Famous fitness blogger Joe Wicks (The Body Coach): video training and success story.

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A healthy lifestyle is in fashion today. It would seem that following him is a pleasure. We load up on fruits and vegetables, sign up for a fitness club and post workout photos on social networks. However, often attempts to get in shape lead to sheer stress, which causes us to eat junk food and suffer from remorse. To avoid falling into this vicious circle, you need to follow simple rules.

1. Eat more to train harder.

Trying to lose weight, many people go on a semi-starvation diet. According to fitness trainer Joe Wicks, nicknamed The Body Coach, this approach is outdated. “In an effort to quickly get rid of extra pounds, many begin to eat poorly, practically starving themselves. Of course, with this approach, the result is noticeable very quickly, but in the future, a breakdown and return of the lost kilograms are possible. It's not just about cutting calories. Your body needs energy. To go to the gym you need to eat a lot, but eat wisely.”

Joe published the book “Lean in 15”, in which he collected recipes for delicious and healthy dishes that can be prepared in a hurry. For example, omelette with goat cheese and herbs, chicken curry with cashew nuts, baked avocado with herbs, poached egg, etc. “Change your lifestyle, don't go on a diet,” says Coach Joe.

2. Plan ahead

Joe Wicks also believes that the main mistake of beginners is the lack of competent time management.“You prepare in advance for business meetings, plan how you will spend the weekend, and the same should be your approach to a healthy lifestyle,” says the fitness guru. - Make it a rule to go to the store once or twice a week and buy healthy food for the coming days. In the evening, plan what you will eat tomorrow morning, lunch and dinner. Prepare everything you need in advance.

In the evening, plan what you will eat tomorrow morning, lunch and dinner. Prepare everything you need in advance

Take a balanced lunch and snack with you to the office if there is no cafe near your work where you can eat something healthy. This way you will reduce the risk of snacking on pizza or cake to zero. This means you won’t be tormented by remorse about this. On Sundays, put a time in your diary that you can go to work out during the week and treat it like a meeting with your boss. You wouldn't cancel a meeting with your boss just because your friend invited you to the movies, would you? It’s the same with going to the fitness club.”

3. Focus on protein foods

Protein is digested slowly and gives us a long-lasting feeling of fullness. In addition, it is necessary for increasing muscle mass. Nutritionist Jackie Lynch says: “A hearty protein breakfast will keep you away from chocolate in a couple of hours. And if you still want to snack, it’s better to eat a few nuts, a bag of pumpkin seeds or natural yogurt. Instead of a regular vegetable salad, make yourself a salad with egg, fish or chicken. Protein should be present in every meal you eat.”

4. Make workouts fun

“When did fitness become such a serious and boring activity? When did training become a punishment? - wonders sports journalist and blogger Anna Kessel, one of the 50 most influential women in sports according to The Independent. “Remember how, as a child, you could run around in the yard for hours, climb trees and ride down the slides.”

The less you move, the less joy you experience and the more difficult it is to start living an active life.

According to Anna, physical activity should be enjoyable, and you should train with a smile. Don't like yoga? Go dancing! It's boring to sweat on a treadmill for hours, exercise to your favorite music, run a race with a friend, or give up running altogether and... sign up for a rock climbing class with your children. Basically, find a fun way to burn calories.

5. Move at least 30 minutes a day

“Sedentary work on weekdays and evenings on the sofa watching TV harm not only the figure, but also the mind,– says psychotherapist Patricia McNair from the University of Bristol. – A sedentary lifestyle causes apathy. The less you move, the less joy you experience and the harder it is to start living an active life. Therefore, do not encourage your laziness, try to find at least half an hour every day for active activities. This could be a walk in the park, ice skating, tennis or swimming.” The main thing is not to sit still.

Joe Wicks (The Body Coach) is a famous English fitness trainer, TV presenter and author of books on proper nutrition. Joe Wicks has truly become sensation in the world of fitness, instantly gaining incredible popularity on his Instagram blog.

Joe Wicks: a success story

Joe Wicks became popular after the release of his cookbook Lean in 15, which became a real bestseller. In it, the coach published a whole a series of simple healthy recipes, ranging from vegetarian salads to pastas and pizzas. Lean in 15 became the best-selling book in the UK in 2015 and brought Joe unprecedented fame. In fact, it is currently ranked as the third best-selling cookbook of all time!

Joe's ideology has nothing to do with strict diets and severe food restrictions. He encourages you to eat right and choose healthy foods, but to change your diet not for a certain period of time, but for life. At the same time, by his example, he proves that even proper nutrition can be tasty and varied. « Change your lifestyle, don't go on a diet», - says the coach.

Currently, Joe Wicks, also known as The Body Coach, is one of the most popular fitness bloggers in the world. On his instagram More than 1.6 million people have signed up! On his blog, Joe regularly publishes video recipes and workout videos. He is a follower short HIIT workouts, and from his point of view, it is enough to exercise 15 minutes a day to get in shape.

