I am my own English teacher. Ovadenko O.N.

The tutorial consists of 43 lessons. The book is presented in a very accessible form main topics of English grammar. Each lesson has a large number of exercises with keys, which simplifies learning and allows for self-control. At the beginning of each lesson there is a list of words that need to be learned. The publication is intended for everyone who wants to learn English on their own.

Formation of the question.
An interrogative sentence is formed by moving the verb to be into personal form(am, is, are) in first place.
1 2 3
I am a doctor. - I am doctor.
Am I a doctor? - I am doctor?
2 1 3
Not a doctor. - He is a doctor.
Is he a doctor? - He is a doctor?
We are doctors. - We are doctors.
Are we doctors? - Are we doctors?

Translate the following sentences, then put them into interrogative and negative forms.
He is a student.
Translation: Not a student.
Question: Is he a student?
Negation: Not is not a student.
1. You (are) a good teacher.
2. She (a) student.
3. You (are) a good student.
4. (The) dog is black.
5. (The) pears are sweet.
6. His book is on (on) (the) chair.

The plural of nouns in English is formed by adding the ending -s.
card (postcard) - card) (postcards);
cat (cat) - cati (cats);
dog (dog) - dogs (dogs).
We will look at education in more detail. plural nouns in lesson 6.

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Download the book English without a tutor, Ovadenko O.N., 2010 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • My own English teacher, Audio course MP3, Ovadenko O.N., 2009 Books on English
  • My own English teacher, Ovadenko O.N., 2010 - The explanation of English grammar in the book is presented in a very accessible form, the principle from simple to complex is strictly observed, in each ... Books on English
  • English Grammar, Book for Parents, Grade 4, Barashkova E.A., 2019 - This manual fully complies with the federal state educational standard (second generation) for primary school. It represents the third component educational kit, … Books on English

The following textbooks and books:

  • English for children without teachers, Part 7, Putilina E.N., 2015 Books on English
  • English for children without teachers, Part 6, Putilina E.N., 2015 - Interactive course on learning English for preschoolers 5-7 years old without teachers. With this course, parents will be able to introduce their child to... Books on English
  • English for children without teachers, Part 5, Putilina E.N., 2015 - Interactive course on learning English for preschoolers 5-7 years old without teachers. With this course, parents will be able to introduce their child to... Books on English
  • English for children without teachers, Part 4, Putilina E.N., 2015 - Interactive course on learning English for preschoolers 5-7 years old without teachers. With this course, parents will be able to introduce their child to... Books on English

St. Petersburg: 2010. - 784 p.

The explanation of English grammar in the book is presented in a very accessible form, the principle from simple to complex is strictly followed, each lesson has a large number of exercises with keys located at the end of the book, which simplifies the study and allows for self-control. An audio supplement to the book allows you to hear the “music” of English speech and practice good pronunciation and "branded" English intonation

The publication is intended for everyone who wants to independently learn English and achieve significant success in it.

