Review of Umk Shishkova English for primary schoolchildren.

The age from 4 to 6 years is rightfully considered the most productive period for starting to learn a foreign language. Since children at this age are actively exploring the world around them, but do not have much perseverance, learning is carried out in an interesting playful way.

Textbook “English for children 4-6 years old”, ed. N. Bonk, authors Shishkova I.A., Verbovskaya M.E. will perfectly help you start learning English with your preschooler. The publication is based on a methodology developed and tested by the authors during many years of work with children.

This manual is not intended to teach the grammatical principles of sentence construction. The main goal of the book is to teach the child correct pronunciation and help accumulate a sufficient vocabulary that will facilitate further learning of the English language. Special exercises will help children consolidate their acquired knowledge.

For example, they are asked to name small and large objects, compare several pictures and identify the missing elements, choose rhyming phrases, and then color the pictures in various colors. This approach to learning will certainly arouse interest in the child and will not allow him to lose his desire for the learning process. Typically each lesson is dedicated to specific topic. For example, studying sounds, names of animals, certain objects, actions, etc.

The kit includes: a textbook, a workbook, a methodological guide for parents and teachers, Handout and audio.

Game exercises will help children develop correct pronunciation; pictures accompanied by captions will serve as support for the accumulation of active vocabulary, speech stereotypes and grammatical structures, and will allow the child to remember visual images English words, which will further facilitate learning to read and write.

The kit can be used in preschool educational institutions, primary schools, and by parents for self-teaching children English.

You can download the books “English for children 4-6 years old” for review using the following links:

Share your progress in mastering the textbook in the comments.

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The textbook is an initial English language course for primary schoolchildren, developed and tested by the authors over many years of work with children. Game techniques and a carefully designed lesson structure allow the child to successfully learn pronunciation, basic grammar, and master reading, writing and vocabulary.
The educational and methodological set includes a textbook (in two parts), a workbook (in two parts), a methodological guide for parents and teachers and two CDs.

Remember the name of the letter Ss. The letter Ss is very important because it helps make the word plural.
If you have one cat, you say a cat. It's called singular because there is only one cat, and if you have two or more cats, you say cats. It's called plural because there are many cats. Look, the plural word cat has an s added to it, and the little word a has escaped.

Remember the little word it. It doesn’t matter that it’s small, it’s very important. It can be translated as this. Now answer in English the questions “Who is this?” or “What is this?”:

Look carefully at the proposals. Do you see another little word is? Never forget about him! When we speak, is becomes very short:

Lesson 1
A cat. A bat 3
Make a cake, Kate! 8
Lesson 3
A lamp and a table 15
Lesson 4
Hi Mike! 21
Lesson 5
It's a cat 28
Lesson 6
I'm Mike 37
Kate likes cakes 46
Lesson 8
I can swim 53
Lesson 9
This is a pen. That's a pencil 58
Lesson 10
I can see a bee 65
Lesson 11
Fly, my little fly! Bye! 75
Lesson 12
Yes. Yes, it is 82
Lesson 13
No, it isn't 90
Lesson 14
Let's play snowballs! 98
Lesson 15
It isn't a sofa 102
Lesson 16
I've got 110
Lesson 17
What's this 114
Lesson 18
I haven't got a kite 118
Lesson 19
Have you got a cat? 127
Lesson 20
Who's this? Who's that? 135
Lesson 21
I can't swim 144
Lesson 22
Can you swim? 151
Lesson 23
We are children 157
Lesson 24
Do you read well? 166
Lesson 25
1 want to skate. He likes to play 175
Lesson 26
My family 184
Lesson 27
My living room 193
Lesson 28
I"m reading a book now 202.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book English for junior schoolchildren, Textbook, Part 1, Shishkova I.A., Verbovskaya M.E., 2011 -, fast and free download.

  • English for kids, Verbovskaya M.E., Shishkova I.A., 1997 - Tongue had a wonderful dream: eight gnomes came to meet him and play. The senior gnome did not order to make noise, so as not to wake up... Books on the English language
  • English for the little ones, Methodichka, Shishkova I.A., Verbovskaya M.E., 2006 - The new educational and methodological set English for the little ones will help teach children 3-5 years old the English language. Children of this age are very inquisitive and ... Books on the English language
  • English for the little ones, Shishkova I.A., Verbovskaya M.E., 2006 - A textbook with elements of a workbook is intended for teaching children 3-5 years old English and is part of the English for ... Books on the English language
  • Let's speak English, Shishkova I.A., Verbovskaya M.E., 2001 - Your new textbook Let's speak English! and a workbook with the same name, the authors address to children 6-9 years old who ... Books on the English language

The following textbooks and books:

  • American English in 1 hour, Audio course MP3, 2004 - Audiobook is an English language learning program that is designed to give the basics of everyday English. You will learn words and phrases...English books
  • I speak English fluently, Audio course MP3, Chernikhovskaya N.O., Taylor B., 2012 - This manual will help you master live spoken English. Each section of the book is devoted to one of the ways to make language richer and more imaginative. ...Books on English

Hello colleagues!

Finally, I can give my subjective review of it, since I worked with it for almost the entire 2015-2016 school year with different students and with one girl I was already approaching the end of the textbook.

So if you are interested and do not yet know about this manual, or maybe you have heard of it, but have not worked on it, then I ask you to read it.

It all started with the fact that I had students who at that time were about 6 years old and two girls in 2nd grade.

I thought for a long time about what benefit I should take, sat on the forums and read reviews of all the teaching materials that were offered for this age.

Of course, mostly foreign ones were offered, but I didn’t want to take them yet for the simple reason that I was a little afraid, what if they didn’t come up and wouldn’t go with the students!

After all, it was necessary to immediately purchase both a textbook and a workbook for yourself and for the student. And this is also an expensive pleasure! I didn't want to print colored sheets.

And then, somehow randomly, I was advised to look at English for younger students. I downloaded it, looked at what was inside and decided to try it.

First I bought a textbook, then a workbook, and then flashcards. I didn’t take the teacher’s book and audio recordings, since they were in electronic form.

So, all this teaching and learning is available for free for acquaintance, but practice shows that it is more convenient to use all such living books.

So, what is included in Shishkova’s English teaching and learning complex for primary schoolchildren?

  • Textbook with hard cover and color pages
  • Workbook in soft cover and black and white pages
  • Guide for teachers and parents (no longer available for sale, only in electronic form)
  • Audio cassettes or CDs
  • Educational cards (I managed to buy them, they are also rarely available, but if you really want to, you can make them yourself)
  • The entire teaching aid can be downloaded on the Internet for reference, but it is not available for purchase everywhere. My favorite online store Labyrinth has been out of stock for a long time, but OZONE still has it.

    The price is very affordable for many teachers, tutors and parents. This is already important. But I want to tell you about its pros and cons, what it’s like at work.

    First, a few words about the course itself: this textbook is designed for 6-9 years, I suspect that the first part, which I tested, is for 6-7 years, and the second part is for 8-9 years.

    The textbook is designed for approximately 2 years, 80 lessons. But all this is conditional. The textbook contains 28 lessons. We completed 25 lessons with one girl, studying from September to May, 2 times a week for an hour. It is also recommended to practice it in a group.

    Why did I use it as a basis for teaching some of my students?

    The task was to teach children to read! Moreover, with six-year-olds who had not yet started school, I conducted a short introductory course (familiarity with the alphabet, vocabulary on various topics, and so on), and then we switched to English for younger schoolchildren.

    And with the girls who were in second grade, they immediately took it, and at the same time they had a school Spotlight.

    What did I immediately like about the textbook?

    • Having looked through it and studied it, I immediately noticed its consistency and consistency.

    The lessons are very convenient and structured. With the help of the teacher's book, a novice tutor can easily build a competent lesson.

    • It was important to me that words were constantly repeated in each lesson, and not just new ones were introduced and not reinforced.

    This textbook has a very high repetition of lexical units and a high frequency of their use. Based on personal experience, I can judge this by positive results. Children easily recognized the words in the text and could translate them without problems.

    • UMK price. Availability

    A set of a textbook and workbook is relatively inexpensive, about 500-600 rubles. depending on the region (price for 2015-2016)

    These are the points that attracted me in the first place when I first met.

    Of course, already in the process of working with him, I found a lot of useful and interesting things in him.

    And most importantly, I was still amazed by the results of my students. Otherwise, I would not sing the praises of this rather simple Russian publication. Especially when now everyone uses teaching materials from foreign publishers.

    The results of my students using the example of my students.

    Amina, 6 years old, studied English in kindergarten, she is a little familiar with it, but mostly these are simple words of greeting, animals, colors and so on.

    Angelina, 2nd grade, came to me when English had already become incomprehensible; at school they only started learning the alphabet. In general, a complete beginner.

    With both of them we took Shishkova’s teaching and learning center English for junior schoolchildren.

    Amina, a girl with a good memory and high motivation, easily learned the material, took about 20 lessons, learned to read thanks to the manual and regular repetition of words. According to Amina, she did not like the songs in the textbook and coloring the pictures, but she knew all the characters and heroes in the textbook.

    I did all the exercises in the workbook except coloring. Using a notebook, Amina practiced her calligraphy skills, writing out each letter or word. She did pretty well!

    Result: the girl is perfectly prepared for school, has learned to read quite well and painlessly, her hand has been trained to write in English, her vocabulary has increased by more than 150 words, she can retell a short text from a picture. Minus: at school in English class she will be bored, unfortunately.

    Angelina is a modest girl, she studies diligently in the 2nd grade, she is responsible and very organized. We went through almost the entire textbook with her, only three lessons left.

    Initially it wasn't very good high motivation, since there was some kind of fear of learning something new, she could not read the words correctly school textbook and always signed words in Russian letters to be sure.

    In general, when I started studying Shishkova, I noticed that Angelina was slowly starting to read everything correctly, painlessly. This is not surprising, because from the very first lesson the sounds are being practiced using examples and only the lazy will not be able to read all this correctly!

    Result: according to Angelina, her fear of reading disappeared, she began to like learning English, because she sees her success, the result! She learned a lot of words, about 150 to be exact. She is praised at school. She likes to sing songs from the textbook, although she doesn’t always keep up with the speaker, and she also likes to color pictures.

    The most interesting thing is that both Amina and Angelina were looking forward to the next lesson and even independently tried to do tasks from the workbook ahead.

    Below is an excerpt from my lesson with student Sabina, who will go to school only this year, came to me 10 months ago, completely blank. The sound is a little quiet, but the result is obvious.

    Disadvantages of the educational complex: well, now a little about what some teachers or parents may not like about this educational complex.

    • The first thing you might notice about this kit is its simplicity! This is not a glossy textbook, like many manuals, for example, from foreign publishers. But the price is very different from this.

    I think that the textbook is very good, hard cover, white pages, a lot of pictures. What else does a child need?

