In the word blizzard there is a soft separating sign. Dividing soft sign - professional teacher

Purpose of the lesson: developing ideas about various functions soft sign and separator sign.

  • form a method of thinking to determine the writing of a dividing soft sign and a soft sign indicating the softness of a consonant;
  • arouse interest in mastering this spelling;
  • continue working on calligraphy.

Equipment: Luntik doll, task cards.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment


Good afternoon guys! Today at our lesson we will have a fairy-tale man as our guest. Can you guess who it is by the voice? (The voice of the talking doll Luntik is heard)

II. Updating of reference knowledge

Prepare your notebooks:

“I’ll open my notebook and put it on an angle.”

“I won’t hide it from you, friends, this is how I hold my pen.”

“I’ll sit straight, I won’t bend, I’ll get to work.”

Recording the date.

- Guys, Luntik did not come to us empty-handed, he brought tasks.

The words are written on the board: Skates, blizzard, blizzard, ice hole, coat.

– Read the words carefully.

– What unites them into one group? (The words read relate to the theme “Winter”.

– How are they similar? (All words contain b)

- Let's do a sound-letter analysis of these words and count the number of letters and sounds in each word.

– Why did some words have more letters than sounds? (Since b does not indicate a sound)

– What other letter does not represent a sound? (b)

– Which word is missing? (Snowstorm)

- Why? (It has the same number of letters and sounds)

- How did it happen that the word “blizzard” has 5 sounds and 5 letters, since we just said that b has no sound? (The vowel letter "yu" represents 2 sounds)

– What other vowels represent 2 sounds? Name them. (E, Yo, Yu, Ya)

III. Calligraphy

– Let’s make a chain of letters, connecting b with vowel letters that represent 2 sounds. We speak in a chain and write with me:


– Write the line to the end, following the pattern.

IV. “Writing from memory.”

– Let's return to our “winter” words. Let's read them as we write them. Let's say the words with our eyes closed.

– Open your eyes and write down the words from memory, emphasizing the spelling:

Skates, blizzard, coat, ice hole, blizzard.

Examination: frontal work. Children name spellings.

V. Make up sentences using these words. (Children's answers)

- Luntik also came up with a proposal. (“Blizzards and blizzards flew away in February”)

– Read the sentence and think about why they say this? (Recording a sentence with pronunciation “in a chain”).

Assignment: sort the sentences by members.

Check: name the main parts of the sentence.

Physical education minute.

VI. Let's continue our lesson.

– What is soft sign in words: blizzard, February? (Indicator of softness of consonants).

– What about the word “blizzard”? (Separating soft sign).

- So, what is the topic of our lesson? (Separating soft sign).

– Look, Luntik is holding an envelope in his hands, let’s see what’s inside the envelope. (Question)

– Luntik has prepared a question for us.

– Read the question that Luntik prepared. (“When is a soft separator written in words?”)


– To answer this question, let’s complete the tasks (work in groups).

  1. Divide these words into two groups. Happiness, coat, family, blizzard, teacher, raining, skates, strong.
  2. Write each group in a separate column and supplement with your own examples.

– Read the first group of words. (Second):

– On what basis did you distribute the words into columns? (Depending on what role the soft sign plays in the word).

- Guys, what role does the soft sign play in the words of the first column? (Second?)

- Look carefully at the words and let’s answer Luntik’s question: “Where is the separating soft sign found?”

– Pay attention to the vowels that come after the soft separator. (The separating soft sign is written before the vowels: e, e, yu, i.

– To remember when a soft separating sign is written, let’s learn a poem and at the same time relax:

To my left is a consonant,
On the right - e, e, i, yu, i.
So that there is no merger,
I separated them cleverly.

– What other condition was revealed in order to write a soft separating sign in a word? (In the word, there must be a consonant letter to the left of the separating soft sign. The sound Y must be heard between the consonant and the subsequent vowel).

– Give examples where words contain a soft separator.

VIII. Consolidation of the studied material.

– Write down the plural words that I will call: friend, tree, sparrow, wing, feather.

– Complete tasks:

    Underline the studied spelling in the written words.

    Make a sound - literal parsing the words "feathers".

IX. Lesson summary. Checking the assimilation of the studied material.

– What topic did we study in class today?

– When is a soft separator written in words?

– What difficulties did you have in the lesson?

