How do people become zombies? Technology of zombification of the individual (an example of the method of psychological influence of destructive sects)

Fear kills the mind

Frank Herbert, Dune

When I was in college, we were told that effective propaganda requires personal contact. Emotions, like waves, are transmitted from person to person - purely physical process. For television, we were told, this would not be suitable. Because there is a face in front of the screen, and you need to speak to it logically. Now we know that television can zombify both individuals and entire nations. Thanks to Putin-Kiselev. A new trickster is added: he must understand politics.

You don't even have to watch TV. The main thing is to get into the information field. Grandma calls in the evenings and retells the news. A radio in a car, people in a minibus, colleagues at work discussing the international situation. This is where the standard remark arises: I don’t watch TV, but I know that in Kyiv the junta is killing Russian speakers!

This is not to say that zombification is know-how. A method that has been tested not for centuries, but for millennia. Despotic states, totalitarian sects, mafia and criminal gangs, even domestic violence built on the basis of the three laws of zombies. People who fall under their influence also become alcoholics and drug addicts.

Three stages of zombification of people

First stage. This is the hook that catches future zombies. Only children and the mentally ill are immune to media manipulation. This is true.

Like what in totalitarian sects more people With higher education. They have a better developed imagination and ability to abstract thinking. At the same time, a person who is ready to become one becomes a victim. Who gets into sects? Those who find themselves in difficult situation. Divorce, graduation, dismissal from work, return from prison, moving. These are people who are depressed. They don’t know where to go, what to do, where to get money, where to find an apartment. Old world It's over, there's no new one yet.

Time will pass, the person will get a job, get married, and earn money. And to the sect, especially in criminal group won't work.

Disoriented and unnecessary person very nice to hear: You are special! The main thing is that you don’t need to make any effort in the first stages. You are the best because you were born that way. We are Russians, God is with us! The group you are in, the circle of the chosen ones. And you too. In the outside world you are nobody. And here, within the group, he was elected. Tea, cookies, drugs - everything is for you! This pleases self-esteem, destroyed by complex life situation. Chosenness is emphasized secret knowledge, degrees of initiation and rituals.

April 2, 2008: members of the Russian True Orthodox Church sect came out of their storage, where they waited for the end of the world for six weeks.

Second phase: Zombification occurs in two ways. On the one hand, a person voluntarily limits communication with relatives and friends who do not understand him. On the other hand, the manipulator forcibly isolates the person from the environment. At first it’s unnoticeable, causing a feeling of guilt. Why didn't you come to our meeting? Sveta baked cookies especially for you. Then isolation increases in the form of recommendations not to read certain literature or listen to music. Of course, for the benefit of the new adept. Immersion into a sect or criminal group ends with direct violence and coercion. The adept now lives in closed house, which is guarded along the perimeter by machine gunners. If this is a country, then it closes its borders and lowers the iron curtain.

If a person is afraid, he loses the ability to reason sensibly. They usually play on instinctive fears that concern health, family and children. Devil! Pedophiles! Geyropa! They want to take our children! Affects the images with which it is associated strong emotion: People are burning alive, Nazis are raping pregnant women. Fear is combined with euphoria. Terrible news - great concert. The task is to scare a person so outside world so that you don’t even think about going there and checking whether they really eat children there.

Third stage: Freezing new identity. Provided that the victim is ready, manipulation occurs very quickly. I knew a subject who was zombified within a week. A month is quite realistic. The manipulation can continue indefinitely. In the third stage, the victim is given new goal and a cause for which he must live.

Take care of your friends and loved ones! Only you can save them from such stages....or get them out of there

Words are divided into living and dead. Living words make our world bright and colorful: “happiness”, “success”, “health”, “freedom”, “love”. Every word lights up a small light bulb in the soul. And if you say to yourself living word, it’s as if a Christmas tree lights up in your soul. Life is easy for us and we are in a festive mood.

