Abstract thinking in preschool children. How to develop a child's abstract thinking

Teachers have to deal with different levels of intellectual development of children. Some of them are “stuck” at the stage of visual-effective thinking. Therefore, in learning they can only use rote learning and relatively accurate reproduction of the information received from the teacher. This is largely the fault of parents who do not want to be educated in matters of child development. We cannot come to terms with this situation, and therefore we present our judgments about COGNITION to the readers.



Abstract thinking is the identification of some features and abstraction from others that are insignificant at the moment or for a given person. Without the development of this type of thinking, it is impossible to become a successful person.

Success here means the personal feeling that a person manages to build his life according to his own goals and with his own strength for the benefit of himself and others. Success should not be confused with prestige. Prestige is a socially determined idea of ​​a decent life. It may conflict with a person's spiritual needs. The right to choose is up to the person himself.

Abstract thinking in creativity involves going beyond real data, finding new connections and relationships between objects, and a broad but targeted mobilization of knowledge and experience.

Stages of developing a child’s thinking:

Visually effective (up to 3 years),
- visual-figurative (up to 9 years),
- verbal-logical (abstract) (by the age of 14).

The development of a child’s thinking begins with information presented in the form of a question or task. Parents will find many reasons to communicate with their child in this regard if they realize the importance of abstract thinking for the child’s fate.

Until the age of nine, children live in a magical world; they cannot be rushed into realizing reality; everything has its time. And this period is necessary for the development of imagination, fantasy - the basis of human creative activity. It is very interesting for a child to “pick mushrooms on the asphalt”, imagining that he is in the forest; “to feed mother, according to her order, with various foods from river sand,” his ideas will flow if his parents support him in play activities.

By the way, a child under 9 years old is not yet ready for the freedom to choose his actions and responsibility for his choice. His actions are often impulsive or dictated by fear of punishment. If adults create such difficult circumstances of choice for a child, the child experiences psychological anxiety and uncertainty.

The need for protection is strongest at this age, so the child needs “strong” parents to guide him.

To develop a child’s thinking, an adult should not rush to answer some “why?” child, but ask “What do you think?”, and guide his “thinking”. As a result, preschool children show an early interest in games that develop intelligence and love to solve riddles, answer tricky questions, and create them themselves.

There is no need to overload a child with different information; it is better to teach him to think about what is available to him at his age. At this age, abstract thinking should be based on visual-figurative thinking, on the child’s acquired life experience.

Starting from the age of nine, you can directly ask about his moods, desires, teach him to correlate needs with opportunities and the consequences of their implementation - this is how the experience of freedom of choice is acquired.

Teenagers from 12 to 14 years old, it’s time to ask what they think about any problem and what ways they see to solve it. At this age it is already possible to make decisions on your own. You just need to make it clear to the teenager that making mistakes is normal. By correcting them, a person becomes wiser. This is the norm of mental development of the individual.

Ideal in knowledge - WISDOM , and not erudition, which is based, rather, on memory as a property of the natural mind. Wisdom combines all the spiritual qualities of a person (sometimes in the absence of an official certificate of education).

Preschool children tend to think in images, and visuals are extremely important for them. Closer to 6 years of age, the child learns verbal-logical and abstract thinking. Those. he can operate with symbols that cannot be touched or seen.

Parents often learn about their child's difficulties with abstract thinking when they begin to teach simple mathematical operations. Plus and minus may be too confusing for a preschooler. First of all, he should not be scolded for this and forced to “think better.”

You can understand how much your child knows abstract concepts by taking a simple test.

Pour the same amount of water into two glasses. Show the baby and tell him what you did. Now pour the contents of one glass into a narrow transparent bottle; the other - in a liter jar. Ask: Which container has more water?

If your child confidently points to the bottle, you should use tips on developing abstract thinking, since it still works poorly for him. Did your child answer the question correctly? This indicates that he is ready to study mathematics.

Conduct all activities in the form of a game so that the child does not get bored with them. Change the exercises day by day, and the baby won’t even understand what is being done to him! Let's start with the simplest ones.

Remove the extra word

You name concepts, phenomena or objects, and one unrelated word.

For example

Crow, owl, stork, sparrow, mouse, dove. Over time, complicate the chains by setting “traps”. For example like this. Snow, ice, ice cream, cotton candy, icicle (everything cold except cotton candy).

What are the same and how are they different?

Choose simple options at first, for example “bush-tree”. The more the baby tells you about the similarities and differences, the better!


