Main features of conversational style. Conversational style

Conversational style performs the main function of language - the function of communication. Its purpose is the direct transmission of information, mainly orally (with the exception of private letters, notes, and diary entries). Linguistic features conversational style is determined special conditions its functioning: informality, ease and expressiveness verbal communication, no pre-selection linguistic means, automaticity of speech, ordinariness of content and dialogical form.

The situation—the real, objective context of speech—has a great influence on conversational style. This allows you to extremely shorten a statement that may lack individual components, which, however, does not interfere with the correct perception of colloquial phrases.

IN everyday communication a concrete, associative way of thinking and a direct, expressive nature of expression are realized.

Conversational style is associated with the sphere of direct everyday communication. Like any style, colloquial has its own special shape applications, specific topics. Most often, the subject of conversation is the weather, health, news, any interesting events, purchases, prices... Perhaps, of course, discussion political situation, scientific achievements, news in cultural life, but these topics are also subject to the rules of conversational style, its syntactic structure, although in such cases the vocabulary of conversations is enriched with book words and terms.

For a casual conversation, a necessary condition is the absence of formality, confidential, open relationship between participants in a dialogue or polylogue. The attitude towards natural, unprepared communication determines the attitude of speakers towards linguistic means.

In a conversational style, for which the oral form is primordial, vital role plays sound side speech, and above all intonation: it is this (in interaction with a peculiar syntax) that creates the impression of conversationality. Unforced speech is characterized by sharp increases and decreases in tone, lengthening, “stretching” of vowels, scanning of syllables, pauses, and changes in the tempo of speech. By sound, you can easily distinguish the full (academic, strict) style of pronunciation inherent in a lecturer, speaker, professional announcer, broadcasting on the radio (all of them are far from colloquial style, their texts represent different book styles in oral speech!), from the incomplete, characteristic colloquial speech. It notes less clear pronunciation sounds, their reduction (reduction). Instead of Alexander Alexandrovich We are speaking San Sanych. Less tension in the speech organs leads to a change in the quality of sounds and sometimes even to their complete disappearance (“ hello", but not Hello, Not speaks, A " grit", Not Now, A " lose", instead of we will is heard " we're booming", instead of What- « wow" etc.). This “simplification” is especially noticeable spelling standards in non-literary forms of colloquial style, in common parlance.

In radio and television journalism special rules pronunciation and intonation. On the one hand, in improvised, unprepared texts (conversations, interviews), it is natural and natural to follow the pronunciation norms of the conversational style, but not vernacular versions, but neutral ones. In the same time high culture The speaker’s speech requires precision in the pronunciation of words, emphasis, and expressiveness of the intonation pattern of speech.

Vocabulary conversational style

1. divisible by two large groups:

· common words (day, year, work, sleep, early, possible, good, old);

· spoken words (potato, reader, real, perch).

2. It is also possible to use colloquial words, professionalisms, dialectisms, jargon, that is, various extra-literary elements that reduce style. All this vocabulary is mainly household maintenance, specific.

At the same time, a very narrow circle book words, abstract vocabulary, terms and little-known borrowings.

3. The activity of expressive-emotional vocabulary (familiar, affectionate, disapproving, ironic) is indicative. Evaluative vocabulary usually has a reduced color here. The use of occasional words (neologisms that we come up with on occasion) is typical - bottle opener, pretty boy, nutcrackers.

4. In a conversational style, the law of “economy” applies speech means", therefore, instead of names consisting of two or more words, one is used: evening newspaper - evening, condensed milk - condensed milk, five-story house - five-story building. In other cases they are converted stable combinations words and instead of two words one is used: restricted areazone, maternity leavedecree.

5. Special place V colloquial vocabulary words with the most general or undefined value, which is specified in the situation: thing, piece, matter, history. Close to them are “empty” words that acquire certain value only in context (bagpipes, bandura, clunker). For example: where are we going to put this bandura?(about the closet).