    • Secondly, in the textbook itself, many may be frightened by the fact that children are introduced to transcription.

    On the one hand, there are opponents of this and you can simply skip this moment, on the other hand, in many schools children are also introduced to transcription icons and it would be quite nice if the child already knows them.

    • Some people think that the textbook is boring and outdated.

    In the good hands of a creative teacher, a textbook can play so well that it seems one of the most the best textbooks! Please use your imagination and come up with something interesting or simply use additional material. No one forbids you to play on this or that topic in your own way!

    Of course, this kit does not provide any computer games and applications, there are no posters, there are cards, but they are difficult to get.

    To summarize, I would like to note that I am very pleased with this set and I consider the year when I taught the children using it fruitful and effective.

    For myself, I came to the conclusion that you can use additional interesting material here and there and even make some printouts for this course yourself.

    Otherwise, this is a fairly self-sufficient teaching aid with good audio recordings, a logical and consistent structure. And he really teaches the child to read!!! I definitely recommend trying it!

    P.S. Colleagues who have worked or are working on this teaching aid, write your opinion, did you like it, if not, then what exactly. Very interesting to know!

    P.S.S. Below I suggest watching the famous tale about the tongue, which is recommended for familiarizing yourself with sounds. It is in Shishkova’s book, but for the youngest children.

    Enter your email:

    For some reason, this particular tale about the tongue turned out to be incredibly boring for all the children in turn. Several times I couldn’t even finish reading it.

    Hello Leah! Thank you very much for taking the time to write this article. I just have junior students school age, so this topic is very relevant to me. It's not easy to find a good tutorial, thanks for introducing us to them

    I studied with my students using the My first Englis Copy-Book workbook, which does not have much transcription, but does have grammatical rules. It seems that you also recommended this notebook once, so I decided to try it. The result, it seems to me, was successful. My student learned a lot of new words and simple grammatical structures

    Hello! Thank you for your detailed review of this umk, I was recently in a bookstore and saw it, but didn’t buy it because I didn’t hear very good reviews from another teacher. Still, a lot depends on the character of the teacher, optimists look for the positives first of all, then there are only disadvantages, while others see everything in a bad light))) I completely agree with you that any clever lesson can be “played out” so that the result will not keep you waiting long! And I bought this))))

    ))) but I’ll still take the umk edited by Bonk!) It seems to me that at the initial stage of studying English, our domestic manuals are much better suited, and already having a language base, even if small, you can take manuals from British publishers, and British-Russian.

    I also very often order books from online stores, it seemed to me that ozone is a little expensive! The shop is cheaper in the labyrinth and in May, but recently I also wanted to buy Grammar in use Murphy, and the difference was 1000 rubles!!!

    I also study using this textbook. Really good. Vocabulary is memorized very quickly. Recently I was offered to work with a group of adults. I'm thinking about which teaching aid to take. Can you tell me? Thank you.

    Leah, thanks for the review.

    I think it is important to teach a child to read, incl. and transcription. My daughter and I are working with a reading simulator in English. I used to work with Biboletova and I liked the way she taught reading and transcription. Verbitskaya's textbook is inferior in this regard.

    Good afternoon

    Eleven years ago I studied this textbook with my first-grader son. They took only the first part, and the second did not yet exist. He completed the entire textbook in 4 months. He has a good memory, but he studied without desire. Very quickly they added MUZZY in Gondoland to it. Biboletova was at school. For some reason, Vereshchagina, 2nd year of study, was in the second grade instead of her... but my son easily endured it, perhaps one of the few in the class. These miracles took place in the so-called garden school.

    Last November, I was asked to tutor an excellent second-grader who had been using Spotlight for the first quarter. The boy was zero, diligent, but also only out of necessity. In 7 months we completed 22 lessons, added Gogo, Starfall and much more from what you recommended, Leah. As a result, the boy reads well and easily retells texts in his own words. This is especially pleasing to me because he has difficulty memorizing poetry.

    Everything got better at school, too, although we only looked at Spotlight during classes in exceptional cases.

    I think that the textbook is very good for beginners.

    Thank you, Leah, for the interesting articles!

    I love Valentina Skulte, I combine her with Super Minds Starters (and further along the Super Minds 1 line...)

    Olga Alexandrovna answers:
    June 27, 2016 at 18:16

    I also use Valentina Skulte to teach reading. We go through the first part in parallel with the main textbook. I have M.Z. Biboletova and V. Skulte’s textbook, salvation. The textbook is affordable and easy for parents who have not studied English to understand and help their child. Even 3 grandmothers learned to read and are helping their grandchildren. We worked with one grandmother until 9th ​​grade. This year my granddaughter passed the OGE with a 5.

    Hello Leah! My name is Maria.

    I am from Irkutsk. I was looking for reviews about this teaching and learning center. because

    I’m going to work on it myself starting in September.

    Personally, I haven’t worked on it, but my colleagues have already

    they have been working on it for many years in a private center and have

    very positive results. They work in groups,

    I plan to study it individually, too

    I bought cards, but the teacher’s book is even in email. no sight

    found it. You have a very good blog, you simply inspired me. The fact is that I worked in a private center with preschoolers for 3 years, since September I have been starting school at the beginning and I am very worried. There is a lot on your blog

    useful information. Thank you!!!

    Thank you, Leah, for the detailed review of UMK! I have been working on this textbook for three years now. As a basic level, I am completely satisfied with it, the children also like it :) There is also a textbook for preschoolers, also quite simple, but interesting.

    Liya answers:
    August 17, 2016 at 13:55

    Hello, Ekaterina!

    Yes, I'm familiar with the preschool textbook. I bought that too.

    I'm glad that I'm not the only one who likes this teaching aid. In the new school year, I will continue to study it, but I will also include something else interesting!

    Leah introduced me to this manual about six months ago (for which special thanks to her). The tutorial is truly amazing. It is structured very competently not only in terms of teaching reading, but also teaching grammar and vocabulary. I have a student who is usually called “difficult” in schools. During the months that I have been teaching him 2 times a week exclusively using this manual, the boy has learned to read, use transcription, and can talk about himself and his friend. During the time that I have been working on this manual, thanks to my students, I have come up with so many games, including lapbook. In a word, the manual is not inferior to those manuals that foreign publishers offer to us teachers. I would say it's the best.

    Good evening, Leah!

    Thank you very much for such a detailed review of UMK!

    Thank you for your detailed review. I ordered a teaching aid for preschoolers. I want to try to work out with my son. Next year he enters the gymnasium, we were warned that the child should already read in English. I hope we can do it) If you don’t mind, please send me a book for teachers. Thank you!

    Leah, good afternoon! I admire you as a teacher, mother and simply an open and very inquisitive person! You have a wonderful blog in which I found a lot of useful information, for which I thank you very much. I am an English teacher myself. According to the textbook, ed. Bonk I teach primary schoolchildren at home, both I and the children really like him. Like many, I couldn’t find a book for teachers on the Internet, or rather, I found this guide only for part 1 (year of publication – 2010). Do you have a similar guide for part 2 of this tutorial? I would appreciate your response. May God grant you further success in all your endeavors, as well as health and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

    Leah, please send me a book for the teacher. Thank you!!

    Good afternoon everyone!

    I want to add about the tale about the tongue. When I went to work at school in the 1st grade, I adapted the tale about the tongue in this form: I drew the plot on cards, and 1 or more sounds are practiced on each card. The sounds are labeled under the picture in square brackets; I call them suitcases. This is so that children see and remember them every time. These cards have been with me for 9 years now, and they have been a huge success in all groups. Especially the sound h - a candle is drawn and I give each student the opportunity to blow it out, first I show it myself, so the desired sound is obtained!

    This fairy tale was interesting even to grades 3-4.

    I have a video of this tale. There is also a game

    SMART to practice the rules of reading the letter A.

    I can send it.

    My second graders really love fairy tales, although

    We study using a different textbook.


    I read your review about this educational complex.

    I am an English teacher, I have been using this manual for about 7 years and I am very pleased with it.

    I study according to the textbook both individually and in groups, my parents are also happy.

    No matter how hard I looked for cards for this textbook, I couldn’t find them, so I had to make them myself. I highlighted, printed on a color printer and then laminated almost all the pictures from the textbook. The result was not only pictures for words, but also entire pictures-actions.

    I also made word cards in two copies: noun, adjective, verb, etc. Each part of speech has its own color. Children learn to make sentences and look for the right word. You can also combine picture cards and word cards. In general, with imagination and a little effort, this textbook brings enormous fruits of knowledge.

    The only, so to speak, nuance is that the development of communication skills is not really taken into account, but on the other hand, again, we use cards, toys and imagination!

    If the children are already in school and learning English, then we devote a small part of the lesson to studying school material(usually this is Spotlight), we work on this manual for the rest of the lesson.

    The main advantage of this textbook, I believe, is that children know why this or that word is read this way. Based on these lessons, we take many other words that sound similar, write transcriptions, etc.

    Best regards, Ekaterina

    Liya answers:
    October 4, 2016 at 16:50

    Hello, Ekaterina!

    Thank you very much for such a detailed comment! I agree with you that cards are difficult to get, but they are easy to make yourself, to be honest. Have you already moved on to the second part? Have you had any experience with book No. 2?

    Good day, Leah! I came across your page by accident and immediately became interested because... The topic of discussion is more than relevant for me. I am a newbie when it comes to teaching children, despite my extensive work experience. Due to circumstances, I started training a month ago individual lessons with first graders. Based on the advice, I chose Shishkova’s educational complex and was not disappointed, the children took three lessons and they READ! I am actively working on understanding letters/sounds, this will be useful at school, no matter what kind of teaching materials will be taught. Here is my first, but already lasting impression.

    And I also ask you about a book for teachers on the first part of English for younger students.

    Leah, hello. For 2 weeks now I have been studying with my daughter 2nd grade according to I. A. Shishkova and M. E. Verbovskaya, edited by N. A. Bonk. English for younger schoolchildren. Part 1.

    Really a very suitable book for beginners of this age.

    I have a request to ask you about a book for teachers. Please send by email.

    Leah, hello!

    Please tell me which benefit you switched to after the first part. I have a question for you: “If you speak well of the first part of this manual in your comments, why didn’t you use the second part of this manual?” I'm really surprised that I can't find a teacher's guide for Part 2 anywhere. Thank you in advance for your response!

    Good afternoon Leah, you have a wonderful site, it’s alive :). Really like:). I am amazed at your energy :). If on topic, then I’ve been studying with a boy using this textbook since about spring. Everything is great, the result is very good. But I constantly add something from my “piggy bank” or from here

    Leah, I read your articles with great interest and find a lot of useful information! Thank you very much! I also use this manual to work with students and am very pleased with it, but I can’t find the teacher’s book anywhere, could you please email it to me! I will be very grateful!

