The best reference book on the English language. Past Perfect Сontinuouse - past perfect continuous

Any foreign language is formed according to personal laws, and the grammatical structure of each language has its own characteristics, characteristic only of it. The grammar of English and Russian languages ​​have some similarities, but they also have many different features. The similarities of the rules make it easier to learn a foreign language, but the differences create some difficulties in learning it. It follows from this that it is the distinctive features that need to be learned. The best English grammar reference books

Grammar is a huge section: verb, sentence, noun, article, gender, stress - all these are components of grammar. This section studies the features of the formation and application of all these units in oral and writing. Studying this chapter - most important aspect teaching English. Without knowing the basics of grammar, full communication is impossible.

Knowledge in itself vocabulary does not mean that you know a foreign language, since words are just construction material speech. They become significant instruments precisely at the moment when this composition falls into grammatical conditions. To construct, create something from words, you need to be able to arrange them in in the right order, change endings, conjugate correctly, etc.

This discipline takes as a basis what is common, which is the core of the transformation of phrases into a linear series, and puts forward laws and rules from it. She's just like the base one lexical fund, extremely stable. It is created over many years by the speakers themselves, and it develops through the improvement and deployment of the central elements of a functioning existing language.

It is impossible to learn all the laws and rules, and it is not necessary. It is important to know the basic provisions, and if a controversial situation arises, you can simply look at a textbook or book, which today can be downloaded for free from the Internet in a convenient pdf format. Linguistic reference books give full view about all the laws of speech.

The compilers or authors of textbooks have done a great job of identifying these very rules and presenting them in such a way that any beginner can understand them. Such books contain a wealth of experience from hundreds of linguists, researchers and teachers. In good textbooks, basic information for clarity of various language interactions is presented with examples, in the form of tables, with translation, especially important points are further commented on.

Therefore, choosing English grammar reference books Pay attention to the presence of the listed components if you want your studies to be as easy and simple as possible. Free books in electronic pdf format you can download and use for self-study, when performing practical tasks, homework or to prepare for exams, tests and tests.

They will be especially useful for tutors, foreign language teachers, graduates, applicants and students who study remotely or by correspondence, since such textbooks concentrate the basic materials, structures and topics on English grammar, which will be very important for beginners.

I will list the best, in my opinion, English grammar reference books, which can be freely downloaded from our website in one pdf file:

School grammar course rules

The textbook by Milovidov V. A. is ideal for preparing schoolchildren for the Unified State Exam or oral exam in English. Here are collected all the basic laws of English grammar, which students study from grades 5 to 11 in general education educational institutions. The book touches on all aspects of language - from the alphabet and morphology to syntax and punctuation.

The author examined in detail all parts of speech, tenses and forms, voices and moods, indirect and direct forms, laws of sentence construction, etc. The guide for beginners has passed a strict test and complies with the new educational GOST for teaching foreign languages. In general, I highly recommend it to graduates and applicants.

Cambridge English Grammar

Initially electronic tutorial from teachers of a prestigious Cambridge University. The textbook has only 112 pages with the most full list all the rules of English grammar. Adapted specifically for Russian speakers who want to learn British language. Also included practical tasks. The program window can be scaled up and down.

The Russian-language thematic index will help you easily navigate through the pages of the textbook, so you can quickly find the rule you need. All explanations in the book are also given in Russian, the manual contains many examples and examples of completing tasks, thanks to which the student learns not only to understand the language, but to freely express his opinion in English.


A short selection of the main grammar rules English from Ermolaev N.V. Very convenient, concise, clear, short and clear. All material is presented in tables, with accompanying comments and explanations. A system of following words and definitions in sentences is given, examples are given. A handy table demonstrates the use of articles and prepositions.

Types of questions, types of sentences, verbs, pronouns, tenses, forms, nouns, adverbs, etc. are covered, all in just 16 pages. I think you will appreciate Ermolaev’s collection and will use this cheat sheet when you have doubts about the use of any word.

Unlike most publications reference books given book can be recommended as universal reference book grammar in English. It is presented as basic, so and complicated grammar, the interference of the Russian language when studying English is taken into account, typical errors.

A Universal Guide to English Grammar

Directory intended for a wide range of English language learners, compiled in Russian, examples provided translation.Recommended those entering universities, studying English in schools, colleges, universities and on one's own. Can also be used by teachers and lecturers as methodical allowance.

The purpose of this directory- V accessible form outline and explain the essential morphological and syntactic features grammatical structure modern English necessary for practical mastery of it. The reference book includes the following sections: Morphology; Syntax; Spelling rules; Punctuation rules; Application.

The book can be recommended as a universal reference book on English grammar

In chapter " Morphology» provides a description of such parts of speech as a noun, adjective, verb and its impersonal forms, pronoun, numeral, adverb, conjunction, interjection, preposition.
In chapter " Syntax» provides a description of the structures of simple and complex sentence, indirect speech and basic punctuation rules.

In chapter " Spelling rules» the rules for spelling verbs in the past tense, in the third person are given singular present tense, ending and others spelling rules.

It has complicated grammar and takes into account the interference of the Russian language when learning English.