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Preface 11
PART 1 Initial level of communication
Lesson No. 1 16
Transcription -
Lesson No. 2 20
General characteristics of times Simple groups 22
Present simple tense Present Simple -
The verb to be in the present simple tense -
Topic: "Greeting" 27
Lesson No. 3 29
Formation of a question with interrogative pronouns -
Place of nouns in sentences defined pronouns what, whose 30
Difference in usage pronouns who and what -
Topic: “Appeals” 32
Lesson No. 4 34
Verb to have ( have got) - have -
Dialogue: “Getting Acquainted” 38
Lesson No. 5 39
Article -
Dialogue: “Meeting” 46
Lesson No. 6 48
Verb conjugation in the simple present tense 50
Indefinite verb form (infinitive) 53
Word order in declarative sentence 54
Imperative 57
Question to the subject 58
Using the verb to like 59
Topic: “My family, friends” 60
Lesson No. 7 62
The difference in the use of verbs to study ["stAdi], to teach, to learn, to recognize ["rekagnaiz] 63
Difference in usage pronouns which and what 64
Difference in usage pronouns that and what 65
The difference in the use of the pronouns which and who 66
Dialogue: “Talking on the Phone” 67
Lesson No. 8 68
Plural formation of nouns -
Possessive and genitive cases 70
Topic: “My working day” 72
Lesson No. 9 74
Indefinite pronouns much/many, (a) little/(a) few -
Retelling of the text: "Little Woman" (after L. M. Alcott) 76
Lesson No. 10 78
Personal and possessive pronouns -
Reflexive pronouns 81
Topic: “My day off” 83
Lesson No. 11 85
Past simple Time Past Simple -
Verb to be in past simple tense 88
Lyrics paraphrase: "Mr. Blue" (after M. Embry) 91
Lesson No. 12 95
Pronouns which, that, who, when, where in the complement function -
The difference in the use of the verbs to go, to come, to leave 96
The difference in the use of the words too, either ["aids", also ["o:lsau",
as well 97
Lyrics paraphrase: "A Day in the Life of Simon Carrot" (after R. Dikson) 98
Lesson No. 13 101
Future simple Future time Simple -
The difference in the use of the verbs to see, to watch, to look 106
The expression here is... 107
Retelling of the text: "The Story of Mr. Jeremy Fisher" (after B. Potter) 108
Lesson No. 14 110
Expressions had better, would rather -
The expression used to ["ju:stu] Ill
The expression would like -
Retelling the text: "Smart Guy" 114
Lesson No. 15 116
Prepositions -
The difference in the use of the verbs to speak, to talk, to tell, to say 124
The first group of prepositions to remember 125
Topic: “How I usually spend the holidays” 126
PART 2 Everyday level of communication
Lesson No. 16 130
Unions -
Abbreviated affirmative and negative sentences type So do I, Neither do I 131
The second group of prepositions for remembering 133
Dialogue: “Holidays” -
Lesson No. 17 135
Types interrogative sentences -
Use auxiliary verbs to avoid repetition of the previous predicate verb 137
The third group of prepositions for remembering 138
Paraphrase of the text: "Randy and the Tiger" (after R. Dikson) 139
Lesson No. 18 142
Adjective -
Degrees of comparison compound adjectives 144
Substitute word one 145
Word formation of adjectives 148
The fourth group of prepositions for remembering 149
Topic: “My last visit to a restaurant” 150
Lesson No. 19 152
Adverb -
Fifth group of prepositions for remembering 154
Dialogue: “Restaurant” 155
Lesson No. 20 157
Impersonal offers -
Sixth group of prepositions for memorization 161
Retelling of the text: "The Piper of Hamelin" (a German legend) 163
Lesson No. 21 165
Turnover there is / are -
Seventh group of prepositions for memorization 169
Topic: “My house, apartment” 170
Lesson No. 22 173
Undefined pronouns some, any, no and their derivatives, derivatives from indefinite pronoun every -
Retelling of the text: "Golden Dreams" (after S. Leacock) 179
Lesson No. 23 181
Derivations from the indefinite pronoun by -
Eighth group of prepositions for memorization 184
Topic: “Seasons” -
Lesson No. 24 187
Numerals, dates, days of the week, months -
Ninth group of prepositions for remembering 190
Retelling of the text: "The Story of Bottle Hill 1" (an Irish legend) 191
Lesson No. 25 195
Time indication by clock -
Tenth group of prepositions for memorization 196
Topic: “Travel” 197
Lesson No. 26 200
General characteristics of modal verbs -
Modal verbs (can, may, must) and their equivalents 201
Dialogue: “Travel” 209
Lesson No. 27 210
Modal verbs to be to, need, should -
Retelling of the text: "The Story of Bottle Hill 2" (an Irish legend) 214
PART 3 Household - “advanced” level of communication
Lesson No. 28 218
General characteristics of the times of the group Continuous -
Present continuous present time Continuous 219
Expression to begoingto 221
Near future -
The difference in the use of words is still, already, different, still, a little more 222
Dialogue: “In the city” 225
Lesson No. 29 227
Past long time Past Continuous -
Topic: “How I cook my favorite dish” 231
Lesson No. 30 233
Future continuous tense Future Continuous -
Dialogue: “My favorite dish” 236
Lesson No. 31 237
General characteristics of the times of the Perfect group -
The present perfect tense Present Perfect -
Topic: “Shopping” 242
Lesson No. 32 245
Past perfect tense Past Perfect -
Dialogue: “Buying a car” 249
Lesson No. 33 251
Future perfect tense Future Perfect -
Retelling of the text: "Ruthless" (after W. de Mille) 254
Lesson No. 34 258
General characteristics of the group's times Perfect Continuous -
Present perfect continuous tense Present Perfect Continuous 259
Retelling of the text: "A Cup of Tea" (after K. Mansfield) 261
Lesson No. 35 265
Past perfect continuous tense Past Perfect Continuous .. -
Dialogue: “Meeting at the airport” 267
Lesson No. 36 269
Future perfect continuous tense Future Perfect Continuous ... -
Retelling of the text: "The Ax in the Ceiling" (an old English tale) 272
Lesson No. 37 275
The future is in past Future in the Past -
Retelling of the text: "How to Die" (after G. Mikes) 278
Lesson No. 38 281
Coordination of times -
Dialogue: “At the Embassy” 285
Lesson No. 39 287
Direct and indirect speech -
Retelling of the text: "Good Morning" (after M. Hager) 291
Lesson No. 40 294
Passive voice Passive Voice -
Lyrics paraphrased: "Lunch" (after S. Maugham) 299
PART 4 ​​Fluent level of communication
Lesson No. 41 304
Complex addition Complex Object -
Topic: “Health” 308
Lesson No. 42 311
Complex addition Complex Object (continued) -
Dialogue: “At the Doctor’s” 315
Lesson No. 43 316
Infinitive forms -
Retelling the text: " The Best Policy" (after F. F. Molnar) 321
Lesson No. 44 324
Complex subject Complex Subject -
Retelling of the text: "The Scotsman and the London Judge's Daughter (an English tale) 327
Lesson No. 45 330
Complex Subject (continued) -
Dialogue: “At the hairdresser” 333
Lesson No. 46 335
Gerund -
Translating sentences into English using the gerund, complex object (Complex Object) and additional subordinate clause 340
Retelling of the text: "A Custom House Incident" (after N. Balchin) 341
Lesson No. 47 344
Mood The Mood -
Retelling of the text: "The Open Window" (after H. Munro) 348
Lesson No. 48 351
The Mood (continued) -
Topic: “Zodiac Signs” 353
Lesson No. 49 356
Participle -
Comparison of the predicate expressed by the participle with the tenses of the Perfect group passive voice 359
Retelling of the text: "Old Country Advice to the American Traveler" (after W. Saroyan) 361
Lesson No. 50 364
Modal verbs shall, wiU -
Modal verbs can"t, may, might, must, should, need in the meaning of assumption 365
Retelling text 367
Lesson No. 51 371
Article (use with names of newspapers, museums, etc.) -
Retelling of the text: "Film Test 2" (after A. Moravia) 377
PART 5 Free level communication
Lesson No. 52 382

