How to create the appearance of work. The illusion of activity: How to expose a lazy person at work

The ability to create the appearance of active activity in the workplace is an art that not everyone has. You can puff away on papers for 55 hours a week without sleep or rest, and still no one will notice. But “some Ninochka from the accounting department” resolves personal issues during working hours, regularly goes on vacation, but for some reason everyone considers her the best employee, and you are only required to gain more and more momentum.

“Be” and “seem” in matters of fulfilling your responsibilities

Sometimes it’s not enough to work conscientiously; you also need to show your boss how good and capable you are.

Even an ordinary performer, if he doesn’t want to work hard for three people and not receive proper remuneration, should remember a couple of simple rules that will help him be in good standing without much effort.

  1. Two-way communication.

Contact with is a must. Ask questions, consult on important tasks, clarify some details and ask for “extras” to your job responsibilities. Without fanaticism! Drop off documents during your lunch break or on the way home, handle a few phone calls with clients, make a convenient card index of the companies you regularly work with, and so on. But no more: you need the appearance of being busy, and not constant “parking”.

  1. Keep your work area tidy.

There is no need to artificially clutter your desk with old papers, but “sterile” cleanliness will make you think that you have nothing to do. A great way to appear as a very busy and serious person is to use sticky notes or a daily calendar that is visible to everyone. This trick will not work if it is empty or filled with personal notes. “Alexander Petrovich, supply, 15.00” is the correct option. “Marinochka, manicure, 18.00” is incorrect.

  1. Working hours are for work.

Today, many are forced to work under strict time constraints. Bosses are unlikely to like employees who are late or do the wrong thing. In order not to be declassified, you can use a second bag or a second jacket/jacket, which constantly hangs on the back of a chair or on a hanger. I was helped by two mobile phones and documents open on my work computer. A mobile phone on the table gives the impression that you popped out for a couple of minutes, which in fact can stretch up to half an hour, or even more.

It's worth remembering

All the tips listed above do not mean that you can sabotage the work process, miss deadlines and not solve assigned tasks. Your goal is to avoid extra money, which is not paid in any way, and to establish yourself well. And this is only possible in combination with impeccable professionalism.

Instruction No.___

on labor protection
when working at height

1. General labor protection requirements

These instructions on labor protection when working at heights were developed on the basis of the “Rules on labor protection when working at heights,” approved. By Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated March 28, 2014 No. 155n (as amended on June 17, 2015).

1.1. Work at height includes work in which:

  • There are risks associated with a possible fall of an employee from a height of 1.8 m or more, including:
    • when an employee climbs to a height of more than 5 m or descends from a height of more than 5 m on a ladder, the angle of inclination of which to a horizontal surface is more than 75°;
    • when carrying out work on sites at a distance closer than 2 m from unfenced differences in height of more than 1.8 m, and also if the height of the protective fence of these sites is less than 1.1 m;
  • There are risks associated with a possible fall of a worker from a height of less than 1.8 m if work is carried out on machines or mechanisms, the surface of a liquid or loose fine materials, or protruding objects.

1.2. The following employees are allowed to work independently at height:

  • have reached the age of 18 years;
  • have undergone mandatory preliminary (upon employment) and periodic medical examinations and have no contraindications for performing work at heights;
  • having qualifications corresponding to the nature of the work performed. The level of qualification is confirmed by a document on professional education (training) and (or) qualifications;
  • have completed induction training;
  • have completed initial training;
  • have undergone on-the-job training and internship;
  • passed the test of knowledge of labor protection requirements and safety rules when working at height;
  • who have received permission to perform this work.

1.3. The employer is obliged to organize, before starting work at height, training in safe methods and techniques for performing work for employees:

  • permitted to work at height for the first time;
  • transferred from other jobs if these employees have not previously received appropriate training;
  • having a break in work at height for more than one year.

1.4. Workers who have mastered the safety requirements for performing work at height and have successfully passed the test of knowledge and acquired skills are issued a certificate of admission to work at height.

