Why should I know Russian? Why you need to learn Russian

An essay on the topic “Why it is necessary to master the Russian language and the methods of the Russian language.” 5.00 /5 (100.00%) 2 votes

The Russian language is a great, powerful, rich and diverse language. It is the main language of our multinational country. It includes a huge number of words, sections and rules.
Each of us needs to know Russian. Firstly, because Russian is one of the richest languages ​​on the planet and ranks third in the world in terms of use on the Internet.

Secondly, knowledge of the Russian language is welcome in all countries. Thirdly, without knowledge of the Russian language, not a single person can understand Russian culture, all kinds of traditions and so on.
Once in a small Russian village, for example, an American who does not know a single word of Russian will only be able to visually appreciate the beauty and grandeur of Russian nature. Features of pronunciation and use of words, dialectisms and outdated words, he will not be able to understand all this.
The Russian language, in fact, is an ancient, rich and, most interestingly, language that is still developing to this day. A huge number of reforms and rules are being adopted these days for enrichment and improvement.
A huge number of people speak Russian: these are Russians, former citizens of the USSR, as well as many foreigners living far from Russia.
The Russian language, as confirmed by many foreign citizens, is one of complex languages peace. But, at the same time, it is also the richest, most beautiful, expressive and melodic language of all existing ones.
In my opinion, the Russian language is not only pleasant to hear, but also pleasant to speak. For me, studying the Russian language brings great pleasure, because it is so interesting every day to learn new rules, new exceptions, new depths of this great language and understand that the more you learn, the closer you are to Russia, to your Motherland.
Let us remember “War and Peace” by Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. The heroes of this work live in the 19th century, at which time knowledge of several foreign languages. But for some reason, many of them knew Russian much worse than, for example, French.
I believe that in order to speak Russian well, you need to follow and follow several rules. First, eloquence, where would we be without the ability to combine and correctly use words, creating beautiful and expressive constructions. In addition, you need to know vocabulary well - have a great lexicon. Skill in working with texts and oral information is also required. This will help you navigate the texts well, as well as put your thoughts together correctly.
So, the Russian language is truly great, rich and mighty tongue. The key to prosperity and success in life. I think that after reading this, few people will ask the question: “Why do you need to study Russian?” After all, the Russian language is life, wealth and strength.

The very system of teaching and learning the Russian language is designed in such a way as to confuse its orderly hierarchy as much as possible and destroy its beauty. A lot of interesting evidence of this is given in this interview with the author of the book “The Truth about the Russian Word” Svetlana Leonidovna Ryabtseva.


From the working notes of S. L. Ryabtseva’s seminar “Secrets of the Russian Language”:

Why did the Provisional Government in 1917 first try to destroy the Russian language - under the guise of reforms?

Why did Trotsky and the Trotskyists, until 1930, until I.V. Stalin put an end to this, tried to destroy the Cyrillic alphabet and transfer the entire country to the Latin alphabet?

Why today the Banderaites consider their very first task to be the destruction of the Russian language and translation Ukrainian language in Latin?

Why do our enemies at all times attach paramount importance to the destruction of the Russian language?

And why haven’t we asked ourselves these questions and looked for answers?!!

But the answer is quite simple:

1. Evolutionary process brings to the fore the Russian people as the bearer of a new way of life for the whole world - the communal one and as the bearer of the Russian language - the language New Age– The era of purity and truth, which is already coming. And only the Russian language can express and explain new higher concepts with its own means (grammatical and lexical).

2. It is the Russian people, according to the Higher Plan, that must unite all the peoples of the world and lead them. On this great mission even the very concept of Russian (which one? - adjective) indicates - not national, but spiritual concept, a major evolutionary step, is the unification of peoples based not on physical, but on spiritual kinship. Russian is someone for whom Russian is a native and close language. For whom the Russian path is the path of truth, justice, labor, peace, community, this is his path.

3. The very roots of the words of the Russian language provide answers to complex worldview questions.

Example. "Who is guilty?" We are peace-loving, we have no enemies. But, unfortunately, the enemies have us. But who are these enemies? We are constantly being given false images of enemies: sometimes these are people of a different religion, sometimes of a different party, sometimes of a different skin color, of a different race, nationality, sometimes of “backward” fathers, sometimes of “loose” children. The list is endless. But who acts for so long, hiding behind other people’s backs, pitting everyone against everyone else? The question will be answered in Russian.

Enemy. Let's analyze this word. There is a natural alternation of oro/ra: enemy - enemy. In the word vorog og there is a suffix. And the root is a thief.

From the dictionary of V. I. Dahl: “A thief is a secret predator, cunning, deceitful, crafty; swindler, slacker. Give a thief a mountain of gold and he won’t stop stealing.”

Voro (voro – lat.) – devour, swallow.

Thieves come in different voracity, from pocket thieves to state and planetary thieves. A thief can be outside, or it can start inside a person; it begins with vicious thoughts and unbridled desires.

This is the main enemy.

Another ideological question."What to do?" Study the Russian language in order to know it well and understand the meaning of words and sentences. This means understanding how the world works and what happens in it. The Russian language, at all levels, starting with the alphabetic names of letters, contains great knowledge:

3) Regular alternations g//f//z: covet-competition-acquire, globalization–zlobalization–zlobalization;

4) In eternity there can be only one - communal - structure. Not dictatorship, not democracy, only Community. The prototype of which is family. The family is order, it is led by the most spiritually strong and wise, the rest joyfully obey, love the elder and each other.

Community-promisor (church-slav - accomplice, comrade), t//h//sh: promise-vow. But the words vow, promise are words with a hidden letter in the root, which is revealed in the root words: promise - meeting, testament. Thus, the hidden root is vet-vech-thing-, from which in the word community only part of it is visible - shch, and the words community, promised, promised, eternity - root words, carry general meaning. Indeed, the prophets spoke about it as a kingdom of light, goodness, truth, justice, eternity;

But do families really put the question to a vote on who is in charge? The main ones are the wisest, they are not chosen, just as father and mother are not chosen. The world community will be governed by the Ruler (words with the same root: right-correct-rule-true-fair-righteous), Hierarch.