The auxiliary verb do in case of strengthening the meaning of the action semantic verb 386
Retelling of the text: "A Good Little Feature" (after M. S. Blackman) 388
Lesson No. 53 391
Words and expressions to remember -
Sequence of times in complex sentences with several subordinate clauses 395
Retelling of the text: "The One-Million-Pound Bank-hote" (after M. TWain) .. 397
Lesson No. 54 404
Words and expressions to remember -
Non-Union conditional sentences 408
Retelling of the text: "Painting the Fence" (after H. A. Smith) 410
Lesson No. 55 415
Words and expressions to remember -
Undefined subject they and one 419
Retelling of the text: "The Spanish Painter" (after W. Taine) 421
Lesson No. 56 429
Words and expressions to remember -
Turn it is... that (who, which, etc.) 433
Retelling of the text: "Is He Living or Is He Dead?" (after M. TWain) 435
Lesson No. 57 441
Words and expressions to remember -
Pronouns eitherw neither 445
Retelling of the text: "The Nemean Lion" (after A. Christie) 447
Lesson No. 58 458
Words and expressions to remember -
Pronoun both 461
Retelling of the text: "Waiting for the Police" (after J. J. Farjeon) 463
Lesson No. 59 470
Words and expressions to remember -
Word formation without changing the pronunciation and spelling of the word, by changing the place of stress and alternating sounds 474
Lyrics paraphrase: "The Perfect Murder" (after R. L. Mangum) 476
Lesson No. 60 480
Words and expressions to remember -
Word formation using suffixes (noun suffixes) 484
Retelling of the text: "Letters in the Mail" (after E. Caldwell) 488
Lesson No. 61 493
Words and expressions to remember -
Word formation using suffixes (adjective suffixes) 497
Retelling the text: " The Body in the Pool" (after R. King) 500
Lesson No. 62 507
Words and expressions to remember -
Word formation using suffixes (verb suffixes) 511
Retelling of the text: "The Flock of Geryon" (aftrer A. Christie) 513
Lesson No. 63 521
Words and expressions to remember -
Word formation using prefixes (prefixes with negative value) 525
Retelling of the text: "Airport" (after A. Hailey) 528
Lesson No. 64 535
Words and expressions to remember -
Word formation using prefixes (main prefixes with different meaning) 539
Retelling of the text: "Daily Bread" (after O. Henry) 542
Lesson No. 65 546
Words and expressions to remember -
Punctuation marks 550
Retelling of the text: "The Juice of an Orange" (after P. G. Wodehouse) 554
Lesson No. 66 562
Words and expressions to remember -
The most common jargons in English 566
Retelling of the text: "Easy Money" (after M. S. Blackman) 569
Modal verbs 664
Active voice 671
Passive voice 675
Table non-standard verbs № 1 678
Table of non-standard verbs No. 2 681
KEYS 684

