What are the types of uppercase and lowercase letters? ​UX text: lowercase and uppercase letters

Do you see the difference between the messages? The left one has more capital letters than the right one. Big "O", small "o". But who cares, right?

If you write text for an application or website, there should be a difference for you. Uppercase and uppercase letters are important. They affect readability, comprehension, and usability. And even on how people perceive the brand.

Headline vs. Proposal

Almost all products or websites use two styles: Headline or Offer.

Title - each word begins with a capital letter;

A sentence - only the first word begins with a capital letter.

If you use Apple technology, you have noticed that all words in interface messages begin with capital letters. Apple guidelines recommend capitalizing words in UI elements: messages, buttons, and menus.

If you use Android, you’ve seen that they use “Suggestion”: the company’s guidelines recommend writing it this way.

Let's figure out when and how to use the Heading and Sentence styles in UX texts. Go.

What's good about the title?


Some designers believe that the Header is better because it is symmetrical. And also capital letters at the beginning of each word they give rhythm to the phrase:

Visual weight

Capital letters look like raised hands and attract attention. If you use different styles, "Heading" is what you need.

Have you noticed that the title on the left pop-up seems larger than the one on the right? I'm sure it will definitely be read.


Capital letters appear important and formal. For example, the New York Times or USA.gov use capital letters in their titles. It's Professional. Seriously. Authoritatively.

Capital letters are like a classic suit. Some brands require them.

Example: if you are involved in business process security, then capital letters are suitable for the interface. They inspire trust and speak of professionalism.

What's good about the offer?


Example: Can you imagine how hard it is to read words in a long text?


Google UX writer Sue Factor says "Sentence" is a clear style for programmers and designers: every phrase begins with capital letters. This rule is.

But the “Header” is not always clear to those who develop the interface. For example, is the tab name the title? What about mail settings: header or body text?

Also, there are no clear rules for the “Title”. For example, how to write “from” or “through”: capitalized or uppercase? What about articles?

Example: Apple guidelines. It contains advice on which words to capitalize.


“Heading” is formal and “Sentence” is simple and friendly text.

Example: At Dropbox we use Suggestion because we want to be informal and natural. We believe our product's voice is different from our competitors and we use The Proposition to differentiate ourselves.

Clear proper names

In the "Proposal" proper names are visible at first glance. (Proper nouns are parts of speech that are always capitalized. For example, Microsoft or New York Times.)

Many companies capitalize their names or functions, for example “Mail”, “Calendar”, “Spark”. If you use capital letters everywhere, it is unclear where the name is and where it is just a word.

Other examples

"Headline" and "Sentence" are two popular ways to write text for apps and websites. But not the only ones.

Example: on Windows Phone 8 almost all interface text is lowercase only. Even headers and buttons.

Example: GIPHY - text is in capitals only. This makes sense, since memes and gifs are usually written in all caps.

Create your own style

There are pros and cons to “Headline” and “Sentence”. No matter which one you choose, make sure the style matches your brand voice.

The worst thing you can do is not define standards and create inconsistent text. This can become a problem in the future: if users ever see inconsistency in the interface, they will begin to lose trust in your brand.

Instead of a conclusion

What do you like better in the interface: “Headline” and “Sentence”? CAPS LOCK or capitals? Or maybe you are a rebel and make up your own rules?

Share your opinions, write comments and questions on the topic.

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Hello everyone, dear readers and visitors of this resource. In today’s short article, I will tell you what lowercase and uppercase letters are in a password created for your iOS-based mobile gadget: iPhone or iPad.

Lowercase and uppercase letters

In iPhone, lowercase letters are letters written in lower case, i.e. small letters. For example, the following letters are lowercase, written in lowercase: a, b, c.

Capital letters are letters written in upper case, i.e. capital letters, large letters. For example, the following letters are capital letters, written in uppercase: A, B, C.

I hope you understand what lowercase and uppercase letters mean when creating a password for your mobile iOS gadget, be it an iPhone or iPad.

How to enable capital letters

To enable capitalization, you need to do the following:

The security of your Apple account directly depends on the strength and quality of the password you create. I don’t think it’s worth reminding how important this is, i.e. A credit card is linked to your Apple account, and its security is paramount. So pay maximum attention to password security and strength. Follow these recommendations:

  1. Any password must consist of lowercase and uppercase letters, as well as special characters (for example, the %) sign. If this condition is met, it will be almost impossible to hack your password through brute force;
  2. The password should not be tied to your data and dates. For example, some people like to make passwords derived from birthdays or birthdays of loved ones. Under no circumstances should you do this, because... attackers will primarily select passwords of this type;
  3. Change your account passwords as often as possible. This simple action will eliminate all efforts aimed at guessing your password before replacing it. Don’t be lazy, safety comes first, especially since this can be done literally in a few minutes;
  4. Be sure to use antivirus programs. This simple tip, and most importantly its implementation, will help you improve the security of your password and Apple account. Also, for security reasons, I do not recommend that you save your passwords in your browser.

