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Everyone knows that the meaning of a name and the history of a name are directly related. This is exactly the case with the name Christina. We will find the meaning of the name in its history.

The name Christina came to us in Russian from Greece, along with the adoption Orthodox faith in Rus'. Translated from Greek, Christina (Χριστός) means “of the name of Christ” or “dedicated to Christ.” It sounded like Christina, but later, due to the phonetic features of the Russian language, it changed to Kristina. So it can be argued that The name Christina means "of the name of Christ" or "dedicated to Christ".

The meaning of the name Christina for a girl

Christina is growing up to be a good and affectionate girl. She gets along easily with other children and plays well with them. A little timid and shy, Christina, having gotten used to her surroundings, opens up to the fullest. Christina is also characterized by kindness and responsiveness, but if someone uses these qualities of hers, she can be upset for a very long time.

In her studies, Christina shows perseverance and excellent perseverance. She is already a talented child in learning and is endowed with such a pleasant feature. She's doing better humanitarian sciences and languages, but she also teaches exact sciences well. In adolescence, problems with studying may arise, but do not rush to put pressure on her. Attentive approach to the child and understanding of complexity life stage, will allow you to return her former desire to learn.

Christina’s health is no different, but she doesn’t complain much either. She may have problems with the respiratory tract, but climate change and stress on fresh air will change everything for the better. For Kristina, if she has breathing problems, aerobic exercise is recommended, but of course after consultation with a specialist.

Short name Christina

Chris, Kristya, Christy, Tina, Hristya, Khristyukha, Hristonya, Krestya, Kriska.

Diminutive pet names

Kristinka, Kristinochka, Kristinchik, Kristinushka, Kristyusha, Tinochka, Tinushka, Tinchik, Khristinka, Khristyusha, Khristena, Christosha.

Name Christina in English

In English, the name Christina has several spellings - Kristina, Christiana and Christina.

Name Christina for international passport- KRISTINA.

Translation of the name Christina into other languages

in Belarusian - Hrystsina
in Bulgarian - Khristiana
in Hungarian - Krisztiána
in Greek - Χριστίνα (read as Christina)
in Spanish - Cristina
in Italian - Cristina
in German - Christiane
in Polish - Krystiana
in Romanian - Cristiana
in Ukrainian - Khristina
in French - Christiane

Church name Christina(in the Orthodox faith) - Christina. It is this form of the name that is used when performing church sacraments. Of course, Christina can choose another church name for baptism.

Characteristics of the name Christina

Christina is characterized by a craving for a beautiful life. She draws herself a picture like in a magazine and strives to bring it to life. She can be described as a friendly and sociable person. She easily finds friends and they help her through life. Even if she asks for something, it does not burden them, and they are even happy to help her. Sometimes she seems arrogant and even cold, but this is a characteristic of all Christines.

At work, and in life in general, Christina does not like to make hasty decisions. She must weigh everything and know all the pros and cons. Works great in responsible positions, but only where reaction speed is not required. She won't make a crisis manager. Also a good team worker, he easily gets along with the team mutual language.

Family means a lot to Christina. She values ​​home comfort very much and therefore does not like to discuss family matters. After marriage, she directs all her energy given by nature to arranging family life and home. This is especially true for the period when children appear.

The secret of the name Christina

Christina has one little secret. Christina, despite her friendliness, has a very touchy character. She hates criticism, even if it is deserved. She can easily be offended by even the most innocuous remark. And most importantly, she remembers this for a long time and will remind you of it when the opportunity arises.

Another secret of Christine is that behind the feigned coldness hides a very ardent temperament. She is forced to assume seriousness so that her suitors will give her at least a little break from them.

Planet- Sun.

Zodiac sign- A lion.

Totem animal- Pigeon.

Name color- White.

Tree- Cypress.

Plant- Myrtle.

Stone- Diamond.

But the name Christina, despite the fact that it has been popular for a very long time and without any connection to fashion, never joins the ranks of those that are too common. Let's figure out what the secret of this name is, what fate it has in store for and how it will affect the character and abilities of its owner, and also consider it from the point of view of astrology and numerology.

Origin and meaning of the name

The origin of the name Christina goes back to the distant past, and, if stated summary his history, it turns out that originally in Latin this name sounded like “Christianus”, which means “Christian”. The Greek version of the name for a girl, “Christina,” appeared a little later and is translated as “dedicated to Christ,” “in the name of Christ.”

Name forms

The full name Christina has various derivatives, shortened and endearing forms. In short they are called: Krestya, Tina, Kristya, Hristya, Khresya, Kristi, Chrissy, Chris, Stina, Nana, Kina.

Girls are called diminutively: Kristinka, Khristinka, Khristyusha, Kristyusha, Khristena, Khrysya.

Important! In Rus', the name Christina, despite the fact that translated from Greek it means “dedicated to Christ,” was used only by peasants, and this was due to the fact that in phonetic transcription In the Russian language these words were consonant.

The declension of the name by case looks like this:

  • I. p. Christina
  • R. p. Christina
  • D. p. Christine
  • V. p. Christina
  • T.p. Christina
  • P. p. Christine
If you decide to baptize Christina in a church, then in the certificate the name will be written as Christina, since the patroness of this name is the Martyr Christina of Persia, and in order to comply with the Orthodox rite, girls are baptized under this name.

Name Angel Day

Four times a year, Christine celebrates Angel Day. Name days are associated with the patron saints - the martyrs Christina of Caesarea, Christina of Persia, Christina of Lampsaki and Christina of Tire. By church calendar Angel Days fall on February 19, March 26, May 31 and August 6. But this does not mean at all that girls with this name need to be congratulated all 4 times; there is only one name day, and they are celebrated on the day closest to the date of birth. In order to congratulate you on Angel Day, it is best to purchase gifts related to spiritual education and faith.