– Let’s check how you have mastered this topic. I will name three words, where there is a separating soft sign, you will put a “plus”, where there is not, you will put a “minus”.

– Connect all the pluses with a line. What number did you see? Raise your hands, who got an A?

Well done! Make a note of this in your diaries. Thank you for the lesson!

Russian language 2nd grade (1-4)

Topic: “Soft separating sign in words”

Goal: To acquaint students with the rule of using the separator b in writing, to update knowledge about the spelling of the separator b, to enrich lexicon students.

    Org. moment. We write down the date.

Calligraphy. On the board: b, d, r, d, h

– Which of these letters is the odd one out?

– The letter r, because it denotes an unpaired voiced consonant sound.

The teacher writes on the board with comments on the letters P and r: Straight inclined stick with a curve to the left; we write from left to right, we draw a semi-oval line. R - we begin to write lines on the top ruler, straight down, repeat until the middle of the line, make a curve to the right, lower the straight line down and make a curve to the right, touching the bottom ruler.

Make a chain of letters consisting of lowercase letter R.

2. Vocabulary and spelling work.

On the desk:


Which of these words is redundant according to three criteria?

(the word health, because in this word the stress falls on the second syllable, it begins with a consonant sound and the letter Z, it has 8 letters)

How do you understand the meaning of the word health? (Children's answers)

Now try to summarize what you said about the meaning of the word health (children's answers).

IN explanatory dictionary Ozhegova explains the meaning of this word as follows: health is normal condition, well-being of the human body.

3. Logical exercise. Text on the board or cards:

Friends - Tatyana, Daria, Ilya - decided to improve their health: do exercises, skate, ski. Daria liked skating most of all; Ilya did not always choose skiing. Determine how each child improved their health? (Daria - skates, Ilya - exercises, Tatyana - skis).

Name from our logic exercise words in which b is written.

(The teacher and students name and underline the words: friends, Tatyana, Daria, Ilya, strengthen, health, do, run, skate, skate)

4. Work in groups.

Think and distribute these words into two columns according to a certain sign.

Checking the work: on the board and in notebooks:

Friends do

Tatiana run

Daria ride

Ilya skates


By what criteria did you classify these words?

In the 1st column there are words in which b separates, in the second column there are words in which b softens consonants.

Write down the words of column 1 using sounds: Group 1 – friends; Group 2 – Ilyusha; Group 3 – health; Group 4 – skates.

On the board are sound and letter recordings of words (mutual checking of work using these recordings):

Dru h,y,a,and l, y, usha, great V,y,uh,ka n,k,and

Friends, Ilyusha, health, skates

Which words contain a soft separator? In which words – b – is an indicator of softness?

What letter is written after the separating letter b?

(The teacher makes a note on the board:

b E

What sound is heard after the separating b? (sound Y)

Draw a conclusion.

The soft separating sign is written after soft consonants, before the vowels i, e, e, yu, and, if the sound Y is heard in these words.

Complete our diagram. (Work in groups)



5. Physical exercise. "Sieve".

If the word has a soft separator, then you squat; if not, then you jump.

Ear, ears, brother, take, brothers, twigs, seven, family, wing, porch, wings, pours, pours, live, life, twist, flow.

6. Fixing the material.

Tell me, what new did you learn in this lesson?

When is the separating b written?

What else did we talk about?

How do you take care of your health?

Read the proverbs and explain their meaning:

Health is more valuable than wealth. Physical education and work bring health. Mind and health are more valuable than anything.

7. Independent work. Continue the chain of words, underline the separating b.

Hare, wolf,...

Crow, magpie, ...

8. Checking the work.

9. Homework: write down 10 words with a separating b, without repeating the cool ones.

I was looking for a soft sign
Soft release,
Like a glove, like a shoe -
The case is amazing!
I looked at the calendar -
Is January good for me?
No, January is not the example
January is not suitable here!
Why? Yes because:
What should he share in the end?
A dividing sign!
The search... tedious!
I close the calendar
Come on, give me a dictionary!
ABOUT! What happiness!
Snowstorm. It's blowing. Bad weather.
Wings. Avian. Marya.
Hives. Chairs. Daria.
Here it is, here it is, here it is - a sign
Soft separator!
In every word! Everyone sees
My sign is amazing!
It's between the letters!
Ahead is a consonant,
Behind – E, Yo, I, Yu, Ya.
This is a great find!!! N. Pikuleva

Before E, Yo, I, Yu, I
I stand in the roots, friends.
Sparrows, family, housing -
Before I, Yu, I, E, Yo.

