The first lesson of the alphabet is a promising elementary school. Educational and methodological set “promising primary school” ABC

Bogdanova G.A.



Punctuation in a compound sentence

Schematic dictations

Specify types simple sentences, included in complex ones, according to the example:It's hot and thirsty. [impersonal],And [impersonal].

I. 1) Frost and sun.(A. Pushkin) 2) It’s freezing and it’s hard to breathe. 3) It’s frosty, and the snow creaks underfoot. 4) The swamp ended and the trees closed in. 5) The sky quickly dimmed, and the first stars began to twinkle on it. (V. Myasnikov)
II. 1) Suddenly it got dark and he lost his way. 2) Suddenly the path jumped out onto the highway, and I had to brake. 3) The flash faded on the horizon and it became dark. 4) The sun was approaching the horizon, and it became cool. 5) It was getting dark, and with the onset of dusk the streets of the city became empty.
III. 1) The moon came out again, and short sharp shadows of ledges appeared on the rocky surface of the slope.
(V. Pelevin) 2) There were a lot of leaves, and they softly muffled the steps, springing under our feet. 3) The rolling clouds completely hid the white disk of the moon, and in an instant the clearing became dark. (S. Mayorov) 4) Autumn, and under your feet there is a carpet of colorful leaves. 5) Flowers and herbs cover the green hill, and the rays never penetrate here. (A. Blok)

Explanatory dictations

I. 1) Suddenly the sun set behind the cloud, and the panorama of the bay that opened from above began to produce an almost fantastic impression. 2) The place looked incredibly beautiful and we decided to stop here. (T. Polyakova) 3) The lights lit up and the talking became louder.(L. Tolstoy) 4) The firefight began to subside, and soldiers, animated by conversation, poured out of the side street.(L. Tolstoy) 5) Somewhere in the depths of the apartment, hurried steps were heard, and the door swung open.(A. Adamov) 6) The road ended, and around the bend a wide gate made of poles and a watchman’s house appeared behind it.(A. Adamov) 7) The helicopter was already rattling somewhere in the distance, and tiny human figures continued to separate from it.(A. Konstantinov) 8) The hare is a coward, and he loves to hunt.(Proverb) 9) The day passed quietly, but at dusk they noticed a man silently sneaking towards a huge tree.(M. Semenova) 10) His penetratingly sad gaze was directed out the window, and with his free hand he stroked the dog sitting next to him.(V. Pelevin) 11) It rained recently, but the asphalt had already dried.(V. Pelevin) 12) The clouds around were high and sparse, with a bright blue edge from the moonlight, and because of this the sky seemed several times higher than usual. (V. Pelevin) 13) Either this is an evil and stupid joke, or someone is misleading you. 14) “Am I taken prisoner, or is he taken prisoner by me?” - thought each of them. (L. Tolstoy) 15) The blinding light thickened the darkness around, but the rings on the barrier pole flashed brightly.(Strugatsky) 16) My feet immediately got wet, but the dirt quickly rubbed off on the damp grass. 17) One of my friends tried to paint her portrait, but it didn’t work out for him either. 18) The pipe began to sing on the bridge, and the apple trees were in bloom. And someone raised one green star high, and it became marvelous to look on the bridge into such depths, into such heights. (A. Blok) 19) The station continued to live its noisy life, and in the evening there seemed to be even more people.(A. Adamov) 20) It was creepy, and everyone, without saying a word, stuck together. 21) Who responded to me in the thicket of the forest? Was it an old oak tree whispering to a pine tree, or a rowan tree creaking in the distance, or a goldfinch singing an ocarina, or a robin, a little friend, suddenly answering me at sunset? (N. Zabolotsky) 22) There is genuine joy in the charm of the Russian landscape, and it is not open to everyone and not even visible to every artist. (N. Zabolotsky) 23) Several weeks passed, and my life in the Belogorsk fortress became not only bearable for me, but even pleasant. (A. Pushkin) 24) I began to read, and a desire for literature awakened in me.(A. Pushkin)

II. 1) A few anxious minutes - and the raft again came out onto the regularly rising spacious water.(I. Efremov) 2) A moment of silence - and the roar of explosions was heard near the crossing. 3) The sun suddenly broke through the curtain of clouds - and immediately pitch darkness came. 4) Jump - and splashes flew in all directions. 5) Everything started moving together - and now the crowd is pouring into the empty plains. (A. Pushkin) 6) A few minutes of descent - and Grisha, smiling contentedly, stopped the car on the fresh grass.(I. Efremov)