Did you know? It turns out that the secret of durable, happy marriage lies in the fact that spouses should like their names. Psychologists studied a group of people and found that if lovers do not like their names and do not feel pleasure when pronouncing them, then on a subconscious level they come up with affectionate nicknames for each other and thereby strengthen the relationship in the couple.

Name in different languages

The name Christina sounds and is spelled almost the same in different languages. Apparently, this is why its owners can be found all over the world, and at the same time, everywhere it sounds relevant and beautiful. In English and French The correct spelling is “Christine”, in Spanish “Cristina”, in Czech “Kristina”.

The character and fate of people with this name in history

The name Christina sounds approximately the same in all languages, which means that its owners can be found all over the world. And How clear example You can cite famous people from different parts of our planet, whose fate and character, albeit partially, are known to the general public.

Russian singer and actress Kristina Orbakaite grew up in a bohemian family and from childhood showed creative potential. She is hardworking and persistent, not afraid to experiment and always clearly knows what she wants. She is raising two sons and a daughter and, despite being constantly busy, is an excellent caring mother. The children have different fathers, and, by the way, she managed to build personal happiness not on the first try. But now Christina is a happy and beloved woman and wife.

Her namesake from America, singer Christina Aguilera, was born into a simple family that has nothing to do with show business, but at the same time the girl aspired to popularity and fame from an early age. The future star devoted a lot of time to music and singing, took part in television programs and competitions. She repeatedly radically changed her images, transforming from an innocent cutie into a daring and sexy girl and femme fatale. Aguilera also experimented with styles and trends in music.

On this moment the singer is happy in her relationship, has two children and dreams of a third. After a divorce from the father of her first-born, she is in no hurry to legitimize the relationship, despite the fact that she has been dating the father of her daughter for quite some time. The singer is involved in charity work and participates in various international programs for the protection of children and those in need.

Among the successful and famous owners of this name are also:

All of these women share similar character traits, such as assertiveness, self-criticism and powerful creativity. Fame and popularity were preceded by years of fruitful work on themselves, that is, these “star” Christinas also had to work hard and make efforts to become successful and famous. But, looking at these examples, we can say with confidence that there are no obstacles that Kristy cannot overcome; if they wish, these women can do anything.

The main character traits of people with this name

A name largely predetermines a person’s character, so before naming it, you need to not only understand its meaning, but also understand what behavioral characteristics and talents are inherent in a girl named Christina. Be prepared for the Kristusha to be different changeable mood and difficult character. Since childhood, these girls are very active and love to be the center of attention; they easily make contact and make friends. Christy certainly won’t have any problems with her studies, because she picks up the humanities and languages ​​on the fly, and with a little time more attention exact sciences, masters them brilliantly. Problems with studies may arise during adolescence, but if you give the girl due attention and help her set her priorities correctly, everything will be resolved easily and simply.

Important! Parents should be friends and support for Kristyusha. Having built a trusting relationship with mom and dad and with support, the girl will certainly achieve success in all endeavors.

Growing up, these girls become zealous realists; vanilla dreams and fantasies are certainly not about them. It cannot be said that everything in life is easy for them, but at the same time, despite the difficulties, Christina will systematically move towards her goal until she achieves it, and this applies to almost any area. Women with this name can succeed both in science and pedagogy, write poetry and be excellent leaders, which indicates the versatility of these personalities.

In relationships and love, Krestya is very picky; she can search for her prince for a very long time. She is always in the center of male attention due to her innate sexuality and sharp mind, but at the same time her requirements for a life partner are quite high, and her partner must certainly meet them.

Kristya is a wonderful, caring mother who easily finds a common language with children. She also succeeds as a wife; this woman is able to arrange a family home and create comfort, as well as resolve all domestic issues.

The name Christina has no connection to nationality, women named after Christ dutifully fulfill their mission, they are kind, patient and resilient, and can overcome any difficulties along the way. No matter how difficult the problem, Kristya always knows how to solve it.

These girls may give the impression of being withdrawn, but this is not at all the case, they are sociable, love noisy companies and fun.

Important! Do not try to criticize Christina, as even constructive comments will most likely be met with hostility by the woman.

She does not forgive insults and can even take revenge on her offenders, and after waiting a pause.

It is difficult to predict what profession a woman named Christina will choose for herself, since from childhood the range of interests of girls is quite wide. For them at an older age great importance has financial independence and freedom, so they rarely become housewives, and most often they are managers, designers, artists, poets, directors and models. Don’t be surprised or discouraged if, as a teenager, Christy decides to prepare a portfolio and become a fashion model, since she has all the prerequisites to achieve success in this.

As for Kristam, it is recommended to lead a healthy life and not get too tired. It is large loads that can provoke various - from nervous disorders to problems with the spine and joints. Long walks and good sleep should be integral part life of Kristyusha.

Did you know? Global statistics indicate that the most popular female name is Anna; this is what girls are most often called in different corners of our planet.

Name Astrology

  • Planet: Saturn and the Sun.
  • Sign: Leo and Virgo.
  • Color: orange, brown and yellow.
  • Stone: diamond and amber.
  • Tree: cypress.
  • Plant: myrtle.
  • Animal: toad and dove.
  • Character: mysterious, interesting and sexy people.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name

This name has 8 letters. This suggests that its owner is a person who is constantly in search of new, bright and thrills. This woman must constantly be inspired and delighted by something, otherwise she simply becomes bored. They have incredible charm, intrigue and charm men.

Important! Christina's lucky number is 6. It is this number that brings good luck.

After meeting Krista, male representatives often lose their heads and lose common sense, because in order to achieve this woman, they are ready to do things that seem crazy at first glance. This is a general characteristic of the name Christina from the point of view of numerology, let's figure out what it means in letters.

"K" - innate charm and attractiveness. The ability to make contact with people and show diplomacy. They are maximalists and have powerful fortitude.

“R” - patience and the ability to make concessions, but only in those issues where Christina’s interests are not affected.