Dead words kill the joy of life: “collapse,” “crisis,” “illness,” “death.” They destroy all emotional feelings, just as a gust of icy wind freezes green sprouts. Life becomes scary, painful and disgusting. From living and warm people we turn into dead and cold zombies. Usually the word “zombie” refers to a corpse animated by magic. But a corpse cannot be resurrected. A zombie is not a living dead, but a dead tenant. Zombies have no desire to move, strain, or strive. The zombie looks into the distance with empty eyes and waits for someone to order him something.

Oddly enough, everyone is trying to turn us into zombies. Therefore, it is advisable to learn to nip this diligent effort in the bud. Who is zombifying us and why? To the question “why?” easy to answer. Zombies have no life, and therefore no goals in life. It is very easy to operate. The zombie blindly does everything he is told. Turn a person into a zombie and do whatever you want with him.

Most often, zombification is used (in order of increasing professionalism): gossips; journalists; politicians; scammers.

Let's start with scammers, as they zombie professionally and very effectively. Moreover, the masterful zombification is carried out so subtly that it is almost impossible to bring the swindler to justice. That's why last option We will consider zombies in detail. And then it will be clear to you how to protect yourself from other zombie specialists - be it professionals or amateurs.

Selection of master keys

Zombification consists of subconsciously influencing a person in order to turn off his self-control. For this, a psychological “master key” is used: the consciousness is distracted, and a “savior hook” is introduced into the subconscious.

The most professionally developed “master key” technique is used by the gypsies. Often victims of gypsies are surprised that they gave the money “voluntarily”. They were not threatened with a knife or a gun, nor were their purses snatched from them. But any trick is simple when you know its secret.

Just like a magician, a gypsy is primarily a distraction. To do this, the gypsies wear colorful clothes, approach in a group and quickly move around the victim. But their main trick is abrupt change Topics.

The conversation starts with nothing meaningful phrase: "Can I ask you?" or “Let me ask you how to get there...” If a person stops and listens, then the intonation changes sharply and dead words are used:

“Oh, girl, I can see from your face that soon you will have two coffins in your family!”
“Your heart is sick, you need to be saved from death!”
“Oh, beautiful, your husband is cheating on you now! And you know the homewrecker!”

The mind is tuned in to expect a question, so changing the topic plunges one into confusion. Consciousness turns off for a second, and the subconscious instantly reacts to dead words. The soul is filled with sticky fear, the heart begins to pound furiously, there is not enough air, the legs give way.

By her glassy eyes, the gypsy determines that the “master key” has arrived. And he begins to smoothly open the lock: “It’s not difficult to help your grief. This is the evil eye from an envious person. I see that you have a kind soul. Gild your pen, and I’ll see who’s jealous of you...” And the victim frantically takes out his wallet, not remembering himself from fear.

On hook

Having picked up a “master key,” the fraudster tries to insert a small hook into the soul, by which he can lead the victim like a floundering fish. This hook serves as salvation from the horror that the scammer himself painted.

In a state of passion, a person becomes easily suggestible. He seeks protection and salvation and is ready to carry out any orders of the savior. Once the scammer becomes the “savior,” he can extract as much money as the victim has. One of the criminal cases describes how a gypsy woman approached a pregnant cashier and said:

Oh, girl, I see that your child in the womb is becoming disabled. Let me help you, poor thing...

And after a couple of minutes, the cashier began to take all the money out of the cash register to give to the scammer. Chance saved her. Another cashier noticed something was wrong and called security. The victim of the deception herself later said that she did not remember what she did because she was beside herself with horror.

Having robbed the victim, the scammer disappears, but the zombie effect remains for a long time. Sometimes victims have to turn to a psychologist because life turns into a dull existence with obsessive thoughts about death.

Zombification protection

Protection goes in three directions at once. You need to prepare your subconscious so that it doesn’t “faint” when it hears something scary. In a conversation, learn to notice dead words: “coffin”, “misfortune”, “cancer with stroke”, “died”, “died”, “did not live.” Immediately change the topic of conversation, or better yet, end the conversation.

