Modern romance novels about the mafia and love. The case of the antique mafia Alexey Birger

They are the last of the "lone wolves" of the criminal world. The last ones who dare to oppose themselves to the almighty mafia. They take risks, they take desperate risks, every minute. Each of them is one against all. Against the "godfathers" and their mercenary armies. Against representatives of the law who are in the service of mafia groups, and representatives of the law who honestly perform their duty. And when they go to work, they understand that in case of failure there will be no mercy. And you will have to rely only on yourself...

Mafia menace Boris Sedov

The established business of the Kazak boss suddenly finds itself under threat. Customs officers accidentally discover... paintings on the illegal immigrants he transports to Europe. famous artist. And Kazak receives a new task - to find out through which channel these paintings arrived. As a real super agent, Sergei Kazak can do anything: become an art critic, probe dealers selling stolen antiques and get close to the “antique” mafia...

History of the Russian mafia 1988-1994. Big Arrow Valery Karyshev

Camber Soviet state led to collapse law enforcement structure. The rampant crime shocked everyone. In 1994 alone, 500 contract killings occurred in Moscow. A mysterious sniper killed thief in law Globus, an unknown killer killed the biggest authority figure Otari Kvantrishvili, and thief Sylvester was blown up in a Mercedes. These events shocked everyone criminal world, and the whole society as a whole. But what preceded them? After all, the Russian mafia did not arise overnight. About the history of occurrence organized crime in Russia says...

History of the Russian mafia. 1995-2003 Big roof Valery Karyshev

Since the beginning of 1995, a series of contract killings has swept across Moscow. Journalists, businessmen, bankers, crime bosses, and thieves in law died from the killer's bullet. And all this chaos took place against the backdrop of bloody gang warfare between rival Moscow groups. After the murder of the famous television journalist Vladislav Listyev, the struggle of law enforcement agencies against organized crime intensified. However, the number of murders did not decrease. But few people know the details of high-profile crimes, except investigators and lawyers. Famous lawyer Valery...

Cosa Nostra the story of the Sicilian mafia John Dickey

The name of this criminal organization has long become a household name. Cosa Nostra is not just a name, in fact it is a criminal brand, the personification of secret power based on violence and bloodshed. The most brutal, most elusive, most effective criminal organization in the world is the Sicilian mafia, commonly known as Cosa Nostra. The war with the mafia, which has been going on for almost two hundred years, has created an aura of invulnerability for this organization, but, as the events of the late 20th century have shown, it is still possible to defeat the mafia. How the mafia achieved its power...

Written by Mafia Michael Connelly

Famous film producer Tony Aliso was found dead in the trunk of his own Rolls-Royce... The work of the mafia? Every detail of the murder testifies to this... However, Harry Bosch, who returned to the police after a long break, is sure that everything is not so simple. The investigation of this brutal crime takes him to the brilliant, crazy and deadly Las Vegas - a city of huge money and frantic excitement, a city that to this day remains the secret capital of the mafia. And every step Bosch takes in this city could be his last...

Mafia in Japanese Vladimir Tsvetov

In terms of the number of participants, this organization is not inferior to the largest electronic concern in Japan, Matsushita Denki. Her income is just not much less income one of the world's largest automobile companies, Toyota. More films have been made and books written about the leaders of this organization in Japan than about anyone else. historical figures countries. What kind of organization is this? This is the Japanese mafia, an association of gangsters, or, as they are called in Japan, the yakuza. About the formation of the Japanese gangster syndicate, its place in the economic and political life Japan, connections...

Mafia President Stephen Cannell

The godfather of the mafia decided to take a radical step in the fight against law enforcement agencies- “push” your own person to the post of President of the United States. And only former screenwriter and producer Ryan Boult can stop these plans. Will he be able to resist the almighty mafia and win this fight?

