words, accentuation is a variant of mental health (norm), which is characterized by particular severity, sharpness, and disproportion of certain character traits to the entire personality and leads to a certain disharmony.

The author of the concept of accentuation is German psychiatrist Karl Leonhard; he coined the term “accented personality.” A.E. Lichko clarified this term, changing it to the term “accentuation of character”, since personality, in his opinion, is too complex a concept, rather suitable for psychopathy. temperament character emotionality ability

According to A.E. Lichko, according to the degree of severity, two types (two stages) of accentuations can be distinguished:

Explicitaccentuation-- an extreme variant of the norm. Problematic character traits are quite pronounced throughout life, in both problematic and prosperous situations. Obvious accentuation in everyday life is called a Psychopath (not to be confused with Psychopathy as a personality disorder).

Hiddenaccentuation-- the usual version of the norm. Problematic character traits of this type manifest themselves mainly in difficult life situations, stress and conflicts, although in favorable circumstances we may have a completely nice person in front of us.

Accentuation is personality traits that are more pronounced than the personality pattern, but not as prominent as in psychopathy. Accentuation of character is a consequence of both hereditary factors and one or another type of child upbringing. The factors of upbringing that provoke and perpetuate accentuations include overprotection, indulgent upbringing, emotional rejection, cruel or contradictory upbringing, upbringing in conditions of the “cult of illness.”

Having conducted a test on Valentin, I discovered that he is a pedantic type.

This type of people is characterized by rigidity and inertia of mental processes. They are “heavy to rise” and experience traumatic events for a long time. They rarely enter into conflicts, and in them they are more likely to be a passive than an active party. At the same time, they react very strongly to any manifestations of disruption of order. In the service they behave like bureaucrats and make many formal demands on others. They are punctual, neat, pay special attention to cleanliness and order, are scrupulous, conscientious, and tend to strictly follow the plan. When performing actions, they are unhurried, diligent, focused on high quality work, prone to frequent checks and the correctness of the task. They willingly give up leadership to other people.

E. Kretschmer identified and described the three most common types of human body structure or constitution: asthenic, athletic and picnic. He associated each of them with a special type of character.

Asthenictype characterized by weak growth in thickness with average growth in length. This lack of thickness development extends through every part of the body - face, neck, torso, bones, vascular system - and through all forms of tissue, skin, adipose tissue, muscles, bones, vascular system.

Asthenic- this is usually a thin and thin person, who, because of his thinness, seems somewhat taller than he actually is. He has thin skin, narrow shoulders, thin arms, an elongated chest with underdeveloped muscles and weak fat deposits. Women of this type, in addition, are often short.

This type of people is closed, difficult to change their views, and difficult to adapt to new things. Asthenics are characterized by an analytical mind, a penchant for in-depth introspection, a love of philosophy, the exact sciences, and religion, a limited, selective circle of friends, a tendency toward a solitary lifestyle, relative indifference to the people around them, and weakly expressed emotionality. Asthenic women, as a rule, have problems in their personal lives due to their isolation and subjective thinking.

Athletictype characterized by strong development of the skeleton, muscles, and skin. People of this type are usually tall or medium in height, with broad shoulders and well-developed pectoral muscles. They have a dense, high head. The athletic type in women is the same as in men. Therefore, their body appears abnormal.

Athletics- these are people with a fairly strong will, persistent, purposeful, stubborn. This type of people is distinguished by calmness, restrained gestures, and it is difficult to adapt to new things. Women with an athletic build, when dating people similar to them, have certain difficulties in interpersonal communication. This type of woman strives to dominate in relationships. Their noisy and self-confident behavior suppresses representatives of other types and causes aggression from others like them.

Picnictype characterized by a strong development of the internal cavities of the body (head, chest, abdomen) and a tendency of the torso to become obese with a delicate structure of the musculoskeletal system (shoulder girdle and limbs). People of this type are of medium height, with a dense figure, with a soft, wide face and a short neck.

This type of person is easy to communicate with and realistic in his views. Picnics represent quite emotional people, sociable, with a penchant for various kinds of arts: painting, music, theater, literature. They love to have fun, have fun, enjoy life, and are often the soul of various kinds of companies. Women with a picnic physique can easily cope with difficulties in their personal lives.

In their pure form, these types of human constitution are quite rare. Most often there are mixed types: pyknic-asthenic, pyknic-athletic, asthenic-athletic.