Remember the phrase: “I do not discuss my personal life" It doesn’t have to be said out loud, but it should be in the subconscious. Use it as an ax to immediately stop any attempt to get into your soul.

Now let's see how to react to zombie attempts. General rule this: the greater the distance between you and the one who is trying to zombify you, the more difficult it is for him to pick up a master key. Therefore, as soon as you have heard dead words, start moving away, muttering some text. It looks like this. You come to a bus stop. There are a bunch of gypsies standing there. One is heading towards you:

Young, can I ask?.. Oh, I can see it in your face that there’s something wrong with your child!

At the first phrase you are still listening. But as soon as you feel zombied, you mentally repeat: “I don’t discuss my personal life with strangers.” And outwardly say a protective phrase. You can choose the one you like best:

So this is fate.
- Yes, I just didn’t get enough sleep.
- I'll go get a taxi.

The general meaning of a defensive phrase is to refuse to discuss an imaginary problem. And leave immediately, even if you have to wait for the bus. It's better to walk a little than to be lazy and turn into a zombie. If you can’t leave, then seize the initiative of the conversation.

You look tired too. Perhaps it was a difficult day? This happened to me at work today...
- So what did you want to ask? Actually, I don’t know this area well, and I didn’t want to move here...
- Yes, this is how the heat works. I heard that this weather will last all week...

You can chatter incessantly, not allowing you to insert a zombifying “master key”. Fraudsters don't like confident people. Therefore, they will leave on their own as soon as they see that you did not fall for the trick.

Amateur zombie

Knowing how to defend against professionals, we can easily deal with amateurs. Amateurs are dangerous if you don’t understand why they are trying to zombie. Once you understand this, you are out of danger. You are ready to defend, but they are not so prepared to break through this defense. Professional zombification contains the following elements: change of topic to penetrate the subconscious; use of dead words; casting the “savior hook”. In amateur zombification, one element is usually missing, so it is easier to protect against it.

Protection from politicians

Politicians need a submissive and obedient electorate to follow them. The easiest way to influence is to search for a terrible enemy from which this politician will save us. Therefore, any political propaganda includes standard set dead words:

The country is dying! The people are dying out! The enemies are sharpening their knives!

And then the hook is thrown that it is this loud-mouthed one who will save everyone. Fortunately, unlike gypsies, politicians shout these slogans automatically, in their usual patter. Therefore, they lack the most dangerous part of zombification - changing the topic. People who are already “turned on” by something usually fall for such slogans. That's why it's so easy to send something to smash an angry crowd. She is already on edge and easily succumbs to the slogans of the “savior”.

When you are calm, protection from politicians occurs at a conscious level and in two directions:

History teaches that the most fierce “defenders of the people” are also the most terrible executioners of his people. So it is the one who is fiercely trying to protect you who is most likely to put you against the wall. It’s worth looking carefully at this savior politician and asking yourself the questions: “Does he know how to save? Where did he learn this? What are his chances of saving everyone? How is he going to increase the birth rate? How long will it last?

Protection from journalists

It's time for the evening news. The second hand clicks loudly, counting down last moments peaceful life. Disturbing music sounds. A newscaster appears on the screen, feverishly writing something. Apparently a will. What else is so important that you can write before the start of the broadcast?

Then, jumping up and down in her chair with tension, she blurts out her portion of dead words:
- Two corpses in the entrance!
- Deadly epidemic of enuresis!
- The locomotive collided with the airship! Everyone drowned.
- Sensation! Ivan Ivanovich called Ivan Nikiforovich a gander!
-And now more about these and other nasty things...

The danger of television is that you can show a corpse in detail from all sides and savor every detail of someone else's death. And changing the topic is a favorite technique of journalists. Therefore, telezombification can be very deep.

To protect yourself, here's what you need to think about. In Russia, four people die every minute. While you were reading the previous paragraph, someone had already died. It is easy to calculate how many corpses can be found by the time of the next news broadcast. Now let’s think: what’s the news if people die continuously? What do these corpses have to do with the news?

