Reasonable egoism lies in... Reasonable selfishness

Epochs change, and human morals transform. We were once taught that we need to live for the good of society, but today it is increasingly being promoted principle of reasonable egoism.

It consists in such behavior of a person in which the latter always... And if helping another asks him to sacrifice his goods, rights, interests, then a reasonable egoist will refrain from such help.

Formed in our time principle of reasonable egoism allows you to balance between a hyper-emotional, infinitely kind, reliable, sacrificial, broad-hearted person (altruist) and an inveterate egoist who does not think about anyone, cares only about himself.

But only a person who truly objectively assesses the situation and is able to determine the fine line between reasonable and banal egoism can maintain this very precarious balance.

Some will say that there is no difference in these two forms of selfishness, and that in this way people with callous souls hide from other people’s problems.

But let's think objectively. If one person constantly helps everyone else, then when will he solve his problems?

But as selfless help is provided, those who want to receive it only become more numerous. And all because people begin to perceive such help - not as a last resort, but as something familiar and taken for granted.

In other words, they simply forget that the other person does not owe them anything in this life.

He also has, no matter how strange it may sound, his own personal life and his own problems, which no one solves for him.

And if he doesn’t ask anyone for help, it’s not because he doesn’t need it, but he simply has more conscience than others.

That is why principle of reasonable egoism not just needed, but extremely necessary in modern life, where the majority believes that the one who is lucky is the one who rides.

Reasonable selfishness allows people not to become a hostage to circumstances, a free assistant for everyone who finds it easier to ask for help than to do something on their own.

And such people, unfortunately, are the majority. From the very early periods the eternal “help” begins. At school it sounds like “let me copy” or “tell me.”

At the institute, “let me rewrite”, “help me make a drawing, solve a problem.” You get a job, you think you’ve ended up with adults, but kindergarten with the eternal prompt, help, replace, borrow continues there too.

And if you believe that there is no reasonable egoism, then you will unquestioningly help everyone. But how much will you be enough? Yes, and you won’t be nice to everyone anyway.

As a result, you will gain fame as an invaluable assistant and lifesaver, and you will neglect your affairs and problems, and there will be no edge or end to such a cycle.

Using it in life principle of reasonable egoism, you go from a superhero to an ordinary person.

People around you will understand that you also have your own affairs, problems, and interests, and that you are not at all miraculously coping with the entire burden of personal concerns, and therefore you also need time to solve them.

Understanding certain truths will help you avoid becoming a real egoist:

  • This principle does not apply when serious problems with your close people, relatives, true friends (you should always have time for them);
  • If a person has a problem (a threat to life or health), then you must immediately take all possible measures to prevent it.

No one says that you should sacrifice your life for the life of another (not everyone is capable of this), but call the police, call the rescue service, ambulance, firefighters, take other emergency measures every person is obliged.

Reasonable selfishness

Reasonable selfishness- a term often used in last years to denote a philosophical and ethical position that establishes for each subject the fundamental priority of the subject’s personal interests over any other interests, be they public interests or the interests of other subjects.

The need for a separate term is apparently due to the negative semantic connotation traditionally associated with the term “egoism”. If under selfish(without the qualifying word “reasonable”) is often understood as a person thinking only about himself and/or disregarding the interests of other people, then the supporters " reasonable selfishness» it is usually argued that such neglect, for a variety of reasons, is simply unprofitable for the one who neglects and, therefore, does not represent selfishness (in the form of a priority of personal interests over any others), but only a manifestation of short-sightedness or even stupidity. Reasonable egoism in everyday understanding is the ability to live in one's own interests without conflicting with the interests of others.

The concept of reasonable egoism is closely related to the concept of “individualism”.


The concept of rational selfishness is by no means new; corresponding reasoning is found in the works of such philosophers as Benedict Spinoza, Claude Adrian Helvetius and others.

The theme of reasonable egoism can also be seen in the famous novel by N. G. Chernyshevsky “What is to be done?” .

Modern social trends that support reasonable egoism

Reasonable egoism is the ethical basis of objectivism.

Many supporters of Satanism declare their adherence to the principles of rational egoism.

The principle of reasonable selfishness is considered by many representatives of voluntarily childless people (childfree) to be decisive for their position.

The theory of rational egoism is widely developed and disclosed in the works of the American writer Ayn Rand, in her works “Atlas Shrugged” and “”.