That’s all for me, if you still have any questions regarding today’s material, you can ask them in the comments to this post. See you in the next articles.

Uppercase and lowercase letter are letters used every day for writing. The first is the capital letter (large), and the second is smaller in size (small).

A little history

Initially, when writing, only those whose boundaries (upper and lower) were clearly defined were used. Over time, cursive writing developed, and the letters acquired a more rounded shape. This is how the foundations of the so-called Carolingian minuscule writing arose, which was developed by the scientist Alcuin. It was used at the court of Charlemagne, and over time this letter spread throughout Europe. This is the first time single text began to contain lowercase and capital letters.

Uppercase and lowercase letters

The use of uppercase and lowercase letters is one of the most complex problems modern Russian spelling. Constant change realities entails a change in the spelling of these letters. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly study new editions of reference books and dictionaries, which must necessarily reflect such innovations.

But despite this, there are basic principles for the use of uppercase and lowercase letters. They help you understand the writing of large and small letters, even if some word is not in the dictionary.

Rules for using capital letters

The following are written with a capital letter:

Rules for using lowercase letters

A lowercase letter is written if it is a component:

  • articles, prepositions, particles in Western European names and (Ludwig van Beethoven);
  • personal names that serve the purpose of ironic or negative evaluation (newly appeared Luzhins);
  • nouns formed from surnames and personal names (Oblomovism);
  • components of Turkic and Arabic names that indicate family relationships or social status(al, zade, bek, aha);
  • names of units of measurement that were given by the name of the scientist (ampere);
  • words earth, moon, sun, which are not astronomical names;
  • adjectives containing a suffix -sk-, denoting belonging, formed from proper names (Chekhov's pages);
  • names of titles and positions (deputy minister, mayor);
  • abbreviations formed from common nouns (university - higher education institution).

Also, a lowercase letter is written in names:

  • geological eras and periods, archaeological cultures and eras (Mesozoic era);
  • positions and titles, international organizations, as well as the highest foreign elected institutions (Emperor of Japan, Major General, Ambassador);
  • authorities plural(Ministry of Russia);
  • animal breeds (Keeshond dog);
  • institutions whose names are not proper names(school No. 592).

Principles of using lowercase and capital letters

Having studied the above rules, we can identify the basic principles on the basis of which lowercase and capital letters are used. So:

  • Isolating specific segments of sentences (text) is a syntactic principle.
  • Highlighting certain words in the text:

1) A lowercase letter is written in a capital one - in proper names - a morphological principle.

2) A capital letter is written in common nouns endowed with special symbolism or pathos (Man, Fatherland), in the names of holidays ( New Year, Victory Day) is a semantic principle.

3) A capital letter is used in abbreviations made up of the first letters.

It is necessary to distinguish

As already mentioned, a lowercase letter is written in adjectives that contain the suffix -sk-, denoting belonging and formed from proper names. That's why "Pushkin's prose" is written with a small letter. But with a suffix -sk-, having the meaning of a name in honor of someone's memory, are written with capital letters. For example, "Lomonosov Readings".

Word: lowercase and uppercase letters

Due to rapid development information technologies, gained wide popularity Microsoft program Office Word, which is almost indispensable in work and educational process. But few people know how to make lowercase letters from uppercase letters and vice versa with one press of certain keys.

So, let's write the following text in capital letters:


Now you need to select the text and press the Shift and F3 keys simultaneously. After this we will have:

After pressing these key combinations again, we get the following:

"Lowcase Letters of the Russian Alphabet".

And to return to original text, you must press Shift+F3 again.

In order to print a capital (capital) letter, for example A, press the "Shift" button, and, without releasing it, simultaneously press the A button. If after this you, after releasing the "Shift" button, print any other letters, then they will turn out to be lowercase, for example, in the word Arctic. To save the letter in capital letters only, press the "Caps Lock" button. Pressing it again cancels the capitalization mode.

In a similar way, images of some characters located above numbers or letters are obtained. For example, there is a button $4. If you click on it at the same time as pressing the "Shift" button, you will get an image of the dollar symbol - $, and if without the "Shift" button, then the number - 4 will be printed.

The "Insert" ("Ins") key is used to insert text, symbols, and the "Delete" ("Del") key is used to delete letters, symbols or part of the text.