Under the influence of quite serious and thorough criticism, Kretschmer's concept was by the middle of the 20th century. recognized as non-scientific, and interest in it gradually dried up.

The character theory of E. Kretschmer and the types of temperaments according to W.G. Sheldon are very similar. W.G. Sheldon distinguishes endomorphic, mesomorphic and ectomorphic types in physique, and the components of temperament are viscero-, somato- and cerebrotonia.

Endomorph(digestive type) is characterized by roundness, plumpness, the presence of a large belly, fat on the shoulders and hips, a round head, and undeveloped muscles. Analogous to Picnic according to Kretschmer. The endomorph has viscerotonia as a type of temperament.

Mesomorph(muscular type) - with broad shoulders and chest, strong arms and legs, a massive head. Analogue of Athletic according to Kretschmer. The mesomorph has pronounced somatotonia as a type of temperament.

Ectomorph(brain type) - with an elongated, high forehead, face, long limbs, narrow chest and abdomen, lack of subcutaneous fat. Analogue of Asthenic according to Kretschmer. The ectomorph has cerebrotonia as a type of temperament.

By physique, Valentin is a Picnic or Endomorph. Although, in my opinion, descriptions of this type do not really suit the character of Valentin.


As a result, I can say that after analyzing Valentin’s personality, I discovered a lot of interesting and new things in his character. I consider him a fully formed personality, without obvious negative deviations. It may be worth spending a little time on willpower and working on your ability to communicate with strangers, and get out of your “comfort zone.” But ideal people do not exist, and it is this imperfection that gives a person individuality. If no one had shortcomings, and people were clearly divided into 4 types (pure), we could safely call ourselves robots. There are no pure types of temperaments, and this is what makes our lives varied and interesting.


1. Dictionary of a practicing psychologist - S. Yu Golovin

2.Shadrikov V.D. Psychology of human activity and abilities

3. Starovoitenko E.B. Personality psychology in the paradigm of life relationships

4.Batarshev A.V. Diagnosis of temperament and character

5.Free Encyclopedia Wikipedia

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    Theoretical approaches to the study of character in psychology. Analysis of the structure of character and personality. Study of disharmony in character and personality as determinants of the formation and manifestation of accentuation. Review of the properties and main types of human temperament.

    course work, added 02/28/2016

    Consideration of temperament as the natural basis for the manifestation of psychological qualities of an individual. Study of the main types of temperament and behavior of people in different situations. Description of a person's reaction to anger, love, sadness and joy as the most vivid emotions.

    report, added 05/25/2015

    Physiological and psychological basis of temperament types and their brief characteristics. Classification of types of higher nervous activity. Analysis of the relationship between the properties of the nervous system and types of human temperament. Basic properties of personality emotionality.

Reveal the specifics of your emotional life, the strength and direction of feelings and experiences. Of course, the volume of this part in relation to the entire text will depend on the purpose of your psychological portrait.

Be sure to remember your abilities, self-esteem, level of aspirations, strong-willed and moral and ethical qualities.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

You can take as a basis an example of any psychological characteristic found on the Internet.


  • Psychological portrait of personality
  • write to a psychologist

Seemingly easy to carry out interview wrong. By asking questions, you need to be able to talk to your interlocutor in such a way as to get the necessary information, and not a set of streamlined phrases. An interview is a dialogue led by the one who asks questions.

You will need

  • list of questions, pen, notepad, voice recorder, interlocutor’s contacts


First of all, involvement or interest in the topic is important. If you really ask people or a specific person about him or the event that he witnessed, then you won’t have to rack your brains over a list of questions. In advance, try to avoid cliché questions like: “how did you become? How do you write songs? what did you experience, your last book came out?”

Before the beginning interview think about what it will look like. Try to find as much information as possible on the topic. Make up approximate questions (about 10), determine their sequence. Of course, during interview questions can change places, disappear, often new ones are born during the conversation questions. Keep the concept of future material in your head, do not deviate from the intended course, otherwise the result will not be complete interview, but a set of incoherent questions and answers. If the interlocutors can’t hear each other, it’s not interesting either. interview I don't think so interview to the subject, nor to the reader.

According to David Randall's book "Universal", questions"with a twist" they give out either an inexperienced interview era, or a reporter too preoccupied with his article. Ask classic but really important questions questions: What? Where? when did it happen? How? ? Having received answers to them, you will understand that you have key information in your hands.