I'll go into the wet ground,
I will rise towards the sun like an ear.
And on me people like me
Will whole family. (Seed)

Nightingales, linen, streams,
Leaves, wings, chairs, whose,
Stakes, feathers, holes,
Blizzard, autumn, bench.

Ears of corn, snowstorm and gun.
Jam, play and spear,
Trees, stakes and rook,
Students, brothers, sons...
The words collected here are not in vain:
What is the rule about them, friends?
Autumn, autumn, days,
Boy, perch, perches,
Stakes, chairs and bench,
Wings, brothers and family.
Tell me why and how
Does it serve as a soft sign in speech?

Lost soft sign
Why did this happen:
Lost soft sign!
Soft separator,
The most amazing.
The soft sign is lost -
This is not a trifle at all!
I looked for him under the bed.
And in the locker where I pay,
And pushed back the chair -
I turned the whole house upside down.
No, there is no way to find him!
Well where is it, where is it
soft sign?
And it was all my fault!
After all, my name is mine, my friend,
I wrote it like this: Ilya!
And the soft sign got angry!
Ran away from home
Slammed the door!
Now the words don't sound right -
And I can’t believe my ears!
- Help the hero of the poem.
Find misspelled words and write them correctly.
Prove that you need to write this way.

Complete the lines of the poem with words from the column.
The soft sign didn't help
The blizzard is lashing and..., sign
Hit you in the face with cereal..., loose
Very tough and..., prickly
Despite the soft... this way Ya. Akim

Make up and write down a sentence:
half a bucket, Valery treated me to trout,
I caught trout, Daria, and Lukerya

Duel of literati
(mutual dictation; dictate words in singular, write in plural)
brother sheet
ear runner
wedge son
link feather
shred of bitches
log wing
friend rod
com chair

Write it down in one word
Berries or fruits boiled in sugar.
Small wintering birds with gray-black plumage; They almost always live next to humans and often live in flocks.
Brown-gray migratory birds, distinguished by their beautiful singing.
Insects that build their common home in the form of a heap of needles, leaves, and lumps of earth.


The snow has melted. It smelled like dirt,
Thunder rolled in the sky.
Ants under an old spruce
The whole family is building a house. V. Stepanov

We celebrated a housewarming party -
What fun, so much fun!
We sat on the floor
Ate on the newspaper
They gave everyone a pie
And a big cutlet!
Even grandma laughed:
“Without a table - a feast!”
Nothing, but now
And we have freedom. E. Grigorieva

I'm happy with the new role
But I pray every moment,
So as not to be eaten by moths
The wig I need in the play.

We drove stakes into the ground,
So that everyone knows our site.
Kolya also helped:
He wrote a sign.
Now all the people know
Whose garden is growing here?

The seed will grow into a huge pumpkin -
All you need is work, patience and time.
I will work tirelessly -
There will be a family with pumpkin porridge.

Little cook
I'm in boiling water
I fall asleep on the horns.
I salt them to taste
And I stir with a spoon.
I'll salt the water later,
I'll pour sauce over the horns.

Very strong, friends,
Ant family.
Together they are all strong
Although they are not visible in the grass.

Pinocchio took the pen,
To write a letter to Pierrot.
Artemon is waiting at the table -
The fastest postman.

The sun warms the earth,
Ice is driving off our hill.
The snow woman is melting
And tears flow in streams.

The clouds are dark and large
They take flight.
Quickly run for an umbrella:
It's going to rain from them now.

Our vegetable beds
I'll work tirelessly.
If the rain doesn't come to us,
I’ll water them myself later.

Selective dictations

I'll tell you a riddle,
And you solve it!
Who puts a patch on their heel?
Who irons and mends the linen? E. Blaginina

The whole family loves Lelka:
Little Lelka.
She has no life from her elders:
She's only three years old. A. Barto

Who saw us
In Andryushka's store?
He's the best
I chose a toy.
He chose a gun
And the seller said:
“You will be a hunter.
Well done!" S. Mikhalkov

They beat him, but he is not angry,
He's having more and more fun
Because without beating
There is no life for the ball. V. Berestov

The lion and the tiger have claws,
Like sharp blades.
In the mouth of a lion and a tiger
Terrible fangs.
And lies have no mouth,
No hidden claws
But in the whole White World
There is nothing worse. R. Seph

The seal lies all day long,
And he is not too lazy to lie down.
It's a pity, the seal is diligent
Not an example to follow.

