What is it in a weak position? Strong and weak positions of vowels and the composition of vowel phonemes in the Russian language

In a word, consonants can occupy different positions. In some positions, consonants are contrasted with each other in terms of sonority-dullness and hardness-softness; such positions are called strong. The positions of the consonant before vowels and before sonorants are strong in voiced-voicelessness (i.e., voiced and voiceless consonants are always different here): d am – T um, b silt – P silt, h loy – With loy, d rel – T rel. Consonant positions before vowels (except [e]) are also strong in terms of hardness and softness: m al – m yal, l uk – l yuk, b yt – b it, V ol – V ate(but before [e] both a soft and a hard consonant sound are possible: sir – sir; meter(unit of measurement; pronounced with a soft [m"]) -meter(teacher, master; pronounced with [m] hard).

Positions in which consonants are not contrasted in terms of voicedness and deafness and in terms of hardness and softness are called weak. Thus, the position of the consonant at the end of a word is weak in terms of voiced-voicelessness: voiced and voiceless consonants are pronounced the same way here - voiceless (cf. one hundred To And one hundred G, pr T And prue d). Before voiced consonants, all consonants paired according to voiced-voicelessness are pronounced as voiced (cf. h here And With do: in both words, in the position before the voiced [d"] the voiced [z"] is pronounced, and in front of the deaf ones - like deaf ones (cf. true b ka And sha P ka: in both words, in the position before the deaf [k], the deaf [p] is pronounced).

Position in front of the soft lips and teeth, as well as in front of is weak for consonants paired with hardness and softness: in this position the consonant is often pronounced softly. Compare: [With" n"]eg, co[ n"s"] ervy, bo[ m"beat. [d"v"]believe, ha(hard consonants<с>, <н>, <м>, <д>, <в>these words are pronounced softly).

In the same word, but in its different forms, consonants can alternate with each other - depending on what position they find themselves in: voiced consonants before vowels alternate with voiceless ones at the end of the word, voiceless consonants alternate with voiced ones in the position before voiced ones , hard ones alternate with soft ones in position before soft consonants. Such alternations of sounds are called positional. They do not violate the morphological integrity of the word and are not reflected in the writing. Compare: true b a-tru b (pronounced [true P]), mow T b–mow b A(pronounced [ka h"ba]), tra V a–tra V ka(pronounced [tra fкъ]), bo[ m b]a–o bo[ m"b]e, [ d"v"]e– [dv]umya.

Some alternations characterize not the modern phonetic system, but its state in the past; such alternations are called historical. They are assigned to certain morphological forms and are reflected in writing in the form of different letters. Compare: sve T it - light h uh, boo d it - boo and y, stereo G and – stereo and yes and under. Such alternations are not determined by the position of the sound: and before<и>, and before<у>both [t"], [d"], [g"], and [h], [zh] are possible (compare: shine and sharpen, guard and awaken and so on.). (For more on historical alternations, see below, §94–97.)

Loss of consonants.

In some positions during pronunciation, consonant sounds are dropped. Typically no sounds are made d And T in combinations zdn And stn , For example: great zdn ik, y stn y. In addition, in some words a consonant sound is dropped when other consonants are combined, for example: Sun, se rdc e , NAV st Liv, hello rise wow(compare: sunshine, heart, happiness, congratulations, where are the sounds l, d, t, v are pronounced).

To check the spelling of words with unpronounceable consonants, you need to select related words or forms of words where these combinations of consonants would be separated by a vowel or would appear at the end of the word, for example: mustache T ny – mustache T a – mustache T (gender case).

Exercise 72. Answer these questions orally.

1) What additional work of the tongue creates the softness of consonant sounds: d – d", l - l", h-z", d-g", x-x", b-b", m-m"? 2) Which consonant sounds in the Russian language are only hard? 3) Which consonants are only soft? 4) After which consonants in Russian words there can be no sound s ? After what sound And ?

73 . Read; identify soft consonants and explain how their softness is indicated in writing.

The louder the noise about you,

The more arrogantly you shut up.

Don't complete someone else's lies

Shame on explanations. (B. P asternak.)