It is important for us to know what will affect our lives. This is the job of a journalist. This is why people listen to the news. And the world of death has no relation to the world of life. If you didn’t know the person when he lived, then you don’t even need to know that he died. Why should you know about other people's suffering if you cannot help them? This is cynicism, unworthy moral person. But every day a cheerful journalist tells you that someone else has died. If you fall for the trick and penetrate this news to the depths of your soul, you will soon give this journalist a reason to squeal: “Here is another corpse in our program. Isn't that you yet? Then we go to you!"

Fortunately, there is no other condition for zombification - throwing a “savior” hook. The journalist is certainly not a savior. Journalists use corpses to attract attention. They want to be in the center of events. Particularly impressive are the shots where in the background natural disaster, crippled people and the hard work of rescuers, a well-fed, sleek journalist walks around.

Protection from gossips

Gossip girls have neither a change of topics nor a savior's wreath. Therefore, at first glance, gossip is harmless. But another danger lurks in them. The quantity of dead words gradually turns into quality. If you spend hours praising dead words, then some part will certainly penetrate into the subconscious. And tomorrow again and again. Of course, the biggest blow is dealt to the gossiper herself, because this category of people is most susceptible psychosomatic diseases. But she will drag you away too.

After all, every dead word- this is a tiny step from the world of life to the world of death. The step is very small, but there is no turning back from the world of death. Step by step you leave the world of the living. Small steps, but every day. The soul is numb from the cold of the grave, and thoughts tremble with anticipation of the end. But why would you, alive and well, walk with the dead?

Gossip girls are also called energy vampires. I talked, and then I simply didn’t have the strength to live. Vampires have nothing to do with it. The energy of life is sucked away by dead words. Avoid them and you will always be joyful and cheerful. Why are some people called mentally young even at an advanced age? Because they are in no hurry to enter the world of death.

And take your time. Avoid gossip at all costs. Don't rush to join the choir performing the suite "What a Horror!" for three grandmothers and a bench at the entrance.

Tell me, what practical benefit is it for you to know that the sister-in-law of your neighbor’s sister’s friend’s sister hurt her knee and has been complaining about it all day? How will this affect your life? Do you need to get acquainted in detail with the medical histories of the residents of your building, as well as their relatives and co-workers?

After all, the subconscious mind will perceive the symptoms of these diseases very well and will try to reproduce them as accurately as possible in order to make it possible to carry on painful conversations with interest and knowledge.

How joyful and healthy will this make your life? Therefore, as soon as a gossip peddler comes into your apartment, cover her mouth with a plaster, treat her to tea and talk to her only about good things: poems, flowers and cats.

If you are easily influenced, anyone can zombie you - friends, girlfriends, colleagues, training leaders, sect leaders, authoritative people... That is, those with whom you come into long-term contact. People you trust can easily influence your attitudes and life values, the main thing in this is the absence of criticism and trust in the person. If you change your attitudes and life values ​​under the influence of other people who invade your personal space, you change your life. Often - not in better side. But, first things first.
Do you believe in zombies? This term is a bit outdated due to its magical overtones and the word's origins in voodoo witchcraft terminology. In fact, zombification is nothing more than violent persuasion, mind control, transformation or reformation of thinking, the techniques of which are the use of manipulative methods in order to change the thinking, behavior, beliefs, emotions or decision-making process of a person against his will and desire. So the term zombification is quite psychologically explicable. There is different types zombified and persecuted different goals such implementation in human psyche. Everyone knows such terms as “brainwashing”, manipulation of consciousness, mind control. Let’s consider the simplest way of zombification in order to achieve some of our own selfish plans.

