Words of condolences regarding death in prose. Condolences on the occasion of death - how to express in your own words and support the relatives of the deceased

Condolences regarding death are words of grief and complicity with which relatives, acquaintances and colleagues support the relatives of a deceased person. Such words are addressed orally or in writing.

Life is fleeting and sometimes ends. Even tragic event happened to people I barely know, the news of this comes as a shock. The deceased may be a distant relative, colleague, or housemate with whom they occasionally exchanged phrases. Expressing condolences over the death in this case is the only correct solution. In this way you show your sympathy and help cope with the surging grief. Of course, all this works if the words of condolences were spoken from pure heart and selected according to life circumstances.

How to Express Condolences

How to express words of condolences regarding the death of your family and friends, friends and colleagues who have suffered a loss? It seems that the words are banal and empty. But one must certainly express condolences - this long tradition expressions of support for those experiencing grief. We empathize, which means we are together. In moments of grief, even a few words of encouragement can help comfort those grieving and show them that we are there and ready to help. How to express condolences is not so important: the main thing is to say something from the heart, show sympathy and support those who are grieving.

Verbal condolences to the relatives of the deceased

Most often, condolences are expressed to relatives in person, in writing or by telephone. Verbally expressing condolences is preferable, especially if you live nearby or meet at work or other public place. Other forms of condolences are used when the addressee lives far away or when it is necessary to follow the rules of etiquette, which require condolences to be expressed in writing.

Another instance of saying verbal condolences- speech at a funeral or during a memorial meal. Since such a ceremony is usually attended by people who knew the deceased well, find sincere wishes usually not a big deal.

Condolences on death in writing

Condolences on the death of in writing– ways of expression:

  • By letter or postcard by mail. An old, but still relevant method. Often required by etiquette. Condolence cards should be selected in accordance with the sad event; the design should not be provocative or festive.
  • The inscription on the mourning ribbon. Usually she is immutable attribute ritual wreath or basket of flowers. You can read more about inscriptions in our article Inscriptions on wreaths.
  • By email. Most often, this option is used to express condolences about a death to people abroad.
  • Obituary in the newspaper. Choose something printed edition, which is written out or read by the relatives of the untimely deceased.
  • SMS notification. If you are not a mobile operator, beware of doing this. Better make it short phone call. Exception: subscriber for a long time is out of reach.

Words of condolences

How to choose words of condolences for people who have suffered an irreparable loss? It often seems that all phrases are banal and can only offend the relatives of the deceased. Believe me, in moments of grief, any encouragement and manifestation of participation are very important. Relatives of the deceased experience severe stress and they themselves are not always ready to show their emotions to others. Your support and affection will help ease their pain at least for a while.

Examples of verbal condolences for death

Funeral words should not contain falsehood or pathos. You say them to keep the other person in Hard time, not for expression own feelings. If you really have nothing to say, limit yourself to laconic phrases. It should also be taken into account mutual arrangement mourning with the deceased. It will be strange for a person in grief to hear “ Bright memory to your dad. Good memories are what will help get through this loss,” if in fact he and his father did not have the best relationship.

  • I am shocked by the sad news. Be strong.
  • My heart is out of place from what I heard. Rest in peace __.
  • I can’t believe that such a person left us. This is an irreparable loss.
  • The loss of a mother (father, brother, etc.) is always difficult to experience. We sympathize and empathize.
  • The deceased and I did not always find mutual language. Now I would like to apologize for the disagreement. I'm not always right either.
  • Please accept our words of consolation. How can we help you at this moment?
  • We sincerely sympathize with your entire family. We know how kind and sensitive N was.
  • Sad event. This is hard to talk about. We hope he finds peace in heaven.
  • This is a sad loss. I'm sorry that she didn't live as long as she would have liked.
  • Difficult to pick the right words at such a moment. Just remember that you can always turn to me for help.