From a psychological point of view

From a psychological point of view, selfishness is inherent in all mentally healthy people as it is a consequence of the conservation instinct. Selfishness is not a bad or good mark, but a character property that can be developed to a greater or lesser extent. Among its manifestations are super-egoism (I am everything, the rest is zero), self-destruction egoism (I am nothing, look how insignificant I am) and healthy egoism (understanding one’s own and others’ needs and reconciling them with benefit for oneself). Anegoism can be attributed to the realm of fantasy or serious illness. Mentally healthy people There are no people who don't take care of themselves at all. In a word, living well without reasonable selfishness is difficult. After all, the main dignity of a person who has healthy selfishness- the ability to solve one’s problems taking into account the interests of others and competently build a system of priorities.

Your egoism is completely healthy if you:

  • defend your right to refuse something if you think it will harm you;
  • understand that your goals will be achieved first, but others have the right to their interests;
  • you know how to take actions in your own favor, trying not to harm others, and are able to compromise;
  • have own opinion and don’t be afraid to speak out, even when it differs from someone else’s;
  • ready to defend yourself by any means if you or your loved ones are in danger;
  • don’t be afraid to criticize someone, but don’t become rude;
  • do not obey anyone, but do not seek to control others;
  • respect your partner’s wishes, but don’t overstep yourself;
  • you are not tormented by feelings of guilt after making a choice in your favor;
  • love and respect yourself without demanding blind adoration from others.

From a mathematical point of view

Reasonable selfishness is the choice of those strategies that are consistent with the mathematics of reducing the pain of sentient reality (after biodecay) while minimizing pain for yourself while you live. All possible hypotheses about the nature of pain, both electromagnetic and other, are considered if they are consistent with observations. Those. from all strategies, choose the one that min(summ(pain), infinity), subject to min(my(pain), life). Those. do something nice for yourself now, thinking about the nature of pain and the role of humanity. In reducing pain in the universe for oneself, but after biodecay (death).

Altruism is the choice of those strategies that are consistent with the mathematics of reducing the pain of reality, regardless of the pain during life. That is, to introduce technologies to reduce pain in the Universe, regardless of pain during life. The role of the agent of the Universe. Studying pain, creating new, more progressive forms of life, changing reality in order to reduce its pain perception.

Unreasonable destructive egoism is the choice of those strategies that contradict the mathematics of reducing the pain of reality, increasing it. Usually people who, due to weak logic and little knowledge, on the one hand, are afraid to commit suicide (“it’s worse there”), on the other hand, abstract from the question of the existence of pain in reality. At the moment, electromagnetic hypotheses of pain are the main ones (gate theory and others).

Unreasonable self-destructive egoism is the choice of those strategies that give a small gain, but a big loss later.




  • Nikolai Naritsyn. Reasonable egoism (reasonable egoism as a recommendation of a professional psychoanalyst and psychotherapist)
  • Andrey "Varraks" Bortsov. Reasonable egoism (Satanism and reasonable egoism)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Reasonable egoism” is in other dictionaries:

    Reasonable selfishness- a term introduced by Chernyshevsky to designate the developed by him ethical principles. The basis of Chernyshevsky’s ethics, largely built under the influence of the teachings of French. materialists of the 18th century, as well as C. Fourier and L. Feuerbach, lie the attitudes, meaning to ... ... Russian Philosophy. Encyclopedia

    REASONABLE SELFISHNESS- a term introduced by Chernyshevsky to designate the ethical principles he developed. The basis of Chernyshevsky’s ethics, largely built under the influence of the teachings of French. materialists of the 18th century, as well as C. Fourier and L. Feuerbach, lie the attitudes, the meaning of ... ... Russian philosophy: dictionary

    REASONABLE SELFISHNESS- an ethical concept put forward by the enlighteners of the 17th-8th century. which is based on the principle that a correctly understood interest must coincide with public interest. Although man is by nature an egoist and acts only out of self-interest, from… … Thematic philosophical dictionary

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ethical concept put forward by the enlighteners of the 17th-88th centuries. which is based on the principle that a correctly understood interest must coincide with public interest. Although a person is by nature an egoist and acts only out of his own interest, out of his innate desires for pleasure, happiness, glory, etc., he must obey the requirements of morality, public interest, first of all, because it will ultimately be beneficial to him. Hence, being a reasonable egoist, a person acts morally in his actions - he does not act hypocritically and does not deceive other people, satisfying his own interest. This theory was developed by Helvetius, Holbach, Diderot, and Feuerbach.

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an ethical teaching that assumes that: a) all human actions are based on an egoistic motive (the desire for one’s own good); b) reason makes it possible to single out from the total volume of motives those that constitute correctly understood personal interest, that is, it allows us to discover the core of those egoistic motivations that correspond to the rational nature of a person and the social nature of his life. The result of this is an ethical-normative program, which, while maintaining a single (egoistic) basis of behavior, presupposes that it is ethically obligatory not only to take into account the interests of other individuals, but also to perform actions aimed at the common benefit (for example, good deeds). At the same time, reasonable egoism can be limited to stating that the desire for one's own benefit contributes to the benefit of others, and thereby sanction a narrowly pragmatic moral position.

