Where is Cambridge University? Tuition fees for long-term and short-term programs

Cambridge, Oxford, Harvard, Yale, MIT are universities that, in the minds of the average applicant, are in a different reality: with green lawns, wise professors, ancient libraries and tidy campuses. T&P found out how much tuition costs, what the admission procedure looks like, and what requirements the world's top universities have for applicants. The first in this cycle is the University of Cambridge.

Admission procedure

In April-May, the candidate must independently study the programs offered by the university and the colleges in which these programs are implemented. Applicants are advised to contact a specially trained advisor who can recommend a program and college. From June to October, you must fill out an application for admission, attaching all the necessary documents, including the results of entrance tests. During September-December, international students must undergo an interview either at the university itself or in one of the countries where the university conducts interviews. This year they are Australia, Canada, China, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Singapore.

Admission requirements

A-level is the required level of education for applicants to UK universities. It is needed because in the UK school education lasts 13 years, and in Russia it lasts 11 years. At this level, schoolchildren choose subjects for which exams will be entrance to universities.

To enter the University of Cambridge, as well as any other UK university, it is not enough for Russian applicants to have a school leaving certificate; they must either pass the A-Level preparatory level or study at a Russian university for one or two years. The admissions committee pays special attention to the fact that in those subjects that are considered key to the candidate, only excellent results are required - grade A according to the British system. Achievements in the chosen field are also welcomed: victories in olympiads, competitions, research papers, participation in conferences. Whether a candidate can apply for a place in Cambridge can only be found out by contacting a special department - the Cambridge Admissions Office. Proof of language knowledge is also required - 7.0 points on the IELTS scale.

Entrance tests

For admission to all specialties, you must pass an interview. Other tests are optional for different specialties. For example, to study computer science you need to write a test directly at the interview, to study languages ​​- a test and an essay, for architectural specialties - a portfolio. However, in all colleges the list of tests for the same specialties is different.

Cost of education

In the 2016–2017 academic year, tuition fees for international students start at $15,816. In addition to university and college fees, you should also add the cost of living in Cambridge, which is estimated at a minimum of £9,400 for 12 months.

Available Grants

There are a limited number of grants for international students that partially cover the cost of tuition or college fees. To find out more about these opportunities, you should either contact the Cambridge Admissions Office or their representative at the college you are applying to. A much larger number of grants are offered to undergraduates and graduate students.


There are 31 colleges in Cambridge. Each college has its own territory; in general, choosing a college is one of the most important decisions a student must make when applying. Each college has its own infrastructure, Cambridge leadership

Cambridge University (Cambridge University or University of Cambridge), one of the oldest universities in Europe and the second oldest in Great Britain, was founded in 1209 by scholars who left the University of Oxford due to conflict with the local population. In 1214, they developed a set of rules and laws that became the basis for the academic and everyday life of the University of Cambridge. In addition to religious studies (theology), the first Cambridge students studied philosophy, logic, mathematics and classical languages. Later, other exact sciences and humanities were added to the list of compulsory subjects.

The oldest building of the University of Cambridge, the so-called. The School of Pythagoras was built before the founding of the university, in 1200. The first college, Peterhouse, was founded in 1284. Currently there are 31 colleges in Cambridge, including the colleges themselves, the so-called. "dormitories" (halls) and the above-mentioned Peterhouse.

The University of Cambridge is one of the most ancient and conservative universities in the world, and any student at this university inevitably becomes part of the centuries-old Cambridge traditions. For example, the worst student was given a symbolic wooden spoon. The last time such an oar-sized spoon was issued was in 1909 to K. Holthaus, a student at St. John's College. In some colleges, only formal attire is allowed into the cafeteria, consisting of a dark suit, a student robe and a square cap with a tassel. Upon admission, each student is required to undergo the rite of matriculation, which consists of pronouncing the student’s oath in Latin before the chancellors of the university. No less solemn is the graduation procedure, during which the student also takes an oath in Latin and exchanges his old robe for a new one corresponding to the new degree he has received. The graduation ceremony takes place in the Senate House, with students admitted to the ceremony according to seniority, in strict accordance with the time the college was founded. In addition, each college has its own specific traditions and rituals.

