How to be mentally strong, advice from a psychologist. How to learn to be strong

How do most people see a successful person? He is outwardly attractive, dressed to the nines, monitors his health, and is able to carry on a conversation on any topic. Also, colleagues and relatives of the accomplished careerist note that he has particular tenacity, steadfastness and a certain amount of optimism. Simply put, this is the same “strong-willed person.” How to become strong in spirit?

Never feel sorry for yourself

Showing self-pity is unacceptable for a strong-willed person, as it is a waste of time. Such people never indulge in complaints about disadvantages or failures in life.

The main thing here is understanding your responsibility and the ability to foresee the results of the actions taken. Any adversity is perceived as a lesson, and not a reason for despondency and complaints. If events do not unfold according to plan, then a successful person smiles at the problem and moves on with his head held high.

Say no to violence against others

A strong-willed person tries to control his behavior and emotions in relation to others, not to oppress or humiliate them, using his power. The awareness that one cannot assert oneself at the expense of others allows a careerist to stay afloat.

Happy to welcome change

A strong-willed person is by no means a conservative. He constantly expects something new and is not afraid to take risks in an unfamiliar situation. Constancy prevents such people from developing and improving. Changes, on the contrary, cause a surge of energy and help to show only the best personality traits.

Don’t get hung up on things you can’t change on your own.

Life is full of various events that a person cannot influence, for example, traffic jams, daily rain, the behavior of other people. The careerist takes all this for granted and is well aware that such facts cannot be controlled, which means that it is not worth wasting your energy and emotions on them.

Don't try to please everyone

Have you met people who are afraid that someone will not like them and do everything to become loved? Or their antipodes, who “going over their heads” try to create the impression of a strong person? Both positions are fundamentally wrong.

A strong-willed person shows kindness and tries to please only when it is truly appropriate. But he does not grovel before others, silently nodding his head, but is ready to express his opinion on any matter, even if it upsets someone.

Take smart risks

A careerist is not averse to taking risks, but with strict calculation, weighing the possible gains and losses, and taking into account even the worst scenarios.

Stop living in the past

Constantly thinking about past events, pleasant or not, does not bring any practical benefit. You need to be able to learn a lesson and appreciate the knowledge that was acquired a year or a day ago. Nostalgia and resorting to negative emotions waste energy. Instead, you need to start planning for the future and being active in the present.

To learn from your mistakes

Is there any point in repeating the same actions over and over again if the result does not change? It's much better to reconsider your tactics based on your experience and do things differently next time. Every successful leader is prone to self-reflection, which allows them to achieve more.

Don't be jealous of others' victories

Sometimes it is very difficult to get rid of the obsessive thought that someone was able to achieve success. Such thoughts never occur to successful people, because they know how to sincerely admire the achievements of others without experiencing feelings of disappointment or annoyance. Other people's victories inspire careerists to work harder, which in the end will definitely give the expected result.

Don't give in to failures

Any experience, be it positive or negative, turns out to be useful. Even famous athletes and successful entrepreneurs admit that no one is immune from ups and downs, especially at the beginning of their career path. Strong-willed people are always psychologically prepared for failure. They help you understand the essence and gain knowledge for further advancement. Any failure is a small step towards your goal.

Don't be afraid to be alone

For strong-willed people, loneliness is an opportunity to analyze the past, relate it to the present and plan for the future. Loneliness does not affect emotions in any way; a careerist is happy with or without company.

Don't assume that anyone owes you anything

A person who is the creator of his life and success must achieve it on his own, using his skills and knowledge, and not expecting someone to do it for him.

Don't expect instant success

Any business requires patience and hard work, so there are no instant results. Careerists understand this very well.

Hello dear readers. Every woman wants to become self-confident. Self-confidence is an important adequate behavior that serves as the key to success and effective achievement of goals. Today I want to raise the topic of how to become a strong woman and a confident woman. These are just simple tips and it is everyone’s right to follow them or not. Remember that a woman's strength is in her weakness. To be more precise, a woman’s strength is in her wisdom, in the ability to be herself, but at the same time showing strength when necessary, as well as weakness.

