From sadness to joy: why are our moods so changeable? What caused the rapid development of human intelligence.


B.L. Pasternak, like any poet, more than once indulged in reflection on the purpose of his poetry, the purpose of its existence. Pasternak began to think about this at the very beginning of his literary activity. Both in the period of symbolism and in the period of futurism, this theme did not leave the poet. It is clear that on different stages literary path Pasternak assessed the meaning of his activities differently.

Early creativity Pasternak is colored by symbolistic tendencies, with metaphors and imagery inherent in this direction. But quite soon the poet joins the futuristic group "Centrifuge". In 1917, he wrote for her an article about the work of V. Mayakovsky, where he expressed two demands that, in his opinion, are applicable to a real poet. Mayakovsky's poetry met both requirements. First, the poet must have clarity of creativity; secondly, to bear responsibility before time, eternity, which is the true judge of a real poet. The creativity of a poet, according to Pasternak, is measured and assessed in terms of eternity; only the works of a true master can be immortal. This understanding of creativity will be characteristic of Pasternak throughout his entire literary and life path.

After some time, Pasternak decides that he does not want to follow any literary movement, declaring himself as original poet. The framework of the aesthetic rules of one direction or another was tight for him, and he began to go beyond their limits in his poems. Analyzing the work of this period, we can say that Pasternak began to focus his talent on simplicity and clarity of presentation, clarity of images, and closeness to the reader.

With the publication of a new collection of poems “My Sister is Life,” the theme of the poet and poetry in Pasternak began to sound differently. In the cycle \"Practice of Philosophy\" the reader sees the poet's attempts to give philosophical definition creativity. Such, for example, are the poems \"Definition of Poetry\", \"Definition of the Soul\", \"Definition of Creativity\". But again, Pasternak returns to considering the connection between creativity and eternity - with the universe.

Time passed, and the poet’s worldview changed. By the time the novel "Doctor Zhivago" was published, Pasternak's thoughts about the role and purpose of creativity had reached their climax. Main character The novel Yuri Zhivago almost identically reproduces the views of the author himself. Undoubtedly, Zhivago is a creative person; in one of his letters, Pasternak even wrote: “This hero will have to represent something between me, Blok, Yesenin and Mayakovsky.” The poems that he wrote long ago, discovered after Zhivago’s death, prove the author’s idea of ​​the poet’s immortality.

To understand how this theme was revealed in his late work, it is worth analyzing the poems from Pasternak’s latest collection “When It Goes Wild.”

\"Being famous is ugly\" contains clear definition what a true poet should be. According to Pasternak, he simply cannot be famous, “shaking over manuscripts,” he must not know success. \"The goal of creativity is dedication,\" and this the main objective poetry for him. Here he again formulates the poet’s two demands, but in a slightly different way: clarity and simplicity are necessary, and the poet’s creativity must be original, individual. He adds that the poet must be close to the real life problems.

And should not a single slice

Don't give up on your face

But to be alive, alive and only,

Alive and only until the end.

In the poem "Night" the hero is the pilot, identified here with the poet. The pilot flies over the world, contemplating and at the same time being part of this world, inextricably linked with it:

Don't sleep, don't sleep, artist,

Don't give in to sleep.

You are a hostage to eternity

Trapped by time.

Constant repetition creates an effect constant movement; Pasternak calls on poets to keep up with the times.

In addition to everything said above, Pasternak is also a very Christian poet, and, accordingly, creativity for him is God's gift; he accepts life as it is, and at the same time promotes absolute freedom of creativity. And Pasternak resolved the eternal conflict between the poet and the crowd by bringing them closer together - this is the essence of creativity; poetry should reflect both serious conflicts and the little things of life.

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Your success in any business depends 100% on your current state. If there is little energy in the body, it is attacked by laziness and drowsiness, then great success in this moment time cannot be achieved. It’s better to spend 20 minutes bringing yourself to your senses and already charged with energy to fight the problem. So choose any of [...]