IN this textbook you will find simple And understandable presentation of English grammars. The exercises are selected in such a way that the student begins to assimilate the material, moving from lung To complex. This system allows you to reduce the effect of perception repulsion to zero new information. The answer chart at the end of the book will help constantly control your achievements and be constantly confident in your knowledge.

Year: 2009
Publisher: KARO

Format: PDF
Size: 12.2Mb

The book provides a simple and understandable presentation of English grammar

The textbook comes with an audio CD so you can hear the tasks narrated. professional English announcers. Live speech will be a good example for the formation of correct perception, as well as the construction of an impeccable accent.

Welcome to amazing world in English!
English is the language of William Shakespeare, George Washington, Oscar Wilde, Agatha Christie, John Lennon, and other great people, the language of world culture, business and science.
You made the right choice by deciding to learn this particular language, because:
English is one of the most simple languages for studying;
owning it, you will feel free in any country in the world;
It is currently the most popular foreign language.

The exercises are selected in such a way that the student begins to assimilate the material, moving from easy to complex

This book is intended for everyone who has not previously studied English and wants to master it on their own. If you are really interested in learning and knowing the language, you simply will not be able to tear yourself away from this book, since the entire course is built on the principle of “from simple to complex.” If you thoroughly go through at least three parts of the tutorial, a huge world beyond possibilities will open up before you.

You will be able to hear the tasks voiced by professional English speakers

The tutorial is divided into five parts:
part 1 (from 1 to 15 lessons) - initial level of communication;
part 2 (from 16 to 27 lessons) - everyday level of communication;
part 3 (lesson 28 to 40) - everyday - “advanced” level of communication;
part 4 (from 41 to 51 lessons) - fluent level of communication;
part 5 (from 51 to 66 lessons) - free level of communication.
You must remember that a language cannot be taught, it can only be learned with a great desire, so the proposed self-teacher will become your faithful mentor who will point you in the right direction to successfully master the language.

Click the button above “Buy a paper book” You can buy this book with delivery throughout Russia and similar books at the best price in paper form on the websites of the official online stores Labyrinth, Ozon, Bukvoed, Read-Gorod, Litres, My-shop, Book24, Books.ru.

By clicking the “Buy and download e-book” button you can buy this book in in electronic format in the official liters online store, and then download it on the liters website.

By clicking the “Find similar materials on other sites” button, you can search for similar materials on other sites.

On the buttons above you can buy the book in official online stores Labirint, Ozon and others. Also you can search related and similar materials on other sites.

The explanation of English grammar in the book is presented in a very accessible form, the principle from simple to complex is strictly followed, each lesson has a large number of exercises with keys located at the end of the book, which simplifies the study and allows for self-control. The audio supplement to the book allows you to hear the “music” of English speech, practice good pronunciation and “trademark” English intonation
The publication is intended for everyone who wants to independently learn English and achieve significant success in it.

