A UFO flew through the Sun: Why is the star interesting for aliens? A mysterious giant object flew under the sun. video

A well-known researcher of anomalous phenomena posted a video on his Bruce Sees all channel on a popular video hosting site in which he showed a phenomenon that surprised him. This ufologist does not study photographs taken by the devices of the American aerospace agency NASA, but explores the starry sky using his own telescope. This device has special filters, and channel subscribers raised money for the purchase. Thanks to the new equipment, it was possible to remove a certain anomaly.

What is she? This is an object that appears to be passing through the Sun. In the video, it seems to fly in from one side, flow into it, and then fly out from the other. One gets the feeling that something passed through the star or very quickly passed behind it.

Is this some kind of alien spaceship? From the point of view of terrestrial science, the object must be gigantic in size, approximately like the Moon, in order to fly by like that. In addition, the speed with which he jumped through is surprising. The sun is huge, and to fly through it or behind it in seconds is virtually impossible, based on earthly information. Naturally, it is possible that hypothetical aliens really invented ships so fast that for them to fly near a huge star is like getting from the sofa to the refrigerator. However, terrestrial science currently does not yet recognize this. From the point of view of existing knowledge, this may be a shooting defect. Perhaps the new equipment turned out to be not so good, and it is not known whether those same filters work perfectly there.

Accordingly, there is a possibility that there is a certain spaceship the size of the Moon, moving at such a speed that has not yet occurred to even the most daring scientists even in the form of a conventional theory, but the percentage is not the largest. In any case, until accurate data is received, one should not say that this is exclusively a UFO.

If in the above case there are still some doubts, then it also happens that something that is very typical for ufology is that something that is not known to ordinary people is simply mistaken for a spaceship. According to British media reports, one of these phenomena was observed by vacationers in the resort town of West Bay, Dorset. The objects were in the sky, surprising eyewitnesses who had never seen anything like this before. According to local photographer Len Copeland, who took pictures of the clouds at the time, it resembled some kind of rounded UFO, which then suddenly dissipated

In fact, the strange “holes in the sky” were caused by an airplane passing through the clouds. When such a vehicle flies, drops of water condense on the wings. When the temperature is low, data freezes. Then they seem to “break away” from the wings and, when falling, form similar holes in the clouds. Accordingly, there is nothing alien in such images, which was later confirmed by experts, reassuring the West Bay vacationers.

From observations to theories. The British media published information about a statement by Swiss ufologist Erich von Daniken. He believes that aliens have been to Earth, first arriving to us during the Stone Age. The aliens could study different tribes, and our ancestors considered them gods. Daniken believes that the ancient astronauts will return someday, but they will not threaten humanity. Some of them could even remain on Earth.

Perhaps, together, all the aliens are preparing humanity for some kind of evolutionary leap, ultimately changing people and helping them become more perfect. Daniken does not provide confirmation of such a theory. He, however, states that Atlantis also existed, and it was aliens who built it. The Swiss ufologist refers to the work of the Greek philosopher Plato, in which the island was described quite clearly. However, he believes that people could never have created this and that the island was not a natural phenomenon. Why, if some advanced aliens literally built Atlantis, it then disappeared somewhere, Daniken, again, does not explain

It is interesting that there are some politicians in the world who declare their belief in intelligent aliens who have committed certain acts on people. For example, Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera from Florida, United States. Even 8 years ago, she told on local television that as a child she was abducted by aliens, she was raised on a spaceship, where there were round seats, and everything was controlled using some kind of quartz stones.

True, years later, when Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera decided to move forward with a political career, she noted in an interview with a local publication that she may not have quite meant it when she spoke about her early years. The activist did not completely renounce her opinion, but emphasized that she simply believes that aliens exist, like many residents of the United States. However, experts believe that all the same, the video in which Rodriguez Aguilera reported about her abduction will not contribute to career advancement.UFOs are a popular topic, but the attitude towards those who talk about intelligent civilizations doing something to earthlings is very ambiguous. Accordingly, the politician may not really advance much further in his profession. Although ufology sites give examples of how some individuals who believed in UFOs and talked about it went quite far, there are not many of them.

Irina Letinskaya

28-10-2017, 09:07

A Canadian anomalous phenomena researcher filmed a UFO flying through the Sun.