III. 1) Lightning flashed tremulously in the darkness and thunder roared.(V. Shukshin) 2) It suddenly became colder in Moscow and it had been drizzling with light, tedious rain for days.(A. Adamov) 3) At dawn there was a small earthquake and a snowfall occurred.(V. Malov) 4) Fast clouds are scurrying in the sky and violent winds are bubbling, in it the dawn either fades or the morning flares up.(M. Semenova) 5) From time to time the trees parted and a triangle of pensive pale sky flashed above.(V. Pelevin) 6) On the street very close, lightning flashed and thunder rolled, and the thunderstorm gained full force.(N. Podolsky) 7) By the evening the weather had improved and it became warm. 8) Again around my house the slopes bloomed and fragrant, and the potatoes bloomed in the wild white flood. (F. Abramov) 9) At the far end of the village, the accordion was still playing and a ringing voice was carefully playing ditties.(P. Proskurin) 10) There was wind and a snowstorm at night.(P. Proskurin) 11) Soon bullets began to whistle near our ears and several arrows stuck into the ground near us.(A. Pushkin) 12) Who are they and what do they need? 13) According to the hunters, the animal in these places hatched long ago and the bird disappeared.

IV. 1) The water has subsided, and the pavement has opened, and my Eugene is in a hurry, his soul freezing, in hope, fear and longing to the barely reconciled river. (A. Pushkin) 2) The clouds that had covered the sky were already turning yellow-pink, and it looked like it was going to rain.(V. Myasnikov) 3) The heat was unbearable, and it seemed that the whole city had moved to the beach.(A. Adamov) 4) There was still snow in the forest, heavily settled, dense, and only round holes melted around the trunks, glazed on top with thin ice, and the tall hemp cut black in winter. (A. Zhukov) 5) Everyone was silent, and, as if frightened by the general silence, the horse looked back at the owner again.(F. Iskander) 6) For many years she had not walked on such a warm summer road with bare feet and now she walked slowly, all alone in a large meadow, and she did not want to rush anywhere. (Yu. Trifonov)

V. 1) At these words, he galloped back, holding his bosom with one hand, and a minute later disappeared from sight. 2) The owner met us at the gate, holding a lantern under the skirt, and led me into the upper room, cramped, but quite clean. 3) The inn, or, in local language, the inn, was located off to the side, in the steppe, far from any settlement, and very much looked like a robber’s haven. 4) He went to his room, and I went further, not paying attention to Savelich’s annoyance, and soon forgot about yesterday’s blizzard, about my counselor and the hare’s sheepskin coat. 5) The old man sat sullenly on the console, turning away from me, and was silent, only occasionally quacking.

(A. Pushkin)

Warning dictations

I. The sun had long risen, but the wind did not subside and dragged flocks of low autumn clouds across the sky. The day was gray and homeless. The bare forest peaks rustled with a whistle, and a birch tree broken nearby creaked with a groan. Near the ravine, a wet crow croaked alone, sitting on the branch of an old oak tree, and scared people.

(ByA. Zhukov )

II. The weather has been calm and warm for three days now. There is not a shred of snow on the streets, and the muddy place has been replaced by shiny pavement and fast streams. The last drops are already melting from the roofs, and buds are inflating on the trees in the front garden. There is a dry path in the yard, and near the porch there is green mossy grass between the stones.
All objects are brightly lit and the room is brighter. Some feeling that is new to me penetrates my soul. Wet earth, streams glistening in the sun, fragrant damp air and joyful sun - everything speaks to me of beauty, happiness and virtue.

(ByL. Tolstoy )

III. The troika picked up instantly, and we rushed along icy road. The steep bank ran back, and the gloomy and cold foggy hills seemed to be approaching us. It was sad, gray and quiet.
Suddenly the cart, sliding off the inclined ice floe, capsized again, and we had to get out. Huge white ice floes surrounded us on all sides, blocking the view of the river. Wild and even terrible in their grandeur the mountains jutted out sharply from the fog.

(ByV. Korolenko )

IV. Here and there, against the background of a black forest, smoke swirled in the damp air, and sparks flew out and melted in the darkness. In one place, a large black rock stuck out upward, and, running over it, the clouds seemed to touch its top. It was still dark below, and driving along the narrow rocky road did not give us much joy.

(ByV. Korolenko )

Control dictations

The night was dark. Although the moon had risen, it was hidden by thick clouds covering the horizon. Perfect silence reigned in the air. Not the slightest breeze rippled the smooth surface of the sleeping river, which quickly and silently rolled its waters to the sea. Here and there a light splash could be heard near the steep bank from a lump of earth that had separated and fallen into the water. Sometimes a duck flew over us, and we heard the quiet but sharp whistle of its wings. Sometimes a catfish floated to the surface of the water, stuck out its ugly head for a moment and, lashing the streams with its tail, sank into the depths. Everything is quiet again.
Suddenly a dull, drawn-out roar is heard and does not pass for a long time, as if freezing in a silent night. This deer wanders far, far away and calls for a female. The hunter’s heart trembles at this sound, and a proud bagel quietly making its way through the reeds is clearly visible before his eyes.
Meanwhile, the boat glides imperceptibly, propelled by the careful blows of the oars. The tall, motionless figure of Stepan looms vaguely on the horizon. Its long white oar moves silently back and forth and is only occasionally transferred from one side of the boat to the other. (167 words)

