Download good evening statuses. Quotes about a good evening with friends

Pink, bloody, golden, crimson, sad, lonely... How many poets and writers - so many epithets. You can be spoiled by such worship, but not spoiled, especially sitting on the seashore at sunset and quietly watching it... A beautiful evening should follow, and it will definitely happen. So, let's read...


The evening is definitely sad. The day is coming to an end, and with it endless worries, unnecessary worries, and conversations slowly float away into the distance. Unexpected meetings, stunning success, happiness, joy - right here, on this huge white ship called “Day”. But they all mixed up long ago, merged into one faceless crowd, which lined up in one line on the deck and waves you goodbye. Yes, quotes about the evening speak of the same hopelessness, some kind of emptiness, muted nostalgia. For example, the Soviet science fiction writer Mikhail Shefner wrote that he does not like evenings or sunsets - neither winter, nor spring, nor summer, none. Only the day can bring something pleasant, and evening time is the eternal search for a place to sleep, this feeling of one’s uselessness, worthlessness in this world. Continuing the theme is the famous modern writer Elchin Safarli. His evenings are always saturated with melancholy and sadness. This does not depend on how successful the day was or, on the contrary, how joyless it was. It is important that he was your day, and he is gone forever, never to return.

And yet beautiful

Quotes about the evening are not only philosophical reflections on the meaning of life, but also an ode to the amazing, incomparable beauty of a sunset evening. wrote that sunsets are not repeated, each has its own colors, its own combinations. And Russian writer Boris Akunin admires the mesmerizing sunsets over the oceans when there is no wind and the setting sun is like a blood orange about to drown itself in a mirror. John Fowles also has a description of the wonderful evening. During these hours, the sky and earth slowly move towards each other to merge at the bright point of sunset, and people in the villages go out onto the verandas, turn to the west, so that the eloquent sky becomes for them an all-knowing cinema screen. Beautiful quotes about the evening is still ahead...

Life goes on

Yes, everything in the world has a sunset, but the subsequent darkness always ends in dawn. This is the order of things. He is neither good nor bad. He is harmony. And the only thing we need to strive for is to accept every moment with gratitude, be it the end of the day, night or dawn. In addition, quotes about the evening also call us. Among their great variety is the statement of the American writer Fannie Flagg. She understands that nothing in this world can repeat itself: a new morning is absolutely new sunrise, and the evening that has just appeared promises only a new sunset, and there will never be another like it. How can you miss even one? You won’t see such beauty in any movie...

If I had not been a well-trained athlete, I would never have survived so many air battles... My good health, high degree the fitness of my body helped me fly, fight, and win from morning until late evening.

Napoleon's soldiers fight from morning to evening and march from evening to morning, making unimaginable transitions, appearing in the most unthinkable places, not because each of them carries in his backpack marshal's baton, but because he hopes to carry away at least half a dozen silver forks in it tomorrow.

Evening came, some strange evening, when the summer heat of the day began to gradually cool down and the white light of the scorched sky imperceptibly turned into a greenish twilight. Evenings like this don’t happen often over the summer, but they do happen.

And why should we care if someone kissed someone at the boundary line in the evening in the rye!

You don't know what late evening will bring.

My dream is in cold weather autumn evenings warm your feet near a real fireplace, read interesting novel and slowly sip tea with you...

In the cold winter evening burning windows warm the soul with a particularly cozy warmth.

And in the evenings, the whole family watched the radio...

Time changes from morning to evening, and everything is fleeting before the Lord.

When you wake up in the morning, ask yourself: “What should I do?” In the evening, before falling asleep: “What have I done?”

I'll come to your room at five in the evening. If I'm late, start without me

Secret happy life is to plan your days carefully and leave your evenings to chance.

Sex is no more important than a cheese sandwich. But if you haven't had a bite in your mouth until the evening, a cheese sandwich is extremely important.

Evening is approaching. At this time, the animal seeks loneliness, and the man seeks society.

Nymphomaniac: a woman who wants to make love in the evening, although she did her hair in the morning.

Most people listen to ghost stories during the day with pleasure, but in the evening not without a feeling of fear.