1.5. Workers allowed to work at height without the use of inventory scaffolding and scaffolding, as well as with the use of rope access systems, are divided into the following 3 groups for safety of work at height:

  • Group 1 - workers allowed to work as part of a team or under the direct supervision of an employee appointed by order of the employer;
  • Group 2 - foremen, foremen, internship supervisors, as well as workers appointed as responsible performers of work at height according to the work permit for work at height;
  • Group 3 - workers appointed by the employer as responsible for the safe organization and performance of work at height, as well as for conducting briefings; teachers and members of certification commissions created by order of the head of the organization providing training in safe methods and techniques for performing work at height; workers performing maintenance and periodic inspection of personal protective equipment (PPE); workers issuing permits; responsible managers of work at heights performed under work permit; occupational safety specialists; officials whose powers include approving the work plan at height.

1.6. Periodic training of workers of groups 1 and 2 in safe methods and techniques for performing work at height, carried out without inventory scaffolding and scaffolding, using rope access systems, is carried out at least once every 3 years.

1.7. Periodic training of Group 3 workers in safe methods and techniques for performing work at height, carried out without inventory scaffolding and scaffolding, using rope access systems, is carried out at least once every 5 years.

1.8. Employees are required to undergo regular testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements at least once a year.

1.9. An employee authorized to work at height is obliged to:

  • perform only the work specified in the work or job description;
  • comply with internal labor regulations;
  • correctly use personal and collective protective equipment;
  • comply with labor protection requirements;
  • immediately notify your immediate or superior manager about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, or about a deterioration in your health, including the manifestation of signs of an acute occupational disease (poisoning);
  • undergo training in safe methods and techniques for performing work and providing first aid to victims at work, instructions on labor protection, testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements;
  • undergo mandatory periodic (during employment) medical examinations (examinations), as well as undergo extraordinary medical examinations (examinations) at the direction of the employer in cases provided for by the Labor Code and other federal laws;
  • be able to provide first aid to victims of electric current and other accidents;
  • be able to use primary fire extinguishing agents.

1.10. When working at height, exposure to the following dangerous and harmful production factors is possible:

  • the location of the workplace at a significant height relative to the ground surface (floor, ceiling) and the associated possible fall of the employee or the fall of objects on the employee;
  • collapsing structures (ladders, stepladders, scaffolding, scaffolding and other auxiliary equipment);
  • increased slip (due to icing, moisture, oiling of ground surfaces, floors, ladders, stepladders, stairs, scaffolding, scaffolding, etc.);
  • moving machines and mechanisms;
  • increased wind speed (when working outdoors);
  • increased voltage in an electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body;
  • increased or decreased air temperature in the working area;
  • sharp edges, burrs and roughness on the surfaces of workpieces, tools and equipment;
  • insufficient illumination of workplaces;
  • physical overload.

1.11. Depending on the specific working conditions at height, workers should be provided with the following PPE that is compatible with fall protection systems:

  • hearing protection equipment;

1.12. Working at height in open areas is prohibited:

  • in case of a thunderstorm or fog, excluding visibility within the work front, as well as in case of ice on icy structures and in cases of growth of a wall of ice on wires, equipment, engineering structures (including power line supports), trees;

An exception is allowed when eliminating accidents. In this case, the work manager is obliged to organize means of heating.

1.13. In cases of injury or illness, you must stop work, notify the work manager and contact a medical facility.

1.14. For failure to comply with this instruction, those responsible will be held accountable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

2.1. Before starting work, you should put on overalls, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment necessary for work from exposure to dangerous and harmful production factors.

2.2. Overalls must be of the appropriate size, clean and not restrict movement.

2.3. Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare personal protective equipment, inspect them and make sure they are in full working order. Workers permitted to work at height must inspect the personal protective equipment issued to them before and after each use.

2.4. Depending on the specific conditions of work at height, workers should be provided with the following personal protective equipment that is compatible with fall protection systems:

  • special clothing - depending on the impact of harmful production factors;
  • helmets - to protect the head from injuries caused by falling objects or impacts on objects and structures, to protect the upper part of the head from damage by alternating electric current with voltages up to 440 V;
  • safety glasses, shields, protective screens - for protection from dust, flying particles, bright light or radiation;
  • protective gloves or mittens, protective creams and other means to protect hands;
  • special shoes of the appropriate type - when working with the risk of foot injuries;
  • respiratory protection equipment - from dust, smoke, vapors and gases;
  • individual oxygen devices and other means - when working in conditions of probable oxygen deficiency;
  • hearing protection equipment;
  • protective equipment used in electrical installations;
  • life jackets and belts - in case of danger of falling into the water;
  • warning vests - when performing work in areas where vehicles are moving.