Words of condolences can also be more personalized. This is quite appropriate if you knew the deceased personally. When offering condolences over a death, one should not talk about bad things, for example, about the reprehensible actions of the deceased. Only good things should be said, focusing on what positively characterizes the deceased.

How to write a condolence

When putting mourning words in writing, the question often arises of how to write a condolence message. IN in this case You should stick to laconic phrases. Poems of condolence for a death are appropriate for an obituary or mourning ribbon. In other cases, they will smack of pathos and pretentiousness. Condolences in prose usually contain 2-3 sentences. Brevity and clarity of content are more important here. After all, a postcard or letter will be reread several times.

  • __ was a kind and sympathetic woman. We mourn and remember together with you.
  • It is sad that the people dearest to us pass away. We offer our sincere condolences.
  • With the departure of __ we have lost a lot. We will miss her smile. Please accept our words of sympathy.
  • We offer your entire family our sincere condolences for your irreparable loss. May God rest his soul.
  • Our deepest condolences on the unexpected death of ___. We pray and mourn.
  • Everyone who knew __ is now grieving. It's unbearably sad to lose loved ones in such a time. early age. We will always remember him.
  • It doesn’t matter how long a person has lived, what matters is how much good he brought into this world. May God reward him for his good deeds.
  • We mourn with you for irretrievable loss. We believe that such a bright person will definitely go to Heaven.
  • Only with the departure of __ we felt how great her love was. She will always live in our fond memories.
  • We empathize with you. There is pain for which there is no cure. We believe that the Lord will not abandon you in such a difficult moment.

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We intuitively and subconsciously understand how to behave in joyful, easy life situations and holiday events. But there are events of a tragic nature - death loved one, For example. Many are lost, faced with their unpreparedness for loss; for most, such events are beyond acceptance and awareness.

People experiencing loss are easily vulnerable, acutely aware of insincerity and pretense, their feelings are overwhelmed with pain, they need help to relieve it, accept it, come to terms with it, but in no case add to the pain with an accidentally thrown tactless word or incorrect phrase.

You need to be able to show increased tact and correctness, sensitivity and condescension. It is better to remain silent, showing delicate understanding, than to cause additional pain, hurt disturbed feelings, or touch nerves overloaded with emotions.

We will try to help you understand how to behave in a situation where the person next to you has suffered grief - the loss of a loved one, how to properly sympathize and choose the right words so that the person feels your support and sincere sympathy.

It is necessary to take into account the existing differences in condolences.

The form of expressing condolences for the loss will vary:

  • Grandparents, relatives;
  • mother or father;
  • brother or sister;
  • son or daughter - child;
  • husband or wife;
  • boyfriend or girlfriend;
  • colleagues, employee.

Because the depth of experience varies.

Also, the expression of condolences depends on the severity of the grieving person’s feelings about what happened:

  • Imminent death due to old age;
  • imminent death due to serious illness;
  • premature, sudden death;
  • tragic death, accident.
But there is the main thing general condition, regardless of the cause of death - genuine sincerity in expressing your grief.

The condolence itself should be short in form, but deep in content. Therefore, you need to find the most sincere words that accurately convey the depth of your sympathy and your willingness to provide support.

In this article we will provide samples and examples. various forms expressions of condolences, we will help you choose sorrowful words. You will need: sincerity; patience; attention to the person; sympathy;
Tip 1

Form and method of presentation

Condolences will be distinctive features in form and method of presentation, depending on its purpose.


  1. Personal individual condolences to family and friends.
  2. Official individual or collective.
  3. Obituary in the newspaper.
  4. Farewell mourning words at the funeral.
  5. Funeral words at the wake: for 9 days, on the anniversary.

Serving method:

The timeliness factor is important, so in this way postal delivery should only be used to send a telegram. Of course, the fastest way to offer your condolences is to use modern tools connections: Email, Skype, Viber..., but they are suitable for confident Internet users, and such should be not only senders, but also recipients.