Sunday is God's day, but Sunday eve - Saturday evening - is the devil's time.

Happiness is when you really want to go to work in the morning, and in the evening you really want to go home.

The morning is wiser than the evening, but there is something in the evening too.

Well, there is autumn, it gently and carefully prepares us for the cold. Favorite autumn. A time of reflection, hands in pockets, mulled wine in the evenings and pleasant melancholy...

Evening is a mysterious hour of struggle between light and darkness, when the entire living world passes from one state to another.

What is Don Juan talking about with the woman? In the evening about her merits, and in the morning - about her shortcomings.

In the evening sky dotted bright stars, rare clouds floated overhead, and dim moonlight penetrated through the window.

Sex is no more important than a cheese sandwich. But if you haven't had a bite in your mouth until the evening, a cheese sandwich is extremely important.

Evening - best time days. The long working day is over, you can relax and enjoy life.

When at any party I feel unable to show my intelligence, I pretend that I am bored.

During the day everything is different from the evening and at night.

Being bisexual doubles your chances of getting a date on Saturday night.

The world is always more beautiful in the evening.

A woman thinks about whom to spend the evening with, and a man thinks about whom to spend the night with.

If in the evening in a restaurant you see a man with a girl who looks like his daughter, then this is not his daughter.

From the moment autumn began, I live from Friday evening to Friday evening...

How good summer evening sit on the veranda; how easy and calm; If only this evening would never end!

Without a woman, the dawn and evening of life would be helpless, and her noon would be without joy.

Evening is a time to think, morning is a time to collect your thoughts...

French diet: cupcake in the morning, sex in the evening. For quick results, replace the cupcake with sex.

The evening will tell what the day was like.

The evening is not an eternity, it will fly by like a moment.

The evening ceases to be languid...

The morning is wiser by the evening.

Evening is an absolutely unique and extraordinary time of day. With the onset of dusk, even a person’s thoughts change. What is this connected with? Let's try to use quotes about the evening in order to understand this issue.

The world is always more beautiful in the evening.
Erich Maria Remarque

Evening is the best time of the day. The long working day is over, you can relax and enjoy life.
Kazuo Ishiguro

They don't talk about everyday life in the evenings.
Henry Lyon Oldie

During the day everything is different from the evening and at night.
Anthony Burgess

In the cold of a winter evening, burning windows warm the soul with a particularly cozy warmth.
Haruki Murakami

A little trick: if the day is not going well in the morning, then you need to immediately lie down and wait until the evening.
Yuri Tatarkin

The morning is worse than the evening if the evening is a success.
Anna Veter

The best thing about Sunday is Saturday evening.
Gilbert Sesbron

Many sayings and quotes about the evening claim that it is - nice time, when you can relax after the hustle and bustle of a working day, relax and devote time to your family and yourself. After all, it is in the evening that we have the opportunity to devote ourselves to something that we like or that we love. Well-planned leisure time is very important.

In everyone's life there is one evening that is somehow connected with time, with memory and song. One day it must come - it will come spontaneously, and when it ends, it will fade away and will never happen again in exactly the same way. All attempts to repeat it are doomed to failure. But when such an evening comes, it is so beautiful that you remember it for the rest of your life.
Ray Bradbury

Evening approaches as imperceptibly as old age approaches. happy man.
John Steinbeck

And even the kettle makes different noises. In the morning - hasty and cheerful, in the evening - well-fed and peaceful.
Tatyana Ustinova

One of the secrets to a long and fruitful life is to grant forgiveness to all people every night before you go to bed.
Ann Landers

Evaluate the day by the evening, and life by the end.
James Herbert

Last night he thought that he still had a chance. Last night anything was possible. The trouble with “yesterday evening” is that it is always followed by “this morning.”
Terry Pratchett

Most people listen to ghost stories during the day with pleasure, but in the evening not without a feeling of fear.
Gotthold Lessing

The world is renewed every evening: the dirty is sent for dry cleaning. Worn things go to waste.
Henry Miller

The time when the sun sets behind the horizon and night falls on the earth, for modern people is not something supernatural. But our ancestors had many superstitions about this. How it changed human perception The dark time of the day can be traced by reading sayings and quotes about the evening with meaning.

