Summary of the lesson on the program "Ecological primer" on the topic "Letter R. Wolverine

Water on Earth.
Purpose: to introduce sources drinking water, to bring to the consciousness of children the importance of water for life on Earth and the need to treat it with care; develop a love for nature.
Progress of the lesson: - Look at the screen (slide 1). What happened to the flower? Why did this happen?
1. guess the riddle.
What mom can’t do without So that the ears of bread grow,
Neither cook nor wash, so that ships can sail,
Without what, we will say frankly, so that jelly can be cooked,
Should a person die? So that there is no trouble -
So that the rain pours from the sky, We cannot live without..... (water)
- What are we going to talk about today?
- Which learning objectives what will we set before ourselves?
Today we will travel through the country of the Queen of Water.
When people flew into space, they saw that our Earth was blue. Most of the surface globe takes up water.
- What if all the water on Earth suddenly disappeared?! This is what it would look like
- What changed? (color changed - no blue and green)
- Yes, green color also disappeared. Why did this happen?
- Nothing on Earth can live without water!
- Let's return water to Earth and think about where it is contained (in the seas, oceans, rivers, streams, lakes).
- Right. But in the seas and oceans the water is salty, but humans need fresh water. Unfortunately, there is less and less clean fresh water left. What is the reason? (people pollute rivers and lakes and do not save water)
“Soon it may happen that we will have nothing to drink.” But a person simply needs water to live, because 70% of him consists of liquid, the reserves of which need to be constantly replenished. Of course, a person is not a bottle filled with water. Let's think about where water is found in the human body? (saliva, blood, tears)
- Every cell of our body, every vessel contains liquid.
- Where can you and I get water from?
- From food: from vegetables, fruits and other foods, from drinks
2. first stop “Guess”
Name the sources of water by solving the riddles.
Broke out of the ground
Like a heart beats.
You got drunk in the heat
And the other one will get drunk. (spring)
You can easily recognize the house:
There is water in four walls.
And a crane at the entrance
Hands out water to everyone. (well)
It reflects everything in the world... It will give you something to drink and refresh.
And he runs away all the time, but he can’t escape. (river)
There's a mountain in the yard,
And in the hut there is water. (snow)
To be born in the evening
The night lives on
And in the morning he dies. (dew)
Solve the puzzles.
3. second stop “think”
Once Znayka and Dunno had an argument.
Znayka: most of The Earth's surface is covered with seas, rivers, lakes and oceans.
Dunno: but no. In our Solar City there is less water than land. There is a lot of water only after rain. This means that on Earth there is more water only after rain, but in the desert there is none at all.
Know: water is found in the soil and in the air. High in the mountains, at the poles, it appears to us in the form of snow and ice.
Dunno: there is no water at all in the soil and air. Otherwise we would spend our whole lives walking in rubber boots in the mud. And there can’t even be water in the air, because in otherwise we would breathe liquid air, and liquid air can not be.
Know: water is fluid, colorless and odorless and tasteless. Water is a good solvent for many substances.
Dunno: the solvent is sold only in stores and it is very dangerous for humans, so water cannot be a solvent.
Know: when heated, water expands, and when cooled, it contracts. However, when it freezes, it expands and turns into ice. When heated to 100 degrees, water turns into steam.
Dunno: at a temperature of 100 degrees, water boils and does not turn into steam. If it turned into steam, there would be an explosion: bang! And instead of water there’s a lot of steam at once! And since water doesn’t explode, then all this about steam is lies!
- Determine which of them is right and why?
- Each of you has a glass of water
1) Look at the water in the glass.
What color is it?
Is it possible to see objects through it?
Conclusion: the water is colorless and transparent
2) Smell:

Does it have a smell?
Conclusion: water has no odor
3) Remember what water tastes like. Can we say that it is sour or salty or bitter or sweet?
Does it taste?
Conclusion: water has no taste
So, what properties does water have? (water is transparent and fluid, has no color, shape or taste)
Znayka argued that water is a good solvent for some substances. What substances can dissolve in water? Let's check. (experiments are being made)
Connect with an arrow water and the substance for which it is a good solvent.

