What do uppercase and lowercase letters mean? Latin alphabet (Latin letters)

» Large and small letters

Large and small letters

When working with users to solve their computer problems, I very often (too often) observe the following picture.

When the user is typing text, in order to enter a capital (capital) letter, he presses the “Caps Lock” key, then types the letter itself, then, to continue writing in lowercase (small) letters, presses the “Caps Lock” key again.

For example, how to type the word “Statement”.

The "Caps Lock" key is pressed. Then the key with the letter “Z” is pressed - the capital letter “Z” is printed. Then press the "Caps Lock" key again. Now the keys “A”, “I”, “B”, “L”, “E”, “N”, “I”, “E” are pressed sequentially. As a result, the “appearance” is printed. As a result we get the word "Statement" with a capital letter.

To my question, why is it so difficult for you to type a capital letter? After all, to do this you have to press keys THREE times? After all, you can replace these three clicks in total ONE key combination.

In response, I usually hear the following answers: It’s so convenient for me. I'm so used to it. How is it different?

It’s possible, of course, this way, but it’s also possible in another way.

But before talking about how best to type “big” and “small” letters, I want to introduce you to such a concept as keyboard register .

In one funny story, I already told how I had to deal with one user who clearly and specifically told me that “There are no small letters on the keyboard.”

In his own way he is right. Only “capital” letters are really “drawn” on the keys of the keyboard. So let's figure out where the “big” letters are located and where the “small” letters are located.

So, the so-called keyboard register.

The keyboard register has two states, and these states are called accordingly uppercase And lower case.

For switching case keyboards on the keyboard itself two keys answer. This is the key "Shift"(for the convenience of the keys shift 2 pieces - left and right) and a key "Caps Lock" (caps onion).

Why exactly two keys? Why not alone? Let's look at the principle of operation of these keys.

I will describe my actions, and you can simultaneously train with me to feel live how keyboard register affects the input of letters, numbers and various symbols.

The easiest and most visual way to train is in the Notepad program.

Launch Notepad. Move your mouse pointer successively and select with one left click: “Start” - “All Programs” - “Accessories” - “Notepad”.

And so, let's start with the fact that, after you have turned on and booted your computer, the keyboard is turned on lower case. What does this mean?

This means that if you start pressing keys with letters, then lowercase (small) letters will be printed on the monitor screen, i.e. letters in lowercase.

For example, if you have the Russian layout enabled (Russian input language), then the following letters will be printed:


Well, accordingly, if you have the English layout enabled (English input language), then the following letters will be printed:


Now about the key "Shift". Key "Shift" temporarily switches the keyboard lower case to uppercase keyboards.

What means temporarily? This means that if you press the “Shift” key(no matter left or right) and you will keep this key pressed, then the keyboard will switch to uppercase. As soon as you release the "Shift" key, the keyboard will switch back to lower case.

I show with an example. I press and hold key "Shift". I start typing letters (further I will show everything on the Russian keyboard layout).

I'm letting go key "Shift".


Simply put, if we have it turned on lower case keyboards then type lowercase (small) letters. If we have it enabled uppercase keyboards then type capital letters.

Let's go back to the word "Statement" for a moment. In this word, the first letter is capital, the rest are lowercase. How will we type this word using the key "Shift"?

Press and hold the “Shift” key. Press the key with the letter “Z” - capital is printed (capital) letter "Z", which is in uppercase keyboards. Release the "Shift" key. We print “appearance” - they print lowercase (small) letters, which are in lowercase keyboards. The result is the word "Statement" with a capital letter.

Basically, to print the capital letter "Z", we used key combination "Shift + Z".

Now about the key "Caps Lock". Key "Caps Lock" switches the keyboard register to the opposite one and fixes this register.

What does it mean? Let's press the keys again to understand and remember.