6. Conversational style is rich in phraseology. Most Russian phraseological units are of a colloquial nature ( water off a duck's back etc.), colloquial expressions are even more expressive ( There is no law for fools, in the middle of nowhere and so on.). Colloquial and colloquial phraseological units give speech vivid imagery; from bookstores and neutral phraseological units they differ not in meaning, but in special expressiveness and reduction. Let's compare: to leave life - to play the game, to mislead - to hang noodles on one's ears, to rub in points, to take from the ceiling, to suck it out of one's finger.

Morphological norm conversational style, on the one hand, generally corresponds to the general literary norm, on the other, it has its own characteristics. For example,

1. in oral form the nominative case predominates - even where in writing it's impossible (Pushkinskaya, come out!),

2. truncated forms are often used function words (at least).

3. The norm of verb use allows you to form non-existent in the normative book speech forms with multiplicity meaning (used to say) or, conversely, one-time use (pushed).

4. In a conversational style, the use of participles and gerunds, which are considered a sign of bookish speech, is inappropriate.

5. The prepositional case with the ending is formed more often -u (on vacation), plural ending -a (reprimand).

Syntax colloquial speech is very peculiar, which is due to its orally and bright expression.

1. Simple sentences dominate here, often incomplete, with a wide variety of structures and extremely short. The situation fills in the gaps in speech, which is quite understandable to the speakers.

2. B oral speech we often do not name an object, but describe it: B hathaven't been here?

3. Complex sentences are not typical for colloquial speech; non-conjunctive ones are used more often than others: You speak, I listen. Some non-union designs conversational type are not comparable to any book phrases.

4. The order of words in live speech is also unusual: as a rule, the most important word in the message is placed first. At the same time, parts of a complex sentence are sometimes intertwined.

5. Sentence words are often used ( Clear. No, you can

1. general characteristics scientific style speeches

Science is a unique sphere of human activity. It is designed to provide true information about the world around us. And although it is possible to comprehend the patterns of the surrounding world in other ways (not only scientifically), it is science that is addressed to the intellect, to logic.

The main goal ( function) Scientific style is the transmission of logical information, proof of its truth, and often – novelty and value.

Transmission of information within the scientific style requires a special structural organization text, compliance certain rules text composition.

Everyone has it scientific work(articles, monographs) have their own plot. Plot scientific text unusual: the author introduces the reader to the process of searching for truth. The reader must follow his path in order to, after making logical moves, come to the desired conclusion. The author models the situation, presenting the process of searching for truth in the most optimal, in his opinion, version.

The structure of a scientific style text is usually multidimensional and multi-level. However, this does not mean that all texts have same degree structural complexity. They can be completely different in purely physical design (for example, monograph, article, abstract). Nevertheless, composition any scientific text reflects the sequence of phases scientific research:

· awareness of the problem and goal setting - “introduction”,

· searching for ways to solve a problem, studying possible options, putting forward a hypothesis and proving it is the “main part”,

· solving a research problem, obtaining an answer – “conclusion”.

The following can be distinguished main features language of science:

· objectivity,

· accuracy,

· impersonal manner of narration.

Objectivity implies that the information does not depend on the whim of a particular person and is not the result of his feelings and emotions. In the text of a scientific work, it manifests itself 1) in the presence of some mandatory components of content, 2) in form - the manner of narration.

One of the main ways to create an effect objectivity of content(1) is a reference to scientific tradition, i.e. an indication of reference to a given object of study, problem, task, etc. other scientists. In large works (monographs, dissertations, course and diploma projects) it can take the form of an extensive, scrupulous review, occupying one or several paragraphs or chapters. IN small jobs(articles, abstracts) - is often limited to a list of names of scientists who dealt with a given problem (such lists are most often compiled alphabetically; the sequence of names can also be determined by the chronological principle and taking into account the significance of the work).