    Hello! In a week I start teaching a 3rd grader. I had never worked with children his age, so I didn’t know where to start. He has a lot of spaces and can't read. I accidentally came across your article, downloaded the textbook and was pleased! It is very logical and structured. Thank you for sharing your experience! Could you send me a teacher's book? I looked all over the Internet, but unfortunately, I couldn’t find it.

    Hello, Leah! Thank you for your feedback and for your experience. I would really like to receive a manual for a teacher, in my case for a parent)))), to help my child learn English. If you have the opportunity, please send it. Thank you in advance!

    Good afternoon Thanks for the review! The textbook is truly wonderful. I went through both parts with a group of my students, but the question arose, which manual should I use next? Children already have good reading, writing, vocabulary, and grammar skills. What do you recommend? I will be grateful to everyone who responds. Can I also have a Teacher's Manual? [email protected]


    I would like to hear your opinion about the second part of the textbook.

    I also can’t decide to take it. It seems that it will be difficult

    Hello Leah,

    I, like many here, am also very glad that I found this blog of yours. I was looking for information on teaching primary schoolchildren, I have a son, 7 years old, second grade, English will only start next year (I’m from Belarus). Thanks to you, I discovered this amazing textbook, my son and I have been studying since October, now in the 14th lesson, I’m also ready to sing odes of praise to the textbook, because I really see the result! That’s why I’m reading you now, I’m glad when something new appears, it’s always very interesting to read you. After your posts, I also bought myself a set of circular exercise machines, cards - let’s play, and ordered a couple of games on the sunenglish website, bought several books, which I also read about here. We'll work on it, thank you! And, like many here, I want to ask you - would you be so kind and send me a manual on Shishkova too, I would be very grateful to you. Elena Vasilievna

    And, if anyone else is interested, I myself didn’t really like Shishkova’s workbook 1. In my opinion, there are too many coloring books, my son doesn’t like to color, I don’t ask, we just skip it. Plus, the layout of the copybooks is too wide, I would have liked it a little narrower so that the words/letters weren’t so big. And like one of your students, my son doesn’t like songs either.

    Hello Leah. Happy New Year and Merry Christmas to you. Health to you and your loved ones. May the Lord always protect you. I am your regular reader. I’ve been teaching children using Shishkova’s teaching methods for 3 years now, since last year I added Round up, I really like it. And the result is obvious. The kids are delighted. We also watch the cartoon Gogo loves English. Thematically it fits very well. The only thing is that I can’t find the manual for Shishkova’s educational complex, anywhere!!! Could you please send me the manual. I will be very grateful.

    Hello Leah!

    I’m looking for information on umk for younger schoolchildren (previously I worked mainly with school graduates) and I’m so glad that I came across your site, it’s immediately clear that you are a professional! Thank you for this review, now I have no doubt which textbook to take with my students. Please, please send me a book for the teacher. Thank you and all the best to you and your loved ones :)

    Leah, good afternoon! Chose educational materials which you can use to prepare your 7 year old son in English. I read a lot of reviews, came across your review, and finally decided to stop at this series. Since I am not a teacher, but a parent, it is difficult to correctly present information to a child. I would be very grateful if you also send me a teacher’s manual, which may help me in teaching my son.

    Hello Leah! I would also like to ask you to send me the teacher’s book for UMK Shishkova. Thank you.

    I want to write more about cards. I liked the quality of them, but the content could have been better. I expected that almost all the words that appear in the “new words” sections would also be on the cards. But for me there were few words in them and most of all they lacked verbs, but they could have been perfectly shown, there were so many suitable pictures in the same mind. I don't understand why this wasn't done

    Hello! I read your article and comments and learned a lot of useful things for myself - thank you very much! I'm currently searching good textbook for additional classes in elementary school, so thanks to your information, I will focus on this textbook. I also request that you send the teacher’s manual to me by email) Thank you))

    Leah, hello! I was also inspired by your review and bought this textbook and workbook for my first-grader. And I am asking you to send a manual for the teacher. Thank you in advance.

    Hello, Leah! I came across this book around 2000. As a student, I studied with a student who had completed 1st grade. We learned to read over the summer! I love this UMK. I also taught my daughter from this book; she really enjoyed reading and writing in her notebook. I bought the second part somewhere in 2012, but I use it selectively, not like the first part. If you do a mix, the lesson will always be interesting

    Hello Leah. I also gave my preference to this teaching aid. The children are having fun. Tell me, after finishing part 2 of the textbook, which manual is more suitable as a continuation of this teaching aid? If possible, I would also like to ask you to send Toolkit for the teacher.

    Hello! Thank you very much for your useful review of this textbook) I came to you for advice))) I have always worked with middle and senior management, but academic year I was given 2nd grade to teach additional English (first year of study). I settled on this textbook, but I just can’t understand whether 1 part can be calculated for one year or this Umk is designed for 2 parts per year? It will just be more expensive for parents))

    Hello Leah! I really read a lot of useful things on your site and when I visit you more than once, I am once again convinced of this. Thank you for your review of Shishkova’s teaching materials, I would also like to try to work on it and ask you to send me the teacher’s book for Shishkova’s teaching. Thanks again.

    Hello Leah! I just found your site by accident yesterday when I was looking for advice for beginning tutors. Your site is a treasure for me. I plan to start private tutoring starting in September. This is my first experience. I have this question: are the manuals that you choose for activities with this or that child bought for him by his parents? Or are you studying with a benefit that belongs to you, but your child doesn’t have it?

    I am asking you to send a book for the teacher. Thank you in advance.

    Dear Leah! Thank you so much for the excellent collection of various teaching information! All this REALLY helps me in my work! I’m especially pleased with the useful links to all sorts of educational benefits)) Now I’m also taking Shishkova into my work, and I would like to ask you for a teacher’s book for the 1st part, and if you have it, then for the 2nd part. I hope you won’t refuse)) Thank you very much in advance!

    Good afternoon, Leah! I came across your site for the first time and learned so many useful things. Thank you for sharing useful information! It costs a lot. I’m just about to study with a girl and I’m already racked with brains about which teaching and learning center to choose. Now, after your feedback, I have definitely decided that Shishkova’s teaching and learning complex will lay a good foundation for the language, which is what the child needs. Is it possible for you to email me a teacher’s book? I am very grateful to you for your activities.

    Leah, hello! Tell me, do you use any educational videos or songs for this textbook? Please share your experience

    Hello Leah! Thank you for your review of this teaching aid. We are just selecting benefits for children of this age.

    Please send the teacher's book by email. Thank you.

    Leah, hello! My child and I are on CO. We stopped at UMK Shishkova/Verbovskaya. I successfully purchased textbooks and workbooks. I can't find the teacher's book. If it’s not difficult for you, please send it by email. Thank you!

    Good evening, Leah! My child is in 2nd grade and for us English is still something new. And in order not to miss out and help the child with his homework, I spent a long time looking for what kind of literature to choose. And I found your site. And, lo and behold, I found what I was looking for! Thank you very much for this article, it is not only for teachers, but also for parents. I really wanted to ask you to send a book for the teacher. Thank you in advance!

    Good afternoon, Leah! My child is in 2nd grade, studying English for 2 months. Unfortunately, we do not understand what is being discussed in the English lesson. (We are never asked anything, according to the child:). Our knowledge ends with the alphabet (and only verbally, we don’t know how the letters are written) and counting to 10. Yesterday, on your advice, I tried to start studying with her using Shishkova’s textbook on my own. And you know, I managed to convey 1 lesson to my daughter!! Today we will try to consolidate what we have learned. Thank you very much! But I’m not a teacher and I don’t understand how to explain everything, could you also send me a teacher’s textbook and maybe give me some advice. Thank you very much in advance, best regards Tatyana.

    P.S. Sorry for being rude, but do you happen to have a workbook in electronic form? :)

    I have been using Shishkova’s textbooks for many years. I took green for children from 5 years old, and then took purple. Children begin reading on it a month after the start of classes. I am satisfied with the textbooks, except for the huge number of transcriptions in the notebook for juniors. schoolchildren. I didn’t prescribe them with children. At 5-6 years old it is generally difficult for them to understand what it is and, in my opinion, there is no need to emphasize this. As a development fine motor skills It's better to write letters.

    Thanks for the presentation, it may be useful.

    The textbook and notebook can be downloaded on torrents in electronic form.

    On the issue of textbooks for adults, New English File is very good, depending on what your goals are, it might be worth checking out Market Leader if your goal is business-oriented.

    Leah, hello! I left you a comment about Shishkova’s Book. Unfortunately, I can't find the teacher's book. Could you send it to me by email? I will be very grateful)))!!!

    Thanks for the useful information! I found a lot of important things for myself. Could you please send a Guide for teachers and parents (English for younger students)? I can't find this manual anywhere. Thank you in advance!

    Hello Leah. My granddaughter and I are going to learn English using these books. I kindly ask you to send a Guide for teachers and parents (English for younger students). I'm afraid I can't cope without him. Thank you in advance.

    Thank you for such a detailed and clear review! I really like this textbook myself, it’s just the thing for starting “zero” students!

    Hello Leah! Thank you for the detailed and clear description of this teaching aid. My son will go to second grade next year and will begin English with Spotlight. I would like to prepare it over the summer. A friend also asked me to study with her son, she says he is interested in English and doesn’t want to miss this moment. And so began my torment with the choice of textbooks to prepare for school in English. I've read a bunch of forums. Many people advise choosing British publishers: Oxford, Macmillan, etc. I think I’ve already decided for myself that I’ll take Family and Friends. But after your review I’m suffering again, there are so many positive reviews. Have you worked through the Family and Friends textbook? Or is it still better to take Shishkova? and if it’s not difficult, can you send me a book for the teacher?

    Hello Leah!

    Thank you very much for the sea of ​​useful information, your opinions and reviews on various teaching materials. I came to you via a link to a material about interactive notebooks and was stuck for the whole day))) I am preparing my children for the second grade and, accordingly, the first year of studying English in a secondary school. They teach there using SPOTLIGHT. I started classes with them in the Oxford Phonics World educational complex. It’s going well, but I would like more))) Have you used such a manual in your classes?

    After your review, I became stronger in my desire to purchase Shishkova, since I had previously received positive feedback from teachers about it as the “basics” of English. If possible, please share the teacher's guide and workbook. And perhaps you have come across materials somewhere for an interactive notebook or laptop for this teaching aid, I will be grateful for the links)))

    Hello! Please tell me, do you have a teacher’s book for the second part of the textbook? I can't find it anywhere. Or maybe you know where I can find it! Thank you.

    Good afternoon, Leah! I am choosing textbooks for classes with 1st grade. We stopped at Shishkova. I would be grateful for a manual for teachers.

    Leah, good afternoon!