So, we have it enabled by default on the keyboard lower case, i.e. if we print letters, then the letters will be printed (displayed on the screen) in lowercase (small):


Press and release key "Caps Lock". All. Register of our keyboard switched to the top position and fixed, i.e. now we have uppercase. Now, without pressing anything additional, we can simply print capital letters:


Note! After we press and release the key "Caps Lock", one of the three lights (indicators) on the keyboard turned on, which are located in the upper right corner of the keyboard. Namely the middle light bulb. In the picture of the keyboard, which is shown at the very beginning of the lesson, this light bulb is highlighted green color.

This light shows us visually which register of the keyboard is currently on - lower or upper (this is so as not to get confused and remember). If the indicator is off- means it’s on lower case, If lituppercase.

This indicator can be designated differently on different keyboards depending on the imagination of the designers. I know two designations for this indicator. This "A" And "Caps Lock"- in the form of inscriptions above the light bulbs (indicators) themselves.

Now if we press and release the key again "Caps Lock", then the indicator will go out and the keyboard will switch and lock on lower case:


Thus, by pressing the “Caps Lock” key we switch and lock the register we need.

Well, now let's type the word again "Statement", but using the “Caps Lock” key.

So. Initial position. The “Caps Lock” light (indicator) is not lit - we have lowercase enabled.

Press the “Caps Lock” key. Our indicator lights up with the words “Caps Lock”, which means that uppercase is turned on. We press the “Z” key - we print the capital (capital) letter “Z”. Press the “Caps Lock” key again, the light (indicator) goes out - this means that the lower case is turned on and locked. We type “appearance”. In the end we get our word "Statement" with a capital letter.

Which method you will use is up to you. The main thing is that you feel comfortable. As for me, I use the Shift key to enter capital letters only because when typing quickly, entering a capital letter is 3-5 times faster.

To make it completely clear how the keys work "Shift" And "Caps Lock", let's type the word "Statement" in a slightly unusual way.

Press the “Caps Lock” key. Our indicator lights up with the words “Caps Lock”, which means that uppercase is turned on. We press the “Z” key - we print the capital (capital) letter “Z”. But then, to switch the keyboard to lower case, we press the "Caps Lock" key WE WILL NOT. We will temporarily switch the case using the "Shift" key. That is, press and hold (do not release) the "Shift" key (the keyboard will temporarily switch to lower case), type "appearance", release the "Shift" key (the keyboard will switch to upper case). In the end we get our word "Statement".

With numbers and signs in this regard it is both easier and more difficult.

The fact is that the key for entering numbers and symbols "Caps Lock" doesn't have any effect. Switching case is only possible using the key "Shift".

It’s simpler in this sense. For example, the key . Regardless of which is included (Russian or English), on lowercase a number will always be dialed "8", and on uppercase(at pressed key "Shift") an asterisk will be typed «*» . And there is even some kind of association - "8" drawn from below on the key, and the asterisk "*" above.

Here's another example - a key , where it is more difficult to figure out what will actually be printed, depending on the keyboard layout and the selected case.

For example, if we have the English layout selected, then when we press this key (lower case), the number three will be printed "3""Shift"(temporarily switch to upper case), the hash symbol will be printed «#» .

If we switch to the Russian layout, then when we press this key (lower case), the number three will again be printed "3", and if we press and hold the key "Shift"(temporarily switch to upper case), the number symbol will be printed «№» .

In order to remember where which symbol is located, you just need practice. I can advise you (I did this myself at one time) to make yourself a cheat sheet for your layouts, print it out and paste or paste it into yours (which I hope you purchased and write down various useful information there). Well, highlight the “necessary” symbols with colored pens or markers.

For example, you can do this:

That's all. Good luck and creative success to everyone.

Any person who uses the Internet has probably more than once encountered the need to come up with and set passwords: for logging into mail, for an account on a forum, for online banking. And in almost every registration form you are advised to come up with a strong password. After all, the confidentiality of your correspondence, the safety of your funds, and the security of your computer as a whole depend on how complex your secret word or phrase is. The question arises: how to come up with a complex password?