74 . Write by inserting the missing letters. Explain why in some cases the softness of a consonant is indicated by the letter ь, and in others it is not indicated.

1) The lilac trees closed the whole house. 2) Tufts of white flowers stood out against the dark greenery. 3) The boys were looking for che...veys for fishing. 4) An agronomist...made a report on beans with pests in gardens and vegetable gardens. 5) Take... out and put them in the sweat... drawer. 6) The tables were covered with white rolls. 7) At the meeting they talked about the male...be and the young of the spring. 8) The hunters tracked down a big bear. 9) Was there a mustache here before? 10) There were nails in the box. 11) The s...d walked in shoals. 12) But...the air was fresh.

75 . Change these words so that the highlighted consonants are softened and write. Explain orally why it is written between soft consonants b .

Piss m o - in writing m e; fight b ah, grind b A, prison m A, mow b ah, please b ah, it hurts b oh, here you go m ah, surly m A , finger m A , finger b oh, sit me down b oh, take it m u, Kuz m oh, eight m Ouch.

76 . Write down and underline the soft consonants next to each other. Verbally explain why there is no relationship between them. b .

Worm, branchy, bears, bony, unless, if, death, forgive me, excuse me, areas, jaws, stories, canes, honors, in a dream, shipyards, nails, thoughts, executions, illnesses, greengrocer, lamplighter, mason, night, kidney , daughter, stove, finish, take into account, read, subtract.

77 . Read expressively; indicate what sounds the highlighted letters represent.

E sli boy

l Yu bit labor,

in the book l chick,

about this one

write here:

good And th boy.

(V.V. Mayakovsky.)

78. Using the elementary school curriculum and textbooks, determine which cases of denoting soft consonants are familiar to students in grades 1 and 2.

79. Indicate which words contain unpronounceable consonants; change, where possible, the given words so that these consonants are pronounced.

1) The sun flooded the entire neighborhood with bright light. 2) The guys felt joyful in the clean air. 3) The giant pines made a dull noise from their tops. 4) The nature of the area suddenly changed dramatically. 5) Late in the evening we were returning home. 6) There was a ladder at the window. 7) Someone hit me with a branch. 8) A breeze blew from the forest - the herald of a thunderstorm.


For all consonants without exception, the strong position is position before vowel. Before vowels, consonants appear in their basic form. Therefore, when doing phonetic analysis, do not be afraid to make a mistake when characterizing a consonant in a strong position: [dach’a] - Yes´ cha,[t'l'iv'i´zr] - television´ zor,[s’ino´n’ima] - sino´ nims, [b’ir’o´zy] - birch trees, [karz"i´ny] - baskets´ us. All consonants in these examples come before vowels, i.e. in a strong position.

Strong positions on deafness of voicedness:

· before vowels: [there] - there, [ladies] - I'll give,

· before unpaired voiced [p], [p’], [l], [l’], [n], [n’], [m], [m’], [y’]: [dl’a] - For,[tl'a] – aphid,

· Before [in], [in’]: [own’] - mine,[ringing] - ringing.


In a strong position, voiced and voiceless consonants do not change their quality.

Weak positions in deafness and voicedness:

· before paired ones according to deafness-voicing: [sweet] - sla´ dky, [zu´pk’i] – zu´ bki.

· at the end of a word: [zup] - tooth, [dup] – oak.

End of work -

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Orthoepy. Phonetics. Graphic arts. Classification of sounds, transcription

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Phonetics. Graphic arts. Orthoepy. Accentology
Phonetics (Greek Phone - sound) is a branch of linguistics in which the sound side of language is studied: the sounds of human speech, methods of their formation, acoustic properties,

Speech sounds
Speech sounds are the sounds that make up words. Speech sounds are the minimum sound unit that is distinguished by sequential sound division

The following symbols are used to indicate sounds
1. To distinguish a sound from a letter, sounds are enclosed in square brackets -. [a], [o], [l]. The entire transcribed text is enclosed in square brackets.

Vowels and consonants
Depending on the method of formation, sounds are divided into vowels and consonants. Vowel sounds consist only of the voice. When arr.