Take an active part in the game. After the child answers your question, let him give you a task. Choosing the right pair is also a workout!


The baby will easily find the opposite of the word “day” or “sun”. But let him try to find an antonym for words such as “stand”, “ask for forgiveness”, “aroma”, “final”... In this game, your assistant is a dictionary of antonyms. At the same time, teach your child how to use it.

Charging in reverse

This fun and active exercise will also help your baby develop attentiveness. Ask your child to repeat your movements without paying attention to the words. When you raise your hands up, say: hands down. As you lower your arms down, say: arms to the sides. And so on. After that, it's the other way around. You do the wrong thing, but you say the right thing.


You can play this word game while walking or on the road. For example, you start: “car”. The child must name a word that is somehow related to the car. Let there be a “wheel”. Your turn: "circle". And now the baby can say either “Earth” or “cup”. The main thing is to explain why his word is connected with the concept of “circle”.

These activities are useful both for the development of thinking and attention, and for concentration. You can come up with similar games yourself. Or better yet, invent it together!

It can rightly be called the crown of human knowledge. It is a mental activity with its own goals, motives, operational functions and results. It can be characterized in different ways: as the highest degree of assimilation and processing of information and the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships between objects of reality, as a process of displaying the obvious properties of objects and phenomena and, consequently, the formation of ideas about the surrounding reality, and as a process of cognition of the world based on on the continuous replenishment of the baggage of concepts and ideas about it.

But, regardless of the interpretation, it can be established that the better a person’s thinking is developed, the more effectively he can interact with the world around him and other people, study and cognize, understand phenomena and truths. Thinking is formed as a person develops from his very birth, but life circumstances do not always develop in such a way that it continues to develop. It often happens that, having reached a certain level, development slows down. However, each of us is able to influence this process, like many others. In other words, everyone is capable
, and how this is done, we will talk in this article.

But before we get down to the main material, we should say a few words about what thinking is like in general. In total, there are several of its main types, studied by specialists most often and most of all:

  • Visual-figurative thinking;
  • Verbal-logical (aka abstract) thinking;
  • Visual-effective thinking;

Below we will provide a brief description of each type of thinking and indicate effective and simple ways to develop them.

Visual-figurative thinking and exercises for its development

With the help of visual-figurative thinking, reality is transformed into images, and ordinary phenomena and objects are endowed with new properties. It involves visually solving problems and problems without the need to resort to practical actions. The brain is responsible for its development. Visual-figurative thinking should not be confused with imagination, because... it is based on real objects, actions and processes, and not imaginary or fictitious ones.

Visual-figurative thinking can be developed in adults and children in the same ways. Here are some good exercises:

  • Remember several people with whom you had the opportunity to communicate today, and imagine in detail their clothes, shoes, hairstyle, appearance, etc.
  • Using just two nouns, one adverb, three verbs and adjectives, describe the words "success", "wealth" and "beauty".
  • Swipe: imagine the shape of the ears of your pet or, for example, an elephant; count the number of apartments in your entrance and imagine how they are located in the house; Now turn the English letter “N” 90 degrees and determine what came out of it.
  • Describe the following objects and phenomena in words: a flying swan, flashing lightning, the kitchen of your apartment, lightning, a pine forest, a toothbrush.
  • Recall in your memory the image of a recent meeting with friends and give mental answers to several questions: how many people were in the company, and what clothes did each of them wear? What food and drinks were on the table? What were you talking about? What was the room like? What position did you sit in, what sensations did you experience, what did you taste from the food and drinks you consumed?

These exercises can be modified at your discretion - you can do whatever you want, but the main thing here is to use visual-figurative thinking. The more often you use it, the better it will develop.

You can also check out a course that will help you develop your thinking in just a few weeks. Check it out here.

Verbal-logical (abstract) thinking and exercises for its development

Verbal-logical thinking is characterized by the fact that a person observing a certain picture as a whole isolates from it only the most significant qualities, not paying attention to unimportant details that simply complement this picture. There are usually three forms of such thinking:

  • Concept – when objects are grouped according to characteristics;
  • Judgment - when any phenomenon or connections between objects are affirmed or denied;
  • Inference – when specific conclusions are drawn based on several judgments.

