I don't want to eat because of stress. Looking for a thrill

Have you ever asked for more during a family meal, not because you were hungry, but to please your mother-in-law who was trying so hard? Or maybe you've ever ordered dessert in a cafe just because your best friend really wanted to share a large piece of butter cake with you? You didn’t want sweets at all, but you honestly ate your half, because your friend would be offended if you refused...

If you have been in similar situations, it is very possible that you suffer from a pathological desire to please others. At the same time, the desire to make your family and friends happy forces you to eat more than you need. And this is just one of the emotional reasons that can lead to extra pounds.

Anger, loneliness, guilt, regret, sadness—these feelings and stress often cause us to seek comfort in food. A cup of hot chocolate, a slice of cake, a little cheese and wine - and life no longer seems so sad, and the weather no longer so cloudy and cold. There is hardly a woman who, at least once in her life, has not tried to brighten up the agonizing wait with a bag of chips or console herself for a scandal at work with a package of ice cream with roasted nuts and chocolate chips.

Stress and excess weight

Some people try to please others with the help of delicious food, some are looking for pleasant emotions, and for others only a bar of chocolate allows them to get rid of stress. First of all, understand the reasons that make you overeat, and then choose the right tactics.

Everyone's favorite

You eat for others, not for yourself. Psychologists have long noticed: when in a company where it is customary to eat a lot, even those who are usually used to limiting themselves unconsciously increase their portions. That is why this statement is true: if all your friends are overweight, then your chances of gaining unnecessary pounds also increase. And if, among other things, you also strive to please others, you will begin to eat even more.

And after overeating, depression sets in, and not only because you can’t fit into your favorite jeans. When your main desire is to please others, you end up letting others decide what is good for you. You stop listening to your own desires. There is only one way out of this situation: listen to your inner voice.

  1. Think about what you want. If you are not really hungry, praise the hostess, you can say something like this: “The pies are simply wonderful, and the aroma is such that you will lick your fingers. But I was so full at lunch that I think I’ll abstain now.” Ask to wrap up some pies to take home and eat them at home when you get hungry. Or treat them to friends and colleagues at the office.
  2. Learn to say no. Of course, you are used to doing everything the way others like, and it will be difficult for you at first. Mainly because you will be forced to fight your own habits, even reflexes. After all, most likely, you grew up with the conviction that you need to take care exclusively of your loved ones and not take your own interests into account. And you can cope with it only with some effort. You have to master a skill that you didn’t know before, that’s all.

    Gradually learn to say a polite “no.” Start with those who push unnecessary services or goods on you. Then try to refuse friends who invite you to an uninteresting event. And when you master all this, perhaps you will be able to refuse a second piece of cake at the birthday party of your aunt, who is famous for her culinary talents, without remorse.

Looking for a thrill

You're bored and take out a bag of candy. Most likely, what you need is not food, but an influx of dopamine, a substance produced in the brain that is responsible for pleasure, arousal and appetite. Dopamine is associated with basic human needs and is necessary primarily so that we remember to eat on time.

But the frequent use of various medications and poor nutrition have led to the internal systems of the body becoming confused and failing. Substances that are designed to ensure that our body receives the necessary energy become the cause of a variety of addictions and overeating. It has already been proven that in the process of digesting sweet and fatty foods in the brain, approximately the same sharp release of dopamine occurs as after taking drugs. The only difference is in the strength of the effect, but the principle, as doctors assure, is the same.

Scientists have hardly studied how boredom affects the amount of food we eat. But in 2011, American doctors conducted a small study (only 139 people participated), the results of which caused a real shock among specialists. Young men and women admitted that they most often overeat out of boredom, and not at all when they are sad or worried.

  1. More emotions! Think about what activities might lift your spirits. Dancing? Skiing? Scuba diving? Every person has their own idea of ​​fun. Some people need to jump with a parachute to get a jolt, while others just need to master crocheting. Listen to yourself and choose what you like.
  2. Maximum variety. Do you always get to work by subway? Get off one station early and walk the rest of the way. If you need to lose weight, don't focus on one program. When you get tired of counting calories, switch to separate meals, then to a protein diet, then to the menu. In the same way, change the types of physical activity: today you do dancing, tomorrow you do yoga, and the day after tomorrow go to a strip class.

sleep against hunger

Regardless of personality type and character traits, all people on the planet have one thing in common: when we don’t get enough sleep or are tired, we automatically look for sources of energy. And the most common source is food - usually something sweet or fatty. This is how weight gain begins during stress! Research confirms that a person who did not get enough sleep the night before is simply unable to make the right food choices because their brain is not functioning at full capacity. This is why proper sleep is so important! And if you still didn’t get enough sleep, try these techniques the next day. Every 45 minutes, give yourself a short break of 2-3 minutes and only after that return to business. And try to find other sources of energy besides food - it can be completely replaced by an active walk in the fresh air or listening to energetic music (with headphones).

Workaholic and altruist

You work too hard, get too tired and eat too much. It is these three components that lead to the fact that energetic and active women, to their own amazement, gain excess weight. If you work a lot, you are often stressed and use food to calm down - this is understandable. But there may be more to it than that.

Women who take on too many things often forget about themselves. After all, you need time for yourself, and there is never enough of it. And there’s always time for a serving of ice cream or a bag of chips!

If this is your problem, know that even small lifestyle changes can help curb your appetite.

  1. Start with the simplest things. Think about ways to reduce the stress you are often exposed to. For example, make it a rule to take a five-minute break between work and home. Sit in your car for five minutes before going home. Close your eyes, listen to pleasant music, meditate. Or just stand in the fresh air, looking at the sky. Take a few deep breaths and go to your family in a good mood.
  2. Learn to listen to yourself. When you are worried and your hands reach for a box of chocolates, take a little time out - at least for 5-10 seconds. Think about what else you can do to please yourself at the moment. And let this joy not be associated with food! Make a list of things you can do during a short break to take a little break and calm down. Play solitaire on the computer, call a friend, and if you have pets, pet a cat or dog.
  3. Voice your intentions. A recently published study by Greek scientists suggests that people who are trying to learn a new skill perform better when they say key words out loud. When you're feeling anxious and ready to reach for the box of cookies, try to change the situation by saying out loud, "Now I'm going to read for five minutes." This will help you break the vicious cycle of automatic actions. Your autopilot will turn off and you will be in control of your actions again.

    If none of these remedies work, don't be so quick to blame yourself. Instead, be curious and reflect on what went wrong and what you can do differently next time. As a rule, those people who know how to take into account their experience achieve what they want and use it so as not to repeat mistakes. Therefore, turn to your natural wisdom, and you can find answers to these simple questions.