Listen carefully to the answers. This way you won’t go astray and won’t allow yourself to be deceived by veiled phrases. Ask them to clarify, often the meaning behind them is not quite the one you interpreted in your own way. The phrase “off the record” should be used as rarely as possible. To do this, discuss all the details of the conversation in advance, and once you agree, do not back down from your words.

Don't be afraid to look like a fool by asking questions that are obvious to you. interview things being measured. Remember that the information you receive will be read by people who are also interested in it. Most sources are usually willing to tell a lot more if they see someone interested in their topic.

Helpful advice

Always write down the names and positions of the interviewees on paper, and then ask them to check in person, and not by ear, what you wrote in the notebook. Do not trust such data even to the highest quality recording equipment.


  • "Universal Journalist", D. Randall, 1996

Drawing person– one of the difficult stages in the course of fine arts classes. And while repeating the silhouette of a figure is not difficult for many beginning artists, not everyone can convey a facial expression the first time.

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - pencil;
  • - eraser.


On a prepared sheet of paper, apply markings that will help you navigate the space. Note the position of the head, the direction of gaze, and other most significant aspects in your case.

If you draw from the front, then mentally divide the face into two parts: upper and lower, draw a thin line. The eyes will be located at this level. Take a profile - draw a conventional vertical line indicating the location of the ear and separating the scalp from the face.

Mark the location of the nose, eyebrows, chin, eyes. Don't go into details, just indicate the places where they will be located.

Draw the hair with light movements, paying attention to significant details, the direction of hair growth, and the location of shadows.

Move to the eyes. The ability to accurately convey a look is a real art; few venerable artists can boast of it. The cut line must be correct, so look closely at the sitter's face (or photograph). If you draw close-up, do not lose sight of the eyelids and small facial wrinkles. Don’t forget about the pupils, through which you can “adjust” the direction of your gaze.

Draw eyebrows according to hair growth - from the bridge of the nose to the ears. Don't liken them to sausages, make them more natural.

Before the image of the nose, mark its tip. It will be much more difficult to lengthen or shorten this element in the finished drawing, so it is better to immediately bring the dimensions closer to real ones. Some artists do not draw the nose in great detail, but use shadows to convey its shape. This technique will allow you to avoid incorrect placement of accents.

Portrait No. 1: Clean

This order is in everything. His house is impeccably clean and in exemplary order. True, the wife must clean, meekly obeying orders. Despotism in the family here is like in the army - objections are not accepted. He will always find something to complain about.

In the company of friends, such a man is often cheerful and sociable, but at home he turns into a silent, serious and always dissatisfied boss. He simply cannot behave as an equal in the family. For him, a wife is a dumb slave who must be able to carry out his instructions well. These particular manifestations of despotism make the members of the person's family sad and depressed.

Such men love to go shopping with their wives, because any thing must be purchased under his vigilant control.

The wife of such a person is a weak-willed creature, she is tired and... Children with such a father also have a hard time. He always makes comments to them: “don’t run,” “don’t play around,” “you can’t,” “you’ll get by.” This type of domestic tyrant believes that offspring should be raised in strictness and without excesses. In the family of such a tyrant, physical violence occurs.

Portrait No. 2: Narcissistic

Such a tyrant will not beat anyone. A narcissistic despot simply does not need this - he is above this everyday life. This man is simply obsessed with himself. He is usually attractive and intelligent.

He sincerely believes that his interests are simply beyond the reach of simple estimates, i.e. wife and children. These men build their relationships in the family in such a way that those around them begin to truly obey them. A narcissistic tyrant builds a wall around himself; outsiders are strictly prohibited from entering his world. This person will not stoop to primitive scandals, he will simply show his contempt and begin to behave detached and independent.

Narcissistic tyrants love to get sick. They constantly listen to themselves and their health. Such a man can talk for hours about his illnesses, but they are very annoyed when someone in the household suddenly gets really sick. This causes him discomfort and irritation. No one in his family should get sick, especially his wife.

Such family tyrants are useless in everyday life. They don't stoop to doing housework. They prefer not to pay attention to burnt out light bulbs or leaking faucets.

Such men treat their children coolly. Their children are usually very quiet and obedient. The wife must raise their offspring so that they do not bother dad and do not distract him from narcissism.

