Larisa's name day according to the church calendar. Larisa's birthday

There are several meanings: “seagull”, “sweet”, from Latin Laris is translated as “guardian spirit”. This name is not very common in the world.

Diminutive form of the name: Lara, Larochka, Lariska, Larka, Larisochka, Larik.

According to the church calendar, Larisa celebrates the day of the angel on April 8, the day of the martyr Larisa of Goth.

  • Depending on the time of year of birth, Larisa’s character differs:
  • Winter - Kind, vulnerable, naive, sacrificial.
  • Spring - Unbalanced, domineering, independent, attractive.
  • Summer - Temperamental, selfish, sociable, smart.
  • Autumn - Hard-working, purposeful, secretive, unshakable.


Little Larisochka is growing up as a sensitive and compassionate girl, strongly attached to her parents. He gets very worried when his parents quarrel. He enjoys helping his parents with household chores and looking after his younger brothers and sisters. He tries not to stand out among his peers and behaves quietly and modestly. Doesn't like to borrow his toys and things. She loves to dress beautifully and twirl in front of the mirror, admiring herself.

During her school years, Larisa's character begins to change in a bold direction. He studies well thanks to his tenacious memory. In high school, her performance will depend on what kind of company Larisa hangs out in and what her hobbies are. Here the parents will have to monitor their daughter and warn her in time against possible mistakes so as not to ruin her life. Larisa does not tolerate her own failures well, she digests them within herself for a long time, and withdraws from those around her. You need to have confidential conversations with her, teach her to relate more easily to her own failures.

As an adult, in order to hide her vulnerability, Larisa becomes cynical and sarcastic, which pushes people away from her. And Larisa hides her suspiciousness and anxiety behind a mask of frivolity. Larisa, if you don’t offend her, remains a pleasant person to talk to. May resort to deception and intrigue to get his way. Tries to avoid noisy society where she feels uncomfortable.


Larisa begins to crawl and walk earlier than her peers, but is subject to frequent whims and nervous breakdowns. As a child, she often suffers from colds; it is better to put her into sports to strengthen her body. Parents should monitor their behavior, because their daughter Larisa often takes on nervousness and temper from them.


At work, Larisa is famous for her meticulousness, diligence and meticulousness. Maintains discipline and delivers work on time. Maintains smooth relationships with colleagues. If Larisa is praised and encouraged, she will produce better results. She will make an excellent teacher, scientist, journalist, writer, translator. She might become a famous actress. Larisa rarely changes her profession.


Due to Larisa's demanding attitude towards men, she is unlucky in love. Therefore, he prefers fleeting, non-committal novels. In an intimate sense, Larisa is not a passionate person, but she knows how to give the highest pleasure to her man.


With age, Larisa becomes softer; the later she gets married, the higher the likelihood that her marriage will be happy and lasting. At an older age, Larisa devotes more time to home rather than to her career. She will become a very caring mother who will take care of her children even when they no longer need it. She needs to pacify her custody of the children so as not to prevent them from growing as individuals. She can forgive her husband everything except betrayal.

Horoscope named Larisa

Aries - Powerful, selfish. He often makes mistakes in life. Pleasant to talk to, but does not know how to sympathize. Prefers fleeting novels.

Taurus – Tough, courageous. There is no challenge she cannot overcome. She is devoid of sentimentality and looks at the world soberly. Men admire her, but do not dare approach her.

Gemini - Sociable, restless. He has an excellent sense of humor, can discuss any topic, and is interested in everything in the world. Changes men like gloves.

Cancer – Changeable, active. Her mood changes several times a day, she is sensitive to criticism, and loves to be praised. She is often lazy.

Virgo - Sensitive, insecure. She hides her insecurities behind the mask of a strong and fatal woman. He has many talents, but due to his insecurity he cannot realize them.

Libra - Refined, amorous. If you fall madly in love, you may forget about work and hobbies. He has an excellent sense of humor and knows how to carry on any conversation.