The future will only be like this; it is decided not by us, but by the Law of Evolution. Russia will shine, lead the nations - and this is decided. The consciousness of people will be illuminated by the Light of Truth as soon as the Russian people with all their hearts desire to know the great Russian language - and this has been decided.

Only one question remains open, which each of us will ask ourselves: with whom am I on the path, with the rising Russia or with the falling West?

At work I see a picture every day: young mothers take their preschool children - where do you think?.. To ENGLISH LANGUAGE courses! For what?! And they strive to create a reliable market capitalist future for their children - and where would such a future be without English!.. And this child, when he grows up and learns, will finally become a MANAGER - to the delight of his mother!..

Mommies, learn Russian with the whole family!.. This is the most promising language in the universe! But, alas, they have no idea about such unexpected prospects yet... This is what we are talking about with Svetlana Leonidovna RYABTSEVA, author of the books “Children of the Eighties”, “Dialogue at the Desk”, “The Truth about the Russian Word” (in four parts), “Essays on the living Russian language”, “Essays on mathematics”...

“With the Russian language,” says Svetlana Leonidovna, “at school now big problems. Many times I asked the guys: “What is your favorite subject?” NOT ONE PERSON called the Russian language favorite! “Fuck him, he’s so incomprehensible and difficult!” - the children answered the question why they don’t like this subject...

– So why for Russian children native language became unloved and incomprehensible?..

– That’s what we’re talking about: WHY?.. When answering this question, we can’t ignore school, because it’s here that they either instill a love for native word, or deliberately instill disgust towards it.

– Actually, your books “The Truth about the Russian Word” are devoted to these problems. And if we talk briefly about the content of the books: what exactly should we focus on?..

– On the replacement of the MORPHOLOGICAL LAW of the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE in the teaching system with the destructive PHONEMATIC PRINCIPLE. This is a tragedy that few people truly understand! WITH primary school children are led into a dead end by PHONEMATIC nonsense. They begin to study a word not from its morphemic composition, with which the MEANING is associated, but from its TRANSCRIPTION! But in Russian writing there is no transcription, because it is not needed. Let's start with the fact that even the transcriptions themselves are incorrect: for example, in the word COW, when transcribing, children must write the letter A in the first syllable, supposedly reflecting the sound of speech. But in fact, it doesn’t sound like A at all (but, rather, it’s the semi-vowel EP that sounds: karova - say this word quickly, and you will be convinced that this is really the case), moreover, each person in any word will have their OWN SOUND, After all, there are actually several hundred speech sounds (at least), and if we try to record in writing exactly all these numerous speech sounds, then we will stop understanding each other at all! After all, although we all speak differently, we write the same way, which gives us the opportunity to understand each other and thereby UNITES us (in a letter from sonic diversity the most important thing remains, what is needed to understand speech). Thus, the phonemic approach taken as a basis in the current school, being also anti-scientific, also SEPARATES PEOPLE. For example, I'm in oral speech I will turn to Ivan Ivanovich - Van Vanch. Who will understand me later if I write this in transcription, as required by the textbook?.. Here in England you are supposed to say something completely different from what is written. It’s not for nothing that they joke: it’s spelled Manchester, but read Liverpool.

– One of the modern “non-traditional” linguists once joked that the ENGLISH LANGUAGE gives the impression that it was formed by people who HAVE had scurvy.

– Apparently, even in ancient times, the British could not uniformly write down in Latin what they heard, because only in this case transcription was required. And to this day, any Englishman, in order to write down an UNKNOWN WORD, requires its preliminary transcription - precisely because there is no LAW in English, but they took the Latin alphabet, and in Latin there is a law.

But, I repeat, the study of the Russian language now (in the English manner) begins with transcription and forces children to write complete and absolute nonsense: karova, ashipka, agurtsy, etc. All this phonemic nonsense is DESTROYING THE LANGUAGE! In essence, children are forced to write down and thereby memorize the word with the MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ERRORS: that is, destroy the word. This is the secret, never advertised goal of the phonemic approach!

Behind all this is MOCKERY OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE AND PEOPLE. And this has been going on since 1917, when they seriously proposed: “Let’s CHANGE (!!!) the Russian language.” And these “smart guys,” by the way, were all with the highest philological education! And so they got smart: “Let’s remove the soft sign altogether. Let’s remove both hard and soft signs from the Russian language altogether. Let's remove the letter Yo, leave the letter O - and it will be spelled Olka, not Yolka. Let’s remove the letter Y, it’s superfluous, leave only the letter I - and we’ll write cucumbers, not cucumbers.” Such reform proposals were made in a respectable form, around them they created the appearance scientific discussion, but in essence it was mockery.

– And now, instead of teaching children how to WRITE CORRECTLY, they are taught to write INCORRECTLY at first. The approach is cunning: let’s first learn how NOT to WRITE, remember it well, see with our eyes, write with our hands, develop habitual motor skills: the eye is connected to the brain, connected to the hand, we will STRENGTHEN this connection, and then we will start writing HOW IT SHOULD be... And this the process is called LITERACY TRAINING! The result is MONSTERAL ILLITERACY!

– This is not someone’s mistake, but the ENEMY’S WORK: under the guise of teaching literacy in educational process an algorithm is built in to DESTROY THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE PEOPLE, starting from childhood. For this we should be prosecuted under a criminal article!

– Let’s look for parallels: let’s teach the rules of traffic – but vice versa: first we’ll teach how to drive INCORRECTLY (for example, in the oncoming lane). And then we’ll start learning to drive correctly... Or let’s nuclear power plant first, let's try all the WRONG MODES, and only then... Or: let's first feed people poisonous mushrooms, and then cook them borscht... So there will be no one to eat this borscht... And the Ministry of Education likes this order of things!

– Transcription is not needed where there are SOLID LAWS OF THE LANGUAGE – and in the Russian language THERE IS SUCH A LAW – MORPHOLOGICAL! It was discovered a long time ago, and etymology textbooks were written on its basis until 1917. The essence of this fundamental law is quite simple: uniform and regular writing of morphemes in strong and weak position. This law makes it possible to CHECK ALMOST ALL letters in a weak position - in any morpheme! I emphasize: check the letters not only in the ROOT WORD, but also in the PRESIDENT, SUFFIX and ENDING.