(ByI. Bielfeld )

That morning, for the first time in my life, I heard a shepherd's horn playing that amazed me.
I looked out the open window, lying in a warm bed and shivering from the chill of the dawn. The street was flooded with the pink light of the sun rising behind the houses. Then the gates of the courtyard opened, and the gray-haired shepherd owner, in a new blue coat, tar-smeared boots and a tall hat like a top hat, walked out into the middle of the still deserted street, put his hat at his feet, crossed himself, and put a long horn to his lips with both hands. , puffed out his thick pink cheeks - and I shuddered at the first sounds: the horn began to play so loudly that it even rattled in my ears.
1 But that was only the case at first. Then he began to take it higher and more pitifully, and suddenly he started playing something joyful, and I felt happy. The cows mooed in the distance and began to creep up little by little, and the shepherd still stood and played. He played with his head thrown back, playing as if into the sky, as if he had forgotten about everything in the world. The shepherd caught his breath, and then admiring voices were heard on the street: “What a master! And where does he have so much spirit from?” The shepherd probably also heard this and understood how they were listening to him, and he was pleased with it. (180 words)

(ByI. Shmelev )

Autumn is walking across Russian soil...

In the spacious fields, a blue cobweb floats above the dew, and the overworked earth slowly cools. In the transparent depths of river pools, fish lazily move, barely moving their fins. The haystacks, surrounded by late green grass, had long since faded and faded from the September rains. But the emerald-gray winter stripes are dazzling, and the ruby ​​bursts of rowan trees glow silently and brightly at the edge of the forest.
The forest is unusually quiet. Everything froze, holding its breath, as if awaiting some kind of inevitable punishment, or maybe forgiveness and rest.
Autumn blows on the forests, blowing them with a wet wind, and then a dull, dissatisfied roar spreads like waves for thousands of miles. The winds blow away the reserved blue from the bosom of countless lakes, rippling and showering the reaches of the great northern rivers with dead leaves. The breath of these winds either covers the taiga with swamp gray hair, or weaves golden, orange and silver-yellow strands into it. But the pine and spruce ridges don’t care at all, and they are still arrogantly silent, or they hum menacingly and terribly, raising their indignant manes, and then a mighty noise again rolls across the endless taiga. (158 words)

(ByV. Belov )

Under the light blow of the sultry wind, the sea shuddered, and, covered with small ripples that reflected the sun dazzlingly brightly, it smiled blue sky thousands of silver smiles. In the space between the sea and the sky there was a cheerful splash of waves running onto the gentle shore of the sand spit. Everything was full of living joy: the sound and shine of the sun, the wind and the salty aroma of water, the hot air and yellow sand. A narrow spit, piercing a sharp spire into the boundless desert of water sparkling with the sun, was lost somewhere in the distance. Oars, baskets and barrels lay randomly on the sand. On this day, even the seagulls are exhausted by the heat. They sit on the sand with their beaks open and their wings down, or they swing lazily on the waves.
The sun begins to descend into the sea, and the restless waves play cheerfully and noisily, splashing against the shore. The sun is setting, and a pinkish reflection of its rays falls on the yellow sand. And the pitiful willow bushes, and the mother-of-pearl clouds, and the waves running onto the shore - everything is preparing for the night's peace. Night shadows fall not only on the sea, but also on the shore. All around is an immense sea, silvered by the moon, and a blue sky strewn with stars. (165 words)

(ByM. Gorky )

Night in Balaclava

At the end of October, the days are still gentle in autumn, and Balaklava begins to live a unique life. The last holidaymakers, who spent the long summer here enjoying the sun and sea, are leaving, and it immediately becomes spacious, fresh and homely, businesslike, as if after the departure of sensational uninvited guests.
Fishing nets are spread across the embankment, and on the polished cobblestones they appear delicate and thin, like a spider's web. Fishermen, these workers of the sea, as they are called, crawl along the spread nets, like gray-black spiders straightening a torn veil of air. The captains of the fishing boats sharpen worn-out beluga hooks, and at the stone wells, where the water babbles in a continuous silver stream, dark-faced women - local residents - chatter, gathering here in their free moments.
Sinking into the sea, the sun sets, and soon the starry night, replacing the short evening dawn, envelops the earth. The city falls into a deep sleep and everything becomes silent. Only occasionally does the water squelch against the coastal stone, and this lonely sound further emphasizes the undisturbed silence. Night and silence merge in one black embrace. (154 words)

(ByA. Kuprin )

and punctuation marks in them.
Complex sentences
With different types subordinate clauses

Schematic dictations

Make sentence diagrams, indicating the type of subordinate clauses.

I. 1) If the cuckoo crows, then it’s time to sow flax.(Proverb) 2) When I passed by him, he turned away and began to look at the glass door to the street.(K. Evgrafov) 3) He took on any job without even thinking whether he would be able to cope with it. 4) The next morning, although it was rainy and cold, I allowed myself to take a walk around my native place. 5) As they moved forward through the silky water, the contours of the island became clearer.

