How a person is born. How did man appear? History of human origin

Human memory is a unique mechanism, the structure of which defies explanation. Writer Daniil Granin in his text discusses the questions: why is memory given to man, what is its meaning?

Emphasizing the inexplicability of the ability to selectively store information, the author draws attention to the fact that the very first 3-4 years of life do not remain in a person’s memory, although they play important in the formation of personality.

The writer considers this circumstance not accidental; there is some important meaning hidden in the forgetfulness of the first steps.

D. A. Granin gives examples autobiographical works, created by Leo Tolstoy, Maxim Gorky, Mikhail Zoshchenko, pointing to fragments of childhood memories of these outstanding people. He is sure that it is memory that shapes personality, gives individuality and fills inner world person. In this I absolutely support Granin.

Any memory stored in memory is a priceless treasure. But the worldview of a particular

person. It is very important what riches are stored in the soul: happy moments or old grievances.

Long memory distinguishes humans from other living beings. Chingiz Aitmatov in the novel “And longer than a century lasts a day” gives a legend about the mankurts. These people were deprived of their memory through torture, and they ceased to realize who they were. The Mankurts voluntarily turned into slaves because they forgot about the concepts of freedom and personality. I think this legend is an instructive parable, the essence of which is that a person without memory is not entirely human. Outwardly, he remains the same, but they lose their own “I”. Apparently, Aitmatov also came to the conclusion that personality is formed under the influence of memory.

Viktor Astafiev has a book of memoirs called “Zatesi”. This means marks on the trees along which people from the taiga return to their homes. I think that for the writer, memories were akin to such notches that prevented him from losing himself.

By memory, a person is tied to the most important sources - to childhood, family, people, to the small and large homeland. Therefore we must take care of it connecting link and increase your memory.

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(I) How a person is born, how he grows in his first
years, how he becomes a man - he himself does not know. (2) The beginning of life in memory
he doesn't have any left. (E) The most important thing is missing. (4) Memory of childhood appears to
three or four goals when “I” begins. (5)0 first years can be identified by
stories from parents and nannies:
some scenes, little words... (6) For some reason, nature hides the most tender, sweetest from people
period of his life (7) But for what? (8) What's the point of this?
has secrecy, because everything that nature creates is not accidental, by no means
not inevitable, not malicious.
(9) But then oblivion and memory are constantly fighting - you won’t understand what exactly we forget, why we forget this “person, good, smart, but remember this worthless one. (10) Memory manages to preserve something, something we manage to take away . (11 The remnants, those that are preserved, are the personality, it consists of memories, and above all children's.
(12) Memories. if anything, they need care. (13) It is useful to shake them up, refresh them, and comprehend them, especially the early ones. (14) It is no coincidence that Leo Tolstoy began his work with a story about his childhood. (15) At twenty-eight years old he took up memories - those, which is how they usually end up. (16) Maxim Gorky began writing “Childhood” at the age of forty-five. (17) And Mikhail Zoshchenko wrote “Before Sunrise” at the age of forty-nine and suffered for a long time, trying to restore his most early memory, primordial memory. (18) And in this matter he achieved rare results: it was a successful experience in this kind of memory restoration. (19) However, it seems that his work would have been easier the sooner he started doing it.
(20)Mnemosyne's Favorite Vladimir Nabokov the best way proved that childhood is the birthplace of the writer. (21) “Other Shores” is built from the treasures of childhood memory, this is a triumph of childhood memory. (22) By some miracle, he preserved the freshness of its colors, smells, and sensations.
(23) “Before my eyes, as well as before my mother’s, a huge coachman’s back in a blue ruffled padded jacket with a travel watch in a leather frame on his sash expanded, it showed twenty minutes to three.” (24) The end of the phrase should confirm the photographic device of Nabokov’s memory.
(25) One day. being in the USA. at the University of Kansas, I got into a conversation with a former friend of V. Nabokov. (26) He told interesting details about how Nabokov looked after his memory, one might say, cherished it (27) For example, during the years of his life in the USA and then in Switzerland, he did not acquire his own furniture or books. (28) Life in hotels and boarding houses made it possible. (29) He avoided acquiring things in every possible way - they, as he believed, took away his memory. (ZO) He tried to keep the world of his childhood intact in all micro-details...
(31) Remembering my life, I understand that much of the past has died in me and continues to die. (32) Memory is what was saved.
(According to D.A. Granin)

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Childhood is the happiest and carefree time human life. But, unfortunately, not everyone appreciates it or understands its importance too late. Daniil Granin, like many of us, wonders: why are childhood memories so important? This problem has always been relevant, because thanks to memories we can overcome life's difficulties. Answering the question asked, the author talks about Vladimir Nabokov, who “by some miracle” retained his childhood memory, despite living his life, full of travel.Just tried to save the world of your childhood untouched, refusing new furniture, new things and books. Thus, he preserved the world of childhood"in every micro detail." The author argues that personality is formed from memories, primarily childhood ones. It is difficult to disagree with the author’s opinion, since it is thanks to the memory of childhood that a person maintains his integrity and uniqueness. It is in childhood that the character of each of them is formed us, and memories are with

(1) How a person is born, how he grows in his first years, how he becomes a person - he himself does not know. (2) The beginning of life in memory
he doesn't have any left. (3) The most important things are lost.