His own technique 90 Day SSS (Shift, Shape and Sustain plan), which is also the principle of his books, is popular all over the world. Body Coach's 90-day course has helped countless people transform their bodies. By using recipes and effective workouts Joe Wicks has already helped more than 130 thousand people change their lifestyle.

The fitness blogger admits that he did not expect such popularity on social networks and never pursued fame. By starting a blog on Instagram, it’s easy wanted to help other people change their body. Joe earns about $1.4 million a month from his weight loss program, and the hype around the charming 31-year-old Briton only continues to grow.

10 rules from Joe Wicks to lose weight

However, it is not at all necessary to purchase special courses from Joe Wicks to start losing weight. The essence of his programs is simple and clear: proper nutrition and regular exercise. We offer you 10 basic rules for losing weight from Joe Wicks, which you probably know, but which are important to remind you of again:

  1. The blogger opposes diets and strict food restrictions. In his opinion, it is not enough to go on a diet for a few days to get long-term results in losing weight. You must change your lifestyle, start eating right and exercising regularly.
  1. Joe encourages eating 3 meals a day and 2 snacks a day. Your diet should be balanced, contain sufficient amounts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is important not to starve, but to fuel your body the right fuel. Body Coach regularly posts recipes for simple but healthy dishes on Instagram.
  1. Coach recommends cook at home and take food in containers with you, this will help you avoid sudden snacks in the form of fast food and sweet bars. But if you have to have a snack in a cafe or restaurant, then try to order meat, fish, salads.
  1. According to Joe, you can only devote 15 minutes a day to fitness, but it should be HIIT workouts 5-6 times a week. You can train at home; all you need is a mat and a little space in the room. You can follow his videos on YouTube or short videos on Instagram where he shows examples of exercises. Exercising will keep you energized throughout the day.
  1. The fitness blogger considers it important to work on muscle mass. Once you have adapted to intense cardio training, start adding strength exercises for muscle growth. This will help speed up your metabolism and improve your body contour.
  1. Joe Wicks advises against sharply limit yourself in the foods you are used to eating on a regular basis. Gradually improve your diet, replacing “harmful” foods with “healthy” ones and giving preference to healthy foods.
  1. Once a week you can allow yourself small weaknesses. But not more often, otherwise there is a risk of returning to the original state, from which it will be much more difficult to get out.
  1. You must drink more water, at least two liters per day. Water speeds up metabolism and saves the body from dehydration after intense workouts.
  1. Joe recommends give up alcohol. You can afford to drink, but not more than a couple of times a month.
  1. We must not forget about healthy sleep, you should sleep 7-8 hours every day. This will help reduce your appetite, lower levels of the muscle-breaking hormone cortisol, and keep you ready for intense workouts.

On his Instagram, Joe regularly posts before-and-after photos of his clients. Body Coach also demonstrates your own successes in maintaining excellent shape, once again proving the effectiveness of his technique. “I've been busier than I've ever been in the last six months,” says Joe Wicks, “but I still make time for my short HIIT workouts to stay fit.”

Body Coach workouts

You can try Body Coach workouts on his youtube channel. At the moment, Joe Wicks doesn’t have many videos posted (about 65), but new programs are regularly released, so the channel’s subscribers are growing daily. Now there are already about 250 thousand of them and more than 11 million video views.

We are offering to you 5 most popular videos on the Body Coach channel. All these workouts are in the HIIT style, they are performed without additional equipment and last 15-20 minutes:

1. HIIT Home Workout for beginners (2.2 million views)

2. 20 Minute Fat Burning HIIT & Abs Workout (1 million views)

3. Fat Burning HIIT Workout (850,000 views)

4. Full Body Fat Burning Home HIIT (850,000 views)

5. Low Impact Beginners HIIT Workout (500,000 views)

On his Instagram, Body Coach writes that he started posting video recipes on a social network for fun and didn’t even think that it would eventually turn into such a huge project. Joe Wicks is a great example of how you can achieve success in life just doing what you love.

Get in shape without grueling workouts, strict diets and in just three months? Joe Wicks not only promises his players to do this, but also keeps his word. The fitness guru, who has made a fortune from people's desire to lose weight, spoke to the Daily Mail about his diet, training and life in general.

Get ready and take action

Fitness guru Joe Wicks came to the US from the UK. Having settled in a new place, the curly brown-haired man began a campaign to introduce sports into the lives of even the busiest Americans. Now Joe is followed both literally and figuratively by hundreds of thousands of people. To the coach's account in Instagram More than 1.1 million people are subscribed, each of whom wants to become more beautiful and slimmer thanks to The Body Coach.