In the Ancient era, during the birth of this model ethical reasoning, it retains its peripheral character. Even Aristotle, who developed it most fully, assigns it the role of just one of the components of friendship. He believes that “the virtuous must be a self-lover,” and explains self-sacrifice through the maximum pleasure associated with virtue. The reception in the Renaissance of ancient ethical ideas (primarily Epicureanism, with an emphasis on the pursuit of pleasure) is accompanied, for example, by L. Balla with the requirement “to learn to rejoice in the benefits of other people.”

The theory of rational egoism was developed both in the French and in the Anglo-Scottish Enlightenment - most clearly in A. Smith and Helvetius. Smith combines into a single concept human nature the idea of ​​economic man and moral man. According to Helvetius, a rational balance between the egoistic passion of the individual and the public good cannot develop naturally. Only the dispassionate legislator, with the help state power, using rewards and punishments, will be able to provide benefits "possibly more people" and make the basis of virtue "the benefit of the individual."

The doctrine of rational egoism received detailed development in the late works of L. Feuerbach. Morality, according to Feuerbach, is based on a sense of one's own satisfaction from the satisfaction of the Other - the main model of his concept is the relationship between the sexes. Feuerbach tries to reduce even seemingly anti-eudaimonistic moral actions (primarily self-sacrifice) to the action of a rational-egoistic principle: if the happiness of the I necessarily presupposes the satisfaction of You, then the desire for happiness as the most powerful motive can resist even self-preservation.

The rational-egoistic concept of N. G. Chernyshevsky is based on such an anthropological interpretation of the subject, according to which true expression utility, identical to good, consists of “the benefit of man in general.” Thanks to this, in a collision of private, corporate and universal interests, the latter should prevail. However, due to the strict dependence human will from external circumstances and the inability to satisfy higher needs Until the simplest are satisfied, a reasonable correction of egoism, in his opinion, will be effective only if the structure of society is completely remade.

In philosophy of the 19th century. ideas related to the concept of rational egoism were expressed by I. Bentham, J. S. Mill, G. Spencer, G. Sidgwick. Since the 50s 20th century reasonable egoism began to be considered in the context of the concept of “ethical egoism.” Similar provisions are contained in the prescriptivism of R. Heare. An extensive criticism of the theories of rational egoism is presented in the works of F. Hutcheson, I. Kant, G. F. W. Hegel, J. E. Moore.

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The principle of reasonable egoism is the golden mean between altruism and selfishness

Even if you are a broad-minded person by nature, put off your desire for self-sacrifice until better times (it is possible that these times will never come!). If you fail to become selfish, at least act like one. What is egoism? This is a “romance that lasts a lifetime” with the person who is most dear to you, that is, with yourself.

Self love - ideological content the principle of reasonable egoism, and its applied expression is to shift onto the shoulders of a man as many different responsibilities as possible, including those that were previously yours.

Using the principle of reasonable selfishness from the very first days of your acquaintance with a man, you will instill in him a sense of responsibility, which will be very useful if you decide to make him happy by agreeing to marry him. By not letting your man relax, you can free up more time for yourself, your existing or planned children, and finally your life partner! As a result, even with a long history of living together, you will not “ driven horse", always irritated, tormented by petty everyday problems, you will smile more often and grumble less. And this will ultimately benefit both of you. That is why this principle is called “reasonable egoism.”

Give your man the opportunity to take care of you. Be a little bit of an actress, portray helplessness and confusion in any difficult (and not very difficult too!) situation. Women who look weak and helpless make a man feel strong. And they always win in the eyes of men.

No matter what men say, each of them in his soul dreams of a romantic person reminiscent of Turgenev’s girls, even if in this segment time he sleeps with a girl “without complexes”. Don’t believe that men like practical women, realists who stand firmly on their feet! The symbiosis of a food processor, washing machine and vacuum cleaner is needed only by a male consumer. But you don’t need such a man!

By the way, the role of an impractical person, far from ordinary and real world, is not only much more profitable, but also brings very tangible benefits.

In relationships with the opposite sex, always be guided by the principle of reasonable selfishness.

Love yourself more than the man you love. The more you experience warm feelings for yourself, your beloved, the more chances that your partner will love you with the same degree of intensity.

Do only what you are passionate about, what interests you and evokes positive emotions.