"WITH" - life priorities these people are primarily aimed at obtaining financial resources and, in turn, providing comfortable and luxurious life. They are very demanding of their life partners.

"T" - creativity and passion for art. Women with this letter in their name are very passionate and sexy, they quickly fall in love and just as quickly become disappointed. They do not tolerate lies and always strive to find out the truth.

“I” - spirituality and natural grace. They are honest and straightforward, which often does not play into their hands.

“N” - critics and skeptics in life. Honest and diligent in their work.

"A" - very active people. They are constantly developing and improving, which, in fact, they also demand from their environment. They have leadership qualities.

The owner of this name will certainly become successful. Christinas are purposeful and self-confident, excellent careerists and excellent mothers and wives. They are characterized by mystery and elegance, a sharp mind and sexuality, beauty and excellent taste, and these are precisely the traits that make a woman perfect.

Forms of the name Christina

Short form of the name Christina. Kristinka, Kristya, Krestya, Khristinka, Hristya, Khristyukha, Khristyusha, Hristonya, Khristena, Christosha, Khrisya, Stina, Tina, Kristen, Chrissy, Chris, Krista, Nana, Anya. Synonyms for the name Christina. , Christiana, Christiana, Kristen.

Short and diminutive options: Khristya, Khristyukha, Khristonia, Khristena, Christosha, Khristyusha, Khrisya, Tina, Kristinka, Stina, Krestya, Chris, Kristyusha, Kristya, Kriska.

Name Christina in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 克里斯蒂娜 (Kèlǐsīdì nà). Japanese: クリスティーナ (Kurisutīna). Kannada: ಕ್ರಿಸ್ಟಿನಾ (Krisṭinā). Hindi: क्रिस्टीना (Krisṭīnā). Ukrainian: Khristina. Greek: Χριστίνα (Christina). English: Christina (Christina).

Origin of the name Christina

The name Christina is a Russian pronunciation female name Christina. The name Christina is derived from Latin name Christianus, meaning "Christian". In the Greek version, the name already sounded like Christina. This name is also sometimes pronounced Christiana (Christiana).

Previously, peasants in Rus' used the word Christina to call ordinary people. Over time, it left the Russian language. Having returned as a name, it began to carry a foreign connotation with a share of aristocracy. Despite the fact that today in Russia native Russian names are becoming increasingly popular, the name Christina has not gone out of fashion.

The diminutives Tina and Nana are also independent names, and the address Anya is short form many names, both female (Floriana, Juliana, Androna, Anisya, Anfima, Diana, Kyriana, Liana, Viviana, Liliana, Rufiniana, Feliciana, Anna, Susanna, Juliania and others) and male (Angius, Fabian, Christian).

Character of the name Christina

Christina's character is reminiscent of her mother's. She is a smart, active girl, with excellent developed memory. She is very observant, although from the outside it seems that she is shy. Makes decisions thoughtfully. The owner of this name easily establishes contacts with strangers.

In her personal life, Christina is quite changeable. She feels the need for mutual feelings. At the same time, he falls in love and is disappointed very quickly. Christina can be difficult to understand. She has a difficult time inner world and stormy temperament.

Many men pay attention to Christina. She doesn't like her friends to intrude on her personal life. Christina values ​​her family. She often comes across jealous husband. They cannot always find mutual understanding with their mother-in-law. Winter Christines usually give birth to girls.

The secret of the name Christina

Outwardly, Christina looks like her father. She is agile and smart, has an excellent memory. Christina loves life and never panics, no matter what happens. This is a realistic woman who does not give in to daydreaming.

Christina thinks about her every step; it is quite difficult for her to instantly respond to a task. Christina easily gets along with strangers and quickly falls in love. But she also quickly becomes disillusioned with them. She needs tenderness and love. If she is not there, Christina considers her life incomplete.

It’s quite difficult to penetrate into Christina’s inner world; she hides her feelings. Such women always have male attention and many lovers. Christina's husband is very jealous. Christina values ​​her family and does not let other people into it.

Astrological characteristics of the name

Color name: silver
Radiation: 97%
Planets: Jupiter
Stone-mascot: andalusite
Plant: cypress
Totemic animal: elephant
Basic features character: will, intuition, excitability

Additional characteristics of the name

Vibration: 120,000 vibrations/s.
Self-realization(character): 93%
Psyche: sensitive to comments
Health: joint diseases: polyarthritis, arthrosis.

Numerology of the name Christina

Those with the name number 6 are calm and sane. Sixes value stability, customs and traditions. For them, honesty and good name more expensive than immediate benefits. They never resort to radical methods of solving problems, preferring the liberal path. “Sixes” are not distinguished by leadership qualities, but they are capable and diligent workers. There are arrogant and self-satisfied “sixes”, but for most of them the main guideline in life is family and a small circle of loyal and devoted friends.


Planet: Mars.
Element: Fire, warm-dry.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Fiery red, bloody, ferruginous.
Day: Tuesday.
Metal: Iron.
Mineral: Magnetite, jasper, amethyst, Lapp blood.
Plants: Garlic, onion, tobacco, radish, mustard, nettle, asparagus, heather, beans, hot pepper.
Animals: Wolf, rooster, raven, vulture, horse, dog.

The name Christina as a phrase

To Kako
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)

With Word
T Firm
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
N Our (Ours, Yours)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Christina

K - endurance, which comes from fortitude, the ability to keep secrets, insight, life credo"all or nothing".
P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.

WITH - common sense, the desire for a strong position and material security; in irritation - imperiousness and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own path in life.
T is an intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth, who does not always balance desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - act, using every minute effectively.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic soft nature.
N - protest sign inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

Characteristics of the name Christina according to B. Khigir

Translated from Greek - "Christian".