"Objectivity of form"(2) scientific style involves the rejection of linguistic means that are in one way or another connected with the transmission of emotions:

· interjections and particles that convey emotions and feelings are not used;

· Emotionally charged vocabulary and expressive sentence models (such as “What a delight these fairy tales are!”);

· preference is given direct order words;

· exclamation intonation is not typical,

· Interrogative question is used to a limited extent.

Accuracy in a scientific style implies 1) clarity and completeness of presentation when considering any problem, both in terms of content and in terms of expression, 2) compliance principle of continuity: V scientific works Usually the titles of works on the issue under consideration are mentioned (bibliographical references in the text, bibliographical lists at the end of the work or at the end of sections), and citations are given.

Ignoring the principle of continuity creates a negative impression on the reader. IN best case scenario this can be regarded as negligence, at worst – as plagiarism, i.e. appropriation of the results of someone else's intellectual work.

Impersonal manner of narration manifests itself primarily in the peculiarities of the use of language units at the morphological and syntactic levels of the language (for example, refusal of the pronoun I and replacing it with We).

In the field of morphology, it can be noted, firstly, grammatical forms, which function primarily in a conversational style, and secondly, the usage of stylistically unmarked grammatical categories, their ratio is different here compared to other functional styles. This style is characterized by shapes on - and in nominative case plural, where in book styles the normative form is -y (bunker, cruiser, searchlight, instructor), the -y form in the genitive and prepositional cases(a kilogram of sugar, a glass of tea, a bunch of grapes, in the workshop, on vacation); zero inflection in genitive case plural (five grams, ten kilograms, kilogram of tomato, compare book: grams, kilograms, tomatoes).

Specific quantitative distribution case forms nouns: in first place in terms of frequency is the nominative case, the genitive is rarely used with the meaning of comparison, qualitative characteristic; The instrumental is not used with the meaning of the subject of the action.

Are used possessive adjectives, synonymous with forms indirect cases nouns: Pushkin's poems (Pushkin's poems), brigadier's sister (foreman's sister), Katya's brother (Katya's brother). In the predicative function it is usually used not short form adjective, but complete: The woman was a woman of few words; The conclusions are indisputable (compare the books: True wisdom is laconic; The conclusions are indisputable). Short forms of adjectives are active only in intensifying constructions, where they are characterized by a pronounced expressive coloring: What a cunning one!; It's too simple; Your business is bad!

One of the characteristic features of colloquial speech is wide use pronouns that not only replace nouns and adjectives, but are also used without reference to context. For example, the pronoun such can mean positive quality or serve as an amplifier (She is such a woman! - beautiful, magnificent, smart; Such beauty is all around!). A pronoun in combination with an infinitive can replace the name of an object, that is, exclude a noun. For example: Give me something to write; Bring something to read; Do you have something to write about?; Get something to eat. By using pronouns in colloquial speech, the frequency of use of nouns and adjectives is reduced. The low frequency of the latter in colloquial speech is also due to the fact that objects and their signs are visible or known to the interlocutors.

In conversational style, verbs take precedence over nouns. Activity personal forms the verb increases due to the passivity of verbal nouns, as well as participles and gerunds, which are almost never used in colloquial speech. Of the forms of participles, only the short form is active passive participle past tense neuter singular(written, smoked, plowed, done, said). A significant number of adjectival participles ( knowledgeable specialist, hard-working man, wounded soldier, torn boot, fried potatoes). A striking feature of colloquial speech is the use of verbs of multiple and single action (read, sat, walked, spun, whipped, fucked), as well as verbs with the meaning of ultra-instantaneous action (knock, clink, jump, skip, fuck, shake).