Never do anything you don't actively want to do. If you don’t want to go to the dacha to dig beds, don’t go. By wasting your weekend to sow parsley and dill, you will later decorate your table, but not your life.

Don't go to visit people you don't like. Of course, you don’t tell your beau this; accept the invitation, but calmly go about your business.

If you have a full basket of dirty laundry, and you want to read a detective story or watch your favorite TV series, do not deny yourself anything. If your roommate grumbles that he doesn’t have clean shirts, let him wash them himself. Deciding to life together, you did not sign an obligation to provide personal services to his person. He probably doesn’t do even half of what is considered “a man’s duties”!

You can avoid unpleasant things in this way: never argue with a man, don’t say that you’re lazy or don’t want to, verbally agree that everything will be done, but don’t do anything. And then - a sweet, confused smile and: “Sorry dear, I completely forgot!” Oh, how sorry I am, please don’t be angry!” Well, how can he not forgive! Maybe he’ll curse to himself, but he won’t show it. Let him even mentally call you a “blunder”, “stupid”. But you will force him to play by your own rules.

Or another option: “play the fool”, blink your eyes, ask again a hundred times, pretend that you will certainly forget and mix everything up. As a result, your man will be forced to help you. A couple of such sessions and he will get used to doing everything himself. It's okay, the crown won't fall off!

Never forget that you not only have responsibilities, but also rights. Win more rights for yourself and slowly get rid of responsibilities.

Always look for a contractor who can do the maximum for you that was previously part of your responsibilities.

The technical side of things, as well as physical, dirty work, are not for you. If your favorite painting falls off the wall, don’t rush to take a hammer to hang it up again. Any woman is capable of driving a nail into a wall, but why should she do it?! If there is a male creature in your house, that is his prerogative. Let the fallen picture stand there, leaning against the wall, until the creature, proudly calling itself a “man,” deigns to take out a stepladder, a hammer and a nail. If it drips water tap, do not rush to call the control room to call a locksmith. If your life partner's hands are in the wrong place to replace the gasket, then at least take the trouble to call a mechanic yourself. At the same time, you will learn how to fix the problem. (By the way, there is no wisdom in this; such an operation can easily be accomplished by a man even with three higher educations.)

There is nothing to feel sorry for men. Any work is only for their benefit. Labor, as we know, turned a monkey into a man. Work can turn a male representative into a man.

Take care of your own good mood. Never raise your voice, shout, argue or make trouble with a man. Don't waste your emotions! remember, that negative emotions negatively affect a woman’s appearance.

If you have to do something that disgusts you, don’t rush. Pull until you find someone who is happy (or not) to roll up their sleeves. The winner is the one who has stronger nerves or who the result is more important. If no one shows enthusiasm, forget about this matter. There are so many things in the world that you don’t have to do!

Learn to say no. The problem with many women is that they say “yes” too easily and don’t know how to say “no.” When refusing someone, justify the reason. If your opponent is not satisfied with your motivation, it will be worse for him.

Don't rack your brains over other people's problems that don't concern you. Don’t meddle in someone else’s soul, in someone else’s life, but don’t let anyone into yours either.

Learn to manipulate men and force them to do what you want.

Never row while sitting in a boat with a man (this, of course, should not be taken only literally). Figuratively speaking, be a navigator in life, but not a rower.


Having mastered these principles, you will understand that you can enjoy life without disappointing others, without infringing on their interests, but at the same time without offending yourself.

When the theory of rational egoism begins to be touched upon in the dialogues of philosophers, the name of N. G. Chernyshevsky, a multifaceted and great writer, philosopher, historian, materialist, and critic, involuntarily comes up. Nikolai Gavrilovich absorbed all the best - a persistent character, an irresistible zeal for freedom, a clear and rational mind. Chernyshevsky's theory of reasonable egoism is the next step in the development of philosophy.


Reasonable egoism should be understood as a philosophical position that establishes for each individual the primacy of personal interests over the interests of other people and society as a whole.

The question arises: how does reasonable egoism differ from egoism in its direct sense? Proponents of rational egoism argue that an egoist thinks only of himself. While reasonable egoism is not profitable to neglect other individuals, and simply does not represent a selfish attitude towards everything, but only manifests itself as short-sightedness, and sometimes even as stupidity.

In other words, reasonable egoism can be called the ability to live by one’s own interests or opinions without contradicting the opinions of others.

A little history

Reasonable egoism begins to emerge as early as ancient period, when Aristotle assigned him the role of one of the components of the problem of friendship.

More detailed research this question received from Feuerbach L. In his opinion, human virtue is based on a sense of one’s own satisfaction from the satisfaction of another person.

