What is it called when you don't believe in God. Atheism is the natural state of a normal person

Essentially, people who deny the existence of God can be divided into two groups. The first includes critical thinking, which require irrefutable evidence of the presence of a higher spiritual principle. As a rule, such people have enough developed intellect, making them skeptical of religious rhetoric.

Since in modern conditions there is no scientific possibility that God exists; skeptics make the logically correct conclusion about the absence of a higher, controlling human life. Those manifestations " divine power", which the official calls "miracles", are perceived by atheists either as a coincidence or as unexplored natural phenomena, or as fraud and manipulation of facts.

It is a fairly common opinion that faith is a conscious renunciation of knowledge and attempts to prove or disprove a certain statement. scientific method. Scientists from two American universities claim that atheists have always had slightly higher IQ scores than believers. This is due to the fact that the more a person is inclined to comprehend reality, the less opportunity he has for faith.

Faith vs Religion

Representatives of the second group of non-believers, in principle, recognize the existence of supernatural power, but tend to disagree with the basic tenets. It must be taken into account that most religious institutions were created to form the moral paradigm of society, that is, to introduce public consciousness norms and rules based on morality, not on the state. Naturally, at all times there were people who preferred to move along the path spiritual improvement independently, without instructions.

Besides, most of religions impose a number of restrictions on their followers, which are not always easy. As a result, a person who generally agrees with the position of a particular religion refuses it because he is dissatisfied with the existing prohibitions. Finally, there are those who believe official religions socio-economic institutions rather than a means to achieve spiritual perfection. To a certain extent this statement is true, since important role religion is not only to help the individual find God, but also to create a morally healthy society. However, the “secular” activities of religious leaders can disappoint their followers.

Today, when it has become fashionable to consider themselves adherents of a wide variety of religions, some people, trying to emphasize their lack of belief in God, call themselves atheists. Who are atheists? Can a person who denies belief in God (Allah) call himself an atheist? What are such famous atheists as Pyotr Gannushkin, Evgraf Duluman and their followers? Let's figure it out.

Who are atheists?

Atheism is a term that translates as “godless.” The concept came from France, but combined all forms of denial of God and religion. Atheists are sure that any religion is an illusory consciousness,

based on the denial of the naturalness of the surrounding world. How do atheists differ from believers of any faith? The first believe that the nature of things is natural, and religion, whatever it may be, is invented by people. The latter, on the contrary, believe that God (in any manifestation) is primary, and the world is nothing more than his creation. Atheists perceive reality by studying and comprehending it. They try to find a scientific explanation for every phenomenon.

Are all people who do not believe in divine origin world and not belonging to any religion, can be considered atheists? No, not all of them. Who are atheists? People for whom disbelief and desire for scientific knowledge peace is the basis of worldview. They carry their unbelief into the world, but do not force it,

but they are trying. This can only be done by knowing history well religious teachings and the characteristics of each faith. People who simply deny their own but believe in ghosts, druids, Cthulhu, drums or other mystical manifestations cannot consider themselves atheists.

Desk book atheist

IN Soviet times They even published a special manual for lecturers. It was called "The Atheist's Handbook." Target Audience The publications included party workers, students, and educators. The publication cannot be called unambiguous. On the one hand, the book gave clear answers to the questions “Who are atheists?”, “What is religion?” University staff and those who took part in the compilation of the manual and its supplement (it was called “The Atheist’s Companion”) introduced the history of religious movements and directions, their characteristics. The compilers warned about the dangers of wholeheartedly following the teachings and the destructiveness of blind faith. On the other hand, the publication was quite politicized and often characterized religions not from the point of view of scientific achievements,

but from the position of party affiliation and ideology. This way of presentation was not always distinguished by evidence. Today the publication is of interest to modern atheists and collectors of rare books (although the mass circulation of the manual cannot be called rare).

Let's sum it up

So, real atheists are those who:

They will know the world scientific methods;

Recognize the self-worth of a person as an individual, and not as a follower of a teaching;

They consider human well-being to be the main criterion for the development of any society;

They do not fight religion, but conduct explanatory work, affirm their worldview and defend human rights.