Using SMS to show sympathy and empathy is only acceptable if there are no other opportunities for contact with a person, or if the status of your relationship is distant acquaintance or formal friendly relations.

Submission form:

In writing:

  • Telegram;
  • email;
  • e-card;
  • obituary - a mourning note in a newspaper.

IN orally:

  • In a telephone conversation;
  • in person.
In prose: Suitable for written and oral expression of grief.
In verse: suitable for written form expressions of grief.
Tip 2

Important points

All verbal condolences should be short in form.

  • It is more delicate to express official condolences in writing. For this, a heartfelt verse is more suitable, to which you can choose a photo of the deceased, corresponding electronic pictures and postcards.
  • Personal individual condolences must be exclusive and can be expressed either verbally or in writing.
  • For the dearest and closest people, it is important to express or write sorrowful condolences with your in sincere words, not formal, which means not formulaic.
  • Since poems are rarely exclusive, exclusively yours, so listen to your heart, and it will tell you words of consolation and support.
  • Not only words of condolences should be sincere, but also an offer of any help that is within your power: financial, organizational.

Be sure to mention the distinctive personal virtues and character traits of the deceased person that you would like to preserve in memory forever as an example: wisdom, kindness, responsiveness, optimism, love of life, hard work, honesty...

This will be the individual part of the condolence, the main part of which can be formulated according to sample proposed in our article.
Tip 3

Universal mournful texts

  1. “May the earth rest in peace” is a traditional ritual phrase that is said after a burial has taken place; it can be used as a condolence at a funeral service; it is suitable even for atheists.
  2. “We all mourn your irreparable loss.”
  3. “The pain of loss cannot be expressed in words.”
  4. “I sincerely condole and sympathize with your grief.”
  5. “Please accept my deepest condolences on the death of a dear person.”
  6. “We will keep in our hearts the bright memory of the deceased wonderful man.”

Help can be offered in the following words:

  • “We are ready to share the severity of your grief, be by your side and provide the necessary assistance to you and your family.”
  • “Surely, you will need to resolve many issues. You can count on us, accept our help."
Tip 4

On the death of mother, grandmother

  1. “The death of the closest person - mother - is an irreparable grief.”
  2. “The bright memory of her will forever be in our hearts.”
  3. “How much we didn’t have time to tell her during her lifetime!”
  4. “We sincerely mourn and sympathize with you in this bitter moment.”
  5. “Hold on! In memory of her. She wouldn't want to see you in despair."

Tip 5

On the death of a husband, father, grandfather

  • “I offer my sincere condolences and express my deep sympathy in connection with the death of a loved one who was a reliable support for you and your family.”
  • "In memory of this strong man you must show fortitude and wisdom to survive this grief and continue what he did not have time to complete.”
  • “We will carry the bright and kind memory of him throughout our lives.”

Tip 6

On the death of a sister, brother, friend, loved one

  1. “It is painful to realize the loss of a loved one, but it is even more difficult to come to terms with the departure of young people who have not known life. Everlasting memory!"
  2. “Allow me to express my most sincere condolences on the occasion of this severe, irreparable loss!”
  3. “Now you will have to become a support for your parents! Remember this and hang in there!”
  4. “God help you survive and endure the pain of this loss!”
  5. “For the sake of your children, their peace and well-being, you need to cope with this grief, find the strength to live and learn to look into the future.”
  6. “Death does not take away love, your love is immortal!”
  7. “Happy memory to a wonderful man!”
  8. “He will forever remain in our hearts!”
Tip 7

To the death of a believer

The text of condolences may contain the same sorrowful words as for socialite, But Orthodox Christian should be added:

  • Ritual phrase:

“The Kingdom of Heaven and Eternal Peace!”
"God is merciful!"