– What is UNIFORM and what are STRONG and WEAK POSITIONS?

– The spelling can be the same, or it can be uniform: the same spelling of the consonants in the root is each-drug-drugba, and uniform – friend-friends-friendship (three letters alternate g/z/zh). In such cases, only these three letters can alternate with each other, this is a pattern: freeze-ice cream, privilege-impossible, meadow-lawn, princess-prince-princely, tight-tight (sadness)-push.. Or: pull-dare-hold . There is one root here (although in people’s minds these words are now separated), think about its deep meaning.

With the help of regular alternations, spiritual and physical world interconnected in Russian: this is such beauty! (Example: face-face-face.) I could talk about this endlessly! Let us note in passing: the prefix BES has never existed in the Russian language, no, and cannot be! I explain: S//Z – there is no such alternation! And the prefix BES was introduced in 1917 under the Provisional Government by a certain “Special Meeting” forcibly and insidiously. I write only WITHOUT, according to the law of the Russian language, and not according to the fantasies and orders of dark personalities. Today they, destroyers or ignoramuses, have come up with one rule, tomorrow another, even more stupid, and what, should we obey and please every time? No, we must KNOW the law of language and follow only it. I'm glad that everything is fine today larger number writes authors WITHOUT, without waiting for anyone’s “permission”.

Now - about a strong and weak position... A strong position - it can be compared to a vase, illuminated from all sides, and a weak one - to a vase in semi-darkness: it is not clear what it is. To see the vase, you need to put it in the light. Example: sea-sea, earth-land, sting-to-run, chief-va-chief.

– Why did you say about old textbooks of etymology, and not grammar?..

– Previously, we studied the TRUE MEANING OF THE WORD, we knew its composition and origin, the patterns of alternation of letters in a word. For example: oro-ra (raven - corvid, city-city, gate-gate), olo-la (volost-power, voice-voice, cold-cool, head-head), olo-le (capture-capture), etc. .d. Either we understand the meaning of the word and its composition, or (as now) we are required to stupidly remember its spelling. According to the principle: teach, teach, but do not allow to understand. So the textbooks categorically require you to REMEMBER the spelling of these words!

With such an anti-scientific, language-hostile approach, you will have to memorize everything (while not understanding anything about the language) - hence the fear of the Russian language and aversion to it.

I hope that from the examples we have already given, the reader will feel that the Russian language is unusually harmonious and simple. And all because it (like the entire universe) is based on the LAW OF HIERARCHY. What is the essence of this law?.. The Russian language, like any system, has main, secondary and service elements. The main ones are the basis and they cannot be “democratically” replaced by the secondary ones, otherwise the system will collapse. The example is very simple: without a heart and a head human body cannot exist, but without a finger it can, and a sentence cannot exist without the main members. Any “democracy” in a language destroys it: you cannot appoint just anything to the “position” of the main members... And the concept of HIDDEN ELEMENTS (letters, morphemes, members of a sentence) is generally absent in science - and not only in linguistics, but also in physics (ether) , chemistry (the ether group was removed from the Periodic Table), biology (biofield), history ( underlying reasons events), and in general in all sciences. Example: the hidden root in the words take out, occupy is revealed only in the root words - take out, occupy; hidden letters: ran up, but came up - in the word ran up the prefix actually came up -, as in the word came up. Hidden members of the sentence: “The weather is good today” - the hidden predicate is (“The weather is good today”).

Even before 1917, under the guise of an improving reform of the Russian language, a time bomb was laid, which was supposed to lead to the destruction of the language (and therefore consciousness), which the “reformers” knew about - and they almost achieved their goal. The letters were removed - the morphemes were destroyed - the meaning was destroyed, people stopped even understanding what they themselves said. For example: they changed the status of the semivowel letters EP and EP, called them hard and soft sign, which supposedly do not indicate any sound. Semivowels remain in words, but children are taught not to notice them, to ignore the facts of language. Not noticing what exists - and this (skill!) has enormous consequences. The textbooks - here they are, at my fingertips - contain a lot of theoretical errors. The authors are different, the publishers are different, the reviewers are different, but the THEORY is basically the same - phonemic. And she is false! And therefore, the textbooks completely ignore the MORPHOLOGICAL LAW OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE, according to which the language itself is built and lives.

There are no references to this law in the textbooks, no even mentions of it, as if it does not exist... And this law, as I have already said, allows you to write ALL MORPHEMES (and not just roots) regularly and check what you have written. But in textbooks all the philosophizing ends with a powerless call: “Remember!” Remember the endings (and they can and should be checked), remember 11 exception verbs (and they do not exist in nature, because IF THE LAW IS UNDERSTOOD CORRECTLY THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS), remember 9 categories of pronouns (and there are only 3 of them, like names) etc.

There are many unforgivable mistakes in theory in textbooks - they constantly confuse the FORM of a word and its CONTENT, they throw it together and mix it up. They just talk about the form of the word - and you read the phrase to the end - and it turns out that they meant the content. We illustrate the importance of distinguishing between form and content with this example... The word birch.vy. How to write: birch or birch?.. Suffix OV or AB? We take a word with the same suffix, but in a strong position: spruce. So, you need to write birch. “How so? – teachers ask me at seminars. “Why do we check birch with spruce?.. These are DIFFERENT WORDS!” In such cases, we have to remind you: the ROOTS of these words are different, but the suffixes are the SAME. So we check suffixes with suffixes (similarly, with endings and prefixes: the morphological law of the language allows us to do this).

Here is a “theoretical” masterpiece: the end of a word (indefinite form of a verb) is designated as SUFFIX in one textbook, and as ENDING in another. But a suffix is ​​a morpheme that creates new words, and an ending is a morpheme that serves to connect words in a sentence. So, is this a suffix or an ending? Textbooks here have DIFFERENT OPINIONS, but what should a student do if they ask for a very specific answer and give him a grade? But this is the basis - the composition of the word, and there is a huge difference between the suffix and the ending. This does not mean that the authors cannot agree among themselves, it means that they do not know the LAWS OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. To give a scientific answer, it is necessary to return the letters b (EP) and b (EPь) to the status of semivowels - and then everything will immediately become clear where the suffix is ​​(in the indefinite form of the verb) and where the ending is.