The spontaneity and unpreparedness of the statement, the situation of verbal communication and other characteristic features of the conversational style especially affect its syntactic structure. At the syntactic level, more actively than at other levels of the language system, the incomplete structure of expressing meaning by linguistic means is manifested. Incompleteness of structures, ellipticity is one of the means speech economy and one of the most striking differences between colloquial speech and other varieties literary language. Since the conversational style is usually realized in conditions of direct communication, everything that is given by the situation or follows from what was known to the interlocutors even earlier is omitted from the speech. A. M. Peshkovsky, characterizing colloquial speech, wrote: “We always do not finish our thoughts, omitting from speech everything that is given by the situation or the previous experience of the speakers. So, at the table we ask: “Do you want coffee or tea?”; When we meet a friend, we ask: “Where are you going?”; Having heard boring music, we say: “Again!”; offering water, we’ll say: “Boiled, don’t worry!”, Seeing that the interlocutor’s pen doesn’t write, we’ll say: “You use a pencil!”, etc.” 1

In conversational syntax, simple sentences predominate, and they often lack a predicate verb, which makes the statement dynamic. In some cases, statements are understandable outside the situation and context, which indicates their linguistic systematicity (I’m at the cinema; He’s going to the hostel; I would like a ticket; Tomorrow to the theater), in others - the missing predicate verb is suggested by the situation: (at the post office) - Please , stamped envelope (give me). Sentence words are used (affirmative, negative, incentive): - Will you buy a ticket? - Necessarily; Can you bring a book? - Of course; — Did you read the note? - Not yet; - Get ready! March! Only colloquial speech is used special words and corresponding sentences expressing agreement or disagreement (Yes; No; Of course; Of course), they are often repeated (- Shall we go to the forest? - Yes, yes!; - Are you buying this book? - No, no).

From complex sentences V this style complex and non-union ones are more active. The latter often have a pronounced colloquial coloring, and therefore are not used in book speech (If you arrive, call; There are people who do not feel sorry for themselves). The lack of preparedness of the statement and the lack of opportunity to think through the phrase in advance prevent the use of complex words in a conversational style. syntactic constructions. The emotionality and expressiveness of colloquial speech determines the widespread use of interrogative and exclamatory sentences (Have you really not watched this film? Do you want to watch it? Let’s go to “October” now, Why are you sitting at home! In this weather!). Interjection phrases are active (No matter how it is!; Come on!; Well, yes?; Of course!; Oh, is it?; Wow!); connecting structures are used (The plant is well equipped. According to last word technology; He's a good person. And also funny).

The main indicator syntactic relations in colloquial speech is intonation and word order, while morphological means of communication are transmission syntactic meanings with the help of word forms - weakened. Intonation, closely related to the tempo of speech, tone, melody, timbre of voice, pauses, logical stresses, etc., in a conversational style carries a huge semantic, modal and emotionally expressive load, giving speech naturalness, ease, liveliness, and expressiveness. It fills in what is left unsaid, enhances emotionality, and is the main means of expressing actual articulation. The topic of the statement is highlighted using logical stress, so the element acting as a rheme can be located anywhere. For example, the purpose of the trip can be clarified using questions: Are you going to Moscow on a business trip? — Are you going on a business trip to Moscow? — Are you going on a business trip to Moscow? — Are you going on a business trip to Moscow? Circumstance (on a business trip) may take different position in the statement because it stands out logical stress. Isolating a rheme using intonation allows you to use question words where, when, why, why, etc., not only at the beginning of a statement, but also in any other position (When will you go to Moscow? - When will you go to Moscow? - When will you go to Moscow?). Typical trait conversational syntax - intonational division of theme and rheme and their design into independent phrases (- How to get to the circus? - To the circus? To the right; How much does this book cost? - This one? Fifty thousand).

The order of words in colloquial speech, not being the main means of expressing actual division, has high variability. It is freer than in book styles, but still plays a certain role in expressing the actual division: the most important, essential element, which has the main meaning in the message, is usually placed at the beginning of the statement: There was heavy snow in the morning; He's strange; The Christmas tree was fluffy; You need to run faster. Often the noun in the nominative case comes first, since it serves as a means of actualization: Station, where to get off?; Shopping mall, how to get?; The book was lying here, didn’t you see it?; The bag is red, please show me!