Christina is very similar in appearance to her father, but her character is maternal: she, like her mother, is active, quick-witted, sometimes unpredictable, and has an excellent memory. This is a cheerful woman who doesn’t do anything hastily and doesn’t panic. She stands firmly on the ground and does not waste time building castles in the air. Christina does not have an instant reaction; she usually takes some time to make a decision. While giving the impression of being shy, even timid, in reality Christina simply observes, listens and remembers everything.

In society, these women quickly get along with strangers, but prefer a few selected friends. They quickly fall in love and just as quickly become disappointed.

Such women feel constant need in tenderness and love with corresponding external manifestations. It is difficult to penetrate into their inner world; it is not always possible to understand what they are thinking about. However, behind Christine's external impenetrability, a stormy temperament is often hidden. These women are not ignored by men's attention, and they come across jealous husbands... Christina loves that friendly relations looked beautiful, cannot stand shameless intrusions into their lives. She values ​​family, but does not get along well with her mother-in-law.

Winter Christinas are married twice, they have daughters and very rarely sons. It works out best family life autumn Christines - they tend not to allow open conflicts and yield to your husband in everything. These women always need someone they can rely on - a person who would help them create a reliable and cozy family home.

Characteristics of the name Christina according to P. Rouge

Character: 85%

Radiation: 78%

Vibration: 63,000 vibrations/s

Color: yellow.

Basic features: intelligence - activity.

Type: Women named Christina are phlegmatic, they have inhibited excitability and a somewhat slow reaction. They don’t do anything hastily and don’t panic. They stand firmly on the ground and do not waste time on illusory dreams.

Psyche: It’s not always possible to understand what these women are thinking. When they are silent, they appear to be angry about something, when they are simply watching and listening. They look timid, timid, although they have huge internal reserves; it is possible that they lack self-confidence.

Will: strong, but often not enough to achieve the goal.

Excitability: below average. They need time to understand the problem and make a decision. Very impressionable and reserved.

Speed ​​reaction: weak, as well as excitability. They do not count on any extraordinary luck: They achieve success through perseverance and diligence, although it comes a little late.

Activity: Such women need time to demonstrate their capabilities.

Intuition: Without relying on inspiration alone, they carefully plan their affairs and actions.

Intelligence: They have a more masculine mentality. They get along well with the team, giving preference to men. An analytical mind gives them the ability to patiently delve into details.

Susceptibility: These are not the girls who pester their parents with the question: “Do you love me?” They need tenderness and love without special external manifestations. It is better to avoid collisions with such women, as they are vindictive and do not know how to forgive.

Moral: adhere to principles that many consider philistine.

Health: average and must be monitored from childhood. They require prolonged exposure to the fresh air, walks, and sports. Prone to osteochondrosis and susceptible to viral diseases.

Sexuality: This is a secret area of ​​their nature; they cannot stand it when someone intrudes into it. However, behind the inscrutability lies a violent temperament.

Field activities: They are attracted to scientific activities. I can be scientists, electronics engineers or exemplary teachers. They should not be disturbed in their choice of profession.

Sociability: Prefer a few selected friends. They like their friendships to look beautiful and cannot stand the shameless intrusions of their friends.

Additionally: They value family, they make strict but fair mothers. They need someone they can rely on, a person who would help them create a reliable and cozy family home.

Positive traits of the name

Christina has sufficient strength of character. It is characterized by aristocracy and even elitism, selectivity and, as they say, stylishness.

Negative traits of the name

Christina's ambition and arrogance make the situation worse. Christina has to constantly defend her positions, views and beliefs. She knows how to stand up for herself if necessary, and can successfully make sarcastic remarks, which often offends people. If her parents do not develop her natural inclinations in childhood, then she can turn into a timid, complex person.

Choosing a profession by name

Most likely, a woman with this name will feel the need to achieve high position in society, for which he may choose some fashionable profession or simply strive to establish communication with people from high circles. Even if she doesn’t succeed and fate assigns her the role of an ordinary housewife, such dreams will not leave Christina. It’s just that in this case she will consider her life unsuccessful and in vain.

The impact of a name on business

Christina is unlikely to need money. She can ensure a stable financial position for herself.

The influence of a name on health

With age, Christina may develop ailments associated with joint disease: arthritis, polyarthritis, arthrosis.

Psychology of the name

Christina often reacts very painfully to comments addressed to her, but she can completely melt from compliments. It would be useful for her to remember to be careful, otherwise someone will certainly take advantage of her weakness, hiding a cunning calculation behind her flattery.