Do you eat up any excitement? This means you need to be able to cope with stress without overeating. In this article we will tell you how to create a personal “anti-stress” nutrition plan.

Trying to be perfect can sometimes lead to stress. Diets also cause stress. Illnesses of loved ones are another cause of stress, as are things at work, family responsibilities, and other endless worries. What is our reaction? We begin to look for a “cure” for mental pain, fatigue or melancholy. Alcohol? Drugs? For many women, this medicine becomes... food. Excess food naturally leads to weight gain, which, as you might guess, only increases the same stress.

Mini test. If you answered “yes” to at least three questions, then you most likely use food as a stress reliever.

1. Does your willpower disappear in the afternoon and evening?

2. Does food help relieve emotional stress and bring you satisfaction?

3. Do you eat as if in a fog, not noticing how your hand takes chips or nuts out of the bag?

4. When you feel exhausted during the day, do you try to “recharge” with sweets or fatty foods, caffeine and nicotine?

Why does stress increase appetite?

The levels of stress hormones in the body – cortisol and anxiety hormone (its scientific name is “corticotropin releasing hormone”) – reach a maximum early in the morning, at 6–8 o’clock. It is at this time that you feel energetic, it is easy for you to focus your attention and concentrate on something. By lunchtime, the level of stress hormones gradually decreases, and in the afternoon you feel a lack of energy and find it difficult to concentrate. This usually occurs between 15:00 and 16:00. Biologically, your body begins to prepare for rest and then sleep after a long, stressful day. Finally, hormone levels are at their lowest during sleep so you can be fully rested. By 2 a.m. they begin to grow again, preparing you for the morning awakening.

That is, following the natural biorhythm of stress hormones, we would have to have dinner early and go to bed at 8–9 pm.

Overeating in the afternoon is a leading cause of stress-related excess weight in women. The time between 15:00 and 24:00 can be called the CortiZone: the level of the stress hormone cortisol drops. Today, we no longer live according to the natural cycle of stress hormones. When it's time to rest, we still have a lot of urgent matters to deal with, hustle and bustle in transport, business dinners and countless household chores. Tired and anxious, we look to food for a source of energy and a cure for the negative emotions caused by the need to cope with the stress of the afternoon. It is not surprising that at dinnertime a person wants to “reward” himself for surviving another day. Women who feel especially exhausted and overloaded often like to enjoy themselves after dinner, late at night. They are looking for quick, immediate pleasure on the plate.

Golden rules of nutrition for every day

  • You need to learn how to safely overcome the CortiZone and finally break the vicious circle of overeating.
  • During main meals, 55–60% of calories should come from carbohydrates, with preference given to complex carbohydrates (unrefined grains, vegetables and fruits); 15–20% is the share of proteins and 25% is the share of fats.
  • If you have breakfast before 7 am, have a snack 3 hours later. Be sure to eat something protein (for example) and fruit, and lunch should be between 12:00 and 13:00. If you eat breakfast after 8am, ideally you should only snack on fruit between breakfast and lunch.
  • The afternoon snack should be 3 hours after lunch. It is necessary that it contains proteins, carbohydrates and little fat. For example, soup with biscuits, low-fat soup with fruit, low-fat yogurt or kefir.
  • Try not to have the lion's share of what you eat during the day during the CortiZone. Consume most of your calories (about 65%) before 5 pm.
  • Keep track of the time! Eating too much after 8 pm will make you gain weight.

How to tame “overeating hormones”?

People who overeat under the influence of stress “program” their “CortiZone” problems in the very morning, during breakfast. In the morning, they either eat too many carbohydrates and too little protein, or skip breakfast altogether. They also skip lunch or eat completely symbolically: yogurt, a little cottage cheese, a couple of sandwiches or a bowl of soup. It’s no wonder that by the time “hour X” arrives, they feel very hungry. If stress stimulates your appetite, your job is to develop resistance to it. To do this, you need a nutrition plan for the “dangerous” time of day - CortiZone. You'll also need to change your daily habits to keep your stress hormone levels as close to normal as possible and avoid mindless chewing (and the inevitable excess weight that comes with it).

5 ways you can do this

1. It is necessary to psychologically come to terms with the fact that, for objective reasons, you feel physical and mental fatigue after 15:00, and not worry that “there is still a lot of work ahead, but your strength is already running out.” Try to plan your day so that after three o'clock in the afternoon you have less stressful and complex work planned. If you have no choice, during the CortiZone you are forced to work like a bee, break each task into small task stages that will be easier to cope with.

2. Be careful with products from which you are accustomed to draw strength and calm. These “benefits” come at a high price. Caffeine, nicotine, medications (eg for weight loss), alcohol, refined sugars and fats create new problems.

3. Physical activity at any time of the day helps you feel more energetic during the CortiZone. Both regular and “emergency” workouts are the easiest way to both calm down and invigorate at the same time. Ideal in a stressful situation, for example, take a brisk walk for 30–45 minutes. Even if you walk for a couple of minutes, the stress noticeably recedes. Exercise regulates stress hormones: the body produces beta-endorphins, which act as a natural stimulant. Endorphins block stress reactions in the body.

4. Learn to mobilize strength in the face of stress. Deep breathing techniques, meditation, and the ability to switch attention from negative thoughts to neutral or positive ones will come in handy.

5. Arm yourself with a daily meal plan (see above “Golden Rules of Nutrition for Every Day”). Plan in advance what you will eat for afternoon snack and dinner.

We, who live in conditions of emotional stress and nervousness, often attribute our fatness to the inability to not eat when we are nervous. So why do people behave so differently?

It is known that animals in a state of danger or illness stop eating. The same instinct lives in people: when a person is faced with a difficulty that poses a real threat, he cannot even think about food, all his strength and will are concentrated on the need to survive and protect himself.

For example, a person experiencing the death of someone close cannot eat anything, because his body is currently completely absorbed in the experience of loss: he must emotionally survive the misfortune and cope with stress, this is now more important than maintaining his strength with food. Thus, psychologists assure that a person refuses food only when the stress is really strong, and the body needs to concentrate all its strength to cope with it.

On the other hand, there are paradoxical examples from life when a person eats when a real threat of death hangs over him. So, in books about war you read about how soldiers eat something under fire. For example, Remarque describes a case when one of the soldiers in a trench quickly eats a can of stew, although the enemy is already close, and everyone knows that few will survive. There is an explanation for this behavior: a person who lives in conditions of constant stress for a long time involuntarily reaches for food, because it is able to support the weakened strength of the body. The psyche is so worn out that its strength is not enough to deal with incessant stress; food can help in some way.

Finally, we all notice that if we start eating intensely during times of stress, we mostly eat sweets. This is also no coincidence: during stress, vitamin B and magnesium are consumed first. A person needs to make up for losses, so he really wants to eat chocolate and nuts - they contain large quantities of magnesium. The body “remembers” how pleasant it felt when you ate a piece of cake, so it wants to “cover” the resulting negative feeling with pleasant sensations.