  • Prayer phrase:

“O Lord, rest his soul, forgive all sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant the Kingdom of Heaven!” Conclusion


“The life of the dead continues in the memory of the living” - these words belong to to the ancient sage Cicero. And while we are alive, our departed loved ones live in our hearts!

Condolences. How to sincerely express condolences to the relatives of the deceased? Short words grief over death and support in difficult times. "My condolences…"

Words of grief and support in difficult times

Sincere words of sorrow and delicate behavior express a willingness to share grief, support a neighbor with their presence, or shared memory about the deceased. What is even more important is action participation, willingness to help, give your time and effort to a friend or friend at a time when he is vulnerable, depressed and needs participation. It’s good if you can guess what exactly: in financial assistance, organizational, physical. Maybe you need a ride or shelter for someone for a couple of days. Offer your services For example:

  • How can I help you these days?
  • If/when you need anything, contact me right away!
  • A lot has fallen on you right now. What can I do for you?
  • I think you might need some help. I would like to participate.

My condolences…

How to find Right words sorrow? If you know the relatives of the deceased closely, then it is better to think of a more personal, personal sympathetic phrase. While thinking through words of condolences, we recommend that you look. Each obituary ends with words of condolences from the celebrity's family and friends. We have given some words of condolences to celebrities at the end of this article. The website “Making Monuments.ru” provides 100 specific examples words of sorrow on the occasion of death.

Accept my condolences!

Delicacy and sincerity- this is what you need to remember when pronouncing words of sympathy. In grief, the feeling of sincerity and falsehood intensifies. Feel free to select in advance, and Housesrepeatedlyaloudtalk phrase of condolences. This will allow right moment Don't worry about the wording and focus on the person and the circumstances. Don't be shy about your feelings. If you want to hug a friend, touch her shoulder or hug her; shake a friend’s hand – shake it. A tear rolls down - don’t turn away, but brush it away. Take a bag of clean napkins with you - they may be useful to you or someone present.

Death is the final reconciliation... If you harbor a grudge against the deceased, find strength in yourself forgive. Having cleansed your soul and thoughts of negativity, words of sympathy will sound from the heart, sincerely! If you had a conflict with the deceased, then sincere regret, an apology, and a request for forgiveness will be in order.

Examples of short verbal condolences

Format verbal condolences depends on the context. In a close circle, you can allow soulful. But at a funeral or, during a farewell to the body or during a funeral service, only short sayings. Many more invitees must express their condolences.

  • [Name] was human big soul. We sincerely sympathize with you!
  • Be strong!/(Be strong, friend)!
  • He was a bright/kind/powerful/talented person. An example for all of us. We will always remember!
  • I loved him/(her)/[Name]. My condolences!
  • How much good she did for her neighbors! How she was loved and appreciated during her lifetime! With her passing, we lost a piece of ourselves. We really feel for you!
  • This is a tragedy: we are in great pain at this hour. But it’s hardest for you! If we can help you with anything, please contact us immediately!
  • He has meant/done/helped me a lot in my life. I mourn with you!
  • He left so much of his soul in all of us! It's forever as long as we're alive!
  • Our entire family sympathizes with your grief. Our condolences... Be strong!
  • His role in my life is huge! How small those disagreements were, and the goodness and deeds that he did for me, I will never forget. My condolences to you!
  • What a loss! Man of God! I pray for him, I pray for all of you!
  • What a pity that I didn’t have time to tell him “I’m sorry!” He opened for me new world, and I will always remember this! My sincere condolences!

Religious Condolence

Is it right to express condolences using religious rhetoric? When is it appropriate and when is it not appropriate to refer to quotes from holy books? How should you use the words of prayers if you express your condolences to a person of a different faith or an atheist?