II. 1) His gaze was directed forward, to where the game should be.(V. Myasnikov) 2) I took the opportunity to get a better look at the portrait and came closer.(E. Yakovleva) 3) You can’t give up habits that have become ingrained in your flesh and blood so easily.(O. Pogorelov) 4) They stood not far from the park where there were benches.(V. Shukshin) 5) For beauty to captivate, it needs intelligence and kindness.(O. Konstantinova)

III. 1) The sun was about to dive behind the tops of the fir trees, so that black shadows were already stretching across the road. 2) Then comes that mysterious time when the lamps give everything some kind of tempting, wonderful light. (N. Gogol) 3) A couple of minutes later we heard a car driving away. 4) To be understood, it is better to say everything directly.(V. Lentsov) 5) We ran to the boat, which lay about a hundred meters from here and far from the water.(V. Shukshin)

IV. 1) The poplar tree that he once planted near the school was cut down. 2) It’s strange that he wasn’t worried or happy.(V. Shukshin ) 3) It turned out that the poem became, as it were, Pushkin’s poetic testament.(E. Mailin) 4) The black water of the lake was so heavy that, while absorbing sunlight, it did not reflect it.(V. Konstantinov) 5) What I am going to tell will be useful for everyone to listen to.

V. 1) As soon as I found myself in a crowded, illuminated place, my fear passed. 2) Until this knot is unraveled, I will not find peace. 3) When this person smiled, he became attractive. 4) As soon as I opened my mouth, the old woman unleashed a stream of emotions on me. (E. Yakovleva) 5) I pressed the bell button three times before I heard signs of some kind of life outside the door.(E. Yakovleva)

VI. 1) Of the two friends who quarreled, the one who is smarter is guilty.(O. Konstantinova) 2) And this forest looked as if there was no human habitation for a hundred miles around.(M. Semenova) 3) Life would become boring, gray, sluggish if there were no science in it.(O. Konstantinova) 4) They could only ride side by side along the edge of the swamp, where the taiga crumbles.(A. Kazantsev) 5) Lumps of wet snow hit my face, as if a snowstorm had begun.(A. Kazantsev)

VII. 1) Sometimes the clock deceives us so that we can live more serenely in the world.(S. Marshak) 2) It turned out to be unexpectedly difficult to remember, although he never complained about his memory.(M. Semenova) 3) But among those passing by, no matter how hard he strained his eyes, there was not a single familiar face. 4) Events continued to develop completely differently from the scenario expected in the morning. (E. Yakovleva) 5) You could hear a moth flying into the window, beating its wings on the frosted lamp cover.(A. Kazantsev)

VIII. 1) Around the bend, where the road passed under an overhanging rock, a dam appeared.(A. Kazantsev) 2) Leaving a chain of footprints behind him, he ran smoothly and easily, as if his feet had not gotten stuck in quick sand.(A. Kazantsev) 3) In all these activities, he did not notice how lunch time passed.(V. Myasnikov) 4) The trees were so dense that almost no moonlight passed through them.(A. Kazantsev) 5) They did not start a fire because they hoped to hunt and did not want to frighten the game with the smell of smoke.(M. Semenova)

IX. 1) It turned out to be impossible to penetrate the territory where the experimental installation was located.(Strugatsky) 2) During the time that I spent in the old collector’s apartment, it got even colder outside.(E. Yakovleva) 3) In the large, bright room we entered, there were cabinets with books along the walls. 4) After a minute or two, they came to a flat area between the rocks, one edge of which fell into the void. (V. Pelevin) 5) The hollow into which we descended was not very large.(I. Efremov)

Warning, explanatory dictation

1) No matter how invigorated we were, after all the day’s troubles, another two hours of ascent seemed very difficult. Therefore, everyone rejoiced when the horses’ shoes clinked, striking sparks from the stones, and the almost flat top of the spur appeared. 2) Among the many sketches and small paintings, one stood out to which I was somehow immediately drawn. 3) A dull noise was heard from the depths of the gorge, which grew and soon turned into a low, continuous roar. We approached one of the largest rapids, the powerful force of which even fifty-degree frosts could not tame. 4) There were no traces visible on the flat snow, no matter how hard we strained our eyes. 5) When darkness enveloped us again, there was little left to the end of the gorge. 6) The cheerful, slightly mischievous eyes of the diver who took off his diving suit did not betray in any way the fatigue that he undoubtedly must have experienced. 7) I must have fallen asleep unnoticed for a few minutes, because I woke up to the silence of the engine. 8) By sunset we were on the southern side, where we discovered a spring in a deep ravine that flowed into a large gorge. 9) A terrible feeling of loss came over me as I peered into the endless plains. 10) The researchers found themselves on the banks of a fast and cold river, the narrow bed of which ran through high, steep banks. 11) The thoroughly wet sailors climbed out onto the decks, where they were immediately shaken to the point of trembling by the cold wind.