The evening of life brings with it its lamp.
Joseph Joubert

The evening gradually entered that phase when you still don’t want to sleep, but you no longer want to live.
Dmitry Yemets

There is always something to do in the evening. Finally, you can start getting ready for bed. But in the morning you won’t always find something to do. Especially if you slept until lunchtime.
Yuri Tatarkin

The morning is wiser than the evening, but there is something in the evening too.
Vladimir Vysotsky

Evenings can be incredible, nights can be unforgettable, and still after them comes the most ordinary morning.
David Fonkinos

Jealousy, like illness, worsens in the evening.
Paul Lotan

The evening, like life itself, succeeds only if everything starts badly.
Frederic Beigbeder

Evening is a mysterious hour of struggle between light and darkness, when the entire living world passes from one state to another.
Theodore Dreiser

Many people are used to spending a cozy evening in front of the TV, watching the next series and eating dinner. Not a good time, to be honest. But you can, for example, read. If you don’t know what, read these quotes about the evening, and choose the author of the aphorism and then read his book.

The girl was in a hurry to go on a date
In high heels,
And in the crowd I accidentally caught it
An old man walking towards him.

She turned around: “Grandfather, forgive me!”
He raised his tired eyes:
“Honey, where are you in such a hurry?”
"They're waiting for me, you can't be late."

"It's good when they're waiting for you somewhere,
And they greet you with joy on their faces,
And my love found shelter
Where I can take my time."

The girl looked at the bouquet,
And regret froze in the eyes...
He continued: “For seven years now
I wear daisies for her on her birthday.

She especially loved them
She wove it into her hair and into a wreath.
Even on the day we met, I remember it was
She's wearing a flowery dress.

We were married for many years,
But the magical ardor of love did not fade.
From the first meeting to the last date,
I've idolized her all my life."

He smiled, squeezed the bouquet tighter,
And he walked quietly to the bus stop...
And she looked after him,
It was like I was flying down without a safety net...

He's waiting there at a table in a cafe,
He’s angry because they’re only having an evening...
Tick ​​marked in the column
Between training and an important meeting.

Yes, he didn’t hide it from the beginning,
Who is he and what car is he driving?
After meetings, I called her a taxi,
And she hoped that she loved...

Smiling, she hung up the call,
The number has been deleted into obscurity.
I knew everything he could answer,
She's just not interested anymore.

We need someone who will understand
And to love and to cherish the feeling.
We need a home where people will wait...
And a bouquet of daisies...from the heart.

Tell me what it's like to be abandoned,
The best, beloved by the devotee?
Fall asleep remembering the past
Keep the Universe in your heart?

With a sensitive heart, with a brave soul,
Drowning in love trustingly
And burned alive in it?
Tell me what it's like to be wounded
Just a word, just a moment?
Hate him so ardently
But find salvation in the eyes?
And dream, falling asleep in the evening,
So that a sick heart can heal
Tell me what it's like to be a girl,
Burned alive in your feelings?

Do you believe in God? I did not see him…
How can you believe in something you haven't seen?
I'm sorry that I offended you,
After all, you didn’t expect such an answer...
I believe in money, I’ve seen it for sure...
I believe in a plan, in a forecast, in career growth...
I believe in a house that was built strong...
Of course... Your answer is quite simple...
Do you believe in happiness? You haven't seen him...
But your soul saw him...
Sorry, I probably offended you...
Then we have one - one... Draw...
Do you believe in love, in friendship? How about your eyesight???
After all, this is all at the level of the soul...
Are there bright moments of sincerity?
Don’t rush to see everything with your own eyes...
Do you remember how you hurried to the meeting then,
But traffic jams... didn't make it on time for the plane?!
Your plane blew up that same evening
You drank and cried all day long...
And at that moment when the wife gave birth,
And the doctor said: “Sorry, there’s no chance...”
Do you remember, life flashed like slides,
And it was as if the light had gone out forever,
But someone shouted: “Oh, God, a miracle...”
And a loud baby scream was heard...
You whispered: “I will believe in God”
And my soul smiled sincerely...
There is something that the eyes cannot see,
But the heart sees more clearly and clearly...
When the soul fell in love without falsehood,
Then the mind objects more and more strongly...
Refers to pain, bitter experience,
Includes egoism, the big “I”...
You saw God every day and so much
How deep is your soul...
Each of us has our own path...
And faith and love are most important...
I didn’t ask you, “Have you seen God?”
I asked if I believed in him...