  • If both the sympathizer and the mourner are atheists or agnostics, then there is no point in resorting to religious rhetoric. Ideas short phrases sympathy can be gleaned from the section.
  • If a man, someone who has lost a loved one is a believer, but you are not, then it would be correct to briefly address the topic of a better life in another world, but the use church language will seem fake. Ideas for phrases can be found in the section.
  • On the contrary, when the person grieving is an atheist or agnostic, and you are a believer, then an appeal on your part to or to the dogmas of your religion will look like a sincere form of sympathy. Only the measure is important.
  • If you and the bereaved person - both fellow believers, then turning to common sources, general and observance of canonical rites of remembrance are appropriate.
  • Even if the grieving person is himself a lover of rhyme, still the moment of condolences is not the right time for your own poetry.
  • The poetic text in the context of condolences is devalued and can be perceived as verbal exercises during grief.
  • If it’s popular, then it’s already exotic, but condolence poems- this is the risk of being misunderstood.

Condolences via SMS? No.

  • The message may arrive at the wrong time.
  • Even if your condolences are terse, the very image of the SMS channel suggests the transmission of facts, not feelings.
  • If you send condolences via SMS, then you have a phone in your hand. — Was it difficult to call? - this is what a person who has suffered a loss will think about.
  • If you do not meet in person in the coming days, then express your condolences by phone or email.

What should you not say when expressing condolences?

  • Comfort with the prospect. Pain is here and now, and against its background, turning to the future means either showing your tactlessness, or hurting a loved one, or, at the very least, being unheard or misunderstood. Inappropriate words: “Everything will be fine...”, “Don’t worry, you’ll get married in a couple of years”, “Everything will pass, and this is pain too”, “Time heals...”, “Nothing, you’re young, you’ll give birth again”, “I wish you faster survive the grief...
  • Demonstrate positive circumstances associated with the loss. Examples of tactless phrases: “Be strong, friend! After all, it can also happen (so/worse/more terrible...)”, “With such torment, death is a relief”, “It’s good that at least (something worse) didn’t happen”, “The child will have his own room”, “You the opportunity arises (to do something).”
  • Point out the culprit, “find the last one”. For example, “God gave - God took”, “If you... (went to the doctor), would not have let him go, listened to the advice...”, “Such doctors should be put on trial,” “Given his lifestyle, it is not surprising.”
  • Don’t ask how and under what circumstances it happened. This is not the time or place to ask for details.
  • You shouldn't at this moment talk about any topic not related to the experience. Neither about work, nor about mutual acquaintances, nor on any extraneous topics.
  • Don't appeal to your experience, even if you have experienced a similar grief. “Girlfriend, I know how hard it is for you, I also lost...”, even if said sincerely, at the moment of grief it can be perceived inadequately.
  • Intrusive or banal advice, like “You must live for the sake of...”, “You need to calm down, wait out the time”, etc. - all this is stupid and unnecessary in moments of grief.

It’s impossible not to list all the “impossible” ones. Be guided common sense, with a sense of proportion, be sincere and sympathetic. Be short and concise. Remember that sometimes it is better to remain silent and abstain than to talk idle talk or be tactless.

How to write a letter of condolence

It is not always possible to express condolences in person, and then in the very first days after death a letter of sympathy should be sent.

Written condolences on a postcard appropriate as an addition to a discreet funeral bouquet (red, white colors) or together with some amount of money, if it is, say, a benefit or just financial assistance from an enterprise. Design matters: you cannot write condolences on a bright festive or greeting card. Use special ones, or take a completely neutral card with a restrained design.

Email condolences it should also be concise, sincere, but restrained. The title should already contain words of condolences. So, it is incorrect to indicate “Condolences on the death of so-and-so” in the subject line of the letter, but the correct one would be: “[Name], my condolences on the death of your father/(mother).” Before you press the “send” button, read the condolences through the eyes of a grieving person. It should be short, to the point, without fluff or tactlessness. Below are examples of written condolences.

Examples of written condolences

Sample condolences on a card about the death of a mother

Dear/Dear [Name]!