Scorpio - Strong, distrustful. Her life is like a roller coaster, which prevents her from being happy. With his strong and domineering character he can suppress others, which they do not like.

Sagittarius – Freedom-loving, sociable. Can charm anyone, loves to travel. She will choose a similar man as her husband, with whom she will be happy.

Capricorn - Tenacious, patient. No obstacle will stop her on the way to her goal. You can rely on her in any situation, she will never let you down or leave you in trouble.

Aquarius – Calm, positive. Does not like to show emotions, has rational thinking. He calculates everything in advance. Her only drawback is gullibility, which causes her to suffer.

Her parents were Christians, and therefore the girl from a young age found love for God in her heart. But after the pagan Atanarikh came to power, a massive persecution of Christians began, even an ordinary visit to the temple became a life-threatening activity for believers. But Saint Larisa, despite this, still attended services. One day, she went to the Liturgy, when she entered the temple, there were already 300 people there. The martyr stood near the entrance, because It was impossible to go deeper. But a moment later she was brought out of her prayerful state by a daring act committed by a pagan warrior. He brought a cart into the temple on which was located a statue of a pagan idol. The warrior called on all Christians to bow to him, otherwise all believers would die. But for some reason the pagan took pity on the young and beautiful Christian Larisa, he told her to run away, because they would burn the temple. But the girl did not budge. She looked at all the people praying and decided to go deeper into prayer herself. Gradually, smoke began to fill the church, the fire destroyed the walls, and they collapsed, covering all the praying people, along with Saint Larisa.

The name Larisa comes from the Latin “larus” - “seagull” or the Greek “laros” - “pleasant”. Larisa's name day according to the church calendar is April 8. Main character traits: touchiness, sentimentality, vulnerability, isolation, calmness. The name Larissa is associated with the Greek city of Larissa. The only day when Larisa’s name day is celebrated is April 8th.

  • Larisa's talisman is a ram.
  • A more suitable color is orange.
  • The stone is aventurine.

Character and destiny

As a child, Larisa is a vulnerable and quiet child. She takes everything to heart. Shy and reserved to strangers.

Lara grows up as an obedient child who loves her parents. She can always be close to her mother and willingly help her with housework. She is extremely sentimental and vulnerable, but at the same time trusting and dreamy.

Education and health

Larisa doesn't have a very good relationship with her studies. Success is based only on subjects that she likes. The rest she does through force. A withdrawn and shy child avoids his classmates and school events. Relationships with peers are tense. Larisa often feels unprotected, but at the same time she can easily flare up and show aggression if someone takes her things without asking or appropriates them for themselves.

Larisa has no health problems. But special attention should be paid to the kidneys. She loves an active lifestyle, sports, healthy eating and can easily create a sports career in swimming and athletics.

Professional skills

In adulthood, Lara is calm, reasonable and balanced. She is responsible and has impeccable business qualities. Although Larisa is proud, there is self-doubt in her soul. All this affects her emotional state. She finds it difficult to hide her negative feelings, and this often leads her to excessive self-criticism and nervous breakdowns.

Larisa is a creative person. She is close to professions related to languages ​​and culture. The work entrusted to her will be completed perfectly, due to her responsibility and attentiveness. She can become an excellent philologist, actress, teacher or doctor.

Family life

Larisa is one of those women who get married at a more mature age. It is possible that the chosen one will be younger than herself. But this will not affect the relationship between spouses in any way.

Larisa is a very touching, sensual and feminine person. Therefore, she becomes especially attractive to the opposite sex. In family relationships, Lara is capable of self-sacrifice, loyalty and endless love. She also has an immense and reverent love for children, but it does not overshadow her severity and exactingness. She tends to drown in her feelings, but at the same time, due to her insecurity, she most often feels vulnerable in relationships. Larisa is romantic and tender; family values ​​and children are very important to her. She demands the same from her life partner. Collapse in a relationship with a man can only come if Larisa catches her husband in infidelity. Such an act is considered unforgivable for her, and even if the breakup acts to her detriment, she will not be able to stay with the traitor.

