The content of teaching activities in pedagogy. Pedagogical activity

Automation is a branch of science and technology, covering the theory and principles of construction
control systems for technical objects and processes operating without direct human participation.
Technical object (machine, engine, aircraft, production line, automated section, workshop, etc.) requiring automatic or automated
control, is called a control object (CO) or a technical control object
The combination of an op-amp and an automatic control device is called a system
automatic control (ACS) or automated control system (ACS).
Below are the most commonly used terms and their definitions:
element - the simplest component of devices, instruments and other means, in which
one transformation of any quantity is carried out; (we will later give more
precise definition)
assembly - a part of a device consisting of several simpler elements (parts);
converter - a device that converts one type of signal into another in form or type
device - a collection of a certain number of elements connected to each other
appropriately, serving to process information;
device - common name a wide class of devices intended for measurements,
production control, calculations, accounting, sales, etc.;
block - part of the device, which is a collection of functionally combined

Any control system must perform the following functions:
collecting information about current state technological object
control (OU);
determination of criteria for the quality of operation of the OS;
finding the optimal operating mode of the op-amp and optimal
control actions ensuring the extremum of the criteria
implementation of the found optimal mode on the op-amp.
These functions may be performed by maintenance personnel or TCAs.
There are four types of control systems (CS):
automatic control;
centralized control and regulation;
automated process control systems.

In the self-propelled guns, all functions are performed automatically
using appropriate technical
Operator functions include:
- technical diagnostics of the condition of the self-propelled guns and
restoration of failed system elements;
- correction of regulatory laws;
- change of task;
- transition to manual control;
- equipment maintenance.

OPU - operator control center;
D - sensor;
NP - normalizing converter;
KP - encoding and decoding
CR - central regulators;
MP - multi-channel tool
registration (stamp);
C - alarm device
pre-emergency mode;
MPP - multi-channel showing
devices (displays);
MS - mnemonic diagram;
IM - actuator;
RO - regulatory body;
K – controller.

Automated process control systems
processes (ACSTP) is a machine system in which TSA
obtain information about the state of objects,
calculate quality criteria, find optimal settings
The operator’s functions are reduced to analyzing the information received and
implementation using local automated control systems or remote
RO management.
Distinguish following types APCS:
- centralized automated process control system (all information processing functions and
control is performed by one computer;
- supervisory automated control system (has a number of local automated control systems built on
TCA database for individual use and central
a computer that has an information line of communication with
local systems);
- distributed process control system - characterized by separation of functions
control of information processing and management between several
geographically distributed objects and computers.

Typical automation tools can
- software and hardware;
- system-wide.

Information and control computing systems (IUCC)
Centralized information management systems (CIUS)
Local information management systems (LIUS)
Regulating and control devices (RU and CU)
converter (VP)
Primary converter (PC)
Sensing element (SE)
mechanism (IM)
organ (RO)

IUVK: LAN, servers, ERP, MES systems. All the goals of automated control systems are realized here,
the cost of production and production costs are calculated.
CIUS: industrial computers, control panels, control
complexes, protection and alarm systems.
LIUS: industrial controllers, intelligent controllers.
RU and control unit: microcontrollers, regulators, regulating and signaling
VP: indicating, recording (voltmeters, ammeters,
potentiometers, bridges), integrating counters.
IM: motor, gearbox, electromagnets, electromagnetic couplings, etc.
SE: sensors of thermal technological parameters, movement, speed,
RO: mechanical device, changing the amount of substance or
energy supplied to the op-amp and carrying information about the control
influence. RO can be valves, dampers, heaters, gates,
valves, flaps.
OU: mechanism, unit, process.

Technical automation equipment (TAA) includes:
regulatory authorities (RO);
communication lines;
secondary instruments (displaying and recording);
analog and digital control devices;
programming blocks;
logic-command control devices;
modules for collecting and primary data processing and condition monitoring
technological control object (TOU);
modules for galvanic isolation and signal normalization;
signal converters from one form to another;
modules for data presentation, indication, recording and signal generation
buffer storage devices;
programmable timers;
specialized computing devices, preprocessing devices

Software and hardware automation tools include:
analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters;
control means;
multi-circuit, analog and analog-to-digital control blocks;
multi-connection program logic control devices;
programmable microcontrollers;
local area networks.
System-wide automation tools include:
interface devices and communication adapters;
blocks shared memory;
highways (buses);
general system diagnostic devices;
direct access processors for storing information;
operator consoles.

In automatic control systems as
signals are usually used electrical and
mechanical quantities (for example, direct current,
voltage, pressure of compressed gas or liquid,
force, etc.), since they make it easy
carry out transformation, comparison, transfer to
distance and information storage. In some cases
signals arise directly as a result
processes occurring during management (changes
current, voltage, temperature, pressure, availability
mechanical movements, etc.), in other cases
they are produced by sensitive elements
or sensors.