The case of the antique mafia Alexey Birger

Four guys are cadets secret school FSB. Their lively mind and overflowing energy require the application of acquired knowledge in practice. This time the guys are trying to uncover not just anything, but the scams of a real international mafia! It's scary to think what could happen to them...

He who is not silent must die (Facts against... Klaus Pohlken

The book by journalistic writers from the GDR contains extensive revealing material about the activities of the mafia - a secret terrorist organization that arose in Sicily and since the early 30s of the 20th century. widespread in the USA. The book reveals the close ties between the mafia and political parties and the bourgeois state.

Mafia from the inside. Confessions of mafioso Enzo Russo

In mid-1988, a book was published in Italy that caused a lot of noise: the anonymous author offered readers a literary recording of the memoirs of an unknown mafioso named Giovanni. The police began searching for the author of the book and its hero. The effect was unexpected: the author turned out to be famous writer, master of the detective genre Enzo Russo, the hero of the book is a fictional character, the fruit of the writer's imagination. This is a detective novel, but at the same time it is the fruit of the writer’s careful study of documents about the mafia over many years. This is truly artistic...

Mafia - a concern of criminals Leonid Kolosov

Mafia... She was born in Sicily many centuries ago as a protest against foreign conquerors. But over time, from a means of protecting the oppressed, the mafia turned into a tool of the ruling classes, an organization that lives and acts according to specific laws underworld. The current mafia is a typical product of a capitalist society. About the history of the emergence of the mafia, about its transformation into a tool of exploiters, about the methods of its activities in the Apennines and in the United States of America, about the use of this terrorist organization by imperialist...

Tricks of the Russian mafia, or Coincidence of circumstances Tatyana Ivanova

Malanya rushes to Zvenigorod from Moscow in the middle of the night. The girl quarreled with her fiancé, who turned out to be so dishonest that she could not even imagine! Rushing along a country highway in the pre-dawn twilight, Malanya picks up an emotionless young foreigner on a deserted road. Having trusted the savior, Sebastien tells incredible story. On business meeting in a restaurant a stranger approached him, begging him to hide a disk with dangerous information. Not feeling a catch, he agreed. Very soon noticing the chase, the enterprising...

Mafia and Ukraine Pavlo Shtepa

The book “Mafia” (1971) is the highest stage of the historical and philosophical synthesis of Pavel Shtepi’s creativity. The book, based on a wealth of historical material, facts, and evidence, reveals the activities of the world manipulator of the remaining two thirds of the twentieth century - the world-wide mafia - a terrible financial attempt that will є in itself the most advanced financial capitalism with a pseudo-socialist ideology and in essence become oneself as one whole, according to its mentality I was inspired by the evil “liberal democracy” and Moscow communist totalitarianism. The book is insured...

Crime romance novel! What happens when a cheerful girl and a crime boss fall in love with each other? Crime novel. What if we add some humor to it? Shooting, kidnapping, showdowns, real love and you will find a lot of humor in our novel. All images of heroes are collective. The coincidences are random. WARNING! I am present in the novel explicit scenes. Read to persons over 18 years of age.

Promise Talbot must be protected. Forced into a polygamous marriage with a sadistic man, she desperately seizes the opportunity to escape his clutches and ends up in the world of the Renegades. Greyson Mercado is seething with anger at the injustice of being imprisoned for a long time for a crime he did not commit. Now he is free, and is trying to build a life among his new Renegade brothers. But everything changes when a beaten young woman approaches him, asking for help. Promise and Grayson are too different. But the clash of passion and danger will ignite the spark of love written in their destinies. This epic novel captures the reclusive life of a community in Northern Arizona's rugged Mojave Desert. WARNING: This novel contains obscene language, mature emotional themes and explicit scenes. Not intended for persons under 18 years of age.