2.5. Workers performing work at height are required to wear safety helmets with a fastened chin strap. The internal equipment and chin strap must be removable and have devices for attachment to the helmet body. The chin strap must be adjustable in length, the method of fastening must allow it to be quickly detached and prevent the helmet from spontaneously falling or moving from the worker’s head.

2.6. Depending on the specific type of work performed at height, appropriate systems for ensuring the safety of work at height (restraint systems, positioning systems, safety systems, rescue and evacuation systems) must be prepared before starting work.

2.7. Workers should be aware that safety harnesses are used as a safety harness. The use of strapless safety belts is prohibited due to the risk of injury or death due to the impact on the worker's spine when stopping a fall, the worker falling out of the safety belt, or the impossibility of a long-term static stay of the worker in a suspended state in the safety belt.

2.8. Before starting work at height, you should inspect the place of work to be done and put it in order; if it is cluttered with unnecessary items that interfere with work, it is necessary to remove all unnecessary items that are not used in work.

2.9. When carrying out work at height, it is necessary to ensure the presence of protective, safety and signal fences and to determine the boundaries of dangerous zones, based on the current norms and regulations, taking into account the largest dimensions of the cargo being moved, the distance of scattering of objects or hot metal particles (for example, during welding work), the size of moving parts of machines and equipment. The installation location of fences and safety signs is indicated in the technological maps for the work or in the PPR at height in accordance with the current technical regulations, norms and rules.

2.10. When installing and removing fences, the following labor protection requirements must be observed:

  • installation and removal of fences must be carried out in a technological sequence that ensures the safety of performing the relevant work;
  • installation and removal of fencing and protection must be carried out using safety systems;
  • installation and removal of fences must be carried out by specially trained workers under the direct supervision of the responsible performer of the work.

2.11. If it is impossible to use protective fences, it is permissible to work at heights using safety systems.

2.12. To limit access of workers and unauthorized persons to high-risk areas where a fall from a height, injury from materials, tools and other objects falling from a height, as well as parts of structures in the process of construction, maintenance, repair, installation or disassembly are possible, it is necessary to provide them fencing.

2.13. If it is impossible to install barriers to restrict workers’ access to high-risk areas, the responsible executor (producer) of the work must monitor the location of workers and prohibit them from approaching high-risk areas.

2.14. Openings into which workers may fall are closed, fenced and marked with safety signs.

2.15. Walkways at sites and workplaces must meet the following requirements:

  • the width of single passages to and at workplaces must be at least 0.6 m, the distance from the floor of the passage to the ceiling elements must be at least 1.8 m;
  • ladders or brackets used to lift or lower workers to workplaces at a height of more than 5 m must be equipped with safety systems.

2.16. When workplaces are located on floors, the impact of loads from placed materials, equipment, equipment and people should not exceed the design loads on the floor provided for by the project.

2.17. Workers who are allowed to work at heights without the use of inventory scaffolding and scaffolding, using rope access systems, are issued a work permit issued on a special form to carry out work on the employer’s instructions.

2.18. The work permit must determine the location of work at height, its content, conditions of work, start and end times of work, the composition of the team performing the work, and the persons responsible for performing this work. If work at height is carried out simultaneously with other types of work that require the issuance of a permit, then one permit can be issued with the mandatory inclusion of information about the work at height and the appointment of persons responsible for the safe performance of work.

2.19. In exceptional cases (preventing an accident, eliminating a threat to the lives of workers, eliminating the consequences of accidents and natural disasters), work at height can be started without issuing a work permit under the guidance of workers appointed by the employer as responsible for the safe organization and conduct of work at height. If the specified work is carried out for more than 24 hours, a permit must be issued without fail.

2.20. When performing work at height in security zones of structures or communications, a work permit is issued with written permission from the owner of this structure or communications.

2.21. Before starting work under the permit, in order to identify the risk associated with a possible fall of an employee, it is necessary to inspect the workplace for compliance with the Rules.

2.22. The inspection of the workplace is carried out by the responsible work manager in the presence of the responsible work performer.