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If you are familiar with these experiences, this video is for you. Without vital energy you will have little time. And without action it is impossible to achieve success. So remove these reasons for lack of energy from your life. You don't give out enough energy. The more you move physically, the more energy you have. The more often you sit still, the less cheerfulness you have. Physical […]

Hello, friends! Our life is a closed wheel: home-work-home. This routine and routine in life can sometimes lead to very serious consequences, from neurosis to depression. There is a feeling of deep dissatisfaction with one’s life and... Life seems to have no meaning. AND the only way get out of this vicious circle is a change of scenery.

Why do we feel dissatisfied with our lifestyle?

  • A difficult and monotonous work style, when instead of the required 8 hours we stay at work for a considerable time and only come home to spend the night.
  • A monotonous type of work, when the same work is mechanically performed for quite a long time.
  • Frequent failures, prolonged experiences of difficult life situations.
  • There are a lot of things that management requires to be done quickly and efficiently.
  • External irritants (temporary - renovations in a neighboring apartment or permanent - low wages with seemingly high employment).
  • Increased frequency of family troubles, conflicts and inattention of people close to you.
  • Fears, doubts, contradictions, unfulfilled desires.

How does this manifest itself externally?

  • You are in a bad mood all day, you get tired quickly and there is no feeling of rest even after sleep.
  • Irritability appears towards relatives and colleagues, and there is no cause for anxiety.
  • “Mistakes” appear in doing some things.
  • Obsessing over a problem.
  • Low or high self-esteem.
  • Anxiety, insomnia or other sleep disorders.
  • Periodic headaches, dizziness, changes blood pressure, pain in the heart or abdomen.

Psychologists say that the best remedy The solution to these problems is to change the situation. Take a vacation for several weeks, even if you can’t get a vacation, a weekend will be enough if you plan your vacation correctly.

A change of scenery will help

A change of scenery can be a tourist trip

There are several options here . A trip abroad, to the sea, will provide an opportunity not only to relax, but also to meet with new culture. And lovers of passive recreation will find the opportunity to soak up the sun and swim in the warm sea, go diving or take a walk on the sea.

Other impressions, other people, cuisine contribute to a quick change of mood. Typically, such trips always bring a lot of impressions, meeting new people, meeting the history of the country or region where you are. You unintentionally switch to a different “wave of communication.” There is only positive and friendly communication here. But don’t forget that you should be the same too. That is, everything that was there at home must be forgotten.

If it is not possible to go somewhere like this There are tourist routes in our country, and inexpensive and very interesting. This could be along our great rivers with stops in big cities. This could be rafting (one of my friends and I rafted down one of the rivers of the Urals and received indelible impressions from this trip).

If this is not possible, then why not organize small picnic with friends on the bank of a river or just in nature, light a fire, cook fish soup from freshly caught fish, sing songs with a guitar...

Or organize a bachelorette party and dance until you drop. also add to the mood and create a lot of positive emotions.

Have you forgotten that for relaxation and at least a temporary change of scenery there can be going to the theater, cinema, water park or restaurant?

A trip to the countryside or to the village to visit relatives will also leave you with pleasant emotions. Working with the soil (weeding the beds, harvesting, harvesting) all this will give a pleasant feeling of need to others. And unity with nature, when you go into the forest to pick mushrooms or berries, fishing at dawn...

Try lying down on a warm green grass and don’t think about anything, look into the passing clouds... Look at your problems from a different angle... Of course, if this happens in the summer. What's worse in winter? Skiing or just walking, and in the company of your friends or children! Imagine this, and you will feel good and your mood will improve!

Whatever form of vacation you choose, for a few days or maybe even for a few hours, all this will be a change of scenery for you. Sometimes you yourself need to take the initiative, not wait, someone will come and arrange some kind of entertaining event for you.


And if you don’t have the opportunity to actively relax yet, try drinking infusions of herbs that have a calming effect. These are infusions of herbs valerian, motherwort, lemon balm, oregano. If you are prone to depression ( bad mood, gloomy thoughts, pessimism) it is recommended to take herbal infusions that awaken optimism (hawthorn fruit, borage herb, oregano herb, tartar herb). All herbs are brewed with boiling water at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 200 grams of water. Infuse overnight and take 100 ml (half a glass) 2 times a day, morning and evening. And the juices of these plants are even more active.

You can take it after a course of treatment: tincture of lure, or tincture of ginseng, or tincture of rosea radiola. They are taken 20 drops 2 times a day.