So a zombie is a creature completely devoid of will and the ability to think and accept rational decisions. This state is characterized by constant immersion in a deep trance, complete submission, without any manifestation of personal messages. With it, a person moves like an automaton without reason, ready to blindly carry out any order or command of the one who subjugates his will (these states can be of varying intensity). The most dangerous thing about zombification is that in this crime they are completely suppressed strong-willed qualities personality.
Two are known modern forms forced psychoprogramming: “hard” and “soft”. A “hard” zombie can often be identified by external signs and style of behavior (inconsistency in movements, lack of a specific “spark” in the eyes, detachment in the gaze, unnatural color of the whites of the eyes, apathetic voice, incorrect speech, inability to concentrate, sluggish reactions and memory lapses, absurd stereotypical behavior; he performs work “on autopilot", the order of his actions from the outside resembles the work of a conveyor belt), while the "soft" zombie, at first glance, is no different from other people. Using “soft” zombies, you can give a person a real split personality (or even split personality).
The relative simplicity of “hard” zombie technologies allows, unfortunately, to be used by any cynic who has enough extra time and interest in this.
1. The zombified object is removed from its usual environment.
2. Through continuous external influence completely change the subject's daily routine. It must completely contradict his previous habits and create completely unbearable conditions. Lack of sleep is a must. This alone can bring a person to the desired state.
3.Distrust and fear of everyone who surrounds the victim is actively provoked. She is unceremoniously deceived in everything, she is fiercely threatened and intimidated into submission. Gypsies use the technique of “living” and “dead” words. This is when, after attracting the attention of the victim and entering into a conversation, the victim is told that she is kind, trusting, pure ("living" words) then intimidated with grief, misfortune, death, which supposedly should happen to her or her relatives ("dead words"). By the way, the shock that occurs from fear usually lasts from 15 to 30 minutes.
5. Constant discrediting is carried out life values object (beliefs are ridiculed, the immorality of a loved one is demonstrated, the betrayal of friends, etc.)
6. When the object reaches a state of dull indifference, the necessary coding is carried out by active verbal suggestion (if the object is sufficiently “gone crazy”) or trance hypnosis (if it is not yet enough).
How to identify that a person was subject to a forced method of influencing the psyche?
This can be done by:
analysis of his biography (when interviewing him or his immediate circle, facts of participation in any sects, annoying “stuffing” of someone into his “friends” may emerge.
attention to the peculiarities of his behavior (emphasis, fanaticism, slow reactions and speech, a “glassy” look with an expression of unnatural bliss on his face, memory lapses, inappropriate statements, loss of control over actions). The zombie is unconditionally subject to the coded suggestion directly at the subconscious level. If during the zombie process the “master” said that 2 X 2 = 48, then for the zombie it is so. And any attempt to refute this will cause a serious malfunction in his brain, accompanied by a violent seizure. They can defend the dubious postulates of their “gurus” with the bitterness of an angry bear.
conducting appropriate surveys of people around a person and asking extremely specific, detailed questions to himself, aimed at the need to explain his strange actions (a zombie, as a rule, does not want to reason, cannot explain and argue in detail why he is carrying out the “program”, in extreme cases will refer to the fact that he “had a voice”);
encouraging the object to remember the technology of its “processing” (through a description of the possible sensations of the object, and not the attributes of the process).

Awareness and information that you have been zombified is the first step towards getting rid of the influence and use of you by other people for their own selfish purposes, whom you can easily find in your environment. It is also worth asking the question who needs to paralyze your will, who interested in this?

And here simplest example effects of zombification, used by scammers or bandits in relation to “hopeless” debtors, alcoholics, drug addicts, lonely old people and other representatives of the “risk group” - to take a person to an unfamiliar place - to a distant remote village, for example, to a forest lodge, to an island or to a remote shepherd's point, and, handcuffed to the bed, "pressure" with the above negative emotions, giving him only bread and vodka with aminazine (suppression of will), not allowing him to sleep and constantly conducting “political work” (most often direct emotional suggestion, because Most of these “figures” do not know trance hypnosis). The goal in such cases is almost always the same - unprovable (as opposed to primitive coercion) seizure of property, vehicles, housing of the zombie or money from its sale.
(Based on Internet materials)