For the purpose of expressive emphasis, a complex sentence often begins with a subordinate clause in cases where in other styles its postposition is the norm. For example: I don’t know what to do; Well done for not being scared; Who is brave - come out.

The simultaneity of thinking and speaking during direct communication leads to frequent restructuring of the phrase on the fly. At the same time, the sentences are either broken off, then additions to them follow, or their syntactic structure changes: But I don’t see any particular reason to worry so much... although, however...; They recently bought a cat. So cute, etc.


1. Peshkovsky A. M. Objective and normative point of view on language // Izbr. works. M, 1959. P. 58.

T.P. Pleschenko, N.V. Fedotova, R.G. Taps. Stylistics and culture of speech - Mn., 2001.

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1. Conversational style: the scope of its functioning, style features, genre diversity

1.1 Definition

1.2 Scope of operation

1.3 Style features

1.4 Language tools

1.5 Main genres


1. Conversational style: scope of its functioning, stylistic features, genre diversity

1.1 Definition

Colloquial speech is a special functional variety of literary language. It has significant features at all language levels, and therefore it is considered as special language system. The leading function of the conversational style is communication.

The Russian Language Encyclopedia gives the following definition:

Colloquial speech is a specific type of literary language, used in conditions of casual communication and contrasted within the literary language with codified book speech.

At the same time, in conversational communication the role of extralinguistic (extralinguistic) factors is great, which include:

* spontaneity, unpreparedness;

* informality;

* personality;

* situational;

* emotionally expressive coloring;

* non-verbal means communication.

Colloquial speech has a number of style-forming factors that allow it to be classified as a style, which in various manuals is called colloquial, colloquial-everyday, colloquial-everyday.

So, the style is conversational, dominant language function- exchange of opinions, the main form of speech is oral, typical look speeches - dialogue, polylogue, monologue; the predominant method of communication is personal, contact; the tone of speech is situationally determined.

1.2 Scope of operation

The conversational style serves the sphere of everyday everyday communication, which is characterized by the absence official relations between speakers. He is opposed to everyone book styles, like the styles serving various areas social activities. Book styles are combined into one group due to the presence of not only stylistically neutral, inter-style means, but also general book styles, which are inter-style specifically in the sphere of scientific, official business and newspaper journalistic styles. The colloquial-everyday style includes in its system only specifically colored (colloquial and colloquial), as well as neutral linguistic means, which, on the one hand, contrasts it with book styles, and on the other hand, compares it with them, includes unified system literary codified language.

Codification is the fixation in various kinds of dictionaries and grammar of those norms and rules that must be observed when creating texts of codified functional varieties.

The norms and rules of conversational communication are not fixed. But codified literary language and colloquial speech are two subsystems within the literary language. Every native speaker of a literary language speaks both of these varieties of speech.

1.3 Style features

The main features of the conversational style are the relaxed and informal nature of communication, as well as the emotionally expressive coloring of speech. Therefore, in colloquial speech all the riches of intonation, facial expressions, and gestures are used. One of her the most important features is the reliance on the extra-linguistic situation, i.e. the immediate environment of speech in which communication takes place. Main style features:

* lack of preliminary thinking through the statement, which makes it alive, and the author is free in the choice of words and expressions;

* revealing the author’s attitude to the subject of speech and the interlocutor;

* emotionality, ease, generality.

1.4 Language means

Characteristic features of linguistic means of conversational style:

* wide use of everyday vocabulary and phraseology;

* use of emotional-evaluative vocabulary, in particular with the suffixes -ochk-, -enk-, -ik-, -k-, -ovat-, -evat-; perfective verbs with the prefix for - with the meaning of the beginning of an action;

* use of extra-lexical means (intonation, stress, pauses, speech rate, etc.);

* dialogue form of speech, less often a monologue;

* inclusion of particles, interjections, introductory words, appeals into speech;

* the predominance of simple sentences over complex ones, an abundance of interrogative and exclamatory sentences;

* use of plug-in and connecting structures;

* lexical repetitions, inversions (reverse word order).

