Visiting card Skornyakova Ksenia Yuryevna Coach-teacher Children's and youth sports school "Sambo and Judo" Movement, as such, can replace. Business card of the restaurant "Salt", stylized as a salt shaker

A good business card not only helps to establish the first contact, but also keeps information about the owner in the hands of the right person for a long time. This review contains 30 original, witty, funny, and, most importantly, great business cards.

Plastic surgeon business card

Advertising agency: Demner, Merlicek & Bergmann. Vienna, Austria.

Yoga instructor business card

Advertising agency: Marked for Trade.

Business card in the form of a cheese grater

Advertising agency: JWT, Brazil.

Business card of a lawyer specializing in divorce proceedings

Please note that the business card contains contact information on both sides, so one half can be given to each spouse.

Business card of a yoga center from Vancouver

A simple but effective business card for a Vancouver yoga center. The business card is rolled into a roll similar to a yoga mat.

Fitness trainer business card

A fitness trainer will help you remove your bulging belly. Advertising agency: Leo Burnett. Dubai, UAE.

Landscape designer business card

Author of design and idea: Jamie Wieck.

Advertising agency: Healthy People by Gray. Istanbul, Türkiye.

Photographer's business card

A photographer's business card in the form of a viewfinder.

Dentist business card

The message is obvious and therefore ingenious - to remove caries from a tooth, you need to pull out the insert with the phone number. Design: Michael Häne & Remo Caminada.

Personal fitness trainer business card

To read the text on this business card, you will have to make an effort, stretching it like an expander. The contract with the coach has not yet been signed, but the work has already begun...

Hair stylist business card

Design and idea: Igor Perkusic.

Business card - a set of filters for marijuana joints

Business card - a set of filters for "jambs".

Not a bad idea for a business card for an employee of the State Drug Control Service. Advertising agency: Bos. Toronto, Canada.

Business card for an investment company

The business card for a Canadian investment company clearly demonstrates situations when to buy and when to sell shares and assets. Professionalism should be in everything! Advertising agency: Rethink, Canada.

Business card of the yoga center "Straw"

Business card of the yoga center "Straw".

Advertising agency: Leo Burnett. Shanghai, China.

Sommelier business card

A business card clearly demonstrates what its owner does, as long as he doesn’t take work home. Design and idea: Caserne.

Personal Lego agent business card

Business card in the form of a photo frame

Advertising agency: Piko, Moldova.

Designer's signature business card - stylish, fun, transparent

Idea and design: Dario Monetini.

An excellent universal idea for a business card - the stamp can be placed anywhere, even on the neck. But, of course, it will look most original on a napkin, and it will also be safer. Advertising agency: OpusMultipla, Brazil.

Business card in the form of a folding toy chair

Advertising agency: DDB, Brazil.

Business card plunger with contacts

You can’t call it a business card, and a miniature plunger is unlikely to fit into a business card holder. But you are unlikely to raise your hand to throw away such a funny “business card”.

Business card in the form of a bag of seeds

A useful business card in every sense. Advertising agency: Struck, USA.

Business card in the form of a universal bicycle key

This business card immediately shows who it belongs to - a smart and practical bicycle technician. Of course, entrusting your favorite bike to such a person will not be scary at all. Designer: Rethink, Canada.

Musical comb business card for hair care salon

The idea of ​​this original comb business card is based on the principle of a music box. By running your finger over all the teeth one by one, you can hear the famous rock melody. This musical business card, oddly enough, belongs to a hair care salon. Advertising agency: Fabio Milito design. Rome, Italy.

Business card of a company engaged in the transportation of goods

The original origami business card, which folds into a packaging box, belongs to a company specializing in cargo transportation. Advertising agency: Y&R. Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Business card of the restaurant "Salt", stylized as a salt shaker

The business card of the "Salt" restaurant, stylized as a salt shaker.

Minimalistic, but original, effective and intelligible. Design: flux.

The business card of a survival specialist is made on a plate of dried meat. Anything can happen in life... Even if a person did not have time to attend survival training, in some situations such a business card can save him from starvation, giving him a chance to still attend these trainings later. Advertising agency: Rethink. Vancouver, Canada.

Business card of a company selling grills. To find out the contacts, it must be heated. Of course, such a business card is not very convenient for everyday use, but you can be sure that the person who receives it will definitely check how it works. Which means Bingo!

However, it happens that business cards, which are used by specialists like clothes, are valued not for beauty or originality, but for their manufacturability, as we once wrote about in our review.