Unlike most reference books this book can be recommended as universal reference book on English grammar. It presents both basic and advanced grammar, takes into account the interference of the Russian language when learning English, and provides and comments on typical errors.

Directory designed for a wide range of English language learners, compiled in Russian, examples are provided with translation. It is recommended for those entering universities, studying English at schools, colleges, universities and independently. Can also be used by teachers and instructors as a teaching aid

The manual contains information about reading rules and English grammar. The material is presented in a form that is easy to understand and remember. The manual has been compiled taking into account the requirements of the English Language program for schools and universities. The manual is intended for schoolchildren, students of non-linguistic universities and a wide range of readers interested in foreign languages ​​and wishing to improve their level of English proficiency. Included in the manual subject dictionary with vocabulary on the main topics studied at school and university.

Types of nouns.
Nouns can be proper (in which case they denote names or geographical names) and common nouns. Common nouns There are countable and uncountable, collective and abstract.

Countable nouns can be counted: one city, two students, three apples, etc. Uncountable nouns it is impossible to count. For example, you can count liters, but not the water itself, friends, but not friendship. Not all nouns in the English language lend themselves to this logic; there are words that need to be remembered. For example, the words “advice” or “news” are countable in Russian, but uncountable in English (advice, news). Collective nouns refer to a group of people, animals, or objects as one unit. Abstract nouns denote something immaterial: feelings, phenomena, sciences and academic disciplines.

Chapter 1. Reading 3
Alphabet 3
The concept of transcription. Transcription signs 4
Accent 7
Reading Rules 7
Tongue twisters 15
Proverbs and idioms 17
Chapter 2. Grammar 21
Noun 21
Plural of nouns 25
Possessive case of nouns 33
Article 35
Indefinite article 35
Definite article 38
Lack of article ( zero article) 40
Pronoun 44
Numeral 58
Adjective 64
Degrees of comparison of adjectives 64
Adverb 72
Degrees of comparison of adverbs 77
Verb 80
Verb tenses. Active voice 80
Times of the group Simple 87
Band Times Continuous 101
Time group Perfect 114
Band times Perfect Continuous 129
Ways of expressing the future tense 140
Future-in-the-Past Times 143
Passive voice 148
Modal verbs 153
Phrasal verbs 160
Non-finite verb forms 165
The Participle 165
Infinitive 174
Gerund 180
Chapter 3. Proposition 186
Word order in simple affirmative sentence 186
Interrogative sentence 187
Exclamatory sentences 194
Conditional sentences 195
Subordinate clauses 201
Indirect speech 205
Coordination of times 208
Unions 213
Prepositions 217
Prepositions of time 217
Prepositions of place 218
Prepositions of direction 220
Interjections 221
Thematic dictionary 224
Communication in family and school, interpersonal relationships with friends and acquaintances 224
My hobbies 229
Sports 234
Appearance and character 235
Work 242
My working day 243
My school. My class is 245
My house 250
Seasons 252
Food 255
Health 261
Nature and ecology, scientific and technical progress 264
Science and technology 266
Clothes 271
Money 273
Mass media 275
Expression of opinion 276
Table irregular verbs 277
List of used literature 285.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book School Guide to the English Language, Pervukhina S.V., 2012 -, fast and free download.

  • - The manual contains information about reading rules and English grammar. The material is presented in a form that is easy to understand and remember. ...
  • Pocket Guide to the English Language, Pervukhina S.V., 2013 - The reference book contains brief information about the rules of reading and grammar of the English language. The material is presented in an easy to understand and remember... English Dictionaries, Vocabularies
  • Memo on the English language, Yagudena A., 2015 - Memo on English language This desk book for schoolchildren, applicants, students, as well as for all lovers of the English language. The directory can... English Dictionaries, Vocabularies
  • English-Russian terminological reference book on methods of teaching foreign languages, Reference manual, Kolesnikova I.L., Dolgina O.A., 2008 - This reference book is a one-of-a-kind experience benchmarking terms that are used in foreign and domestic theory methods and practice... English Dictionaries, Vocabularies

The following textbooks and books:

  • English-Russian-Russian-English dictionary for schoolchildren, Spiridonova T.A., 2007 - Convenient compact edition of English and Russian English dictionary will help every schoolchild and applicant in mastering the English language, will allow you to quickly...
  • Phrasal verbs of the English language, Quick reference book, Ugarova E.V., 2011 - This reference book presents the most common phrasal verbs English language with explanations of their meaning and examples of use. The material is presented clearly... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries
  • All modal verbs of the English language, Quick reference book, Ugarova E.V., 2011 - The reference book contains everything modal verbs in English. The manual discusses their grammatical forms and meanings in detail, and also provides examples... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries
  • New English-Russian dictionary with illustrations, Shalaeva G.P., 2009 - The proposed dictionary is a unique publication on modern spoken English. It contains over 1000 words with English transcription and cases... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries

Previous articles:

  • Explanatory dictionary of IFRS terms, Popadiuk K. - I have more than once heard my students complain about the lack of adequate translation basic terms financial accounting from English. It is clear that... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries
  • English-Russian dictionary, 500 words in pictures, Vorontsov N., 2009 - To communicate freely in England and America, India and Australia, in English lessons and at home, 500 most popular English wordsEnglish-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries
  • English-Russian, Russian-English Dictionary of Phraseological Units, Parkhamovich T.V., 2011 - Those who study a foreign language often have difficulties understanding and using idioms. This dictionary contains more than 1000... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries
  • PONS, English Language, Compact Grammar Guide, Llocle-Gjotz K., McBride S., 2006 - PONS, English Language, Compact Grammar Guide, Corina Llocle-Gjotz K., Sheila McBride. We present to your attention a compact reference book of English grammar. All... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries

Hello, friends and readers of my blog!