It is very important to be able to love life in all its manifestations, to enjoy every new day.

1 You must be able to prioritize in life, but only after yourself. We put ourselves and our needs first.

2. You need to know your worth. Be able to filter your surroundings. Pay attention to your surroundings, and under no circumstances allow yourself to communicate with people who drain your energy.

3. Learn in life understanding, patience, wisdom (understand something, accept, if necessary, adapt to someone and finally solve your situations).

4. Solve questions as they arise; you don’t need to think or invent anything.

5. Be able to be honest, first of all, with yourself. And if a woman is honest with herself, then she will be honest with others.

6. Realize that you are a beautiful, confident, wise woman, successful and happy. You don't need to be like someone or adapt to someone. No one will be you and you will not be anyone. Don't lose yourself and your identity. Discover new facets of yourself every day.

7. If you broke up with your loved one, this point is for you. Don't hold on to the past and past relationships. It was an experience and a life story. Don’t scold yourself, because growth in life is not possible without mistakes. Take everything as life lessons and be sure to benefit from it all.

8. A strong woman is not afraid to make mistakes. You and I, everyone, are not perfect. We all want a better quality of life. And as we walk this road, we need to remember. Life presents us with situations (lessons), not problems.

9. A woman’s happiness is not external, it is inside, in her thoughts, in her heart... Therefore, you need to be filled with positive thoughts every day and “cultivate” love within yourself.

10. The most important thing is not to see other people (women) as competitors. Don’t compare yourself with others, compare yourself with yourself yesterday, what successes you have achieved, what problems you have solved. Most importantly, praise yourself every day.

11. It is necessary to learn to enjoy the successes of other people (envy and anger are not appropriate here). Let other people's successes become an incentive for your own achievements and victories.

12. It is imperative to develop, life does not stand still, it is not appropriate here. Self-development is very important.

13. Stop complaining that everything that happens to you is “good.” Think that you are stronger today than you were yesterday.

14. Learn to forgive, because it is very beneficial. But first, be sure to forgive yourself; by forgiving yourself, it will be easier to forgive other people. Learn from situations and move on.

15. People can make your dreams come true, but under no circumstances let them do this. After all, as you develop, you improve the quality of your life every day. Don't let your efforts be ruined.

16. Periodically take an observational position, this will allow you to abstract yourself and look at yourself and your achievements from the outside.

17. When choosing growth and development, do not strive for perfectionism. When choosing ways to become a strong woman, it is important not to lose your valuable moments.

18. A sign of strength is open emotions. If you want to cry, you can allow yourself to do so.

19. Do not accept the opinions of people around you as the ultimate truth. It is important to listen to other people’s opinions, but to do as your heart tells you.

20. Dream, translate dreams into goals and objectives. Always be confident in yourself.

21. It is very important to take responsibility for your life once and for all. Therefore, we need to stop blaming everyone. This takes a lot of energy. Understand, your life is yours alone. No one will live your life for you.

22. Learn to focus on the main thing, don’t try to embrace the immensity.

23. Life gives us surprises every day. The main motto of life is faith in the best. “Everything will work out for the best for me.”

24. Protect yourself with prayers and positive attitudes. Don't forget to thank God.

25. Lightness, softness, and airiness are characteristic of women, remember this. A woman's strength is in her weakness.

Strength of mind is a quality that a successful person needs. It allows you to achieve your goals, fight difficulties, and overcome obstacles. It is easy for one person to be strong in spirit, while for another, inner strength is not immediately given. The good news is that it can be developed.

Why do you need to be strong in spirit?

Inner strength, or the core of personality, determines the quality of our life. A self-confident, persistent person succeeds in everything, he is self-sufficient, charismatic, easily makes decisions and reacts flexibly to a changed situation.

To become stronger in spirit, you need to work on yourself.

A person with a strong inner core does not have unfinished business, dramatic attachments to the past, hesitation and unnecessary suffering. He knows exactly what he wants, and this is his advantage over others. He will not look for excuses - he will simply finish what he started, get the result and move on.