Cambridge University is especially famous for its success in the bosom of exact sciences and medicine. No other university in the world has given the planet as many Nobel Prize winners as Cambridge. 88 university alumni and faculty received this prestigious academic award. 29 of them received prizes in physics, 25 in medicine, 21 in chemistry, 9 in economics, 2 in literature and one peace prize. Famous medieval scientists such as Isaac Newton and Francis Bacon studied here. It was in Cambridge that the creators of modern nuclear physics - Lord E. Rutherford, N. Bohr and J. R. Oppenheimer - worked, taught and researched. In addition to amazing successes in the exact sciences, Cambridge is also famous for its achievements in politics: 15 Prime Ministers of Great Britain and 25 heads of government of other countries studied at Cambridge. Among the graduates and teachers of Cambridge one can also find famous writers such as A. A. Milne, L. Stern, J. B. Priestley, W. M. Thackeray, C. Amis and Cl. Art. Lewis. A graduate of Trinity College and the creator of Lolita, the great Russian-American writer Vladimir Nabokov, was educated in Cambridge.

We remind you! To study at Cambridge, you must not only have an impeccable academic profile, but also solid funds to pay for your studies.

    Year of foundation


    East Anglia

    Number of students

    Student satisfaction

Academic specialization

When entering the University of Cambridge, a domestic student usually faces a serious problem: “How to choose the right college?” The fact is that the Cambridge college system, similar to Oxford, is fundamentally different from that adopted in other higher schools in Europe and the former Soviet Union. After completing classes in the department or laboratory, the student spends most of his free time in college; The student’s social, sports and everyday life takes place there. Each Cambridge college is a separate structure, containing dormitories, a library, a computer center, lecture buildings, sports and gyms, a park, a dining hall, a choir, a theater, a music room, a chapel and much more. When choosing a college, you essentially choose your social circle and lifestyle for yourself. This is why it is extremely important to choose the college that best suits your tastes.

When choosing a college, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • academic profile of the college;
  • location;
  • prestige;
  • duration of provision of a place in a hostel;
  • appearance

In order to make your choice, we advise you to carefully browse the Internet sites of various Cambridge colleges. Traditionally, students choose the most prestigious and wealthy colleges, such as Trinity, St. John's College, Trinity Hall, King's College, Jisas College and others. Being attached to these colleges, students, as a rule, have no problems finding a place to live in a dormitory, additional funding for scientific projects, playing sports, etc. With the massive influx of students every year, finding somewhere to live outside of college can be a major challenge. For this reason, choosing a college should be taken very seriously.

The University of Cambridge has more than 150 faculties, departments, research centers and institutes, united into 6 separate schools:

  • Arts and Humanities,
  • Biological Sciences,
  • Clinical medicine,
  • Humanities and social sciences,
  • Physical Sciences,
  • Technologies.

The academic year is divided into three semesters (trimesters):

  • Micklemas (October-December)
  • Lent (“lenten trimester”; January-March)
  • Easter (“Easter term”; April-June)

Terms at the University of Cambridge are shorter than at other universities in the UK and last 8 weeks each. It is expected that during the long holidays between terms the student should actively study independently.


Getting into Oxbridge is not luck, but long and careful preparation. If you intend to conquer one of the best universities in the world, you should start with secondary education. In England, during the last two years of high school, university preparation programs are conducted (the national A-Level program and the international International Baccalaureate). Already at this stage you need to select the items that will be needed upon admission.

For those who set out to enter Oxbridge, separate programs have been developed. Specially designated tutors teach schoolchildren how to write a motivation letter and prepare them for interviews and additional exams. The application for admission is submitted in advance, in the fall of the second year of study, and the results become known at the end of the year.

When making recommendations for admission, the admissions committee focuses on the student’s academic abilities, independence of judgment, potential and passion for the chosen specialty. To enter any specialty, you must pass tests. For example, future architects provide a portfolio, programmers take a test directly during the interview. In addition, all students without exception are required to undergo an interview.

General requirements for applicants: high level of English proficiency (IELTS - 7.0) and successful completion of high school A-Level or International Baccalaureate (IB) programs. Of course, you can take a language exam in Russia and, for example, study for several years at a university in order to qualify for admission, but studying at a British private school increases your chances of admission many times over.

There are special teachers here who prepare you for admission to Cambridge and Oxford. The children are given special attention, they are taught how to pass an interview and write a motivation letter correctly, which is not always easy for students in the Russian education system. This should not be the usual several-page literary essay, but a succinct, clear, logical and coherent text, in which every sentence is filled with meaning. And, of course, we must not forget about immersion in the language environment while studying, which allows you to master English quickly and effectively.