2.23. When inspecting the workplace, the reasons for a possible employee fall should be identified, including:

  • unreliability of anchor devices;
  • the presence of fragile (destructible) surfaces, openable or unclosed hatches, holes in the work area;
  • the presence of a slippery working surface with unprotected height differences;
  • possible loss of balance by a worker when carrying out work from scaffolding, from scaffolding, stepladders, ladders, in lift cradles, disruption of their stability, their destruction or overturning;
  • destruction of the structure, equipment or their elements when performing work directly on them.

2.24. Ladders and stepladders must be inspected by the responsible contractor before use.

2.25. When inspecting wooden stairs and stepladders, you should pay attention to the condition of the wood. Cracks in steps and bowstrings are allowed with a length of no more than 100 mm and a depth of no more than 5 mm. All parts of wooden stairs and stepladders must have a smooth planed surface.

2.26. When inspecting metal stairs and stepladders, you should make sure that there is no deformation of the components, cracks in the metal, burrs, sharp edges, or violations of the fastening of the steps to the strings.

2.27. When checking the serviceability and stability of stepladders and ladders that will be used during work, you should remember the following:

  • the design of ladders and stepladders must prevent them from shifting or tipping over during operation;
  • At the lower ends of ladders and stepladders there should be fittings with sharp tips for installation on the ground. When using ladders and stepladders on smooth supporting surfaces (parquet, metal, tiles, concrete), shoes made of rubber or other non-slip material should be worn at the lower ends;
  • when installing an extension ladder in conditions where displacement of its upper end is possible, the latter must be securely secured to stable structures;
  • the upper ends of ladders attached to pipes or wires are equipped with special hooks that prevent the ladder from falling due to wind pressure or accidental shocks;
  • suspended ladders used to work on structures or wires must have devices that ensure that the ladders are firmly secured to structures or wires;
  • Ladders and platforms should be installed and secured to the structures being mounted before they are lifted. The length of the extension ladder must ensure that the employee can work in a standing position on a step located at a distance of at least 1 m from the upper end of the ladder;
  • It is not allowed to install ladders on the steps of staircases. To perform work in these conditions, scaffolding should be used;
  • scaffolding, scaffolding and other devices for performing work at height must be manufactured according to standard designs and taken into inventory by the organization;
  • inventory scaffolding and scaffolding must have a manufacturer's passport;
  • the use of non-inventory scaffolding is allowed in exceptional cases, and their construction must be carried out according to an individual project with calculations of all the main elements for strength, and the scaffolding as a whole - for stability; the project must be endorsed by the person appointed in the organization responsible for the safe organization of work at height, and approved by the chief engineer (technical director) of the organization or directly by the head of the organization;
  • near driveways, scaffolding means are installed at a distance of at least 0.6 m from the vehicle dimensions;
  • scaffolding and scaffolding up to 4 m high are allowed for operation after their acceptance by the work manager with a note in the log of acceptance and inspection of scaffolding and scaffolding;
  • Scaffolds with a height of more than 4 m from the ground level, floor or platform on which the scaffold racks are installed are allowed for operation after acceptance by the person appointed responsible for the safe organization of work at height. When work is carried out by a contractor using the scaffolding it constructs, the latter must be taken into operation by the person appointed responsible for the safe organization of work at height, the contractor, in the presence of the person responsible for the safe organization of work at height of the organization on whose territory the work is being carried out. The results of scaffolding acceptance are approved by the chief engineer (technical director) of the organization accepting the scaffolding for operation or directly by the head of the organization. It is allowed to approve the results of acceptance of scaffolding constructed by a contracting organization for its own needs by the head of the site (shop) of this organization. Until the scaffolding acceptance results are approved, work from the scaffolding is not allowed;
  • forests from which no work has been carried out for a month or more are subject to re-acceptance before resuming work;
  • when accepting scaffolding and scaffolding, it is checked for compliance with the manufacturer’s passport: the presence of connections and fastenings that ensure stability and strength of fastening points of individual elements; serviceability of working decks and fences; verticality of the racks; reliability of support platforms and the presence of grounding (for metal scaffolding);
  • suspended scaffolding, scaffolding and cradles after their installation (assembly, manufacturing) can be allowed for operation after appropriate tests;
  • To avoid swinging, suspended scaffolding must be attached to the load-bearing parts of the building (structure) or structures;
  • in places where workers are lifted onto scaffolding and scaffolding, posters should be placed indicating their placement diagram and the magnitude of the permissible loads, as well as the evacuation scheme for workers in the event of an emergency;
  • Before starting work at height as part of a team, each member of the team must be instructed and familiarized with their specific responsibilities, the work order at height, the work permit, technological maps and other regulatory documents as they relate to them;
  • before working near live parts that are energized and not protected from accidental contact with them, the voltage must be turned off; At the same time, a warning sign must be posted at the switching device: “Do not turn on! Work is underway!
  • before starting work, you need to make sure that there is sufficient lighting of the place where the work is to be carried out;
  • before starting work, the employee must inspect the tools, fixtures, and auxiliary equipment that will be used in the work and make sure that they are in full working order;
  • the employee must personally ensure that all measures necessary to ensure the safety of the upcoming work have been completed;
  • an employee should not start work if he has doubts about the safety of the upcoming work.

