Alexander block I will get up on a foggy morning.

I'll stand in foggy morning,
The sun will hit your face.
Are you, dear friend,
Are you coming up to my porch?

The heavy gates are wide open!
The wind blew through the window!
The songs are so funny
Haven't been distributed for a long time!

With them even on foggy mornings
Sun and wind in your face!
A welcome friend is with them
Comes up to my porch!

Analysis of the poem “I will rise on a foggy morning” by Blok

Mystery and twilight, barely audible half-whispers and almost imperceptible movements - this is the unique romantic atmosphere of “Poems about To the beautiful lady", created by Alexander Blok. The hero seems to be wandering for a long time in the darkness, immersed in own feelings and catching numerous hints, unraveling which is not an easy task. Contemplating the distant lights, he is in a confusion of feelings waiting for a date, which, perhaps, will become the main thing in his destiny...

At the same time, the expectation may not be associated in the mind with the mysterious image of the Mysterious Virgin: in the lines there are also very real incarnations of the Beautiful Lady - from a friend to a princess.

The work “I will rise on a foggy morning...” was created by Blok in autumn months 1901, it is somewhat different from other poems in the cycle. There are very optimistic intonations here, which reflect a cheerful mood that is uncharacteristic of the cycle as a whole. There is also a reason for this - a date with a “desired friend.”

Creates joyful moods surrounding nature, literally soaked in the sun. Emphasizing the sparkling light of the early morning rays, the author uses a number of personifications. Light fog and a strong breeze help to picture the beginning Have a good day. The poem contains a lot of light, faith in the future and optimism. The sharp contrast with the dense twilight that forms the background of most of the works in the cycle is obvious.

The beginning tells about the prevailing mood: lyrical hero looks out the window and sees his beloved climbing onto the porch. Surprise and joy are emphasized by a rhetorical question.

Further, amazement gives way to a series of enthusiastic exclamations, the culmination being the motif of “merry songs,” which is very unusual for the always melancholy Blok. The jubilant melodies of the morning fill the entire poem, creating the appropriate mood. The closing refrain of the poem is Once again emphasizes the harmony of the situation.

A fine early morning is also found in another work of the poet - “Snowy Blizzard at Night”, which accurately recreates a beautiful winter landscape. The purest snow shimmers in the sun, giving hope: the hero dreams of meeting his beloved, “a maiden in snowy frost.”

“I will get up on a foggy morning...” Alexander Blok

I'll get up on a foggy morning,
The sun will hit your face.
Are you, dear friend,
Are you coming up to my porch?

The heavy gates are wide open!
The wind blew through the window!
The songs are so funny
Haven't been distributed for a long time!

With them even on foggy mornings
Sun and wind in your face!
A welcome friend is with them
Comes up to my porch!

Analysis of Blok’s poem “I will get up on a foggy morning...”

Twilight and fog, transparent shadows, muted colors, unclear whispers and laughter - these are the features artistic space"Poems about a Beautiful Lady." The hero, wandering in the darkness, lives with premonitions, visions and hints, trying to unravel them, how complex cipher. Watching the movement of distant lights, he waits for a fateful date. The motive of expectation is not always associated with the sublime image of the Mysterious Virgin: the earthly hypostasis of the heavenly form is also presented in the poems - a friend, a princess. In the work "" the hero gives a direct speech from the lyrical addressee, which concerns the details of the upcoming meeting.

The poem, created in the fall of 1901, occupies special place in the poetic cycle. The text is distinguished by confident intonations, reflecting the jubilation and cheerful mood of the lyrical “I”. There is a worthy reason for this - the long-awaited arrival of a “desired friend.”

The bright state of mind is echoed by the details of the landscape. Its main dominant is sunlight, hitting the hero in the face. To emphasize the brightness and strength of the morning rays, the author uses the lexeme “strike”, with which he personifies natural image. Light fog and wind complete the picture of the beginning of a fine day. It contrasts sharply with the dense stillness of twilight, typical of most of the cycle’s creations.

The opening determines the position of the romantic couple: the lyrical subject, looking out the window, notices his beloved walking up the steps of the porch. The joyful surprise generated by the unexpected visit is expressed by a rhetorical question.

In the second and third quatrains, amazement gives way to triumphant exclamations. Imperative intonations demonstrate the decisive mood of the subject of speech, his desire to remove obstacles and open up to the outside world, feel the warmth of the sun and the breeze on your skin.

The climactic episode of the work is marked by the motif of “merry songs”, rare for Blok’s melancholic romantic. Jubilant ringing sounds morning hymn fill the sunny space of the poem. The refrain that closes the text emphasizes the harmony of the moment.

The work “” also models a clear picture of a fine morning. Pure snow shimmering in the sun gives hope: the inspired hero expects to meet his beloved in reality, “a maiden in snowy frost.”

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

I'll get up on a foggy morning,
The sun will hit your face.
Are you, dear friend,
Are you coming up to my porch?

The heavy gates are wide open!
The wind blew through the window!
The songs are so funny
Haven't been distributed for a long time!

With them even on foggy mornings
Sun and wind in your face!
A welcome friend is with them
Comes up to my porch!

Twilight and fog, transparent shadows, muted colors, unclear whispers and laughter - these are the features of the artistic space of “Poems about a Beautiful Lady.” The hero, wandering in the darkness, lives with premonitions, visions and hints, trying to unravel them, like a complex code. Watching the movement of distant lights, he waits for a fateful date. The motive of expectation is not always associated with the sublime image of the Mysterious Virgin: the earthly hypostasis of the heavenly form is also presented in the poems - a friend, a princess. In the work “I’m Waiting for a Cold Day...” the hero gives a direct speech from the lyrical addressee, which concerns the details of the upcoming meeting.

The poem, created in the fall of 1901, occupies a special place in the poetic cycle. The text is distinguished by confident intonations, reflecting the jubilation and cheerful mood of the lyrical “I”. There is a worthy reason for this - the long-awaited arrival of a “desired friend.”

The bright state of mind is echoed by the details of the landscape. Its main dominant feature is the sunlight hitting the hero’s face. To emphasize the brightness and strength of the morning rays, the author uses the lexeme “strike”, with the help of which the natural image is personified. Light fog and wind complete the picture of the beginning of a fine day. It contrasts sharply with the dense stillness of twilight, typical of most of the cycle’s creations.

The opening determines the position of the romantic couple: the lyrical subject, looking out the window, notices his beloved walking up the steps of the porch. The joyful surprise generated by the unexpected visit is expressed by a rhetorical question.

In the second and third quatrains, amazement gives way to triumphant exclamations. Imperative intonations demonstrate the decisive mood of the subject of speech, his desire to remove obstacles and open up to the outside world, to feel the warmth of the sun and the blow of the wind on his skin.

The climactic episode of the work is marked by the motif of “merry songs”, rare for Blok’s melancholic romantic. The jubilant ringing sounds of the morning hymn fill the sunny space of the poem. The refrain that closes the text emphasizes the harmony of the moment.

In the work “At Night a Snowy Blizzard...” a clear picture of a fine morning is also modeled. Pure snow shimmering in the sun gives hope: the inspired hero expects to meet his beloved in reality, “a maiden in snowy frost.”