In sex, such a tyrant cares only about his own pleasure. He doesn't care about his wife's feelings. He tries only for himself, his beloved.

Portrait No. 3: Submissive slave

The most unpredictable type of tyrant. This psychological type is both a slave in love and a cruel despot.

He is completely focused on the desires of his wife. For him, the purpose of life is to satisfy all its needs. True, only those desires that, in his opinion, are considered truly important.

The wife of a submissive slave will never be independent. She is completely surrounded by his attention; she simply has no freedom of choice.

Such men suffer from frequent mood swings. They are prone to prolonged periods of depression. They often even threaten to take their own lives, although they almost never put these threats into action.

Everyone around him will know about his love for his wife. Children in such a family will become the main instrument of psychological influence. Dad will always remind his children how much he loves their mother and will try to create the image of an ideal parent in their eyes. This kind of tyranny has an extremely detrimental effect on the mental and emotional health of the person’s family and friends.

This is the most terrible type of family. Such a man is extremely unpredictable, he is capable of turning his woman into an eternally repentant and guilty creature, literally terrorizing her with his continuous psychological pressure.

Video on the topic


  • Calculation of a psychological portrait using the method of A Khshanovskaya

Each person has the skill to adapt to the current situation, but everyone does it in their own way. There are many options for behavior. A psychological portrait of a personality is an example of how, using a description of a person’s character traits, one can predict his actions and reactions. This is extremely useful when applying for jobs, applying to educational institutions, etc.

A psychological portrait of a personality is an example of a qualitative textual interpretation of a person’s characteristics. Its compilation is one of the most difficult and important tasks of modern psychology.

Drawing up a psychological portrait - why is it necessary?

A psychological portrait of a child helps educators and teachers find an individual approach to each student. Identifying the characteristic features of each child will allow you to competently build the process of development and upbringing.

A psychological portrait of a person is often drawn up when applying for a job. With its help, managers will be better able to organize the activities of personnel in the company, increase the efficiency and success of each team member.

Psychological portraits of criminals differ from the characteristics of law-abiding citizens, since they are characterized by emotional and volitional deformations, criminal motives and negative social interests. The problem of the identity of fraudsters and murderers is central to criminology and other sciences that are related to crime. Psychological portraits of criminals help the investigator understand the motives for the unlawful act committed.

There are as many individuals as there are people, because each person is an individual. Let us briefly consider the main components that make up the psychological portrait of a person.


Observing people in different situations, you can always notice differences in their behavior and lifestyle. This is determined by the temperament of the person under observation. Thus, temperament is one of the main factors on which a psychological portrait is built.

Modern psychology understands “temperament” as the characteristics of the nervous system and psyche of an individual. This is not only the rhythm, tempo and intensity of the psychological process, but also its content. Temperament is the biological foundation of personality. These characteristics are inherited, which makes them difficult to change. A psychological portrait of a person should reflect the main features of a person’s temperament: the style of his behavior, methods that help him organize his activities, and so on.

Based on certain psychological principles, you can find your own approach to the carrier of each of the four types of temperament.


Motto: trust, but verify!

The advantages of this type of temperament are cheerfulness, sociability, enthusiasm and responsiveness, and the disadvantages are scatteredness, over-sociability, frivolity, a tendency to arrogance, superficiality and unreliability. The psychological portrait of a person marked “sanguine” is as follows: the individual is always happy to promise something so as not to offend the applicant, but he does not always keep his word, so you should check whether he fulfilled his promise.


Motto: not a moment of peace!

The principle of communicating with a choleric person is based on the use of his advantages: enthusiasm, mobility, energy, passion and determination. At the same time, it neutralizes the disadvantages of this type of temperament: aggressiveness, intolerance, lack of self-control, and conflict. A psychological portrait with the characteristic “choleric” should suggest that a person should always be busy with some kind of activity. Otherwise, he will direct all his energy and activity to the team and can disintegrate it from the inside.

Phlegmatic person

Motto: Don't rush!

Among the strengths of a phlegmatic person are constancy, patience, activity, stability, reliability and self-control. The disadvantages are indifference, dryness, slowness and “thick skin.” The psychological portrait of a person marked “phlegmatic” means that he cannot work if time is in short supply, since he needs his own individual pace: there is no need to push him, he will draw up a work schedule himself and do everything on time.


Motto: do no harm!