Vowels and consonants
1. During the formation of each specific sound, the movement of the speech organs is strictly individual. For example, when forming the sounds [d], [t], the tip and the front part

There are 36 consonant sounds in the Russian language, including 15 hard-soft pairs, 3 unpaired hard and 3 unpaired soft consonants

Voiced and voiceless consonants
Depending on the presence of voice, consonants are divided into voiced and voiceless. Sounds consisting of noise and voice are called bells: [b], [c], [d

Hard and soft consonants
Consonant sounds are divided into hard and soft sounds. The pronunciation of hard and soft sounds differs by the position of the tongue. Compare, for example

Speech sounds and letters. Alphabet
Sound speech in writing is conveyed using special graphic signs - letters. We pronounce and hear sounds, and we see and write letters. A list of letters in a specific order is called

Speech sounds and letters
1. In accordance with what sounds are indicated by letters, all letters are divided into vowels and consonants. There are 10 vowel letters:

Transcription is a special recording system that displays sound. The following symbols are used in the transcription: – square brackets, which indicate the transcription.

Vowels and consonants
Sounds are divided into vowels and consonants. Vowels are sounds

Method of formation of consonants
Consonants are sounds, when pronounced, the air encounters an obstacle in its path. In the Russian language there are two types of obstructions: a gap and a bow - these are the two main ways of forming according to

Voiced and voiceless consonants
According to the ratio of noise and voice, consonants are divided into voiced and voiceless.

Indication of softness of consonants in writing
Let's take a break from pure phonetics. Let's consider a practically important question: how is the softness of consonants indicated in writing? There are 36 consonant sounds in the Russian language, including 15 pairs of hardness

Place of formation of consonants
Consonants differ not only according to the characteristics already known to you: · dullness-voicing, · hardness-softness, · method of formation: stop-gap. The last one is important

Strong-weak positions for vowels. Positional changes of vowels. Reduction
People do not use spoken sounds in isolation. They don't need it. Speech is a sound stream, but a stream organized in a certain way. The conditions in which one or another finds itself are important.

Positional changes of consonants according to deafness-voicing
In weak positions, consonants are modified: positional changes occur with them. Voiced ones become voiceless, i.e. are deafened, and the deaf are voiced, i.e. call out. Positional changes observed

Assimilation of consonants
The logic is this: the Russian language is characterized by similarity of sounds if they are similar in some way and at the same time are nearby. Learn the list: [c] and [sh] → [sh:] – sew

Simplifying consonant clusters
Learn the list: wstv – [stv]: hello, feel zdn – [zn]: late zdc - [sc]: by the reins lnc - [nc]: sun

Letters and sounds
Letters and sounds have different purposes and different natures. But these are comparable systems. Poe

Verbal stress is the emphasis on one of the syllables in a word by greater voice strength and duration of pronunciation. In Russian the stress is free (various

Stress is the emphasis on a group of words, an individual word, or a syllable in a word. In Russian, the stressed element is pronounced with greater force, more distinctly and with more

Russian word stress (compared to other languages) has a number of features
1. In many languages, stress is fixed, constant, that is, stress is assigned to a certain syllable in a word. In French the accent is always on

Pronunciation of vowels
1. Vowels under stress are pronounced clearly: bor - [bor], garden - [sat]. 2. In an unstressed position, vowel sounds like

Pronunciation of consonants
1. Consonants paired in deafness-voicing can change their quality depending on their position in the word. Voiced consonants at the end of a word and before voiceless ones are deafened, i.e. pronounced

Pronunciation of consonant combinations
1. Combinations сж, зж, сш, зш at the junction of a prefix and a root, a root and a suffix are pronounced as long hard consonants [zh], [sh]: squeeze - [zh]at, lucky - ve[sh]ii, n

Pronunciation of endings -ого -его
At the endings of the -ogo, -his genitive case of adjectives and masculine and neuter participles, the sound [v] is pronounced in place of the letter g: good - good [v

Pronunciation of borrowed words
1. Before the letter e in many borrowed words, the consonants [d], [t], [z], [s], [n], [r] are pronounced firmly: antenna - an[te]nna, model - mo[de]

Some accentological norms of the modern Russian language
1. In a number of feminine nouns of the 1st declension with an accent at the ending, the stress in the accusative case of the singular is transferred to the first syllable: head

The classroom uses various forms of multi-level education for schoolchildren. Students work in three groups. In the first group there are children with high educational abilities and high and average performance. The second group is an average and low level of learning ability and average performance. The third group is students with low and average learning abilities and low performance.