“My nutrition and training philosophy revolves around the fact that not everyone can afford to spend hours in the gym,” says the coach. Instead, Joe offers a 90-day course to work on your figure.

According to him, it is enough to spend 15 minutes a day on fitness to see changes in your own body, but this should be intense training four to five times a week.

Joe understands that not everyone can afford the services of a personal trainer or an expensive gym membership, so in the fight against extra pounds, he pays attention not only to training, but also to psychological attitude and proper nutrition - this is the secret to achieving the desired result.

Joe's program can be performed not only in the gym. To join the group, you don’t need to pay for annual cards and compare trainers who advertise themselves; all you need to do is get a fitness mat and free up some space in your room.

Combination work

In addition to fighting fat, Joe considers it important to build muscle mass. This helps speed up your metabolism and hence the burning of calories.

“To build muscle mass, you need to combine 15-minute “impact” sets with work on weight machines and free weights,” says a follower of a healthy lifestyle. To inspire new followers, the trainer publishes on his page in Instagram videos in which he himself performs all the exercises of the course.

On the count of three

Joe divides the program into three stages. The first is intense cardio training, which, according to him, helps prepare the basis for training. The following exercises are performed for 30 seconds: raising the knees, jumping, burpees. Each set is separated by a rest break, followed by repetition. The entire block of exercises should take no more than 25 minutes.

As part of the second and third stages, strength exercises are also included in the program. Thanks to this, the trainee will become more fit and build muscle mass. In the final stages, you can include more healthy carbohydrates in your diet, since exercise will require additional effort and energy.

You are what you eat

Joe is especially attentive to food. He warns his clients against strict diets and strict restrictions, explaining that such measures may have a bad effect on their figure and health in the future.

“Change your lifestyle, don't go on a diet,” says Coach Joe.

Don't think that hours of training, eating low-calorie foods and fasting will help you become slim and healthy. Of course, with this lifestyle, you will notice the result quite soon, but in the future, a breakdown and return of the kilograms lost with incredible difficulty is possible, the fitness expert is convinced.

Joe encourages eating at least three times a day and two more snacks. At the same time, he notes that each person has an individual physiology, which means it is impossible to calculate the exact number of meals. It is important not to starve.

Mastering the kitchen

The trainer believes that the best choice is home-cooked food. But if you have to have a snack in a cafe, it is important to choose healthy and wholesome foods: vegetables, meat, poultry and fish.

“Don't overeat or rush through your meals. A healthy diet should include both proteins and carbohydrates. Your body needs energy to burn fat, so fuel it with the right fuel,” comments Joe.

Examples of the dishes Joe recommends can be seen on his Instagram page. He constantly posts photos of food - both prepared in his own kitchen and ordered from establishments. He also gives recipes for the food he prepares. Often these are typical "male" foods, rich in calories, like burgers.

In addition to photographs, the trainer also publishes short videos documenting the process of creating a particular dish. Recipes for a fighter against extra pounds are not particularly sophisticated. To cook chicken or scrambled eggs using his technology, you don’t need to attend cooking classes, you just need to have the desire and the right attitude.

Joe's favorite dishes: chicken curry with cashew nuts, sweet potatoes with bacon and poached egg.

Joe does not consider it a vice to treat himself to his favorite food from time to time, be it chocolate or beer. But such “gifts” must be combined with training.

Five pillars

The Daily Mirror cites Joe's five basic principles on which the fat burning technique is based:

Drink more water. From two to four liters per day.

Healthy sleep. At least seven to eight hours to reduce cortisol levels and overcome the stress accumulated over the day.

Workout. Follow 15-minute intense HIIT programs. Exercising will keep you energized throughout the day.

Take care of your menu. Prepare food in advance and carry it with you in containers to avoid snacking on candy bars and fast food.

Stop drinking. To get a beautiful body, training should not be combined with alcohol. Drinking several times a month is quite enough, it will not affect the result.

- author of several cookbooks with healthy recipes, which have become real bestsellers in the UK. His better known pseudonym is . We offer you an excellent selection short cardio workouts from Joe Wicks , which are suitable for beginners, as well as those for whom shock loading is contraindicated.

For training on The Body Coach video you no additional equipment required. Basically, programs are performed on a circuit basis with short rest intervals between exercises and circuits. Classes are offered without warm-up and cool-down, but they must be completed separately:

Joe Wicks recommends doing HIIT training 5-6 times a week for 15-20 minutes . He is confident that this is enough to get and maintain excellent shape, provided proper nutrition. Joe primarily offers high-intensity impact training for the advanced, but he also has a number of low-impact and beginner programs.

One of disadvantages of training The Body Coach are a rather modest video sequence, lack of a timer, names of exercises and even minimal design. There are much more professionally produced videos on YouTube, but that didn't stop Joe Wicks from gaining almost 400,000 subscribers on your YouTube channel. Although, of course, at the time of creating his video blog, he had already become a popular face in the world of fitness.