Famous people with the name Christina

Saint Christiana (Anglo-Saxon princess, later a nun of one of the monasteries in Flanders. Saint Christiana is considered the patroness of the Belgian city of Thurmond.)
Kristina Kosach (Belarusian poetess)
Kristina Šmigun-Vähi (Estonian skier, two-time Olympic champion, world champion)
Kristina Orbakaite (Soviet and Russian actress, pop singer)
Christina ((1626 - 1689) Queen of Sweden, daughter of Gustav II Adolf and Maria Eleanor of Brandenburg)
Christina Ricci (American actress, known for her roles in independent films)
Christina Maria Aguilera (American singer, songwriter, dancer, actress, producer, director and philanthropist. Winner of five Grammy awards. Discs with her songs have sold a total of about 46 million copies.)
Christina of Vladimir ((c.1219 - 1238) blessed princess of Vladimir, wife of Prince Vladimir Yuryevich, daughter-in-law of the Grand Duke of Vladimir Yuri II Vsevolodovich)
Christina Barrois (German tennis player of French descent)
Christina Lilley ((born 1963) American-born actress, better known for her roles in Latin American TV series)
Christina Callahan Queen (b. 1966) Speaker of the New York City Council (the head of the legislative branch of the city government and the second most important official in the city after the mayor). Queen is the first woman and first lesbian in the city's history to be elected to this position .)
Christina Geiger (famous German skier, participant Olympic Games in Vancouver, World Cup medalist, specializes in slalom)
Christina Metaxas (Cypriot singer and composer, born in Limassol. Her brother Nicholas Metaxas, also a singer, came second in the Greek version of the TV show The X Factor, and is also the creator and composer of Christina's Eurovision performance.)
Kristen Stewart (American actress, winner of the BAFTA special award - “Rising Star”, became famous after playing the daughter of Jodie Foster’s character in the film “Panic Room”)
Krystyna Krahelska ((1914 - 1944) Polish ethnographer-folklorist, poetess, member of the Resistance)
Kristina Petrovska-Kiliko ((b. 1948) Canadian pianist)
Christina Pickles ((b. 1935) British actress)
Christina McHale (American tennis player of Irish-Latino descent)
Christina Riegel (skater from Germany (Germany), who performed in singles and doubles. Paired with Andreas Nischwitz, she is the silver medalist of the 1981 European Championship, bronze medalist of the 1981 World Championship and three-time German champion 1979 - 1981)
Christina Applegate (American actress, winner of the Emmy Award in 2003, as well as a nominee for three Golden Globe awards and a Tony Award. She is best known for her roles as Kelly Bundy in the cult television series Married... with Children ( 1987-1997) and the comedy “Who is Samantha?” (2007-2009). different years She also starred in several successful films, such as Don't Tell Mom About the Babysitter's Death, Aliens in America, Honey, and Alvin and the Chipmunks 2.)
Kristina Pliskova (Czech tennis player)
Christina Groves (Canadian speed skater, three-time silver and one-time Olympic bronze medalist, three-time world single distance champion, four-time North American classic all-around champion. Together with Christine Nesbitt and Brittany Schuessler, she holds the current world record in the team race, along with the same Nesbitt and Cindy Klassen - also an Olympic record)
Christina Pascal ((1953 - 1996) French and Swiss film actress and film director)
Kristina Regöczi (Hungarian ice dance figure skater. Paired with András Szallai, she is a silver medalist at the Lake Placid Winter Olympics, 1980 world champion, European championship medalist and nine-time Hungarian champion.)
Cristina Scabbia (vocalist of the Italian gothic metal band "Lacuna Coil")
Christina Rossetti ((1830 - 1894) English poetess, sister of the painter and poet Dante Gabriel Rossetti)
Christine Errat (German figure skater who competed in singles skating for the GDR ( East Germany), bronze medalist at the 1976 Olympic Games)
Kristina Kucova (Slovakian tennis player)
Cristina de Kirchner (55th President of Argentina (since December 10, 2007). She succeeded her husband Nestor Kirchner in this post. She became the second female president of Argentina (after Isabel Peron, who was also the wife of her predecessor) and the first woman to become president Argentina as a result of the elections.)
Kristina Blaumane (Latvian cellist)
Kristina Antoniychuk (Ukrainian tennis player)
Kristina Egerszegi (famous Hungarian athlete, swimmer, specialist in backstroke and medley swimming. Five-time Olympic champion, multiple world and European champion, one of the most famous and titled Hungarian athletes of our time.)
Kristina Bella (real name: Kristina Szegeoj; Hungarian porn actress)
Kristina Asmus (Russian theater and film actress, known for her role as Varya Chernous in the TV series “Interns”)

Interested in knowing the secret, history, origin of the name Christina? Read the article.

Christina is the Russian version of the Old Church Slavonic name "Khristina". Translated from Latin, this name means “Christian.” Previously and even now in Catholic countries, Christina can be pronounced as Christiana or Christiana.

What does the name Christina mean according to the church calendar?

What does the name Christina mean according to the church calendar?

In ancient times, the name Christina was given to girls from poor families, as it was translated as “peasant woman.” Noble families did not call their children that. What does the name Christina mean according to the church calendar? The name Christina in the church book of names is recorded as a follower of Christ. Many elders translated this name also as “the name of Christ” or “dedicated to Christ.” In general, the name Christina was associated with Christ, but not with the peasants.

Patron saint named Christina

The patron saint protects from various adversities. He needs to pray when he has a difficult task to complete, before a long journey, and on any other occasion. Each name has its own patron. The name Christina has several patron saints:

  • Christina of Persia - day of veneration on March 26;
  • Christina of Caesarea - February 19;
  • Christina of Lampsaki - May 31;
  • Christina of Nicomedia - June 13;
  • Christina of Tire - August 6;

Advice: Buy yourself an icon in the church of one of the patrons and always carry it with you. This will help protect yourself from enemies and evil tongues.

The secret of the name Christina

The secret of the name Christina

All Christinas are very friendly and sociable. They love people and will always come to the aid of any person, especially if they are asked for it. But the secret of the name Christina lies in its very touchy character. She will not tolerate criticism, and it doesn’t matter whether the comments are deserved or not. In addition, Christina will remember your words for a long time and, if the opportunity arises, she will definitely “throw” offensive phrase in reply.

Another secret of girls and women named Christina is the ardent temperament that hides behind the external coldness of the image. She always “puts” a serious mask on her face - this is necessary so that her suitors will step aside for a while.

What nationality is the name Christina?

Christina is an Old Church Slavonic name. But, if you look at the origin, then the nationality of this name is Greek. It is worth noting that such a name for girls and women can be found among Turks, Ukrainians, Moldovans, Belarusians and Gypsies. Therefore, by nationality, the name Christina is vague and meaningful.

Name Christina: origin and meaning, popularity

The origin of the name Christina is Greek. This name would have remained purely Greek, but with the adoption of the Orthodox faith in Rus', the old Slavs began to call their children this name. It was translated as Christianus - Christians, Christ.

The meaning of the name Christina is determined by its sound with some foreign connotation. Modern people They hear in this name an imprint of aristocracy and elitism, unlike our ancestors, who associated it with peasants or slaves. When parents give their daughter this name, they assume that she will not be like the others. Selectedness, style, imagery - all this applies to Christina.