1.5 Main genres

The following genres are distinguished according to the types of communicative attitudes, the method of participation of partners, their role relationships, the nature of the remarks, the relationship between dialogic and monologue speech: conversation, conversation, story, story, proposal, recognition, request, argument, remark, advice, letter, note, diary.

1. Conversation. This is a genre of verbal communication (dialogue or polylogue), in which, with a cooperative strategy, the following occurs: a) exchange of opinions on any issues; b) exchange of information about the personal interests of each participant - to establish the type of relationship; c) aimless exchange of opinions, news, information (phatic communication). Different types conversations are characterized by corresponding types of dialogic modality.

The second type of conversation involves emotional consonance, praise, approval, compliments, and sincere confessions.

The third type of conversation genre is idle verbal communication, in which participants relieve emotional stress, practice wit by telling jokes, make political forecasts, share their concerns, seek sympathy, and tell jokes and stories. This type of conversation is characterized by an emotional modality.

The genre of conversation is that type of conversation in which, despite various tactics, the strategy of solidarity in opinions and agreement dominates. The exchange of information in a conversation can be one of the phases of verbal interaction, an auxiliary tactic, so the modality can be expressed in introductory words like: You know; You can not imagine; And what do you think was there?; Imagine that; these modal words and the reaction of the addressee(s) to them - I can’t imagine; Really; Isn't it; How should I know; I have no idea; - play the role of regulators during the conversation, determining the vector of speech communication.

2. Conversation. This genre can implement both cooperative and non-cooperative strategies. The purposes of communication differ: a) informative conversation; b) prescriptive conversation (requests, orders, demands, advice, recommendations, beliefs in something); c) conversations aimed at clarifying interpersonal relationships(conflicts, quarrels, reproaches, accusations). Focus - characteristic conversation, as opposed to conversation, which can be an idle speech genre. The special features of the conversation are indicated by set expressions, historically developed in the language system, for example: I have a conversation with you; serious conversation; big talk; - no pleasant conversation; funny conversation; useless conversation; pointless conversation; business, conversation.

The initial conversation line may be an indicator of the type of conversation. In a conversation of the first type, it indicates the speaker’s interest in receiving necessary information. This type is characterized by question-answer replication, and the role of the leader, participant directing the course of the conversation is played by the questioner, with short remarks-questions, repeat questions, clarifications-questions, and the role of the follower is played by a participant who has knowledge, with remarks-answers of various lengths. The main condition for the success of an informative conversation is the correspondence between the world of knowledge of the addresser and the addressee. Important the participants in the conversation also have communicative competence, their knowledge social norms etiquette. TO communicative competence refers to the ability of speakers to choose a situationally appropriate form of knowledge presentation, interpretation of events and facts, nuances of the use of indirect speech acts, non-literal expressions.

Conversations of the second type, as a rule, occur between participants who have different social and role characteristics, for example, between father and son, between neighbors who have different social status. The motives of the conversation are revealed by verbs: I ask, demand, advise, recommend, convince, beg, order, insist, etc. In a conflict conversation based on a non-cooperative strategy and the inability of speakers to comply with the conditions successful communication, various tactics of refusal to perform an action and, accordingly, tactics of influencing the addressee, systems of threats and punishments are possible.

Structure of this type conversation is determined not only speech rules introducing cues of agreement or refusal, but also by behavioral reactions of communication participants. These behavioral reactions in conversation are valuable not only in themselves, but also as motives for including one or another in a dialogical response. linguistic element, one way or another of expression.

The next type of conversation - a conversation aimed at clarifying relationships - is based on a non-cooperative strategy of quarrel, conflict, reproaches, and altercations. Here, ridicule, irony, and hint often become a verbal form of expression of aggression. Replica metalanguage:<Я такой и считайся со мной таким! То, что я говорю в такой форме, - значимо>. The hyperbole of questions-negations, affirmation-denial acts as a negative assessment; for example: You are always like this; You think so?; That's what he did to you! A strategic goal can be pursued by silence - the desire to stop communication.