One of the greats said that atheism is just another religion. There is a sound grain in this statement: believers believe in God, and atheists believe in godlessness and the power of science.

Let's say a person believes that God exists. What will he do in in this case? He will seek God. And if a person does not create any new sect or his own beliefs that will guide him, then he will certainly come to some kind of religion. In order to understand who God is and what He wants from this very person.

The Apostle Paul says, “Faith without works is dead.” And what deeds are pleasing to God, that’s what religions talk about. But, as we understand, in all this diversity of religions and theological movements, and spiritual practices, there is only one true one. One that will not only give answers to all questions, but will also lead to the salvation of the soul.
A person who believes in God (what kind of God is this) big question), but rejects religion and begins to figure out for himself what kind of relationship with God he should build and how. And very often it comes down to the rule: “live according to your conscience.” Sounds nice. But to what extent can such a person’s conscience be a full-fledged measure of his life? After all, someone’s conscience allows them to cheat on their spouses. Someone can easily deceive another, but conscience will remain silent. Conscience without God is not always a true indicator. And religion helps a person come to the true denominator of the correctness of his actions and, most importantly, the knowledge of God. "Seek and you will find!"
As for the fact that “people who believe in God, but do not believe in religion, will go to Heaven” - this is a big question. I’ll give you an analogy, and draw your own conclusions: Imagine, we need to get out of the forest and right in front of us is a path leading to the road. We can follow it, but we can also go through the forest, through trees and swamps, making a big detour and miraculously not getting lost there forever, try to reach the same road. But this is far from a fact. The choice is ours.

What is Atheism? Is it a harmless philosophy, a natural worldview for a person, or is it a religion directed against God and against human nature? Is atheism as harmless as its atheists write about it, or is it really not like that at all? There are many questions that require answers.

There is one more question - Who is an Atheist? Of course, it cannot be denied that among atheists there are normal and even very worthy people, This is true. After all, atheists are not animals, not maniacs, they are people who deny their soul, deny the divine nature of man. A true believer knows for sure that he has a soul, because he feels it in his heart. And a sincere Believer can only sympathize with an atheist who does not hear his soul.

We will look at the esoteric aspect of atheism and how those with open minds see atheists psychic abilities- and psychics.

What is Atheism

I repeat that you can very beautifully describe, explain, justify any worldview, as the atheists did. The entire philosophy of atheism is presented so calmly, peacefully, even in a certain light and positive. But we must not forget that the Devil, including his powers of temptation, is able to speak in whole verses from the Bible and scriptures, and at the same time speak in your own way, bringing evil and destroying a person’s faith, misleading people, plunging them into, skillfully justifying any evil.

Therefore, you should not just believe words! After all, in fact, it was the atheists-atheists who for the time Soviet power was destroyed in the USSR, Cambodia and other communist countries more people than for all the last world wars combined. Moreover, these wild atheistic regimes destroyed not their enemies, but their own people, their own people. In Empires and states where some kind of religion was the basis, such cruelty, inhumanity and such atrocities have never happened in the entire history of mankind. “Peace-loving atheists” destroyed not only people, but everything cultural heritage their own countries - churches, temples, monuments, icons, books and many others. etc., that shrine that was the basis of the faith and traditions of entire peoples. This is what brought the “peace-loving atheists” to by their “harmless” atheistic worldview.

Answer to the question: “Why can an Atheist be very worthy and moral person, although he denies the nature of spirituality?”– we have it too and we’ll give it to you!

– philosophy, teaching, worldview directed against God. It is based on the denial of the existence of God, and, accordingly, His Laws, and the immortal divine soul of man. This denial cannot but have consequences. And it will be his who will pay for a person’s mistakes.

– this is also a faith (belief system), also a religion. It’s simply a religion that is directed against God and, accordingly, leads to His opposite. And who in this world opposes God? That's right - these are forces (Satan). Therefore, any sane psychic who distinguishes between good and evil will answer you that atheism is the same Satanism, only in a different wrapper. The wrapper is different, but the filling is the same.