Every girl dreams of becoming Cinderella when she meets prince charming. Casey met a man on her way and he threatened to kill her, and then turned her life into a strange dream, full of beautiful balls and creepy dungeons. Alas, she did not meet the prince, but the king himself. A power-hungry, cold-blooded and stubborn king, for whom only money and power are important in life. He doesn't believe in love, but is familiar with base things human feelings and desires. Will Cinderella be able to prove that she doesn’t need all this and that gratitude for her help can be a simple “thank you”?

There are thirteen of us girls. We are all in captivity and submission to our Master. A master we've never seen. Obedience is the only thing we should have known during our miserable existence. This is the emotion we were allowed to feel. When we behaved badly, we were punished. When it was good, we were rewarded. Our scars grew deeper. But still, we survived because we had to. Because that's what he teaches us. We are special, and it feels stronger when we are together. He holds us for a reason, but we don't understand what it is. We have never seen his face, but we know that something broken and incomprehensible is hidden under this veil of darkness. With each new touch, punishment, we get to know him better. But then something changed. He showed me who he really is. And now I want him. And I would go against everything I knew just to be with him. Monster. My monster. Loving him is a sin, but I myself am a sinner. And I want to know him entirely, every part of him, and I won’t stop at anything. Even if his entire essence lies somewhere deep inside. I am thirteenth. And this is my story.

June is the least favorite time for seventeen-year-old Ellie O’Neill. The tiny town on the ocean where she lives is flooded with tourists every year with the onset of summer, and this year they should also be joined by members of the film crew who came to film on location. Even the appearance of Hollywood heartthrob Graham Larkin in the town cannot cheer her up. And yet, there is something in Ellie’s life that makes her very happy. A few months ago, Ellie mistakenly received e-mail letter, and since then she has been corresponding with a mysterious stranger. They share their joys and sorrows with each other. However, each of them has their own secrets: Ellie cannot tell him about her past, and he is in no hurry to reveal his real name to her. When they finally meet, things only get more complicated. After all, the mysterious letter writer is Graham Larkin. Is it possible for two soul mates out of two? different worlds who were brought together by chance to stay together despite everything?.. For the first time in Russian!

Warning: 18+, there are scenes of violence, but in small quantities. Sex scenes. All names and titles used in the novel are fictitious. She doesn't believe in love. She just can't. He no longer believes in love. She had let him down once already. They are so different, but they still have one thing in common - their past. More precisely, its fragments. Will they be able to find a way to each other's hearts and build a future on the fragments of the past? We invite you to the author’s official group on VK

A short sketch about the justice of the Universe. She is a beautiful singer. He is an unsociable egoist. Each of them has their own secrets. From the Author: The story is not for everyone, I’ll be honest. I wrote it in a frankly angry mood, so it’s somewhat different from everything I’ve written. I ask you not to throw slippers, but to treat with understanding))) Sincerely, Yulia.

As the daughter of the President of the Coast Devils, Kira Tolleson was raised among dangerous people. But her father, Crest Tolleson, tried his best to keep Kira safe from the violent chaos surrounding the club. When the rivals of the Devil Coast gang find out where Kira is, knowing their cruelty, they will not spare her. Desperate, Kira runs into the Arizona desert to find one person who can help her. His name is Orion. As the leader of the Renegades, he is tough, explosive and unbearably sexy. Once upon a time he was best friend her father. Confronted with an innocent young woman he has known since the day she was born, Orion agrees to take her in. That is, if Kira is ready to agree to his terms. Warning: This book is intended for a mature audience over the age of 18, the book contains obscene language, sexual moments, violence.

On October 15, 1920, Mario Puzo, the future author of gangster saga No. 1, was born in a family of Italian immigrants in New York. Godfather" On this occasion, ELLE selected several more novels that make up the golden fund of bestsellers about the mafia.