You can strengthen your mental strength. What is it for? Here are some of the most important reasons:

  • a strong person wants to meet people halfway because charismatic people are attractive;
  • it is difficult to leave him for the same reason;
  • a person who is strong in spirit manages his own life and does not obey circumstances;
  • he is able to cope with any adverse conditions and come out of any situation with honor;
  • A strong person achieves a lot in life because he does not waste time, does not suffer in vain and is not distracted by trifles.

Of course, these are not all the reasons to learn how to become stronger in spirit. There are others, more relevant for some. Whatever they are, by strengthening your inner core, you can completely change your life and begin to understand the logic of what is happening around you.

How to learn to be strong in spirit

Inner strength is something that some people are gifted with at birth, and it is a luxurious gift. Others are given a chance to purchase it. Girls, whom nature has endowed with gentleness and the need to take care of others, often have to work on themselves. How to learn to be strong in spirit? Psychologists give simple recommendations.

  1. Never be afraid of anything in advance. If you are haunted by negative thoughts, do not drive them away, but follow them. We looked, appreciated, and moved on. Having reached the worst, you can overcome fear and gain inner strength.
  2. Never feel sorry for yourself. Learn to make responsible decisions and never blame others. Not with anything. Only you are responsible for everything in your life.
  3. Live in the present moment, not with thoughts about the past or dreams of the future. It's difficult, but necessary. Try it small: learn to record sensations here and now. Make a strong-willed decision to live in the present.
  4. Do as you see fit. Remember the saying of the English aristocrats: “Do what you must, and come what may.” This is the prerogative of a strong person.
  5. Enjoy everything new, even if it seems that the new is not as good as what was before. Change is a development that requires both energy and inner strength.
  6. Don't suffer for what you can't change. This is already in the past; wasting energy on negative experiences means losing strength.
  7. Accept failures with joy. Try to look at failure from a different perspective: as an opportunity. This is a lesson that makes you stronger because it gives you information and experience.

There are other ways to develop inner strength. Sports helps some people. For some, good books and teachers. In any case, we are talking about development.

A weak person is doomed to lose. When we observe those who are commonly called "wimps", their shortcomings quickly become apparent. But weakness of spirit is more widespread than it seems at first glance. It can also be disguised by a completely ordinary lifestyle: having a good job, an expensive car, etc. In this case, a person may subjectively feel disadvantaged.

He expects someone to bring him happiness and blames others for his sadness, looking for someone who can fill his emotional emptiness. A weak person is very sensitive to positive assessments from the outside. But all his searches can rarely be crowned with success. What strategies will help you become a psychologically strong person? Let's consider several methods.

Cultivate your ability to think positively.

To achieve lasting results, you need to practice daily. Become that person for whom the glass is not half empty, but half full. After all, a lucky person is not the one who has everything, but the one who is grateful for what he has.

Be curious.

For many people, curiosity is an inexhaustible source of happiness and strength. Practice it. This can be done in different ways: read good books, travel, educate yourself. Deepen your knowledge in the area that interests you.

Be patient.

Successful people never rush when making important decisions. They know when it is time to take the right steps and when it is better to wait a little. Therefore, a strong person rarely finds himself at the mercy of circumstances. Develop the skill of patience, and soon you will learn to see more opportunities to live a happy and fulfilling life.

Stop taking everything personally.

Those who go through unsuccessful periods and come out of them stronger know that the events that happened to them are not their fault. And no matter what people around them do, they also know: their actions are a manifestation of the character of these people, and nothing more. A strong person never succumbs to the delusion that “the whole world is against him.” Therefore, he will not waste time wondering why people act this way or that way, and why circumstances turn out in a certain way. Instead, he evaluates his real capabilities in relation to the situation.

Try to reduce your stress levels.

Its negative impact on health and daily life is obvious. But if you are thinking about how to become mentally stronger, then it is critical for you to ensure that stress does not become too much. The most effective ways to combat accumulated tension are outdoor recreation, sports, and meditation.

Focus on positive information.