An element of automation is called the simplest structurally complete in
functionally, a cell (device, circuit) that performs a specific
independent function of signal (information) conversion in systems
automatic control:
transformation of the controlled quantity into a signal functionally associated with
information about this quantity (sensitive elements, sensors);
conversion of a signal of one type of energy into a signal of another type of energy: electrical
to non-electric, non-electric to electric, non-electric to non-electric
(electromechanical, thermoelectric, electropneumatic, photoelectric and
other converters);
signal conversion based on energy value (amplifiers);
conversion of the signal by type, i.e. continuous to discrete or vice versa
(analog-to-digital, digital-to-analog and other converters);
conversion of the signal according to its form, i.e. signal direct current to AC signal
and vice versa (modulators, demodulators);
functional signal conversion (counting and decision elements, functional
comparison of signals and creation of a command control signal (comparison elements,
null organs);
performance logical operations with signals (logical elements);
distribution of signals across various circuits (distributors, switches);
storage of signals (memory elements, drives);
use of signals to influence the controlled process (executive

Complexes of various technical devices and elements included in the system
control and connected by electrical, mechanical and other connections, to
drawings are depicted in the form of various diagrams:
electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic and kinematic.
The diagram serves to obtain a concentrated and fairly complete idea of
composition and connections of any device or system.
According to Unified system design documentation (ESKD) and GOST 2.701 electrical
diagrams are divided into structural, functional, schematic (complete), diagrams
connections (installation), connections, general, location and combined.
The block diagram serves to define the functional parts, their purpose and
The functional diagram is intended to determine the nature of the processes occurring
in individual functional circuits or the installation as a whole.
Schematic diagram showing the complete composition of the elements of the installation as a whole and all
connections between them, gives a basic idea of ​​the operating principles of the corresponding
The wiring diagram illustrates the connection of the components of the installation using
wires, cables, pipelines.
The wiring diagram shows the external connections of the installation or product.
The general diagram serves to determine the components of the complex and how to connect them
at the place of operation.
A combined scheme includes several schemes different types for the sake of clarity
disclosure of the contents and connections of installation elements.

Let us denote by y(t) the function that describes the change in time of the adjustable
quantities, i.e. y(t) is a controlled quantity.
Let g(t) denote the function characterizing the required law of its change.
The quantity g(t) will be called the reference influence.
Then the main task of automatic regulation comes down to ensuring equality
y(t)=g(t). The controlled value y(t) is measured using sensor D and sent to
element of comparison (ES).
The same comparison element receives a reference influence g(t) from the reference sensor (DS).
In ES, the quantities g(t) and y(t) are compared, i.e., y (t) is subtracted from g(t). At the output of the ES
a signal is generated equal to the deviation of the controlled quantity from the specified value, i.e. an error
∆ = g(t) – y(t). This signal is fed to the amplifier (U) and then fed to the executive
element (IE), which has a regulatory effect on the object of regulation
(OR). This effect will change until the controlled variable y (t)
will be equal to the given g(t).
The object of regulation is constantly influenced by various disturbing influences:
object load, external factors, etc.
These disturbing influences tend to change the value y(t).
But the ACS constantly determines the deviation of y(t) from g(t) and generates a control signal,
seeking to reduce this deviation to zero.

According to the functions performed, the main elements
automation systems are divided into sensors, amplifiers, stabilizers,
relays, distributors, motors and other components (generators
pulses, logic elements, rectifiers, etc.).
By gender physical processes, used in the basis
devices, automation elements are divided into electrical,
ferromagnetic, electrothermal, electric machine,
radioactive, electronic, ion, etc.

Sensor (measuring transducer, sensitive element) -
a device designed to allow information received
to its input in the form of some physical quantity, functionally
convert to another physical quantity at the output, more convenient
to influence subsequent elements (blocks).

Amplifier - an element of automation that carries out
quantitative transformation (most often amplification)
physical quantity arriving at its input (current,
power, voltage, pressure, etc.).

Stabilizer - an element of automation that ensures consistency
output quantity y when the input quantity x fluctuates in certain
Relay is an automation element in which, when the input value is reached,
X certain value the output quantity y changes abruptly.

Distributor (step finder) - element
automation that performs alternate connections
of the same size to a number of circuits.
Actuators - electromagnets with retractable
and rotary anchors, electromagnetic couplings, as well as
electric motors related to electromechanical
executive elements of automatic devices.
An electric motor is a device that provides
transformation electrical energy into mechanical and
overcoming significant mechanical
resistance from moving devices.

Basic concepts and definitions
Each of the elements is characterized by some properties that
determined by the corresponding characteristics. Some of them
characteristics are common to most elements.
Home general characteristic elements is the coefficient
conversion (or transmission coefficient, which is
the ratio of the output value of the element y to the input value x, or
the ratio of the increment of the output value ∆у or dy to the increment
input value ∆х or dx.
In the first case, K=y/x is called a static coefficient
transformation, and in the second case K" = ∆у/∆х≈ dy/dx for ∆х →0 -
dynamic conversion factor.
The relationship between the values ​​of x and y is determined by the functional
addiction; the values ​​of the coefficients K and K" depend on the shape
characteristics of the element or type of function y = f (x), as well as on the fact that when
what values ​​of quantities are calculated K and K". In most cases
the output value changes proportionally to the input and
the conversion coefficients are equal to each other, i.e. K= K" = const.