How to come up with a strong password

Length. The recommended minimum length for a strong password is 8 characters. It is believed that cracking passwords of 8 or more characters by guessing is a too long process and the chances of an attacker finding such a combination are too small.

Register. A good password should contain both lowercase and uppercase letters.

Special characters. An extremely secure password, along with letters and numbers, also contains special characters. For example #, ~,+, _

In total, the ideal option would be a combination of upper and lower case Latin letters, numbers and special characters with a total length of at least 8 characters. For example:


Which should never be used as a password

Never use: as a password or secret word:

  • dates of birth
    The biggest stupidity is to set your own date of birth in the format 12071992 as a password for your VKontakte page, where the same date is indicated in the information :)
  • phone numbers
    A password consisting of your phone number will not be cracked only by the lazy. And here it doesn’t matter how many numbers there are :)
  • names, surnames, animal names
    It's funny when people consider a mother's maiden name to be a magically reliable protection. ...which the whole yard has known for 50 years :)
  • and of course, all sorts of nonsense like “qwerty123”, “password”, “password”, “********”, “123”, “12345678”, “fyva”, “asdf”, etc. By the way, the leader among secretaries’ passwords is “one”, i.e. one single digit “1” :)


In conclusion, I want to say - do not neglect your safety. Do not use the same secret words for authorization on different sites and services, no matter how complex and reliable they may be. If you have one password for everything, everywhere, then by hacking one site, attackers can gain access to all your online accounts, which means they can see information on yours, use saved credentials in the browser and other information. And remember: there is nothing more permanent than temporary. Therefore, do not be lazy to come up with strong combinations and set complex passwords straightaway- don’t put this off for later. Let your information be available only to you! Good luck!

Hello everyone, dear readers and visitors of this resource. In today’s short article, I will tell you what lowercase and uppercase letters are in a password created for your iOS-based mobile gadget: iPhone or iPad.

Lowercase and uppercase letters

In iPhone, lowercase letters are letters written in lower case, i.e. small letters. For example, the following letters are lowercase, written in lowercase: a, b, c.

Capital letters are letters written in upper case, i.e. capital letters, large letters. For example, the following letters are capital letters, written in upper case: A, B, C.

I hope you understand what lowercase and uppercase letters mean when creating a password for your mobile iOS gadget, be it an iPhone or iPad.

How to enable capital letters

To enable capitalization, you need to do the following:

The security of your Apple account directly depends on the strength and quality of the password you create. I don’t think it’s worth reminding how important this is, i.e. A credit card is linked to your Apple account, and its security is paramount. So pay maximum attention to password security and strength. Follow these recommendations:

  1. Any password must consist of lowercase and uppercase letters, as well as special characters (for example, the %) sign. If this condition is met, it will be almost impossible to hack your password through brute force;
  2. The password should not be tied to your data and dates. For example, some people like to make passwords derived from birthdays or birthdays of loved ones. Under no circumstances should you do this, because... attackers will primarily select passwords of this type;
  3. Change your account passwords as often as possible. This simple action will eliminate all efforts aimed at guessing your password before replacing it. Don’t be lazy, safety comes first, especially since this can be done literally in a few minutes;
  4. Be sure to use antivirus programs. This simple tip, and most importantly its implementation, will help you improve the security of your password and Apple account. Also, for security reasons, I do not recommend that you save your passwords in your browser.

That’s all for me, if you still have any questions regarding today’s material, you can ask them in the comments to this post. See you in the next articles.

Writing Roman numerals using a keyboard is an interesting activity. Anyone can feel like an expert in this number system.

Do you need to enter Roman numerals on your laptop, but don't know how? No problem! All you need to do is take a few minutes to read this article.

