Electric drive and automation of technological complexes. Department of Electric Drive and Automation of Industrial Installations

Address 153003, Ivanovo, st. Rabfakovskaya, 34, building A, room. 150

About the unit

Head of the department

Photo Position Head of Department Degree Candidate of Technical Sciences Title Associate Professor E-mail coolenko drive ispu ru Information

In 1994 he graduated from Ivanovo State Energy University named after. IN AND. Lenin, specializing in “Electric drive and automation of industrial installations and technological complexes.” In 2002, he defended his PhD thesis at ISUE on the topic “Control system for axial winding of fabric based on a predictive roll model” in specialty 05.13.06 “Automation and control of technological processes and production (industry).”
Scientific interests: control systems based on fuzzy logic, virtual laboratory stands for the study of electromechanical systems, systems for collecting and processing information in electric drives, discrete mathematics.

Full-time faculty members


In 2000 he graduated from Ivanovo State Energy University with honors in the specialization "Automated, electrical complexes and systems."
In 2005, he defended his PhD thesis at IGTA on the topic: “Development and research of a mechanism for rewinding thread with an electrified winding drum” in the specialty 02/05/13 - Machines, units and processes (light industry).
Scientific interests: automation of technological equipment for processing flexible materials.

Functions: deputy dean for research activities, member of the trade union bureau, trade union group organizer of the department of EPiAPU.


Position Associate Professor Degree Candidate of Technical Sciences Title Associate Professor Information

He graduated from IEI in 1968 with a degree in 0628 - Electric drive and automation of industrial installations with honors. In 1975, he defended his Ph.D. thesis at the Institute of Electrical Engineering on the topic “Study of the electric drive of the thread inserter of weaving machines intended for the production of heavy technical fabrics” in specialty 09/05/03.
Scientific interests: AC linear electric drive.

Zakharov Mikhail Alekseevich

Position senior lecturer


Position Professor Degree Doctor of Technical Sciences Title Professor E-mail klgn drive ispu ru Information

In 1974 he graduated from the Ivanovo Energy Institute with a degree in Electric Drive and Automation of Industrial Installations.
In 1981, he defended his PhD thesis at the Gorky Polytechnic Institute on the topic: “Development of an automated system for modeling electric drives” in the specialties 09/05/03 - electrical equipment (industry) and 03/13/12 - design automation systems (energy and electrical engineering).
In 2000, he defended his doctoral dissertation at ISUE on the topic "Technology for automation of functional design and research of complex dynamic objects (using the example of electromechanical systems)" in specialty 03.13.12 - design automation systems (energy and electrical engineering).
Scientific interests: development and implementation of computer technologies for automation of functional design and simulation of electromechanical systems; development of methodological algorithmic and software tools for measuring defects and managing the quality of engineering training resources.
Publications: author of 125 published works, three electronic lecture courses and two electronic textbooks.


Position Professor Degree Doctor of Technical Sciences Title Professor Information

In 1973 he graduated from the Ivanovo Energy Institute named after V.I. Lenin, specializing in electric drive and automation of industrial installations.
In 1984, he defended his candidate's thesis at the Institute of Electrical Engineering on the topic "Development and research of an asynchronous electric drive with vector control of stator currents based on instantaneous values" in the specialty 05.09.03 - electrical equipment (industry).
In 1996, he defended his doctoral dissertation at ISUE on the topic "Tensor analysis of an asynchronous electric drive in dynamic operating modes" in the specialty 09/05/03 - Electrical complexes and systems, including their control and regulation.
Scientific interests: tensor methodology in the theory of complex electrical systems, history and current state of physical science, field theory, theory and electromagnetic compatibility of AC electric drives.
Publications: author of 180 scientific articles, including 23 inventions.


Position Associate Professor Degree Candidate of Technical Sciences Title Associate Professor Information

In 1975, he graduated with honors from the Ivanovo Energy Institute with a degree in Electric Drive and Automation of Industrial Installations.
In 1986, he defended his PhD thesis at the Institute of Electrical Engineering on the topic “Development and research of devices for determining the coordinates and parameters of an asynchronous electric drive with vector control based on stator current and voltage sensors” in the specialty 05.09.03 “Electrical equipment”.
Scientific interests: AC electric drive control systems, regulators and state observers of electromechanical systems with non-rigid mechanics, motion control of industrial robot manipulator links, electromagnetic compatibility of modern electric drive systems.