Everyone should develop verbal and logical thinking, but it is especially useful to develop it from an early age in children, because this is an excellent training for memory and attention, as well as imagination. Here are some exercises you can use for yourself or your child:

  • Set a timer for 3 minutes, during this time write the maximum number of words starting with the letters “zh”, “w”, “ch” and “i”.
  • Take a few simple phrases, such as “what’s for breakfast?”, “let’s go to the movies,” “come visit,” and “there’s a new exam tomorrow,” and read them backwards.
  • There are several groups of words: “sad, cheerful, slow, cautious”, “dog, cat, parrot, penguin”, “Sergey, Anton, Kolya, Tsarev, Olga” and “triangle, square, board, oval”. From each group, select those words that do not fit the meaning.
  • Identify the differences between a ship and an airplane, grass and a flower, a story and a poem, an elephant and a rhinoceros, a still life and a portrait.
  • A few more groups of words: “House - walls, foundation, windows, roof, wallpaper”, “War - weapons, soldiers, bullets, attack, map”, “Youth - growth, joy, choice, love, children”, “Road - cars, pedestrians, traffic, asphalt, poles.” Choose one or two words from each group, without which the concept (“house”, “war”, etc.) could exist as such.

These exercises, again, can be quite easily modernized and modified, simplifying or complicating them at your discretion. It is because of this that each of them can be an excellent way to train abstract thinking in both adults and children. By the way, any such exercises, among other things, perfectly develop intelligence.

Visually effective thinking and exercises for its development

Visual-effective thinking can be described as the process of solving mental problems by transforming a situation that has arisen in real life. It is rightfully considered the first way to process received information, and it develops very actively in children under 7 years of age, when they begin to combine all kinds of objects into one whole, analyze them and operate with them. And in adults, this type of thinking is expressed in identifying the practical benefits of objects in the surrounding world, being the so-called manual intelligence. The brain is responsible for the development of visual and effective thinking.

An excellent way to learn and train here is the usual game of chess, making puzzles and sculpting all kinds of plasticine figures, but there are also several effective exercises:

  • Take your pillow and try to determine its weight. Then “weigh” your clothes in the same way. After this, try to determine the area of ​​the room, kitchen, bathroom and other areas of your apartment.
  • Draw a triangle, a rhombus and a trapezoid on album sheets. Then take your scissors and turn all these shapes into a square by cutting once in a straight line.
  • Place 5 matches on the table in front of you and make 2 equal triangles from them. After that, take 7 matches and make 2 triangles and 2 squares from them.
  • Buy a construction set at the store and use it to create various shapes - not just those indicated in the instructions. It is recommended that there be as many details as possible - at least 40-50.

As an effective addition to these exercises, chess and more, you can use our excellent.

Logical thinking and exercises for its development

Logical thinking is the basis of a person’s ability to think and reason consistently and without contradictions. It is necessary in most life situations: from ordinary dialogues and shopping to solving various problems and developing intelligence. This type of thinking contributes to a successful search for justifications for any phenomena, a meaningful assessment of the surrounding world and judgments. The main task in this case is to obtain true knowledge about the subject of reflection with the basis for analyzing its various aspects.

Among the recommendations for the development of logical thinking are solving logical problems (and this is also an excellent training for memory and attention in children and adults), passing IQ tests, logical games, self-education, reading books (especially detective stories), and training intuition .

As for specific exercises, we advise you to take note of the following:

  • From several sets of words, for example: “chair, table, sofa, stool”, “circle, oval, ball, circle”, “fork, towel, spoon, knife”, etc. you need to choose a word that does not fit the meaning. Despite its simplicity, this is a very effective technology for developing logical thinking, and similar sets and exercises can be found in large quantities on the Internet.
  • Group exercise: Get together with friends or the whole family and divide into two teams. Let each team invite the opposing team to solve a semantic riddle that conveys the content of some text. The point is to determine. Here is a small example: “The clergyman had an animal on the farm. He had strong warm feelings for him, however, despite this, he carried out a violent action on him, which led to his death. This happened for the reason that the animal did something unacceptable - it ate part of the food that was not intended for it.” Thinking logically, one can recall a children's song that begins with the words: “The priest had a dog, he loved it...”
  • Another group game: a member of one team performs an action, and a member of the other must find the reason for it, and then the reason for the reason, and so on until all the motives for the behavior of the first participant are clarified.

Let us repeat that these exercises (in particular the last two) are excellent ways to develop logical thinking and intelligence, suitable for people of all ages.

Creative thinking and exercises for its development

Creative thinking is a type of thinking that allows you to organize and analyze ordinary information in an unusual way. In addition to the fact that it contributes to an extraordinary solution to typical tasks, questions and problems, it also increases the efficiency of a person’s assimilation of new knowledge. Using creative thinking, people can consider objects and phenomena from different angles, awaken in themselves the desire to create something new - something that did not exist before (this is the understanding of creativity in its classical sense), develop the ability to move from one task to another and find many interesting options for doing work and ways out of life situations.