The numeric keypad on the right side of the standard keyboard is used in two cases: in the mode of fixing numbers for their reproduction and performing various arithmetic operations and in duplicating cursor control mode. To set the digit locking mode, press the "Num/Lock" button. To cancel it, press the same button again.

The "Delete" ("Del") key eliminates the character (letter) located to the right of the cursor.

The "Backspace" ("Bksp") key deletes the character to the left of the cursor. Using the keyboard shortcuts "Ctrl + Backspace", delete the entire word to the left of the cursor. The key combination "Ctrl + Delete" erases (deletes) the word to the right of the cursor. The "Escape" ("Esc") key is used to cancel an action or exit the program.

If the names of several keys are separated by a plus sign, for example "Ctrl + F5", you need to hold down the first key while pressing the next one. If the characters are separated by a comma, then press (click) the keys one after another; if there is a hyphen between the key designations, then they should be pressed simultaneously.

The most commonly used keys are:

Type capital letters or uppercase characters while holding a key down;

Ending the input of a line, command or some action (the key has an increased size, sometimes designated as Return, Ret, Cr, Enter or simply the left arrow);

Cancel the current action, return to the previous state;

Tab (the key is sometimes indicated by two arrows in opposite directions);

Fixing the mode of lowercase or capital letters;

Delete the character above the cursor (sometimes written as Del);

Deletes a character to the left of the cursor (the key is located above the key, sometimes indicated as BS or left arrow);

[Space] - shift the cursor to the right, shift a line or part of a line to the right of the cursor (a long key in the bottom row that does not have a designation).

The , , keys appear twice on the keyboard (to the left and to the right of the alphanumeric) and can be used in combination with other keys to expand the keyboard's capabilities.

Cursor - a pointer, mark or arrow directed to those areas of text or graphic material with which various changes will be made.

The cursor can be presented on the screen in in various forms, for example: a small blinking dash indicating the location on the screen where the character entered from the keyboard will be displayed; a small blinking rectangle in special modes; a triangle or arrow, a word-sized rectangle, etc.

Using the cursor keys, you can move the cursor up, down, left, right, thereby highlighting the desired file or directory.

The cursor can also be moved using the mouse.

A window is a “picture in picture”, a frame, a small “pen” (container) where certain supporting information is located.

The window makes it possible to select a paragraph or paragraph of text and work with it without affecting the remaining parts of the text (material). There are several types of windows - application window (program window), dialog boxes, etc. Opening two or more windows at the same time allows you to quickly transfer information from one to another.

The taskbar is the horizontal line at the bottom of the screen with the Start symbol on the left side.

Main menu - list of main sections main program; contains sections: “Programs”, “Favorites”, “Documents”, “Settings”, “Help”, “Find”, “Run”, etc.

If you left-click on the Start sign on the taskbar, the Main Menu will appear on the screen.

My computer - one of the icons (pictograms, “icons”) is called “My Computer”. This icon can serve as a starting point for “travels” throughout the computer industry.

Lowercase letters are used in European alphabets: Greek, Latin, Cyrillic, Armenian and Japanese.

Initially, when writing, they used exclusively capital letters with clearly defined upper and lower limits. Subsequently, with the development of writing, ordinary letters begin to be opposed to initials (in European languages this happens in XI-XV centuries). With the development of cursive writing, the shape of the letters became more rounded, which resulted, for example, in such a form of writing as uncial. In the Cyrillic alphabet, lowercase letters appear in the 18th century with the introduction of the civil script.

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Passage characterizing Lowercase letter

– What prompted you to invite me today, Your Holiness? – I asked carefully.
“Your pleasant company,” Caraffa laughed, and after thinking a little, he added: “I wanted to talk with you about some issues that are important to me, Madonna, and I preferred to do this in a more pleasant environment for you.”
A servant entered, bowed deeply to Karaffa, and began to taste the first courses. How at that moment I regretted that I did not have the famous Florentine herbal poison with me!.. It was painless and tasteless, and could not be determined... This poison worked only after a week. They killed princes and kings with it... And it would certainly calm the crazy Pope down forever!!!
I would never have believed that I could so easily think about murder... My soul slowly turned to stone, leaving only room inside for justice. I lived to destroy him. And it didn't matter how to do it. IN in this case any means were good. The main thing was to kill Karaffa. So that innocent people do not suffer anymore, so that this bloodthirsty, evil man does not walk the earth.
And so I was now sitting next to him, accepting treats with a smile, and making small talk on the most different topics...at the same time, intensely looking for at least some weakness that would give me the opportunity to finally get rid of his “holy” presence...
Dinner was approaching the middle, and we were still secularly “discussing” some rare books, music and art, as if he didn’t have some very serious purpose on his mind, because of which he invited me to his chambers at such an inappropriate time. , late hour.