Business card

(teacher information card)


4. Education: On May 20, 2003 she graduated from the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, correspondence department of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Life Safety. Qualified as "Teacher of Physical Culture and Sports" in the specialty "Physical Culture and Sports"

5. Teaching experience since 2007

6. Teaching experience in a preschool institution since 2007.

7. Total work experience since 1998 (worked as an assistant teacher)

8. What experience was generalized and when:

  • Annual participation in regional methodological associations of physical education instructors;
  • maintaining the blog “Physical Education Instructor” of the regional methodological association;
  • participation in the Week of Pedagogical Achievements since 2010.
  • participation in the regional stage of the city competition "Teacher of the Year in Preschool Education 2013"
  • participation in the work of the Organizing Committee of the regional "Lego Festival" 2013.
  • participation in the city community of physical education instructors December 2013
  • 2nd place at the XI All-Russian competition "Master of Pedagogical Work in Academic and Extracurricular Forms of Physical Education, Health and Sports Work" (URFO). November 2014


on the topic "Physical culture of the individual" 2008

MOU DPO Educational and Methodological Center of Chelyabinsk 2010

"The use of blogs in the activities of specialists"

" service as an effective tool for creating interactive on-line presentations"

Educational and thematic seminar

District Education Department Program

According to the program "Testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for workers" March 2011

"Training and Methodological Center for Disaster Medicine" year 2012

according to the program "First aid"

GBOU DPO "Chelyabinsk Institute of Retraining and

advanced training of education workers

according to the additional professional program

"Physical education and health promotion of students and pupils", from 09/14/2015 to 09/25/2015 for 72 hours.

10. Individual achievements

Certificate of honor for many years of conscientious work, high professional skill and in connection with the 50th anniversary of the formation of MDOU DS No. 81 2008.

Certificate for many years of conscientious work, high professional excellence and in connection with the celebration of Teacher's Day 2012

Gratitude for the creative approach and high professional achievements in working with preschool children.

Certificate for the best presentation of the developing environment of the gym,

For the completeness and accuracy of the material presented. year 2013.

Gratitude from the parents of 2013 graduate Marina Somova

Participation in the work of the Organizing Committee of the regional Lego Festival 2013

Certificate of honor for many years of conscientious work, high professional excellence and in connection with the 55th anniversary of the institution in 2013.

Participation in the city community of physical education instructors

Presentation on calendar-thematic planning

according to the program "Childhood". Theme "Hello Winter!" (1st week of December)

November 2014

Participation in a bike race among preschoolers at a regional festival

"Day of Family, Love and Fidelity"

11. Certification

Essay "My pedagogical initiative"

“If a person confidently moves forward towards his dream and strives to live the life he imagined, then success will come to him at the most ordinary hour and completely unexpectedly.”

Henry David Thoreau

I work in a kindergarten as a physical education instructor. My passion for sports played an important role in choosing a profession.

Many years ago, my parents took me to the Yunost-Metar sports school, where I first played volleyball, then track and field. Playing sports gave me the opportunity to feel the joy of my own achievements. It was sports that helped me realize that perseverance and working on oneself helps in achieving any goals.

Working in kindergarten No. 81 of the Metallurgical District of the city of Chelyabinsk, first as an assistant teacher, then as a teacher, I studied by correspondence at the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University with a degree in physical education and sports. She received a diploma and began her teaching career as a physical education instructor.

For six years now, every day, I come to the gym of my favorite kindergarten, conduct morning exercises, work with preschoolers, organize holidays, competitions, and relay races. And while filling out the documentation, I see that in recent years the health of children has been progressively deteriorating. The number of children suffering from cardiovascular diseases, obesity, disorders of posture, speech, movement coordination, and respiratory function is growing. One of the reasons for deteriorating health is a decrease in physical activity. Despite the great popularity of physical culture, it cannot yet be called a way of life for every person. I understand how important it is to preserve and strengthen the health of my students, so I constantly ask myself: “How to create in children the need for physical activity, how to organize educational activities in an interesting and exciting way?” I am looking for new approaches to the content and organization of work.