A quantity representing the ratio of relative increment
output value ∆у/у to the relative increment of the input value
∆x/x is called the relative conversion factor η∆.
For example, if a 2% change in input quantity causes a change
output value at
3%, then the relative conversion factor η∆ = 1.5.
Applied to various elements automatic odds
transformations K", K, η∆ and η have a certain physical meaning and yours
Name. For example, in relation to a sensor, the coefficient
transformation is called sensitivity (static, dynamic,
relative); it is desirable that it be as large as possible. For
amplifiers, the conversion coefficient is usually called the coefficient
amplification; it is desirable that it be as large as possible. For
most amplifiers (including electric) values ​​x and y
are homogeneous, and therefore the gain represents
is a dimensionless quantity.

When the elements operate, the output value y may deviate from the required
values ​​due to changes in their internal properties (wear, aging of materials and
etc.) or due to changes external factors(supply voltage fluctuations,
ambient temperature, etc.), while the characteristics change
element (curve y" in Fig. 2.1). This deviation is called error, which
can be absolute and relative.
Absolute error (error) is the difference between the obtained
the value of the output quantity y" and its calculated (desired) value ∆у = y" - y.
Relative error is the ratio of the absolute error ∆у to
the nominal (calculated) value of the output quantity y. In percentages
the relative error is defined as γ = ∆ y 100/y.
Depending on the reasons causing the deviation, there are temperature,
frequency, current and other errors.
Sometimes they use the given error, which means
ratio of absolute error to highest value output value.
Percentage given error
γpriv = ∆y 100/уmax
If absolute error is constant, then the reduced error is also
is constant.
The error caused by changes in the characteristics of the element over time,
called element instability.

The sensitivity threshold is the minimum
the quantity at the input of an element that causes a change
output value (i.e. reliably detected using
of this sensor). Appearance of the sensitivity threshold
cause both external and internal factors (friction,
backlash, hysteresis, internal noise, interference, etc.).
In the presence of relay properties, the characteristic of the element
may become reversible. In this case she
also has a sensitivity threshold and zone

Dynamic mode of operation of elements.
Dynamic mode is the process of transition of elements and systems from one
steady state to another, i.e. such a condition for their operation when the input quantity x, and
therefore, the output value y changes over time. The process of changing the values ​​of x and y
starts from a certain threshold time t = tп and can proceed in inertial and
inertia-free modes.
In the presence of inertia, there is a lag in the change in y relative to the change
X. Then, with an abrupt change in the input value from 0 to x0, the output value y reaches
steady state Yust not immediately, but after a period of time during which the
transition process. In this case, the transient process can be aperiodic (non-oscillatory) damped or oscillatory damped. Time tst (establishment time), during
which the output quantity y reaches a steady-state value depends on the inertia
element characterized by a time constant T.
In the simplest case, the value of y is determined according to the exponential law:
where T is the time constant of the element, depending on the parameters associated with its inertia.
The establishment of the output value y takes longer, the longer more value T. The establishment time tyct is selected depending on the required measurement accuracy of the sensor and is
usually (3... 5) T, which gives an error in dynamic mode of no more than 5... 1%. Approximation degree ∆у
usually specified and in most cases ranges from 1 to 10% of the steady-state value.
The difference between the values ​​of the output quantity in dynamic and static modes is called dynamic error. It is desirable that it be as small as possible. In electromechanical and electric machine elements, inertia is mainly determined by the mechanical
inertia of moving and rotating parts. Inertia in electrical elements
determined by electromagnetic inertia or other similar factors. Inertia
may cause a disruption in the stable operation of an element or the system as a whole.

Question 1 Basic concepts and definitions of A&C

Automation- one of the directions of scientific and technological progress, using self-regulating technical means and mathematical methods with the aim of freeing a person from participation in the processes of obtaining, converting, transferring and using energy, materials or information, or significantly reducing the degree of this participation or the complexity of the operations performed. Automation makes it possible to increase labor productivity, improve product quality, optimize management processes, and remove people from production processes that are hazardous to health. Automation, with the exception of the simplest cases, requires complex, systematic approach to solving the problem. Automation systems include sensors (sensors), input devices, control devices (controllers), actuators, output devices, and computers. The computational methods used sometimes copy the nervous and mental functions of humans. This entire complex of tools is usually called automation and control systems.

All automation and control systems are based on such concepts as a control object, a communication device with a control object, control and regulation of technological parameters, measurement and conversion of signals.

The control object is understood as a technological apparatus or a set of them in which standard technological operations of mixing, separation or their mutual combination with simple operations are carried out (or with the help of which are carried out). Such a technological apparatus, together with the technological process that takes place in it and for which an automatic control system is developed, is called a control object or an automation object. From the set of input and output quantities of a controlled object, controlled quantities, control and disturbing influences and interference can be distinguished. Controlled value is an output physical quantity or parameter of a controlled object, which during the operation of the object must be maintained at a certain specified level or changed according to given law. Control action is a material or energy input flow, by changing which, it is possible to maintain the controlled value at a given level or change it according to a given law. An automatic device or regulator is a technical device that allows, without human intervention, to maintain the value of a technological parameter or change it according to a given law. The automatic control device includes a complex technical means, performing certain functions in the system. The automatic control system includes: Sensing element or sensor, which serves to convert the output value of the controlled object into a proportional electrical or pneumatic signal, Comparison element- to determine the magnitude of the discrepancy between the current and specified values ​​of the output quantity. Setting element serves to set the value of the process parameter, which must be maintained at a constant level. Amplifying-converting the element serves to generate a regulatory action depending on the magnitude and sign of the mismatch due to external source energy. Actuator element serves to implement regulatory influence. produced by UPE. Regulating element– to change material or energy flow in order to maintain the output value at a given level. In automation practice During production processes, automatic control systems are equipped with standard general industrial devices that perform the functions of the above elements. The main element of such systems is Calculating machine, receiving information from analog and discrete sensors of process parameters. The same information can be sent to analog or digital information presentation devices (secondary devices). The process operator accesses this machine using a remote control to enter information not received from automatic sensors, request necessary information and tips for managing the process. The work of the automated control system is based on the receipt and processing of information.