The meaning of the name for a mature woman is determined by the need to achieve a high position. Therefore, Christinas often choose fashionable professions in which they can grow according to career ladder. Even if Christina will be a housewife all her life, she will still dream of a high position.

The use of this name for girls reached its highest popularity in the 90s. By 2013, the name's popularity had dropped to almost zero and increased again by 2015. Nowadays, parents call their children this name less and less, but perhaps in a couple of years it will become popular again.

Christina - decoding of the name from Greek

Decoding of the name Christina from Greek Χριστός - Christ, divine, Christian. On Greek this name was written like this: Christina, and pronounced - Christina.

Name Christina in English, Latin, different languages

IN modern world you need to know how to spell a name in Latin and English. This is necessary for filling out many documents, for working on the Internet, for traveling abroad and in Russia, and so on. When parents choose a name for their daughter, they also want to know how it sounds in other languages, because now this is important. So, the name Christina in English, Latin and other different languages:

Name Christina in different languages

How is the name Christina written in the passport?

A foreign passport is the second most important document. Without it it is impossible to travel abroad. All data is indicated in English. How is the name Christina written in the passport? In this document it should be written as Kristina or Christina.

Remember: When preparing official documents (visas, tickets, etc.), you must indicate the name as it is written in the passport. In emails and when working with foreigners, you can sign as you like.

It is important for any girl and woman to be treated kindly. Therefore, when choosing a name for their daughter, parents always pay attention to how it will sound in abbreviation and in the diminutive version:

Christina is growing up to be a good girl. She gets along well with other children and loves to play with them. A little shy, but when she opens up, she becomes confident. Here are some more characteristics of the name Christina:

  • Meaning of the name— Christina is very diligent and persistent in her studies. She is excellent at the humanities, but she can also quickly master mathematics and physics. They will help her with this serious attitude to all matters and responsibility. Parents should treat Christina with understanding and attention, and not overload her with additional activities (tutoring, dancing, etc.) if she does not want it. Christina's adults also love freedom; they will not tolerate any restrictions.
  • Character- friendly. All Christinas are sociable and easily find friends at any age. Outwardly, they seem cold-blooded and even arrogant, but this is not so. Christinas are very kind and understanding. At work, Christina is responsible, weighs everything before making an important decision and easily finds a common language with team members.
  • Fate- luxurious. From an early age, Christina loves everything beautiful and, growing up, she achieves her goal. She goes through life with confident steps and even ready for selfish actions. The origin of the name Christina, associated with Christianity, will prevent a woman from making irreparable mistakes. She successfully overcomes all obstacles and easily gets out of the most difficult situations.

Christina is very observant and always studies the world around her. She is mobile, but makes decisions consciously. It may seem that Christina has a difficult character. She is in no hurry to reveal her soul to everyone, but this does not stop her from living the way she wants.

What middle name suits a girl’s name Christina: compatibility with male names

At the birth of a child, parents should choose not only a name, but also look at how it sounds with the patronymic.

  • Often it is the middle name that plays key role in choosing a name, because everyone understands perfectly well that in adult life The person will be addressed in full - by name and patronymic.
  • It’s very ugly when you have to pronounce this phrase, as if stumbling.
  • In addition, a patronymic can highlight some character traits and mute others.

What middle name suits a girl’s name Christina? Excellent compatibility with such male names:

What middle name suits a girl’s name Christina?

When is Christina’s name day, Angel’s Day according to the Orthodox calendar?

Name days and Angel's Day are celebrated on the birthday of the Patron Saint. Christina's birthday should be close to the date of veneration of the Saint. For example, name day, Christina’s Angel Day according to the Orthodox calendar:

  • Patron Christina of Persia - day of veneration is March 26. A person's birthday should be in March or April.
  • Patron Christina of Caesarea - February 19. Birthday must be in January or February.
  • Patron Christina of Lampsaki - May 31. Birthday should be in May, June.
  • Patron Christina of Nicomedia - June 13. Birthday in July, August.
  • Patron Christina of Tire - August 6. Birthday should be in August, September.
  • Martyr Christina - August 18.

If you have a birthday in October, November or December, then you can choose a patron whose birthday is closer to yours: Martyr Christina or Christina of Persia. Angel Day is celebrated on the day of veneration of the Saint.

I always want to congratulate my beloved daughter, wife, girlfriend, mother, grandmother or just a woman I know on Angel Day in an unusual and original way. This can be done in poetry or prose. But remember that the words read must be spoken with love and from the bottom of your heart.

Congratulations on Angel Day for Christina, short in verse and prose:

Congratulations on Angel Christina's Day, short in verse and prose

Congratulations on Angel Christina's Day in short verses

Congratulations on Angel Christina's Day short in prose

Congratulations on Angel Christina's Day short in beautiful prose

Song with the name of Christina

Congratulate Christina with a song or just give her a gift nice moment and sing some unforgettable chords. There are many songs with the name Christina, here are a few of them:

Video: Song about Christina

Video: Philip Kirkorov - Christina / Golden Gramophone 2011

Video: Song by A. Yablonev, Christina,

Video: KRISTINA Corp (girl Christina) CLIP with the musicians of the group ©

Tattoo with Christina's name

Tattoos have been in fashion for a long time, but now there are so many options for body painting that you can get confused when choosing a suitable sketch. Recently, it has been popular to get a tattoo with a name. This could be the name of your girlfriend, your own child, or your own. Beautiful tattoos with the name Christina:

Original tattoo for a woman with her name:

Tattoo with Christina's name

A man’s tattoo on his arm is the name of his beloved woman.

Tattoo with Christina's name for a man

Sketch of a tattoo of Christina's name in Japanese.

Tattoo with Christina's name in Japanese

Sketch of a tattoo of the name Christina for a woman.

Original tattoo with Christina's name

This tattoo is suitable for both men and women.