Very often, while on a long journey or walking alone around the city, we are immersed in memories of the past, distant and not so distant, scrolling through and again analyzing moments that are especially important to us. And all this happens due to the fact that a person has the ability to store memories within himself. But what exactly is the value of memory? And what is its role in human life? D.A. offers us to answer these questions. Granin in his text.

The writer builds his arguments around several topics that interest him. Why does nature hide from man the most tender period of his life? And why are “oblivion and memory constantly fighting within us”? YES. Granin, revealing his own thought, designates memory as a part of the past that managed to escape. Moreover, he leads us to the idea that it is no coincidence that certain memories outweigh others in importance - “it is useful to shake them up, refresh them, and comprehend them, especially the early ones.” As an example, the author cites L.N. Tolstov and his story “Childhood,” which he wrote at the age of 28. YES. Granin emphasizes that childhood is the writer’s homeland, because it is in it that the brightest, first echoes of the perception of the surrounding reality are formed.

One cannot but agree with the writer's opinion. Indeed, a person’s personality is formed in childhood itself, and therefore the memories of those times are the most important among all others. Memory helps a person connect with his past, analyze and identify weak and strengths of their character, and perhaps in this way even solve some personal problems.

For example, A.S. Pushkin very often in his lyrical works turned to memories from childhood. In his poem “Message to Yudin,” the lyrical hero, contrasting his comfortable existence and the existence of those who see meaning only in increasing income, associates the ideal space for solitude with memories from childhood. He remembers his estate and sees in it a symbol of relaxation; remembers dinner parties and love dreams. It becomes clear that thoughts about the past, about his wonderful childhood bring the lyrical hero More fun than the real reality surrounding him. And in in this case The value of memory lies in the fact that the hero has the opportunity at any moment to immerse himself in the world that is ideal for him. And the context of the memories characterize him as a person to whom “glitter and deception” are completely alien.

As you know, a child sees the world with completely different eyes, noticing the most vivid and amazing details. The value and role of memory is also shown in the poem by K.D. Balmont “In a multi-colored garden, in a humble village...”. The lyrical hero describes with incredible delight the time in which he “grew up without much fuss.” He notes how he loved to enjoy solitude, nestled in the garden, looking at the stars, making his way through the thickets. Then everything around had its own specific meaning and was close to the little boy’s heart: “Every green grass was comforted, and the dragonfly was close...”. Childhood memories for lyrical hero- this is great happiness, because, immersing himself in them, he got the opportunity to feel like a small, carefree boy again, sincerely and truly those who love life.

Thus, memory is a kind of key to salvation from everyday life, an opportunity to immerse yourself in more happy times and understand for yourself that not everything is lost in this world. And therefore it is important to “shake up, refresh” your memories in order to go deeper each time and see newer and brighter details.

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Daniil Granin

It wasn't quite like that


How a person is born into the light of God, how he grows in his first years, how he becomes a man - he himself does not know. The beginning of his life does not remain in his memory. The most important thing is missing. The memory of childhood appears by the age of three or four, when the “I” begins. You can learn about the first years from the stories of parents, nannies, some scenes, words... For some reason, nature hides from a person the most tender, sweet period of his life. But for what? This secrecy makes some sense, because everything that nature does is not accidental, it is by no means negligence or malice. Be that as it may, D. was born in own mind late. Not even at three, but rather at five years old.

He found his father old. Much older than other fathers. And the mother was young. Next to her father, she was mistaken for his daughter. The father was embarrassed, and D. suffered for his father. Only when they were alone did pity for my father go away.

And not right away. To do this, they had to go somewhere. Father again became strong and tireless. The same thing happened when my father marked out cutting areas, made notches, and determined where the dead wood and bugs came from.

D.'s life did not turn out very normally from the first minute of his birth. We can say that he appeared at the most inopportune moment. Under New Year. Right at the ball. Ruined my mother's holiday. She was taken away from the table. Or from dancing. She later claimed that, despite her pregnancy, she danced. She was a dancer, a singer, and D. could have waited a year or two for her appearance. And for a day - for sure. Nevertheless, as if on purpose, he appeared just before the New Year, and the data differ: either he still managed to slip through before the clock struck, or after.

Human memory is a very complex and amazing mechanism. In many philosophical teachings, memory is considered as a basic ability human soul. Even the ancient Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle believed that the head and heart are rivals regarding which of them is the repository of the human soul.

Why is memory needed, what is its role in human life? D. discusses these questions in his text.

A. Granin. The author, wanting to emphasize the mystery of this phenomenon, draws attention to the fact that the very first years of life are not preserved in human memory, although they are very important for the formation of personality. The author believes that this is no coincidence; there is some important meaning in this.

Granin also uses the example of Russian writers - Leo Tolstoy, Maxim Gorky, Mikhail Zoshchenko - to say that they were able to find in their memory memories from their most early years life, they created autobiographical works.

As an example, let’s take Valentin Rasputin’s work “Farewell to Matera”. One of the main characters, Daria, strong in spirit woman.

She treats with love what reminds her of the past, what remains of it - home and family graves. They are like a symbol of memory for her. She tries to protect them at the moment when they are being destroyed by strangers, and when the island is about to disappear from the face of the earth, going under water. Alas, it is impossible to save the graves, but you can say goodbye to those who lived here before her. And as long as the memory remains alive, the thread connecting generations will never break.

And concluding, we can say that memory is the roots that connect a person with the most important thing in his life.

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Updated: 2018-01-30

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