Roman numerals are rarely used today, mainly to indicate centuries and the serial numbers of various rulers, for example, the 18th century or Alexander II. You can also find Roman numerals on watch dials or in chapter names in books. Often a large number of Roman numerals are found when writing abstracts. Then the ability to quickly insert them can save a lot of time.

Writing Roman numerals has been customary in Europe for two thousand years. Later, during the Middle Ages, the Arabs decided to replace the number system with a simpler one. Over time, it spread throughout the world.

Digital era

Writing Roman numerals on the keyboard of a laptop or PC is quite simple, because all numbers in this number system correspond to Latin letters. So if you have an English keyboard, inserting Roman numerals is easy. In addition, you can write numbers in Word, as well as enter special codes. But first things first.

Standard method

To set Roman numerals:

  • Switch to English (for a computer, the key combination is Ctrl + Shift, for a laptop Alt + Shift);
  • Press the CapsLock key, since all Roman numerals are typed in capital Latin letters.

Then you can try to insert the first number on your computer or laptop:

  • 1 – Latin letter I;
  • 2 – two letters II, 3 – respectively 3 letters;
  • 5 – Latin letter V;
  • 4 – combination IV (that is, 1 less than 5);
  • 6 – formed in a similar way – VI (1 more than 5);
  • 7 and 8 – 2 and 3 more than 5, that is, VII and VIII;
  • 10 – Latin letter X;
  • 9 and 11 - similar to the formation of numbers 4 and 6, that is, IX and XI (1 less than ten, and 1 more than ten, respectively);
  • 12 and 13 – XII and XIII;
  • And so on: 14 – 19 – add to ten (X) the numbers obtained earlier;
  • 20, 30 – two and three tens, respectively;
  • 50 – Latin letter L;
  • 40 and 60 – similar to the formation of 4 and 6 – XL and LX;
  • 100 is the Latin letter C (remember that 100 is a centner, then the letter C (tse) will be easy to remember;
  • 500 – Latin letter D;
  • 1000 letter M – thousand.

If you need to dial a long number, for example, 177, then first perform the calculation: 100+70+7. Use the keyboard to type from a higher number. The result will be CLXXVII.

You can also write your birthday in Roman numerals. For example, 07/23/1978. will look like this: XXIII.VII.MCMLXXVIII.

If you need to enter a long number, counting can sometimes be difficult. A special Arabic-Roman number converter will help you here. Such online services can be quickly found on the Internet using a laptop.

ASCII codes

To enter Roman numerals on a laptop or PC, you can use special ASCII codes:

  • Turn on Num Lock mode;
  • Hold down the ALT key and type the appropriate combination of numbers on the secondary keyboard.

This method of typing Roman numerals on a computer may seem complicated, but in principle you will quickly get used to it if you use it regularly. Over time, you will be able to insert any Roman number literally automatically, since in principle there are few numbers to remember, this is:

  • I – code 73;
  • V – code 86;
  • X – code 88;
  • L – code 76;
  • C – code 67;
  • D – code 68;
  • M – code 77.

Obviously, this is a very time-consuming method, especially if you need to enter a lot of Roman numerals. But if you have no other options, then this method will be quite viable.


The easiest way to enter Roman numerals using a laptop is to write them in Word or any other office application. Follow these steps:

  • Press Ctrl + F9;
  • Parentheses ( ) will appear;
  • Type in brackets – (=required number\*ROMAN);
  • Press F9;
  • The required Roman numeral will appear.

This is an effective method when you are not sure how to type a particular number correctly, and you do not have access to the Internet from your laptop. But it also has a drawback: you can only write in Word and similar office applications. If you need to enter Roman numerals in Photoshop, then this method will not work. Alternatively, you can type a number on the keyboard, copy it and paste it into the desired document, this is not so difficult.

The easiest way to write Roman numerals on a keyboard or laptop is to put Latin letters in the English layout. The method is suitable for any application. If you use Roman numerals often, you will quickly memorize them. For those who are just starting to learn them, it is recommended to use a converter or a regular draft.