Welcome to the wonderful world of the English language!
English is the language of William Shakespeare, George Washington, Oscar Wilde, Agatha Christie, John Lennon, and other great people, the language of world culture, business and science.
You made the right choice by deciding to learn this particular language, because:
English is one of the easiest languages ​​to learn;
owning it, you will feel free in any country in the world;
It is currently the most popular foreign language.
This book is intended for everyone who has not previously studied English and wants to master it on their own. If you are really interested in learning and knowing the language, you simply will not be able to tear yourself away from this book, since the entire course is built on the principle of “from simple to complex.” If you thoroughly go through at least three parts of the tutorial, a huge world beyond possibilities will open up before you.
The tutorial is divided into five parts:
part 1 (from 1 to 15 lessons) - initial level of communication;
part 2 (from 16 to 27 lessons) - everyday level of communication;
part 3 (lesson 28 to 40) - everyday - “advanced” level of communication;
part 4 (from 41 to 51 lessons) - fluent level of communication;
part 5 (from 51 to 66 lessons) - free level of communication.
You must remember that a language cannot be taught, it can only be learned with a great desire, so the proposed self-teacher will become your faithful mentor who will point you in the right direction to successfully master the language.

Preface 11
PART 1 Initial level of communication
Lesson No. 1 16
Transcription -
Lesson No. 2 20
General characteristics of the times of the group Simple 22
Present simple tense Present Simple -
The verb to be in the present simple tense -
Topic: "Greeting" 27
Lesson No. 3 29
Forming a question with interrogative pronouns -
Place of nouns in sentences defined by pronouns what, whose 30
The difference in the use of pronouns who and what -
Topic: “Appeals” 32
Lesson No. 4 34
Verb to have (have got) - to have -
Dialogue: “Getting Acquainted” 38
Lesson No. 5 39
Article -
Dialogue: “Meeting” 46
Lesson No. 6 48
Verb conjugation in the simple present tense 50
Indefinite verb form (infinitive) 53
Word order in a declarative sentence 54
Imperative 57
Question to the subject 58
Using the verb to like 59
Topic: “My family, friends” 60
Lesson No. 7 62
The difference in the use of verbs to study ["stAdi], to teach, to learn, to recognize ["rekagnaiz] 63
Difference in the use of pronouns which and what 64
The difference in the use of the pronouns that and what 65
The difference in the use of the pronouns which and who 66
Dialogue: “Talking on the Phone” 67
Lesson No. 8 68
Plural formation of nouns -
Possessive and genitive cases 70
Topic: “My working day” 72
Lesson No. 9 74
Indefinite pronouns much/many, (a) little/(a) few -
Retelling of the text: "Little Woman" (after L. M. Alcott) 76
Lesson No. 10 78
Personal and possessive pronouns -
Reflexive pronouns 81
Topic: “My day off” 83
Lesson No. 11 85
Past simple tense Past Simple -
Verb to be in past simple tense 88
Lyrics paraphrase: "Mr. Blue" (after M. Embry) 91
Lesson No. 12 95
Pronouns which, that, who, when, where in the complement function -
The difference in the use of the verbs to go, to come, to leave 96
The difference in the use of the words too, either ["aids", also ["o:lsau",
as well 97
Lyrics paraphrase: "A Day in the Life of Simon Carrot" (after R. Dikson) 98
Lesson No. 13 101
Future simple tense Future Simple -
The difference in the use of the verbs to see, to watch, to look 106
The expression here is... 107
Retelling of the text: "The Story of Mr. Jeremy Fisher" (after B. Potter) 108
Lesson No. 14 110
Expressions had better, would rather -
The expression used to ["ju:stu] Ill
The expression would like -
Retelling the text: "Smart Guy" 114
Lesson No. 15 116
Prepositions -
The difference in the use of the verbs to speak, to talk, to tell, to say 124
The first group of prepositions to remember 125
Topic: “How I usually spend the holidays” 126
PART 2 Everyday level of communication
Lesson No. 16 130
Unions -
Shortened affirmative and negative sentences like So do I, Neither do I 131
The second group of prepositions for remembering 133
Dialogue: “Holidays” -
Lesson No. 17 135
Types of interrogative sentences -
Using auxiliary verbs to avoid repetition of the preceding predicate verb 137
The third group of prepositions for remembering 138
Lyrics paraphrased: "Randy and the Tiger" (after R. Dikson) 139
Lesson No. 18 142
Adjective -
Degrees of comparison of complex adjectives 144
