NASA secrets. “never come back”: former NASA employees revealed the terrible secrets of the moon

More and more former NASA employees are making sensational statements that this organization has been hiding from humanity for many decades the truth about extraterrestrial life, the UFO phenomenon and artifacts discovered on the surface of various celestial bodies. So mechanical engineer Dr. Bergran spoke about an interesting incident that happened to him during his work at the aerospace agency. So, one day he analyzed a photograph of the surface of the Moon and saw strange objects on it, clearly of artificial man-made origin.

When he told his colleague about this, he was noticeably embarrassed. saying that he specially darkened the lens when shooting so that these objects were not visible. This once again proves the fact that NASA deliberately darkens or retouches its photographs so that people cannot see signs of extraterrestrial life in them. This applies not only to photographs of the Moon, but also of Mars and other celestial bodies, as well as those included in photos and videos outer space various UFOs.

This is confirmed, in particular, by the fact that former NASA research astronaut, professor Princeton University Brian O'Leary, while studying an image of a mysterious "Face" on the Martian surface, discovered that the official NASA image had been edited: it blurred the contours of this monument to make it look like natural object. And, as we remember, the official NASA statement said that this mysterious “face” is just the result of the influence of “light and shadow” of the natural landscape.

Another former employee of the national agency, Donna Hair, states that astronauts regularly encounter UFOs in space, but cannot tell the public about it because they are intimidated by government agencies who threaten prison “for disclosing information concerning national security"Apparently, this is why only former employees NASA.

Thus, in the 1990s - 2000s, he repeatedly made statements regarding the government’s concealment of information about UFOs, aliens and long-term contacts with them American astronaut Edgar Mitchell. He, in particular, stated that aliens had already come into contact with people several times, but information about this had been hidden from the world for more than 60 years. He also claimed that during his service at NASA, he knew about many UFO visits to Earth, but all these visits were classified and carefully hidden from the public.

Two more former NASA employees, Richard Hoagland and Ken Johnson, claim that the agency has been hiding the discovery of ancient artifacts on the surface of Mars and the Moon for more than 40 years. And these artifacts belong to an ancient earthly civilization, which, having mastered the celestial bodies of the solar system, ceased to exist as a result of " star wars"using destructive weapons.

Hints of this ancient "war of the gods" can be found in mythology various peoples Earth. And, most likely, it was during this war that one of the planets of the solar system was destroyed, and Mars was also badly damaged, most of the atmosphere and biosphere of which were irretrievably lost. On Earth, this “war of the gods” ultimately led to a shift in the rotation axis and global natural disaster, which although did not completely destroy human civilization, but threw it back to the Stone Age.

Why does NASA diligently hide information about the artifacts of this civilization? It is obvious that the owners of the agency and other similar structures are not interested in humanity learning the truth about their real history and the reasons for the death of the ancient highly developed civilization Earth And it is for this same reason that earthly artifacts that do not fit into the official version stories.

In our world, various statements shocking the brain are heard, some of them go unnoticed, others, on the contrary, are very striking and even cause anxiety.

The words of the famous hacker, now facing a ten-year sentence for hacking NASA computers, are astonishing, since Gary McKinnon openly declared a huge fleet of American spacecraft.

Computer secrets specialist Gary McKinnon firmly believes he was able to unearth extremely important information, which proves how the US supports the secret space program. Based on the words of the hacker, we come to incredible facts, it turns out, Americans with for a long time operate in outer space, having on their staff an operational force of warships performing missions in space.

Hacker MacKinnon hacked the main US servers.

In a new interview with Richplanet TV, MacKinnon reveals the truth about his findings and conclusions, saying that for months he collected information from research servers that NASA didn't even know about. Now they have closed this “door” and access is lost.

According to MacKinnon, the search used software called "Landsearch". The new product allowed him to find all the files and folders of interest for his chosen task. The hacker wanted to personally find information about UFOs and aliens that was stored in government computers. Harry needed all the reports, but he never thought he would encounter such government secrets.

I found and looked at all the documents, also found Excel spreadsheet, which talked about officers working in extraterrestrial programs, says McKinnon. These were lists and reports with rows of names of officers who did not fly into space in official programs. These are the names of people who are not officially listed in the army and do not work for NASA.

These people simply do not exist, but they all work in space. Overall, truth-telling McKinnon, hiding from American government for several years now, confirms the words of Captain Kay (pseudonym), who claims about.

By the way, Gary McKinnon’s words are officially considered “unsubstantiated phrases,” which is how they were recognized. However, Gary is accused of the largest hack in the history of the United States, the hacker managed to penetrate the computers of the Air Force, Navy and NASA.

During his last interview, a persecuted hacker describes a conversation with former NASA whistleblower Donna Hare, who described how NASA was carefully covering up secret information by airbrushing UFOs in your photographs.

While there have been plenty of people for years who have believed this to be an elaborate hoax for the concept of ratings and such, there have been a number of former NASA employees and government officials who have corroborated the claims made by McKinnon.

Planet X discovered?

Two distant objects have been discovered at the edge of the solar system, according to reports from two independent teams of researchers in Sweden and Mexico. One of the objects, according to scientists, may be a “super-Earth,” or mega-planet, with an orbit six times larger than that of Pluto.