Position Associate Professor Degree Candidate of Technical Sciences Title Associate Professor Information

He graduated from IEI in 1969 with a degree in 0628 - Electric drive and automation of industrial installations with honors. In 1979, he defended his PhD thesis at the Moscow Textile Institute on the topic “Development and research of subsystems for controlling the transportation of fabric in production lines for automated process control systems for finishing production of the textile industry” in specialty 05.13.07.
Publications: author of more than 100 scientific papers, 17 copyright certificates and patents for inventions.


Position Senior Lecturer Information

In 2001 he graduated from Ivanovo State Energy University named after. IN AND. Lenin, specialty 18.04 - "Electric drive and automation of industrial installations."
Scientific interests: research and analysis of automatic control systems for interconnected electric drives of textile machines.


Position Associate Professor Degree Candidate of Technical Sciences Title Associate Professor Information

In 1970 he graduated from the Ivanovo Energy Institute named after. IN AND. Lenin with a degree in Electric Drive and Automation of Industrial Installations.
In 1986, he defended his PhD thesis at the Belarusian Polytechnic Institute on the topic: “Analysis and features of the construction of an interconnected electric drive of production lines for processing textile easily deformable materials” in the specialty 05.09.03 - electrical equipment (industry).
Publications: has about 100 scientific publications and teaching aids, 3 copyright certificates for invention.


Position Professor Degree Candidate of Technical Sciences Title Associate Professor E-mail fis ispu ru Information

In 1962 he graduated from the Institute of Electrical Engineering with a degree in Electrification of Industrial Enterprises and Installations. In 1971, he defended his PhD thesis at the Moscow Textile Institute of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor on the topic “Development and research of adjustable thyristor electric drives of ring spinning machines” in the specialty 09/05/03.
Certificates and identifications:
- graduated from English language courses at IEI in 1963. and French language courses at the Institute of Foreign Languages. M. Thorez, Moscow in 1983;
- from 1985 to 1988 he taught at Annabino University (Algeria). A textbook and 8 methodological and scientific publications on the specialty “Automated Electric Drive” were published in French.
Scientific interests: analysis of the influence of elastic connections in the electric drive of textile machines.

The Department of Electric Drive and Automation of Industrial Installations of Vyatka State University, the only one of its kind in the North-East of the European part of Russia, was founded in 1972.

The department has unique equipment for high-quality educational, methodological and scientific work; more than 90% of teachers have academic degrees and titles.

The department trains engineers in the specialty “Electric drive and automation of industrial installations and technological complexes” and bachelors in the following profiles: ,

Traditional specialty“Electric drive and automation of industrial installations and technological complexes” for leading technical universities in Russia, the steady demand for which is unchanged.

Already in the name of the specialty one can see its systematic nature and versatility. An electric drive is the power part of any controlled system, consisting of an electrical energy converter, an electric motor and a working mechanism. Therefore, the student must know energy, electromechanics and power electronics.

Automation allows a “smart” mechanism to make decisions instead of a person. An automated control system includes control and information parts. The control part generates signals to the electric drive based on information about the requirements for the process and its current state. It is implemented either in software or in hardware. The information part consists of sensors and information converters and controls the flow of the process and the state of the environment. Therefore, the student must know the modern element base, computer technology and programming, management theory and practice. As for the demand and prospects of the specialty, today more than 14 billion electric drive control systems are already in operation in the world, which is almost 3 times more than the population of the Earth. Another comparison - for one phone used there are 30 electric drives. Therefore, there are no problems with the employment of electric drive and automation engineers.

The unique combination of classical electrical engineering disciplines with the most modern courses in electromechanical and controlled systems, programming, robotics, computer and converter engineering provides a high level of training for students in both the field of electric drives and automation, and in the application of computer technology. The conditions of a market economy dictate the inclusion in the curriculum of such disciplines as economics of small business, qualimetry, marketing and management in electrical engineering, business communication in a foreign language and others.