Read motivating books, visit Internet sites dedicated to self-development and personal growth. The right information will help you feel better. You can find solutions to many problems in books and articles. It is not for nothing that they say that a person gets what he deserves in life. Psychological attitudes determine how we perceive the outside world. Ultimately, our real life depends on them. And, as thinking beings, we always have the right to choose what kind of information to fill our minds with to create the necessary attitudes.

Stop making predictions about the future.

What sets strong people apart is that they never do one thing. They don't try to predict tomorrow. And they don't waste a minute of their time on unnecessary thoughts, worries, or trying to understand what might happen next. A strong person understands: all that is in his hands is the present moment. And he also realizes that if his mind is occupied with the future, then there is no place in it for the present. This creates a risk of errors and omission of important details.

Fill your heart with love.

The word “love” here does not need to mean a romantic relationship. Just because you don't have a partner or lover doesn't mean there's no love in your life. Write a list of the things you like and the people you love. There may be a great many of these things, you just may not notice them. Love your parents, friends, nature, work, etc. Love will help you overcome any obstacles and difficulties.

We hope that these tips will help you become both a morally strong person and successfully overcome existing life difficulties. Often we want to change the world - if not the whole world, but at least that part of reality that concerns us. But, as you know, you always need to start with yourself. And remember – it’s never too late to start building your happiness and success.

Save this article for yourself, re-read it periodically, and constantly remember how truly strong-willed men behave.

1. Don't waste time feeling sorry for yourself.

You will never see a strong-willed person regret his sad situation, blame circumstances, or worry about how poorly he was treated. Such a person knows how to take responsibility for his actions and their results. He can come out of the test with honor, having learned a lesson and thanking life for it.

2. Don't use your power

Strong-willed people try not to use their power over other people or make their subordinates feel humiliated or bad. Successful people understand that their power lies in their ability to control their actions and emotions.


3. Don't be afraid of change

Strong-willed people embrace change and are willing to take risks. Their greatest “fear” (if there is one) is not the unknown, but the possibility of becoming complacent and stagnant. The time of change gives them energy and sharpens their best qualities.

4. Don't waste energy on things you can't control.

Strong-willed people do not complain long and tediously about traffic jams, lost luggage and, especially, about other people. They accept these facts as events beyond their control. In a difficult situation, successful people realize that the only thing they have control over is their own reactions and attitude towards the situation.

5. Don't worry about pleasing everyone.

Do you know people who try to please everyone? Or, on the contrary, those who go out of their way to harm others and thus strengthen their image of a strong person? Both of these positions are bad. Strong-willed people try to be kind and fair. And if they please others, then only where it is appropriate. At the same time, they are not afraid to express an opinion that may upset someone.


6. Don’t be afraid of reasonable risks

A strong-willed person is willing to take reasonable risks. But before that, he will carefully weigh all the risks, the magnitude of the gain and calculate the worst-case scenario even before (and if) events begin to unfold.

7. Don't regret the past

It takes special strength to accept the past and move on. Appreciate the things you have learned in the past, but don't waste your mental and spiritual energy on past disappointments and nostalgia. Mentally strong people invest their energy in creating the best possible present.

For example, Dan Bilzerian. He is a former military man, a rabid extreme sports enthusiast, a current American venture capitalist, and one of the funniest poker players. He was kicked out of the US Navy two days before completing his training course. And what? Dan is not upset at all. This is because he does not look back to the past, but quite the opposite - he looks forward with his head held high, creating his best future. And he does it in the company of auto racing, weapons, and busty beauties.

8. Don't repeat your mistakes

Quite often there are people who perform the same actions over and over again, hoping to get a different or better result than before. It's a pity for those. But the ability for accurate and productive self-analysis is one of the greatest strengths of apparently successful directors and entrepreneurs.

9. Don't be jealous of other people's success

Agree, it takes a special skill to feel sincere joy and admiration for the success of another person. Strong-willed people have this skill. They do not envy or feel unpleasant emotions when others achieve success. Successful people work hard to improve their chances of success and don't rely on clever shortcuts.