The theory of rational egoism received in-depth study from Chernyshevsky. It was based on the interpretation of the individual's egoism as an expression of the usefulness of the person as a whole. Based on this, if corporate, private and universal interests collide, then the latter should prevail.

Chernyshevsky's views

The philosopher and writer began his path with Hegel, telling everyone that he belonged only to him. Adhering to Hegelian philosophy and views, Chernyshevsky nevertheless rejects his conservatism. And having become acquainted with his works in the originals, he begins to reject his views and sees complete shortcomings in Hegelian philosophy:

  • The creator of reality for Hegel was the absolute spirit and
  • Reason and idea were development.
  • Hegel's conservatism and his commitment to the feudal-absolutist system of the country.

As a result, Chernyshevsky began to emphasize the duality of Hegel’s theory and criticize him as a philosopher. Science continued to develop, but Hegel’s philosophy for the writer became outdated and lost its meaning.

From Hegel to Feuerbach

Not satisfied with Hegelian philosophy, Chernyshevsky turned to the works of L. Feuerbach, which subsequently forced him to call the philosopher his teacher.

In his work "The Essence of Christianity" Feuerbach argues that nature and human thinking exist separately from each other, and Supreme Being, created by religion and human fantasy, is a reflection of the individual’s own essence. This theory greatly inspired Chernyshevsky, and he found in her what he was looking for.

The essence of the theory of rational egoism

The theory of reasonable egoism in Chernyshevsky’s works was directed against religion, theological morality and idealism. According to the writer, an individual loves only himself. And it is self-love that motivates people to action.

Nikolai Gavrilovich in his works says that in the intentions of people there cannot be several different natures and the whole multitude of human desires to act comes from one nature, according to one law. The name of this law is reasonable egoism.

All human actions are based on the individual's thoughts about his personal benefit and good. For example, human sacrifice can be considered reasonable egoism own life for the sake of love or friendship, for the sake of any interests. Even in such an action there lies personal calculation and a flash of selfishness.

What is the theory of rational egoism according to Chernyshevsky? The point is that personal ones do not diverge from public ones and do not contradict them, while benefiting others. These were the only principles the writer accepted and tried to convey to others.

The theory of reasonable egoism is briefly preached by Chernyshevsky as the theory of “new people.”

Basic concept of the theory

The theory of rational egoism evaluates the benefits of human relationships and the choice of the most profitable ones. From a theoretical point of view, the manifestation of selflessness, mercy and charity are absolutely meaningless. Only those manifestations of these qualities that lead to PR, profit, etc. have meaning.

Reasonable egoism is understood as the ability to find a middle ground between personal capabilities and the needs of others. Moreover, each individual proceeds solely from self-love. But having reason, a person understands that if he thinks only about himself, he will face a huge variety problems, wanting only to satisfy personal needs. As a result, individuals come to personal limitations. But this is again done not out of love for others, but out of love for oneself. Therefore in in this case it is advisable to talk about reasonable egoism.

The manifestation of the theory in the novel “What is to be done?”

Since the central idea of ​​Chernyshevsky’s theory was life in the name of another person, this is what united the heroes of his novel “What is to be done?”

The theory of reasonable egoism in the novel “What is to be done?” is expressed in nothing other than the ethical expression of necessity mutual assistance and bringing people together. This is what unites the heroes of the novel. for them - service to the people and the success of that business, which is the meaning of their life.

The principles of the theory are also applicable to personal life heroes. Chernyshevsky showed how the social face of an individual is fully revealed in love.

To an unenlightened person it may seem that the philistine egoism of the heroine of the novel, Marya Alekseevna, is very close to the egoism of the “new people.” But its essence is only that it is aimed at the natural desire for goodness and happiness. The individual benefit must correspond to those identified with the interests of the working people.

Lonely happiness does not exist. The happiness of one individual depends on the happiness of everyone and the general well-being in society.

Chernyshevsky as a philosopher never defended egoism in its direct meaning. The reasonable egoism of the novel's heroes identifies their own benefit with the benefit of other people. For example, having freed Verochka from domestic oppression, freed her from the need to marry not for love, and made sure that she loves Kirsanov, Lopukhov goes into the shadows. This is one example of the manifestation of reasonable egoism in Chernyshevsky’s novel.

The theory of rational egoism - philosophical basis a novel where there is no place for selfishness, self-interest and individualism. The center of the novel is man, his rights, his benefits. With this, the writer called for abandoning destructive hoarding for the sake of achieving true human happiness, no matter what unfavorable conditions nor burdened his life.

Even though the novel was written in the 19th century, its principles still apply in the modern world.