2.28. It is not allowed to perform work at height:

  • in open places with an air flow (wind) speed of 15 m/s or more;
  • in case of a thunderstorm or fog, excluding visibility within the work front, as well as in case of ice on icy structures and in cases of growth of a wall of ice on wires, equipment, engineering structures (including power line supports), trees;
  • when installing (dismantling) structures with a large windage at a wind speed of 10 m/s or more.

3. Occupational safety requirements when working at heights

3.1. It is prohibited to leave the place of work without the permission of the responsible contractor, as well as to perform work not provided for by the work permit.

3.2. During work, maintain continuous visual communication, as well as voice or radio communication, and conversational communication with other team members.

3.3. Materials, products, structures when receiving and storing at workplaces located at height must be accepted in the volumes necessary for current processing, and stacked so as not to block the workplace and passages to it, based on the load-bearing capacity of scaffolding, scaffolding, and platforms , on which the specified cargo is placed.

3.4. The workplace must be kept clean. Storage of workpieces, materials, tools, finished products, and production waste must be carried out in accordance with technological and route maps.

3.5. It is not allowed to place or accumulate unused materials or production waste at the workplace; it is prohibited to block the routes to and from work stations.

3.6. At workplaces, the supply of materials containing harmful, flammable and explosive substances should not exceed shift requirements.

3.7. During breaks in work, technological devices, tools, materials and other small items located in the workplace must be secured or removed.

3.8. For a safe transition at height from one workplace to another, if it is impossible to install transition bridges with protective fences, safety systems should be used that use rigid or flexible anchor lines as an anchor device, located horizontally or at an angle of up to 7° to the horizon.

3.9. Scaffolds must be used for their intended purpose, and technical supervision is established over the conditions of their use in the organization.

3.10. Scaffolding, scaffolding and other devices for performing work at height must be manufactured according to standard designs and taken into inventory by the organization.

3.11. Inventory scaffolding and scaffolding must have a manufacturer's passport.

3.12. The use of non-inventory scaffolding is allowed in exceptional cases and their construction must be carried out according to an individual project with calculations of all the main elements for strength, and the scaffolding as a whole - for stability; the project must be endorsed by the person appointed in the organization responsible for the safe organization of work at height, and approved by the chief engineer (technical director) of the organization or directly by the head of the organization (individual entrepreneur).

3.13. The mass of assembly elements per worker during manual assembly of scaffolding equipment should be no more than:

  • 25 kg - when installing scaffolding at height;
  • 50 kg - when installing scaffolding equipment on the ground or ceiling (with subsequent installation of them into working position by installation cranes and winches).

Forests and their elements:

  • must ensure the safety of workers during installation and dismantling;
  • must be prepared and installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s passport, have dimensions, strength and stability appropriate for their purpose;
  • railings and other safety structures, platforms, decks, consoles, supports, crossbars, stairs and ramps must be easy to install and securely fastened;
  • must be maintained and operated in such a way as to prevent their destruction and loss of stability.

3.14. In areas where workers are lifted onto scaffolding and scaffolding, posters should be placed indicating their placement layout and the magnitude of the permissible loads, as well as the evacuation plan for workers in the event of an emergency.