Methods for developing creative thinking are based on the idea that a person realizes only a small percentage of his potential during his life, and his task is to find opportunities to activate unused resources. The technology for developing creativity is based primarily on several recommendations:

  • You need to improvise and always look for new ways to solve everyday problems;
  • There is no need to focus on established frameworks and rules;
  • You should expand your horizons and constantly learn something new;
  • You need to travel as much as possible, discover new places and meet new people;
  • You need to make learning new skills and abilities a habit;
  • You need to try to do anything better than others.

But, of course, there are also certain exercises for the development of creative thinking (by the way, we advise you to familiarize yourself with our courses on the development of creative thinking and thinking in general - you will find them).

Now let's talk about exercises:

  • Take several concepts, for example, “youth”, “man”, “coffee”, “teapot”, “morning” and “candle”, and select for each of them the maximum possible number of nouns that define their essence.
  • Take several pairs of different concepts, for example, “piano – car”, “cloud – locomotive”, “tree – picture”, “water – well” and “plane – capsule” and select the maximum number of similar features for them.
  • Imagine several situations and think about what could happen in each of them. Examples of situations: “aliens are walking around the city”, “not water, but lemonade is running from the tap in your apartment”, “all domestic animals have learned to speak human language”, “it snows in your city in the middle of summer for a week.”
  • Look around the room where you are now and stop your gaze on any object that interests you, for example, on a closet. Write down on a piece of paper 5 adjectives that go with it, and then 5 adjectives that are completely opposite.
  • Think about your job, hobby, favorite singer or actor, best friend or significant other, and describe it (him/her) in at least 100 words.
  • Remember some proverb or, and write, based on it, a short essay, poem or essay.
  • Write a list of 10 purchases you would make before the end of the world.
  • Write a daily plan for your cat or dog.
  • Imagine that, upon returning home, you saw that the doors of all apartments were open. Write 15 reasons why this could happen.
  • Make a list of 100 of your life goals.
  • Write a letter to your future self – when you are 10 years older.

Also, to activate your creativity and intelligence, you can use two excellent methods in everyday life - and. These ways to develop creativity will help you destroy all stereotypes, expand your comfort zone and develop an original and unique type of thinking.

In conclusion, we will say that if you have a desire to organize or continue your education and develop your thinking more effectively, then you will certainly like one of our courses, which you can familiarize yourself with.

Otherwise, we wish you every success and well-rounded thinking!

Palahniuk wrote in one of his books: “All parents mutilate their children.”
And not only him.

I want to write about something very, very important, but I don’t know where to start.
Psychologists say that most of our problems come from childhood and adolescence. They say that we subconsciously copy the behavior of our parents. The less we like it, the more we copy it.
For example, my dad was wrong in many ways in life, but I often recognize him in myself and am very afraid of it. But it is somehow subconscious and not controlled.

One of my friends, Masha, really doesn’t like her mother. Her mother is a despotic person; she has been breaking Masha all her life. She had her own plan for Masha: university, diploma, wedding with a wealthy man, children, family. Of course, no one asked the daughter anything.
Little Masha's mother dressed her in expensive brand clothes, and then scolded her if Masha got something dirty.
She didn’t allow me to communicate with “ordinary children” because I was in the wrong circle.
She was not allowed to eat sweets. Never, because a girl must be on a strict diet from the age of three so as not to grow up fat.

Masha entered the economics budget program, although she didn’t want to go there. By that time, Masha had bulimia.
While her mother was not at home, Masha bought a cake, ate it with a large spoon, and then vomited in the bathroom.
The most terrible memory, she said: Mom came home from work early, and Masha just ate the cake and didn’t have time to throw up. The ritual was not completed. The urge to vomit was approaching, the cake was still inside, and my mother was already at home. Horror, hell and nightmare.

And then she left the house. She ran away from home, from her mother. I rented an apartment with friends, dropped out of university and somehow started working.
And most of the time everything is fine with her. Until my mother appears in my life.

By the way, Masha is a tattoo artist, and her husband is a stylist.
And her mother is firmly convinced that Masha is doing this to spite her. Out of spite she’s doing some kind of crap, out of spite she married someone like that - no car, no suit, nothing.
And he constantly pokes her with it. And she wasn’t out of spite at all, not one bit. She just enjoys what she does. It's more fun than an office, accounting, printers and faxes. These are new people, art, travel, communication. This is a vibrant life. Masha herself says this.
But every time Masha has to deal with her mother, Masha becomes depressed, she sits, gets angry, sways in different directions and tries to find an excuse for her mother’s anger.