Result: what interesting things did you learn?

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There are a total of 25 presentations in the topic

Our area is rich in water. There are different bodies of water: springs, streams, rivers, lakes, ponds. They all have important for people and are widely used. Reservoirs decorate our area. We must ensure that they remain clean and beautiful.

This camel is a living miracle! This camel is a living miracle! A camel has two humps. A camel has two humps. He'll drink enough for now - He'll drink enough for now - He can drink half a well. He can drink half a well. But then in the desert, But then in the desert, Where there is no trace of water, Where there is no trace of water, He can go for many days, Maybe he can go for many days without worrying about it. Don't worry about her.

Tell us who needs water and why. Tell us who needs water and why. Can a car, bicycle, Submarine, toy factory? Can a car, a bicycle, a submarine, or a toy factory operate without water? What sounds does water make? What words can describe water? What sounds does water make? What words can describe water? Water: Water: - Splashing - Murmuring - Gurgling - Clear - Cloudy - Transparent - Cold

Without which doctor would all the trees and bushes dry up and we wouldn’t be able to live? Why and for what purpose do animals bathe and clean their bodies? Why is it bad to be dirty? Where does dirt accumulate most on the human body? How do you take care of your body cleanliness? Let's read the advice of Dr. Water:

Wash thoroughly once a week. Wash thoroughly once a week. In the morning, after sleep, wash your hands, face, neck, ears. In the morning, after sleep, wash your hands, face, neck, ears. Every day, wash your feet and hands before going to bed. Every day, wash your feet and hands before going to bed. Be sure to wash your hands after cleaning the room, toilet, playing games, interacting with animals, working in the garden, or traveling in public transport. Be sure to wash your hands after cleaning the room, toilet, playing games, interacting with animals, working in the garden, or traveling in public transport.

A Tale of Microbes Once upon a time there were microbes - carriers of various diseases. More than anything else, they loved dirt. The dirtier it was, the more pleasant it was for them and the more of them there became. Once upon a time there were microbes who carried various diseases. More than anything else, they loved dirt. The dirtier it was, the more pleasant it was for them and the more of them there became.

Someone left unwashed plates, crumbs, and pieces of bread on the table. It's like a fly here. And there are hundreds of microbes on her paws, especially if she came from the trash heap. Someone left unwashed plates, crumbs, and pieces of bread on the table. It's like a fly here. And there are hundreds of microbes on her paws, especially if she came from the trash heap.

The fly flew away, but the germs remained on the table, on the plate, on the spoons, on the bread. They sit and think: “It’s good that there are dirty people and flies in the world.” And there was freedom for microbes. You can get it on a person’s hands or in a person’s mouth. And then illness is just a stone's throw away! The fly flew away, but the germs remained on the table, on the plate, on the spoons, on the bread. They sit and think: “It’s good that there are dirty people and flies in the world.” And there was freedom for microbes. You can get it on a person’s hands or in a person’s mouth. And then illness is just a stone's throw away!