It was difficult for us to accept the news of the death of your/your mother, [Name and Patronymic of the deceased]. The more we sympathize with your/your loss. We deeply mourn the death of [Name and Patronymic]. For us, she has always been an example of care, sensitivity, and attention to one’s neighbor. (or other characteristics of the deceased positive traits) and conquered with her kind disposition and love of humanity. We are very sad for her and can only imagine what a heavy blow her passing was for you. More than once we remembered her words: [such and such]. And in this she served as an example of [something], thanks to her we became/understood [how the deceased influenced us]. Your mother, [First name and patronymic] raised and raised you/you - worthy person, which, we are sure, she was proud of. We are happy that we had the chance to know her.

With deep and sincere sympathy, the [So-and-so] family

Sample of condolences by e-mail about the death of mother

Email header:[Name], my condolences to you on the death of [Name and Patronymic]!

Text of the letter: Dear [Name]! Today I sadly learned about the death of your mother, [Name and Patronymic]. It’s hard to believe - after all, not so long ago she warmly welcomed us as guests. I remembered her as (positive qualities of the deceased) . It is difficult for me to imagine the depth of grief that you are experiencing right now. My sincere condolences!

Perhaps these days you will have troubles associated with mourning events. I want to offer you my help: maybe you need to meet someone, help with a car, or notify someone... Contact me! I would like to help in some way during this difficult moment for all of us!

I sympathize with your loss! Signature.

Condolences on the death of father

Structure of a letter (postcard, email) of condolences on the death of a father girlfriend or friend - the same as in the case of condolences for the death of a mother (see above). However, society values ​​slightly different qualities in a man than in a mother or wife. Words and phrases that are appropriate to express condolences on the death of dad, head of the family, are given below. If more precise words of consolation come to mind that reflect the characteristics of this particular person, then it is better to use them.

  • As soon as I met your father, that same day I realized that he was a man of [such and such qualities]
  • It was a real man, a responsible head of the family and a caring person.
  • I didn’t know your father personally, but I can imagine how much he meant to you.
  • He was an example for me in this and that.
  • He admired everyone for his foresight, erudition, and sharp mind.
  • I realized that I knew little about him. When the time is right, tell me more about your dad!
  • Knowing you, I can guess how much your father gave to his family and children!

Samples of condolences for the death of a friend, colleague

Condolences to a colleague, employee, subordinate - not only a sign good relations in a team, but also an element of business ethics in a healthy company. Condolences for a colleague are expressed in the same way as condolences for a friend, relative, or someone close to you. The examples below focus attention precisely on professional status - boss, responsible specialist, prominent official, public figure...

  • It is with deep regret that I learned about the tragic/untimely/sudden death of the president of your company, Mr. [Last Name-Patronymic]. His contribution to the formation/development/prosperity of your company is well known and indisputable. The management of [Company Name] and our colleagues, saddened by the bitter news, convey their condolences for the loss of a respected and talented leader.
  • Let me express to you our deep feelings regarding the death of [position] Mrs. [Last name-First name-Patronymic]. Her professionalism, competence and dedication earned her the genuine respect of all who worked with her. Please accept our sincere condolences for your grief and sympathy for your irreparable loss.
  • I am deeply shocked by the news of the death of [position, First Name and Patronymic]. Let me express my most sincere sympathy to you personally and all the employees of your company. My colleagues, having learned of the tragedy/grief/misfortune, share deep sadness at his/her passing.

Words of condolences serve to express participation and support. The reason may be the death of a person, disability, severe injury as a result of a car accident, fire, natural disasters etc. The situations are all tragic and sad.

Condolences can be offered verbally. In person, words of condolences are usually spoken to relatives, friends, and colleagues. It would be appropriate to then ask if there is anything you can do to help.

Very often, condolences are also offered in text form when this cannot be done for some reason in person. The letter is usually sent immediately after news of a tragic situation. If a significant amount of time has already passed, then there is no need to send a letter of condolence.