As you can see, the different reactions of people in situations of stress have an explanation, so if you suffer from overeating during difficult times for you, first of all we advise you to find out the nature of your stress - is it that serious?

Of course, it is difficult when life circumstances develop in such a way that you cannot cope with them at the moment, and you have to be patient. Of course, no diet will help until the cause of the nervous shock is eliminated, but try to control yourself. If you absolutely cannot live without eating something, it would be better if it were fruits and juices. If you understand that the stress that makes you run to the refrigerator is not stress at all, try to overcome it, because in this case it is really possible: train your willpower.

Article from the Diet section

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Why does stress cause loss of appetite and nausea?

When you're nervous, you don't want to eat.

The reason for this is adrenaline released into the blood.

With its large presence, processes occur in the human body in which the feeling of hunger does not appear.

When adrenaline is released, the number of heart contractions, sweating, lack of air, and hand tremors increase. At the same time, I don’t feel like eating at all.

To reduce the release of adrenaline, take beta blockers as prescribed by a doctor. I have used them myself more than once. We must remember that they can contribute to cardiac arrest. Without a doctor, no, no!

But I know for sure that there are people who, when excited, begin to absorb food in large quantities.

It's different for everyone.

Judging by your question, you are a unique person! At least I have not yet met people who lose their appetite due to nervous overload! This is due to the fact that when a person is nervous, he spends more energy than in a calm state, which means the body requires replenishment of lost energy! Appetite comes accordingly! Personally, when I’m nervous, I can tear the refrigerator into pieces, if at home, of course, and if there is something to eat in the refrigerator))))

For me this is a very good way to lose a few kilos. But many women, on the contrary, get better when they are stressed and start consuming sweets to distract themselves. - 5 years ago

Why don't you feel like eating when you're nervous?

You don’t feel like eating when you’re nervous, and nausea can even set in when a person has just experienced some fairly strong short-term stress. It could be an unpleasant conversation, a fight, or something else that caused a strong emotional outburst. In this case, creeping nausea and lack of appetite are normal, because it’s not for nothing that at such moments they say that a piece won’t fit into the throat.

But if a person experiences emotional stress for quite a long time, then the body begins to adapt and tries to protect itself, but then, on the contrary, a strong appetite appears and the likelihood of gaining extra pounds if the stressful situation is not resolved in a short time.

But for me it happens differently.

There was a time when I was very nervous, I couldn’t get a bite into my throat, I could hardly force myself to drink at least tea, my body was constantly in nervous tension, and as a result, during the shooting range of the day I lost 3 kilograms of weight in two days.

And it happens that when I’m nervous, on the contrary, I want to eat all the time, my legs themselves carry me to the refrigerator in search of something edible, I don’t even notice that I’m constantly chewing something, it feels like my brain just turns off, but what’s strange , that in this case I am not gaining extra pounds, probably the nerve cells have time to burn all the extra calories.

I conducted an experiment on other people about this a long time ago. When they don't feel like eating, it turns out that their blood sugar levels are very slightly elevated. Usually it is 5.9, 6, 6.1 and everything is around these numbers. I don't know if this has been scientifically proven. But I have a personal glucometer, and I long ago came to the conclusion that under stress, blood sugar levels rise, metabolism is disrupted, and therefore I don’t want to eat. It can even make you sick from eating. Conclusion: being nervous is simply terribly dangerous for your health!

When you are nervous, the level of the hormone adrenaline increases and the sympathetic nervous system is activated. Therefore, the need for food fades into the background. The body thus adapts to solve the problem.

When I'm nervous, I destroy everything in my path. At this point, I am required to keep the refrigerator locked. My appetite disappears when I’m sad or sad about something, but my nerves chew and chew.

When a person is under stress, a large amount of adrenaline is released into the blood, and adrenaline and appetite are incompatible things. Adrenaline extinguishes the feeling of hunger. It is no coincidence that many pills for combating excess weight contain substances that stimulate the production of adrenaline and suppress appetite. By the way , which is why they are harmful to the heart. Since, along with an increase in adrenaline in the blood and suppression of appetite, the body begins to need more oxygen, the number of heart contractions increases. I think everyone has noticed that when you are nervous, worried, your pulse begins to beat faster .Or when from rage, there is not enough air... What kind of appetite is there?

Stop writing if you don't know the answer. Because with excitement, the sympathoadrenal system is activated. Catecholamines (adrenaline, norepinephrine), which are catabolic hormones, are released into the blood. They activate glycogenolysis, lipolysis, proteolysis, thereby increasing the concentration of glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids in the blood. Glucoreceptors in the hypothalamus react to the level of glucose in the blood and the saturation center neurons are activated. That's why I don't want to eat

Interestingly, on the contrary, when I’m nervous, I eat. Especially at work. Immediately after an unpleasant conversation with a client, I go to drink tea with something tasty and completely forget about both the client and work. For me, this is a kind of psychotherapy.

I've had this all my life, so I'm skinny.

If I had the opposite appetite during stress, I think I would be plump now))

I’m stressed, I can’t eat, I feel sick from eating, what should I do?

Eat fruits, they won't make you sick.

Stress will also not last long, then everything will return to normal. The main thing is to prevent stress from turning into depression, then it will be worse.

This is good for fat people, but good-bye for skinny people

I agree, because of my nerves, I once lost 9 kg (from 54 to 45) in a month, if it weren’t for my mother and sister, I would have ended up in the hospital. from 'great love' damn it)))))

And so it was with me.

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    Because of stress, a piece won’t go down my throat. What to do?

    Due to stress and the upcoming exam, I can’t force myself to eat for the second day. I just don’t feel like eating, but I feel like I don’t have the strength anymore. I forced myself to eat a little, but now I feel nauseous and feel bad. Valerian is not an option, because it makes you lose your appetite even more. I feel like I’m losing a lot of weight and my strength is at its limit. How to return to normal eating?

    try taking afobazole - before the government, our whole course really saved us, the psychopharmacology teachers themselves recommended it to us

    I also know that a glass of martini (vermouth) causes appetite, so it is recommended to drink it as a drink before meals)))

    In general, I cook in such a way that I never turn down such yummy food)))

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    Severe stress

    Any strong impact on a person leads to the activation of the protective abilities of his body, or stress. Moreover, the strength of the stimulus is such that existing barriers cannot provide the necessary level of protection, which leads to the launch of other mechanisms.

    Severe stress plays an important role in a person’s life, as it neutralizes the consequences caused by the stimulus. The stress reaction is characteristic of all living beings, but due to the social factor it has reached its greatest perfection in humans.

