A person is intended to live in society, he must live in society, he is not a complete, complete person and contradicts himself if he lives in isolation. Approximate monthly housing costs

Theme description: School essay on the topic: On the role of man in society.

"The role of man in society."

Modern people live in a society, and therefore they are somehow forced to take part in some activities that are useful for the whole society. Probably, not a single civilized person can live without society, because this is how housing, food are acquired and various moral needs are satisfied. But if a person cannot live without society, can society do without a person?

Probably everyone understands that there is no such person without whom society would collapse. But also vice versa. I think not unnecessary person, because everyone has their own role and everyone is useful to others in some way. How is it determined what role will be played? special person? Does it depend on whether he will be a simple hard worker, a competent specialist, or a wealthy investor, or maybe even a politician?

I think that each person chooses for himself what role he will play in society. If he is persistent and goes towards his goal, no matter what, he is most likely to achieve it. The main thing is not to give up, after the “falls” this is probably the most key factor. Of course, there are various Unexpected situations, when everything will not go at all as planned, and maybe even radically the opposite. However, I doubt that if Putin had not wanted to become president, he would have become one, and also if Mendeleev had not worked so hard studying chemical elements, he would have dreamed of his famous table.

It is also worth noting that people should have different roles, and they cannot all become bosses at the same time, because if this is allowed, it will turn out that it is much more prestigious to simply be good worker and so that the bosses themselves fight for you, like for a prize at an auction.

(Painting by Kazimir Malevich "Rest. Society in Top Hat" 1908)

I personally made the following conclusion for myself: a person receives a role in society to the extent that he is indispensable. But in order to become truly indispensable, you need to do a tremendous amount of work and precisely in the area that given time most in demand. However, along with the above, it is worth considering that real world is very fickle and what is in great demand today may turn out to be of no use to anyone tomorrow and vice versa. Therefore, you need to have a goal and go towards it, but you also need to be diversified and be ready for unexpected changes.

Man is a social being. Therefore, it is not surprising that we constantly compare ourselves with others and listen to the opinions of others. They are the ones who dictate to us what we need to be in order to become happy and successful in this life. And if we fall short of the set “bar,” we feel inferior. Is this correct?

Social pressure

When a person is told what he must be like in order to squeeze into the framework supposedly prescribed by society, he may experience serious psychological and even physical discomfort. For example, a man is told that to achieve success in life he needs to work hard. As a result, he gets a job that he doesn’t like in principle, but is prestigious and lucrative; he gets up early every day to be at the office by nine, and sits there until nine in the evening, because only through overtime can he make a career.

A woman is told that in order to arrange her personal life, you need to be beautiful, well-groomed, and thrifty. And so she spends forty minutes every morning on her hair and makeup, constantly goes on diets, regularly goes to Gym, and on weekends it suits general cleaning and learns to cook dishes using recipes from the Internet. Although in fact she regrets the time spent on beauty, she is dying to eat fast food, and she hates exercise, cleaning and cooking.

If a person is constantly forced to do something that he does not like, then sooner or later the spring may unwind. A successful careerist can turn into, quit from promising company and go freelance or go to some island and get a job there as a lifeguard. A person who has made every effort to become ideal woman, can forget about everything and abandon cosmetics, diet and sports, and at the same time turn the apartment into something like a pigsty. True, this often happens after depression sets in.

Society does not approve of people who do not have a family, do not have children, and do not strive to earn money. In the eyes of others, such a person does not meet generally accepted standards, therefore, something is wrong with him.

Let's figure it out, why do we even need the approval of others?

Since ancient times, we have been afraid of being rejected by members of our community. IN primitive era those who behaved inappropriately general rules, were expelled from the tribe. And finding themselves alone among wild animals, they often died. Therefore, most of us feel the need to be accepted by the group. We try to become “one of our own” among our family, neighbors, colleagues, and friends. It seems to us that if we don’t play by their rules, we will have no one to rely on.