Graduates of the department successfully work as:

Chief specialists at enterprises of various forms of ownership in industry, transport, communications

Developers of automated control systems for technological processes and robotic complexes and flexible automated systems

Licensed specialists in installation and operation of electrical equipmentequipment and computer technology

Teachers at universities and colleges

The department trains engineers in the specialty “Electric drive and automation of industrial installations and technological complexes” with specializations “Electric drive and automation of general industrial installations and technological complexes” and “Electric drive and automation of robotic and flexible production complexes”and bachelors in the following profiles:

The Department of “Electric drive and automation of industrial installations” trains bachelors in the direction of “Electrical power and electrical engineering” (profile “Electric drive and automation”) in full-time, part-time and part-time forms. Masters are trained full-time in the field of “Electrical power engineering and electrical engineering” (master’s program “Electric drive and automation of technological complexes”). The department also conducts targeted training of bachelors under contracts with a number of industrial enterprises in the Ural region. At the department, students of the Faculty of Accelerated Education and the Faculty of Continuing Educational Technologies are trained on a contract basis - graduates of colleges and technical schools with secondary technical education in specialties close to the field. The department runs a postgraduate course and trains doctors and candidates of science.

Department graduate in the learning process, in addition to natural science training, he receives comprehensive knowledge in the following basic disciplines that determine his professional level: automatic control theory; elements of automation systems (microelectronics, microcontrollers, sensors, control equipment); modern electric drive control systems, including digital and microprocessor ones; automation of technological processes; energy-saving technologies based on controlled asynchronous electric drives; controlled power thyristor and transistor converters; electric drive theory; information science and computer technology, including methods for designing modern electric drives using personal computers; program control systems, including robotic systems and flexible automated production.

The department is one of the leading in the country in training specialists in the field of electric drives.
The breadth of specialty and education allow graduates of the department to work in almost any sector of the national economy. Graduates of the department work in all corners of our country, in all CIS countries, and, of course, in most enterprises in the Ural region. At some plants, electrical engineering services are almost entirely staffed by graduates of the department. Among the graduates of the department, as well as graduate school, are managers of large enterprises, businessmen, State Prize laureates, famous scientists, and public figures.

“Electric drive engineers” work in almost all sectors of the national economy (metallurgy, mechanical engineering, oil and gas industry, housing and communal services, chemical and nuclear industries, etc.), as well as in the field of creation and operation of electric drive systems for household appliances, medicine and various other type of transport devices.
Graduates of the department work in leading design, engineering, commissioning and production enterprises (CJSC Automated Systems and Complexes, CJSC Tyazhpromelektromet, CJSC Uraltekhmarket, NPO Avtomatika, Energoresurs-EK, etc.).

The main scientific directions of the department:
1. Analysis, synthesis and development of semiconductor electric drives of various classes.
2. Digital control systems for direct and alternating current electric drives.
3. Energy-saving technologies based on frequency-controlled asynchronous electric drives.
4. Automation of technological processes in the metallurgical, mechanical engineering, oil and gas industries and housing and communal services.
5. Construction of control systems using modern methods and tools such as artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic.

Department staff“Electric drive and automation of industrial installations” consists of 17 faculty members and 11 educational support staff. Almost all employees of the department are its graduates. Highly qualified teachers and engineers work with students, among them 3 doctors of technical sciences and 13 candidates of technical sciences, the age of five employees of the department does not exceed 35 years.

Laboratory facilities of the department includes 5 laboratories equipped with industrial samples of electric drives of various classes, and 2 computer classes equipped with a large set of software tools for mathematical modeling and research of various electric drive systems. More than 30 modern personal computers available to students are connected to a local area network and have Internet access.
A new laboratory of modern electric drive systems and process automation has been put into operation at the department. The design and installation of laboratory installations was carried out in such a way as to create the most favorable working conditions for students. The laboratory has 15 laboratory stands equipped with electrical machines, load devices and DC and AC converters from the world's leading companies and manufacturers of electrical equipment. Workstations are equipped with programmable controllers, process automation systems, and data exchange systems. All laboratory stands are equipped with computers, used both as part of the installation (in the form of a control and information device) and in stand-alone mode (for solving computing problems). Working in this laboratory allows students to become familiar with the latest equipment in the field of electric drives and gain skills in working with it.

The department organized and held 15 All-Union (All-Russian) conferences“AC Electric Drives”, since 1998 they have become international with the participation of representatives from Ukraine, Germany, Belarus, Hungary, Poland, Italy, Finland, Holland and other countries. The beginning of this tradition was laid by Professor V.A. Shubenko, under whose scientific leadership the first conference on this topic was held in 1968. The 15th International Conference (Chairman of the Organizing Committee is Professor I.Ya. Braslavsky) was held in 2012.