Patron of Larisa

The patroness of charming creatures named Larisa is Larisa Gotfskaya. Holy martyr, who is famous for her fearlessness before the enemy and deep faith. It is in honor of her that the clergy remember Larisa’s name day. A young and beautiful girl, Saint Larisa lived in the 4th century in Gothia, on the territory of real Romania. She lived with her parents, who instilled in her a love of God and religion.

Very often she visited church to pray, but after 370 it became dangerous to do so. The government changed in Gothia, and King Athanaric, who was a pagan, ascended the throne. After such changes, the mass extermination of Christians began. In 375, Saint Larisa, as always, went to church. There were already about three hundred people there, and she got a place near the entrance. As soon as the service began, the doors opened, and Saint Larisa saw a warrior in front of her. He asked her to leave the church, as the pagans were going to burn the church. But the girl refused to come out. The warrior called on all Christians to leave the church and worship the pagan idol, otherwise death awaited them. But even here the parishioners did not even budge and continued their service. Soon the church doors slammed shut and the church began to fill with choking smoke. So the Church of Gothia burned down, along with Saint Larisa and about three hundred other martyrs. Soon she was numbered among the holy martyrs, and from that moment Larisa’s name day is April 8.

This is a wonderful, unusual name. It endows its bearer with sensuality, femininity and charm. Larisa is a calm and touching person who often underestimates her capabilities and advantages. As a woman, she is a wonderful wife, mother and friend. Thanks to her talents and qualities, success and recognition await her in her career.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Larisa:

From the ancient Greek language - pleasant, sweet (from the Greek “laros”). Another interpretation is a seagull. The third originates from Greek mythology, which tells about the Thessalian (Argive) nymph Larisa, the granddaughter of Poseidon and the sister of Cyrene. According to legend, on the spot where she fell into the Penei River while playing ball, a city was built, named in her honor.

Larisa is smart, insightful and does not forgive anyone, especially men, for their weaknesses. Her remarks are caustic, caustic and generate a lot of enemies. Larisa is able to break off relations with her lover, even if he only annoys her with his snoring. Fortunately, in her mature years, Larisa becomes less intolerant, and then the best qualities of her nature appear: mercy, love for children, and not only her own, the ability to instantly make the right decision.

Name in history and literature. Larisa Golubkina is a famous Soviet actress. She began acting in films while still a student at GITIS, and her debut was truly triumphant: the role of Shurochka Azarova in E. Ryazanov’s film “The Hussar Ballad.” The prototype for this role was the legendary cavalry maiden Nadezhda Durova, but Shurochka’s fate is happier, more fun, more sparkling. It was a sensational film - largely thanks to the talent and charm of Larisa Golubkina. The role demonstrated the comedic brilliance and spontaneity of the actress’s talent, and the song “Svetlana”, performed by her, remained a favorite for many viewers for a long time. She partly determined the fate of the actress, because her subsequent film roles in the films “What should we call you now?”, “Day of Happiness”, “Give me a book of complaints” and others were without much success, but Larisa Golubkina is now known as an excellent performer of Russian romances and songs 30s.

Congratulations on Larisa’s name day:

Don't forget to celebrate Larisa's name day and congratulate Larisa on Angel's Day.

Good name Larisa, beautiful,

And everyone likes your character.

Let your life be the coolest,

May you only become prettier day after day!

On the name day, heartfelt wishes

And congratulations with a pure soul.

I wish you endless happiness,

Happy days and great luck!

Your name is pleasant and sweet,

And there’s a lump in my chest from excitement!

The heart beats faster and faster, more joyfully,

The holiday is coming to your home again!

You won’t find a more worthy prize in life,

Than a woman named Larisa!