    Symptoms of severe stress

    All types of such reactions of the body are characterized by some common signs of burnout, which affect not only the physical, but also the psychological sphere of a person. The number of symptoms of severe stress is directly proportional to its severity.

    Cognitive signs include problems with memory and concentration, constant worry and anxious thoughts, and fixation only on bad events.

    In the emotional sphere, stress manifests itself as moodiness, short temper, irritability, feelings of overwhelm, isolation and loneliness, inability to relax, general sadness and even depression.

    Behavioral symptoms of severe stress include overeating or undereating, drowsiness or insomnia, neglect of responsibilities, isolation from other people, nervous habits (snapping fingers, biting nails), and using drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol to relax.

    Physical signs include headaches, nausea and dizziness, rapid heartbeat, diarrhea or constipation, loss of sexual desire, and frequent colds.

    It is worth noting that symptoms and signs of severe stress can be caused by several other medical and psychological problems. If the listed symptoms are detected, you must contact a psychologist who will give a competent assessment of the situation and determine whether these signs are related to this phenomenon.

    Consequences of severe stress

    Under moderate stress, a person's body and mind work most efficiently, which prepares the body for optimal functioning. In this case, the set goals are achieved without depleting vitality.

    Unlike moderate stress, severe stress remains a positive factor only for a very short time, after which it leads to disruptions in a person’s normal functioning.

    The consequences of severe stress are serious health problems and disruptions in the functioning of almost all body systems: blood pressure rises, the risk of stroke and heart attack increases, the immune system is suppressed, and the aging process accelerates. Another consequence of such overexertion may be infertility. After severe stress, anxiety disorders, depression and neuroses also occur.

    Many problems arise or get worse after a stressful situation, for example:

    • Heart diseases;
    • Obesity;
    • Digestive problems;
    • Autoimmune diseases;
    • Sleep problems;
    • Skin diseases (eczema).

    You can avoid the negative impact of stress factors by increasing the level of stress resistance, using existing methods, or using medications.

    Ways to increase stress resistance

    Help increase stress resistance:

    • Social connections. With the support of family members and friends, it is much easier to avoid severe stress, and if it does happen, it is easier to cope with it in the company of close people;
    • Feeling of control. A self-confident person is able to influence events and overcome difficulties; he is calmer and more easily accepting of any stressful situation;
    • Optimism. With such a worldview, the consequences of severe stress are practically neutralized, a person perceives changes as a natural part of his life, believes in goals and higher powers;
    • Ability to cope with emotions. If a person does not know how to calm himself down, he is very vulnerable. The ability to bring emotions into a state of balance helps to resist adversity;
    • Knowledge and preparation. Understanding what awaits a person after severe stress helps to accept the stressful situation. For example, recovery from surgery will be less traumatic if you learn about its consequences in advance, rather than waiting for a miraculous healing.

    Methods for quickly relieving tension and stress

    Some techniques help you get rid of severe stress in a short time. These include the following methods:

    • Physical exercises - jogging, cycling, swimming, dancing, playing tennis distract from the problem;
    • Deep breathing - concentrating on your own breathing helps you forget about the stressor for a while and look at the situation from the outside;
    • Relaxation – promotes sound sleep and effectively relieves stress;
    • A break from everyday life - going on vacation, going to the theater or cinema, reading books, artificially creating images in your head, for example, a forest, river, beach, allow you to escape;
    • Meditation – gives a feeling of peace and well-being;
    • Massage is one of the most effective ways to relax and reduce the effects of severe stress;
    • Slowing down the pace of life helps you look at the current situation in a calmer environment;
    • Revision of life positions - attempts to achieve unrealistic goals lead to nervous breakdowns and stress, and inevitable failures only aggravate the condition.

    Sedatives for severe stress

    The safest sedatives for severe stress are herbal preparations (motherwort, valerian, mint). They are suitable for people who are able to control their own emotions and, by and large, can calm down on their own. But if the stress is prolonged, such drugs are not suitable. Herbal tablets are optimal for children, as they have no side effects, are not addictive and do not linger in the body.

    No less popular are bromine preparations, which are relatively safe, although they can accumulate in the body, causing bromism, manifested by apathy, lethargy, adynamia, and in men also a decrease in libido.

    However, the main sedatives for severe stress are tranquilizers, or anxiolytics. Tranquilizers remove feelings of fear and anxiety, reduce muscle tone, reduce the speed of thinking and completely calm you down. Such drugs have dangerous side effects, the main of which are rapid addiction, as well as a decrease in mental and motor activity. Anxiolytics are prescribed only by a specialist.

    Another type of pill used after severe stress is antidepressants. Although they are not considered sedatives, they allow you to relieve tension and get your emotional state in shape. Antidepressants have a strong effect on the central nervous system, helping to forget about troubles, but they cannot be taken without a doctor’s prescription, since these pills are also addictive.

    All methods are important in the fight against stress, but you should not self-medicate. An experienced specialist will advise the optimal method of treatment in each specific situation.

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    You need to see a psychotherapist.

    I have the same. Muscle spasms and pain. Clamps and anxiety. I even received treatment from a psychotherapist, but it didn’t help. Everything is slowly going away after 2 years, but I’m still afraid to stay at home alone. I'm already tired of this state of affairs. Maybe someone can recommend something. It started with feeling bad while driving, like a panic attack.

    Most likely a consequence of stress, but it could also be a disease. Once you have finished retaking the exams and your condition returns to normal within about a week or two, there is nothing to worry about. If it does not return to normal, you will need to undergo examination.

    you may have helminth infections

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    It was previously believed that yawning enriches the body with oxygen. However, this opinion has been refuted. Scientists have proven that yawning cools the brain and improves its performance.

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    Modern society places very strict demands on a woman: she must be a loving wife, a caring mother, and a successful businesswoman. At the same time.

    I can't eat due to stress

    At the sound of a flute, he loses his will. (With)

    but there is only one answer - get rid of the cause of stress

    We must first solve the problem of stress. And from the reason you have to think about what to do. And the sooner the better. And it’s clear that I don’t want to. And I want to score. But since they came for advice, it means the first step has already been taken. Do the second one.

    return to the good. When you're stressed, you find it hard to believe that good things are happening. As you immerse yourself in memories of pleasant things, feel the joy and satisfaction that filled you at that moment. Repeat to yourself that it was your feelings and your good results;

    quick exercise. Physical exercise will help you distract yourself, activate the production of endorphins and quickly get you out of the disorder. You can resort to this method even during the working day: just do a few stretches, walk around the office;

    put things in order. Cleaning is a useful way of meditation. When you're stressed and worried at work, start cleaning your desk and getting rid of unnecessary piles of papers, pens and documents. Leave only what is necessary. Order around miraculously brings order inside;

    aromatherapy is a passive and at the same time very effective way to combat stress. Smells can affect the body, helping to find inner balance, improve mood and fill with optimism. To combat stress, essential oils of orange, rosemary, eucalyptus, lavender, cardamom, clary sage and neroli will help. Choose the scent that suits you best and enjoy;

    water procedures. A warm bath with herbal decoctions, salts, aromatic oils or special foam will perfectly calm and relax you after a hard day at work. A contrast shower, by alternating cold and hot streams of water, improves the general condition of the body, blood circulation and normalizes metabolic processes, helping the nervous system return to normal and you becoming calmer.