For the umpteenth time I hear or read the phrase: “I started learning English, please recommend a book on English grammar!” I hasten to disappoint you - British scientists have calculated that if we simply read the names of all textbooks on the English language, it will take us about 150 years of our lives. And even people who study English will not be able to master so much. Okay, just kidding)).

Seriously, today I will tell you about the most popular literature today dedicated to teaching English, and we will try to choose the best books on English grammar and note their advantages and disadvantages.

It is clear that all this is purely individual, and everyone who wants to learn English has their own passions, goals and objectives. Some people like it when the material is presented without unnecessary details, some, on the contrary, prefer an in-depth study of various phenomena and nuances, while for others, give visual aids an abundance of diagrams, tables and illustrations.


Two textbooks Raymond Murphy: English Grammar in Use And Essential Grammar in Use are extremely popular both in our country and abroad. Theoretical part they are perfectly structured and supported clear examples and exercises. The most important advantage these textbooks - in simple language talks about complex things without going into detail.

In my opinion, they are perfect for both beginners and more advanced Intermediate students who do not like to understand the intricacies of grammatical rules. For teapots The red book is intended - I would say it is a “must have” for everyone who begins to master the jungle of English grammar. The reviews that the Internet is teeming with testify to how many fans this author has. I'm also one of them, by the way. I recommend!

Textbook Martin Hugins Advanced Grammar in Use continues the glorious work of Murphy, however, it is intended for those who Intermediate level already behind us. The theory there is presented very richly and comprehensively, but the exercises are not very good - in my opinion, they are simply not enough to consolidate such a huge amount of theoretical material.

Practical English grammar with exercises and keys
K. Kachalova, E. Izrailevich .

Of all the English grammar textbooks written in Russian, this is perhaps the best. All the rules and subtleties are outlined accessible language. Although, the practical exercises presented in it are a little monotonous. The publication has been repeatedly supplemented with new and useful material, errors have been corrected. Perfect for those who decide to learn English grammar on their own and are not yet ready to comprehend the basics of theory in English.


Have you served in the army? I don’t)), but according to stories cousins I know that they don’t really bother with explanations, and all theoretical gaps are compensated for by practice “to the point of automatism.” Golitsynsky , apparently decided to act with his reader In a similar way. We're talking about his book English language. Grammar. Collection of exercises .

The theoretical part is given concisely, but with practical exercises full order. You will remember any rule by doing a lot of exercises to reinforce it. In general, I recommend working out practical part according to this textbook, no matter what book you learn the theory from.

Another useful tutorial - An English Grammar. Morphology. Syntax. Kobrina, Korneeva, Osovskaya, Guzeeva.

This textbook is for very advanced and confident students of English. There is a lot of subtle theory and descriptions of various grammatical nuances. It will be useful for teachers and students with in-depth study language.


Textbook English Grammar: Reference and Practice written by Russian authors T. Yu. Drozdova, A. I. Berestova, V. G. Mailova , but all explanations are given in English.

This textbook is intended for high school students and students. The grammar in it is not presented in an abstruse way, however, there are a number of disadvantages in lighting individual topics. Suitable for those who are just starting their journey of conquering linguistic peaks. Numerous and clear tables present in this textbook- its main advantage.

Round-up from the author Virginia Evans - this is a whole series grammar aids. It is intended primarily for children, but adults will also be pleased to read such a colorful publication.

For parents it will serve as supporting literature, which you can use at home with your children. The series is represented by seven excellent, richly illustrated textbooks from level zero (the easiest) to level six (the most difficult).

Clearly and logically presented information, detailed explanations of English grammar, lots of tables and wonderful exercises. If you want to master English grammar step by step, from simple to complex, this option is yours!

What would I like to say in conclusion? Do not get hung up on any one author; it is quite possible that some rules will be more clearly presented for you in some other textbook. You can buy yourself 2 textbooks, which together will be able to fully perform their functions. You will be able to combine your classes - study theory from one book, and practice practice from another.

If you don’t particularly like textbooks, then there is another alternative - online course on grammar from LinguaLeo. It's really interesting and effective! Everything is done step by step and with good practice. And most importantly, you can try it in practice before buying.

When learning a language on your own, keep reasonable balance: Learn the language itself, not the numerous rules about the language. Leave this joy to teachers and individual inquisitive minds.

That's all for today. Thank you for reading the article to the end.

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