Gray's real name is Goldberg, he was born, as expected, in Odessa, moved with his family to New York and in the twenties rocked with all his might - he was that same gangster. Miraculously, he survived, although he served his sentence, then he settled down, retired, as they say, and decided to write his memoirs. It was after World War II, in the fifties, but the mafia, as you know, is tenacious, so Goldberg became Gray. Under this pseudonym, he published the book “Bandits,” which contains facts, but is also full of lies. In general, a clear portrait of the time is given. “Bandits” was a success, but the newly minted writer failed to consolidate it - almost no one bought the next two novels. The author relaxed, lived quietly, did not think about anything, until a few years before his death, fate brought him a pleasant surprise - a film adaptation with Robert De Niro. Yes Yes, we're talking about about the film “Once Upon a Time in America” - it is under this guise that the novel was published in Russia.

Mario Puzo, The Godfather, The Sicilian, The First Don/The Last Don

The author of the main - in the sense that the most popular novels about the mafia - is a native New Yorker, so he did not experience the peak of fame of his heroes - the twenties and thirties of the 20th century. But he knew the topic and felt it strongly. Puzo came to the saga about the Corleone family - “The Godfather” at a respectable age; the book was published in 1969, when the writer was 49. But the novel turned out to be mature and seasoned. It is clear that without the great film adaptations of The Godfather, directed by Coppola, the glory of Mario Puzo's books would have been more modest. On the other side, best novel The writer is considered by many to be “The Sicilian” (which also features Michael Corleone), and the film version of this book is far from a masterpiece. “The First Don” and “The Last Don” are also good, as is the series filmed in the mid-nineties. In general, Puzo - besides the fact that he came up with (well, how he came up with - partly copied from real gangster clans) such cool heroes - I must say thank you for the phrases that have become catchphrases. “I made him an offer that he couldn’t refuse,” “Nothing personal, just business,” that’s all Puzo.

Great - Stephen King considers him great - American writer Elmore Leonard wrote a bunch of books in different genres, from detective stories to westerns. His novels have a lot of action, humor, cruelty, and also have excellent dialogues; it’s not for nothing that Leonard is Quentin Tarantino’s favorite writer. Tarantino really wanted to film the novel “The Shorty Contract,” but it didn’t work out. But he invited John Travolta to play the lead role there - as they say, in the heat of the moment, on the wave of the success of “Pulp Fiction.” All this, of course, is great, you say, but the article is about books, not films. And you will not be entirely right, because the film adaptations of Leonard’s books - rare case, when text is transferred to the screen without interference or damage. The writer himself, spoiled by the attention of filmmakers - films were not made based on his novels last people(Steven Soderbergh, “Out of Sight”, and Tarantino, “Jackie Brown”) - it was “Shorty” that he considered the best screen adaptation. The story of gangster Chili Palmer, who decides to do business in Hollywood, is good in any form, be it in cinema or on paper.

American gangster Giovanni Manzoni, having surrendered his accomplices in exchange for freedom, ends up in France under the witness protection program. The rowdy Manzoni family (who now responds to Fred Blake) tries to fit in provincial life, but it doesn’t work out very well. The worst adapter is the head of the family, who is accustomed to solving all issues with his fists and guns. Morality? No matter where you run, you cannot escape from yourself.

The author of "Malavita", although he bears the surname Benaquista, is a French writer, born and lives in Paris. At the same time, in his books there is not an ounce of mannerism or aesthetics, and in abundance - humor, clear storylines and prominent characters. In short, Tonino Benaquista knows his job is to captivate the reader - it’s not without reason that he is a professional screenwriter. “Malavita” (Malavita is the Italian designation for the mafia, and also the name of a dog) is one of his main hits, which until last year was inferior to the brilliant novel “Saga” (another Russian translation is “Serial”). But Luc Besson's film of the same name was released - and everything changed. Although the movie turned out to be passable, it revealed Benaquista’s books to many, which is not bad. The film uses plot moves from two books at once - “Malavita” itself and the sequel, “Malavita-2”. To be honest, it’s not worth reading the sequel - there’s not much interesting there.