In this lesson, work is being done to discover a new position for paired consonant sounds and its further application in teaching schoolchildren.

Topic: Strong and weak positions of consonant sounds.

Objectives: to teach to identify signs of strong and weak positions of paired consonant sounds; familiarization with the “weak” position of consonant sounds in front of consonant sounds, which is new for children; practice the method of writing with omissions of spellings of weak positions.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.

Checking readiness for the lesson. Encourage children to have a friendly attitude towards each other; for cultural dialogue when working in groups.

2. Updating knowledge.

- Change the words: meadows, sides so that they name one object. Write both changes of each word using sounds. Write down the changes in letters next to it.

For group 3, task No. 1 is performed according to the model. Task No. 2 is different in groups, taking into account their learning abilities.

For group 1: write down diagrams of strong and weak positions of consonant sounds.

Group 2: indicate the strong and weak positions of consonant sounds next to the diagrams.

Group 3: connect strong and weak positions with diagrams with a line.

3. Checking the group’s work at the board:

Children from group 1 begin so that the rest of the students listen to the explanation again.

1 Gr. 2 Gr. 3 Gr.

[MEADOWS] [G] O Meadows

[MEADOW] [K]. Lu_

[TANK][K] O B_

[SIDE] [K]. Bo_

From the diagrams written on the board, choose a more complete one or answer the teacher’s questions.

4. Statement of the problem:

– Do the consonants have any other weak positions? (Listen to the children’s opinions).

– Write down the name of the objects: beep, roller with sounds. Change each word so that it names many things, and write down the word changes with sounds. Mark with circles the penultimate consonant sounds in the changes.

Pupils of group 1 work independently and observe the changes in each word.

Pupils of groups 2 and 3 work together with the teacher.

[BEEP] [D]

[GUTK'I] [T]


[KATK'I] [T]

– In vowel sounds, strong and weak positions are determined by stress. What determines the positions of paired consonant sounds? (neighbor on the right, that is, Oh, no).

– Select and write down the penultimate consonant sounds.

– Are there any vowel sounds in a weak position? Tag them.

– Are there consonants in strong positions? Explain.

– Have you noted the positions of all consonant sounds?

– In what position are both sounds from a pair possible? (In strong). Write them out.

– And in what position does only 1 consonant sound from a pair come into play? (In weak).

-What sound is that? (consonant, voiceless).

– Show with arrows what sound appeared instead of the sounds [D] and [T] before the consonants.

Children's discovery of a new position.

– Compare and discuss in pairs the weak position of consonant sounds with the one you learned earlier. (Group 1 independently draws a conclusion about a new weak position). You made another discovery today. How many weak positions of consonant sounds do you now know? Is it possible to use letters to represent sounds in weak positions? (No, because spelling I put a dash).

Write the letter next to it. Who has a different letter entry, without gaps?

– What helped you write down the words without gaps? (law of Russian writing).

6. Primary consolidation:

Writing down words and sentences with omitting spellings of weak positions.

The first group works independently;
The second is based on the model;
The third group with a teacher.

If questions arise in groups, they show a card with a question mark. Children from group 1 come to the rescue.

7. Reflection of activity:

– What discovery did each of you make for yourself?

8. Homework:

For the first group: write down a few words where paired consonant sounds come before other consonants.

The second and third groups are given assignments based on the textbook.

The next Russian language lesson begins with determining the positions of consonant sounds in words written by 1 group.

System and characteristics of consonant phonemes.