(I. Efremov)

Complex sentences with several subordinate clauses

A. I. 1) We all in the house, although my uncle never talked about it, felt how much he loved his horse. It must be said that the Doll [horse], despite her wildness, loved her uncle in her own way. (F. Iskander) 2) It is quite possible that we will never know who wrote “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” unless some unexpected discovery is made. 3) One day I got up earlier than everyone else, because the day before I noticed several figs on the tree that were supposed to ripen overnight. (F. Iskander) 4) “Have a nice journey,” said the uncle and released the reins only after the horse started moving, so that it would not seem that the owner was in a hurry to get rid of his guest. (F. Iskander) 5) After the travelers reached the lake, snow began to fall, which very quickly turned into a severe blizzard. (V. Malov) 6) With a detachment of six people, Arsenyev climbed up one of the rivers to explore the passes in the mountain junction, from where four taiga rivers began. (V. Malov) 7) The foreman went himself, because leaders must go first when danger threatens.(M. Semenova) 8) Poems, for which he had previously had no inclination, shocked him to such an extent that for several weeks he could not think about anything else, and then he began to write himself. (V. Pelevin) 9) Now that the moon was covered by a stone ridge, I had to find branches by touch in order to grab onto them.(V. Pelevin) 10) After a few tens of meters, when the path turned into a narrow cornice, under which there was nothing but a hundred-meter emptiness and the sea, the remnants of sleep flew away from him completely. (V. Pelevin) 11) I closed my eyes again in order to give myself, without moving, an account of how I ended up here, under open air, on the bank of a splashing river. (V. Korolenko) 12) People in Lozishchi never considered him smart, and the guys often mocked him, perhaps because, despite his extraordinary strength, he did not like to fight. (V. Korolenko) 13) I had to compose a long story that was little consistent with what actually happened to him.(R. Belousov) 14) At first I did not delve into the essence of the conversation that reached me, but very soon I involuntarily listened, although I could not determine exactly what exactly alarmed me. (E. Yakovleva) 15) The clouds floated silently, which from their own gravity descended to the bed of the winding slow river to accompany it to the ocean. (E. Krestovsky) 16) And even those who do not directly participate in the war still live with the same feelings and concerns that the people live with. (V. Shukshin) 17) Describing the local flora and fauna, he thought about how to learn to carefully preserve living nature and at the same time take from it everything that a person needs. (V. Malov) 18) Most of all, he was grateful that they no longer asked him where he had put the sword.(M. Semenova)

II. 1) Napoleon, who was tired of eating chickens every day on his campaigns, promised to blow off the head of the cook if he ever served them for dinner. However, the cook had no choice. He once again cooked chicken for the emperor and “disguised” it with various seasonings that Napoleon simply did not recognize it. 2) Young people whose body weight exceeded accepted standards were subjected to corporal punishment or were expelled from the city. And the cooks who prepared delicious food were thrown off the cliff.

(V. Kudasheva)

B. There was unbroken silence and darkness all around. The ground was still warm to the touch, like a recently heated oven, the heat of the day in the air had not yet extinguished, had not yet dissipated in the darkness. Despite the complete calm, from time to time the green ears rustled sadly, as if they were complaining to someone about the merciless, sultry summer in which they were born, hatched from the ground and grew, but it is unknown whether they will be able to pour grain in such a sizzling heat, for the sake of which people endure such torment.

(A. Ivanov)

Q. Roses - the most beautiful of flowers - were known many thousands of years ago. In ancient India, anyone who presented a rose to the king could ask for whatever he wanted. In China, five thousand years ago, the emperor ordered the destruction of half of the rose gardens in order to free up at least some land for sowing grain. Queen Cleopatra of Egypt, receiving Mark Anthony, ordered to cover the entire floor of the hall where the feast in his honor was to be held with a carpet of rose petals half a meter thick. In Greece, the rose was considered a symbol of beauty. This flower was especially loved by the Romans. Warriors, going to war, took off their helmets and put on wreaths of roses, believing that they would protect them more reliably and instill courage and bravery in their souls. Some patricians, going for a galley ride, strewed the water surface with rose petals. One day the surface of a huge lake was covered in this way.

(ByS. Cherkasova )

D. Texts consist of letters, but letters alone are not enough to understand texts. To prevent letters and words from merging into a continuous blur, the text must be divided into words and parts, for which margins, spacing between words and lines, as well as indents, capital letters and other means are used.
Chains of words in lines are separated into individual words using spaces. Without them, when reading, we would have to stumble all the time in search of boundaries between words. In such a text, we would feel as if we were in a dense, dark forest, where the trees stand like a wall and where there are no roads or paths, and only a person who knows this forest well can walk confidently through it.