Physical education classes

Don't neglect physical activity. This type of treatment and health maintenance has a very large significance, since muscle work leads to the release of substances into the blood that regulate work nervous system and normalizing the ratio of excitation and inhibition. In addition, exercise brings satisfaction due to the production of serotonin, the hormone of happiness.

Balanced diet

And still very important point- this is a rational diet. It is recommended to add various spices and bitterness to food to activate metabolism. Try to eat foods with sufficient amounts of vitamins, microelements, minerals that are necessary to improve mental and physical activity. Include them in your diet, they also improve your mood.

Don’t forget to love your parents, children and loved ones, communicate with them more often. After all, a pleasant conversation is positive emotions, which will not let you get discouraged and will be variety in your life. And together with your loved ones, you can change the scenery together and have a pleasant rest in any of the ways described above.

My dear readers! If you found this article useful, then share it with your friends by clicking on the social buttons. networks. It is also important for me to know your opinion about what I read, write about it in the comments. I will be very grateful to you.

With wishes for good health Taisiya Filippova

Lesson No. 1. Lesson topic: The complexity and originality of Russian literatureXXcenturies. Beginning of the century: expectations, anxieties and hopes of cultural masters.

    Introduction to Questions teaching aid and conversation on them using the textbook.

1. Why does the image of rapid movement, sudden change and renewal in the value system, in the state of the soul always dominate in the world?knowledge of artists at the end of the century? Match your answerwith the definition of a poet in one of B.L.’s poems. Pasternak:“You are a hostage to eternity, a prisoner of time.”

2.Remember the figurative characteristicsXXcenturies as centuries of movement, storm, and coming Apocalypse. What caused them?

Read examples of statements from the text of the textbook.

3. What did the invasion of “grassroots”, peasant Russia mean for culture?these in the sphere of history, politics, language? Why is this “massivealien" both inspired and frightened the poets of the Silver Age?

II . Characteristics of a turning point, transitional, unstable era that arose in the tremulous consciousness

poets, artists, indirectly reflect real changes in scientific views time after the invention of radio, i.e. wireless communications, research into the phenomenon of radiation, after the first flights of airplanes (then they said “ aircraft"), after the discoveries of special and general theory relativity. It turned out that in science as a whole, not only in physics and mathematics, the most fruitful theories were those that at first looked like crazy, radical, incredible. They brought completely new points of view, new levels of knowledge.

Changed qualitatively spiritual state Sciences. For many centuries, includingXIXcentury, it was believed that the cognitive thought of a scientist, having gone through the storms and doubts of the search, through the risk of experiment, ultimately, like a ship after a storm, enters the harbor, into the realm of complete and absolute knowledge,into the realm of eternal truths. Harbor feel - i.e. the idea of ​​unchanging and eternal laws, complete obviousness and predictability - precisely disappeared at the beginningXXcentury. There is no peace here either. On the contrary, anxiety, pressure butThese questions determined the entire spiritual climate of those years. Nostalgia forknown, in the future has replaced a feeling of peace.

All this echoes Blok’s feelings: “leave the beautiful comforts,”"rest only in our dreams".

In all poetry, prose, as well as in paintingXXcentury, in the theater, takes placeshift of emphasis from figurativeness to expressiveness, from recreatingof reality into its re-creation and complicated assessment.

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) published in 1884 a kind of prophetic philosophical poem-treatise"Thus spoke Zarathustra" (the image of the broadcaster and prophet Zarathustra, his slogans of boundless superhuman freedom will flash in the poetry of Mayakovsky, and in the monologues of the heroes of Gorky’s tramp cycle, and in the cult of the human warrior N. Gumilyov), which at the beginning of the century was also quite comparable with the discoveries of Einstein, experiments on splitting the atom, the theme of the “disappearance of matter.”"Nietzscheanism" - this is a sermon of unfetteredactivism will, cynical disregard for eternal spiritual values, a call to overcome the “old” man, the power of the environment, the standard of the newest superman.