  • And for those who naively believe that Good and Evil are relative concepts, I recommend that you read carefully and follow the links.

Who is an Atheist and what does he look like on the energy plane?

Atheist- an atheist, a person without the protection of God, a person who has abandoned his nature and his source. This means that he was left alone, on his own. But a person never remains on his own, which means that other forces from the opposite camp take him under their wing. It is not for nothing that most Healers do not even undertake to help a person if he is not baptized (not under God).

What does an Atheist look like? energy level? In fact, any seeing healer or good psychic with abilities will tell you approximately the same thing. If a person does not believe in God, there is an energy block hanging over his head, often in the form of a reinforced concrete slab, which blocks the flow of spirit (energy from God) and cuts off the connection with the Creator. This deprives a person of protection and assistance from outside and, and makes him vulnerable to. Such a person is an easy prey for the Dark Ones and he quickly becomes their slave.

The patrons of such a person cannot be light. They are either gray, if the person is more or less good, or dark, if the person is negative (angry, dark).

The soul of an atheist seems to be preserved (as if in a tin can) or squeezed into a straitjacket; it automatically falls into the power of dark forces. And after an atheist leaves for another world, as a rule, there are exceptions, the person is taken away Dark forces(they have the right, because man himself abandoned God and his own soul).

An atheist always has many blocks in his soul and heart. He has strong limitations on his ability to love and feel in general. His sensitivity moves much lower - from the level of the heart, to the energy centers () responsible for emotions, sexual pleasure and physical sensations. In other words, such a person mainly lives materially.

Statistics. P About statistics, Atheists are much more nervous and unbalanced than believers, they get sick more often, smile less, and much more often in old age they lose their minds (go crazy). They are deprived of their soul even before death and their consciousness is destroyed by the fear of death, the lack of meaning in life, and the accumulated negative emotions and contradictions of consciousness. I have seen more than once what happened to a manwho had no faith in God before his death. Atheists and doctors call it madness , but in reality, it is demons and devils who tear a person’s consciousness apart. I'll tell you - it's scary!

The Dark Ones almost always stand behind the atheist, waiting for them to finally get his soul. But I also saw how a person changed, who, being an atheist, acquired Faith, and his spiritual heart. It was as if his soul suddenly threw off its shackles and opened its wings, and the dark ones lost power over it.

An instructive story from my life. My father was an atheist fanatic and it drove him to painful colic,due to kidney stones, and up to hospital bed. Because of the pain, he could not even think or swear, he could not even get angry, he no longer had any strength. Right in the hospital, reading S. Lazarev’s books about Love for God and (which I gave to him), in one day my unbelieving parent was completely cleared of centimeter stones! The next day, an ultrasound showed that everything was clear, and the urine test was like that of a baby (the father was 47 years old at that time). The doctors, as always happens, threw up their hands and discharged him. Dad said that he prayed all night for the first time in his life and the main thing for which he asked for forgiveness was that, because of his pride (arrogance), he did not want to acknowledge the existence of God. Now my father is over 60, over the past 10 years he has never been sick, my dad is always in a good mood (I love him when he’s sad or nervous) last years I haven’t seen it), and he also runs a marathon (42 km). So much for Faith in God... True, my father doesn’t just believe, he has taken the path of development and works on himself every day:prayers, self-hypnosis, meditation, etc.He also participates in social activities.

And, as I promised, I answer the question - How is it that among atheists there are worthy and even spiritual people? It's simple, it's not their merit, but their souls! If the soul of an atheist in a previous incarnation went through a serious spiritual path, for example, the path of a monk in a monastery, then in this person the accumulated past life spiritual power (corresponding moral principles and qualities, love, kindness and light). Of course, this light of the soul and kindness will manifest itself in a person even if he is an atheist. AND More often than not, these people themselves don’t know why they are the way they are.But the thing is that this light quickly ends when a person stands on the opposite side from God.

Of course, you can choose what to believe in - in God or in His absence, but I highly recommend that you talk to believers who were previously atheists! Ask them - what changed in their lives and in themselves after they found faith and stopped being atheists?