3.15. To perform work from scaffolding with a height of 6 m or more, there must be at least two floorings - a working (upper) and a protective (lower) one, and each workplace on the scaffolding adjacent to a building or structure must, in addition, be protected from above by a flooring, located at a height distance of no more than 2 m from the working floor.

3.16. Work in several tiers along the same vertical line without intermediate protective flooring between them is not allowed.

3.17. In cases where the performance of work, the movement of people and vehicles under and near scaffolding is not envisaged, the installation of a protective (bottom) flooring is not necessary.

3.18. When the work is multi-tiered, to protect platforms from falling objects, platforms, scaffoldings, and scaffolding ladders are equipped with protective screens of sufficient size and strength.

3.19. Scaffolding is equipped with stairs or ladders for ascent and descent of people, located at a distance of no more than 40 m from each other. On scaffolding less than 40 m long, at least two ladders or ladders are installed. The upper end of the ladder or ladder is secured to the crossbars of the scaffolding.

3.20. Openings in the scaffolding for exit from stairs are fenced. The angle of inclination of stairs should be no more than 60° to the horizontal surface. The slope of the ladder should be no more than 1:3.

3.21. To lift loads onto scaffolding, blocks, jib beams and other small-scale mechanization equipment are used, which should be secured at a height.

3.22. Openings for the movement of goods must have comprehensive barriers.

3.23. Near passages, scaffolding means are installed at a distance of at least 0.6 m from the vehicle dimensions.

3.24. Scaffolding with a height of more than 4 m from the ground level, floor or platform on which the scaffolding racks are installed are allowed for operation after acceptance by the person appointed responsible for the safe organization of work at height.

3.25. Floors and stairs of scaffolding and scaffolding must be periodically cleared of debris during work and daily after work, and in winter cleared of snow and ice and, if necessary, sprinkled with sand.

3.26. Working from random stands (boxes, barrels) is not allowed

3.27. When organizing a mass passage in the immediate vicinity of scaffolding means, the places where people pass are equipped with a continuous protective canopy, and the façade of the scaffolding is covered with a protective mesh with a cell size of no more than 5 x 5 mm.

3.28. When operating mobile scaffolding equipment, the following requirements must be met:

  • the slope of the surface along which the scaffolding means is moved in the transverse and longitudinal directions must not exceed the values ​​specified in the passport or manufacturer's instructions for this type of scaffolding means;
  • movement of scaffolding equipment at wind speeds of more than 10 m/s is not allowed;
  • Before moving, the scaffolding must be cleared of materials and containers, and there should be no people on them;
  • doors in scaffolding enclosures must open inward and have a double-acting locking device that protects them from spontaneous opening.

4. Occupational safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. In the event of emergencies and situations that may lead to accidents and incidents, it is necessary to:

  • stop work immediately and notify the work manager;
  • under the leadership of the work manager, promptly take measures to eliminate the causes of accidents or situations that could lead to accidents or accidents.

4.2. In the event of a fire or smoke:

  • immediately call the fire department by phone “01”, notify the workers, notify the head of the unit, report the fire to the security post;
  • open emergency exits from the building, turn off the power supply, close the windows and close the doors;
  • start extinguishing the fire using primary fire extinguishing means, if this does not involve a risk to life;
  • organize a fire brigade meeting;
  • leave the building and be in the evacuation zone.

4.3. In case of an accident:

  • immediately organize first aid for the victim and, if necessary, transport him to a medical organization;
  • take urgent measures to prevent the development of an emergency or other emergency situation and the impact of traumatic factors on other persons;
  • until the investigation of the accident begins, preserve the situation as it was at the time of the incident, if this does not threaten the life and health of other persons and does not lead to a catastrophe, accident or other emergency circumstances, and if it is impossible to preserve it, record the current situation (draw up diagrams , hold other events).

5. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work

5.1. At the end of the work, you should tidy up the workplace, work clothes, remove tools, devices, materials, etc.

5.2. Rags, rags and other materials used during cleaning should be placed in a specially designated place (for example, a metal box with a locking lid).

5.3. Inform the person responsible for the work about all deficiencies noticed during work and the measures taken to eliminate them.