(By"Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Philologist" )

Complex sentences
With homogeneous subordination

I. 1) He walked through his city, in which he grew up and which he was entrusted with guarding.(E. Khrutsky) 2) The revolver with the last cartridge was tightly clutched in his hand, and all he wanted now was for the Germans to meet quickly and for him to have time to knock down another one. (B. Vasiliev) 3) And only then did he allow his consciousness to break off, when he called out to them and when he realized that his own people were coming towards them. (B. Vasiliev) 4) She looked devotedly and sincerely with her wonderful eyes, making it clear that she was ready to help him in any way and that he could completely rely on her. (A. Adamov) 5) It was the worst hour of the night, when cold and darkness ominously close over the earth and one cannot believe that dawn will come. (M. Semenova) 6) But, holding my breath, I hear the groan of the weeping willows as they bent their trunk low and dropped their branches into the water.(O. Konstantinova) 7) They descended in silence, because the path was very narrow and they had to walk along it carefully.(V. Pelevin) 8) The top turned out to be a small flat area where several small hawthorn bushes grew and a steel lighthouse pole stuck out. (V. Pelevin) 9) When it began to get light and the first roosters crowed, a large striped cat appeared in the yard.(M. Semenova) 10) This unusual state was so painful that his heart stopped and he woke up.(Strugatsky) 11) When we got off the bus, it was raining unpleasantly and it was cold.(V. Pelevin) 12) I barely had time to take a few steps when the bank collapsed beneath me and I found myself waist-deep in icy water.(I. Trofimkin) 13) On the seventh day, such a terrible fog fell on the sea that the bow of the steamer seemed to rest against a white wall and it was barely visible how the quiet sea swayed in the darkness. (V. Korolenko) 14) I listen to the snowball growing and eternity striking the stone clock.(O. Mandelstam) 15) In the place where the forest imperceptibly became a park and the suburb began, there stood an old mansion. 16) There were a lot of people near the station, and it was felt that today was Sunday and the opening of the summer season was coming.

II. When, for example, we believe that the Russian language is beautiful, when we call it rich, great, then our right to this is not based on the fact that the Russian dative is grander and more beautiful than the corresponding forms of other languages, or that in the Russian language more words than in other languages, but only on the fact that the forms and words of the Russian language are the forms and words of a great people, the luminaries of Russian literature, the creators of our culture, amazing in its spiritual power and beauty. That is why correct speech becomes such an attractive force and such a powerful educational source for Russian people.

(G. Vinokur)

III. 1) July imperceptibly, completely imperceptibly gives way to thoughtful August, when everything in nature becomes silent, when sunflowers bow their heavy heads low and ripe apples glow like lanterns in the gardens, when starlings and swallows gather in flocks, and a barely noticeable yellow streak appears on the birch trees. 2) Then I remembered how dazzlingly blue the patches of sky are when the days begin to slowly increase, how the snow rings with baked frost, how every twig and speck of sweat sunlight they are insulated in the snow and how gradually the whole snowy world turns blue.

(V. Peskov)

Complex sentences
with several subordinate clauses with conjunctions
and allied words next to each other

1) He only remembered that when he himself finished his course of study, his father sent him away.(I. Goncharov) 2) One feels that when he collected material for his history of Pugachev and when he wrote it, in this case he remained primarily a poet. (E. Mailin) 3) It is known that when lords fight, the slaves’ forelocks begin to shake.(A. Konstantinov) 4) More than anything in the world I wanted to sleep, because I felt that if I fell asleep quickly enough, I would wake up again as myself. (V. Pelevin) 5) However, he understood well that if you don’t get down to business, you still won’t know what the end will be.(O. Pogorelov) 6) Do you really agree that when you are hit on your right cheek, you should turn your left?(O. Pogorelov)

Control dictations

Pushkin's first meeting with Nicholas I took place in Moscow, where the Tsar summoned the poet from Mikhailovsky exile. This was two months after the massacre of the Decembrists, many of whom were friends of the poet. Pushkin knew that his freedom-loving poems were found in the files of almost all the convicted Decembrists, that these poems were widespread in the army, and that he himself was under suspicion from the Tsar. When Nikolai did not obtain testimony from the arrested about the poet’s direct connection with them, he ordered his “outrageous” statements to be burned. 2 poetry.
While still at Mikhailovskoe, Pushkin carefully revised his papers and destroyed the most dangerous pages of the precious notes on outstanding contemporaries that he kept for five years. The poet was afraid that his notes could harm many people, and perhaps even increase the number of victims.
The Tsar asked Pushkin whether his way of thinking had changed during the years of exile and whether he gave his word to think and act differently. The poet could not, however, become different and still behaved freely and independently. This is evidenced at least by the poem “Arion”, in which Pushkin proclaims his loyalty to his Decembrist friends: “I sing the old hymns...” (169 words)

(From bookA. Gessen “Moika Embankment, 12” )