Main types of automation and control systems:

· automated planning system (APS),

· automated system of scientific research (ASNI),

· computer-aided design system (CAD),

· automated experimental complex (AEC),

· flexible automated production (GAP) and automated process control system (APCS),

· automated operation control system (ACS)

· automatic control system (ACS).

Question 2 Composition of technical means of automation and control of automated control systems.

Technical means of automation and control are devices and instruments that can either be automation tools themselves or be part of a hardware and software complex.

Typical automation and control tools can be technical, hardware, software and system-wide.

Technical means of automation and control include:

− sensors;

− actuators;

− regulatory authorities (RO);

− communication lines;

− secondary instruments (displaying and recording);

− analog and digital control devices;

− programming blocks;

− logic-command control devices;

− modules for collecting and primary processing of data and monitoring the state of a technological control object (TOU);

− modules for galvanic isolation and signal normalization;

− signal converters from one form to another;

−modules for data presentation, indication, recording and generation of control signals;

− buffer storage devices;

− programmable timers;

− specialized computing devices, pre-processor preparation devices.

Technical means of automation and control can be systematized in the following way:

CS – control system.
Memory – Master device (buttons, screens, toggle switches).

UIO – Information display device.
UIO – Information processing device.

USPU – Converter / Amplifier device.
CS – Communication channel.
OU – Control object.
IM – Actuators.

RO – Working bodies (Manipulators).

D – Sensors.
VP – Secondary converters.

According to their functional purpose, they are divided into the following 5 groups:

Input devices. These include - ZU, VP, D;

Output devices. These include - IM, USPI, RO;

Devices of the central part. These include - UPI;

Industrial network tools. These include - KS;

Information display devices – UIO.

TSAiU perform the following functions: 1. collection and transformation of information about the state of the process; 2. transmission of information via communication channels; 3. transformation, storage and processing of information; 4. formation of management teams in accordance with the selected goals (criteria for the functioning of systems); 5. use and presentation of command information to influence the process and communicate with the operator using actuators. Therefore, all industrial automation equipment technological processes based on their relationship to the system, they are combined in accordance with the standard into the following functional groups: 1. means at the system input (sensors); 2. means at the output of the system (output converters, means for displaying information and process control commands, up to speech); 3. intra-system control systems (providing interconnection between devices with different signals and different machine languages), for example, have relay or open-collector outputs; 4. means of transmission, storage and processing of information.
Such a variety of groups, types and configurations of control systems leads to many alternative design problems technical support APCS in each specific case. One of the most important criteria The choice of TSAiU can be based on their cost.

Thus, technical means of automation and control include devices for recording, processing and transmitting information in automated production. With their help, automated production lines are monitored, regulated and controlled.


General information about automation of technological

Processes food production

Basic concepts and definitions of automation

Machine(Greek automatos - self-acting) is a device (a set of devices) that functions without human intervention.

Automation is a process in the development of machine production in which management and control functions previously performed by humans are transferred to instruments and automatic devices.

Goal of automation– increasing labor productivity, improving product quality, optimizing planning and management, eliminating people from working in conditions hazardous to health.

Automation is one of the main directions of scientific and technological progress.

Automation How academic discipline is the area of ​​theoretical and applied knowledge about automatically operating devices and systems.

The history of automation as a branch of technology is closely connected with the development of automatic machines, automatic devices and automated complexes. In its infancy, automation relied on theoretical mechanics and the theory of electrical circuits and systems and solved problems related to regulating pressure in steam boilers, steam piston stroke and rotational speed of electrical machines, controlling the operation of automatic machines, automatic telephone exchanges, and relay protection devices. Accordingly, technical means of automation during this period were developed and used in relation to automatic control systems. The intensive development of all branches of science and technology at the end of the first half of the 20th century also caused fast growth automatic control technology, the use of which is becoming universal.

The second half of the 20th century was marked by further improvement of technical means of automation and wide, although uneven for different industries National economy, the spread of automatic control devices with the transition to more complex automatic systems, in particular in industry - from the automation of individual units to the complex automation of workshops and factories. A special feature is the use of automation at facilities that are geographically distant from each other, for example, large industrial and energy complexes, agricultural facilities for the production and processing of agricultural products, etc. For communication between individual devices in such systems, telemechanics are used, which, together with control devices and controlled objects, form teleautomatic systems. Great importance at the same time, they acquire technical (including telemechanical) means of collecting and automatically processing information, since many problems in complex automatic control systems can only be solved with the help computer technology. Finally, the theory of automatic control gives way to a generalized theory of automatic control that unites all theoretical aspects automation and forming the basis general theory management.