Guess the riddle

  • Too much of it is a disaster!
  • Not enough of it - trouble!
  • We always need
  • More than food.
How long can you live without water?
  • Man – 3 days
  • Camel – 8 days
  • A person should drink at least 3 liters of water per day
  • Stop "Uchebnaya"
Our area is rich in water. There are different bodies of water: springs, streams, rivers, lakes, ponds. All of them are important to people and are widely used. Reservoirs decorate our area. We must ensure that they remain clean and beautiful. This camel is a living miracle!
  • This camel is a living miracle!
  • A camel has two humps.
  • Until he gets drunk enough -
  • He can drink half a well.
  • But then in the desert,
  • Where there is no trace of water,
  • Maybe he spends many days
  • Don't worry about her.
A camel drinks 135 liters of water in 10 minutes.
  • A camel drinks 135 liters of water in 10 minutes.
Say "spring" -
  • Say "spring" -
  • And then he appeared, running in the green thicket
  • A cheerful babbling key.
  • We call the spring a key
  • (door key
  • Nothing to do with it)
  • Stop
  • "Guess"
Guess the riddles
  • Everything in the world reflects...
  • It will give you something to drink and refresh.
  • And he runs away all the time
  • There's no way he'll run away.
The river broke through from the ground,
  • Broke out of the ground
  • How the heart beats.
  • You got drunk in the heat
  • And the other one will get drunk.
  • Creek
  • You can easily recognize the house:
  • IN four walls– water,
  • And a crane at the entrance
  • He distributes water to everyone.
Well Name the good deeds of water.
  • Name the good deeds of water.
  • Solve the crossword puzzle on p.55
  • Water:
  • Carries
  • Cools
  • Heals
  • Extinguishes
Tell us who needs water and why.
  • Tell us who needs water and why.
  • Can a car, a bicycle, a submarine, or a toy factory operate without water?
  • What sounds does water make? What words can describe water?
  • Water:
  • splashing
  • Murmurs
  • Gurgles
  • Clean
  • Muddy
  • Transparent
  • cold
Solve the puzzles
  • Stop
  • "Think"
Where is water used in the house? (p.54, no. 2)
  • Where is water used in the house? (p.54, no. 2)
  • What does Moidodyr warn about? (p. 55, No. 4)
Advice from Doctor Water Without which doctor would all the trees and bushes dry up and we wouldn’t be able to live?
  • Without which doctor would all the trees and bushes dry up and we wouldn’t be able to live?
  • Why and for what purpose do animals bathe and clean their bodies?
  • Why is it bad to be dirty?
  • Where does dirt accumulate most on the human body?
  • How do you take care of your body cleanliness?
  • Let's read the advice of Dr. Water:
Wash thoroughly once a week.
  • Wash thoroughly once a week.
  • In the morning, after sleep, wash your hands, face, neck, ears.
  • Every day, wash your feet and hands before going to bed.
  • Be sure to wash your hands after cleaning the room, toilet, playing games, interacting with animals, working in the garden, or traveling in public transport.
I washed my hands under the tap,
  • I washed my hands under the tap,
  • And I forgot to wash my face.
  • Trezor saw me,
  • He shouted: “What...!”
Stop “Fairy Tale” Tale of Microbes
  • Once upon a time there were microbes who carried various diseases. More than anything else, they loved dirt. The dirtier it was, the more pleasant it was for them and the more of them there became.
Someone left unwashed plates, crumbs, and pieces of bread on the table. There's a fly right there. And there are hundreds of microbes on her paws, especially if she came from the trash heap.
  • Someone left unwashed plates, crumbs, and pieces of bread on the table. There's a fly right there. And there are hundreds of microbes on her paws, especially if she came from the trash heap.
The fly flew away, but the germs remained on the table, on the plate, on the spoons, on the bread. They sit and think: “How good it is that in the world there are dirty and flies." And there was freedom for microbes. You can get it on a person’s hands or in a person’s mouth. And then illness is just a stone's throw away!
  • The fly flew away, but the germs remained on the table, on the plate, on the spoons, on the bread. They sit and think: “How good it is that in the world there are dirty and flies." And there was freedom for microbes. You can get it on a person’s hands or in a person’s mouth. And then illness is just a stone's throw away!

; show the importance of water in nature; learn to determine human influence on water bodies; to form environmental consciousness and careful attitude to nature.

Equipment: cards with presented tasks; puzzles; crossword puzzle "Parts of a river."

During the classes

I. Report the topic of the lesson.

– Name the sources of drinking water.

– Guess the riddles:

The ribbon in the open space trembles slightly in the breeze,

The narrow tip is in the spring, and the wide one is in the sea.

(River, its source, mouth.)