I know what HAPPINESS is: just the sun in the morning, and the aromatic smell of coffee, and the bustle in the evenings. And the voices of family and friends, the ability to see, speak, no thoughts - mean, low, vile, know how to trust, appreciate, love...
And, while living life, it’s time to understand: while a person is ALIVE, EVERYTHING can be changed!!!

“I’m so happy,” she said. I stood and looked at her. She only said three words. But I've never heard them pronounced like that before. I knew women, but meetings with them were always fleeting - some adventures, sometimes bright hours, a lonely evening, an escape from oneself, from despair, from emptiness. Yes, I wasn’t looking for anything else; because I knew that I couldn’t rely on anything but myself and best case scenario on a friend. And suddenly I saw that I meant something to another person and that he was happy only because I was next to him. Such words themselves sound very simple, but when you think about them, you begin to understand how infinitely important all this is. This can raise a storm in a person’s soul and completely transform him. This is love and yet something else. Something worth living for.

Don't wait until you graduate from college, when children are born. Stop waiting until you start working, when you retire, when you get married, when you get divorced. Don't wait for Friday evening, Sunday morning, shopping new car, new apartment. Don't wait for spring, summer, autumn, winter. Moments of happiness are precious, it is not the final destination of the journey, but the journey itself. Work - not just for money, love - not in anticipation of parting. Dance without paying attention to the looks. The worst mistake you can make is to spend your whole life chasing goals, not noticing how your life is passing you by.

Every morning think about how you should die. Refresh your mind every evening with thoughts of death. And may it always be so. Educate your mind. When your thoughts constantly revolve around death, your life path it will be direct and simple. Your will will fulfill its duty, your shield will turn into a steel shield.

Every morning when we wake up, we receive a credit of 86,400 seconds of life per day, and when we fall asleep in the evening, the supply disappears, and what was not lived during the day is gone. Every morning the magic begins anew, we are again given a credit of 86,400 seconds. And we play by a rule that cannot be circumvented: the bank can close the account at any time without warning; life can stop at any second. What do we do with our daily 86,400 seconds?

The morning should be good, the day should be useful, and the evening should be memorable.

If someone wishes you every evening Good night, you are already happier than many people.

Joseph Brodsky

Every evening, review your thoughts. Throw the bad ones in the trash, put the good ones in your heart. It prolongs life.

Guy de Maupassant

China Mieville "Sweat Station"

I secretly conjure over the future,
If the evening is completely blue,
And I anticipate a second meeting,
An inevitable meeting with you.

Anna Akhmatova

Go to the cinema. The best way kill the evening. True, you don’t remember what you saw later, but at least during the session you don’t think about anything.

Erich Maria Remarque

I do not feel anything.
There is no love in me, there is no hatred either.
There is just morning, just day and just evening.

Dmitry Yemets

I wanted to return home every evening to find a freshly prepared fruit salad, theater tickets and sex.

China Miéville "Station of Lost Dreams"

Christina Stark "Wings"

Tears started running down my cheeks. For the hundredth time this evening, but these tears were the most bitter.

Christina Stark "Wings"

Do you think we have to get drunk every night?
- In my opinion, definitely.
- And in my opinion, too.

Evelyn Waugh "Brideshead Revisited"

A person should fall into bed every evening, half dead from fatigue. If the forces are not used, they rot, and we begin to destroy ourselves at wild speed.

Dmitry Yemets "Mefodiy Buslaev. Dance of the Sword"

You see, sister, very often we love not a man, but love itself. And that evening your true lover was the moonlight.

Guy de Maupassant "Moonlight"

And in the morning we woke up together, dressed and hugging. Moreover, from his words, he was silent all evening and just admired her. And she says that for the first time a man brought her to complete female happiness just stories.

Slava Se "From the notes of a plumber. Sad. Even autumnal"