In fact, in our time, a person no longer needs to wage a serious struggle for existence. Wild animals that could tear us to pieces remained only in the deep forests and jungles. You can earn money for bread and sausage not only in the office, but also at home at the computer, and even on the beach in some exotic country. As for women who dream of finding and keeping partners, it is not at all a fact that they will love you for your grooming and ability to manage a household. There are a lot of slender, economical beauties who are completely alone, and there are women who do not give special significance their appearance, with a mess in their apartment, who are nevertheless happily married.

And having a family and children is not a guarantee of happiness. Many family people terribly unhappy, they live in constant voltage. And money, no matter how trivial it may be, does not solve all problems. But the real problem is how to earn them in large quantities.

How to stop depending on other people's opinions?

So maybe it's not worth it? Take at least the basic steps...

First, realize that there are no “ common standards right life"doesn't really exist. Nobody knows how to live correctly because everyone has different ideas about it.

Secondly, the opinions of other people belong only to them. Why should it be more valuable than your own?

Thirdly, there is no point in doing something just to win someone else's favor. If you try to adapt to others, sooner or later it will become very stressful for you. You can always find people who will accept you as you are.

Fourth, stop constantly comparing yourself to others. Each of us has our own path. The way a person lives is determined by a lot of factors, including the so-called “starting conditions”, abilities, desires, circumstances.

Therefore, the most correct thing would be to develop your own code of rules and principles, which you will adhere to. The only thing is that following it should not contradict universal human values. You can do whatever you want as long as it doesn't hurt other people.

(375 words) The relationship between man and society is a complex topic. It all depends on the temperament of the individual and the structure of the society in which he lives. It cannot be denied that society has a very important role in personality formation. From childhood, the environment sets the vector of behavior, teaches generally accepted standards. But the individual can also significantly influence the team, because the world is coming forward thanks individuals who fearlessly break the stereotypes of the past and seek new road for the future. Can we say that they are free from society?

Answers can be found in Russian literature. Gorky's story "The Old Woman Izergil" depicts the image of Danko, who sacrifices his life to save his tribe. The young man, despite the reproaches and hatred of his surroundings, strives to lead people out of the dark thicket, where swamp fumes prevent them from living. Society does not believe in the strength of its young leader and does not accept him. To give him faith in successful outcome, the hero rips his heart out of his chest. When his tribe reached a sunny plain suitable for living, Danko died, and his burning heart was trampled by his fellow tribesmen. The writer showed with this example that even outstanding man not free from society. Yes, the hero went against the crowd, but in its interests. A gifted person is obliged to serve for the good of society, otherwise humanity will remain in the darkness of ignorance and savagery.

In Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" main character does not want to serve society, because he condemns its vanity, pettiness and vulgarity. Ilya Ilyich does not find a place for himself in the system public relations, because he sees that many positions, social roles And imaginary callings, in fact, are useless in in a broad sense this word. They only form visible movement, some kind of material connections and values, but, in essence, they are only suitable for filling a person’s life and not letting him get bored. The hero sees the beauty of life not in the simulation of useful activity, but in reflection, creation and spiritual quest, closed within the confines of his personality. He is aware of the imperfection of the world and the influence of the crowd, so he consciously withdraws into himself - this is his solitary picket. Thus, Goncharov depicts the alternative choice of the individual and proclaims the human right to be free from society.

Thus, the answer to the question about the relationship between society and man depends on the era in which it is asked. IN Tsarist Russia The cult of individualism was popular, that is, a person could claim freedom from society. And on the eve of the revolution in the USSR, it was customary to give primacy to the collective, that is, the individual was controlled by it.

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About how they live simple people in Russia, writing is difficult. Because it hurts the soul... Many do not live, but survive. Especially those who are not used to dodging, deceiving others, or profiting from the misfortune of others.

Average earnings of a Russian according to official data

So how do ordinary people live in Russia? Differently. depends on income. And here a person who sets himself the task of finding out how ordinary people live in Russia will be overcome by a wave of bewilderment.