    I was looking for reviews on the textbook, and from the comments and your article I definitely understood - I have to take it!)

    And how do you describe hot cakes with young bull meat in the teacher’s manual)

    May I also ask for this culinary English pie?)

    In the meantime, I went to study your site. I'm sure a lot of interesting things await me)

    Good afternoon. I am the mother of a 5 year old child. The child will go to school with in-depth study of English next year, I want to prepare him for school. Please advise starting classes with a book for preschoolers, or you can immediately start with part 1 for younger schoolchildren. And please send me a book for the teacher. Thank you

    Hello. I study with my son in CO English as well. I want to try this tutorial. If it's not too much trouble, send the teacher's book and workbook by email. Thank you!

    Leah, hello! You have a wonderful blog, I’ve been studying for the 2nd day, every now and then jumping from link to link. Thank you very much for the direction you give, in particular, to novice teachers.

    Like most here, taking advantage of your kindness, I ask you to send me a teacher's manual ☺

    Hello Leah! I started studying with my daughter at the age of 7 according to Shishkova. Two books were published in a year. Very pleased. My daughter almost immediately passed A2 (Cambridge Flyers) and scored 14 out of 15 points. Now my son (6 years old) and I have finished the first part and moved on to the second. Please advise what to do next with my daughter. You need something for B1-B2, but for 8-9 years. Almost all textbooks at this level are designed for teenagers aged 15-18 and are not of interest to her.

    Leah, good evening! I join all the kind words addressed to you, your site is truly a godsend for me. Your literature review is really helpful and guiding. Like many here, I decided to try my hand at teaching primary school children. Positive reviews This manual was chosen and I chose it. Would love to see the teacher's guide, workbook, and flashcards. If it is possible to send it by mail, I would be very grateful.

    Explanation: To download a book (from Google Drive), click on the top right - ARROW IN RECTANGLE. Then in the new window at the top right - DOWN ARROW. To read, just scroll the page up and down with the wheel.

    Text from the book:

    VeTdozhShZhM I1i]^|Ts^|1m^Sh P DP^V "4ЯВ"^5В'Я?" WR(Ш,.\:IchlchF iiiiiiDiWitt^.;a^! -'^"^feWII"sp^|ipU ■ >_у>^»а55 кГ г и. A. Shishkova, M. E. Verbovskaya 7 ENGLISH> for younger schoolchildren Edited by N. A. BONK "V and: V Hi |шШ HI * l. weewftfwb-. SSiSS^ SSSSSSS^j And i |>G" & 1L"L,>._ - ■ . \\ t. "h Shu^U U\ and. A. Shishkova, M. E. Verbovskaya I with: chi for younger schoolchildren Under edited by UDC 811.111 BBK 81.2 English-9 Sh65 Artist A. N. Lukyanov Shishkova I. A., Verbovskaya M. E. Sh65 English for younger schoolchildren: Textbook. Part 1. - M.: JSC "ROSMAN-PRESS", 2011. -208 pp. The textbook is an initial English language course for primary schoolchildren, developed and tested by the authors over many years of work with children.Innovative methods and a carefully designed lesson structure allow the child to successfully learn pronunciation, the basics of grammar, and master reading, writing and vocabulary. -the methodological kit includes a textbook (in two parts), a workbook (in two parts), a methodological guide for parents and teachers and two CDs. ISBN 978-5-353-00563-6 UDC 811.111 BBK 81.2 English-9 © JSC "ROSMAN-PRESS", 2005 ■■ Lesson 1 w A cat. A bat REMEMBER THE NAMES OF THE LETTERS 61 Вь [И:] Сс si: pi:] Tt Gg ;d3i:; NEW WORDS a cat - cat a cap - cap a bat - bat a bag [bгed] - bag Name the letters (I Match the same small and large letters LETTERS AND SOUNDS Some letters convey only one sound. Look at the word bat. The first letter is b conveys the sound [b;. The last letter t conveys the sound, but can be read [s] in other words. The word bag ends with the letter g, which reads [d The letter Aa conveys as many as three sounds! Now we will get acquainted with the two sounds of this letter [ e] and [ae]. They want to say hello to you. Look how strong the [ae] sound is and what faint sound >]. Actually, it is very good, but it must be pronounced quietly, without effort. Let's give an example: and cat. The small word (^ reads [e] and shows that we are talking about one cat. The letter a in the word cat is read [ae^. a Now look at the words and tell where the letter a is read [e], a where [ge_.a cat, a bat, a cap, a bag The third sound of the letter Aa is also strong, but we will talk about it in another lesson. Connect the letters with their sounds with a line. Like this: o ь Connect the words with pictures with a line D) o Read. bat cat cap bat cat cap bat cat cap a cat a bat a a cat a bat a a cap a bat a O "■ Read the words. Match the word to the picture and circle it. Like this: a cat, a bat, a bag , C a cap a bat, (abagy a cap, a cat a cap, a bag, (^^at^ a bat a cat, a bag, a cap, (^ab^ How many times have you come across the word cat? Find it, while lei and read. G1 Make and sake, Kate! Ch Nn [en Mm L1 - the name of the girl and plate - plate and sake and [her]? For example, . Now the third sound of this letter wants to get to know you. Look! And He is a little got airs because his name is the same as the letter Aa - . This sound lives in words such as take, take, plate, cake, and many others. Please note that at the end of all these words there is a letter (^, but it is not readable, it is mute. What is it for? And in order to show how to read the letter Aa. Compare: ei ".3^. Kate cat cake cap The girl's name Jane begins with the letter Jj. Remember that this the letter is the mistress of the sound [с1з] He wants to get to know you and waves a flag at you. Jj The last letter (^ in the word Jane, as you already know, is written, but not read. Connect the letters with their sounds with a line. Like this: m Connect the words with pictures with a line Kate Jane a plate a sake Read each word twice. Kate Jane plate cake take make Kate Jane plate cake take make REMEMBER how you can ask someone to do something. Look at the pictures. Kate, take sake! "" r^\11 ^ Mom says: “Kate, take the cake! "Kate, make a sake. And grandma asks Kate to bake a cake. o Read and translate. Kate, take a sake. Jane, take a sake. Jane, take a plate. Kate, take a plate. Jane, make a cake. Kate , make a cake. How many times have you come across the word sake? Find it, show it and read it. 9 Learn and sing a song. ICate (2p.), take a sake. J ape (2p.), take a plate. O Read the words. Match the word to the picture and circle it. Like this: Jane, (^Kate^^ a plate, a cake a plate Jane, Kate, a cake Kate, a cake, a plate. a cake. Jane, Kate, Lesson 3 A lamp and a table H REMEMBER THE NAMES OF THE LETTERS W Rr Ga: a lamp RGGeL Hh a table ["teibl] a lake. In the word hat, the first letter (^ is read [h], and the last letter in the word bad is read Fd. Connect the letters with their sounds o with a line Connect the words with pictures Uf Listen and read the words with the sounds [ae] and . Аа cat bad fat rat bat bag lamp flag mat hat Jane Kate lake plate cake make table take REMEMBER the word and - and. It is almost never pronounced with emphasis. Therefore, instead of the sound [ae; it is read [e] -. The letter v in spruce five is read V". NEW WORDS five a kite I - ride five - - kite Mike. The letter Ss is very important because it helps make the word plural. If you have one cat, you say a cat. This is called singular because there is only one cat, and if you have two or more cats, you will say cats. This is called plural because there are many cats. Look, in the plural the letter s has been added to the word cat, and the little word (^ube-sting. The letter Ss in the plural the number reads [s] or ! Hi! Hi, Mike! Hi, Mike! Hi, Kate! Hi, Kate! If you like someone or something, you can say: 1 like Mike. - I like Mike. I like bikes. - I like bicycles. NEW WORD like - like, love Oh, read and translate. Hi Mike! Hi Jane! Hi Kate! I like Mike. I like Jane. I like Kate. 1 like bikes. I like kites. I like bags. 1 like flags. Hi Mike! Mike, take a bike. Ride a bike, Mike. Mike, take a kite and a bike. Jane, take five cakes. Take five plates, Jane. Kate, make nine cakes. Take nine plates, Kate. Connect the letters with their sounds with a line. Like this: 0 Jane and Mike talk about what they like. Look at the pictures and say along with them, for example: I like cakes. cr / ■ o Connect the words with the pictures with a line. Like this: nine Learn and sing a song. Hi, Mike (2p.)! Ride and bike (2 rubles)! Hi, Mike (2p.)! Make a kite (2 rubles)! Read the words. Match the word to the picture and circle it. a bike, a bag, Kate, Idte^ a kite. Milce, Kat^ a bike five. nme. Mike, a kite ^) Count and say how many lamps, flags, caps and plates are in the pictures. Write numbers instead of blanks. .1 ‘ IlLl lamps plates flags f И "t caps Ш "у It’s a cat You already know many words in which the letter li is read ai^. For example: Mike, bike, kite, five, nine. Now learn new words in which the letter li is read [I]. NEW WORDS Tim little ["litl big and and, and two last letters sk stand next to each other, like two girlfriends, and together they convey one sound [k;. Say: a stick, a big stick. Now look at the words Bill and little. Do you see twin sisters II and tt? They stand side by side, but transmit only one sound each and answers the question “Whose?” and means it. Pay attention to the fact that the letter s in it is read, which is read. Xx NEW WORDS Mah REMEMBER: the letters-friends sh convey the sound [Learn new words with friends sh. NEW WORDS a dish - dish a ship - ship a fish - fish Read each word three times. six six six Max Max Max taxi taxi taxi fish fish fish ship sliip sliip dish dish dish REMEMBER: plural words fish coincides with the only one. Compare: and fish - six fish fish - six fish Read and translate. and fish - five fish and fish - six fish I like fish. Cats lilce fish. His five fish. His five little fish. His six fish. His six big fish. Replace the pictures with words and read what you get out loud. It's a It's a little Mike, ride a I like little. It's a big I like REMEMBER: the plural of the word dish is formed using es: a dish - five dishes The sound [P is sizzling, it hisses, so between it and the sound [z] it is more convenient to pronounce and , , ail and Fi ae ei at I cat Kate kite dish bat take like little cap Jane bike big mat make Mike Bill You can already tell your name and how old you are. Like this; I am Mike. I am six. My name is Mike. I am six years old. I am Kate. I am five. My name is Kate. I am five years old. Don't forget about the little word am when you talk about yourself. It can be said shorter [t], for example: Gt Mike. Gt six. Gt Kate. Gt five. 0 Read GT several times. Gt Gt Gt Gt Gt Gt Gt Gt Read and translate. Gt Kate. Gt five. I'm Jane. 1 like MUce and Kate. Fm Milce. I'm six. Hi Mike! Hi Kate! I'm Jane. I'm nine. I'm Kate. I like Jane. Hi Jane! I'm Milce. I like Bill. Hi Bill! 1 like Max. Hi, Max. I'm Bill. I'm five. 1 like MUce. 1 lilce his bike. I'm Tim. I'm six. 1 like Bill. I like his Idte. I'm Max. I'm six. I like VS, Mike, Jane and Kate. Now tell me how old your friend is. Like this: Tim is six. Jane is nine. Tim is six years old. Jane is nine years old. Or in short: Tim's six. Jane's nine. Remember the little word is? In these sentences it also shrank, but did not disappear at all. Look at the pictures and tell how old the children are. For example: Tim's six. ® Read and translate. F It's a fish. It's a big fish. Six big fish. It's a ship. It's a big ship. Nine big ships It's a dish. It's a little dish. Five little dishes Learn and sing a song. Five little fish (2p.). Six big fish (2p.). Cats like fish (2p.). And I like fish (2p.). Complete the sentences. The words in the frame will help you. You will get a story about the boy Tim. Try to retell it. six, cat, kite and ship, nine It’s Tim. Tim's I like his ______. I like Tim. I like his bike. . I like his fat His fat cat’s NEW WORDS black and [e]. Remember the name of the letter Ww ["dAblJu:], which conveys only one sound >]. Learn words in which the letter is read as it is called in the alphabet - it is he and [i] twice. i:] he his she it we it is Pete it's i1 he his she it we it is Pete it's Read and translate. It's Pete. Pete's six. He's big. I like his five little fish. It's Kate. Kate's five. She's little. Kate, make a cake! I like cakes, little Kate. Now remember new words in which the letter e is read Ge a pen - - seven Read the words with the sound [e] twice. rep rap pencil pencil hen hen red red bed bed seven seven Ben Ben ten ten Connect the words with the pictures with a line. a rap a pencil a hen abed red seven ten Let's remember the word like - to love, to like; I like his bike. I like his bike. We like his bike. We like his bike. You can also tell what your boyfriend or girlfriend likes. Look carefully: I like We like but Not likes She likes Kate likes cakes. She likes cakes. Kate loves cakes. She loves cakes. Bill likes ships He likes ships Bill loves ships. He loves ships. We need to add s to like when we are talking about one boy or one girl, one man or one woman, that is, about him or her. Remake and say the sentences according to the example: 1 like pens and pencils. Tim likes pens and pencils. He likes pens and pencils. We like cakes. Kate___________ She _____________ We like big red kites, Tim __________________ He ​​________________________ I like little bags. Jane_________________ She _________________ We like ships. Ben______________ He ​​______________ 1 like red bikes. Bill_______________ He ​​__________ We like little black hens, Kate______________________ She _____________________________ I like red caps. Max______________ He ​​We like black taxis Mike__________________ He ​​_____________ swim in the word gland becomes very weak, and sometimes it is not pronounced at all [cal, cl;. Read: I sap ride and bike. I sap also ship. I sap take a kite. I sup swim. I sap take a sake. Here's what your friends can do: We carl^make ships. We know how to make ships. Bill sap so a kite. Bill can make a kite. Kate sap swim and ride a bike. Kate can swim and ride a bike. Read and translate. We also have cakes. We can make Idtes and ships. I'm Mike. I'm seven. I can swim. It's Kate. Kate's five. She can make cakes. It's Bill. He's ten. He can ride a bike. It's Tim. Tim's six. Tim can swim and ride a bike. Look at the pictures. Read the sentences and tell me who the artist forgot to draw? Ben sap is also a ship. Kate can make a cake. Milce can ride a bike. Max can make a kite. Tim can make a red flag. Bill can swim. \ ^I /" * -Or ■■ It's always more fun to do things together. Let’s will help you suggest something interesting to your friends: Let’s make sake. Let's (let's) bake a cake. Let's ride and bike. Let's (let's) ride a bike. And this is how you can offer your help: Let me make a cake. Let me (let me) bake a cake. those - me, me You can also ask permission to do something. Let me ride and bike. Let (permit) me to ride a bike. Read and translate. Let's make a red kite. Let's take his little lamp. Let's make a big cake. Let me ride his bike. Let me take his red pencil. Let me take his black cap. Let