A letter of condolence can also be a manifestation of business ethics. In this case, it is issued on letterhead or a postcard appropriate to the situation. A live personal signature at the end of the text is required.

Restraint and sincerity are very important. Sometimes people want to express their condolences in poetry. It is better to abandon such an idea. Because there is a hint of play and theatricality.

Sample 1

text in in this example more suitable for writing to his relatives and friends

Dear Anastasia and Maria!

I deeply regret the death of your dear mother. She was a wonderful woman and surprised many with her kindness and tact. I think everyone will miss her. Please accept my sincere condolences.

Please let me know what I can do for you. I am ready to provide any help.
My wife joins in with her words of condolences. We are praying for you.

Sample 2

Condolences on death - example of a business letter text

Dear Sirs!

We deeply mourn the death of the director of Fik CJSC, Igor Markovich Broshkin. Thanks to his professionalism, our cooperation has been consistently successful for many years. He won the love and respect of all who knew him. We express our sincere condolences.

There is no need to use many words in a condolence letter. Just make it clear that you are sincerely expressing your words of sympathy and support.

You may also be interested in other examples of business letter texts. Look in the section “Samples of documents”, about the letter form and rules business correspondence stated .

Evgeniya Polosa

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If you receive news about someone you know, but for some reason you will not be able to personally attend the funeral ceremony, send an expression of condolences. There should be few words in it. Do not under any circumstances write a telegram to or from books. The telegram will look too pretentious.

Send a telegram immediately upon receiving news of the death. If you delay a little, then after some time your condolences will be an inappropriate reminder to relatives of the loss of a loved one.

Imagine that you are talking to a relative of the deceased in person. When choosing a condolence message, try to construct a sentence so that it sounds as sincere as possible. The purpose of the telegram is to console and support a grieving person.

Under no circumstances write a telegram to poetic form or quotes from books

IN modern society there is no death and therefore it becomes awkward to talk about it. Expressing condolences has become an element of etiquette. Read special editions, which provide guidelines for writing mourning words, telling you under what circumstances which words should be written. The manual provides for specific cases loss of a spouse, colleague, parent, etc.

Follow the established order of thoughts when expressing condolences in a telegram. First, express your regret about what happened, then express your condolences to the relatives. Let them know that you are ready to support grieving people in any way. Relatives of the deceased should appreciate your friendly, sincere participation. At the end of the telegram, be sure to subscribe and do not forget to indicate those who join your words of sympathy.


  • how to write words of condolences

Losing a family member, friend or even a pet is one of the most difficult emotional experiences through which a person passes. Letter from mi this is one of the ways to help someone through at least a little difficult times. Trying to write such a letter can be quite challenging, and you may feel confused and uneasy about what exactly to say to someone who is going through such devastating grief. However, even in such a delicate matter, there are tips that will help you collect your thoughts and avoid obvious mistakes.

You will need

  • Pen
  • Paper
  • Sincere feelings


Don't be overly eloquent. Emotional support is important, not literary form, in which you express it. The one who is grieving may simply not understand what you mean if the letter is written too ornately.

Make sure that you know exactly the name and patronymic of the deceased. If you mess up, it will be an offensive and unforgivable mistake.

Begin your letter with what you learned about the loss and this news caused you. There is no need to write about what you imagine the mourner is experiencing now, even if you have already experienced a similar experience. Grief is a deeply personal experience for everyone. Instead, write “I can’t imagine what you’re going through right now.”

Offer your help, but only with something specific. A depressed person is unlikely to be able to simply think about what help he needs, but if you yourself offer something necessary, it will be easier for him to think about your offer.

If you have something to remember about the deceased, you can write a couple of lines about what he was like. Sometimes people feel a little better when they just see a name and know that someone else remembers it fondly.

End the letter with your sincere condolences and the hope that time can at least slightly dull the pain experienced by the recipient.