Both teams made their discoveries after reviewing data from ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter Array). Researchers were studying stars in the Alpha Centauri and W Aquila systems when they noticed mysterious objects that came into their field of vision.

Although they were unable to determine the exact distance, speed and brightness of the mysterious objects, it is very unlikely that they discovered new star or planet. Although space researchers were alarmed that objects move relative to the stars, and lie very close to each other and revolve around the Sun.

For decades, researchers. Some believe that this planet is located somewhere on the distant outskirts of our solar system. This dark giant planet also causes gravitational anomalies in the orbits of Neptune, and also brings severe destruction and dissonance to the life of astronomical objects in the system.

Interestingly, when astronomers were looking for “Planet X” in 1846, they discovered Neptune beyond the orbit of Uranus. When they looked beyond Neptune they discovered Pluto in 1930. Since then, astronomers have been searching for planets in the solar system that could explain some of the gravitational anomalies that occur in their orbits. gas giants our system.

Swedish research team discovering new heavenly body, named him Gna, which in Scandinavian mythology is a goddess from another world. However, enough mythology, and it’s time to voice a strange hypothesis:

Probably many have wondered more than once: if, then why, during all this time of visiting the Earth, have they never gotten in touch with earthlings? Another question is why the appearance of such an object as Nibiru was recorded 30 years ago, and then everything died down?

Based on the words of Gary McKinnon, and the statement of Captain Kay, we will not be able to see signs of aliens close to Earth. Since in reality, earthlings have long since reduced relations with aliens to mutual agreement in their interests. Nobody says that this is an equal coalition; after all, we are too unequal in development, we simply have nothing to give to someone else’s mind. However, since the time of Eisenhower, in our space not all work activity flows at the edge of the system.

That object that we know as the planet Nibiru, on which the Anunnaki supposedly live, is in fact a giant platform-factory working for the secret government of the Earth, but in the interests of humanity. The station was put into operation by the beginning of the 70s of the last century, and thanks to the help of extraterrestrial technologies, it released several system spacecraft.

Sometimes the truth is in our eyes, it stands right in front of us - say conspiracy experts - but we do not notice or still refuse to believe in the obvious truth.

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NASA is the National Aeronautics and Exploration Administration outer space. Refers to the US federal government. It is believed that all of his video materials are published immediately and are not changed in any way. But is it? Maybe for our own good they are hiding something from us?

We are in website collected the most interesting cases, which the organization would really like to forget about. It’s unlikely that a rational explanation can be found here, but what do you think?

1. Interruption of broadcasts. Why?

There have been cases where NASA removed the live broadcast the moment the screen appeared. strange object. Officially, NASA explains this by saying that the signal was lost, but conspiracy theorists see this as a deliberate concealment of information. What it was - a strange coincidence or a truly deliberate switch off the air - no one knows for sure.

2Accidentally Deleted Moon Landing Footage

Unfortunately, the most authentic recordings of mankind's first steps on the Moon in 1969 were lost in NASA's archives. However, they quickly found a way out by turning to masters from Hollywood - the company Lowry Digital, which had previously restored film films. Experts have restored footage from copies of video recordings (they were transferred to the television company in 1969), and now on the official NASA website you can watch historical footage of the moon landing even in best quality than they were originally made. But, of course, historians say that losing the original was a crime. We cannot but agree with them.

3. Operation Paperclip

Operation Paperclip is a program of the Directorate strategic services The United States recruited scientists from the Third Reich to work in the United States after World War II. Which led to the creation of NASA (it turns out that the space agency was created by forgiven Nazi scientists). Wow! These scientists were mainly involved in the creation of rockets. And by the way, information about Paperclip is still mostly classified.

4. Is NASA hiding the remains of man-made civilization?

This version was put forward by Professor, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Alexander Nikolaevich Portnov. On November 26, 2011, NASA launched the Curiosity rover. The mission took place safely, and the rover sent scientists many photographs, some of which were very mysterious, but scientists quite strongly filter the information that comes into the public domain. According to Portnov, Curiosity should have conveyed much big photo than is known now (thanks to scientific equipment the highest level), and since there is either no information, or it is immediately removed from open access, this suggests that there is something to hide.

5. Could there be aliens on the Moon?

The Lunar Orbiter (LRO), launched in 2009, sent back very interesting images to Earth that conspiracy theorists immediately saw the X-37B mini-shuttle in space without any clear explanation? Many guesses were made, but there was almost no supporting information. Officially, the X-37B tested the ion engine (and this is already a sensation, it was previously believed that ion engine cannot work on the Hall effect at all). The strange thing is that the plane is not mentioned as a testing site in NASA reports. The project was classified when it was transferred to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the US Air Force.