The same thing applies to prefixes and word endings. Almost all noun endings are CHECKED! Here's an example: a doll lies on a crib and a doll lies on a bed. In both cases the endings are unstressed. Put the word in initial form. Bed: 1 inclination. We substitute a test word in this place. Water (1st declension). The doll lies on the water. This means that the doll is lying on the bed. Bed: 3rd declination. Steppe: also 3rd declension. In the steppe. So, on the bed. The form of words is built according to a single law. And so it is in everything.

All Russian spelling algorithms based on the morphological law take only a couple of pages! I emphasize especially for teachers: if 11 exception verbs appear from somewhere, it means that the law is not understood - I already proved this in the 1989 book “Dialogue at the Desk”: these exception verbs do not exist! According to the morphological law, all of them belong to the 2nd conjugation. But until now they are trying to determine whether verbs belong to 1st or 2nd conjugation by suffixes of an indefinite (!) form, which cannot be done, this is a made-up rule.

But in the textbook there is another theoretical masterpiece: in the illustration there are parts of speech cut into pieces of cake - VERB, CONJUNCTION, ADVERB, PRONOUN, INTERJECTIVE, NOUN... Everything is unsystematic, mixed up... This is how the DESTRUCTION of the HIERARCHY occurs in the head. Destruction of the hierarchy of worldview. After all, there are MAIN parts of speech, and there are SECONDARY, and there are SERVICE parts. And the structure of the language is not like a cake at all, but (let’s take this analogy) - like a RESIDENTIAL HOUSE where NOUNS live, VERBS on another floor, etc. Then they go to work. A NOUN can work, for example, as a SUBJECT. And another NOUN works as an OBJECT. The ADJECTIVE works as a DEFINITOR, or it can work as a SUBJECT. And the VERB most often works as a predicate. Different parts of speech can work different members sentences, but an adjective (as a part of speech) can never BECOME a noun (another part of speech)! And in a sentence, an adjective can be a subject (a member of a sentence!), but this does not make it a noun, as theorists claim. Let us explain: “A new canteen opened today.” In this sentence, the word dining room (dining rooms, dining room, dining room) has all the signs of an adjective, it remained an adjective, and did not become a noun because it works as a subject.

Without Hierarchy there is no life. We need to remember this. If the Hierarchy is destroyed, life ceases. I am afraid that it is already difficult to help children raised by current school standards. And here's another thing: there are a lot of parents with higher education(and in this case, even general secondary education is enough), so these parents have every right to pick up the current textbooks, look at them carefully and say: “Child, I won’t let you go to school, because such textbooks don’t contain knowledge, and DARKNESS. And you won’t study from me using these textbooks!” And imagine that the whole country said so! All. This dark program immediately disappeared, as if it had never existed. And normal textbooks appeared, especially since the theory for them exists and has been worked out in practice. This, I remind you, is the MORPHOLOGICAL THEORY OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. But parents whine in the kitchens and complain to each other about the “horror” in the textbooks, and then still send their children to school to study this “horror”. This kind of split thinking is simply schizophrenia: this is bad, so I still... will send my child to learn this, and then cry about it.

– But, excuse me... Russians want to see a normal learning process at school and assume that government agencies are doing just that... Today an indignant parent will rebel against false textbooks - and in a few years Unified State Exam child won’t pass, and then won’t go to study anywhere...

– The answer is this: everyone assumes this outcome of the matter, but no one has tried to do otherwise! In fact, help will come!.. Unexpectedly, as if miraculously, everything can change at once! It's important to take the first step! And don't back down. You can help GO, but it is impossible to help lie on the stove!

THEY DO NOT JOKE WITH THE LANGUAGE!.. Language is needed for evolutionary advancement, to comprehend the TRUTH! If this goal is not achieved, the language is removed from human society- and it turns to muttering nonsense, to mooing and swearing. This process is now underway.

Once they approached me with a request to work with high school students. But the main question was this: will the children pass the Unified State Exam after my classes?.. I answered: no, they will not pass the Unified State Exam. Why?.. Because the Unified State Exam, under the guise of correct answers, gives incorrect ones: with using the Unified State Exam THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE IS DESTROYING. The parents’ reaction was: “Ah-ah, well then we don’t need your classes, because it is important for us that the children pass the Unified State Exam!” That is, what is important for parents is not that their children learn the truth and move forward, but that they pass the Unified State Exam at any cost, even if the children move backward... Parents guide their children along the path of destruction. This position is supported by school teachers: They were taught this way, they work according to the methodology... At school, traditional literacy is still based on old teachers. But there are very few of them left. And the new masses are ready to submit to any demands.

And it seems to me that all these haters of the Russian are already tired of inventing: what else would they order that would be disgusting, vile, mocking, destructive, so that these Russians would finally rebel, become indignant, and refuse to carry out. I’m just dumbfounded: they go and obey!..

For high school students who themselves wanted to write correctly, who wanted to know Russian, I corrected their spelling in two lessons (!). In two lessons! Those who strive can be helped. Indifferent - no.

– Everyone is now faced with a choice: TRUTH or BENEFIT? Trading or striving for development, for the highest, evolutionary... It is not for nothing that serious cosmo-planetary analysts claim that such FIRE TIMES are coming that only ETHICS will become the only way and a guarantee of survival, and it is not to improve the standard of living that we should strive now, but to increase the level of morality.

– If people choose PROFIT, they doom themselves to destruction. Such people are called in “Living Ethics” space debris. Capitalism (it has already rotted) requires special type people are deceitful, and special language– English... A lying consciousness cannot perceive and understand the Russian language, because it is the language of TRUTH.

– And the Russian language is a field for identifying opposing forces...

– They don’t talk about this anywhere, but in fact, the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE is the MAIN BATTLE FIELD now. It is no coincidence that since February 1917, in destroyed, shocked Russia, one of the first actions of the new authorities was RUSSIAN LANGUAGE REFORM. With this reform, the enemies introduced poisonous substances into training. This means that they considered this reform their first priority: to poison future generations so that the people do not know their own language, such people can be taken with bare hands.