If you are not sure that your addressee belongs to a particular religious denomination, avoid any mention of better world and similar doctrines. Even if you yourself are a sincere believer.

Today, few people use the services of the once popular telegraph, but if you suddenly need to convey a message in such an exotic, by modern standards, way, find out how to do it without getting up from your computer.


Residents Russian Federation and the CIS can use the services of sending telegrams via the Internet www.telegramm.ru. Here you need to go to the “Submit” section telegram» and fill in all the required fields. After this, you will be issued an invoice indicating the cost of the telegram and offered more than 20 payment options: bank, debit, Yandex.Money, etc. Choose the appropriate method, pay, and your telegram will be delivered within the timeframe you specified.

The telegram represents text message sent via telegraphic communications. Despite the appearance electronic means transmission of information, the telegram continues to be used under certain circumstances.


In order for the telegram to be delivered on time, you need to know the specifics of filling it out. The composition must necessarily contain the following details: - service heading; - indication of the category (“out of category”, “extraordinary”, “”, “highest government”, etc.); - a mark on the type of telegram (“with notification”, “on artistic letterhead”, etc.); - telegraphic address of the recipient; - text; - signature; - address, name of the sender (under the line) - registration number telegram and the date of its registration.

If you need to send, select its category and type. Mark them on the form given by the employee post office. Fill in the “Recipient Address” field. Write in capital letters Russian language and be sure to indicate the exact address recipient. Fill out the fields legibly: this will speed up the delivery time of the telegram.

Write the text of the message on one side of the sheet in block letters 2 spaced (usually indicated on letterhead). Paragraph indentation is allowed only at the beginning of the text. In between, make a gap equal to a double space. Try to write text without prepositions, punctuation marks or conjunctions. If punctuation marks are necessary for correct understanding of the text, indicate them conventional abbreviations: comma - zpt, - dotch, - dvtch, brackets - skb, quotation marks - kvch. In words, write only signs such as “minus”, “plus”, “ Exclamation point", "number", etc.

As soon as you finish writing the text of the message, mark the date it was written. Designate it with Arabic numerals in the sequence: day, month, year. Do not use spaces in numbers. To sign or not to sign – this question remains at your discretion.

Please indicate your name and address at the bottom of the telegram. Instead of an address, you can indicate your phone number or put a “passing through” tag. This data is not included in the paid part of the telegram. If you want them to be transmitted to the sender, include them in the body of the telegram.

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The death of a person is always a grief for his loved ones. At this time, support, participation and attention are very important in order to at least slightly brighten up the pain of loss. But sometimes it's hard to choose suitable words, who can show your sympathy and encouragement.


Due to strong feelings and excitement, it is difficult to immediately find the right words suitable for the occasion of loss. Often people limit themselves to a clumsy formal phrase that sounds as if for show and does not at all feel like sincere participation. Therefore, it is better to think through your words in advance so as not to inadvertently hurt the person and show the full depth of your participation.

Much depends on how exactly you found out about your friend’s loved one, as well as what kind of relationship you are in. Relatives can call or meet in person with the bereaved immediately after receiving sad news. If you don't have such a close relationship or are just colleagues, you can wait until then to express your condolences and express them on this difficult day.

Condolences within friendly relations

If a person dear to your heart has lost a loved one or relative, then he needs you more than ever. He does not need your correctly and skillfully chosen words, but sincerity and friendly support. Do you want to share the bitterness of his loss with a friend? Be there, help as much as you can. Let him feel that he has you, that he is not alone. A beautiful and correct phrase emanates coldness, and there is always a little awkwardness in sincerity. Speak not with your head, but with your heart.

If you are emotionally close to your friend, then his soul will respond to your genuine compassion. Showing respect to his family by participating in the funeral will make a real difference. Just imagine how difficult it is, when faced with death, to think about everyday problems and fuss around organizing a funeral event. Your duty as a friend is not so much to put words into sentences correctly, but to provide real support to your friend.

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