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70 most powerful testimonies! This video will talk about the presence of aliens on Earth, about alien bases, what aliens are doing on our planet, about contacts with extraterrestrials (aliens). Area 51 in the USA. The Apollo missions, Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong and how they saw a UFO on the moon, a secret base. Mysteries of the Moon. NASA research, conference and broadcast. The moon revealed its secrets. Secret bases on Mars. Mars is inhabited by people and others alien races. Nordic Aliens, reptilians, draco, insectoids, grace in zone 51 gray. Flights into space. Russia and America know about aliens and are creating secret space programs. Secret data was provided by Corey Goode, William Tompkins, Clifford Stone, Boyd Bushman, former minister and deputy prime minister Paul Hellyer (Paul Hellyer), cosmonauts Vladimir Kovalenok, Pavel Popovich, Georgy Grechko, Edgar Mitchell, Gordon Cooper, Scott Carpenter spoke about aliens , A story about a UFO Vladimir Zorin and Vasily Eremenko. Pilots Marina Popovich, Secrets of the Ministry of the USSR and Russia were told by Nikolai Antoshkin, Leonid Ivashov, Alexey Savin, Nikolai Rogozenko, Secrets of the CIA about Mars. What is the Pentagon hiding? Attraction online. About secret secrets space programs Laura Eisenhower, Corey Goode, Randy Kramer, Andrew De Basiaga, Tony Rodriguez said in an interview. Information was given in Russian by researcher and writer Michael Salla, Stephen Greer, Milton Cooper, Timothy Goode, David Wilcock Wilcock, David Icke (translation into Russian). Pavel Sviridov, Alexander Semenov, Vladimir Shemshuk, Valentina Sidorova, Vladimir Kolyverov. Insiders disclose all information.

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A former NASA employee claims that back in 1979 she witnessed a unique event that revealed all the secrets of the “red planet.” Mars, as it turns out, has been explored for a long time, just reliable information They are hiding it from us.

The woman claimed that she saw footage from the old Viking Mars rover, which showed two people in spacesuits walking on the surface of Mars and carefully examining the rover. Viking is an American rover that served as the predecessor to the world-famous modern Curiosity.

To ensure her safety, the woman, who formerly worked for NASA, chose to hide her real name. She called herself Jackie and was monitoring the telemetry line from the Viking, the first rover to land on Mars and send data about the planet back to Earth. During her regular duty, Jackie noticed that two people were walking on the surface of Mars. space suit. Moreover, they became interested in the rover, approached it and examined it closely. This footage was immediately classified. To this day it is unknown where they suddenly disappeared.

"Viking" captured stunning footage that was seen by Jackie and 6 of her colleagues

As Jackie stated, people on Mars were not in ordinary “earthly” heavy spacesuits, but in some kind of lightweight uniform, which at that time was not issued to ordinary astronauts. Presumably, the rover recorded two men, which Jackie understood from their physique and height. When these unknown researchers of the “red planet” approached the rover, the broadcast to Earth suddenly ended.

Since then, Jackie has been wondering: what did she really see, people or aliens? As you know, the mission to Mars is still under development. How then did people end up on this planet in 1979? Why didn’t even employees of such a serious organization as NASA know about this?

There is a certain “conspiracy theory”, the adherents of which believe that Jackie witnessed a secret mission that the United States conducted in the 1960s. As you know, at that time the United States was landing the Apollo research vehicle on the Moon. Experts say that this “ lunar mission"served as a cover for a larger, sensational project, information about which they did not want to disclose. Could the American government at that time have carried out extensive research on our planetary system?

Former CIA employee D. Lear also said that in 1966 NASA astronauts flew to Mars

Moreover, D. Lear believes that the astronauts were trained for a particularly long time for this mission. Some drugs were introduced into their bodies to adapt people to Martian conditions. climatic conditions. Allegedly, those astronauts could breathe rarefied Martian air, so NASA had the opportunity to launch living people onto the “red planet” for a longer period.

Whether to believe D. Lear, let everyone decide for himself. By the way, it should be said that this man at one time claimed that after death, people’s souls are placed in certain containers and sent to the Moon. He also talked about how Venus is actually green cosmic body, inhabited by creatures unknown to our science.

The author of a book about the study of unidentified flying vehicles, N. Watson, said the following:

IN Lately There has been a suspicious increase in cases of information leaks from agencies such as NASA, ESA and others. Most of such information is associated with secret missions that have been implemented in the past and are currently being planned. Perhaps this indicates the beginning of a confrontation between the authorities and ordinary people who want to know everything about space.

In November 2005, the writer mentioned earlier listened to stories from people who had previously worked for military intelligence States of America. They told him about the existence special program to exchange experience with representatives alien civilizations. This was the scandalous Serpo project, the results of which were described in a rather voluminous (3000 pages) report. The report was compiled in the late 70s. Among other things, it said that six creatures of alien origin were removed from the alien ship that crashed in Roswell.

Almost all of these aliens turned out to be dead, except for one, who later helped draw up a flight plan to his home planet, as well as prepare the astronauts for this flight. This mission was allegedly carried out in 1965, and its participants lived on the planet of an alien civilization until 1978. Two of the expeditioners who visited there died literally immediately after landing on unknown planet. Two more chose not to return home to Earth. The rest, or rather most of them, died after arriving home from radiation exposure, which was received on an alien planet. By the way, the alien called his planet “Serpo”. Therefore, they decided to name the mission similarly.