A cool book written by a fearless Italian journalist greatly spoiled the mood of the local mafiosi and made life difficult for the author. So much so that for a year Saviano, who received a death sentence from cosa nostra, was guarded by the police around the clock. “Gomorrah” is a documentary report, stretched to the length of a novel, but read in one breath. The book is so powerful that it not only became a bestseller at home and throughout Europe, but was also turned into a film of the same name - an excellent one, by the way - as well as a TV series released this year. IN last years Saviano, who raised eyebrows throughout Italy, seems to have been left alone, he published a new book and lives without security. Pah-pah, so as not to jinx it.

The gangster's path. He who doesn't take risks doesn't win

Andrey Tarkinsky Dramaturgy Missing No data

1924 America. The rise of Prohibition and organized crime. They begin to be truly afraid of gangsters, and some even despise them. However, what motivates these people? Is the criminal's goal always money? Every gangster must be prepared for the consequences.

And they don't always turn out to be pleasant. Is the criminal capable of meeting them face to face, be he a simple bandit, a gang member or an ordinary mafia family? Sometimes statuses are erased, and you have to rely only on yourself.

Vladimir Des Stories Missing No data

“Earning money in our time, if you are not a genius or a petty swindler, can only take a long time. hard work. But Obrezkin was not a genius or even a petty swindler. Moreover, he could not work long and hard, and did not want to. Therefore, after watching enough films about elegant, happy and lucky gangsters, he decided to choose the vicious path - to become a gangster...”

Christian Floyd. Guardian of Liberille

Vladimir Korn Detective fiction Absent

Vladimir Korn – Russian writer, author of several adventure novels fantasy novels. This book is the first in the Christian Floyd series. Liberille is a world created by the author’s imagination. It is somewhat reminiscent of America in the 1920s: gangsters, jazz, modernization.

Main character novela young guy Christian Floyd, former musician, and now unemployed, together with his friends is trying to find a place in the sun. Seeing no legitimate way to make money, Christian commits an armed robbery against local crime lords.

Taking big jackpot, the hero finds himself between a rock and a hard place, or rather, between several gangs whose money he embezzled, the police and some mysterious forces. Meanwhile, rumors are spreading in the city about the elusive Guardian - a crime fighter.

Some believe that under the guise of the Guardian of Liberille is none other than Christian himself. So, everything is against the hero and his friends. Will he be able to get out of a very bad situation? Listen and find out! Music - Vyacheslav Tupichenko © Vladimir Korn © & ℗ 1C-Publishing LLC.

Mask of Power

Alexey Bessonov Combat fantasy Alex Korolev

Alex Korolev is a hereditary officer in the Imperial Galactic Fleet. As long as people like him are in the ranks, space pirates and gangsters will not have a quiet life. And although the mother-progenitor Earth is mutilated in the stars and internal wars, courage and love for a beautiful lady are alive in the knightly hearts of space marines.

Dirty souls

Anatoly Motykhlyaev Missing No data

1930. America. Tommy Angelo is a simple taxi driver. He is busy doing what he loves, and nothing in his life foretells trouble. However, a chance acquaintance with two gangsters changes his fate forever. Big changes are coming in Tommy's life. Friendship and love, hatred and betrayal are not the only barriers to finding a soul.

Madonna for Gangster. Book 1

Daria Vladi Contemporary Russian literature Missing No data

Eva Krishan, a hostess girl who has the goal of freeing her brother from custody. For the sake of his freedom, she is ready to make a deal with the devil himself. But did Eva know what she was getting into when she gave her consent to Damian to become his mistress? Did she realize that she had no time quiet life next to this man will turn into crazy risky games.

That Damian, the seductive handsome man, will be the most dangerous man in a world that keeps all crime bosses at bay.


Owen Lokkanen Modern detectives Absent

There are four of them in the gang. They came up with an excellent scheme - they looked for a dishonest businessman on the Internet, kidnapped him and demanded a moderate ransom. They worked professionally and left no traces. None of the victims, for obvious reasons, reported to the police, but one day the criminals made a mistake: the person they kidnapped turned out to be a member of a mafia family, and everything went wrong - the kidnapped person was killed.