    Love is the only one of all spheres of human communication that is an amazing interweaving of spiritual and physical pleasure, creating a feeling of life being filled with meaning and happiness. S. Ilyina.

    let me meet you with peace of mind

    everything that the coming day will bring me.

    Let me completely surrender to Your holy will.

    For every hour of this day

    instruct and support me in everything.

    Whatever news I receive during the day,

    teach me to accept them

    with a calm soul and firm conviction,

    that everything is Your holy will.

    In all my words and deeds

    guide my thoughts and feelings.

    In all unforeseen cases

    do not let me forget that everything was sent down by You.

    Teach me to act directly and wisely

    with every member of my family,

    without confusing or upsetting anyone.

    Lord, give me strength to endure fatigue

    the coming day and all events during the day.

    Guide my will and teach me to repent,

    pray and believe, hope, endure,

    forgive, thank and love everyone.

    Love is the only one of all spheres of human communication that is an amazing interweaving of spiritual and physical pleasure, creating a feeling of life being filled with meaning and happiness. S. Ilyina.

    Oh, Most Holy Virgin, the All-Blessed Son of the All-Blessed Mother, the protection of the reigning city and the holy temple of this temple, faithful representative and intercessor of all! Do not despise the prayers of us, your unworthy servants, but beg your son and our God, so that all of us, with faith and tenderness before your miraculous image, worship, according to every need, grant joy: to the sinner all-effective admonition, repentance and salvation; consolation for those who are in sorrow and sorrow; in the troubles and bitterness of those who remain there is a complete abundance of these; hope and patience for the faint-hearted and unreliable; those who live in joy and abundance give unceasing thanksgiving to God; those who exist in illness are healing and strengthening. O Madam Most Pure! Have mercy on all who honor Your honorable name, and show everyone Your all-powerful protection and intercession: protect and preserve your people from visible and invisible enemies. Establish marriages in love and like-mindedness; educate infants, young ones to be wise, open their minds to the perception of every useful teaching; Protect half-blooded people from domestic quarrels with peace and love, and give us all love for each other, peace and piety and health with long life, so that everyone in heaven and on earth will lead You, as a strong and shameless representative of the Christian race, and these leading , glorify Thee and Thy Son with Thee, with His beginningless Father and His consubstantial Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

    Love is the only one of all spheres of human communication that is an amazing interweaving of spiritual and physical pleasure, creating a feeling of life being filled with meaning and happiness. S. Ilyina.

Why does stress cause loss of appetite and nausea?

When you're nervous, you don't want to eat.

The reason for this is adrenaline released into the blood.

With its large presence, processes occur in the human body in which the feeling of hunger does not appear.

When adrenaline is released, the number of heart contractions, sweating, lack of air, and hand tremors increase. At the same time, I don’t feel like eating at all.

To reduce the release of adrenaline, take beta blockers as prescribed by a doctor. I have used them myself more than once. We must remember that they can contribute to cardiac arrest. Without a doctor, no, no!

But I know for sure that there are people who, when excited, begin to absorb food in large quantities.

It's different for everyone.

Judging by your question, you are a unique person! At least I have not yet met people who lose their appetite due to nervous overload! This is due to the fact that when a person is nervous, he spends more energy than in a calm state, which means the body requires replenishment of lost energy! Appetite comes accordingly! Personally, when I’m nervous, I can tear the refrigerator into pieces, if at home, of course, and if there is something to eat in the refrigerator))))

You don’t feel like eating when you’re nervous, and nausea can even set in when a person has just experienced some fairly strong short-term stress. It could be an unpleasant conversation, a fight, or something else that caused a strong emotional outburst. In this case, creeping nausea and lack of appetite are normal, because it’s not for nothing that at such moments they say that a piece won’t fit into the throat.

But if a person experiences emotional stress for quite a long time, then the body begins to adapt and tries to protect itself, but then, on the contrary, a strong appetite appears and the likelihood of gaining extra pounds if the stressful situation is not resolved in a short time.


Why you don't feel like eating when you're stressed

girls, such a problem. When I’m nervous, my appetite completely disappears, I can go without eating for several days, I only eat drinking yoghurts and juices. I start to feel nauseous when I try to eat, and “a piece won’t go down my throat.” I’m already thin by nature (height 165, weight 45), but I can lose up to 40-41 kg! I don’t know what to do, now I’m losing weight again, all my clothes are hanging out. When I’m not nervous, my appetite is good, I love to eat. Maybe someone has this problem too? How do you deal with this?

1. This is normal

Oh, author, I have the same situation. I lose weight before my eyes when I'm nervous. And most importantly, even if something super positive happens, I still stop eating. As soon as everything is calm, I eat normally. How am I fighting? Honestly speaking, no way. I try to cram something into myself, at least some kind of fruit, otherwise I’ll fall over. I think it's something nervous. Although I myself am a very worried person by nature. Problems simply knock me out of the normal rhythm of life. I can't even sleep. In general, this is how I live, then I dial, then I reset. But there are some advantages: if you hire too much, you don’t have to worry about how to lose them, the moment will still come when you lose your appetite)))) I weigh 48-49 kg (with a normal diet).

author, I have the same bullshit, so my constitution is such that I’m very thin, and I also have interruptions in appetite due to nerves, now I’m also losing weight rapidly, it’s not true that I’m especially nervous right now.
I just can’t gain weight and keep this weight off. ((

And with a height of 168 cm, I weighed 43 kg, I considered myself fat, I wanted to lose it to 40, but this was not due to nerves or a diet, but I’m just an amateur athlete. And everyone around me told me that there were only bones and no boobs (from size 3 to size 1). And before the sport I weighed 58 kg. So the fear of fatness remains)
Once, due to nerves, I lost 5 kilos in 3 days. Author, in such cases it is necessary to exclude strong tea and coffee and drink motherwort or valerian.

Girls, go to an endocrinologist and get your thyroid checked.

5. Howard Vertov

Take women's vitamins. I drink Vitrum Beauty, I’m very pleased!