Oh, Larisa, how sweet you are!

You can’t take away your charm,

All men with fierce strength

We would like to hug you so much!

I wish you a long time, until your gray hairs,

Attract the eyes of men!

Larisa! Your name is unusual

Both sonorous and extremely beautiful!

Not often among names that are quite familiar,

In Greek Larisa means “Seagull”!

What a pity that we don’t fly like birds!

But your soul is always in flight, -

And few could compare with you, -

In love, and in creativity, in leisure and in work.

Larisa, you are original in everything!

And you don’t care about chaos and vanity...

Once you get down to business, it’s thorough!

Let the capital be small for now...

We wish you a happy birthday!

We wish to live, soaring above the bustle,

Love, kindness, warmth and inspiration,

And live happily for a hundred years like this!

Answer from Irina Anatolyevna[guru]
Larisa - seagull (ancient Greek), from the word "larus" - seagull, but maybe from the Greek city of Larissa, named after the nymph, granddaughter of Poseidon, Larissa. The name is quite common, more in the city than in the countryside.
Main features: impressionability, high intelligence.
Diminutive forms: Lara, Laura, Larusya, Larunya, Lariska, Lorochka.
Zodiac and horoscope name: Aries. Planet: Sun. Name color: orange. Stone, talisman: aventurine. Favorable plant: hawthorn. Patron of the name: golden fleece ram. Lucky day: Wednesday. Happy time of year: spring.
Name days, patron saints, angel's day
Larisa Goftskaya, martyr, April 8.
Folk signs and customs
What is the weather on April 8, will it be on October 8. On this day, women should finish sewing, knitting, yarn and take up work in the garden and field.
Name and character
As a child, Larisa was an obedient, modest girl, somewhat reserved. At school, she is not very noticeable among active school friends who strive for self-expression. Larisa has a very good memory, reads a lot, and lives in dreams about the future all the time. She should not be allowed to withdraw into herself; this will develop her characteristic selfishness. From a young age she is a possessive person, she does not like it when people take her things, books, even then she strives for comfort, loves beautiful things, and being well dressed. Larisa has been very attached to her mother since childhood and throughout her life.
Larisa sets a life goal for herself, but does not achieve it. The strength of her character often gives rise to aggressiveness, significant internal anxiety, which she tries to hide from others behind some kind of mask - a reckless girl or a balanced woman. However, internal tension and dissatisfaction with the environment often breaks out.
Larisa takes everything to heart and is easily vulnerable. He feels uncomfortable in society and loves loneliness. He experiences disappointments and failures for a long time, again and again looking through the unpleasant event with his inner gaze. She is not vindictive, objective, and often reproaches herself. Hiding her self-doubt, she becomes caustic and caustic, which gives rise to a lot of enemies.
Larisa finds an outlet for her energy in work or private business, often achieving noticeable success here. She is a good worker most often because since childhood she has been accustomed to order and diligence; she rarely shows initiative. She is better able to work where everything depends solely on herself. Larisa suffers, but does not always tolerate fair treatment. Demanding, scrupulous - to the point of creating unnecessary problems for others and herself.
Larisa is a richly gifted person. Can achieve great success in linguistics, programming, can become a good teacher, critic.
Larisa's intuition often fails her, especially when it comes to personal relationships. She doesn’t notice that often her dissatisfaction prevents a man from showing his love for her. It still seems to her that the man is not what he should be. If a man completely submits to Larisa, then this will not suit her either; she will notice shortcomings in his masculine qualities. It's quite difficult to please her. Larisa, if she gets married, does so late, when she becomes less intolerant and shows the best qualities of her nature: mercy, sacrifice, tenderness. She becomes a loving and faithful wife. She adores children, not only her own, but also those of others. Larisa will accept her husband as he is and will not tolerate betrayal. Betrayal will turn her away from the person forever, although she understands that future loneliness will bring her a lot of trouble.