Stylish tattoo with Christina's name

Thin lines, an original inscription - such a tattoo will be barely noticeable, but it will turn out very stylish.

Women's tattoo with the name Christina

Brutal tattoo - clear letters, straight lines. Suitable for a man.

Brutal tattoo with Christina's name

Many women like to wear jewelry with their name on it. They want everyone around them to know what their beautiful name. Therefore, a pendant with Christina’s name made of gold will be an excellent gift for any occasion. Photos of such gold jewelry:

The “Christina” pendant, made of yellow gold, looks very stylish thanks to its original design. Jagged lines they add sophistication to the inscription, and make the decoration unusual.

Pendant with Christina's name made of gold: photo

Rose gold pendant with four blue cubic zirconias. The excellent combination of stones and precious metal makes this jewelry extremely beautiful.

Pendant with the name Christina in gold

Pendant with name and small crown. Yellow gold and straight letters make the product very stylish and a little luxurious.

Pendant with the name Christina in gold with a crown

White gold, the majestic first letter of the name - make the jewelry unique in design. Any girl will like this pendant.

Pendant with the name Christina from white gold: photo

Name Christina: intuition, intelligence, morality

Christina is always reasonable and does not make hasty decisions. Therefore, her intelligence and intuition differ from these same qualities in women with other names.

  • Intuition— Christina does not rely only on her inspiration. She will carefully plan all her affairs and actions, her day is scheduled minute by minute, and she will not be able to deviate from the planned plan.
  • Intelligence— a masculine mentality helps to patiently complete all assigned tasks. Gets along well with a male team. Representatives of the stronger sex always listen to Christina. An analytical mind allows you to successfully conduct any business.
  • Moral— Christina lives by her own laws. She adheres to principles that may seem philistine to other people: pettiness, stinginess, responsibility to complete strangers.

Christina needs a lot of time to show her activity. Therefore, people around should be patient.

Name Christina: hobbies, activities, business

Christina will not count on any luck. She achieves everything herself, even though this happens after many years. Persistence and diligence are key professional quality Christina.

  • Activity— scientific: engineers in the field of electronics, teachers, employees of research institutes. It’s better not to interfere with Christina’s choice of profession, otherwise she will later blame everyone if she doesn’t like this choice.
  • Business- She can do any business she wants to do. Christina does not need money, since she can ensure a successful financial situation for herself on her own.
  • Hobbies- versatile. She likes everything and wants to try everything.

Even if Christina becomes a housewife, she will still dream of opening, for example, her own cafe, restaurant or some kind of company. She will not rest until she succeeds in doing this.

Name Christina: health and psyche

The health of women named Christina is average. You need to take care of your ears, as there is a possibility of otitis media. Christina’s body is susceptible to infectious diseases, so you need to take care of your immunity throughout your life.

Psyche - it is not always possible to understand what this woman is thinking about. But this is not necessary, because if you talk to Christina calmly, she will tell you everything herself.

Name Christina: sexuality, marriage

Vanity aspirations can prevent Christina from seeing true happiness. Even success and fame cannot replace marriage for her, but she realizes this late. However, Christina is so resourceful in life that she can successfully get married whenever she wants - at 40 and even at 50.

Christina's sexuality is revealed if she sees perspective in her partner. If a man wants to create a strong relationship with her, then he must have great potential, otherwise he has no chance.

What zodiac sign does the name Christina go to?

It has long been known that a name enhances the qualities inherent in a particular zodiac sign. Therefore, before naming a girl the name Christina, read the information about which sign is suitable for this name.

  • Virgo- artistic natures. Help Kristina reach her potential.
  • Twins- loyal and monogamous. Christina herself will not expect certain actions from herself in relation to her partner.
  • Capricornspositive people. Christina will be able to make plans and implement them, setting up those around her to create.

Only three zodiac signs are suitable for Christina, but they are the ones who can complement her emotional disposition and make her happy in life.

Talisman stone for the name Christina

Three talisman stones suit Christine. If you always carry them with you as jewelry or just in a bag, they will add energy and act as a talisman.

  • Agate- a stone of health and longevity. You can even give black agate to Christinas, but not to Virgos.
  • Fire opal- a stone of loyalty and devotion. A good amulet for Christina if she is married.
  • Jasper- will protect from failures and evil envious people. Feeds with good energy.

Andalusite stone is also suitable for Christina. It can also be a talisman, but in one bundle with an agate or opal, that is, there must be two stones in one decoration.

Flower, plant, tree talisman for the name Christina

Flowers and plants accompany us through life. Each person has his own flower or plant - a talisman. It is better to choose it by name. For the name Christina there are the following amulets:

  • Plant named Christina- cypress. It gives women with this name endurance and perseverance in achieving their goals. A heightened sense of justice interferes a little with this, especially in adolescence, but then adult woman will be able to adapt to life.
  • Flower- jasmine. Its aroma exudes new vitality. He helps Christina to be cheerful and self-confident.
  • Tree mascot- hornbeam This tree is for active people who lack even greater determination to act and make important decisions.

If it is impossible to plant a talisman plant at home, then you can dry its leaves and always carry them with you. It will protect and restore the spiritual strength of a person with this name.

Totem animal named Christina

All Christinas strive to live better than before. Therefore, they are always on the move, but they find time for family and children. This can be explained by the fact that Christine's totem animal is the dove. It symbolizes motherhood and femininity. If from the outside it seems that Christina’s career comes first, then in her soul and heart she always puts her family first, and then everything else.

Numerology of the name Christina

Christina is patronized by the number 6. “Six” is a support for loved ones. She will always come to the rescue, and you don’t have to ask her for it. People of this numerical sector are characterized by everything beautiful. They try to achieve complete harmony in everything.