This video contains an investigation and examples of how charismatic presenters can become zombies during psy-trainings. However, this is not the merit of the trainings themselves, but the personality of the trainer, who has high development emotional center of consciousness and able to influence other people. Some innate manipulators without morality, shame and conscience have such abilities. Advice from a psychologist.
-A zombified person does not realize that he does not belong to himself and is fulfilling the will of the “master”. Relatives can help - “they will open their eyes to what is happening.”
-Get out of the zone of contact with the zombifying person. Understand who is pursuing their goals and imposing this intrusive contact on you.
-How to feel the manipulation of consciousness? It is recognized by the tension of the nervous system, the attempt to resist, to contradict, which is a reaction to any stress. Further brainwashing extinguishes this attempt by a healthy psyche to resist and the victim begins to submit.
- More convincing is a fast pace of speech, assertiveness, repetition of the same phrases, words (as suggestion). With such an assertive pace of speech they convince and zombie.
-The zombifying invasion of the psyche does not pass without a trace. As a reaction to the invasion, the body can respond with psychosomatics - VSD, PA, phobias.

Techniques of zombification and subjugation. Protection methods. (10+)

Zombification protection

I want to describe the process of subordinating one person to another, which you have probably witnessed more than once, without understanding what is happening. I bring it for the sole purpose of drawing your attention to how this is done in order to effectively defend yourself.

There is no point in zombifying or subjugating.

I don’t recommend using this approach yourself. There are four reasons for this, besides moral ones. Firstly, to carry out zombification you need to have, so to speak, qualifications, skills and practical experience. Acquiring them will require a lot of time and effort. Secondly, the process itself is also complicated and requires a lot of effort. Third, a person subordinated in this way will, of course, fulfill your wishes, but will do it without much zeal. You'll have to watch literally every step he takes. Fourth, strong, effective people are difficult to become zombies and are easily freed from influence. All your efforts will go into the sand very quickly. Weaker people also usually cope with submission after a while. Only very weak individuals are controlled long enough. But do you need control over such people?

It is much easier and more honest to reach mutually beneficial agreements with people.

Those who could engage in such practices know perfectly well everything said above and do not waste their time on nonsense. Zombification is practiced only by those who enjoy the process itself, that is, pathological people. We must learn to identify them and protect ourselves from them.

A person will begin to carry out someone’s commands if the person giving the commands (hereinafter referred to as the zombie keeper) has in his eyes unquestionable authority. The entire process of submission is aimed at creating and maintaining such authority.

Techniques of zombification, submission, brainwashing

Most often it is done like this. In the process of communication, the zombie guide reveals the dreams and aspirations of the zombie, as well as the steps that the zombie takes to achieve his goals. Next, goals are selected that the subject can achieve due to his data, diligence, and position. Looking from the outside, without personal interest, this is easy to do. It is always better to see from the outside, especially if the eyes are not clouded by emotions. The zombie breeder will not support the zombified electrician to become a cardiologist. But a good, non-drinking electrician can become a foreman. A healthy pregnant woman will give birth, and will most likely give birth to a healthy baby. From the outside it is obvious, but for the woman herself it is very important and, through the curtain of her emotions, obviously not completely.

The zombie guide in the chosen areas begins to actively support the zombie, help him and, most importantly, predict his success. When you are supported in issues that are important to you, they instill confidence in success, predicting the future, it is pleasant and easily accepted by you. Typical phrases of a zombie breeder: “I bring good luck”, “With me you can achieve this”, “I know everything will be fine”, “See, I told you that everything will work out”, “You shouldn’t have followed my advice, everything has turned around” would be different." Characteristic is the indication that failure to follow the zombie guide’s advice leads to negative consequences. This is indicated gently so as not to cause a negative reaction, but so that the zombified person pays attention to it.

After some time, the zombified person actually begins to believe that providence sent him the zombie master; it speaks through his mouth. It’s easy to believe in this, since predictions and advice really support and help in achieving your deepest desires. The zombie was caught. Now the zombie keeper can express wishes that are not at all in the interests of the zombie, but in the interests of the zombie keeper.

How to distinguish simple friendly support from zombies?