Substitute word one 145
Word formation of adjectives 148
The fourth group of prepositions for remembering 149
Topic: “My last visit to a restaurant” 150
Lesson No. 19 152
Adverb -
Fifth group of prepositions for remembering 154
Dialogue: “Restaurant” 155
Lesson No. 20 157
Impersonal offers -
Sixth group of prepositions for memorization 161
Retelling of the text: "The Piper of Hamelin" (a German legend) 163
Lesson No. 21 165
Turnover there is / are -
Seventh group of prepositions for memorization 169
Topic: “My house, apartment” 170
Lesson No. 22 173
Indefinite pronouns some, any, no and their derivatives, derived from the indefinite pronoun every -
Retelling of the text: "Golden Dreams" (after S. Leacock) 179
Lesson No. 23 181
Derivations from the indefinite pronoun by -
Eighth group of prepositions for memorization 184
Topic: “Seasons” -
Lesson No. 24 187
Numerals, dates, days of the week, months -
Ninth group of prepositions for remembering 190
Retelling of the text: "The Story of Bottle Hill 1" (an Irish legend) 191
Lesson No. 25 195
Time indication by clock -
Tenth group of prepositions for memorization 196
Topic: “Travel” 197
Lesson No. 26 200
General characteristics of modal verbs -
Modal verbs (can, may, must) and their equivalents 201
Dialogue: “Travel” 209
Lesson No. 27 210
Modal verbs to be to, need, should -
Retelling of the text: "The Story of Bottle Hill 2" (an Irish legend) 214
PART 3 Household - “advanced” level of communication
Lesson No. 28 218
General characteristics of the times of the group Continuous -
Present continuous tense Present Continuous 219
Expression to begoingto 221
Near future -
The difference in the use of words is still, already, different, still, a little more 222
Dialogue: “In the city” 225
Lesson No. 29 227
Past Continuous -
Topic: “How I cook my favorite dish” 231
Lesson No. 30 233
Future Continuous Tense Future Continuous -
Dialogue: “My favorite dish” 236
Lesson No. 31 237
General characteristics of the times of the Perfect group -
Present perfect tense Present Perfect -
Topic: “Shopping” 242
Lesson No. 32 245
Past perfect tense Past Perfect -
Dialogue: “Buying a car” 249
Lesson No. 33 251
Future perfect tense Future Perfect -
Retelling of the text: "Ruthless" (after W. de Mille) 254
Lesson No. 34 258
General characteristics of the times of the Perfect Continuous group -
Present perfect continuous tense Present Perfect Continuous 259
Retelling of the text: "A Cup of Tea" (after K. Mansfield) 261
Lesson No. 35 265
Past perfect continuous tense Past Perfect Continuous .. -
Dialogue: “Meeting at the airport” 267
Lesson No. 36 269
Future perfect continuous tense Future Perfect Continuous ... -
Retelling of the text: "The Ax in the Ceiling" (an old English tale) 272
Lesson No. 37 275
Future in the past Future in the Past -
Retelling of the text: "How to Die" (after G. Mikes) 278
Lesson No. 38 281
Coordination of times -
Dialogue: “At the Embassy” 285
Lesson No. 39 287
Direct and indirect speech -
Retelling of the text: "Good Morning" (after M. Hager) 291
Lesson No. 40 294
Passive pledge Passive Voice -
Lyrics paraphrased: "Lunch" (after S. Maugham) 299
PART 4 ​​Fluent level of communication
Lesson No. 41 304
Complex addition Complex Object -
Topic: “Health” 308
Lesson No. 42 311
Complex addition Complex Object (continued) -
Dialogue: “At the Doctor’s” 315
Lesson No. 43 316
Infinitive forms -
Retelling of the text: “The Best Policy” (after F. F. Molnar) 321
Lesson No. 44 324
Complex Subject -
Retelling of the text: "The Scotsman and the London Judge"s Daughter" (an English tale) 327
Lesson No. 45 330
Complex Subject (continued) -
Dialogue: “At the hairdresser” 333
Lesson No. 46 335
Gerund -
Translating sentences into English using the gerund, complex object (Complex Object) and additional subordinate clause 340
Retelling of the text: "A Custom House Incident" (after N. Balchin) 341
Lesson No. 47 344
Mood The Mood -
Retelling of the text: "The Open Window" (after H. Munro) 348
Lesson No. 48 351
The Mood (continued) -
Topic: “Zodiac Signs” 353
Lesson No. 49 356
Participle -
Comparison of the predicate expressed by the participle with the tenses of the Perfect group of the passive voice 359
Retelling of the text: "Old Country Advice to the American Traveler" (after W. Saroyan) 361
Lesson No. 50 364
Modal verbs shall, wiU -
Modal verbs can"t, may, might, must, should, need in the meaning of assumption 365
Retelling text 367
Lesson No. 51 371
Article (use with names of newspapers, museums, etc.) -
Retelling of the text: "Film Test 2" (after A. Moravia) 377
PART 5 Free level of communication
Lesson No. 52 382