The largest in England in terms of area, the oldest in the world and the most prestigious among universities, the University of Cambridge was founded in 1209. At first it was a college with its own independent system (it was opened in 1284), and a university on its basis was formed later.

Today, as recognized by experts around the world, the best professors work here, teaching knowledge of the highest quality. To prove this, we can cite data that Cambridge University is a kind of “trademark” under which a variety of discoveries have been made.

The fact that these discoveries really are of great scientific interest is evidenced by the Nobel Prizes, which were awarded to researchers working at this university. There are more than 80 such University of Cambridge laureates working here.

The English-speaking world assumes that the University of Cambridge is the second of the two oldest universities. Documentary evidence preserved from the time of his education speaks in favor of the fact that he was born on the personnel foundation of Oxford. It was to the University of Cambridge that teachers and students fled when tensions arose with local residents at their previous place of residence and previous work.

This unpleasant conflict, as time has shown, confirmed the wisdom of the saying that there is always a silver lining. Soon after the flight, the beautiful university University of Cambridge emerged in a new place, now worthy competition to its founding university.

A few words about the history of the university

The University's legitimate pride lies in King's College Cathedral. Its construction took about a century, starting in 1446. Upon completion of construction, the cathedral was included in the list of the greatest architectural structures in England.

Every year, on Christmas Day, the university becomes the site of a television broadcast of a performance by the cathedral's boys' choir.

A strong connection with the powers that be from religion has been maintained for many centuries. Official Rome did not recognize Cambridge University immediately, but only in 1318. By this time, literally out of nowhere, a forge of knowledge had already arisen, proudly bearing the name of an established educational institution.

In earlier times, the educational process did not have much in common with what the university offers now. If previously students at the University of Cambridge were educated for many years, now this process has been significantly shortened.

Therefore, talented boys and girls from all over the world strive to enroll here. In addition, the previous rules required that a graduate of Cambridge University work here for two years as a teacher. Now, of course, there is no such mandatory training requirement here.

Subsequently, the university significantly relaxed its internal regulations. Moreover, as a result of Victorian reforms, Girton was opened on the basis of the University of Cambridge. This was the first attempt to create a women's college.

University structure and its features

We can say that the University of Cambridge is a separate state, concluded in the format of the English state. It lives according to the laws of its own constitution, and governance is carried out on the basis of decisions of its own legislative body. It's called Regent House.

The university called the University of Cambridge is a small, beautiful town with ancient, well-preserved buildings. Some of them date back to the Middle Ages. A modern university is a big friendly family, where 3 thousand mentors with various academic degrees are engaged in teaching students, this number also includes administrative workers.

The general board is responsible for the coordination and management of the entire internal life of students studying here.. Its representatives keep their finger on the pulse of the educational process. Their sphere of influence at Cambridge University also includes their ward schools and faculties.

The number of students for whom the University of Cambridge has now become a second home amounts to more than 18 thousand. Every sixth of the young men and women studying here is a citizen of a foreign country. And the joint community of Oxford and Cambridge began to be called Oxbridge, now it designates the single territory of the union of English universities.

The modern University of Cambridge is a central department to which a structure of 31 colleges is subordinate. Three of them are female, the rest are co-educated for boys and girls, for whom the dream of entering one of the most prestigious universities in the world has come true.

In addition, Cambridge University consists of hundreds of departments, including faculties and schools. And if the coordination of all this intense activity is carried out by the general management, then the administrative body of the university is its Council.

What the cost of studying

For those Russians who intend to enroll in this university, you should know that studying at one of the most prestigious universities in the whole world is a fairly large investment of money. It will pay off for those who subsequently think of applying their knowledge in a prestigious, high-paying job. But for those who need Cambridge University only for a prestigious pastime, this is just money spent.

A prerequisite for a university to become your home is an interview.. It is carried out by the admissions committee of the University of Cambridge, but for this you also need to stock up on a certificate that would indicate that you know English. It has one of the formats generally accepted in English-speaking countries: “GCSE-C”, “IELTS 6-7” or “TOEFL 600/250”.

The price range for a theoretical course at the University of Cambridge starts at 9 thousand.

If the course includes clinical practice, then this is already 22 thousand. In addition, the student supports the university of his choice with an additional fee - this is the so-called financial support.