A friend can help and support, but he cannot know the future. This is not given to anyone. He, of course, can make a mistake, but he will not do it all the time. If a person makes such comments constantly, it also does not mean that he is zombifying you. He may simply believe that he is clairvoyant. Let it go. The main thing is that you know that there are no clairvoyants, and be very critical of the advice of such a person. We looked at whether these tips are actually in your interests, or whether they are in the interests of that person. The zombie master will quickly notice that you are not subject to his charms and will disappear from your social circle. An ordinary acquaintance who has no bad intentions simply will not notice your resistance.

If you yourself decide to support someone, then help, speak useful words, but don't make predictions. Without knowing the future, you can make mistakes. Even experienced zombie guides, who specifically and very carefully select areas for support, often make mistakes. A couple of mistakes can distract a person, but if there are more of them, the zombification project will fail. If you are wrong in your predictions, you may quarrel with your friend. It’s better to just help as much as you can, and base your words of support on logic. For example, “You are the most suitable for this position”, “80% give birth healthy babies, and these statistics are for everyone, including the elderly and sick. And you are young, healthy, athletic."

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IN Lately increasingly we have to deal with stubbornness, delusional thoughts, rudeness and aggression, which have become fashionable to regard as . Are most of those unpleasant personalities who spoil our blood really just victims of the influence of someone else’s will? Let's try to figure this out.

The zombie world through the eyes of a psychologist.

It has long been known that like a historian, such is history. What does it mean? Only that impartiality to objects and phenomena that are perceived by the senses is very rare. Everything that doesn't fit into mathematical formula, receives emotional assessments and influences judgments, inferences, and behavior itself.

We are talking about the so-called “emotional” thinking, which is no longer connected with the external, but with inner world. At the same time, partially or completely unconscious drives and desires can distort the perception of an object, its comprehension and even the memory of it. This is how a person becomes a prisoner of his own illusions. Self-deception serves psychological protection from reality by replacing the actual with the desired.

Signs of a zombified person are also noticeable in those who are inclined to create an idol for themselves. If desired, the object of worship can play on the feelings of the admirer, turning him into a slave. This also includes the manipulations that our parents, children, husbands, wives and best friends using an ultimatum style of communication. In Dostoevsky’s novel “The Village of Stepanchikovo and Its Inhabitants” there is an excellent description of just such a manipulator.

Being overwhelmed by a painful passion, that is, a need dominating the mind, also contributes to zombification. In this case, the signs of a zombified person appear as a consequence of the knowledge that fills inner emptiness. Meaning modern crisis spiritual needs. Thus, those who think “emotionally”, create an idol for themselves and do not think about the meaning of life become “information” zombies.

How to detect signs of a zombie person in yourself.

“Information zombies” do not recognize themselves as such, even with clear evidence of their delusions. The only thing you will get if you try to convince them of something is a spoiled mood. IMHO, if little depends on the opinions of these people, you shouldn’t try to impose your own on them. Moreover, it may also be wrong.

Indeed, first of all, we must take care of our own psychological health. To do this, you need to reflect and clearly monitor the appearance of the following signs of a zombified person:

  1. Identification of oneself with one of the parties. What is happening in the southeast of Ukraine cannot leave anyone indifferent. And it is not necessary! But, if you begin to feel like a militia of information resistance, for which the main thing is to defeat the enemy by any means, and not to find out the truth or restore justice, this is a bad thing;
  2. Getting personal. When there are not enough arguments, the “zombified” try to humiliate their opponents. Watch yourself, because even the softest and intelligent people in the heat of an argument they lose face, resorting to shouting and swearing. And it all starts with hints of poor knowledge of history, the political or economic situation;
  3. Confusing style of presentation. The thinking of people gripped by passion does not require orderliness, so if you notice that you have a “mess” in your head, sound the alarm.
In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that even mass zombification of people is not capable of fooling everyone. Look at those who believed the propaganda! Did this happen by accident? Innocent victims in information war does not happen, and only those who are ready to absorb the cliches of agitprom appear signs of a zombie person.

Andrey Fillipov ©