3. Dispute. A dispute is an exchange of opinions with the aim of making a decision or clarifying the truth. Various points opinions on a particular issue nevertheless have a general phrase that is not explicitly expressed linguistic forms, - interest in communication. This determines a positive beginning in a dialogue or polylogue, a kind of code of trust, truthfulness and sincerity, expressed in label forms treatment, politeness, truth of arguments. The purpose of the dispute is to find an acceptable solution, but at the same time it is also a search for truth, the only the right decision. Depending on the topic of the dispute, it is possible to form an epistemic modality (in disputes on topics of science, politics) or an axiological modality (in disputes about the world of values, on moral issues, etc.).

Disputants, by presenting various arguments in defense of their point of view, demonstrate their commitment to the truth, and not just their disagreement. Argumentation, or showing that a statement is true, has many techniques. The impression of truth is created by the conscious use of explanatory complex sentences like: It goes without saying that...; It is known that... etc.; or sentences with particles, adverbs that refer the addressee to an assessment of truth; for example: Yes, son, your mother and I forgave you too much...

In addition to presenting objective arguments and using hidden argument techniques, when conducting a dispute there are sometimes<довод к личности>. This can be either flattery to the addressee so that he accepts the addressee’s point of view, or, conversely, a reception psychological pressure on the addressee through humiliation human dignity, insult to feelings. Many personal arguments are considered prohibited techniques in argument theory.

In everyday disputes, with a strategy for reconciling positions, the tactic of changing the topic is appropriate: for example, a statement like: Let's talk about the weather. In any controversial situations, partners should be treated with respect and treated as equals.

4. Story. This is a genre of colloquial speech in which the monologue form of speech within a dialogue or polylogue predominates. The main strategic line of verbal communication is solidarity, agreement, cooperation, permission for one of the participants to carry out their communicative intention, which mainly comes down to information. The theme of the story can be any event or fact that happened to the narrator or someone else. The course of the story can be interrupted by question remarks or evaluation remarks, to which the narrator answers with varying degrees of completeness.

A characteristic feature of the short story genre is the integrity of the transmitted information, ensured by the coherence of individual fragments. In the story, the addressee, interpreting real events, acts as the author and arbitrarily, from his own point of view, evaluates them. At the same time, with the help of a certain functional perspective of sentences, word order, intonation, introductory and plug-in constructions, particles, adverbs, periphrases (for example: And Petya, this Plyushkin, suddenly became generous...), the addresser creates not only an epistemic addressee oriented to the world of knowledge) modal plan of the story, but also the axiological outline of the story (offers a hierarchy value guidelines, consistent with the world of sociocultural stereotypes of the addressee).

Support for the narrator's communicative initiative and the interest of the listeners can be manifested in interruptions, repetitions, and exclamations not addressed to the speaker.

The theme of the story and the nature of real events (scary, neutral, funny, instructive) also determine the modality of speech.

5. History. This genre of colloquial speech, like the story, is predominantly monologue speech, which takes into account all the components of the pragmatic situation. In addition, an important pragmatic factor in speech when telling a story is memory. This factor determines the structure of the narrative and the content of speech. It is characteristic that the stories do not include the addressee himself as a character.

The communicative purpose of history is not only the transmission of information about events that happened earlier (at an unspecified moment), but also a semantic summary, summary, comparison with an assessment modern events and facts. Unlike other types of verbal communication, story and history refer to planned types of speech allowed by the participants in communicative interaction. Therefore, communicative success here is a foregone conclusion. to a greater extent, but not absolutely.