Knowledge of the MORPHOLOGICAL LAW quickly puts things in order in your head. A person begins to see exactly how the transformation of a suffix, prefix, root occurs in one nest of root words (i.e., same-root, related words). And what kind of transformations there are not and cannot be. For example, there cannot be a prefix demon, since there is no alternation z/s. It was invented in terms of “measures” to destroy the Russian language by certain “special councilors” under the Provisional Government in 1917. (By the way, the goal of all “reforms” of the enemies was the RUIN OF NESTS - both family nests and nests of rootstocks.)

And even now, on the wave of interest in the Russian language that has flared up among the people, some publishers “disassemble” words into whatever they want, according to their fantasies, not paying attention to the morphological law (or maybe simply not knowing it), raising their own to absolutes. conjectures and fictions.

Example. Many, as soon as they see the combination of ra, immediately shout like children: “All words containing ra mean the sun!” And they rush to call it a root. Although in fact this combination may appear by chance at the junction of morphemes: measure - measure, etc.

Such anti-scientific “fun” increases the confusion in the head and will continue until people begin to seriously STUDY the Russian language.

But I want to warn you: if people go to study Russian in the same way as English, i.e. for the sake of profit, then they will not be able to understand anything in it, because the Russian language is the language of truth, it is not given to a lying opportunist.

– We were taught at school in the 1960s that Kommersant is a separator. solid sign. It divides, separates the prefix from the root (if the root begins with a certain vowel).

- Okay, I agree. I write: C is a prefix, then it’s a root. And between them there is a solid dividing sign. What kind of MORPHEME is this?..

- This is an insignificant sign...

“And since it’s worthless, let’s throw it away!”

“Then it won’t turn out to be MOVE OUT, but MOVE OUT.”

– So it means something?.. Then what part of the word does it refer to, what morpheme?..

– If the prefix is ​​C, then, willy-nilly, we will carry this sign to the root...

– Name another root that starts with EPA (Ъ). There's no such thing! Do you know what the teacher and textbooks suggest in this case?.. Child, let’s IGNORE this firm sign! We see with our own eyes some thing, object, sign, phenomenon, but we will unanimously pretend that IT IS NOT! Over the course of 10 years at school, this point of view—a complete disregard for reality—becomes familiar and hardened in the mind. And then with this thinking the student comes to science...

– But a school graduate will come not only to science... But also to production... Or to the court, for example, to the justice authorities... And here the well-functioning mechanism of IGNORING will also manifest itself in full. The judge ignores facts that are unfavorable to him. Physicists ignore the ether. Archaeologists make “inconvenient” finds. What such people cannot explain, they will simply NOT NOTICE. And in “Living Ethics” it is said that the best people will become especially sensitive, while the rubbish of Kali-Yuga will become numb and deaf before the great events.

– In a person, the UNUSED ATROPHYS: he once closed his eyes to the truth, another time closed... The unused organ DRIPS, it does not receive constant energy supply: and the brains will wither if they are not used...

From the working notes of S. L. Ryabtseva’s seminar “Secrets of the Russian Language”:

An example from a textbook: a whole page of a child is asked to supposedly search correct spelling endings of words, and at the very end it says: REMEMBER what the ending such and such is... So that’s exactly what the child forgot! Why does he need such a reminder?

A. S. Shishkov: “The more in a language the body is preferred to the spirit, the more the language deteriorates and the gift of speech declines.” (Quoted from: S. L. Ryabtseva “Essays on the Living Russian Language.” Novosibirsk, 2005, p. 9.)

Information from the Internet: Baudouin de Courtenay Jan Necislav Ignacy (Ivan Alexandrovich). Born in 1845 in the city of Radzymin near Warsaw, died in 1929 in Warsaw, buried in the Calvinist (Evangelical-Reformed) cemetery.

In 1887 he became a member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and in 1897 - corresponding member. St. Petersburg Academy Sci. He worked at Kazan (1874–1883), Yuryev (1883–1893), Krakow Jagiellonian (1893–1899), St. Petersburg (1900–1918), Warsaw (since 1918) universities. In 1922 he was nominated as a candidate for the presidency of Poland. He falsified the third edition of V. I. Dahl’s dictionary and introduced vulgar and abusive vocabulary that was not in Dahl’s. He believed that the development of languages ​​could be influenced and was actively interested in artificial languages.

It was he who pushed phonemic principle as a basis for studying the Russian language.

Enemies everywhere are trying to destroy systemic connections, to destroy even the very idea of ​​​​the existence of the Hierarchy of Light, of order. And so shining example. Agents of influence from Western intelligence services have been infiltrating the Russian Orthodox Church for a long time. Someone, the “chief specialist” in sects, the main indicator of who should be anathematized, he is a former hippie, from 1977 to 1991 he lived abroad, where he gained “special knowledge” in the Vatican (!) and New York. He landed in Russia with a “landing party” of the Jesuit Order in 1991. This figure, listing destructive sects, built into their list the Teaching of Living Ethics!

E. I. Roerich conveyed to people the science of the New Age given by the Great Ones. Pseudoscience is collapsing (“a lie is something that does not exist”) because it has no basis and is aimed, under the pretext of “increasing comfort,” at destroying life on Earth. At its core is murder. And the new, true science immediately warns: the main thing is morality, without it there is no science.

[The editorial board’s opinion on the issue of the Roerichs’ teaching differs from the opinion of the author of the article, editor’s note]

The former hippie is fighting against the Hierarchy of Light. But who is he? It turns out that he is the son of a lady who has long and deliberately “worked” to destroy the Russian language under the roof of the Institute of Russian Language of the USSR Academy of Sciences and... the Spelling Commission! It was she, among others, who actively propagated that same phonemic false theory, arguing:

"All our main rules rest on on the same grounds. They determine the leading principle of Russian spelling. This principle of writing, when the sound is checked by a strong position, is called phonemic (see Phoneme). This principle is convenient for Russian writing."

Check it in writing... sound - probably only the author of the article can do this. Speech sounds are simply different and one is not checked by the other. And the letters on the letter - yes, are checked, but according to the morphological law. A phoneme, according to phonematists, “is a series of positionally alternating sounds” (From the book by S. L. Ryabtseva “The Truth about the Russian Word, Part 1 “Russian Language.”)