Joe Wicks mainly offers simple exercises that are basically repeated from program to program. In these low impact workouts you will mainly encounter: lunges, squats, knee raises, punches, planks, push-ups, low impact burpees.

Low-impact workouts without lunges, squats and jumps

These low-impact workouts take place without lunges, squats or jumps, so they are completely safe for your knees and joints.

1. Low Impact Home HIIT Workout: Easy On The Knees (17 minutes)

In this low-impact workout, each exercise lasts 2 minutes, with short rest stops. The exercises are repeated in one circle. There are exercises from mixed martial arts (punching and kicking), but without complex combinations.

Exercises: glute bridge, knee lift + punches, windmill, uppercut with kick, superman, forward punches, upward punches, plank walk + push-ups.

2. Low Impact Combat HIIT: Easy On The Knees (20 minutes)

This workout includes 5 exercises that are repeated in 4 circles. The training is performed according to the scheme: 35 seconds exercise, 25 seconds rest.

Exercises: standing lateral crunches + punches, plank walking + pulling knees to chest, knee lifts + punches, knees touching elbows in plank, push-ups touching the floor.

Low Impact Workouts for Beginners

These low-impact, no-jumping workouts are great for beginners. However, older and overweight people may find them too difficult. In this case, it is better to start with the True Beginner complex.

1. Absolute Beginners HIIT Workout (20 minutes)

But this workout, according to Joe Wicks, is suitable even for absolute beginners. The program includes 5 exercises that are repeated in 4 circles. The training is performed according to the scheme: 30 seconds exercise, 30 seconds rest.

Exercises: oblique lifts of the knees to the elbows, punches, squats, walking with high knees, pulling up the knees.

2. Low Impact Fat Burning HIIT Workout (15 minutes)

This program includes 8 exercises. Each exercise is performed in 4 sets according to the scheme: 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest. There is a short rest between exercises.

Exercises: football running + punches, punches forward and up, punches in a lunge, plank walking with push-ups, touching the floor to the side, low-impact burpees, plank walking up and down, squats with knees pulled up to the elbow.

3. Low Impact Beginners HIIT Workout (20 minutes)

This program also includes 8 exercises. Each exercise is performed in 4 sets according to the scheme: 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest. There is a short rest between exercises.

Exercises: squats + touching knees to elbows, push-ups + touching shoulders, pulling up knees, punching, lunging with kneeling, lifting arms and legs in a table position, running from side to side, punching upwards.

4. Beginners Workout Low Impact (25 minutes)

The program includes 5 exercises that are repeated in 4 circles. The training is performed according to the scheme: 40 seconds exercise, 20 seconds rest.

Exercises: squats, lunges, low-impact burpees, push-ups, knees touching elbows in planks.

5. Low Impact Leg Burner (15 minutes)

This workout focuses on the legs and buttocks. The program includes 4 exercises that are repeated in 5 circles. The training is performed according to the scheme: 30 seconds exercise, 15 seconds rest.

Exercises: squats, backward lunges, diagonal lunges, plank walking + knee cross touching elbows.

Workouts for Beginners

These workouts for beginners include both low-impact and high-impact exercises, but in general the program is quite suitable for beginners in terms of load.

1. HIIT Home Workout for beginners (20 minutes)

This workout for beginners includes explosive exercises, but by resting after each exercise, the load is easily tolerated. Execution scheme: 4 exercises, 4 circles, 30 seconds of exercise, 30 seconds of rest. The program includes a warm-up and cool-down.

Exercises: running with high knees, burpees, jumping into a wide squat, horizontal running.

2. Ultimate Beginners HIIT Workout (20 minutes)

Another workout for beginners. The program includes 5 exercises that are repeated in 4 circles. The training is performed according to the scheme: 30 seconds exercise, 30 seconds rest.

Exercises: running, squats, plank walking + push-ups, pulling knees to chest, jumping with arms and legs raised.

Low Impact Workouts for Intermediate Levels

These low impact workouts are suitable for intermediate levels. They are designed specifically for those who already have training experience, but avoid shock loads.

1. Low Impact Hollywood HIIT (15 minutes)

This low-impact workout includes 9 exercises that are repeated in 2 circles. The training is performed according to the scheme: 35 seconds exercise, 25 seconds rest.

Exercises: back lunges, squats, low impact burpees, plank walk + climber, push-ups, reverse plank foot touch, glute bridge, crunches, plank walk back and forth.

2. Low Impact Fat Burner (15 minutes)

This program includes 5 exercises that are repeated in 3 circles. The training is performed according to the scheme of 35 seconds exercise and 25 seconds rest.

Exercises: punches + squats, push-ups, running while touching the floor, touching the feet in a reverse plank, lunge with kneeling.