III . The decisive factor was the entry into the field political life, the culture of a huge, innumerable class: folk, “grassroots” Russia.Not to notice his arrival, his “stomping chugun" was impossible. “Penetration of a man - first in whethertse of its avant-garde, and then among ever wider masses - into all areas of Russian social, state, cultural life... is, perhaps, the most significant and completely fatal spontaneous process that took place uncontrollably... Step by step, with the inexorability of the spontaneous-vegetative process, it emerged everywhere peasant Russia, was approaching noble Russia and forced the latter to give way to herself,” the philosopher S. Frank wrote in 1923 (“From Reflections on the Russian Revolution”).

This man, often in a mystified form, as a Scythian, pagan, new Stenka Razin, and often an Old Believer, a member of the Khlysty sect (in A. Bely’s story “ Silver Dove"), finally, as a hater of the city, the bearer of N. Klyuev’s “hackneyed” truth, will be either a formidable part of the historical background, or an active actor. He will appear in storiesI. Bunin’s “Sukhodol” and “Village” and in the poetry of S. Yesenin. Folk theme,“Grassroots” Russia will also find its embodiment in the paintings of the Ryazan artist Philip Malyavin (1869-1940), primarily in the symbolic paintings “Peasant Women” (1904), “Whirlwind” (1906), “Women” (1914), “Two Girls” (1910s), with the same fiery red scarves and fluttering sundresses.

The invasion of “grassroots” Russia led to the conversion to Christiansstu. In 1913, an exhibition of icons liberated was held in Moscow.from later records (i.e., layers hiding the original faces of saints), attempts began to establish the relationship between icons and church architecture with the deep foundations of Russian spiritual life. Now it’s even difficult to imagine that almost allXIXI haven’t looked closely at Rublev’s “Trinity” for a century.

In general, for the entire literary era of 1892-1917, we callwhat you wantpre-revolutionary, then Silver Age, It was characterized by a very painful, dramatic duality.

What was this duality, even confusion, ignorance of “where the fate of events is taking us” (S.A. Yesenin)?

On the one hand, revolution1905 years, and behind it even more grandioseshaking like a storm on a universal scale, revolution1917 years instilled great hopes for the rapid renewal of the existing feudal-bourgeois order, building “well-fed” and “complacent” petty bourgeois. Valery Bryusov in 1905 will sincerely rejoice at the fear and collapse of the “contented”, those who were frightened by the “children of the fiery day” (i.e., the rebellious workers):

Your satisfaction- joy of the herd,

Found a piece of grass.

You don't need to be full anymore,

There is chewing gum - and blessed are you!


Alexander Blok, in the same 1905, would call his original enemy, who deserved retribution, the “well-fed”, indignant at the “rabble”, at the “lower” Russia:

So - everything that is full is indignant,

The satiety of important bellies yearns:

After all, the trough has been overturned,

Their rotten stable is alarmed!


Maxim Gorky was not at all fulfilling some kind of social order when he hurried the start of the storm, called on it to be formidable, frightening: “Storm! The storm is coming soon... Let the storm come stronger!” (“Song of the Petrel”). And the words of his Satin from the play “At the Lower Depths” about the greatness of man (“Man is above satiety”) in a certain way echo the ridicule of Bryusov and the “trough of satiety” of Blok. Gorky only sharpened many facets of the general mentality.

On the other hand, already at a turning pointXIXAndXXcenturies, and especiallybetween the revolutions of 1905 and 1917, the theme of retributionintelligentsia for an idle and “well-fed” life acquired and franklybut apocalyptic in nature. The coming revolution, which was called for, blessed, idealized, increasingly frightened with its uncontrollability, mystery, purely Russian (Pugachevsky and Razinsky)maximalism. A typical representative of modernist movementsin painting, music, poetry, organizer of the triumphant “Russian seasons”new" ballet in Paris in 1908-1910, Sergei Diaghilev said at one of the exhibitions: "We are witnesses of the greatest historical movementof results and endings in the name of a new, unknown culture, which wewill arise, but it will also sweep us away. ...I raise a glass to the destroyed walls of beautiful palaces, as well as to the new testaments of a new aesthetics.”

Quite often, both tendencies are a joyful, reckless acceptance of what is to come.nothing and pain for the inevitable blind destruction - extremely difficultmixed and combined in the works of many masters of this cultureera. And they often mixed in individual works, who becameIt is precisely thanks to this mixing, interpenetration of contradictionscool motifs with genuine classicsXXcentury. The combination is extremestey - these are the features of the creativity of such chroniclersXXcentury, like V. Mayakovskiy, S. Yesenin, and later M. Sholokhov, A. Platonov, V. Shukshin.