It came out of the ground like a beating heart.

You got drunk in the heat, and someone else will get drunk.


You can easily recognize the house: there is water within the four walls.

And the crane at the entrance distributes water to everyone.


II. Work according to the textbook.

– Have you ever observed the source of any river or its mouth? What did they look like?

– Have you ever been to a mountain river?

-Have you sailed on a ship on a flat river? How are they different? water flows in mountain and lowland rivers?

Task 2.

– Read the poem by Vladimir Orlov in the textbook. What is this poem about? (On the importance of the river for wildlife and for humans.)

Task 3.

– Why are rivers important?

Local climatic conditions affect the animal and vegetable world rivers. There is a wide variety of fish in the rivers. There are also large river animals. Rivers and their banks are rich in vegetation. Since ancient times, people have settled along the banks of rivers, since, living near water, they had the opportunity to grow bread and other cultivated plants. There was enough water for irrigation. , then, of course, you will notice that everything big cities located along the banks of rivers. For thousands of years, rivers have been used for travel and as trade routes. And today a huge number of people and goods are transported along rivers.

– What is a dam? (A structure blocking a river to raise the water level.)

– Name artificial reservoirs. (Reservoirs, ponds, canals.)

– Why do we need channels?

– How do rivers feed?

– At what time of year is there especially a lot of water in the rivers? (In spring.)

– Why are rivers dangerous?

– What is a flood?

– What are the names of the embankments on the banks of the most dangerous rivers? (Dams.)

– Mentally swim along the river. Discuss how people pollute the river. Name the good deeds of water.

Exercise. Fill in the missing words in the text (On the desk).

To all living things... (needed) water. Fresh water on Earth... (few). Necessary … (carefully) waste water. Taps in the house should be... (closed). It is forbidden … (pollute) bodies of water

– Using drawings (on p. 192), tell us who needs water and why.

– Fill in the crossword. (Carries, washes, cools, gives water, heals, extinguishes.) Read keyword. (Voditsa.)

– Can a car, a bicycle, a submarine, a toy factory do without water? What sounds does water make? (Splashes, gurgles, gurgles.)

– What words can describe water? (Clear, cloudy, transparent.)

Task 7 (drawing a river according to the description).

Task 8 (captions for the pictures). (Geyser, waterfall, dam.)

Task 9.

– Look at the diagram and write what is shown on it. (Rivers of the Moscow region.) What rivers are connected by the Moscow Canal? (Volga, Klyazma, Istra, Ruza, Moscow River.)

– Name the reservoirs of the Moscow region.

IV. Frontal work.

- Read the puzzles. (Volga, Moscow, Don, bank, channel.)

– Use a drawing to explain how a person’s actions can affect surrounding nature.

– Solve the crossword puzzle “Parts of the river.”

1. A natural depression on the surface of the land filled with water. (Lake.)

2. What is the name of the place where groundwater comes out to the surface of the earth? (Spring.)

3. It flows, it flows - it won’t leak out, it runs, it runs - it won’t run out.

4. What is the name of the beginning of the river? (Source.)

5. The place where a river flows into a sea or lake. (Mouth.)

6. What is the name of the river that flows into the main river? (Inflow.)

































V. Lesson summary.

– What does the flow of the river depend on? (From the area where it flows.) What is the current of the rivers on the plains? (Smooth.) What is the current of rivers in the mountains? (Stormy.)

– What do rivers and lakes feed on? (Underground and surface waters.)

A student reads a poem.

A blue stream runs along the riverbed.

There are mountain rivers, there are valley rivers.

All of them different lengths and depths.

But they all run to the sea, to the ocean,

To the expanses of water, where the wind is violent.

– Find the names of five rivers of Russia in a comic poem.

AND Volga I was preparing snad ob e.

- Eh, I would like a Zhiguli,

Otherwise there is not enough for fire Lena,

Carrying it in your beak is not a thing!