Writing Roman numerals digitally is a difficult task only at first glance. Considering that today their distribution is quite limited, you can always spend a little time figuring out how to make the correct input.

Today we will be interested in Latin symbols. The keyboard has them, although not all of them. Therefore, inserting the appropriate elements should not be a problem. Sometimes this happens. Especially if you need to insert extended Latin characters into a text document. Below will be presented all the ways to print the corresponding characters on a computer.

On keyboard

So, what are they, these Latin characters on the keyboard? Modern "Latin" is a set of English letters. Accordingly, these are the signs that will be used when creating text documents. Finding them is not difficult.

To type Latin characters on the keyboard, the user will need:

  1. Switch the keyboard layout to "English". This is done using Shift + Alt or Shift + Ctrl.
  2. Go to your text document and place the cursor where you want to insert the “Latin” alphabet.
  3. Type text using keys with English letters.

This technique will help you insert Latin characters and numbers into the text. They will be recognized as regular letters, which is not always convenient.

In the lists

Finding Latin words and inserting them into text is as easy as shelling pears. What should you do if you need to number a list in a document in Latin alphabet? Let's say, in Latin numerals?

To do this you will need:

  1. Select all lines to be edited with the mouse cursor.
  2. Right-click and select the "Lists..." option.
  3. Specify "Numbered".
  4. Select a numbering pattern with Latin numbers or letters.

It is done. This solution occurs most often in practice. But what if you need to insert Latin characters? There are different ways to do this on the keyboard. And then we will talk about what options for the development of events take place.

Windows services

For example, some people prefer to use the "Copy" and "Paste" options in the operating system. We found out what Latin characters look like on the keyboard. And if you use the English keyboard layout, you can type words in the text in Latin.

If necessary, users are able to insert Latin characters. They will not be edited in a text document and will be recognized as mini-drawings.

It is suggested to act like this:

  1. Log in to the "Symbol Table" service using any known method.
  2. Place Times New Roman in the "Font" section.
  3. Find the Latin letter you want to insert.
  4. Double-click on the corresponding element.
  5. Press the "Copy" button.

All that remains is to insert a symbol from the clipboard in any way known to the user. For example, using RMB and the "Insert" command.

Built-in capabilities of Word

On the keyboard, characters of the Latin alphabet are printed primarily as ordinary letters. To insert specific characters, you can use Paste Special in Word.

The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  1. Go to "Insert" - "Symbol".
  2. Select Times New Roman in the "Font" field.
  3. In the "Set" section, specify the type of characters. For example, "Basic Latin" or "Extended-A".
  4. Double-click on the corresponding symbol in the dialog box.

These operations will lead to the printing of one or another character. Fast, simple and very convenient. But that is not all.

ASCII codes and the Alt key

Can be typed on the keyboard using Alt codes. These are digital combinations, the processing of which leads to the appearance of one or another special character. The main problem is to obtain information about the ASCII code of the desired element.

In our case, we can do this:

  1. Enter "Special Characters" in Word.
  2. Indicate "Times New Novel" in the "Font" section.
  3. Select one or another Latin character in the window that appears.
  4. Take a look at its ASCII code. It is located in the lower right corner.
  5. Activate Num Lock.
  6. Hold Alt and then type the ASCII code of the character.

Important: before using this technique, you must enable the English keyboard layout.

Unicode and hexadecimal system

To type Latin characters on the keyboard, some people use Unicode. This is a special combination, the processing of which leads to the appearance of a pre-selected symbol.

The guidelines for using this technique have the following interpretation:

  1. Open the "Symbol Table" or the "Paste Special" menu in Word.
  2. Select a Latin character and view it as "Unicode". It is located at the bottom of the window, on the left. It usually starts with U+.
  3. Insert the special "Unicode" character into the place where it is formed.
  4. Press Alt + X.