The introduction of automation in production has significantly increased labor productivity, reduced the share of workers employed in various fields production. Before the introduction of automation, the replacement of physical labor occurred through the mechanization of the main and auxiliary operations of the production process. Intellectual work for a long time remained unmechanized. Currently, intellectual labor operations are becoming the object of mechanization and automation.

There are different types of automation.

1. Automatic control includes automatic alarm, measurement, collection and sorting of information.

2. Automatic alarm is intended to notify about limit or emergency values ​​of any physical parameters, about the location and nature of technical violations.

3. Automatic measurement provides measurement and transmission to special recording devices of controlled values physical quantities.

4. Automatic sorting carries out control and separation of products and raw materials by size, viscosity and other indicators.

5. Automatic protection This is a set of technical means that ensure the termination of a controlled technological process when abnormal or emergency conditions occur.

6. Automatic control includes a set of technical means and methods for managing the optimal progress of technological processes.

7. Automatic regulation supports the values ​​of physical quantities on a certain level or changing them according to the required law without direct human participation.

These and other concepts related to automation and control are united by cybernetics– the science of managing complex developing systems and processes, studying the general mathematical laws of controlling objects of various natures (kibernetas (Greek) – manager, helmsman, helmsman).

Automatic control system(ACS) is a set of control object ( OU) and control devices ( UU), interacting with each other without human participation, the action of which is aimed at achieving a specific goal.

Automatic control system(SAR) – totality OU and an automatic controller, interacting with each other, ensures that the TP parameters are maintained at a given level or changed according to the required law, and also operates without human intervention. ATS is a type of self-propelled gun.

Shcherbina Yu. V.
Technical means of automation and control

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation
Moscow State University print

Admitted by UMO for education in the field of printing and bookmaking for higher education students educational institutions students studying in specialty 210100 “Management and computer science in technical systems»

Moscow 2002

Reviewers: G.B. Falk, professor of Moscow state institute electronics and mathematics technical university; A.S. Sidorov, professor at Moscow State University of Printing Arts

The tutorial covers the architecture and principles of operation modern systems process control. Control systems based on computer equipment of general industrial type and for printing production, basic technical means of automation (sensors, converters signals, microcontrollers, actuators), as well as software automation and control systems.

Shcherbina Yu.V. Technical means of automation and control: Tutorial; Moscow state University of Printing. M.: MGUP, 2002. 448 p.

© Yu.V. Shcherbina, 2002
© Design. Moscow State University of Printing Arts, 2002


1.1. Concept of a production system
1.2. Evolution of automated complexes and production
1.3. Flexible Automated Manufacturing Systems
1.4. Comprehensive multi-level system automation and management of printing production

2.1. Structure of an automation system based on computer technology
2.2. Basic functions of a computer or microcontroller
2.3. Software requirements
2.4. Control objects
2.5. Regulatory systems and management methods
2.6. Control system sensors
2.7. Analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters
2.8. Examples of implementation of industrial microprocessor production control systems
2.8.1. Real-time hardware and software complex for intent characteristics traffic flow
2.8.2. Integrated distributed control system for hydroelectric power plants

3.1. Architecture of microprocessor print control systems
3.2. Integrated control systems for modern printing machines
3.3. Industry format of printed products
3.4. Centralized configuration and control systems for the printing machine
3.5. Whether station control systems for ink supply and registration
3.6. Printed product quality control systems

4.1. Information exchange rules in accordance with the ISO/OSI model
4.2. ISO/OSI Model Layer Functions
4.3. Application interaction protocols and transport subsystem protocols
4.4. TCP/IP stack
4.5. Methods for accessing the LAN data transmission medium
4.6. Protocols for information exchange on a LAN
4.7. LAN hardware
4.8. Ethernet networks
4.9. Token Ring Network
4.10. Arcnet network
4.11. FDDI network
4.12. Other high speed LANs
4.13. Corporate networks
4.14. Networks industrial automation

5.1. Main advantages of CAN networks
5.2. The principle of operation of the CAN interface in local industrial networks
5.3. Architecture of current CAN network protocols
5.4. CAL (CAN Application Layer) protocol
5.5. CANopen protocol
5.6. Kingdom CAN protocol
5.7. DeviceNet protocol
5.8. SDS (Smart Distributed System) protocol
5.9. Comparison of protocols. Other HLPs
5.10. Use in industrial applications


Technical means are the most dynamic part of automation and control systems, updated incomparably faster than the evolution of, for example, the principles of organization and composition of functional typical tasks management. The development of the microprocessor element base and its significant reduction in cost served as prerequisites for the mass use of programmable logic and control microcontrollers.

The integration of microprocessor devices into local networks has led to the emergence of fundamentally new systems with distributed control, which have a flexible structure and provide the ability to easily adapt to the requirements of a specific production. The use of microprocessor systems (industrial computers), peripheral devices with advanced functions, modern technology communications, such as fiber-optic communication channels, in supervisory control, data acquisition and control systems has led to the emergence of “intelligent” technical systems. An example of such a system is considered in this manual complex multi-level automation and control system for printing production RESOM, developed by Man Roland.