Those interested can search the Internet for RUSSIAN LANGUAGE TEXTBOOKS - and at least look at their design: at the grinning, possessed faces on the covers... Open mockery of children, parents and school. And what else can you expect if the publication of textbooks for schools in Russia is farmed out to the company “AIDS-INFO” (publishes over 70 textbook titles)! Yes, yes, exactly “AIDS-INFO”!

Help from the Internet.

Andrey Yurievich Mann, CEO"S-Info" Chief Editor newspaper "AIDS-Info" (one of the most scandalous newspapers in Russia, a "guide to sex").

EDUCATION: Moscow Automotive Institute (unfinished), Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, Loyola University (Chicago, USA].

Loyola University Chicago is the largest private Jesuit university (!). Founded 1870 Religious education still occupies an important position, since at the beginning of its activity the university had a religious orientation.

V.I. Dal: “Where did (...) everything that is unnecessary and unusual for the Russian language come from, while everything that is essential has not been solved and has been missed, as if it did not exist? The fault of all this confusion (...) is the Western scientific view into our language. This bad direction can have a two-fold outcome: either there will be people after us who will unravel Russian grammar and build it again, discarding the current one altogether; or our language will gradually lose its independence and, with an uncontrollable influx of foreign expressions, phrases and thoughts themselves, will submit to the laws of Western languages.” (Quoted from: S. L. Ryabtseva “Essays on the Living Russian Language.” Novosibirsk, 2005, p. 9.)

– Current textbooks overload children’s brains absolutely unnecessary things, in response to which you want to howl: WHY?! Why is all this? They don't provide SYSTEM! They ignore perfectly clear linguistic facts. They do everything to make the child think that there is no system at all in the Russian language and so that he eventually feels a FIERCE DISGUST FOR THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE (and... a desire to learn English). This is called ENEMY SUBMERSION. And the fact that someone blindly, deafly and stupidly participates in this does not diminish their guilt. Yes, there are many teachers who say: this is how we were taught at the institute, in courses - here are my notes, and I won’t change anything. This is indifference, this is lukewarmness, condemned long ago - both in the Gospels and in Living Ethics. Not hot, not cold, but lukewarm: ACCEPTS.

Here is a task from the textbook: perform a phonemic analysis of the word. Why do all this, what will it give me to improve my literacy? Nothing! But MORPHEMIC ANALYSIS is necessary, but it is not there.

But in fact, to master literacy, you need to truly turn to the MORPHOLOGICAL LAW OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. Since the eighties, I have been applying all this in my work, relying on common sense and the works of great Russian linguists - M. V. Lomonosov, A. S. Shishkov, V. I. Dal, F. I. Buslaev, A. N. Gvozdev and others. And I get great results. The current textbooks completely confuse even those children who came with knowledge of the Russian language, with innate literacy.

Quietly, on the sly, during the revolution, when there was absolutely no time for the Russian language, no time for methods and textbooks, the PHONEMATIC APPROACH TO THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE won, the victory was won by phonematists, led by Baudouin de Courtenay, an absolutely Western man, an agent of influence, as they say now, he openly hated the Russian language and destroyed it, which is evident in all his deeds.

Of course, representatives of the morphological theory fought against the destroyers. But, unfortunately, after the revolution the forces became unequal. And now even more so. The terrible, destructive omnipotence of phonematists has led to illiteracy of new generations, a disregardful, and even downright hostile attitude of schoolchildren towards their native language. This is exactly what the enemies were striving for: so that people themselves, confused and exhausted in their native language, ASK FOR LATIN, ask to switch to English!

The Russian language is so simple and beautiful, deep and wise... I am amazed - what a language it is! Reflecting the fullness of existence, the entire depth of the universe, all the most complex semantic and emotional shades, the Russian language is at the same time extraordinarily simple and beautiful! Great and powerful, truthful and free. It is no coincidence that Living Ethics says that the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE IS THE LANGUAGE OF THE FUTURE!

– What conclusions can we draw?.. And these are: having mastered the program high school and having passed the Unified State Exam, the graduate enters the world with false ideas about him. A lie in the worldview naturally entails a total series of false life attitudes and actions... Planetary catastrophe is what is naturally and already visibly looming on this false path.

Let me quote from your book “Essays on the Living Russian Language”:

“People uniting on the basis of selfishness, profit and lack of conscience have chosen English as the language of communication - the fossilized language of the past. And the laws of the coming New Epoch are given in the books of Living Ethics in Russian, the language of the future.

Russian language is the language of TRUTH. It is impossible to lie on it. It was clogged with an incredible amount of unnecessary foreign words to be able to lie. (...)

The Russian language contains enormous possibilities - both morphological and syntactic - for conveying completely new concepts that the New Epoch opens up.

There is a transformation of the whole solar system. New energies have come to Earth and are becoming more frequent unusual phenomena nature, transformed internal composition man and the higher self, the spiritual man, comes first. (...)

After the collapse of capitalism (the word capital is Latin, meaning “criminal crime”), the salvation of humanity will be the community. But Russia has always been communal... Humanity has already been divided: into community members and the spiritual dead. (...)

The time has come to truly study the living Russian language.”

– Following your words from the book, I will repeat for readers: learn Russian! The deep forces of Russia are emerging from under oppression! Still invisible and unconscious, new bright events ripen and manifest!.. After an era of unheard of suffering rises New Rus'! An unprecedented, fabulous Russia of universal scope and purpose is gathering and growing stronger day by day!..

– Love Russian, it’s wonderful!