What has already been done? To improve the health of preschool children in all groups, direct educational activities in physical education are organized 3 times a week. The third direct educational activity in physical education is carried out in a non-traditional form as dance and play gymnastics. When planning this activity, I use the manual of Zh.E. Firilyova, E.G. Saykina. “Sa-Fi-Dance”, which presents a health and development program in dance and play gymnastics for children aged 3 to 7 years. The content of the program is interconnected with physical and musical education programs in kindergarten. All sections of the program are united by the game method. Dance-rhythmic gymnastics includes sections: igrorhythmics, igrogymnastics and igrodance. Non-traditional types of exercises are represented by: igroplasty, finger gymnastics, play self-massage, musical active games and travel games. The creative gymnastics section includes: musical and creative games and special tasks. My students are always happy to run to the gym, but they especially love the dance and play gymnastics classes “Sa-Fi-Dance”. I watch the children with interest. When performing physical exercises accompanied by rhythmic music, sometimes they get tired from repeating complex movements, but when everything works out and gives them pleasure, there are emotions on their faces and delight in their eyes. Physical exercises, expressed in the form of dance to music, acquire a brighter color and have a greater healing effect.

Currently, preschool institutions are faced with the acute question of ways to improve health promotion, developed the “Fitball-gymnastics” program and This is the second year the children have been studying in the sports section under this program. Exercises with fitballs have a beneficial effect on the health of pupils, their level of physical development increases, and the level of morbidity decreases.

In our kindergarten, sports events dedicated to Mother's Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day and Children's Day have become traditional, in which parents are active participants. I see how these events bring great joy to children, parents of pupils and kindergarten staff.

I love watching children’s faces when performing physical exercises; sometimes they get tired from repeating complex movements, but when everything works out and gives them pleasure, what emotions are on their faces and delight in their eyes. And looking at these radiant faces, I myself enjoy.

Kindergarten is a small world where I feel free and easy. I like what I do. I try to improve my professional skills: I attend advanced training courses and engage in self-education. I learned to share innovative findings with colleagues and provide assistance; I learned to use my working time rationally. I always try to bring a positive attitude to the team. I am passionate about the profession, my business, I understand the importance and necessity of work, even a financially not very attractive profession.


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Slide captions:

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 11 “Teremok” in the village of Psebay NATALYA ALEKSANDROVNA SALKOVA, physical education instructor Address of the kindergarten: P. Psebay, st. Komsomolskaya, 23, Tel 8-(86-192) 6-14-08 Goals and objectives of physical education. Creating optimal conditions for the comprehensive development of motor and psychophysical abilities of preschool children. Protecting and strengthening the health of children, promoting harmonious physical development and hardening the body. WORK EXPERIENCE GENERALIZED on the topic: “The use of non-traditional gaming technologies in physical education and recreational work”

Thanks to close cooperation with group teachers, music directors, choreographers, speech therapists and using new variable forms of work, we achieve the best results, which we are very proud of. We are little crumbs, but we will grow up soon!!! And Psebai will know, and the garden will know - worthy champions are raised here!!! We'll definitely get to the Olympics in Sochi!!!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Skornyakova Ksenia Titles: Master of Sports of Russia in sambo wrestling, CCM in judo. In 2012, she was certified for the first qualification category for the position of “trainer-teacher”. K.Yu. Skornyakova is an active athlete and is a member of the permanent team of the Sverdlovsk region sambo wrestling team, has the following awards: Repeated winner of the Championships and Championships of the Sverdlovsk region in sambo among juniors (yy) Repeated winner of the Championships and Championships of the Ural Federal District in sambo among juniors (yy) Prize-winner of the Championship Russian sambo among juniors (Anapa 2011) Winner of the Asian part of Russia sambo championship among girls (2010) Winner of the International Asian Sambo Championship (Tashkent, 2010), Prize-winner of the All-Russian judo tournament (2010 d.) Winner and prize-winner of the 9th All-Russian Sambo Wrestling Tournament among women (2011) Prize-winner of the Russian Sambo Championship among youth under 23 years old (Kstovo, 2012) Age – 21 years

Sambo wrestling is a complex phenomenon; it develops a person in several directions. Healthy lifestyle: physical training, high-quality individual preparation for participation in competitions; Psychological stability, social adaptation (development of citizenship, self-education).

The purpose of the work of the trainer-teacher: to design a system of educational activities in the children's team, as a fundamental element of the general educational system of the sports school. Objectives: Consider the educational possibilities of sambo wrestling. Determine the directions of educational activities in the children's team. Develop a plan for educational work in educational and training groups of primary school age. to design a system of educational activities in a children's team as a fundamental element of the overall educational system of a sports school. Objectives: Consider the educational possibilities of sambo wrestling. Determine the directions of educational activities in the children's team. Develop a plan for educational work in educational and training groups of primary school age.

Educational and training sessions actively contribute to: the formation of sports interest, i.e. children’s awareness of the need for activities, and interest acts as a direct motive for sports activity; consolidation of sports interest, transition of sports orientations into attitudes, into a habitual way of life; the student's desire for higher and higher achievements.