6. Letter. A necessary condition This genre of verbal communication is sincerity, which is possible with the internal closeness of related or friendly people. The context of agreement characteristic of the concept of sincerity corresponds to the etymological meaning of the word: sincere meant close, close, nearby. Whatever mode prevails in writing, the very fact of addressing one’s feelings and thoughts in writing, which does not involve immediate reading, indicates that the author has the opportunity to use a natural way of explicating himself as a person (and this is the most important pragmatic condition of any verbal communication). The regularity of correspondence is determined by a number of factors: a) the relationships between the participants in this type of verbal communication; b) external circumstances of correspondence; c) relevance for the addressee of the topic; d) frequency of correspondence.

7. Note. Unlike writing, this genre of written colloquial speech is to a large extent is being formed common world feelings-thoughts of the sender and the addressee, the same epistemic and axiological modality, the relevance of the same circumstances. Therefore, the content of the note is usually brief; detailed reasoning can be replaced by one or two words that play the role of a hint.

For example, a note left at student dormitory, may contain only two words: Called: We are waiting. The addressee of the note guesses both the authors of the note and their communicative purpose. Situational conditioning and close relationships between the addresser and the addressee make free expression and reticence possible; see, for example, A. N. Ostrovsky’s note to N. A. Dubrovsky: Nikolka! Why don’t you lead Vetlitsky and where the hell are you? Will you listen to me! Well, just wait a minute!

You can’t write like that, that’s all I thought, but you have to write like this: Dear Sir Nikolai Alexandrovich, would you like to welcome me today straight from the office to the dining table, which would greatly oblige your deeply respected and devoted A. Ostrovsky? (Oct. 1870).

The informal, friendly tone of the first note and the purely official nature of the second explain the incompleteness of the construction of the first note (where are you leading?). The second note does not have the modal components of the first; the probability of refusal and tactics of influencing the addressee are not expressed here.

In a note, as in a letter, it is possible for the addressee to self-check his method of expression and train of thoughts; for example: Shall I go? (no, I’ll run early in the morning). In addition, a note, like a letter, may not be a spontaneous flow of feeling-thought, but a processed version, copied from a draft, in which the unevenness of improvisation and the unexpected appearance of meaningful elements of an utterance in consciousness are softened and reduced.

8. Diary. Diary entries are texts of addressed conversational speech, and therefore have all stylistic features texts conditioned by a multifactorial pragmatic space. The addressee of the diary texts is an alter ego, a supersubject, highest authority response understanding (in the terminology of M. M. Bakhtin), which helps the writer express his thoughts, feelings and doubts. This pragmatic factor forces the author of diary entries to verify the accuracy of the expression of thoughts, introduce synonyms and specifiers, and use such syntactic devices, like gradation, question-and-answer moves, rhetorical questions; introductory words and sentences that are signals of author’s reflection; see, for example, a fragment of the diary of Andrei Bely (entry on August 8, 1921; the day after the death of A. Blok): I realized that the stupor that attacked me yesterday was from the consciousness that Sasha (alive, physically) - part of Me myself. How so? I am alive, but the contents live content has my soul died? Nonsense?! Then I realized that some huge stage of my life was over ( Literary newspaper. 1990. August 1).

The style of diary entries is determined by all aspects of personality (intellectual self, emotional self, spiritual self, etc.), depending on the predominance of one or another principle, the nature of the presentation changes. Diary entries are divided into two large categories. Some diaries reflect the author's orientation towards describing the day as a temporary space. This can be a listing of what has been done, a summary, reflections, analysis of feelings and thoughts, plans, etc. Diaries of another type (they can be kept irregularly) - talking about oneself over time, thinking about what worries, a kind of stream of consciousness with associative subtopics of the main thoughts of the day. Diary entries of people leading creative work, represent a laboratory for creative research and are not much different from notebooks and workbooks for writers and poets.

function feature genre conversational style


1. Strecker N. Yu. Russian language and culture of speech: Tutorial for universities. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2003. - 383 p.

2. Bylkova S.V., Makhnitskaya E.Yu. Culture of speech. Stylistics: A textbook for preparing for the EGE. 3rd ed. M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2009, - 400 p.

3. http://lib.socio.msu.r

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