The conversation was conducted by An. Rusanov

A person speaking his native language usually does not think that there are any phonetic laws. He simply pronounces the sounds that are familiar to him and understands those around him who speak in much the same way as he does. Problems begin to arise if a person pronounces the sounds of his native language incorrectly. He turns to a speech therapist, who gives him the appropriate ones and explains which parts speech apparatus in which case should they participate in sound production? The need to correct speech does not arise from you. But everyone learns to read and write. This is where the student finds out that, it turns out, not all words are written the same way. So that this does not turn out to be an unpleasant surprise, he must be taught to distinguish speech sounds long before he begins to master letters. You can use, for example, models denoting vowels and consonants, hard and soft, and whistling with special icons. The child will begin to think about how he speaks, and this will make his further learning easier. It will not surprise him that there are letters that do not indicate any sound at all, but indicate the softness of the consonant or that the consonant is in specific case no need to merge. Knowledge of laws phonetics will make studying literature much more fun. After all, poetry and prose are written by people who are fluent in these laws. This or that sound is capable of conveying the image of an object or phenomenon. A poet or writer does not need to describe the subject in detail; he can say one or two words - and the reader will understand everything himself. They are especially masterful sound side speeches of children's poets - just remember S. Marshak, K. Chukovsky and others, on whose poems many generations of readers grew up. For anyone who wants to learn to speak beautifully or write well, practical use laws phonetics simply necessary. The fact is that inappropriate sound combinations often give additional meaning to what is being said. It’s good when this meaning does not contradict the main one. But it can also happen that a serious work seems funny only because the author simply does not hear, that the most ordinary sounds in his work are in a very inappropriate environment. As a result, the listener discovered a new and completely unnecessary word in this context. In addition to sound, segmental units phonetics are the syllable, phonetic word, speech tact And speech phrase. There are also supersegmental units, which include tone, tempo and duration. Each language has its own combination of these units. They need to be mastered so that your speech does not sound too fast or too slow, slurred or robotic. This is especially important to consider for those whose public speaking. Actors, even in everyday life, retain the habit of speaking expressively and, with intonations, in maximum degree conveying the meaning of what was said. Study of laws phonetics necessary for those who begin to learn a foreign language. Incorrect pronunciation of similar sounds leads to the fact that listeners simply will not understand you, or will understand you, but incorrectly. Some languages ​​have vowel reduction, others do not. When seemingly similar consonants are formed, different parts of the speech apparatus are often involved, and accordingly, the sound has a different color. In order to understand how the sounds of one language differ from the sounds of another, you need to listen to foreign language speech as much as possible. In addition, there are now computer programs that allow you to correct phonetics.

Russian language one of largest languages peace. Over the centuries-old history of its existence, it has received many “titles” the most common of Slavic languages, the most widely spoken language in Europe (both geographically and in terms of number of speakers), international language, official language UN, etc.

Russian language one of the most unique languages peace. Here are a few (out of a huge number) of evidence of this:

1. in the Russian language there are words with prefixes unique to the language co-(behind co street), And- (And then, And Togo) And A- (A eight);
2. in the Russian language there are words that have no root, take out(so-called zero root);
3. in the Russian language there are only two words with three letters “e” in a row This long eee (crooked, short) and etc. ) And zm eee d;
4. the longest animate nouns In russian language eleventh grader(20 letters) and clerk(21 letters), etc.

In addition, let's not forget that the Russian language this is the language itself big state in the world.

The development of Internet technologies has inevitably led to the fact that the language on the Internet is distorted and modified in every possible way. This is the so-called now popular "Albanian yezig". This innovation claims to be universal knowledge, recognition and use, which is no longer limited only to the World Wide Web. In our opinion, this language is doomed due to the fact that it is unsustainably built on phonetic principle. On the one hand, this makes life much easier, on the other hand... What will happen when everyone writes as he sees fit? Right! People will return to the proverbial state Babylonian pandemonium that in conditions modern world will not lead to anything good.

It is by this criterion that it wins Russian language: it is built (not counting retreats) on morphological principle , which means that the spelling of words does not depend on individual pronunciation individual person. In other words, the middle-aged Russian language has a number of sustainable advantages over fashionable innovations.

Let's not forget how much greatest works was written in Russian. Through the Russian language we enter the realm of the eternal into the area of ​​Russian culture, truly one of the most unique and mysterious. Moreover, its uniqueness goes far beyond the boundaries of stereotypical nesting dolls, gingerbread, and bagels. All over the world they are proud of the creations of A.S. Pushkina, M.Yu. Lermontova, L.N. Tolstoy, F.M. Dostoevsky, N.S. Leskova, M.A. Bulgakov and others. And note that not many can boast of having read “War and Peace” or “The Master and Margarita” in the authors’ native language. And by the way, we can! It is impossible to ignore the achievements of representatives of Russian literature, which are still used by writers all over the world. Let us remember the code language V.V. Nabokov, which for many decades will be revealed to the reader from new sides of deep meaning and extensive subtext. It should be noted that many achievements have been noted at the global level Nobel Prize in the field of literature, B. Pasternak, M. Sholokhov, A. Solzhenitsyn, I. Brodsky were awarded. Also through language, we can become familiar with their works in a “pure” form. In other words, the Russian language it is a guide to the richest Russian culture.

Undoubtedly Chinese hard to study: still it contains more than several tens of thousands of hieroglyphs! Now imagine how easy it is for a foreigner to learn Russian with its cases, numbers, persons, genders, etc.? Of course, it is very difficult. And we have an exclusive opportunity to know and understand this language. Undoubtedly, the Russian language, with all its exceptions and rules, is extremely difficult to learn, but, as they say, it is “discovered” only by those who are diligent and purposeful.

Excellent knowledge of the Russian language has long ceased to be a characteristic of “nerds”. On the contrary, the ability to express oneself beautifully in one’s native language, the ability to speak eloquently, having thought through the message logically and emotionally, is highly valued in modern society. Your speech is the first impression of you. Your speech it's yours business card; It depends on you what it will be like: glossy and bright or consisting entirely of “ah”, “well”, “mmm” and “here”. The ability to perfectly use all the capabilities of the Russian language also guarantees respect for your opinion: a point of view expressed confidently, beautifully, logically, and meaningfully has undoubted priority over a crumpled, unclear and “muttered” opinion.

It is no coincidence that upon admission, even technical specialties A language exam is required. This suggests that everything without exception fields of activity need specialists who can present themselves and their achievements at the highest level.