me make ten little cakes. your friend Mike doesn't have these toys. Look at the pictures and invite your friends to make these toys for Mike. For example: Let's make and ship. Ask Mike's mom for permission to take his toys. For example: Let me take his ship. visit: The table's big. The table is big. The cat's fat and black. The cat is fat and black. ■j- Learn and sing a song. This is Ben (2p.). He's ten (2p.). That's Bill (2p.). Bill, sit still (2p.) Read and translate. It's a pig. The pig's big. It's a hat. The hat's red. It's a rat. The rat's bad. It's a cap. The cap's big. It's a hen. The hen's thin and black. REMEMBER: the little words a and the are not placed before names. For example: It's Ben. Ben's ten. Look, read and say what is wrong in the pictures. It's a pig. The pig's big. The pig's fat. The pig can ride a bike. This is Kate. She's five. She likes pens and pencils. This is a fat black cat. It likes bats. This is Ben. He's ten. He can swim. He can make a big kite. mm Lesson 10 hi I can see a bee REMEMBER: the sister letters ee and the podrudski letters ea are read. Learn the words in which they appear. a bee a tree NEW WORDS her a bee - meat asealFsi:!! -seal tbree bee green green sweet sweet tea tea tree tree seal seal three meat three meat Read and translate. Three big seals. Three little seals. Three big fish. Three little fish. I like seals. He likes seals. This seal's big and that seal's little. I like tea and sweets. I like tea and cakes. Jane likes tea and cakes. Bill and Kate like tea and cakes. Mike likes meat. Kate and Mike like meat. I like meat. This is a tree. It's green. That's a bee. It's little. The little bee likes the green tree. O Learn and sing a song. Bees and trees (2p.). Little bees and big green trees (2p.). I like little bees. Jane likes green trees. Remember to be polite always and everywhere. The magic word please will help you with this. NEW WORD please - please 0 Look at the pictures. Listen, read and translate polite requests. Please swim, little fish. Please take a sweet. Max. J J J J Please take this cap. Bill. Please take six plates, Ben. Please take a red pen and a green pencU, Tim. 0 Connect the words with the pictures with a line. Like this: NEW WORD see si: to see You already know the word sap - to be able, to be able. With the help of sap you can also tell about what we see DIM. For example: I see and bee. I see a bee. Mike sap see and seal. Mike sees a seal. Kate and Jane can see ten green trees. Kate and Jane see ten green trees. Read and translate. I see a green tree. Mike can see three sweets and five cakes. Jane can see a table and a bed. He can see a flag. It's red and green. She can see a cat. The cat's black. We can see a ship. It's big. Jane can see five seals. NEW WORDS w [tn eat or . It transmits as many as three sounds! Compare; [i] [j] my silly yes Learn words in which the letter y is read [at NEW WORDS 1^ aflyl - fly flyl - fly the sky - sky my - mine, mine, mine Read each word three times. fly fly fly sky slcy sky my my my NEW WORDS says - says high - high 0] Read and translate. This is a big fly. That's a little fly. The big fly says, “Little fly, let’s fly in the sky!” The little fly says, “Let’s!” The big fly and the little fly, fly high in the slcy. Tell me what the big fly says? What does the little one say? REMEMBER the plural of the word fly, and fly - three flies - happy silly ["sih] - stupid clever ["kleva] - smart This cat’s silly. It's a silly fat cat. Now remember the boys' names. Willy ["will] Andy ['aendi] Sandy ['ssendi] W)i Look at the pictures, listen and read, and then tell what you can about each boy. This is Willy. He's eleven He can read and write well. This is Andy. He's happy. He likes green trees, flies and bees. Andy can see a fly and a bee. The bee's big. The fly's little. He says, "Fly, my big bee! Fly, my little fly! " That's Sandy. He can swim well. He can make Idtes and ships. His kites fly well. REMEMBER: My kites fly well. My kites fly well. My kite flies well. My kite flies well. fly a kite - fly a kite I sap take a kite. I gland fly a kite. My kite flies well. o Fill in the missing words and read the story about Willie, Andy and Sandy. The words in the box will help you. Please, happy, read and write, helps, kite, clever, fly, slcy, flies, red and green Willy’s.Willy can well. He ______________ Andy and Sandy. He says, ‘Let’s read, Andy! Let's read, Sandy! Let's write, Andy! Let’s write, Sandy!’ Andy and Sandy read well. Andy and Sandy write well. Willy’s_________________ Sandy says, ‘Let’s make a , Willy and Andy!’ ‘Let’s!’ says Willy. ‘Let’s!’ says Andy. Sandy says, ‘--------------- help me, Willy and Andy!’ The kite is_________________. Willy, Andy and Sandy like it. ‘Let’s___________ the______________ - the kite!’ says Sandy. The kite is high in . ‘This kite is well!’ says Sandy. Do you remember how to say hello to your friends? \ Hi, Mike! Hi Jane! And now you can say goodbye and say: “Goodbye!” Like this: Wow! or Bye-bye! Bye-bye, Jane! 0 Read and translate. Hi Bill! Hi Tim! Bye, Bill! Bye, Tim! Bye-bye, Andy! Bye-bye, Sandy! Bye-bye, WiUy! 0 Learn and sing a song. And little fly is in the sky. Fly, little fly! Bye-bye! A little bee is in the tea. Help, help the little bee! Look at the pictures, say and write what the children say to each other. ___________ Let's help Bill. Let's find liis silly pig. Let's find his five silly hlack hens. Find 5 black chickens. Show me where the stupid pig is hiding. Read, learn and act out the dialogues. Ben: Bill: Ben: Bill: Let's make a Idte, Bill! Let's! Let's fly a Idea! Let's! Kate: Let’s visit Willy, Andy and Sandy! Jane: Let's! 1 like Willy, Andy and Sandy! Kate: Let's make a cake! Jane: Let's! Lesson 12 ____________________Yes. Yes, it is_________________ You already know words in which the letter u is read and - yes We cannot do without the word yes, especially when we want to ask something and receive an affirmative answer. How to ask a question? Look carefully: It (is) a green flag. is it a green flag? This is a green flag. Is this a green flag? You see, in the question the word (|^ is in front? They changed places It it Listen and read the sentences and questions to them: It is a cat. Is it a cat? It is a tree. Is it a tree? It is a table. Is it a table? You can also ask: a cat? It is a mat. It is a lake It is a bed. Is it a mat? Is it a lake? Is it a bed? Is this You, of course, remember that we say this when we point to a cat, and if the cat sits further away, then we ask: “Is that a cat?” Please note: the first place is is, and the second is this or that. Listen and read: This is a rat. Is this a rat? This is a cake. Is this a cake? This is a dish. Is this a dish? That is a bat. Is that a bat? That's a sweet. Is that a sweet? That is a plate. Is that a plate? For these and other questions that begin with Is it... Is this... or Is that..., you can answer: Yes or Yes, it is. Lastly, look and read. Is it a green tree? Is it a black cat? Is it a red pencil? Is this a red pen? Is this a big bee? Is this a green kite? Is that a green fly? Is that a red cap? Yes or Yes, it is Yes or Yes, it is, Yes or Yes, it is. Yes or Yes, it is. Yes or Yes, it is. Yes or Yes, it is Yes or Yes, it is Yes or Yes, it is If the question asks about a boy or a girl, the answer must say he or she. Read: Is Jane nine? Is she nine? Is Bill ten? Is he ten? Yes or Yes Yes or Yes Yes, she is Yes, she is Yes, he is. Yes, he is. Remember: friends ch read, and girlfriends wh - - small, small O Read each word twice. a ball tall a ball Learn and sing a song^ tall small small Is this a tall tree? Yes, it is. It's a tall, taU tree. Is that a small tree? Yes, it is. It's a small, small tree. Pete's tall. His red ball's small. Please take a small green ball. Please take this big ball. Pete likes small balls. Jane likes big balls. I like big and small balls. When we need to say whose bike or kite it is, we say: Willy’s bike Willy’s bike Andy’s kite Andy’s kite You see, you need to add the sign ’ and the letter s to the name. This sign is called an apostrophe. The letter S can be read [s] or - tasty, good This is Kate’s little. She's .Kate's ^ IS little. Kate's V is little. Kate's is little. Kate's is little. Kate can make а^^Ш,. Kate's cake is nice. This is a. It's Kate's cat. Kate's cat is big and fat. It's black. Kate says, “I like my cat.” This is. Jane likes Kate. She lilces Kate's fat black. She likes Kate's cakes. She says, “Let’s visit Kate!” ■ Lesson 13 ■ No, it isn't REMEMBER the name of the letter Oo [ei], which is read ei1 or Go." Learn new words. In them, the letter o is read as it is called in the alphabet Gen a snowball NEW WORDS a sofa [" s9uf9; and nose or No, it No or No, it isn’t. Is this sweet? No or No, it isn’t. No or No, it isn’t. If the question asks about a girl or a boy, the answer should say he or she. O Read and translate. Is Jane ten? No, she isn't. She's nine. Is she ten? No, she isn't. Is Bill seven? No, he isn’t. He's ten. Is he seven? No, he isn’t. O Learn and sing a song. Is this a rose (2p.)? No, no, it’s BiU’s red nose. Is that a little ball (2p.)? No, no, it’s a white snowball. Is it a bed? No, it isn't. It’s a Is that a table? No, it isn't. It’s a Is Ben nine? No, he isn’t. He's Is this a pencil? No, it isn't. It’s a Is it a fish? No, it isn't. It’s a ,1^4 Is this a sofa? No, it isn't. It’s a Is Kate seven? No, she isn't. She's Is Jane five? No, she isn't. She's that a bag? No, it isn't. It’s a Is that a seal? No, it isn't. It’s a 0 Look at the pictures, read and underline the correct answer with a pencil. Is it a snowball? Is that a rope? Is this a table? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t Yes, it is. No, it isn't. Yes, it is. No, it isn’t Is that a rose? Is that a kite? Yes, it is. No, it isn't. Yes, it is. No, it isn't. O Read and choose answers to the questions. Pictures and words in the frame will help you. a little red fish, a little pig, a big white hen, a little red fish, a big green ball Is this a seal? No, it isn't. Is this a fly? No, it isn't. It’s a _______________________________________. Is it a bat? No, it isn't. Is it a bee? No, it isn't. It’s a Is it a fish? Yes, it is. Is it white? No, it isn't. Is it red? Yes, it is. It's a . It lives in the sea. Is that a chick? No, it isn't. Is that a dish? No, it isn't. It’s _________________________ NEW WORDS cold - cold It’s cold! - Cold! REMEMBER: When it’s cold outside, we say: It’s cold! Cold! If you are cold, you can say: I am cold. I'm cold. I'm cold. If someone else is cold, say: Mike is cold. Mike's cold. Mike is cold. He is cold. He's cold. He is cold. Kate is cold. Kate's cold. Kate is cold. She is cold. She's cold. She's cold. If you or one of your friends has a frozen nose, say: My nose is cold. His nose is cold. Kate's nose is cold. Once again, as before, the little words am and is help us. Remember: GT six. Ben's seven. He's seven. Kate's little. She's little The cat's silly. It's silly. It's cold. I'm cold. My nose is cold. My nose is red. Little Jane is cold. Is she cold? Yes, she is. She's very cold. Jane's nose is cold. Is Jane's nose cold? Yes, it is. It's red. Big BUl's cold. Is he cold? Yes, he is. He's very cold. His nose is cold. His nose is cold and red. REMEMBER: the letters ay are read sing bring - bring sing sing bring bring sing sing bring bring Read and translate. Please sing, Kate and Tim. Let's sing with Kate and Tim. Let me sing with Jane. Let's sing with Jane and VS. Please bring me a plate, Jane. Please bring me a big bag. Max. Beil's little cat can sing. Ben says, ‘Please sing, my little cat.’ Ben’s cat sings. It isn't silly. It can sing well. Fill in the missing words and read the text. The words in the box will help you. carrot, snowman, cold, big, happy, let’s, nose It’s winter. It's. Tim and Kate like winter. Tim says, ‘Let’s make a with a red nose!’ Kate says, ‘Oh, yes, ! Let me find a !’ Kate finds a nice carrot. ‘A nice!’ she says. The snowman’s nose is red. Kate likes the snowman’s red nose. She likes the snowman. It's so! Tim’s 1Ш lesson 15 n It isn’t a sofa You already know many words in which the letter o is read ei]: a nose, and rose. Topu, snow. Learn words in which the letter o is read [o. NEW WORDS a dog is a log a frog e cold eoek by doll old dog nose frog rope fox snow box Invite the guys to play. Let's play tag! Let's play hide and seek! Let's play hopscotch ["hopskotj Let's play hopscotch! Let's skip. In fact, isn't are two small words: is not, which are often written and read abbreviated - isn't: It is not a sofa. = It isn' t a sofa. About a girl or a boy you will say: Kate is not cold. Kate isn't cold. Kate is not cold. Mike is not late. Mike isn't late. Mike wasn't late. In this exercise, instead of some words, pictures are drawn. Complete the sentences and check how well you remember the names of animals, birds and insects. Is it a ^ No, it isn't. It's a It's a. Is it a ? No, it isn't. Is it a ? No, it isn't. It's a. Is it a big No, it isn't. It's a V ■ It isn't a It's a 0 Read, translate and act out the dialogues. Is Jane cold? No, she isn't cold. She's hot. - Is Kate late? - No, she isn't. Bill's late. Lesson 16 I've got How to say what we have? The words have got will help us with this. Look carefully: I've got a kite and a bike. (I've got = I have got) I have a kite and a bicycle. We've got a kite and a bike. (We've got = we have got) We have a kite and a bicycle. About friends you need to say this: They’ve got a kite and a bike. (They’ve got = they have got) They have a kite and a bicycle. How can you tell what someone else has? Look: He's got a big ship. (He's got = He has got) He has a big ship. Ben's got a big ship. Ben has a big ship. She's got a big doll. (She's got = She has got) She has a big doll. Jane's got a big doll. Jane has a big doll. About everything else, if we are talking about someone or one thing, we can say this: The hen’s got five chicks. The hen has five chicks. It's got five chicks. She has five chickens. The ship's got a white The ship has a white sail, sail. It's got a white sail. It has a white sail. O Read and translate. I've got a bag. We've got a bag and a flag. Sbe's got a bag, a flag and a rope. He's got a bag, a flag, a rope and a bike. Tbey’ve got a bag, a flag, a rope, a bike and a sbip. You see that one word is added to each sentence. Try to come up with sentences on your own and play the game “I’ve got” with your friends. TTT Example: I’ve got a ship. I've got a ship and a kite. I’ve got a ship, a kite and a... The one who can name the most words wins. 0 Finish the rhymes. Kate's got a bag. This is a dog. That's a Tun's got a pig Bill's got a This is a rose. That's BUl's Tony's got a chick. Bill’s got a ‘Mike isn’t late,’ says little ‘My Is it a ball? No, it's a little isn't silly,' says clever NEW WORDS a lot of [ o "lot 9v a song. Learn the words in which he lives. a bird [ bard] - bird and girl [ de: 1] - girl Read each word several times. bird bird bird girl girl girl You already know how to say what belongs to a boy. For example: his kite, his ship, his bike, his bag, his cap, his hat, his nose. Here's how you can say about what belongs to a girl: her [Бе:] - her her doll, her ball, her cat, her dog, her plate, her cake what - what You can already ask questions: What's this? What's that?, which mean: What is this? Read. What's this? It's a dog. What's that? It's a cat. What's this? It's a frog. What's that? It's a rat. You know that this and that we say when we point at people , animals or objects that are close or far from us. tell me tell me Oh, I see! - Oh, I see! Learn the rhymes. What's this? Tell me, please. It's a bee in the tea. What's this? Tell me , please. 'It's a sweet on the plate', says little Kate. What's that? What's that? It's a rat in the hat. What's this? Tell me, please. It's a seal in the sea. Oh, I see. Oh, I see. Learn new words, then read and translate the text. a friend - friend a dress yellow ["jebif often ["ofon hide Spot dress cage yellow often hide give then the name of the dog the name of the doll the name of the bird Jane’s a nice girl. She's got three friends: Spot, Betty and Poll. Spot's a httle black dog. It's very nice. Spot can play with a small red ball. Betty's a big doll. Betty's got big green eyes and a nice red dress. PoU's a little bird. It's a httle yellow bird. Poll lives m a big cage. Poll can sing very well. Jane likes Poll's songs. Jane often plays with her friends. She says, ‘Let’s play hide-and-seek!’ and hides Betty. Then she says, ‘Find Betty, Spot!’ Spot finds Betty. Jane gives Spot a sweet. Spot likes sweets. Read and circle the correct answer. For example: littlegl^ Jane is a little cat. a little bird, a little doll, a doll. swim. Jane has got a bag. Poll can sing. a sofa. ride a bike a lamp. fly a kite. ten. Jane has got five friends. a frog. three. a ball. six. Spot can pfay with a box. a bird. a cake. Jane gives Spot a sweet. a fish, a carrot. Tell us about Jane and her friends. Retell the text on behalf of Jane. Start like this: Gt Jane. I've got three friends. I haven’t got a kite Remember: oa friends read . You learn new words in which they appear. a boy [bof a toy: snow, snowball, rose, nose, rope,Tony [o]: dog, frog, log, clock, cock, box, fox oij: boy, toy, noise, noisy How to say about what we do not have? Look carefully: I haven’t got a bike. I do not have a bicycle. (haven’t got = have not got) [hsevnt got;. We haven't got a kite. We don't have a kite. You see, now the words haven’t got help us. Here's how you can say what someone else, like Bill and Mike, doesn't: Bill and Mike haven't got a bike. Bill and Mike don't have a bike. They haven't got a bike. They don't have a bicycle. In other cases, if we are talking about one person, object or animal, you need to say hasn’t hseznt] got, Ben hasn’t got a big ship. Ben doesn't have a big (hasn't got = has not got) ship. Hasn't got a big ship. He doesn't have a big ship. Jane hasn't got a big doll. Jane doesn't have a big doll. She hasn't got a big doll. She doesn't have a big doll. The hen hasn't got five chicks. It hasn't got five chicks. She doesn't have five chickens. The ship hasn't got a white sail. The ship does not have a white sail. It hasn't got a white sail. It doesn't have a white sail. Read and translate. Gt Kate. I've got a big green bag. I've got a red pencil and a black pen in my bag. I've got a big yeUow sweet in my bag. Look at the pictures and tell me what's not in Kate's big bag. in her bag. She hasn’t got a She hasn’t got a ^ ^ in her bag. She hasn’t got a *^^8- She hasn’t got a little in her bag, She hasn’t got a little in her bag. She hasn’t got a and a in her bag. Look at this picture. Read the sentences under the picture. Find errors in them and tell me what they really have. Example: Mike hasn’t got a bike. He's got a Idte. Mike's got a bike. Kate's got a sweet. Jane's got a green bag. Bill's got a little plate with three apples. Tony's got a black cat. it o Learn new words. Then read and translate the text. NEW WORDS dad clean [ kli:n] again ! daddy daddy a little clean again What a nice day! It's hot today. Mike isn't happy. His dad says, ‘Don’t ride a bilce, Mike. It's hot! Please take a pen and write.’ Mike isn’t happy. He says, ‘I haven’t got a pen! I haven’t got a pencil!’ His dad says, ‘Please read a little, Mike.’ Mike says, ‘It’s hot, Daddy. I'm hot! Let’s go and swim in the lake!’ ‘OK!’ says his dad. ‘Let’s.’ Mike and his dad like the lake. It's nice and clean. They swim in the lake. They can see a lot of trees.They can see a lot of fish. They can see a lot of green frogs. ‘Don’t take the frogs, Mike!’ says his dad. ‘OK,’ says Mike. Milce's happy again. What a fine day! For example: I haven’t got a cat. Mike says, I haven't got(^^e^ . I haven't got a rat. Mike says. m cold' I'm hot' His dad says, 'I'm late.' Please ride a bike' Please read a little' Please go home.' swim in the lake Mike and liis dad sing play hockey. F Read the sentences and put them in the order they appear in the text. Put the numbers of the sentences in the squares. The first sentence is marked for you. It's hot today. Mike and his dad swim in the lake. Mike's happy. His dad says, 'Please take a pen and write.' Milce isn't happy. Milce says, Tt's hot today! Let's go and swim in the lake!' It's nice and clean. They can see a lot of green frogs. What a fine day! Mike says, T haven't got a pen. I haven't got a pencil.' Mike and his dad like the lake. Read and match sentences that rhyme. It's hot today. Let's swim in the lake! Let's visit Mike! Let's go and play! I've got a white goat. 1 like his yellow bike. Don't make a cake! It's got a red coat Lesson 19 Have you got a cat? Remember the letter Uu, which is read differently: ju:], and - - music - suit L а suitcase music suit pupil suitcase Sue computer music suit pupil suitcase Sue computer O Read and translate. I like this music. The music is nice. I can sing a song. Let's sing a nice long song. I like Sue. I like Sue's suit. It's nice. It's red. Tony's a pupil. He can read and write very well. Is this a suitcase? No, it's a big bag. It's a big white bag. 1 like it. NEW WORD use - use Mike, use my bike! 1 like computers. I've got a computer. I can use my computer. I've got a nice red bag. Take it and use it. REMEMBER the very important word you, which is translated you or you. Read the sentences. Pay attention to the translation of the word you. Cover first the Russian and then the English sentences with a piece of paper and see how you can translate them without prompting. I like sweets. I love candy. You like cakes. You love (you love) cakes. We like apples. We love apples. You like ice cream. You love (you love) ice cream. 1 can swim. I can swim. You can play tennis. You know how (you know how) to play tennis. We can play tag. We know how to play tag. You can play hide-and-seek. You know how (you know how) to play hide and seek. I can see a fish. I see fish. You can see a seal. You see (you see) a seal. We can see a tree. We see a tree. You can see a rose. You see (you see) a rose. I've got a toy. I have a toy. You've got a pen. You (you) have a pen. We've got kites. We have kites. You've got ships. You (you) have boats. Learn and sing a song. I sup play tennis. You can play tag. She can play hide-and-seek. He can play hopscotch. We can play hockey. They can swim and skip. Now you can ask who has what. Look carefully: Have Tim and Bill got a bike? Do Tim and Bill have a bike? Have they got a bike? Has Ben got a bike? Has he got a bike? Has Sue got a bike? Has she got a bike? Do they have a bicycle? Does Ben have a bike? He has a bike? Does Sue have a bike? Does she have a bike? Has the hen got five chicks? Does a hen have five chicks? Has it got five chicks? Does she have five chicks? Has the ship got white sails? Does the ship have white sails? Has it got white sails? Does it have white sails? You see that in all questions the words have and has come first. Now look at how you need to answer the questions: ^Have they got a ship? Yes, they have. No, they haven't. Has she got a doll? Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t. Has he got a bike? Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t. Look carefully and remember: I have got a bike. I have a bicycle. Have you got a bike? Do you have a bycicle? Let's ask a question to this sentence: We have got a bike. We have a bicycle. Have you got a bike? Do you have a bike? Don’t forget that I and we in such questions must be replaced with you. Ask questions, replacing the highlighted words with the suggested ones. Have you got a pen? a pencil, a flag, a cap, a mat, a table, a bed, a dish Have they got five chicks? a black hen, a red fox, a big dog, a fat cat, a little bat L_ 31 o Has she got a big doll? a green coat, a red bag, a nice hat, a little nose Has he got a boat? a ship, a bike, a kite, a cap, a coat, a bag Pay attention to these sounds. Try to read the words in which they appear well. 9U [o] ai Ljuf coat dog bike plate you goat frog five late music old fox my they computer snow box fly play suit snowball clock Mike today Sue NEW WORDS roller skates ["gei1e skeits roller skate Ggei1e skeit - roller skates roller skates a computer game - computer game Read, learn and act out the dialogues. Mike. Have you got roller skates? Kate. Yes, I have. I've got nice roller skates. Mike. Let's roller skate, Kate! Kate. Oh, yes! Let's ! Tim. Let's play snowballs! Bill. Oh, no! It's cold. Tim. I've got a nice computer game. Let's play! Bill. Oh, yes! Let's! 0 Read and translate the sentences under the pictures. Hi! I' m Kate. I've got a kite and roller skates. I've got a red hat and a red coat. 1 haven't got a cat. I haven't got a big doll. 1 haven't got a big suitcase . Hi! I'm Mike. I've got a idte and a bike. I've got a computer game. 1 haven't got a ball. 1 haven't got roller skates. 