Or bring it to me by car Kama Behind

Ural y logs, about twenty of them at once?!

Lesson 38
Subject: Fresh water bodies

Goals: introduce the concept of “lake”; introduce you to the amazing lakes of Russia; learn to find bodies of water on a map; develop Creative skills, attention.

Equipment: physical map Russia, native land; photographs of lakes, inhabitants of fresh water bodies.

During the classes

I. Subject message.

- Guess the riddle:

 In the middle of the field there is a mirror, the glass is blue, the frame is green. (Lake.)

II. Work according to the textbook.

-What is a river? Name the parts of the river. Describe what rivers are like. What does it taste like river water? What bodies of water, other than rivers, have fresh water? Read the text of the textbook. What bodies of water does it refer to? (About lakes.)

-What is a lake? (A lake is a natural body of water, a depression (depression) constantly filled with water.)

– What types of lakes are there? Name the most big lake of our planet. (Caspian.) Name the most deep lake on the ground. (Baikal.)

– Find the Caspian Sea and Lake Baikal on the map. Discuss how these lakes were formed.

The teacher talks about the amazing lakes of our country.

III. Working in a notebook printed basis.

Task 10.

– What is shown in the picture? (Mountain Lake.) How and where was it formed? How many rivers flow from the lake? (One river.) Is the water in the lake salty or fresh? (Fresh.)

Task 11.

– Solve the crossword puzzle, guess the keyword and make up a question for it.





























(Geyser - hot underground water gushing with fountains.)

IV. Frontal work.

The teacher talks about the formation of lakes.

Depending on where and how the lake was formed, where it is replenished from water reserve and what kind of water is in it, there are several classifications of lakes.

Firstly, lakes are divided into salty and fresh. Most lakes are fresh. Salt lakes, as a rule, do not have outlets for water, and therefore mineral salts that enter them settle to the bottom and crystallize. The saltiest lake in the world is the Dead Sea. The water in it is 8 times saltier than ocean water. Secondly, lakes are divided into so-called dry, or seasonal, and permanently existing. Dry lakes are common in Australia. Such is Lake Erie, for example. Its bottom is covered with a layer of salt 4.5 m thick. Only during the rainy season does the lake fill with water.

Lakes are formed in different ways. Many appeared during the Ice Age, when ice covered the area on which they subsequently formed. Movement helps lake formation earth's crust, occurring for various geological reasons. In a similar way The Caspian Sea and Lake Baikal arose, the depth of which reaches 1640 m.

Sometimes lakes form in craters extinct volcanoes. This is a crater lake in Oregon in the USA.

Often in mountainous areas, landslides can form natural dams on rivers. This subsequently becomes one of the reasons for the formation of lakes. But they don't last long. Dams, which are made mostly of earth, erode quickly.

With the development of hydropower, more and more “man-made lakes” – reservoirs – are appearing in the world.

Many live in lakes various plants. Their diversity is explained by differences in climate, the altitude of the lake above sea level, and soil heterogeneity. Humans also have a huge impact on the vegetation of lakes. Plants benefit not only the animals, but also the lake itself, releasing a large number of oxygen. Standing water contributes to the formation of wetlands around lakes.

The vegetation of lakes is divided into 3 types according to habitat zones.

Zone pop-up plants located near the coast; grow here holly, water lily.

Inhabitants of the zone underwater plants are not visible on the surface of the lake: this moss, Canadian weed.

Last group - floating plants. These are plants that live on the surface of the water; they are not connected to the bottom and can move along the surface of the lake in any direction. This water soldier, duck weed.

Diverse and animal world lakes

People have been settling along the shores of lakes for a long time. They are used for fishing, for transporting goods, and for sports competitions and recreation. Unfortunately, people often pollute lakes industrial emissions and waste Agriculture. Currently, the fight against lake pollution is underway.

V. Lesson summary.

– Name it fresh water bodies, lakes of Russia, lake inhabitants.

– Why do fresh water bodies need to be protected?