No one ever said that achieving all these goals would be easy and painless; on the contrary, learning the Russian language requires dedication, work and constant reading. Yes, you will have to learn to form correct forms words (for example, nouns in R.p. plural), put stress correctly (ensure e reading, cooking A riya, table I r, specks And va, etc.), construct sentences logically (so that participles and participial phrases did not lose their “masters”) and much more. But you will receive invaluable benefits the ability to clearly and correctly express one’s thoughts and the ability to present oneself as an educated, well-read person.

In addition, excellent command of the Russian language significantly increases the accuracy of what is said: it is not for nothing that a foreigner is considered to know the language fully when he can use phraseological units of this language and understand humor.

Therefore, every native speaker and those who study it still have plenty of time for deeper and full study one of richest languages peace. This does not mean that you need to fanatically rush into studying the rules and make a textbook on the Russian language a desktop and “under-the-table” book. On the contrary, you can achieve two goals at the same time: enrich your knowledge of Russian culture and improve your language... by reading more and all kinds of different things. And, of course, do not give in to newfangled “language” trends they are unlikely to be able to take the crown from the great, strong and most beautiful language.

I, in turn, wish you success in this difficult work and the realization of all your goals!

blog.site, when copying material in full or in part, a link to the original source is required.

It is official in multinational Russia, where dozens of different nationalities. He was used greatest poets and writers, scientists and artists. It is a legacy of centuries-old history, culture, and way of thinking. Mini-essay “Why study Russian?” Usually written by 5th grade students. We will talk further about what is worth writing and what is better to omit. We will also present three unique essays on this topic.

The mini-essay should represent the student’s independent reasoning, justifying the reasons that motivate him to study. The task is given for a reason. The fact is that 5th grade students are at that age when they start asking questions. And it is very important that they understand the meaning of learning; knew why they were doing all this; received motivation.

  • It is native to most Russians.
  • It is official in Russia, it is spoken by representatives different nations multinational country.
  • Famous literary and scientific works. It was used by A. Pushkin, F. Dostoevsky, L. Tolstoy, I. Bunin and many other writers and poets.
  • It is one of the most difficult in the world. At the same time, one of the most beautiful and euphonious.
  • We need it to read, communicate, study well, and receive a decent education.

It would be great if you include in your essay short quote one of the famous Russian (and maybe foreign) writers, cultural figures, scientists.

But be careful when using materials for preparation - try to write the essay yourself. After all, your teacher will always understand whether you wrote it yourself or copied someone else’s finished creation.

Essay 1. Why am I studying Russian?

I am a citizen of Russia. Russian is my native language. It was on it that I uttered my first words - “mom” and “dad”. It is spoken by millions of people around the world - not only in Russia, but also abroad. I want to know it even better so that I can correctly write and use words whose meaning I don’t yet know.

I know that Russian is a very difficult language. One of the most difficult in the world. But at the same time, it is beautiful and flexible. I like the way it sounds. It is important to learn it so that you can read it without difficulty art books and textbooks, do not wonder about the meaning of words. His knowledge is the basis of my education.

Our country is multinational. Dozens of nations live in it. Each of them speaks not only their native language, but also Russian. It unites us and gives people of different nationalities the opportunity to communicate with each other.

Knowledge of the Russian language helps you get acquainted with the works of great poets and writers - A.S. Pushkina, F.I. Tyutcheva, I.A. Bunina. My parents say that they sound best in the original, and that foreigners who read translations are missing out on a lot. I love to read, and I like that I can get acquainted with any works of Russian poets and writers.

Rating of the TOP 10 best online schools

International school foreign languages, including Japanese, Chinese, Arabic. Also available computer courses, art and design, finance and accounting, marketing, advertising, PR.

Individual sessions with a tutor for preparation for the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam, Olympiads, school subjects. Classes with the best teachers Russia, more than 23,000 interactive tasks.

An educational IT portal that helps you become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online school in English, which gives you the opportunity to learn English individually with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

English language school via Skype. Strong Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and USA. Maximum conversation practice.

Online school English language of the new generation. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Distance online school. Lessons school curriculum from 1st to 11th grade: videos, notes, tests, simulators. For those who often miss school or live outside of Russia.

Online University modern professions(web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can undergo a guaranteed internship with partners.

The largest online education platform. Allows you to obtain a sought-after Internet profession. All exercises are posted online, access to them is unlimited.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way game form. Effective workouts, translation of words, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

Essay 2. Why study Russian

We live in the most big country in the world. Russian is the official language in Russia. It is spoken by all the peoples of our multinational country. Therefore, it is very important for us as the main means of communication. But it is also spoken outside of Russia - for example, in the CIS countries. In the future, I want to travel a lot and I am glad that I will be able to go to many countries in the world, and the people living in them will understand me.

Once I read a quote from K. Paustovsky: “ True love for one’s country is unthinkable without love for one’s language.” I agree with this expression. I love my Motherland and I love the Russian language. It seems to me euphonious, flexible and rich.

It is important to teach him to speak and write correctly. We don't write letters like our mothers and fathers. But we write messages to classmates and friends in in social networks. We communicate a lot in writing. I always want to write correctly, so as not to seem uneducated to other guys.

Russian was the native language of great writers, poets and scientists. A. Pushkin, I. Bunin, F. Tyutchev, M. Lermontov and many others wrote on it. There's a lot written on it good books, poems and scientific works. I like to read and I am glad that my country has produced so many writers who have become famous all over the world.

Essay 3. Why you need to learn Russian

Firstly, because I am a citizen of Russia, this is the official language in our multinational country. It is spoken by people of different nationalities who live in different regions. It unites us and helps us communicate.

Secondly, because it is spoken by millions of people from other countries of the world. I know that these are mainly CIS countries. But many Russians also live in very distant countries. For example, in the USA. I enjoy traveling and I am very happy that I will be able to talk with other people while visiting many countries around the world.

Thirdly, it is the native language of great writers and poets. A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, I. Bunin, L. Tolstoy and many others wrote on it. Fourthly, because I won't be able to get a good education without knowledge of Russian. I will definitely take it after 11th grade and I would like to write the Unified State Exam with 100 points.

Fifthly, I like the way it sounds, how many words it contains with which we can express our feelings and everything that surrounds us. I would like to know the meaning of every word so that my speech would be rich and literate. Without knowledge, it will be difficult for me to communicate with friends, read books and pass exams. That's why they are so important to me.