0 Tell me about what you have Kate and Mike. Start like this: This is Kate. She's got. This is Mike. He's got. 133 Has Kate got a ball? Has she got a kite? Has she got roUer skates? Has she got a green hat? Has she got a black coat? Has she got a cat? Has she got a dog? Has Mike got a kite and a bike? Has he got a coat? Has he got a computer game? Has he got a ball? Has he got roller skates? Has he got a big suitcase? Has he got a red cap? Learn and sing a song. - Has Kate got a red, red hat? - Yes, she has (2p.). - Has she got a nice red coat? - Yes, she has (2p.). - Has Mike got a computer game? - Yes, he has (2p.) - Has he got nice roller skates? - No, he hasn’t (2p.). Read, translate and learn rhymes. I see Ben. He's got a little black hen. Is Tim tah? Has he got a little ball? Oh yes! He’s very tall, and his ball is so small! The hen's got a yellow chick. Has the chick got a fly? No, the fly's high in the sky. Lesson 20 Who's this? Who's that? You already know the words in which the letter is read: Sue, music, you. Learn new words in which the letter is read and: . NEW WORDS blue Lucy ["lursf blue juice girl's name Read each word twice. blue blue juice juice Lucy Lucy 0 Look at the pictures, fill in the missing words and read the story about the girl Lucy. Lucy is a nice little girl. She can very well. She can. She can play. She can play Lucy likes apple. She likes. She likes aud. She likes Lucy's got a uice blue \\j . Lucy's got big blue eyes. Be like Lucy. She's so good! You already know how to ask: What’s this? What's that? What is this? For example: What's this? It's a goat. What's that? It's a coat. Here's how you can ask: Who is this? Who is this? Or in short: Who’s this? (Who’s this? = Who is this?) If you point to someone who is further away from you, you need to say: Who’s that? (Who’s that? = Who is that?) Who’s this? Tell me, please. It's my friend Tim. He’s so thin O Read, learn and act out the dialogues. Topu. Who's this? Tim. It's my friend Ben. Tony. Is he nine? Tim. No, he isn’t. He's seven. /""A Daddy. Pete. Daddy. Lucy. Who's this? Sue. It's Kate. Lucy. Who's that? Sue. It's Jane. Lucy. Let's skip with Kate and Jane Sue. Oh yes! Let's! Who's that? Tell me, please. It’s my friend Mike, Daddy. Oh, 1 see. He can ride a bike very well. Kate. Look at that little girl! Who's that, Jane? Jane. It's Lucy. She's very nice. Kate. Lucy, what have you got? Lucy. I've got a little red ball. Let's play! Kate and Jane. Oh yes! Let's! Kate. Look at that boy! Who's that, Jane? Jane. It's Bill. He can eat a lot of cakes. The two sister letters oo are read [and:] and [and]. Learn new words with sounds [and] and - moon a football - football : book book foot foot u:]: moon moon baUoon balloon spoon spoon goose goose football football а tablespoon ["teiblspum] - tablespoon а teaspoon ["ti:spu :n] - teaspoon too - too, also look at ["luk 3t] - look at O ​​* Read and translate. Look at the pictures and tell me what you remember. Look at tbis spoon! It's big. It's a tablespoon. Look at tbat spoon! It's little. It's a teaspoon. Mike's got a book. Tbe book's thick. Milce likes his book. He often reads it. Mike reads well. The thick book is Lucy's. The thin book is Tim's. Tim and Lucy read well. They've got a lot of books. This is a thin book. It's a thin blue book. Don't take it. It is Ben's. wolf I i: [e] Uf ball rat stick tea hen wolf spoon tall mat pig bee Ben wood moon small cap little seal pen book Lucy Lucy is Sandy's friend. She says, 'Let's play a game I've got'. 'What have you got, Sandy?' Sandy says, 'I've got a football I've got a balloon. I've got a thick blue book, I've got a computer game. And what have you got, Lucy?’ Lucy says, ‘I’ve got a lot of dolls. I've got three little tables. I've got ten little plates. I've got ten big spoons and ten little spoons. I've got a nice blue suit and I've got a cat.' Sandy says, 'And what has the cat got?' 'My cat's got a little red nose, two big yellow eyes and a long tail,' says Lucy . 1) Choose and circle what Sandy has: a bike, a book, a computer game, a kite, a balloon, a ship, a football, a boat, roller skates, a cake 2) Select and circle what Lucy has: bags, flags, tables, dishes, tablespoons, a dress, a cat, a suit, teaspoons, books, dolls, lamps, hats, a suitcase plates 3) What does the cat have? Circle: a nose, a coat, a rat, yellow eyes, a goose, a tail, a hen, a chick Start like this: Sandy’s got... Lucy’s got... Now tell me, what does the cat have? Start like this: The cat’s got... Tell me what you managed to remember about Sandy, Lucy and the cat. Match the answers to the questions. Connect them with a line. Like this: Who’s this? Has she got a green coat? Has she got a red bag? Has she got adoU? Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t. It's Jane. No, she hasn’t. Who's this? Has he got a kite? Has he got a dog? Has he got a flag? No, he hasn’t. No, he hasn’t. It's Bill. Yes, he has. I can’t swim Learn words in which the letter is read [l;. Remember also the name of the letter Zz, which conveys the sound - puppy and zebra ["zirbrs] - zebra Liz - the name of the girl sire sire tub tub duck duck puppy puppy nut nut Liz Liz sun sun zebra zebra Read and translate. Describe these pictures. And you Let's have tea! It's fun [Glp! a stripe. Learn the words in which he a sag [ka: a star Ista: car star a guitar - guitar Read each word several times. sag sag sag guitar guitar guitar guitar guitar star star star star to play the guitar - play the guitar Read and translate. Try to tell about children and the moon with the stars. Max likes music. Don't sing very well. Can't play the guitar. Mike and Lucy like music too. They can sing a lot of songs. Tim's got a lot of cars. Ben often plays with Tim. He often plays with his cars. Ben likes Tim's cars. 'Let's play together', he says, 'It's fun!' Look at the sky! You can see the moon. You can see a lot of stars. I Uke stars. And you? We hke the moon. And you? If you, for example, know how to swim, you will say: I sup swim. If you don't know how to swim, you will say: I cannot [kaenat] swim. Or in short: I can’t [ka:nt] swim. If someone can’t do something, you need to say this: Lucy can’t help Bill. Lucy can't help Bill. I can't visit Kate. I can't visit Kate. 0 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences Read each sentence out loud.________ NEW WORD but Fbatl - but Mike can swim, but can't Bill can play the guitar, but he can't Liz can play hopscotch, but she can't Sue can use a computer, but she can't Pete can play hide-and-seek, but he can't NEW WORDS ^ when Fwen when to play football - play football good - good Good! - Fine! Mike is my good friend. Sue is my good friend too. Mike can ride a bike. He can play football very well. He can’t play tennis but he can swim. He can't play chess but he can fly a kite. He can read but he can’t write well. I like Mike. Sue is nice. She can't play the guitar but she can sing. She can sing nice songs. She can’t play chess very well but she can play computer games. I like Sue. I often play with Milce and Sue. Mike and Sue often make noise. I often make noise too. When MUce, Sue and I make noise my daddy says, ‘Don’t make noise, Mike and Sue! Don't make noise, Tony! Don't break toys! 1 can't read my book. Please go and play a computer game!’ ‘OK’, says Mike. ‘OK’, says Sue. I've got a lot of good computer games. We play and play. Then Sue says, ‘It’s late. Let’s go home, Mike!’ 1 say, ‘Oh, no! Please don't go! Let’s play hide-and-seek!’ ‘Oh, good!’ says Sue. And we play and play... Tell me what children can or cannot do. Start like this: Mike sap... Sue sap... Mike can’t... Sue can’t. e Read, translate and learn the dialogues. NEW WORD only ["aunli] - only Kate. Who's this? Jane. It's Mike. He can't fly a kite but he can ride a bike. Kate. Oh, I see! Lucy. Mike's got a lot of computer games. Sue. Let's play with Mike! Lucy. Oh, yes! Let's! I can't play chess but I can play computer games. Tim. Look! Ben can use a computer. Bill. No, he can't. He can only play computer games. shh Lesson 22 pcs Sup you swim? How to ask: “Can you swim?” Look carefully: Sap you swim? Do you see that when we want to ask a question, the word sap comes first, and instead of I or we we need to say you. How to answer this question? Sap you swim? Yes or Yes, I can. No or No, I can't. Let's answer the other questions. Read. Sup you play chess? Yes or Yes, I can. No or No, I can't, Can Mike and Sue play tag? Yes or Yes , they can. No or No, they can't, Can they play tag? Yes or Yes, they can. No or No, they can't, Can Mike play hide-and-seek? Yes or Yes, he can. No or No, he can’t. Can he play hide-and-seek? Yes or Yes, he can. No or No, he can’t. Can Jane skip? Yes or Yes, she can. No or No, she can’t. Can she skip? Yes or Yes, she can. No or No, she can’t. Can a duck fly? Can a cat fly? Yes or Yes, it can. No or No, it can’t. Ask questions, replacing the highlighted words with the suggested ones. Sap you write? ride a bike, swim, make a cake, play a computer game Can she play tag? play hopscotch, play the guitar, play with a ball Can he swim? fly a kite, read and write, ride a bilce, play chess Learn new words. Then read and translate the text. NEW food ask - children What’s in my bag? Jane's got a big green bag. She asks, ‘What’s in my bag?’ ‘Is it a red apple?’ asks Tim. ‘No,’ answers Jane. ‘It isn’t a red apple.’ ‘Is it a white rat? Can it run?’ asks Lucy. ‘No,’ answers Jane. ‘It isn’t a white rat. It can’t run.’ ‘Is it a little bird? Can it fly?’ asks Bill. ‘No,’ says Jane, ‘It isn’t a bird and it can’t fly.’ ‘Can you play with it?’ asks Tim. ‘Yes, I can,’ says Jane. ‘Is it a big red ball?’ asks Tim. ‘Yes, it is. “It’s a big red ball,” says Jane. ‘Let’s play!’ ‘Oh, yes! Let’s!’ answer the children. Read, choose and circle what Jane had in her bag: a computer game, a balloon, a puppy, a ball, a flag, and sweet o Pay attention to these sounds. Try to read the words in which they appear well. e:]: a bird, a girl, her a:]: a sag, a star, a guitar, ask, answer [l]: a cup, a tub, a puppy, the sun, run et]: a cake, they, a game, play, take 9ul; snow, a snowball, a rose, a nose You can almost count to ten. Remember a few more numbers: NEW WORDS one school, which answers the question where? and indicates the direction. Read and remember. Let's go to the woods! Let's go to the lake! Let's go to the sea! Let's go to school! Let's go to the forest! Let's go to the lake! Let's go to the sea! Let's go to school! Read, translate and act out the dialogue between a cat and a mouse. Cat. Little mouse, let's play! Let's play tag! Mouse. Oh no! You can catch me! Let's go to the woods and play hide-and-seek! Cat. Oh yes! Let's! Let's go to the woods! Mouse. Can you find me, silly cat? No, you can't! 1 can hide in my house. You can't find me! You can't catch me! Bye! lesson 23 pcs We are children Remember the sound [ee]. Learn the words in which he lives. NEW WORDS ^ a bear [Bee] - a bear a hare Gee a hare a chair - a chair a pear [ree] - a pear Get to know the letter Qq, it is inseparable from its friend U. Remember: qu is read as a squirrel. Read each word several times. bear pear hare chair squirrel bear pear hare chair squirrel bear pear hare chair squirrel bear pear hare chair squirrel O Read and translate. Look at the pictures and tell me what you managed to remember. NEWWORDS brown - brown short Qb:t] - short soft fsoftl - ​​soft I can see a bear and a hare. The bear's big and brown. The hare's little and white. The bear hasn't got a long tail. The hare hasn't got a long tail. They've got short tails. A little squirrel often sits in the green tree. The tree is tall. The squirrel has got a lot of nuts. It likes nuts. Tony's cat often sits on a chair. The cat likes the chair. It's nice and soft. This is an apple. That's a pear. The apple is big and red. The pear is nice and yellow. Children like apples and pearls. REMEMBER: one mother, whose name is BE, is friends with the plural and the word you. Compare: You're my friend. (You're = you are) You are my friend. You're my friends. You are my friends. We're happy. (We’re = we are) They’re children. (They’re = they are) We are happy. They are children. Tim and Kate are pupils. Tim and Kate are students. Cats are nice and soft. Cats are nice and soft. All three brothers live in harmony, never quarrel or upset BE's mother. How to ask a question with a small word are? Look: You are my friend. You are my friends. They are girls. Are you my friend? Are you my friends? Are they girls? You see that in all questions are comes first. How to answer these questions? Look carefully and remember: Are you my friend? Yes or Yes, I am. No or No, Г m not, (I’m not = I am not) Are you my friends? Yes or Yes, we are. No or We aren’t. (We aren’t = we are not) 0. Now remember the questions for such sentences I’m a pupil. (I’m = I am) I am a student. Are you a pupil? You are a student? We are pupils. We're students. Are you pupils? Are you students? Tim and Kate are pupils. Tim and Kate are students. Are Tim and Kate pupils? Are Tim and Kate students? Cats are nice and clever. Cats are nice and clever? Are cats nice and clever? Are cats good and smart? Read how to answer these questions; Are you a pupil? Are you pupils? Yes or Yes, I am. No or No, I'm not. (I’m not = I am not) Yes or Yes, we are. No or No, we aren’t, (we aren’t= we are not) Are Tim and Kate pupils? Are cats nice and clever? Yes or Yes, they are. No or No, they aren’t, (they aren’t = they are not) Yes or Yes, they are. No or No, they aren’t. 0 Learn and sing songs to remember the three brothers am, is and are. NEW WORD name neim name 1. I’magirl, You are a boy. I've got a cat. You've got a toy. 2. He is a boy. His name is Bill. ‘Little Bill, please sit stUl!’ 3. We are girls You are boys. We've got cats. You've got toys. 4. She is a girl. Her name's Sue. She likes cats. And you? 5. Tim and Bill are little boys. They have got a lot of toys. They can make a lot of noise. They are happy little boys. NEW WORDS ^hop)