The last time she met her mother was two months ago. It was, as always, a very difficult meeting; already quite an adult, Masha took another portion of poison from her mother, wiped off the burning saliva, got up and left.
And then Masha realized that there was no excuse for her mother. Mom is just a fool, mom is an evil person, mom is a rotten person. And you no longer need to communicate with your mother.
Masha doesn't owe her mom anything. I don't owe anything.
And not because Masha devalues ​​her sense of duty, no. All these years she maintained contact with her mother, because she is a mother. Even though her mother was bad, she still gave birth to her.

After the last meeting, she cut her mother off from everywhere. I moved, blacklisted, deleted where I could and cut ties. She says she's trying to boost her self-esteem again since their last meeting.
But there is another problem.
Masha doesn't want children.
No, she’s not childfree, she just doesn’t want children and isn’t very sure yet that she will. He wants it by instinct. But Masha has a thirst for inner freedom and constant struggle.
We are sitting on the balcony, and Masha tells me that she would give birth only to show how to raise. What she understands: a child is a little free person. And that he has the right to his opinion and his mistakes. That there is no point in taking care of him and that there is a point in accepting and loving him.
She doesn't want a child to give her a new life.
She wants to show him how to do it right. How to.

Masha is not alone. And I’m not the only one like this.
And moreover, somewhere deep down in my soul it seems to me that I am like that myself.
I don’t want children, I don’t want them right now and I don’t know if I will ever want them, maybe if I fall in love or something like that. But I already, right now want myself abstract child, because I want, like Masha, to raise him. Not to give birth, but to raise. Raise correctly, because the way people around raise their children is simply hair-raising.

Another friend of mine, Lera, never wanted children, and then she took and gave birth, because... because, yes, to raise.
She does it as well as she can, because there is no husband, she is alone, there is not enough money and... And now she is on antidepressants. Having a child is difficult and difficult, but the maternal instinct has not awakened. The abstract child became real, but she was not ready.

In general, what am I talking about? Who knows, let's talk.
An abstract child is like an expressed reluctance to hurt your future son or daughter. Don't hurt me like they did to you.
This is an attempt to show parents where they were wrong. And there is some kind of stupidity in this, you know... An abstract child - he doesn’t exist, but when he does, he’s alive and you essentially shouldn’t show anything about him to anyone.
It seems like, just love, but no - there are already thoughts that I can do this, in this I will be better than my parents...

And it turns out... it turns out that in this you are simply repeating them. Because they, too, probably wanted to “better” and prove something to someone.
Abstract children... somehow it's terribly scary.

© Ekaterina Bezymyannaya

The highest level of human knowledge is considered thinking. The development of thinking is the mental process of creating obvious, non-proving patterns of the surrounding world. This is a mental activity that has a goal, motive, actions (operations) and a result.

Development of thinking

Scientists offer several options for defining thinking:

  1. The highest stage of human assimilation and processing of information, the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships between objects of reality.
  2. The process of displaying the explicit properties of objects and, as a result, creating an idea of ​​the surrounding reality.
  3. This is a process of cognition of reality, which is based on acquired knowledge, constant replenishment of the baggage of ideas and concepts.

Thinking is studied in several disciplines. The laws and types of thinking are considered by logic, the psychophysiological component of the process - physiology and psychology.

Thinking develops throughout a person’s life, starting from infancy. This is a consistent process of mapping the realities of reality in the human brain.

Types of human thinking

Most often, psychologists divide thinking according to content:

  • visual-figurative thinking;
  • abstract (verbal-logical) thinking;
  • visually effective thinking.

Visual-figurative thinking

Visual-figurative thinking involves visually solving a problem without resorting to practical actions. The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the development of this species.

Many people believe that visual-figurative thinking and imagination are one and the same. You are wrong.

Thinking is based on a real process, object or action. Imagination includes the creation of a fictitious, unreal image, something that does not exist in reality.

Developed by artists, sculptors, fashion designers - people of the creative profession. They transform reality into an image, and with its help, new properties are highlighted in standard objects and non-standard combinations of things are established.

Exercises to develop visual-figurative thinking:

Question answer

If the capital letter N from the English alphabet is turned 90 degrees, what letter will the resulting letter be?
What is the shape of a German Shepherd's ears?
How many rooms are there in the living room of your home?