I am a professional psychologist + higher medical education and another 10 years of work as a doctor. I’m not bragging, I’m just writing so that they don’t say where you came from so smart! So, I treat women with this problem. Firstly, there is a “lump in the throat”, this is due to “locked” energies. Most likely, you experienced psychological trauma in childhood. You probably had strict parents! Usually such symptoms come from the family! Now the stress is in your muscles. You probably have pain in your body. You need to see a body-oriented psychotherapist (a psychologist who deals with the “body”). The course of treatment is about three to four months (how it goes) But you will definitely gain 8 kilograms, that’s for sure. My clients gain at least 10 pounds in 3 months. I’m not lying!

and then someone said that they want to gain 10 kilos? I also don’t eat anything because of my nerves, but I’m losing weight. and when everything is smooth (precisely smooth, neither good nor bad) then I eat a lot)))
some writer said (approximately) - the best diet is unrequited love, you will lose weight immediately and a lot, you will be slender, if of course you survive))

I have been suffering from loss of appetite for a year now. It's very hard to live with this. I'm always afraid that he won't show up. Sometimes the appetite comes, but then suddenly disappears. Tell me what to do How to contact you I’m looking for a good specialist

people, stop being nervous! more positive! stress undermines you not only from the outside, but also from the inside, it takes away your health little by little, so I wish everyone peace and bon appetit :))

It turns out that the nerves are our thoughts. Our frailty. If you start running, you lose energy, you physically want to eat, but you don’t have time to think. You need to get more tired, run in the evenings, then you will sleep. Our society has become gentle - as soon as the stress and time are such that we have to fight for everything, and this is hard. You must be able to relax and not care about everything. I’m 22, I weigh between 45-49 kg, height 165, I’m also losing weight because of my nerves, everything is the same as you described. Physical education helps - try it :)

And I lost my appetite after learning the diagnosis of my mother, for whose health I had to fight, forgetting about myself and just having at least something to eat. It was not possible to save her, but the consequences remained. After she left for another world, I didn’t eat at all for 2 weeks, I don’t know how I survived. Then, through an effort of will, I pushed something into myself. At first, everything asked to come out, then it became a little easier, but after some time, after my mother’s anniversary, the same story happened again. I eat very poorly, I have no appetite, I know it’s stress and constant thoughts about my loved one who has passed away. Already 1 and 8 months have passed, and the situation has not changed for the better, and every news about another someone’s death makes me sick. Just awful. I became somehow calm and meek and didn’t want to do anything. I started laughing about 2 months ago, but it’s not my contagious laughter that used to be, but just a gentle smile, which in principle is too bold to call laughter. Don't know. Let's wait and see what happens next. Anonymous

A year on nerves - minus 10 kg. I weigh 40. Previously, in order to lose weight from 50 to 47, I went on a starvation diet for a month. There are all these sweets and cakes, the weight doesn’t rise.

Why is it that someone under stress cannot eat, while others overeat?

Many of us have wondered why one person, in a state of severe stress, refuses food, while another, on the contrary, attacks food? We, who live in conditions of emotional stress and nervousness, often attribute our fatness to the inability to not eat when we are nervous. So why do people behave so differently?

It is known that animals in a state of danger or illness stop eating. The same instinct lives in people: when a person is faced with a difficulty that poses a real threat, he cannot even think about food, all his strength and will are concentrated on the need to survive and protect himself.
For example, a person experiencing the death of someone close cannot eat anything, because his body is currently completely absorbed in the experience of loss: he must emotionally survive the misfortune and cope with stress, this is now more important than maintaining his strength with food. Thus, psychologists assure that a person refuses food only when the stress is really strong, and the body needs to concentrate all its strength to cope with it.

On the other hand, there are paradoxical examples from life when a person eats when a real threat of death hangs over him. So, in books about war you read about how soldiers eat something under fire. For example, Remarque describes a case when one of the soldiers in a trench quickly eats a can of stew, although the enemy is already close, and everyone knows that few will survive. There is an explanation for this behavior: a person who lives in conditions of constant stress for a long time involuntarily reaches for food, because it is able to support the weakened strength of the body. The psyche is so worn out that its strength is not enough to deal with incessant stress; food can help in some way.

Finally, we all notice that if we start eating intensely during times of stress, we mostly eat sweets. This is also no coincidence: during stress, vitamin B and magnesium are consumed first. A person needs to make up for losses, so he really wants to eat chocolate and nuts - they contain large quantities of magnesium. The body “remembers” how pleasant it felt when you ate a piece of cake, so it wants to “cover” the resulting negative feeling with pleasant sensations.

As you can see, the different reactions of people in situations of stress have an explanation, so if you suffer from overeating during difficult times for you, first of all we advise you to find out the nature of your stress - is it that serious?
Of course, it is difficult when life circumstances develop in such a way that you cannot cope with them at the moment, and you have to be patient. Of course, no diet will help until the cause of the nervous shock is eliminated, but try to control yourself. If you absolutely cannot live without eating something, it would be better if it were fruits and juices. If you understand that the stress that makes you run to the refrigerator is not stress at all, try to overcome it, because in this case it is really possible: train your willpower.

Stress theory: why do some people lose their appetite while others overeat?

Why is it that some people can’t get a piece of food down their throats due to nervousness, while others can’t be torn away?

Do not rush to classify the first as strong-willed individuals, and call others weak-willed gluttons. Character and willpower have nothing to do with it.

Animal reactions

“When they say that some people eat less when stressed, while others eat more than usual, the conclusion suggests itself: it means that they have different stress,” says Dmitry Voedilov, psychologist. - During times of very strong stress associated with a danger to life, when a person is preparing for extreme shocks, severe pain, etc., the need for food fades into the background. The body, even if it is very hungry, switches to a more important task - “to save itself!” For example, it is useless to persuade a soldier to eat before a battle. Conversely, moderate stress, not associated with a threat to life, but constant, contributes to gluttony. Remember the phrase of one of the characters in the cartoon “Shrek 2”: “That’s it, you upset me. I’ll go eat two hamburgers.” Recently, some researchers asked the question: why are all sinners fat? Therefore, it turns out that they are in constant stress and are forced to eat to calm down.

Constantly eating unhealthy foods can in itself cause stress to the nervous system. These are mainly foods that contain little protein and vitamins, without which it cannot work normally (everything fatty, cakes, pastries, pickles, smoked foods). Don’t be fooled by the fact that smoked sausage is a source of protein, but rather a supplier of fat, salt and preservatives, and the meat in it can be replaced with starch and other additives.

“Noticing that food really calms you down (the body remembers how good it felt after eating cake), a person resorts to this method again and again,” adds Andrey Konovalov, psychologist, psychotherapist. “And soon it becomes an obsessive habit: even in case of the slightest stress, a person pounces on food. In psychology this is called “positive consolidation.” The same thing is used when training animals: the dog fulfilled the command - here’s some dry food or sugar. And the more a person is unaware of his actions under stress, the more inclined he is to reproduce these animal reactions.