All the way to Tsarskoye Selo, the architect Vasily Stasov was immersed in his thoughts. From time to time he cast an absent-minded glance at the snow-covered plain along which the road connecting the capital with Tsarskoe Selo ran, and thought about his own things.
He, a young architect who had built a lot in Moscow, was given the task of drawing up a project for remodeling the outbuilding, in which it was decided to open a new educational institution - the Lyceum.
Stasov remembered the rumors that circulated in St. Petersburg society. Some said that the emperor planned to educate his younger brothers- Nicholas and Mikhail - together with the offspring of the most noble families. Others believed that the king, who did not have his own children, wanted to see young people close to him. Still others believed that these were the malicious undertakings of Speransky, who had gained the trust of the sovereign and was inciting him to carry out dangerous and harmful reforms. But no matter what was interpreted in the capital's society, at the beginning of 1811 a decree on the founding of the Lyceum was published, and so he, the architect Stasov, was asked to immediately inspect the building in which the Lyceum would be located and decide how the best way adapt it for the needs of the future educational institution. (160 words)

(From bookM. Basina “In the gardens of the Lyceum” )

Although the students arrived, classes at the Lyceum did not begin. Everyone was preparing for October 19 - the day when the Lyceum would be inaugurated.
Count Razumovsky, the Minister of Education, arrived. He examined everything and ordered a rehearsal for the upcoming celebration to be held in his presence. They gave him a chair. He sat down, gloomily watching as the pupils were brought in in ceremonial uniforms, lined up, calling them according to the list, taught to bow respectfully and gracefully to the place where the king would sit.
The hall where the rehearsal took place was small but beautiful. It was bright, with four columns supporting the ceiling, walls that were painted pink marble, shiny parquet floors, and wall-length mirrors. It was here that it was supposed to subsequently hold public exams and other celebrations. The architect, who was remodeling the building, adapting it to the needs of the educational institution, was ordered to make sure that the premises had a formal appearance. The walls of the hall were skillfully painted. Military armor, banners, scenes from ancient times seemed not drawn, but sculpted, convex. The painting decorated both the ceiling and the four arches through which one entered the assembly hall. There was no furniture in the hall, because the students were supposed to practice fencing here and play in the evenings. (170 words)

(ByM. Basina )

If you are having a hard time, if sadness has taken over your heart, go to where the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl stands by the river, on a hill. Look closely at the noble proportions of the white temple, reflected over eight centuries in the waters, and you will see how naturally the structure fits into the surrounding landscape.
The one who, having seen the temple once, believes that he knows it, is mistaken. This poem made of stone must be reread many times to understand the beauty of this extraordinary structure.
It's hard to say when is the best time to admire it. In the spring, when the Klyazma and Nerl flood, absorbing streams running from forests and lakes, and the water floods the meadows. In the dark waves, reminiscent of thickly infused tea, are reflected birches, willows and oaks similar to giant heroes, which are older than birches and probably remember how the Vladimir land was trampled by Tatar horses and how the carts of nomads stood here. At dawn, when the sun's rays play over the forests and from the bursts of light and shadow, the ancient walls seem to sway, becoming lighter hour by hour. The veil must also be seen in the rain, when a huge cloud seems to stop to admire the temple.
The temple as we know it is a lyrical poem addressed to the inner world of man. (175 words)

(ByE. Osetrova )

Everything is beautiful in nature: the clouds floating across the sky, the birch tree whispering with the grass, the harsh northern spruce, and the lichen that climbs up the slope of a rocky slope. But what can compare with water in terms of charm and charm? Wind-swept waves reflecting green and blue are living life. This is what I thought when I sailed on a simple wooden sailboat across the pockmarked expanses of Lake Onega. It attracted with its transparency and depth.
I remembered that in the old days water was considered a healing, cleansing force. When, during fortune telling, girls looked into the water in front of a mirror, hoping to see their betrothed there, it was a custom to ask the water for the future.
The lake changed colors. At first, when dawn had barely broken, the water was cold and inhospitable. Then the color of the lake turned pewter. When the rays of the sun began to play on the sail, the water smelled fresh, swayed, as if in a dance, and became warm and inviting.
I sailed into the world of Russian fairy tales - into ancient Kizhi. Those who have not been there think that Kizhi is an island that is lost among the expanses of water. However, knowledgeable people say that there are almost two thousand islands on the lake. (166 words)

(ByE. Osetrova)

Having lit the stove in the dugout, Polya made tea and, as soon as it got dark, went to bed. The first half hour was somehow alarming and uncomfortable. It seemed like someone was sneaking towards the dugout. The door is about to open and strangers will come in. Then she raised her head and listened. It turns out that it was the hay crunching under her body. In the end, Polya convinced herself that the taiga was deserted in winter and nothing threatened her. All the anxiety comes from excitement and suspiciousness, and there is no point in bothering your head with all sorts of trifles. She fell asleep soundly, sleeping dreamlessly all night long.
At dawn, Polya got on her skis and moved on. She walked as easily as yesterday, did not rush too much, but did not hesitate in vain at stops. He’ll sit somewhere on some dead wood, crunch on some breadcrumbs, and then hit the road again.
Taiga lay wrapped in snow, quiet, thoughtful. The day turned out brighter than yesterday. The sun came out several times, and then the tops of the trees with their white fluffy caps became golden and glowed like burning candles. The notches on the trunks also became more visible, which Polya watched with both eyes so as not to go astray. (167 words)