Of course, we are all sure that the ideal employee should be efficient and work tirelessly and without raising his head, all 8 hours of the working day, stopping only for lunch. At least that's what our bosses think. But you and I understand that sometimes you are too lazy or sometimes you feel unwell, and the thought of work is the last thing that comes to mind. But you can’t just disappear from the office, saying goodbye: “I’m tired, I’m leaving,” just as you shouldn’t sit there with an absent look - they’ll immediately decide that you have too little work to do and throw in a couple more tasks. It’s better to pretend that you are actively working. But read our article about how to create the appearance of vigorous activity.

Someone will decide that our recommendations are more similar to the harmful advice of Grigory Oster. But it’s so boring to live by the rules! Sometimes we, adults and serious people, want to be a little weird. So why not relax at least once and show off your boss and other colleagues by pretending that you are working hard, while you yourself are spitting at the ceiling? The main thing is not to get too carried away with such a game, so as not to end up losing your job. In general, experiment, relax, but know when to stop.

If the boss is not standing behind you and does not see what is happening on your monitor screen, then you can at least play solitaire, the main thing is to do it with a smart look. Just watch out for the frequent “clack” of the mouse buttons, sometimes this is what gives away the unlucky lover of “Mineweeper” and “Klondike”.

Watch for the frequent “clack” of the mouse buttons, sometimes this is what gives away the unlucky lover of “Mineweeper” and “Klondike”.

Don't let yourself be exposed

Just in case, before starting the next game of solitaire, open several work documents and fold them so that at any time you can quickly unfold an important letter and pretend that you have been thinking about how to write it correctly for half an hour. Who would have thought that you were just moving virtual cards from place to place? What are you talking about? It's even kind of offensive!

Be nervous and tense

At least externally. Act as if your thoughts are constantly busy with work, as if you are thinking about some important task of your boss and are rooting for his success. Management is much calmer if it sees that the subordinate is completely and completely absorbed in work.

Acting data

In addition to an intelligent look and a tense appearance, you will also need the ability to sigh theatrically heavily, ruffling your hair as if you are trying to cope with some very difficult task, and you just can’t. Check it - it works.

Listen carefully to your colleagues

Or pretend to listen. When colleagues discuss work issues, take part in the conversation as a free listener. You may be thinking about something of your own: planning a shopping list at the grocery store or even imagining that you are lying on the seashore under the warm rays of the sun, but from the outside it will look like you are very interested in knowing the opinions of others regarding the current situation in the company.

When colleagues discuss work issues, take part in the conversation as a free listener.

Leave later than others

Of course, if you have no plans for the evening. Some workers simply love to be alone at work in the evenings. They say that they still need to finish some things, but they pour themselves a cup of coffee and watch some interesting movie on their personal laptop or tablet. Others are sure that you work like a bee, and you kill two birds with one stone: create the necessary appearance and simply relax in silence.

Make a mess

But limit yourself to just your desk. “Bury yourself” in a heap of papers, and both the necessary documents that are in work and the drafts on which you are printing something less important are suitable. Just take care not to confuse some sheets with others, otherwise you may get into trouble when it turns out that your boss needs a letter that you just safely threw in the trash.

Find a reason

You shouldn’t leave your workplace every now and then just like that: to smoke or if you want to stretch your legs. People around you will decide that your life is too boring, and will immediately find a lot of ways to keep you busy. If you want to go out, then pretend that someone is calling you on your mobile phone, and you simply cannot talk in front of strangers (personal calls, although not welcome in most companies, still happen). Or you can volunteer to take the documents to the office and take a walk at the same time.

Hello, dear readers!

Imitation of vigorous activity (IBD) is a disease that affects 80% of newcomers who come to MLM. It's like chickenpox in children. The sooner you get sick, the fewer losses. Of course, you can do without an IBD at all, but this is only if you already have clear goals, you understand what you want from life and are meaningfully engaged in business. I’m not even talking about those who answered the question: “What do I do when I do business” (that is, what is my mission).