Often, behind great upheavals and unheard of changes, masters of culture beganXXcenturies saw the transformation of the world, a utopian paradise, the birth new personality. Often they are also the composer A. Scriabin, and the poet I. Annensky, and, of course, the early V. Mayakovskiy - violently “cryed out” their worries for the future of man, for hisgrowing powerlessness before the “wolfhound age” (O. Mandelstam).

Let's think about a series of pre-revolutionary paintings by the remarkable Russian artist Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev (1878-1927). They depict tea parties in taverns, in urban merchant estates, episodes of Maslenitsa festivities in the provinces, rosy-cheeked Russian women, regally majestic in front of a samovar, with an invariable cat at their shoulder and a beautiful tea saucer. What is in them: irony, a premonition of death, the loss of this Rus', that laughter with which humanity parts with its past? Or are these sunny dreams about the immortality of life, about the beautiful royalty of such carefree, stately heroes and heroines?

The ideal, and not rough, corporeal fullness of these beauties with nothing wrong with themwith a stern look, a happy half-smile, the whole fabulously patterned environmentthe renovation of these bazaars, estates, shops, taverns, booths is completely inappropriatesimilar to " dark kingdom» merchant life from A.N. Ostrovsky, let's sayin "The Thunderstorm". But it remains a mystery: is the artist, this Russian Ru, being ironic?Bence, over his simple-minded wonderful child heroes, beautiful dolls, over their carelessness, or does he deeply mourn in anticipation of losses, the death of this beloved Rus'?

Everything was interconnected in this transitional era - painting, and the music of Rachmaninov and Scriabin, and the theater, and the exhibition of icons, and the “Russian Seasons” of ballet in Paris... Due to a different, even more dramatic mixture of anxiety and love, fear of loss of the spiritual the greatness of Rus' and the feeling of its vulnerability, defenselessness, all the paintings of M.V. were equally difficult to perceive. Nesterov (1862-1942), singer of Russian religious asceticism, “Holy Rus'”, “great tonsures” (“Vision to the youth Bartholomew” (1890), i.e. to the young Sergius of Radonezh, “Holy Rus'” (1906), “Great tonsure "(1897). It is not so easy to answer the question: did Nesterov sing or sing the funeral service to his monastic Rus'? And yet, through the colors of sorrow, pain from the disorder of spiritual and moral life in the faces of Nesterov’s ascetics, hermits and youths, especially Nesterov’s women seeking salvation in the monastery, guess great faith into the moral forces of the Motherland.


Give a written answer to question No. 4 (p. 14)

What united us at the beginningXXcentury of artists M.V. Nesterova, B.M. Kustodiev, composers S.V. Rachmaninov, A.N. ScriabinAnd best poets, prose writers of this time? Was O.E. right? mandelshtam, who spoke about his and everyone’s feelingXXcentury: “IVek-wolfhound throws himself on your shoulders?

There is bad and good in every person. I do not believe that there is a person who could not understand what it is to be vain, or a coward, or an egoist. Every person can feel within himself sudden appearance any double. In an artist this manifests itself especially clearly, and this is one of the amazing properties artist: to experience other people's passions. Each one contains the germs of a wide variety of passions - both light and black. The artist knows how to pull out these sprouts and turn them into trees. If the most precious flowers in Leo Tolstoy are Platon Karataev and Captain Tushin, then they grow no less easily in the soul of Tolstoy the artist and such terrible pictures as the seduction of Father Sergius by the short-legged fool Maria are experienced with full sensuality. It is impossible to describe a third person without becoming at least for a minute this third person. All the vices and all the virtues live in the artist. Very often they ask the artist: “How do you know? Did you invent this yourself?” Yes, the artist invents everything himself. Of course, you can’t invent anything that doesn’t exist in nature. But the artist’s relationship with nature is such that she reveals some of her secrets to him, she is more sociable with him than with others. I can create the image of a coward on the basis of extremely insignificant childhood memories, with the help of a memory in which a hint, a trace, an outline of some action, perhaps just begun, was preserved, the cause of which was cowardice. You can write a book called: “The Machine of Transformations,” in which to talk about the artist’s work, to show how certain life experiences are transformed in the artist’s mind into images of art. This is an unexplored area, an area that seems mysterious because it has not yet been comprehended. The work of this machine - the machine of transformations - is very sensitive for the whole organism. Her movements take a toll on the body, and hence the difficulty of being an artist.
The artist’s relationship with good and bad, with vices and virtues is extremely complex. When you portray a negative hero, you yourself become negative, you lift up the bad, the dirty from the bottom of your soul, that is, you become convinced that it is in you - this bad and dirty - exists, and therefore, you take a very heavy psychological load on your consciousness. I believe that historical task for a writer - to create books that would evoke in our youth a feeling of imitation, a feeling of the need to be better. You need to choose all the best in yourself to create a complex of a person who would be a model. A writer must be an educator and teacher.