Here the amount is 3000-4000, the exact number depends on which Cambridge University college you attend. Accommodation, which must also be paid if the university you choose - Cambridge University - amounts to around 7 thousand.

As in Russia, this English university has the opportunity to study through “budget” scholarships. Here this is called a grant, it is provided by the university itself, but the number of such opportunities is very limited.

The Rector of the University of Cambridge is Prince Philip, who also bears the title of Duke of Edinburgh. The position of vice-rector is filled by world-renowned professor Alison Richard.

What do they study at Cambridge?

Here is a list of scientific specialties taught at Cambridge University:

  • veterinary medicine;
  • natural Sciences;
  • medicine;
  • mathematics;
  • industrial engineering;
  • engineering;
  • computer science;
  • chemical engineering.

Humanities majors at the University of Cambridge include:

  • religion and theology;
  • social and political sciences;
  • philosophy;
  • Eastern culture;
  • music;
  • modern and medieval languages;
  • management;
  • linguistics;
  • right;
  • land management;
  • art history;
  • story;
  • geography;
  • English;
  • education;
  • economy;
  • antique classics;
  • architecture;
  • archeology and anthropology;
  • Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian and Celtic cultures.

These faculties are designed to turn an ordinary boy or girl into a future Nobel laureate. The preferences given by students at the University of Cambridge are as follows: more than half of those who choose this university are studying courses in the humanities.

Training and admission features

Study time at Cambridge University is divided not into two, as a regular Russian university assumes, but into three semesters. Here they are called trimesters. But, since the training time provided by the university does not extend beyond the normal calendar year, they last less.

Milmax (first trimester) times are October, November and December. Lenta time (second or Lenten trimester) – January, February and March. Easter (or third trimester) time is April, May and June.

A first-year student representing the University of Cambridge is a boy or girl over 18 years of age. You can find out more about your future studies at the University of Cambridge by visiting the website that this university has - www.cam.ac.uk.

Before enrolling, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the offered programs in April-May. Then, before October 15, you should submit an application to the university about your desire to enroll in one of its faculties. There is a centralized UCAS system for submitting documents. September-December is given off to arrive at the university and undergo an interview.

The Cambridge University school certificate alone does not recognize. You should stock up on an A-level certificate or present a certificate that before the interview at the University of Cambridge you studied at the university for one or two years.

All previously received awards and certificates that you would like to pick up as a portfolio and take with you to Cambridge University for an interview should be translated so that they can be read by an English-speaking person, with notarization. If you demonstrate good knowledge and diligence during your studies at the University of Cambridge, your tuition fees may be significantly reduced.


To enter an educational institution, you must graduate from high school. It is best to do this abroad, since a certificate issued by the Russian Federation will most likely be rejected by the admissions committee Cambridge A. If you graduated from a university, institute or academy in Russia, it will be easier to enroll. IN Cambridge There is a special one that evaluates the list of subjects specified in the incoming applicant.

If the commission members approve of the candidate, they inform him of their positive decision; if not, they offer him to enroll next year on a general basis or apply to private schools. Cambridge A. In the latter case, training is provided on a paid basis.

Based on the results of reviewing the documents, the commission may schedule an interview for a certain date, or may ask you to write an essay about yourself, as well as provide a short video about your personal qualities, social life and other achievements.

To begin, you will have to fill out a UCAS application form, which can be received by mail from UCAS or downloaded from the website Cambridge University special form (CAF) with detailed instructions for filling out. Next, the form must be sent to the admissions committee. Cambridge and specific and wait for an answer.

To enter Cambridge You can take advantage of one of the international student programs. The most famous Chevening program to date is the Chevening Scholarship. Participants in this program can study for a degree at any UK university. You can also graduate from one of the international schools. To enter Cambridge you need to score a certain number of points upon graduation and if the diploma is suitable, there are chances of admission.

During the interview, questions are most often asked that are not related to the chosen specialty or subjects; the commission focuses on the applicant’s logical thinking and his imaginative perception of the world. Very unexpected questions are asked, for example, is the Moon made of cheese or which US politician is similar to the British Prime Minister?

Documents must be filled out; copies of all submitted documents on higher education must be certified by the relevant university. All translated documents must be notarized. All documents must be provided in at least three copies, the cost of each package is 35 euros. This amount is a commission fee and is not paid to the applicant in case of refusal by the admissions committee.