Nickname for the name Christina

Nickname for the name Christina

To come up with a nickname, you need to rearrange the letters in the name. In this case, it is important to pronounce the resulting word out loud - it should sound beautiful. Nicknames for the name Christina:

  • Tina;
  • Rex;
  • KiSa;
  • Kislinka-Malvinka;
  • Kriss;
  • Kriss-Gaston;
  • Kristik;
  • Kasch and so on.

You can also write the name in English and attach it to it beautiful nickname. You will get a very stylish nickname, for example, Cristina Dorcas, Cristina Leslie or Cristina Genaro and so on.

There are many famous people and celebrities with the name Christina. Among them there are people from the creative sphere and sports environment.

Famous people, celebrities named Christina

If we add Olympic champions to this list, it will expand three times. The name Christina is a beautiful name. It is proudly worn by celebrities and is the name given to newborn babies in many countries around the world. This name looks beautiful in all languages ​​of the world. Therefore, if you don’t know what to name your daughter, feel free to call her Christina.

Video: The meaning of the name. Christina

The history of Princeton University began on October 22, 1746, when the Legislative Council of the British Colony of New Jersey, on behalf of King George II, granted the request of a group of Presbyterian pastors and issued them permission to form a college for the purpose of teaching languages, liberal arts and sciences to youth. The College of New Jersey became the fourth educational institution in British North America after Harvard, William and Mary and Yale. Although new college Founded by Presbyterian priests, the charter stated that adherents of any religious movement could study there, since students here are trained to serve the church and state. For educational institutions of that time british colonies in North America such religious tolerance was phenomenal. However, the religious orientation of education still dominated. The university's motto still bears traces of this phenomenon - "Under God's Rule Thrives."

Initially, the college, with only ten students, was located in Dickenson's house in the city of Elizabeth. However, in 1747, the patron died, so the entire community moved to Newark, where he was sheltered by local Presbyterian pastor Aaron Burr, who became the new president of the school. Here, just three years later, the first three bachelors graduated from the college. In 1756, Burr achieved the transfer of the educational institution to Princeton, where, using donations collected in Great Britain, a special building was built for students and teachers. It was named Nassau Hall and is now a listed building.

Princeton played a prominent role in the events American Revolution: the signature of its rector John Witherspoon is on the Declaration of Independence, a sixth of the participants in the Constitutional Convention were graduates of Princeton.

Princeton University is part of the so-called. The Ivy League is an association of the eight oldest universities in the United States. It was originally founded as a sports association, but then it grew into something more. Ancient origins And high level The prestige of these universities allows them to treat their less eminent brethren somewhat condescendingly.

Sports, which play a huge role in the life of American universities, began to actively develop in Princeton in 1859, when the first gym was built there. Since the early 60s of the 19th century, students began to wear orange sports uniforms. Students wrote the numbers on their T-shirts in black ink, resulting in orange and black becoming Princeton's signature colors. This tradition is still observed: university students strive for these shades to be present not only on sports uniforms, but also in everyday clothes.

Another university tradition dates back to the same time: the combination of orange and black gave rise to an association with tiger skin. This is where the traditional nickname for the university's sports teams - "Tigers" - came from. Princeton fans began cheering their teams with “Tiger!” In 1882, senior students began publishing a humorous magazine, The Princeton Tiger, and in 1893, the university canteen was renamed Tiger Inn.

By the 1970s, Princeton's wide-ranging successes placed it alongside such renowned institutions as Harvard and Yale. In 1877, the college founded a master's program, and in 1896 it received university status, which, as a sign of gratitude and appreciation to the city community, was named Princeton University. That same year, orange and black were officially recognized as the university colors.

In 1902, Thomas Woodrow Wilson, the future president of America, became Princeton's rector. He pursued a sharply secularizing policy under the slogan “Princeton is in the service of the state, not the church!” He perfected learning programs, dividing them into general education (during the first two years) and specialized (in the next two years). During his reign (1902–1910), the creation of a separate college for the preparation of masters was completed and the number of faculties was doubled.

More than 4.5 thousand students and one and a half thousand graduate students study at Princeton University. Teaching and learning is carried out according to individual plans, and is closely related to research work.

The number of teachers is more than a thousand, of which more than 400 are professors, 7 Nobel laureates. The rector of the university is Shirley Tilghman. In 1969, the university began to admit women to study for the first time.

The University provides training at the following faculties: schools of technical and applied sciences, architecture and urban planning, public and international relations; Departments of Astrophysical Sciences, Physics, Mathematics, Geological and Geophysical Sciences, Biology, Chemical Sciences, Economics, Philosophy, Politics, Sociology, Psychology, Religion, Romance Languages ​​and Literatures, Germanic Languages ​​and Literatures, physical culture and education and others, as well as the Research Center named after. J. Forrestal (Department of Aeronautics, space research, technical sciences, laboratory of plasma physics, etc.).

Famous Princeton alumni and professors - Woodrow Wilson and James Madison, US presidents, John Nash, laureate Nobel Prize in economics, mathematician Andrew Wiles, who proved Fermat's theorem and many others.

History in facts:

2007 Representatives of Princeton University said they have reached an agreement with the Italian government on the return of 8 pieces of ancient art. Negotiations about this lasted about a year and a half. According to the agreement, four exhibits from the university museum will be sent to Italy immediately, and another four will be rented by Princeton University for four years.

Since 2005, the governments of Greece and Italy have been fighting for the return of some antiquities from the United States to Europe, because they believe that the exhibits were exported to America illegally.

2007 Princeton University joined Google program on digitization of books. There are over six million in the university's vaults. printed works, five million manuscripts and about two million other materials. Google plans to digitize about a million books whose copyright has expired.

The scandalous Google project was discovered in 2003, and many American publishers The search engine was criticized for the fact that by posting entire texts of books online, it prevents them from making a profit. In addition to Princeton, the University of California, Harvard, Stanford, Oxford Universities, and the New York Public Library are also participating in the project. So far, only the University of Michigan and the University of Texas have agreed to transfer for digitization books for which the copyright has not yet expired.