Scientists are inclined to believe that there are 32 consonant phonemes in the Russian language, except<г’>, , , <ж’>, <ш’>- cause different attitudes <ш’> duty. - used at the junction of morphemes (peddler), at the junction of sounds (happiness), and this sound itself is very rare (pike, mother-in-law, shield, etc.). Not everyone agrees that SCH is a phoneme. [AND']– appears at the junction of morphemes (later), it is allowed to squeal; and the sound itself is practically not used (reins, yeast, etc.). [G'], ,- (guitar, sour, cunning). Grammar 80 counts [G'], , phonemes. - consonant phoneme, sonorant, voiced, fricative, middle language, soft.

Strong in sonority/voicelessness:

Any phoneme before vowels;

Before sonorants;

Before <в>, <в’>, (O b phenomenon about V silt);

Weak positions in terms of voicedness/voicelessness:

At the absolute end of the word (house);

In the middle of a word for any noisy before a noisy (ska h ka);

Strong in hardness/softness:

For pairs of hardness/softness at the absolute end of the word (drill);

Before vowels, except E;

Front-lingual consonants before back-lingual hard and hard labials (up to With ka, With the battle);

Phonemes <л>And<л’> before any consonants (flax);

Weak in hardness/softness:

Before E (case);

Phoneme position <н>, <н’> before <ч>, <щ> (pocket, deceiver);

Dental (not lateral) before soft dental (steppe);

Dental (not lateral, except <л’>, <л> ) before the soft labials (knock down, beat off);

Strong and weak positions of consonant phonemes.

There are perceptual and significative (from the Latin co-signify, distinction). There are significatively strong and weak positions. Significantly strong position– position of greatest discrimination of phonemes. For vowel phonemes - the position is stressed, for consonants - the position before the vowels. Significantly weak position. For vowel phonemes - unstressed position; for consonants - the absolute end of the word, in the middle of the word before the voiceless consonants. Perceptual position (from Latin perception, identification) - we identify one word with another. Perceptually strong position – the position of a phoneme that is not influenced by neighboring phonemes. For consonants - no deafening, voicing, softening, hardening. Perceptually weak– the position in which phonemes are influenced by neighboring phonemes. For consonants - shift; for consonants – deafening, voicing, softening, hardening. There are positions: strong and weak. Strong phoneme– a phoneme that appears in the position of greatest differentiation, i.e. position when more phonemes are distinguished. Weak phoneme– a phoneme that is in the position of least differentiation, i.e. for vowels – unstressed position; for consonants – the absolute end, subject to change in the middle. Absolutely weak phoneme– a phoneme in an absolutely weak position. Absolutely strong phoneme– a phoneme in an absolutely strong position.

5. Positional alternations of consonant sounds in the Russian language: phonetic (consonants in sonority-voicelessness, hardness-softness, place and method of formation, longitude-shortness, consonants with a zero sound) and morphological. Historical alternations.

Sound of speech - this is a specific sound, realized in specific phonetic conditions, depending on the environment, the speech characteristics of the speaker, the speech situation, therefore one should distinguish between the alternation of language sounds, which are caused by objective reasons and explained by the laws of phonetics and the alternation of speech sounds, which are subjective in nature and often depend on the will speaker.

Alternation of sounds RY are divided into positional and non-positional.

Positional – are determined by phonetic position (water-water [vo't]-[v^da], [t]-[d];[o]-[^]. Positional alternations can be determined not only by phonetic position) absolute end of the word, unstressed position, proximity to another sound), but also morphological position.

Non-positional – are not determined by phonetic position, they are associated with specific morphemes (hook - hook, friend - friend, hearing - hearing...).

Positional alternations are divided into: phonetic and morphological.

Positional alternations.

Phonetic alternations – appear in a certain phonetic position, they are explained by phonetic laws (reduction of vowels, for consonants - deafening, voicing). Phonetic alternations can occur for vowels and consonants.

Consonant sounds. There are 5 types:

1) alternation in voicedness/voicelessness, such alternations are observed: at the absolute end of a word, in the middle of a word, before any consonant. These alternations are natural and objective. Can be carried out according to 2 models:

A) positional exchange of a crossed type, characterized by paired voicedness/voicelessness [b]-[p], [v]-[f]... For example, [oaks]-[b]-[dup]-[p]-[B].

b) positional change of a parallel type, characterized by unpaired consonants in terms of voicedness/voicelessness. For example, [p’eitukh]-[x]-[p’eitugby]-[g].