Over the past 10 years alone, more than 320 scientific publications have been published, and members of the department have taken part as speakers in more than 40 scientific and technical seminars and conferences, including 18 international ones. Their articles and reports have been published in Romania, Poland, England, China, Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Italy, Germany, Finland, Greece, Belgium, Croatia, Latvia, Ukraine and other countries.
The results of the department's scientific developments were repeatedly successfully exhibited at All-Union (All-Russian) and international exhibitions and were awarded awards, including Diplomas of Honor from the International Electrotechnical Exhibitions "Electro-72" (Moscow, 1972), "Electro-77" (Moscow, 1972). Moscow, 1977), international exhibition NTTM (Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 1989), 1 gold, 5 silver, 7 bronze VDNKh medals.

There are 5 reasons to enroll in the Department of Electric Drive and Automation of Industrial Installations

  • High-quality and comprehensive education
  • Modern laboratory facilities
  • Prestigious specialty
  • Constantly high demand for graduates
  • Opportunity to continue education in master's and postgraduate programs

What problems do graduates solve?

Speciality " Electric drive and automation"is a power equipment integrator ( electric machine, semiconductor converter and so on.); technical controls ( microcontrollers), automation tools ( industrial computer etc.) and specialized software.

Purpose of the specialty– setting in motion and coordinating the operation of mechanisms and units of the technological complex in accordance with the assigned control task.

A specialist must be able to correctly select an electric motor and power converter, develop a control system for them and implement it using modern automation software and hardware. Therefore, a specialist must have in-depth knowledge in the field of electrical machines, power electronics, microprocessor technology, and programming.

What do graduates do?

  • Integrated automation system design engineer
  • Engineer in the field of setting up an automated electric drive
  • Programmer of industrial automation systems at all levels
  • Manager in the field of supply of electrical equipment and automation equipment
  • Engineer in the field of operation and maintenance of electrical equipment
  • Specialist in the field of automation of buildings and structures
  • And higher up the career ladder...

Where do graduates work?

Graduates of the department are traditionally in demand in almost all industries and housing and communal services, where solving automation problems is required. In the region, these primarily include enterprises of the metallurgical complex: Pervouralsk New Pipe Plant, VSMPO-AVISMA, Sinarsky Pipe Plant, Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, etc. In addition, specialists are in demand in other industries: mechanical engineering, oil and gas complex, defense industry, energy, housing and communal services. These are the enterprises: NPO Avtomatiki im. Academician N.A. Semikhatov, Uralmashplant, Electrotyazhmash, Uraltransmash, Machine-Building Plant named after M.I. Kalinin, PG "Generation", Beloyarsk NPP and many others. Recently, interest in our graduates from Gazprom has increased.

The department maintains friendly relations with partner enterprises specialized in the field of automation:

  • CJSC "Automated systems and complexes", http://asc-ural.ru/
  • CJSC Tyazhpromelelectromet, http://www.tpem.ru/
  • Company "Energoresurs-EK", http://www.energoresurs-ek.ru/
  • CJSC "URALTECHMARKET", http://www.uraltm.ru/
  • LLC PF Tyazhpromelektroprivod, http://tpep-ekb.ru/
  • NPP "Uralelektra", http://www.uralelektra.ru/
  • LLC "Electropromnaladka - plus", http://epn-plus.ru/

What will we study?

The main disciplines of the specialty are:

  • Automatic control theory
  • Theory of electric drives and electric drive control systems
  • Conversion technology
  • Microprocessor technology
  • Basics of programming
  • Automation of production

Also studied within the profile:

  • Electric drive in metallurgy
  • Electric drive in mechanical engineering
  • Electrical equipment and building automation
  • Electric drives of the oil and gas complex

What can you learn?

As a result of the training, the specialist acquires skills in design, adjustment, commissioning and maintenance of automated electric drive systems and industrial automation and robotics.

Thanks to the modern and updated laboratory base of the department, the specialist knows the features of equipment from various leading manufacturers ( Siemens, ABB, Schneider Electric, Rockwell Automation, Omron and etc.).

The specialist has the skills to design and develop technical documentation in specialized software packages ( Compass, EPLAN).

Works fluently with programmable logic controllers and other automation tools. Has experience working with SCADA systems. Understands network information technologies. Has skills to work with numerical control systems (CNC).

Can gain skills in working with systems building automation And automated energy metering, as well as systems development skills " Smart House» and information space of buildings.

Specialists gain experience in prototyping automation devices and microcontroller programming.

Department of EAPU. We are creating a movement

Department website, “In Contact” page