Hormones and vitamins

In addition to mental ones, there are also “material” reasons that force you to eat or not eat. One of the main ones is hormonal imbalance in the body. During very strong sudden stress, a large dose of adrenaline is immediately released into the bloodstream - it suppresses appetite. But constant, exhausting stress causes the adrenal glands to increase the release of another hormone - cortisol. By the way, it can be measured using a simple saliva test. The more it is, the stronger a person’s desire to eat heavily.

Stress deals a crushing blow to the reserves of some vitamins and microelements.

“When a person is nervous, vitamins B (contained in dairy and meat products) and C (black and red berries, bell peppers, kiwi) are actively consumed,” explains Tamara Popova, dietitian of the highest category, Central Research Institute of Gastroenterology. — The magnesium content decreases sharply, and an irresistible desire arises to eat foods that contain it, such as chocolate, nuts, dried fruits. Therefore, even people who are not prone to overeating in ordinary life sharply increase their consumption of sweets in difficult times. It is better to replace unhealthy snacks with healthier mini-snacks: grain or rye bread, crackers, spinach salad with crushed sunflower seeds. Stimulants such as tea and coffee are best avoided.

But it’s much more effective to deal with stress itself, and if it does happen, find relief not in food.

“If you don’t remove the irritant - the cause of stress, then no diet will help: the person will gain kilograms,” says Dmitry Voedilov. “After all, due to prolonged extreme work, the brain will always need nourishment - glucose, which is provided by carbohydrates and sweets.

Physical exercise, massage, and a new interesting activity help to unwind. “Give yourself a goal: I will get out of stress in such and such a period,” says Andrei Konovalov, “and control the number of days remaining. Oddly enough, this technique works.”

I advise you to consult a doctor. You never know, you can’t joke with this. I’m sorry, but what is your weight? I, too, about 2 years ago, started eating from small cups (bowl) twice a day, and I got used to it, it doesn’t fit into me anymore, I start to feel sick and have a heaviness in my stomach, at first there were terrible colics so it was scary to breathe, and then weight loss , went to the doctors, took vitamins and received injections, the weight stabilized but for about three months, now I also eat from a bowl twice a day, weight 46, height 162. to this day I’m trying to eat more (so give up alcohol completely and go to the hospital) In the end, love yourself! take care of your health

girl, 23 years old, well, lose your virginity and get fattened up along the way

and I always want to. I also had a lot of stress. Yes, so terrible that others could not stand it.

I had this for several years. And now I have an extra 10 kg, I eat everything that fits in my mouth, it’s funny) Author, you need to give up bad habits, eat on a schedule and a little at a time, at least a few spoons. Get plenty of rest. More positive emotions. Less stress.

You have to force yourself to literally shove the buns in by force. You can drink a glass of dry red wine. This happened to me too, but in the summer and because of constant drinking/partying. Now everything is ok, it’s winter, I don’t understand how you can not want to eat? But in general, this is due to the lack of positive emotions.

anorexia awaits you if you don't pee

It was such a thing! Fitness and walks in the fresh air helped me, especially fitness - after it I immediately ran home to eat.. Your body is really used to eating so little..

I'm seriously telling you, listen. there is no harm here, unless you are lazy)). There is no other option to break the system.. only if the doctors..

Because of stress, I also can’t eat. All food takes on a sickening smell. I practically didn’t eat for about half a year. I lost 20 kg. I went to a psychotherapist. The doctor told me that my body had turned on self-destruction mode. One conversation was enough for me. Gradually I forced myself eat through “I don’t want.” Now I’m even more stressed out than I should be. But I’m not going to lose weight. I don’t care about the weight. The main thing is that there is no stress.

There is no time for hospital visits and examinations - feel free to send invitations with an open date for pies. They won't have to wait long.
Author, turn on your head!

It’s just a habit, in general, how much a person eats, whether he overeats or, on the contrary, undereats, is a habit that can always be changed with an effort of will. It happened to me, I was thin, I ate little and didn’t want to eat, I decided to gain weight, I began to force myself, at first I literally stuffed food into myself through “I don’t want to”, then I got used to eating more. The main thing is not to overdo it and not go to the other extreme and start overeating!

But I don’t want anything.

I had this: after stress, my back hurt, I went to the doctors, they prescribed me treatment and on the third day I lost my appetite, I went to the doctors, they again prescribed me a bunch of injections and pills, and I realized that this was a path to nowhere, so I I won't become healthy. I just stopped taking treatment and stopped eating. The pain did not go away, but my appetite disappeared. I didn’t eat anything for three weeks, my weight dropped from 77 to 72 kg. and if I tried to eat, my body didn’t absorb it. I drank only water. I want to say that I am an adult, adequate, athletic and cheerful person. Father of the family. But you still need to eat. The doctors couldn’t help, even the paid ones prescribed me various injections and pills again and again. And only my smart wife said that my pancreas was not working and gave me Creon for 21 days. I ate one capsule and after 15-20 minutes my stomach turned on and began to growl (process food). I’m now finishing my second pack of Creon and my digestion has almost improved. My wife says that you need to eat it for two months and I believe her. It’s true that my back hurts and today I realized that it’s the sciatic nerve and I’ve already found on the Internet how to treat it. Of course, you will say that you need to go to specialists, that you can’t self-medicate, but I’ve been to 4 doctors and they can’t determine such basic things. Unfortunately, we really have the majority of “killer doctors” who graduated from institutes in the dashing 90s. e. Well, okay, girl - try Creon.

Hi all! I know a good specialist in St. Petersburg; I’ve been to her more than once. I liked it. It cures many ailments, alcoholism, and will help with life’s troubles. Her number is 89633434699. If anyone is interested in finding out how to contact her, write to me by email [email protected].

Well, what do you mean, what will it lead to? It will lead to anorexia. Dizziness, weakness, etc. Well, do you really want nothing at all? What if you go to a cookery (only a good one) to smell the smells, eh? Preferably where they cook right in front of customers. We have this in the hypermarket. Sushi bar, Pizzeria.
What about alcohol? Don't have a snack? Chechil, garlic croutons, or something else? Really?
Perhaps my stomach just got upset. We need to shake it up a little. We wrote about this above. And stop drinking alcohol even occasionally. You wash down your hunger and snack on it *****.

This is not possible (eat according to a schedule, according to an alarm clock. Long-term fasting can cause irreversible consequences in the body, treatment will then be expensive

The same situation, I had a nervous breakdown, I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep, I brought it up to 36 kg at the age of 22, I forced myself to drink water, then I went to the doctors, it helped, I gained weight, but 3 years have passed, and the food remains still as a punishment, I force myself to eat, I can eat soups. I look at the rest and it’s starting to make me feel sick.