Statistics Federal service gives a completely acceptable figure - 32,600 rubles. Indeed, you can live quite decently on that kind of money. But this is what we get if we divide all the incomes of people, both ordinary and rich, by total number. That is, some are fattening, receiving a hundred thousand a month, and some, and they are the majority, Hence the conclusion that suggests itself is what to draw for yourself real picture It is impossible to understand how ordinary people live in Russia based on these data.

Real official salaries of Russian residents

However, there are other data by which one can imagine how much ordinary people receive for their work.

For example, if you calculate your salary based on employers’ proposals, taking into account the figures indicated for advertising purposes, then on average it will be 27,521 rubles. By the way, this data also cannot be trusted. After all, there is a “luring” of people here, an exaggeration. In many places, quite high average earnings are obtained due to the fact that the majority of workers work beyond the standard working hours, more than one rate.

Independent sociological survey shows a different figure, which fluctuates between 6,000 rubles and 18,000. And, strange as it may seem to people with normal incomes, such small salaries, below the subsistence level, is far from uncommon in Russia. In the provinces, for example, a kindergarten nanny - an assistant teacher - can receive 5,000 rubles. A school cleaner is offered... as much as 7,000 rubles for a full day of work! A janitor can get a job with earnings ranging from 3,000 to 9,000 rubles, again, according to employers who advertise for employment.

So draw a conclusion about how an ordinary person lives in Russia, gets by, receiving an amount for work that is less than the subsistence level.

Approximate monthly housing costs

Russians give the lion's share of the money they earn to pay for utilities. To live in a one-room apartment, a Russian citizen must pay 1,500 rubles or more monthly.

A separate item includes electricity, television antenna, and Internet. And this is about 1000 rubles more.

By the way, many tenants receive receipts for additional payment overhaul the house in which they live. Although a lot of materials are published on the Internet that this is being done illegally. It states that the “repair” column is already included in total amount housing fees. Moreover, in many houses the condition leaves much to be desired. Photographs of houses in neighborhoods of people who are not so wealthy as to buy luxury housing clearly demonstrate how ordinary people live in Russia.


The constantly rising cost of travel in public transport is also not encouraging. There are, of course, certain benefits established for pensioners, schoolchildren, students, and war veterans. But since an ordinary person lives in Russia, he is often forced to use private transport, not municipal transport, which is very difficult to wait for, especially during rush hour. And there all these benefits are fiction.

As a result, it will take (23*2)*2 (road to child care facility and back) +23*2 (way to work) = 168 rubles. With six days working week this will result in a tidy sum of 4032 rubles. And if the baby still attends some sections or clubs, music or dance school who are far from home, then transportation costs are even higher.

Is childhood a carefree time?

Get to the municipal kindergarten maybe not every child. Many children's institutions that still exist after the Soviet regime require (unofficially) an entrance fee, which ranges from 5 to 50 thousand rubles. Although, if the mother carefully joined the queue while she was still pregnant, then the likelihood of a four-year-old child getting into an organized children's group increases.

Schoolchildren also have to constantly pay either for repairs or for security. In some places, extortions are even made for the wages of cleaners. Despite the decrees, which say that one should not follow the lead of school management and pay them, parents choose the lesser of two evils, that is, they pay, since the children of “malicious evaders” are disliked by teachers. They are simply terrorized by constant humiliation and nagging.

How do older people live in Russia?

It's sad to know that after 45 it is very difficult to get a well-paid job. It is especially difficult for women in this regard. When looking for employees, employers often specify age limits.

Abroad, this fact would be recognized as discrimination and could appear in trial. For Russians, this has long become the norm. Therefore, many educated, qualified workers belonging to this category (women over 45 years old) are forced to use their skills and knowledge with a doormat in their hands or behind a private counter.

Our government, unfortunately, often turns a blind eye to the fact of how people live in Russia. Discussion of these issues is not strictly prohibited, but is practically not brought into the national arena.