Flags flutter at the gates,
Blazing with flames.
See, the music is coming
Where the trams were. S. Marshak

The blizzard sees this miracle:
Sun, willow and starling,
The blizzard frowns from the light,
The blizzard melts at the porch. L. Zubkova

Sparrows near a puddle
They circle in a noisy flock.
Cautious fox
She went to the stream to drink. G. Ladonshchikov

blue, blue skies and streams.
Splashing in blue puddles
A flock of sparrows. E. Trutneva

Dressed in fresh greens
Parks, streets, fields...
In a sea of ​​sunshine
The earth is sinking. A. Aleksin

Ants are building their own city
Just south of the pine tree. B. Raevsky

Maples have different leaves:
Green and red. L. Zubkova

Harsh breathes in autumn
Clear water.
The trees have shed their leaves,
Facing the cold. G. Ladonshchikov

In December, in December
All trees are in silver. S. Marshak

And they leave the water -
To the right are crow's crosses,
To the left are hare tracks.

Come to us, friends,
I chose this tree! S. Mikhalkov

Sparrows jumped around
Apparently they were looking for food for themselves. O. Vysotskaya

My friends and buddies
We didn't waste any time. L. Zubkova

Immediately visible to everyone
The inscription on the plate.
We read names -
All cow names. E. Tarakhovskaya

Folk signs
Storm during the day – frost ………….. .
The snow …………… is melting large - which means wait for a thaw.
Before frost, tits huddle close to ………………….
……………… chirped in unison - to the thaw.

Words for reference: night, cereal, housing, sparrow.

Proverbs (b-m, b-p)

Work for six days, and on Sunday serve God and your neighbor.
Everyone is the smith of his own happiness.
The book decorates in happiness, and consoles in misfortune.
Happiness is not in the air, but achieved through hard work.
Happiness is in work.
Happiness and unhappiness are like day and night.
A small deed is better than a big idleness.

Health is more valuable than wealth.

Repetition is the mother of learning.
Learning is not torment if you have the desire.
Without study and labor, food will not come to the table.
Learning is the path to skill.
The bird is red in feathers, but man is in skill.
Without learning there is no skill.
The skill will find application everywhere.
Without skill, strength has nothing to do with it.

From desire to fulfillment, apply patience.
Without patience there is no skill...
With great patience comes skill.
All patience comes to an end.

Mind and health are more valuable than anything.
They don't beat with a spear, but with their minds.
A mind without a book is like a bird without wings.
Honor is better than dishonor.

Friendship is strong not through flattery, but through truth and honor.
A bird is strong with its wings, and a man is strong with friendship.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Don't leave your friend in misfortune.
Nightingales are not fed fables.
Two friends - frost and blizzard.
Streams will merge - a river, people will unite - strength.
The ant army will defeat the lion.
Cats squabble - mice have fun.
February is heavy with snowstorms, and March is heavy with rain.

Don't learn by idleness, but learn by handicraft.
Ropes are not made from sand.
Don't shoot sparrows with a cannon.
There is no joy in idleness.
Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

Stigma like a cake,
Legs with hooves,
Thick belly
The tail is like shavings. Pig.

Self-dictation or “Give me a word”

Oh, what a delight -
Strawberry… jam

Come on, let's hit it with a hammer more fun,
Stronger, stronger, we’ll hammer the carnations...

Why should I be afraid of the cold!
I'm used to being toughened up.
The crane is happy, the crane is laughing -
Water is pouring on me...

There is fun in the birch grove:
The rooks are celebrating...a housewarming party. V. Stepanov

Our grandmother has enough worries:
For her granddaughter Natasha she knits and... sews

The purpose of the lesson: to develop ideas about the various functions of a soft sign and a dividing sign.

  • form a method of thinking to determine the writing of a dividing soft sign and a soft sign indicating the softness of a consonant;
  • arouse interest in mastering this spelling;
  • continue working on calligraphy.