A 55-year-old transvestite man, I wear everything feminine, I wear makeup, I really want my breasts to grow to at least size 3 (although they dream of size 8-9) but here I don’t want to eat anything, where will my breasts come from, and I really want my own non-silicone ones and to wear normal bras like any woman on your boobs and sunbathe in a swimsuit in the summer I: 55/75 member 18/6 circumcised with a ring in the head I lower a long boner 2-3 times without taking out any fantasies YOU: from. up to 80 years of age, any sexual orientation (non-traditional affairs), appearance, etc., it doesn’t matter, the main thing is a great love for good sex and for people like me (single men pass by) I also adore family couples (maybe where the husband is a cuckold) in sex I love everything especially to do something nice for women ( I don’t mind and two women at once are enough for everyone) Straron collar golden shower ananism bestiality mistress hermaphrodites lesbians, etc. I’ll be happy to satisfy this I’m very affectionate gentle obedient calls write SMS don’t be shy I live Voronezh tel (89518673680) OLGA no statute of limitations

a person can live on water alone for 40 days, half of which he will feel good

You are so cool, some even kill. The author asks for advice, and you “how can you not want to eat?”, “I eat everything that comes out of my mouth.” Are you fucking sick? A person needs help, but you just need to tell about yourself. I, too, now, because of stress, I don’t eat and I can’t find anything worthwhile, because of such comments (and I need to breastfeed a child. And here you are talking about bullshit

In fact, if the body really gets used to such a diet, then the person will not die. I have the same situation, I live the same way.

And after a medical abortion, can your body change and you don’t want to eat?

I haven't eaten for 2 weeks now. Nothing fits, even my favorite pizza and my favorite Caesar are disgusting. All because of stress too! My husband said that I was a fat creature and made fun of my tummy. I weigh 65, and I just have a tummy, so I wouldn't say I'm fat. So at first I cried for three days and didn’t eat anything at all! Then a friend invited me to a sushi bar, I ordered my favorite Philadelphia in the hope that now I would console myself a little with my favorite rolls. After the first roll, vomit came up in my throat, I didn’t understand what was happening, but I couldn’t just eat it! The friend was fine. The next day I decided to make some soup, but just the smell of the food made me sick. I'm still trying to eat, but it's not working. I also can’t drink alcohol, my favorite wine makes me sick, and I can’t smoke, even the smell makes me sick, although I smoke expensive tobacco! The most annoying thing is that the weight has remained the same and my husband doesn’t care about my condition at all :)

Well, why the hell did he give in to you like that. You are beautiful, there is no need to even listen to him!

Hello, dear girls. I want to consult with you. I'm 23, I'm a girl. This is a problem, let me start from the beginning: last year I experienced stress, not that it was really strong, but nonetheless. I didn’t eat anything for 2-3 weeks, didn’t drink anything except a glass of water a day. And then only through force. And I didn’t even want anything. NOTHING AT ALL.
Then the stress passed, I started working, and because of this I didn’t always have the opportunity to have lunch. (I haven’t had breakfast since school - similarly, I don’t want to). And, apparently, my body has adjusted not to demand food. And now I don’t even want to have dinner. I don’t feel any stomach urges. I don't feel hungry.
Not without sin, I have bad habits. But even after drinking alcohol I don’t want to eat (usually it was the other way around).
Girls, tell me, is everything really bad with me? I understand that it is impossible to continue in this spirit. But there is no time to go to the hospital either. What happened to me could it be? Could this be due to constant stress? Or is the body really used to it? And what will this lead to?

Do not rush to classify the first as strong-willed individuals, and call others weak-willed gluttons. Character and willpower have nothing to do with it.

Animal reactions

When they say that some people eat less when stressed, while others eat more than usual, the conclusion suggests itself: it means that they have different stress, says Dmitry Voedilov, psychologist. - During times of very strong stress associated with a danger to life, when a person is preparing for extreme shocks, severe pain, etc., the need for food fades into the background. The body, even if it is very hungry, switches to a more important task - “to save itself!” For example, it is useless to persuade a soldier to eat before a battle. Conversely, moderate stress, not associated with a threat to life, but constant, contributes to gluttony. Remember the phrase of one of the characters in the cartoon “Shrek 2”: “That’s it, you upset me. I’ll go eat two hamburgers.” Recently, some researchers asked the question: why are all sinners fat? Therefore, it turns out that they are in constant stress and are forced to eat to calm down.

Noticing that food really calms you down (the body remembers how good it felt after eating the cake), a person resorts to this method again and again, he adds. Andrey Konovalov, psychologist, psychotherapist. - And soon it becomes an obsessive habit: even in case of the slightest stress, a person pounces on food. In psychology this is called “positive consolidation.” The same thing is used when training animals: the dog fulfilled the command - here's some dry food or sugar. And the more a person is unaware of his actions under stress, the more inclined he is to reproduce these animal reactions.

Hormones and vitamins

In addition to mental ones, there are also “material” reasons that force you to eat or not eat. One of the main ones is hormonal imbalance in the body. During very strong sudden stress, a large dose of adrenaline is immediately released into the bloodstream - it suppresses appetite. But constant, exhausting stress causes the adrenal glands to increase the release of another hormone - cortisol. By the way, it can be measured using a simple saliva test. The more it is, the stronger a person’s desire to eat heavily.

Stress deals a crushing blow to the reserves of some vitamins and microelements.

When a person is nervous, vitamins B (contained in dairy and meat products) and C (black and red berries, sweet peppers, kiwi) are actively consumed, explains Tamara Popova, dietitian of the highest category, Central Research Institute of Gastroenterology. - The magnesium content decreases sharply, and an irresistible desire arises to eat foods that contain it, such as chocolate, nuts, dried fruits. Therefore, even people who are not prone to overeating in ordinary life sharply increase their consumption of sweets in difficult times. It is better to replace unhealthy snacks with healthier mini-snacks: grain or rye bread, crackers, spinach salad with crushed sunflower seeds. Stimulants such as tea and coffee are best avoided.

But it’s much more effective to deal with stress itself, and if it does happen, find relief not in food.

If you do not remove the irritant - the cause of stress, then no diet will help: the person will gain kilograms, says Dmitry Voedilov. - After all, due to prolonged extreme work, the brain will always need nourishment - glucose, which is provided by carbohydrates and sweets.

Physical exercise, massage, and a new interesting activity help to unwind. “Give yourself a goal: I will get out of stress in such and such a period,” says Andrei Konovalov, “and control the number of days remaining. Oddly enough, this technique works.”