Now not only cops, but also gangsters are chasing after them, and these will get them out of the ground...

Most best evening(collection)

Valeria Verbinina Modern detectives Absent

Fifteen years later former classmates met, but not in home school and not even in a restaurant, but in Elena Sviridova’s luxurious apartment. Among the guests are a millionaire, a gangster, a fatal beauty and a crime reporter. One of these people was suddenly killed... Everyone present was under suspicion.

After talking with them in turn, captain Oleg Koshkin was convinced that each of them was hiding something. The owner of the house was especially nervous. She and her husband relied on this meeting big hopes, but everything immediately didn’t go according to plan... Based on Valeria Verbinina’s story “The Best Evening,” a film was made, the main roles in which were played by Pavel Maykov and Evgeny Stychkin.

The mafia is joking. Nothing personal - just humor

Absent Humor: other Humor is serious

Al Capone, Lucky Luciano, Mayer Lansky, Pablo Escobar are the greatest gangsters in history, who became famous not for their crimes, but for their tenacious business acumen and sharp mind. Notorious villains, scoundrels and creators of murder syndicates, they undoubtedly had brilliant charisma and did not shy away from self-irony.

We bring to your attention a unique encyclopedia of black humor. Aphorisms from the most famous crime bosses in history, the most striking and eccentric episodes from their lives, as well as quotes from gangster films by the best directors are waiting for you!

Stories from a small room

Basaray Contemporary Russian literature Missing No data

“Stories from a Small Room” are two books with completely different themes. The first book, “Turkish Delight”, is a collection of outlandish tales: about the young man Ashman, who liberated the city from the treacherous Sultan; about ruler Hassan, rewarded for his honesty with a beautiful wife.

In the second book, “Smoke Rings,” the reader will follow the adventure of young gangsters and discover terrible secret mysterious librarian. And many more different stories


Lex Lin Modern detectives Bronx Obsession - 1 No data

In an effort to avenge the only one who died at the hands of gangsters loved one, a young guy comes to major metropolis and settles into a pretentious night club bouncer Thanks to his open and honest character, he wins the sympathy of the security chief, who is essentially right hand criminal duo of club owners.

Influenced random events and communication with the boss, radically changes his attitude towards the world around him. He decides, against all odds, to get rich and gain real freedom by emigrating to the USA. To do this, he is going to rob his criminal employers.

Ilya Stogoff Contemporary Russian literature Absent


19.05.18 09:09

When the cult series about the New Jersey mafia and its charismatic leader “on the brink” was closed nervous breakdown“The Sopranos” fans are sad. However, there are many films and other shows of this kind, and there are also books about the mafia - some of them are based on real events, and many have been filmed.

Truth and fiction: books about the mafia

The Boys from President Street: Memoirs from the Inside

In 2016, a fascinating book about the mafia, “The Boys of President Street” by Frank DiMatteo, was released. This is an eye-opening memoir from a Brooklyn resident who grew up in a mafia family. He tells stories of the notorious Gallo brothers and capo Frank Costello, whom he knew from childhood. DiMatteo's memoirs aren't just revelations about the rise and fall of an American crime family, they recreate pages real life with murders, extortion, and the threat of arrest in the “background.”

Five Families: An Investigation by a New York Times Reporter

New York Times journalist Selwyn Raab is a true “crime specialist.” Therefore, his book about the mafia “Five Families” (2005) is read in one sitting. Raab explores the careers of dons (such as Lucky Luciano and Gambino family boss John Gotti) and their cat-and-mouse game with the FBI. This is probably the most full analysis mafia clans of the USA, which is now gaining relevance again. If you are too enthusiastic about looking for enemies outside the borders of the state, your own “evil” will mature inside.