Analysis of the state and development prospects modern means automation shows the main directions for their improvement:
integration individual functions collection, intermediate processing and conversion of information in single devices built on the basis of digital signal processors (DSPs), programmable logic integrated circuits (FPGAs), multiprocessor modules and remote input-output signal modules;
development of new types of various processor boards (full-size, half-size), single-board computers (All-in-one) of 3.5" and 5.25" format, Compact PCI processor boards, ensuring full compliance with the open architecture of a PC-compatible computer;
development of high-speed network collection and processing of network information based on CAN interfaces, AS interfaces and serial protocols for transmitting encoded signals RS-482/485.

An important aspect of improving automated control systems is to increase the reliability of their operation and the “survivability” of the devices included in them with the implementation of diagnostic functions and logging the state of the control system in operating and abnormal conditions of its operation. This problem is solved both by hot redundancy of data transmission channels and by transferring individual information processing functions to serviceable microprocessor devices. Much attention is devoted to the creation of aggregate complexes with object orientation, capable of operating as part of local control computer networks.

This tutorial covers individual issues history of development automated systems management, purpose and functions of flexible production systems. Computer-based technological process automation systems are covered in sufficient detail, their structure, the main functions of a computer and microcontrollers, as well as the role of operating and application software are considered. As examples of industrial microprocessor systems, a hardware-software complex for measuring the characteristics of traffic flow and an integrated distributed control system for hydraulic units of hydroelectric power stations, developed by the Module Scientific and Production Center, are described.

A separate chapter includes a description of the microprocessor-based printing process control system, which covers the architecture of microprocessor-based print control systems, integrated control systems for modern sheet-fed printing machines, and the capabilities of the CIP3 industry format of printed products. For example integrated system automated print control from Heidelberg, the systems for centralized configuration and control of the TsPTronik printing machine and remote control systems for ink supply and registration, as well as quality management systems for printed products, are considered.

Much attention is paid to the principles of operation of control local computer networks (LAN) and distributed systems for processing information coming from microprocessor modules based on CAN networks. It covers the rules of information exchange in accordance with the ISO/OSI model, the functions of information layers, application interaction protocols and protocols transport system, LAN hardware, Ethernet networks, Token Ring, Arcnet, etc. The advantages of CAN networks and operating principles are considered. The features of their architecture are highlighted and descriptions of various CAN network protocols (CAL, CANopen, CAN Kingdom, DeviceNet, etc.) are given.

The hardware description contains data on analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), sensors of automation and control systems, digital signal processors, digital-to-analog converters and actuators of automation systems. Along with considering traditional issues, the author tried to provide technical data of modern technical devices that are produced by Motorola, Honeywell, etc. These products are now actively promoted on Russian market industrial automation products by companies such as Prosoft, Rakurs, PLC-Systems, Rodnik, etc.

Here are examples of the use of these devices in solving some problems of automatic monitoring and control. These materials can be useful in coursework and graduation projects.

Two additional chapters have been included. One of them examines application software for microprocessor systems. Although software issues require more detailed consideration, but even here their coverage has become necessary. The organization of operation of both local and network systems is directly related to the design features of microprocessor devices and the specific capabilities of the software. This paper describes some development tools for industrial microcontrollers (for example, the LASDK software kit), the GENESIS32-6.0 SCADA system, as well as the LabWindowsAAH application software for data acquisition and processing and other software packages.

In the chapter “Microprocessor modules for remote information acquisition and control”, microprocessor devices and remote input/output modules from Advantech and ICP are described based on catalogs from Prosoft, IKOS and others. Here are lists of devices included in the ADAM 5000 and ROBO 8000 families, their passport data are given and examples of the implementation of distributed information acquisition and control systems are described.

The purpose of preparing this manuscript was a unified description of the extremely heterogeneous and rapidly changing range of devices and methods for constructing industrial automation and control systems. Therefore, the author paid increased attention not only to the hardware itself, but also to the architecture, information support and methods for constructing network control systems.

In the preparation of this work, articles from scientific and general technical journals, textbooks, reference books, monographs, as well as materials from information and commercial WEB sites on the Internet were used. A list of recommended readings is provided at the end of the manuscript. For the convenience of readers, it is divided into three sections. Additionally, a list of WEB sites on industrial automation, computer and microprocessor technology is attached.

Given tutorial It is recommended for students of specialty 210100 “Management and Informatics in Technical Systems” when studying the TSAiU course, as well as for use in coursework and diploma design. In addition, this textbook can be used by students of specialty 170800 “Printing machines and automated complexes”, as well as 281400 “Technology of printing production” when studying the courses “Management in technical systems” and “Automation of printing production”.

Download the book "Technical means of automation and control". Moscow, Moscow State University of Printing Arts, 2002

Introduction 4

Topic 1. Stages of development and principles of formation of the composition of technical means of automated control systems 4

Topic 2. Technical means of automated systems

control 10

Topic 3. Electric motor actuators 19

Topic 4. Electromagnetic actuators 40

Topic 5. Electromechanical couplings 46

Topic 6. Relay actuators 58

Answers to tests 69

Final test 70

References 72


Automation is one of the most important factors in increasing labor productivity and improving the quality of products. An indispensable condition for accelerating the growth rate of automation is the development and improvement of its technical means, which include all devices included in the control system and designed to receive information, transmit it, store and transform it, as well as to carry out control actions on the control object. These influences are carried out with the help of actuators and regulatory bodies, the description of which is devoted to this manual.