2) alternation in hardness/softness - only before another soft consonant - positional change. For example, [bridge]-[s]-[mos’t’ik]-[s’].

3) alternation according to place and method of education. For example, open [^open’]-clean [^h’is’t’it’]-[t]-[h]. Plosive-affricate; dental-palatal;

4) alternation of consonants with zero sound - occurs in a group of consonants. For example, [ (s), (t), (l)]-[sl]; [ndsk]-[nsk]; [t]// with zero sound;

5) alternation of long and short consonants occurs in 2 cases:

At the absolute end of a word;

In the middle of a word before a consonant. For example, group - a lot of gru P; cool – cla With ny; [t- long] // [t].

Morphological. Determined by morphological position, not phonetic. For example: 1) alternation [g] // [zh] before the verbal suffix – I. Flag - flag, result - sum up; 2) before the suffix - N of the adjective. Friend - friendly; taiga - taiga; 3) alternation – consonant at root 1 and consonants at root 2 with //SS before the suffix – U. Blink - blink; step - step; - are called morphological. They can be considered historical, because there is no way to replace them at this time.

Non-positional alternations.

Historical alternations – associated with a specific morpheme, they are usually denoted by letters. There are several models in total:

1) alternation of consonant with consonant s//s.

- x//sh – fur - bag; hearing - hearing;

- g//f – friend - friend; girlfriend - girlfriend;

- s//w – friends - to be friends; goat - leather;

- s//sh – forest - goblin;

2) alternating a consonant with 2 consonants s// ss.

- sh//st – mother-in-law - father-in-law;

- sch//sk – area – flat;

- b//bl – love - love;

- p//pl – buy - buy;

- m//ml – feed - feed;

- v//vl – poison - persecution;

3) alternation of vowel with vowel g//g.

- e//a – flattery - climb;

- e//o– weave – whip – raft;

- o//a – word - words; through – well;

- a (i)//y – shaking - coward; dirt - load;

Russian language 2nd grade

(D.B. Elkonin-V.V. Davydov system)

Teacher of the Votkinsk Lyceum: Mashlakova S.N.

Subject. Strong and weak positions of consonants. Positions of consonants, paired according to voicedness and voicelessness, before sonorants.

Lesson stage: basic.

The purpose of this entire section:formation of spelling action at the stage of setting spelling tasks.

Learning task: compiling a table of strong and weak positions of consonant sounds. A letter with omitted spellings of weak consonant positions.

Lesson objectives:

1) educational– developing the ability to identify the position of consonants, paired in terms of voicedness and voicelessness, before sonorous ones;

2) developing – work to improve evaluative independence and reflection;

3) educational– fostering a love for nature and a caring attitude towards it; culture of educational dialogue.

Lesson objectives:

1. practice the ability to find strong and weak positions of consonant sounds, paired according to their voicedness and deafness;

2. identify the position of consonants, paired in voiced-voicelessness, before sonorants;

3. continue work to improve evaluative independence;

4. foster a culture of educational dialogue;

5. instill a love for nature and respect for it.

Lesson type: solving private educational problems.

UD forms: frontal, steam room, group.

Equipment: notebooks, textbook “Russian language”, part 1, S.V. Lomakovich, L.I. Timchenko, “Workbook on the Russian language” on a printed basis, table “Characteristics of sounds”, table “Strong and weak positions of consonants”, cards for group work, illustrations to the poem by E. Uspensky “Wild Nature” , bell, poster with a formula for presenting group decisions, poster for reflection, envelopes with colored circles for reflection, markers, tables for relieving visual fatigue.

During the classes.

I. Creating a learning situation.

Working with tables to relieve visual fatigue.

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the lesson.

Task 1. Org. moment.

Check it out, buddy.

Are you ready to start the lesson?

Is everything alright:

A book, pen and notebook?

Is everyone sitting correctly?

Is everyone watching carefully?

Guys, open your notebooks and place them at an angle. We look at the board, write down the number and the words “Cool work.” We put emphasis and underline the spelling of weak positions.