Day of the Owl: Classics about Cosa Nostra

Leonardo Sciascia gained fame as a novelist by describing the exploits of Cosa Nostra, and The Day of the Owl (1961) is his masterpiece. The random disappearance of a man during a routine trip explains how the mafia infiltrates every aspect of Italian society. Shasha was one of the first to tell the story of a gangster and portray a repressive society at war with itself. In 1968, director Damiano Damiani filmed famous film- a film adaptation of the novel, entitled “The Owl Appears in the Daytime” with popular actors Claudia Cardinale and Franco Nero.

Bandit love: in Serbia and Kosovo

Bandit Love (2009) is just one of many Mafia books written by Massimo Carlotto, in which crime is the dominant social reality and the law is relegated to the background. The main character, Marco "Alligator" Buratti, is pitted against mafiosi operating in the vacuum left by the socialist regime in Serbia and Kosovo.

Billy Bathgate: Huck Finn of the Great Depression

Edgar L. Doctorow's unconventional "fairy tale" Billy Bathgate difficult times Great Depression was awarded (Pen/Faulkner) and later became a film starring Dustin Hoffman, Nicole Kidman and Bruce Willis. The title character of the novel, the boy Billy, joins the gang of Dutch Schultz and experiences adventures in this gloomy environment, reminiscent of the plots of the books of Mark Twain or J. M. Barrie.

The Godfather: inspired by The Brothers Karamazov

Many of us became fascinated with books about the mafia thanks to Mario Puzo’s novel “The Godfather” (1969), its sequels (and, of course, Francis Ford Coppola’s legendary film trilogy). This is the saga of the crime family Vito Corleone, who is forced to replace him because he initially does not approve of the bloodshed. younger son don, idealist and war veteran Michael. Gradually, the hero gets used to it, gets a taste for it, inflicting retribution, and then is no different from other gangsters. It is curious that, according to Puzo himself, he drew knowledge about Italian mafia only from journalistic sources, and when writing books about the Corleone clan, he was inspired by Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov.

The Last Don: injections into show business

Another book about the mafia written by Mario Puzo, “The Last Don,” is interesting because in addition to the “typical” gangsters, Hollywood representatives appear in the novel, sponsored by the bosses of the American Cosa Nostra. Unflattering portraits " creative people”, obsessed only with the thirst for profit, are shocking. Against their background, the title character Domenico Clericuzio, whose roots are in Sicily, seems almost positive hero- after all, he wants a “clean” business for his offspring.

Prizzi Family Honor: Almost Mr. and Mrs. Smith

Long before Mr. and Mrs. Smith, playfully played in the action/thriller/comedy film of the same name by Pitt and Jolie, there were others in the film world hired assassins who became spouses, but found themselves different sides barricades These were the heroes of the film “The Honor of the Prizzi Family,” whose roles were played by Jack Nicholson and Kathleen Turner. But what you may not know is that the movie, for which Anjelica Huston won an Oscar, is based on the 1982 book Prizzi's Honor by Richard Condon.

Donnie Brasco: Life Undercover

Memoirs former agent FBI Undercover by Joseph D. Pistone "Donnie Brasco" (1997) inspired the crime film, in which the central characters were played by Johnny Depp (Pistone/Brasco) and Al Pacino ("Southpaw" Ruggiero). Joseph was able to infiltrate the mafia family thanks to the patronage of Lefty: he thought that his younger comrade was a thief who specialized in stealing jewelry.

Mafia and gays: back to the 1980s

Surely you haven’t heard about this book about the mafia! Its author, Philip Crawford Jr., conducted meticulous research and uncovered the secret connections that existed between mafiosi and homosexuals (the former controlled gay clubs in New York) in the 1980s. Crawford's book, The Mafia and the Gays, reveals the dealings of gangsters who ran once-illegal establishments, including bathhouses, and offered protection to the LGBT community from the police, while members of sexual minorities in turn served families like the Genoveses.