However, if you are doing business under duress, for example, you cannot “refuse” your sponsor (mentor), you do not want to lose face in front of your distributors (they accidentally signed up for your head), or your wife nags you (God forbid your sponsor), If you spend the whole day on VKontakte or Odnoklassniki, then these simple tips will help you create the image of a “from-morning-to-evening-busy-business-person.” The price to pay for this is small: you will only have to postpone your goals, career growth and happy relationships in your family by a couple of years. So, a few simple tips:

1. Never go empty-handed, always take a presentation album with you to give the impression that you are in a hurry to an important meeting. Empty-handed people are usually like those idling in a café. People walking with a newspaper in their hands look like they are heading to the toilet. Don’t forget to bring a bunch of documents with you when you come home in the evening. You will create the impression of a person working overtime.
2. Spend all your time at the computer so that you always look busy from the outside. Do whatever you want, receive and send personal email, use social networks, use Skype, the main thing is to create the impression of a person working hard. If your boss (sponsor, wife) catches you doing this, and she will certainly catch you, tell her that you are developing your structure via the Internet, and that you are now using the latest “Network Marketing 2.0” technologies.

3. Keep the desk cluttered and remember that only senior management can leave leaving the desk empty. Let everyone else think that you work tirelessly, without rest or lunch break. If someone is about to come to you, push the document you need into the very middle of the pile, and when the visitor arrives, try hard to find it.

4. Use an answering machine and never answer the phone. Typically, people call you to get you to do the work for them. If a caller leaves a message on your answering machine, and it threatens you with a job or a business offer, answer it early in the morning, before the start of the work day, and you will be sure that the person is “out of office.” In this way, you will create the impression of a very responsible and conscientious “businessman”.

5. Constantly appear irritable and nervous to give the impression to others that you are constantly busy and do not have enough time to do all the important things.

6. Be the last to leave an event (seminar, training) or office, especially if your sponsor has not yet left. You can do whatever you want, for example, read corporate magazines, books by Alexander Sinamati. Send important messages to your partners outside of business hours or on public holidays.

7. Sigh creatively, and also don’t miss the moment to sigh loudly when there are a lot of people around. This will create the impression of a person under constant pressure.

8. Use a “stacking strategy.” Place stacks of books on the floor; thick computer manuals are best suited for this purpose.

9. Actively use a dictionary of abstruse words and expressions (such as cluster, olfactory pyramid, crowd marketing, prospecting), especially when communicating with a sponsor, and do not forget that it should sound impressive.

10. And remember. The day when this post falls into the hands of your sponsor may be your “last day” of creating illusions and self-deception. And perhaps this day will be one of the most important days in your business, after which you will finally carry out the internal process of rethinking your life.

Any end of something is the beginning of a new one. And if you have already had IBD in childhood, it will be much easier for you, relying on your experience, which will allow you to achieve your goals, develop yourself and become a real professional. Get over your illness quickly and be on your way to an effective business!

“How to create the appearance of vigorous activity at work?” - every working person has ever asked this question :), therefore, harmful advice on this topic will come in handy;) Today in the blog we will talk about exactly this issue. The reasons for the need for such actions can be different - from a low reputation in the eyes of superiors to a promotion looming on the horizon but constantly elusive. By the way, when you have a free minute or two, be sure to check out the list of the scariest films, in case you have something to add to my collection?! I would like to offer you a list of specific actions, the totality of which will help you imitate hectic activity in the workplace. Let me make a reservation right away that most of the tips are applicable to medium and large organizations with at least 20 employees.

7 tips for creating the appearance of hectic activity at work

1.Use your computer wisely. A computer is just a godsend for careless employees who want to create the appearance of vigorous activity! No matter where or who you work with, always have an open tab with the latest news or some kind of instructional article ready. In both cases, to the question “what are you doing there?!”, you can always answer that keeping abreast of events never hurts, and in some cases this is even the key to success!
2. Clutter on the table. The issue, of course, is controversial and you have every right to challenge this advice. Still, complete order on the table creates the impression of its owner as not a neat person, but an employee who is not working at full capacity (after all, very busy people do not have time to sort out the mess :)
3.Try to move aroundoffice only with documents in hand. Agree, a man with a folder in his hands looks more respectable; it’s immediately obvious that the employee is in a hurry on some important matter. A person with empty hands creates the impression of a loafer and a slacker just hanging around the office, solving his own affairs.
4.Irritability and nervousness. In the presence of your superiors, you can try to look slightly irritated (the main thing is not to overdo it) - this will indicate that you are working under constant stress.