Retirement has arrived - disaster! Open the gates for her...

It gets even worse when retirement age comes. Facilities mass media They enthusiastically praise the Russian government for its care for the elderly: they either increase pensions or issue credit cards to the elderly. And everything is supposedly in order.

However, credit cards give pensioners the opportunity to “get by” if there is a lack of funds from pension to retirement; they can only be used to buy goods in stores. Naturally, this opportunity is often not taken advantage of. And when you withdraw money, such a huge percentage is immediately charged, and 25% per annum is charged on the entire amount spent. Good help old people have nothing to say. An impression is being created that no one at the top even knows how ordinary people live or survive in Russia, but believe that everyone here is well-fed, warm and happy.

But if pensioners lived so well, they would not, on their own initiative, sit in any weather near shops and transport stops, offering passers-by some old things, items made with their own hands, vegetables and flowers grown on their plot. Don't think that older people don't know how to rest. It is unlikely that any of them would refuse a free trip to a holiday home or sanatorium, a trip abroad or a boat tour along the Volga. They just don’t offer it, unfortunately. But not everyone can pack for such a vacation on their own.

My village, dying...

It is impossible not to touch upon the problems of the rural hinterland when covering the question of how people live in Russia. it is difficult there to such an extent that most townspeople cannot even imagine it. There is practically no work, transport has been cancelled, shops and medical posts are closed. There is often no Internet, and the TV can only broadcast one or two programs. People are simply cut off from civilization. To get bread and salt, you have to walk five or six kilometers to a larger village in any weather.

Of course, this is not the case in all villages. However, in most small rural settlements everything is exactly like that. Speaking about how ordinary people live on the border of Russia and Belarus, we can say the same thing: most of the villages are abandoned, and the people have to survive as best they can.

Organization of leisure time for children and adults

Russians have long been accustomed to taking care of themselves. They are tired of waiting for someone to renovate the building in which they live with their own money and take care of the beauty of the area around their houses. Therefore, the walls of entrances painted by local craftsmen themselves are often pleasing to the eye. And the old women, creaking their joints, with difficulty plant flowers in front of their houses and water the seedlings. And some even manage to equip playgrounds with amazing swans made from tires, sculptures from plastic bottles, houses made from empty glass containers.

When talking about how people live in Russia, we cannot ignore the issue of their free time. If we compare the current state of affairs with the organization of leisure in Soviet period, then the gain will not be with modernity. Almost non-functional today free mugs, in which people different ages you can get together, do creativity and just communicate.

Therefore, special mention should be made of those rare organizations where there are still altruists who make efforts and spend their time working with people for free. These are, for example, literary associations, where experienced writers and poets teach beginners, share their work, and help promote the creativity of unrecognized talents.

With great love and gratitude from people of all kinds social levels enjoy the festivals of art songs and poetry, which are held by the public. Almost anyone can come there and take part completely free of charge, both as a spectator and as a performer of their own works.

The author, with his statement, touches on the problem of the role of society in people's lives. He claims that a person can only exist in society, he is created in society, he will not be considered a person if his life activity is outside of society; being in society is the main essence of a person.

Let's start with the definition of society and man. Society is forms of organization and methods of organization joint activities of people. That is, the place where people interact; a place that is impossible without the presence of people in it.

Man as a term, in social science is used as bio social creature, representing the highest level in the development of living organisms on Earth. We see that even in the definition from the textbook, a person is a social being, that is, a being living in society.

I think we must agree with the author's statement.

Arguments supporting our position include: social institutions. A person cannot satisfy certain needs alone. To do this, he needs to unite with other people. Such needs include reproduction, security, livelihood, and education.

After all, if there was no education, then a person would not be able to undergo socialization and would not be adapted to life. Take the examples of Mowgli children. Only a few abandoned children outside society were able to survive. And even then, they were adapted only to life among animals, not reminiscent of humans in any way.

Thus, based on the above, a person is capable of being a person only in his environment, that is, in society.