Open the textbook p.90 No.85. You see a poem by E. Uspensky. I asked the girls to learn it in advance and, since they are studying at an art school, to draw illustrations. Let's listen to them.

Do you have “wildlife” at home? Who will tell about this?

Why do people so want to have “wildlife” at home?

What does the word “nature” even mean?

What important task faces modern man?

The teacher clarifies the conclusion:we must protect nature.

Let's turn to the textbook and complete the task. Read the assignment.

Look at the table. How do you understand what a weak position of sounds is?

Why is it so important to know when a sound is in a weak position? (To write without errors).

So, knowing this secret, you will be able to write without errors? Raise your hand, who can do this? Amazing!

Let's test ourselves. We will complete the task ourselves.

Who wants to do the task on the board?

Anyone who knows how to do it can get to work.

If anyone needs help, raise your hand and I will help.

Examination. – Let’s check the words to the first scheme. Who agrees? Who has it differently?

Let's read the words to the second diagram. Who has a different opinion?

And the words for the third diagram.

Which word had to be written down twice? Why?

Conclusion: have we learned to find weak positions of consonant sounds? Well done!

Establishing interpersonal contact between children and teacher.

Motivation for cognitive interest

Working with the textbook.

Individual homework.

Realization of educational goals.

The students formulate the conclusion.


The student reads aloud.

Table “Strong and weak positions of consonant sounds.”

Creating a situation of success.



Individual work with a student.


II. Setting a learning task.

Task 2. – In E. Uspensky’s poem there is the word “multi-colored”. The paired “z” comes before the voiced one and it is also voiced. But the paired “t” also comes before the voiced one. Why doesn't he call?

What problem might we face?(Consonants may have other strong and weak positions)

What do we need to learn in class today?(Be able to find them)

Conclusion: Indeed, we may encounter words with other strong and weak consonant positions; we need to learn to find them.

What needs to be done for this? (Observe the sounds).

Physical exercise.

Card on the board.

Students formulate the topic and purpose of the lesson.

The topic of the lesson and purpose are clarified by the teacher.

The teacher puts a question mark on the board.

III. Analysis of the conditions for solving the problem.

Task 3. - Let's do it in textbook No. 86. Let's read the task.

Guys, there are a lot of words, but we have little time left. Think about how we can speed up our work? (Work in pairs).

Draw rulers in the margins and write the letters “P” and “K.” Don't forget to check with the green pencil.

We observe the noise level when working in pairs.

Which pairs want to complete the task on the board?

Examination. - Before what consonants are the first consonants pronounced?

Why then don’t the deaf voice themselves?

What is special about loud neighbors?

(They are not paired). They are called sonorous , which means sonorous. They are more sonorous than other voiced consonants.

We see that the paired sounds in front of them are different. And this means that the position before sonorants will be what? (Strong)

How can we record what we have learned on a diagram?

Have we answered the question asked?

Why do we need to know this? (To write without errors).

Well done!

Work in pairs.

Peer review.

[n] [l] [m] [r] [th]

Table “Characteristics of sounds”

Model construction.


IV. Testing the found method.

Task 4. – Guys,please tell me how to check whether students understand what weak and strong positions of consonants are? (You have to complete the tasks).

Is it easy to do alone? Maybe you need some advice?

- Form groups. I give you cards. Listen to the task: consonants paired in voiced-voicelessness stand before paired voiced consonants. What is this position? (Weak). Trace this consonant position on your cards with a marker. Be careful. Think about who will be responsible.

Examination. – A group representative comes to the board with a card and answers, following the answer rules. All cards are posted on the board.

Pay attention to the words [ringing], [your].

Why is the voiceless [s] not voiced before the voiced [v]? Maybe there is some kind of “secret” again?

We'll talk about this in the next lesson.

Group work.

The teacher writes a diagram on the board.

Start and end by sound bell

Formula table.

P – “we believe.”

O – “because”.

Pr – “for example.”

S – “therefore.”

Statement of the problem for the next lesson.

V. Final reflection.

What question did we answer in class?

(Do consonants have strong and weak positions).

What consonant position did we learn today? (Strong).