Bruce Schwartz, a famous amateur astronomer who created the portal for observing cosmic phenomena “Bruce Sees all” (“All-Seeing Bruce”), presented a new sensation to users. He managed to film a video of an object flying through the Sun. He owes his success to all those who donated funds online, with which he purchased powerful telescopes to observe the behavior of celestial bodies in order to subsequently post the results of these observations on his portal.

This time he noticed an oblong-shaped object resembling an airplane. Having developed enormous speed, it flies from one side of the Sun and seems to flow into it, and then flies out from a completely different side. There are two assumptions regarding this situation: either the object actually passed through the star, or it simply flew behind it very quickly, which is why this impression was formed.

Discussions on the origin of the object have not yet reached a common denominator. It is possible that this is an alien aircraft. But in any case, it has gigantic dimensions, approximately the size of the Moon, to fly in this way. The object's speed is also quite impressive because the Sun is not a small enough object to fly through or behind it in a matter of seconds. In any case, the devices known to earthlings cannot reach such a speed. But the alien ships could well have been built using much higher technologies, allowing them to overcome enormous distances in an instant. But humanity knows nothing about this yet. Therefore, scientists began to look for other versions, the main one of which was a shooting defect. That is, everything was attributed to the latest equipment purchased by an amateur astronomer, which was declared to be almost ideal, but in reality did not work very well.

Thus, scientists have not completely discounted the possibility of the existence of an aircraft the size of an Earth satellite, and even developing such a speed, but have left such a probability as small as a percentage. Meanwhile, subscribers to the channel on which the sensational video is posted express confidence that this is, after all, a ship of aliens who are exploring the Sun.

Ufologists have not yet suggested why the Sun is in particular “demand” among aliens, but reports of sightings of unidentified objects near our star appear regularly. In particular, this year it became known that an unknown flying object, whose dimensions are comparable to the size of our planet, has been constantly circling near the Sun for more than four hundred days. Ufologists even supported this statement with photos and videos. Although scientists immediately questioned this statement - after all, the temperature of our star is about 2 million degrees Celsius, so being near it is absolutely impossible. To which ufologists responded that alien technology can reach such heights that creating a spacecraft that is super resistant to high temperatures is not an impossible task.

The UFO, circling around the Sun, according to the scientists who observed it, never left its course, constantly moving towards the direction of the star’s orbit. According to experts, it could be either an alien aircraft or a probe launched by them for research purposes. Scientists also recalled that just last year the SOHO spacecraft transmitted a photo report to Earth. The pictures showed how inhabitants of other planets use solar energy to fuel their spaceships.

Interesting images were obtained using the STEREO device - three UFOs were located on the far side of the star. The devices were white and cylindrical in shape. The objects moved strictly one after another, while their speed was the same, as was the flight path. It is noteworthy that one of the devices had a rather bright light source. Scientists have suggested that it may be intended to reflect the sun's rays, or simply serve as an accompaniment. Ufologists also noted that this is not the first time they have observed a UFO against the background of the Sun. But the objects seen now are so huge that they are even several times larger than the Earth. And not only their dimensions are huge - the speed of movement of the UFOs is also truly cosmic, because in the next frame they are no longer there.

It is worth noting that after the most powerful solar flares that occurred in early September of this year, UFOs simply surrounded the star. Ufologists believe that aliens found an excellent moment to recharge themselves with solar energy. Thus, on the night from September 6 to 7, observers recorded more than a hundred alien spacecraft located in close proximity to the Sun.

Regarding the incredible speeds that these devices can develop, scientists also note that they already know of cases of observation of giant cosmic bodies equal to Jupiter, rushing through outer space at a speed of a million kilometers per second. There were even videos about it posted on the Internet.

Of course, UFO sightings always cause a lot of controversy and discussion. And not only in the academic environment, but also at the layman level. Ufologists periodically summarize statistics of cases when completely different objects that have nothing to do with aliens were mistaken for UFOs. According to these calculations, only 5% of them are real objects of alien origin. All other situations are of a different nature

Anna Voronina - Correspondent of RIA VistaNews


Scientists believe that at the moment the ninth celestial body is located at the edge of our solar system behind the star. Previously, photos and videos of a new planet, called the second Sun, appeared on the Internet. The best entry, in our opinion, is attached to this article.

In the video you can see a huge object orbiting the Sun. The author of the video did not say unequivocally that Nibiru was captured in the video. He suggested that the body could also be a double star. It is impossible to say which theory is correct.




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