The main attention is paid to electromechanical actuators, because they received wide use in practice, due to the convenience of converting electrical signals from the control device - regulator into the required mechanical movement of the regulatory body, changing the material and energy flows in the controlled object.

Topic 1. Stages of development and principles of formation of the composition of technical automation equipment

Stages of development of technical automation equipment. The development of technical automation equipment is complex process, which is based on the economic interests and technical needs of automated production, on the one hand, and the same interests and technological capabilities of manufacturers of automation equipment, on the other. The primary incentive for development is to increase the economic efficiency of enterprises, thanks to the introduction of new, more advanced technical automation equipment.

In the development of economic and technical prerequisites for the implementation and use of technological process automation (TP), the following stages can be distinguished:

1. Elementary stage characterized by an excess of cheap work force, low labor productivity, low unit capacity of units and installations. Thanks to this, the widest human participation in the management of technological processes, i.e. monitoring the control object, as well as making and executing management decisions, on at this stage was economically justified. Only those individual processes and operations were subject to mechanization and automation that a person could not control reliably enough based on his psychophysiological data, i.e. technological operations that required great muscular effort, speed of reaction, increased attention, etc.

2. Go to stage integrated mechanization and automation production occurred due to an increase in labor productivity, consolidation of the unit capacity of units and installations, and the development of the material, scientific and technical base of automation. At this stage, when controlling a technological process, the human operator is increasingly engaged in mental work, performing various logical operations when starting and stopping objects, especially when all sorts of unforeseen circumstances arise, pre-emergency and emergency situations, and also evaluates the condition of the object, controls and reserves the operation of automatic systems. At this stage, the foundations of large-scale production of technical automation equipment are being formed, focused on the widespread use of standardization, specialization and cooperation. The wide scale of production of automation equipment and the specifics of their manufacture lead to the gradual separation of this production into an independent industry.

3. With the advent of control computers (CCM), the transition to the stage begins automated process control systems (APCS), which coincided with the beginning of the scientific and technological revolution. At this stage, it becomes possible and economically feasible to automate increasingly complex control functions using computers. But, since CVMs were then very bulky and expensive, it was more difficult to implement simple functions control systems, traditional analogue automation devices were also widely used. The disadvantage of such systems was their low reliability, because all information about the progress of the technological process is received and processed by the computer, if it fails, its functions had to be taken over by the operator-technologist who controls the operation of the automated process control system. Naturally, in such cases, the quality of TP management decreased significantly, because a person could not exercise control as effectively as a UVM.

4. The emergence of relatively inexpensive and compact microprocessor devices made it possible to abandon centralized process control systems, replacing them distributed systems , in which the collection and processing of information about the implementation of individual interconnected operations of technological processes, as well as the adoption of management decisions, is carried out autonomously by local microprocessor devices, called microcontrollers. Therefore, the reliability of distributed systems is much higher than centralized ones.

5. The development of network technologies, which made it possible to connect numerous and remote computers into a single corporate network, with the help of which control and analysis of financial, material and energy flows in the production of products by an enterprise, as well as technological process management, was carried out, contributed to the transition to integrated management systems . In these systems, with the help of very complex software, the entire range of tasks for managing the activities of an enterprise is jointly solved, including the tasks of accounting, planning, technological process management, etc.

6. Increasing the speed and other resources of microprocessors used to control technological processes allows us to now talk about the transition to the stage of creation intelligent control systems , capable of making effective decisions on enterprise management in conditions of information uncertainty, i.e. lack of necessary information about the factors affecting its profit.

Standardization methods and structure of technical automation equipment. The economics of the industry producing automation equipment requires a fairly narrow specialization of enterprises that produce large series of similar devices. At the same time, with the development of automation, with the emergence of new, increasingly complex control objects and an increase in the volume of automated functions, the requirements for the functional diversity of automation devices and the variety of their technical characteristics and design features are increasing. The problem of reducing functional and design diversity while optimally meeting the demands of automated enterprises is solved using standardization methods .

Standardization decisions are always preceded by systematic research into automation practices, typification of existing solutions and scientific basis economically optimal options and possibilities for further reducing the variety of devices used. The decisions made in this case, after their practical verification, are formalized in mandatory state standards (GOST). Solutions that are narrower in scope can be formalized in the form of industry standards (OST), as well as in the form of enterprise standards (STP) that have even more limited applicability.

Aggregation – the principle of forming the composition of mass-produced automation equipment, aimed at maximizing the satisfaction of the needs of consumer enterprises with a limited range of mass-produced products.

Aggregation is based on the fact that complex control functions can be decomposed into their simplest components (just as, for example, complex computational algorithms can be represented as a collection of individual simple operators).

Thus, aggregation is based on the decomposition of the general control problem into a number of simple similar operations, repeated in certain combinations in a wide variety of control systems. When analyzing a large number of such control systems, it is possible to identify a limited set of simple functional operators, on the combination of which almost any version of the process control system is built. As a result, a composition of mass-produced automation equipment is formed, including such structurally complete and functionally independent units as blocks and modules, devices and mechanisms.