Volume 1

1. As Tolstoy showed the importance of the general collective beginning in the military life of a soldier?
2. Why was there confusion and disorder in the movement of the Russian army?
3. Why Tolstoy described in detail foggy morning?
4. How did the image of Napoleon develop (details), who looked after the Russian army?
5. What does Prince Andrey dream of?
6. Why did Kutuzov sharply answer the emperor?
7. How does Kutuzov behave during the battle?
8. Can Bolkonsky’s behavior be considered a feat?

Volume 2
1. What attracted Pierre to Freemasonry?
2. What underlies the fears of Pierre and Prince Andrei?
3. Analysis of the trip to Bogucharovo.
4. Analysis of the trip to Otradnoye.
5. For what purpose does Tolstoy give the ball (name day) scene? Did Natasha remain “ugly, but alive”?
6. Natasha's dance. A property of nature that delighted the author.
7. Why did Natasha become interested in Anatole?
8. What is the basis of Anatole’s friendship with Dolokhov?
9. How does the author feel about Natasha after betraying Bolkonsky?

Volume 3
1. Tolstoy’s assessment of the role of personality in history.
2. How does Tolstoy reveal his attitude towards Napoleonism?
3. Why is Pierre dissatisfied with himself?
4. Analysis of the episode “retreat from Smolensk”. Why do the soldiers call Andrei “our prince”?
5. Bogucharovsky revolt (analysis). What is the purpose of the episode? How is Nikolai Rostov shown?
6. How to understand Kutuzov’s words “your road, Andrey, is the road of honor”?
7. How to understand Andrei’s words about Kutuzov “he is Russian, despite french sayings»?
8. Why is Shengraben given through the eyes of Rostov, Austerlitz - Bolkonsky, Borodino - Pierre?
9. How to understand Andrei’s words “as long as Russia is healthy, anyone could serve it”?
10. How does the scene with the portrait of his son characterize Napoleon: “The chess is set, the game will begin tomorrow”?
11. Raevsky’s battery is an important episode of Borodin. Why?
12. Why does Tolstoy compare Napoleon to darkness? Does the author see the mind of Napoleon, the wisdom of Kutuzov, positive traits heroes?
13. Why did Tolstoy depict the council in Fili through the perception of a six-year-old girl?
14. Departure of residents from Moscow. What is the general mood?
15. Scene of a meeting with the dying Bolkonsky. How is the connection between the fates of the novel’s heroes and the fate of Russia emphasized?

Volume 4
1. Why did the meeting with Platon Karataev return Pierre’s sense of the beauty of the world? Analysis of the meeting.
2. How the author explained the meaning guerrilla warfare?
3. What is the significance of the image of Tikhon Shcherbatov?
4. What thoughts and feelings does the death of Petya Rostov give rise to in the reader?
5. What does Tolstoy see as the main significance of the War of 1812 and what is the role of Kutuzov in it according to Tolstoy?
6. Determine the ideological and compositional meaning of the meeting between Pierre and Natasha. Could there have been a different ending?

1. What conclusions does the author come to?
2. What are Pierre's true interests?
3. What underlies Nikolenka’s relationship with Pierre and Nikolai Rostov?
4. Analysis of Nikolai Bolkonsky's sleep.
5. Why does the novel end with this scene?