Auxiliary verb do in case of strengthening the meaning of the action of the semantic verb 386
Retelling of the text: "A Good Little Feature" (after M. S. Blackman) 388
Lesson No. 53 391
Words and expressions to remember -
Sequence of tenses in complex sentences with several subordinate clauses 395
Retelling of the text: "The One-Million-Pound Bank-hote" (after M. TWain) .. 397
Lesson No. 54 404
Words and expressions to remember -
Non-union conditional sentences 408
Retelling of the text: "Painting the Fence" (after H. A. Smith) 410
Lesson No. 55 415
Words and expressions to remember -
Indefinite subjects they and one 419
Retelling of the text: "The Spanish Painter" (after W. Taine) 421
Lesson No. 56 429
Words and expressions to remember -
Turn it is... that (who, which, etc.) 433
Retelling of the text: "Is He Living or Is He Dead?" (after M. TWain) 435
Lesson No. 57 441
Words and expressions to remember -
Pronouns eitherw neither 445
Retelling of the text: "The Nemean Lion" (after A. Christie) 447
Lesson No. 58 458
Words and expressions to remember -
Pronoun both 461
Lyrics paraphrase: "Waiting for the Police" (after J. J. Farjeon) 463
Lesson No. 59 470
Words and expressions to remember -
Word formation without changing the pronunciation and spelling of the word, by changing the place of stress and alternating sounds 474
Lyrics paraphrase: "The Perfect Murder" (after R. L. Mangum) 476
Lesson No. 60 480
Words and expressions to remember -
Word formation using suffixes (noun suffixes) 484
Retelling of the text: "Letters in the Mail" (after E. Caldwell) 488
Lesson No. 61 493
Words and expressions to remember -
Word formation using suffixes (adjective suffixes) 497
Retelling of the text: "The Body in the Pool" (after R. King) 500
Lesson No. 62 507
Words and expressions to remember -
Word formation using suffixes (verb suffixes) 511
Retelling of the text: "The Flock of Geryon" (aftrer A. Christie) 513
Lesson No. 63 521
Words and expressions to remember -
Word formation using prefixes (prefixes with a negative meaning) 525
Retelling of the text: "Airport" (after A. Hailey) 528
Lesson No. 64 535
Words and expressions to remember -
Word formation using prefixes (main prefixes with different meanings) 539
Retelling of the text: "Daily Bread" (after O. Henry) 542
Lesson No. 65 546
Words and expressions to remember -
Punctuation marks 550
Retelling of the text: "The Juice of an Orange" (after P. G. Wodehouse) 554
Lesson No. 66 562
Words and expressions to remember -
The most common jargons in English 566
Retelling of the text: "Easy Money" (after M. S. Blackman) 569
Modal verbs 664
Active voice 671
Passive voice 675
Table of non-standard verbs No. 1 678
Table of non-standard verbs No. 2 681
KEYS 684

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