Equipment: Luntik doll, task cards.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment


Good afternoon guys! Today at our lesson we will have a fairy-tale man as our guest. Can you guess who it is by the voice? (The voice of the talking doll Luntik is heard)

II. Updating of reference knowledge

Prepare your notebooks:

“I’ll open my notebook and put it on an angle.”

“I won’t hide it from you, friends, this is how I hold my pen.”

“I’ll sit straight, I won’t bend, I’ll get to work.”

Recording the date.

- Guys, Luntik did not come to us empty-handed, he brought tasks.

The words are written on the board: Skates, blizzard, blizzard, ice hole, coat.

– Read the words carefully.

– What unites them into one group? (The words read relate to the theme “Winter”.

– How are they similar? (All words contain b)

- Let's do a sound-letter analysis of these words and count the number of letters and sounds in each word.

– Why did some words have more letters than sounds? (Since b does not indicate a sound)

– What other letter does not represent a sound? (b)

– Which word is missing? (Snowstorm)

- Why? (It has the same number of letters and sounds)

- How did it happen that the word “blizzard” has 5 sounds and 5 letters, since we just said that b has no sound? (The vowel letter "yu" represents 2 sounds)

– What other vowels represent 2 sounds? Name them. (E, Yo, Yu, Ya)

III. Calligraphy

– Let’s make a chain of letters, connecting b with vowel letters that represent 2 sounds. We speak in a chain and write with me:


– Write the line to the end, following the pattern.

IV. “Writing from memory.”

– Let's return to our “winter” words. Let's read them as we write them. Let's say the words with our eyes closed.

– Open your eyes and write down the words from memory, emphasizing the spelling:

Skates, blizzard, coat, ice hole, blizzard.

Check: frontal work. Children name spellings.

V. Make up sentences using these words. (Children's answers)

- Luntik also came up with a proposal. (“Blizzards and blizzards flew away in February”)

– Read the sentence and think about why they say this? (Recording a sentence with pronunciation “in a chain”).

Assignment: sort the sentences by members.

Check: name the main parts of the sentence.

Physical education minute.

VI. Let's continue our lesson.

– What is the soft sign in the words: blizzard, February? (Indicator of softness of consonants).

– What about the word “blizzard”? (Separating soft sign).

- So, what is the topic of our lesson? (Separating soft sign).

– Look, Luntik is holding an envelope in his hands, let’s see what’s inside the envelope. (Question)

– Luntik has prepared a question for us.

– Read the question that Luntik prepared. (“When is a soft separator written in words?”)


– To answer this question, let’s complete the tasks (work in groups).

  1. Divide these words into two groups. Happiness, coat, family, blizzard, teacher, raining, skates, strong.
  2. Write each group in a separate column and supplement with your own examples.

– Read the first group of words. (Second):

– On what basis did you distribute the words into columns? (Depending on what role the soft sign plays in the word).

- Guys, what role does the soft sign play in the words of the first column? (Second?)

- Look carefully at the words and let’s answer Luntik’s question: “Where is the separating soft sign found?”

– Pay attention to the vowels that come after the soft separator. (The separating soft sign is written before the vowels: e, e, yu, i.

– To remember when a soft separating sign is written, let’s learn a poem and at the same time relax:

To my left is a consonant,
On the right - e, e, i, yu, i.
So that there is no merger,
I separated them cleverly.

– What other condition was revealed in order to write a soft separating sign in a word? (In the word, there must be a consonant letter to the left of the separating soft sign. The sound Y must be heard between the consonant and the subsequent vowel).

– Give examples where words contain a soft separator.

VIII. Consolidation of the studied material.

– Write down the plural words that I will call: friend, tree, sparrow, wing, feather.

– Complete tasks:

    Underline the studied spelling in the written words.

    Make a sound-letter analysis of the word “feathers”.

IX. Lesson summary. Checking the assimilation of the studied material.

– What topic did we study in class today?

– When is a soft separator written in words?

– What difficulties did you have in the lesson?

– Let’s check how you have mastered this topic. I will name three words, where there is a separating soft sign, you will put a “plus”, where there is not, you will put a “minus”.

– Connect all the pluses with a line. What number did you see? Raise your hands, who got an A?

Well done! Make a note of this in your diaries. Thank you for the lesson!