Creating images

Create the image of the last family dinner. Mentally picture the event and answer the questions:

  1. How many family members were present, and who was wearing what?
  2. What dishes were served?
  3. What was the conversation about?
  4. Imagine your plate, where your hands lay, the face of a relative sitting next to you. Taste the food you ate.
  5. Was the picture presented in black and white or color?
  6. Describe the visual image of the room.

Description of items

Describe each item presented:

  1. Toothbrush;
  2. Pine forest;
  3. sunset;
  4. your bedroom;
  5. drops of morning dew;
  6. eagle soaring in the sky.


Imagine Beauty, Wealth, Success.

Describe the highlighted image using two nouns, three adjectives and verbs, and one adverb.


Imagine the people you have interacted with today (or ever).

What did they look like, what were they wearing? Describe their appearance (eye color, hair color, height and build).

Verbal-logical type of thinking (Abstract thinking)

A person sees the picture as a whole, highlights only the significant qualities of the phenomenon, without noticing unimportant details that only complement the subject. This kind of thinking is well developed among physicists and chemists - people who are directly related to science.

Forms of abstract thinking

Abstract thinking has 3 forms:

  • concept– objects are combined according to characteristics;
  • judgment– affirmation or denial of any phenomenon or connection between objects;
  • inference– conclusions based on several judgments.

An example of abstract thinking:

You have a soccer ball (you can even pick it up). What can you do with it?

Options: play football, throw a hoop, sit on it, etc. - not abstracts. But if you imagine that a good ball game will attract the attention of a coach, and you will be able to get into a famous football team... this is already transcendental, abstract thinking.

Exercises to develop abstract thinking:

"Who's the odd one out?"

From a number of words, select one or more words that do not fit the meaning:

  • careful, fast, cheerful, sad;
  • turkey, pigeon, crow, duck;
  • Ivanov, Andryusha, Sergey, Vladimir, Inna;
  • square, pointer, circle, diameter.
  • plate, pan, spoon, glass, broth.

Finding differences

What is the difference:

  • train - plane;
  • horse-sheep;
  • oak-pine;
  • fairy tale-poem;
  • still life-portrait.

Find at least 3 differences in each pair.

Main and secondary

From a number of words, select one or two, without which the concept is impossible, cannot exist in principle.

  • Game - players, penalty, cards, rules, dominoes.
  • War - guns, planes, battle, soldiers, command.
  • Youth – love, growth, teenager, quarrels, choice.
  • Boots - heel, sole, laces, clasp, shaft.
  • Barn – walls, ceiling, animals, hay, horses.
  • Road - asphalt, traffic lights, traffic, cars, pedestrians.

Read the phrases backwards

  • Tomorrow is the premiere of the play;
  • Come visit;
  • let's go to the park;
  • what's for lunch?


In 3 minutes, write as many words as possible starting with the letter z (w, h, i)

(beetle, toad, magazine, cruelty...).

Come up with names

Come up with 3 of the most unusual male and female names.

Visual-effective thinking

It involves solving mental problems through transforming a situation that has arisen in reality. This is the very first way to process the information received.

This type of thinking actively develops in preschool children. They begin to combine various objects into a single whole, analyze and operate with them. Develops in the left hemisphere of the brain.

In an adult, this type of thinking is carried out through the transformation of practical usefulness of real objects. Visual-figurative thinking is extremely developed among people who are engaged in production work - engineers, plumbers, surgeons. When they see an object, they understand what actions need to be performed with it. People say that people in similar professions have their hands full.

Visual-figurative thinking helped ancient civilizations, for example, measure the earth, because both hands and brain are involved during the process. This is the so-called manual intelligence.

Playing chess perfectly develops visual and effective thinking.

Exercises to develop visual and effective thinking

  1. The simplest, but very effective task for developing this type of thinking is collection of constructors. There should be as many parts as possible, at least 40 pieces. You can use visual instructions.
  2. No less useful for the development of this type of thinking are various puzzles, puzzles. The more details there are, the better.
  3. Make 2 equal triangles from 5 matches, 2 squares and 2 triangles from 7 matches.
  4. Turn into a square by cutting once in a straight line, a circle, a diamond and a triangle.
  5. Make a cat, a house, a tree from plasticine.
  6. Without special instruments, determine the weight of the pillow you are sleeping on, all the clothes you are wearing, and the size of the room you are in.


Every person must develop all three types of thinking, but one type always predominates. This can be determined in childhood, while observing the child’s behavior.