Block – a structural assembly device that performs one or more functional operations to convert information.

Module – a unified unit that performs an elementary standard operation as part of a block or device.

Actuating mechanism (IM) – a device for converting control information into mechanical movement with available power sufficient to influence the control object.

In accordance with the principle of aggregation, control systems are created by installing modules, blocks, devices and mechanisms with subsequent switching of channels and communication lines between them. In turn, the blocks and devices themselves are also created by installing and switching various modules. Modules are assembled from simpler units (micromodules, microcircuits, boards, switching devices, etc.) that make up the elemental base of technical equipment. At the same time, the production of blocks, devices and modules is carried out entirely in the factory, while the installation and switching of the process control system is completed only at the site of its operation. This approach to building blocks and devices is called block-modular principle execution of technical automation equipment.

The use of the block-modular principle not only allows for broad specialization and cooperation of enterprises within the industry producing automation equipment, but also leads to increased maintainability and an increase in the utilization rates of these equipment in control systems. Typically, enterprises that produce industrial automation equipment specialize in the production of complexes or systems of blocks and devices, the functional composition of which is focused on the implementation of any large functions or subsystems of automated process control systems. Moreover, within the framework of a separate complex, all blocks and devices are carried out interface compatible , i.e. compatible in terms of parameters and characteristics of information carrier signals, as well as in terms of design parameters and characteristics of switching devices. It is customary to call such complexes and systems of automation equipment aggregated or aggregated.

In Russia, the production of industrial automation equipment is carried out within the framework of the State System of Industrial Automation Instruments and Equipment (or GSP for short). GSP includes all automation equipment that meets unified general technological requirements for the parameters and characteristics of information carrier signals, for the characteristics of the accuracy and reliability of the equipment, for their parameters and design features.

Unification of automation equipment. Unification – a standardization method accompanying aggregation, also aimed at streamlining and reasonable reduction of the composition of serially produced automation equipment. It is aimed at limiting the variety of parameters and technical characteristics, operating principles and circuits, as well as design features of automation equipment.

Signals - carriers information in automation tools can differ both in physical nature and parameters, and in the form of information presentation. Within the framework of the GSP, the following types of signals are used in the serial production of automation equipment:

Electrical signal (voltage, strength or frequency of electrical current);

Pneumatic signal (compressed air pressure);

Hydraulic signal (pressure or differential pressure of fluid).

Accordingly, within the framework of the GSP, electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic branches of automation equipment are formed.

The most developed branch of automation is electrical. At the same time, pneumatic means are also widely used. The development of the pneumatic branch is limited by the relatively low speed of conversion and transmission of pneumatic signals. Nevertheless, in the field of automation of fire and explosion hazardous industries, pneumatic means are essentially beyond competition. The hydraulic branch of SHG funds has not received widespread development.

According to the form of information presentation, the signal can be analog, pulse or code.

Analog signal characterized by current changes in any physical carrier parameter (for example, instantaneous values ​​of electrical voltage or current). Such a signal exists at almost any given moment in time and can take any value within a given range of parameter changes.

Pulse signal characterized by the presentation of information only in discrete moments time, i.e. the presence of time quantization. In this case, information is presented in the form of a sequence of pulses of the same duration, but different amplitudes (pulse amplitude modulation of the signal) or the same amplitude, but different durations (pulse width modulation of the signal). Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) of a signal is used in cases where the values ​​of a physical parameter—the information carrier—can change over time. Pulse width modulation (PWM) of the signal is used if the physical parameter—the information carrier—can only take on a certain constant value.

Code signal is a complex sequence of pulses used to transmit digital information. Moreover, each digit can be represented as a complex sequence of pulses, i.e. code, and the transmitted signal is discrete (quantized) both in time and level.

In accordance with the form of presentation of information, SHG funds are divided into analog And discrete digital . The latter also include computer technology.

All parameters and characteristics of information carrier signals in GPS facilities are unified. The standards provide for the use of the following types of electrical signals in analogue media:

Signal for changing the strength of direct current (current signal);

DC voltage change signal;

Alternating current voltage change signal;

Frequency electrical signal.

DC signals are used more often. In this case, a current signal (with a large internal resistance of the source) is used to transmit information in a relatively long lines communications.

AC signals are rarely used to convert and transmit information in external communication lines. This is due to the fact that when adding and subtracting AC signals, it is necessary to fulfill the common-mode requirement, as well as to ensure the suppression of non-linear current harmonic distortions. At the same time, when using this signal, the tasks of galvanic separation of electrical circuits are easily implemented.

The electrical frequency signal is potentially the most noise-resistant analog signal. At the same time, obtaining and implementing linear transformations of this signal causes certain difficulties. Therefore, the frequency signal is not widely used.

For each type of signal, a number of unified ranges of their changes have been established.

Standards for types and parameters of signals unify the system external relations or interface automation tools. This unification, supplemented by standards for devices for connecting blocks with each other (in the form of a system of connectors), creates the prerequisites for maximum simplification design, installation, switching and adjustment of technical means of control systems. In this case, blocks, devices and other devices with the same type and range of signal parameters at the inputs and outputs are connected by simple connection connectors.