The psychological portrait marked “melancholic” is as follows: the strengths of the personality are gentleness, the ability to sympathize, humanity, high sensitivity and goodwill. The disadvantages of this type of temperament are suspiciousness, shyness, low performance, isolation, daydreaming and vulnerability. Never shout at a melancholic person, do not put pressure on him, do not give harsh and harsh instructions, as this person is extremely sensitive to intonation and is too vulnerable.

It is very difficult to find an individual who would fully meet a certain temperament; usually one of them is dominant.


Intelligence is a system of mental processes that ensures the implementation of an individual’s ability to assess the current situation, make decisions and regulate their behavior in accordance with this. As a rule, intelligence is important if the situation is non-standard - as a symbol of the individual’s learning everything new.

Jean Piaget, a psychologist from France, called interaction with the outside world through adaptation to it one of the most important functions of the intellect. Or, in other words, the ability to navigate conditions and rationally structure one’s behavior.

The core of intelligence is a person’s ability to identify basic properties in a situation and structure his behavior in accordance with them. The Soviet psychologist S. L. Rubinstein in his works considered this category as a type of personal behavior - “smart behavior”.


Character is a set of individual characteristics of a person that develop and manifest themselves in communication and activity. A psychological portrait of a person is an example of how identified character traits help determine typical behavior patterns.

Character traits are stable properties and qualities of human behavior that have become properties of the personality itself. A psychological portrait is an example of displaying the most typical and significant features of human character.

Its structure includes 4 groups of traits that express the individual’s attitude to various aspects of activity: to himself, to work, to society and the team, as well as to things.

Ability to communicate

Communication is an extremely delicate and subtle process of interaction between people. It is in it that the individual characteristics of each participant in the process are most comprehensively revealed, therefore this characteristic is extremely important for such an interpretation of the personality as a psychological portrait.

An example of the most obvious function of communication is the transfer of information: any information, content and meaning. This side of communication is called semantic, or semantic. Transmission has an impact on a person’s behavior, his actions and actions, as well as on the organization and state of his inner world.

In general, there are informational, control, and cognitive functions of communication; in addition, there is a function of exchanging mental states and emotions.


Since the time of the ancient Greek thinker Plato, the entire mental life of an individual has been divided into three relatively independent units: mind, will and emotions.

If the will and mind are subordinated to a person at least to some extent, then emotions always arise regardless of our desire. This is a reflection of personal significance and assessment of situations for the process of human life in the form of feelings and experiences. This is where the subjectivity and involuntariness of emotions are manifested. The ability to manage emotions is necessary primarily for health and ambition.

What does it mean to be able to manage emotions? Most often, this statement means hiding them. It hurts, but we won’t show it, we’re ashamed, but we pretend to be indifferent, it’s offensive, but outwardly we’ll only show irritation and anger. But because a person does not show his emotions, they do not become weaker, rather, on the contrary, or take the form of defense - aggression.


A psychological portrait of a personality is an example of a description of a person’s internal make-up, which includes such characteristics as abilities.

In psychology, abilities are considered as a special property of a psychological system, which is expressed in a certain level of its productivity. Accuracy, stability and speed of functioning are quantitative parameters of the productivity of abilities. They are measured by solving problems of a certain degree of complexity, resolving conflicts, etc.

The degree of resolvability of contradictions between personality relationships and the characteristics of an individual is the level of abilities. The most successful option is when there is an inclination towards a certain field of activity coupled with an interest in this matter.

Abilities are divided into special and general. General ones can predetermine a tendency towards a fairly wide range of activities. They are formed by the development of intelligence and personality traits. Special acts as a socio-psychological basis for the development of craving for a certain field of activity: research, music, teaching, creative, etc.


Self-esteem expresses a certain emotional and value-based attitude towards oneself, which a person has developed on the basis of self-knowledge. A psychological portrait is an example of how a person’s self-esteem influences all areas of life, because it involves assessing one’s own abilities, actions, goals, qualities and capabilities, as well as one’s place in society. It can be overestimated, underestimated and adequate.


Motivation for activity and behavior, satisfaction of needs - all this underlies the orientation of the individual (on a task, on oneself or on communication).

Someone may be satisfied only with ensuring safety and satisfying physiological needs. And for others, in addition to this, it is no less important to satisfy social needs, the need for self-expression, and also to realize their creative abilities. The main task of a manager and psychologist is to identify the needs, beliefs and interests of each individual and determine the direction of his motives.