(G. Markov)

At eighteen it is impossible to be settled, and one day you will suddenly feel an irresistible desire to come into contact with the unknown, the unknown.
How wonderful it is in the evening to climb up the trembling ship's gangway onto the festively lit deck and join the noisy crowd of passengers who say goodbye to the land and go to sea, to some new, amazing, incomparable life.
When the steamer began to hum with a trumpet voice and the deck began to tremble from the work of the machines hidden in the hold, the dark water boiled at the sides, with orange oil stains, with light reflections, the shore suddenly shuddered and, slowly turning around, began to move away with a dark crowd of mourners on the pier. The port lights floated, misty, running further and further into the interior of the mainland, turning yellow there in the distance, and the cheerful stars began to approach, some seemed to hang right on the yards, and they could be picked off like a butterfly by hand.
And suddenly there was a breath of freedom, salty coolness, and the Black Sea looked straight into your eyes.
I walked along the lower deck among the singing, screaming, dancing passengers, proud and sad, sitting motionless and snoring side by side right on the deck. I was one of them that night, an unknown grain of sand setting off on a distant and unknown voyage. (180 words)

(ByB. Yampolsky )

On the third day, the ascent along the snow plain became more noticeable and more cracks appeared, which slowed down the movement. I had to walk carefully, feeling the snow, so as not to fall through the thin layer of it hiding the cracks.
In the north, the clouds dispersed, driven away by the wind, and between their gray wisps mountains appeared and disappeared, stretching in a long chain across the entire horizon. Rocky spurs blackened against their snow-white background. The never-setting sun rolled over the very crest of the ridge, shining dimly through the veil of clouds and turning them reddish. The snow plain in the foreground was covered with spots and stripes, reflected from the sky, of bluish and pink color. The overall picture of the snowy desert and the mysterious ridge, which first appeared before the eyes of travelers, was amazing.
The ascent to this ridge lasted for three days due to strong ice cracks. The ice stream, that is, the glacier that descended along the valley of the southern slope of the ridge, was up to a kilometer wide and was bordered on both sides by steep dark slopes covered with snow. (148 words)

(ByV. Obruchev )

Noticing a light to the left of the field that she had not seen before, Varka stopped. The light disappeared, then flared up again, and at first she thought that someone was walking through the meadow. Only when it burst into flames did she realize that they were lighting a fire. Varka got out of the furrow and turned left. She walked without going around the deep lowlands, keeping to the light of the fire. The oxbow lakes furrowed the meadow in tangled loops; the water in them did not last long, only after the flood, and the rest of the time they stood dry, some with only viscous biting midges, around which the grasses raged uncontrollably. Varka identified them from a distance by their frog croaking. The lowlands were filled with fog, silvery in the moonlight. Varka entered it as if into water, first up to her waist, and then completely up to her head. The solid ground suddenly ran away, almost collapsing underfoot, a ravine chill enveloped her body, and Varka, with paused breathing, made her way through the thickets splashing with dew, hurrying to quickly get out into the open. Having got out, she looked around, wondering how she got through this ravine, so creepy under the gray surface of the fog. (156 words)

(ByE. Nosova )

Punctuation in non-union
complex sentence

Comma in a non-union complex sentence

I. 1) It was quiet, only the splashing of the waves could be heard from behind the high side. 2) I suddenly felt a surge of strength, my vision became sharper, distant rocks seemed to move towards me, I discerned all the details of their steep slopes. 3) The same frozen silence surrounded me; not the slightest vibration of the air was felt. 4) The mountains were low, their naked peaks rose about three hundred meters. 5) The waves were not noticeable from a height of seven kilometers; the shiny surface of the water seemed convex. 6) The felled spruce tree collapsed with a crash, followed by another one. 7) The sun did not appear for four days, a hurricane wind mixed salty water dust with streams of torrential rain. (I. Efremov)

II. 1) So I leave the house to meet a different fate, the whole world, wonderful and familiar, ready to become related to me. (N. Gumilev) 2) Beyond the Don, touched by yellowness, the forest was grieving, the poplar gleamed faintly, the oak dropped rare patterned and carved leaves, only the alder turned loudly green, pleasing with its vitality. (M. Sholokhov) 3) The sun had long since set, the sunset was burning pink, the colors were fading every minute, the light gray evening sky was stitched with thin stars, in the east it was already quite dense, in the west it was less frequent. (A. Ivanov) 4) It was already dawn, the relentless wind managed to clear the clouds from the icy sky, only the gray tail of light clouds remained, they were carried away like wet rooks to the east. (A. Ivanov) 5) Pre-dawn peace has descended on the steppe, the crimson sun is fading behind the clouds...(A. Sofronov) 6) The blood rushed to her face, her cheeks became purple, her eyes, magnified by the glasses, sparkled.(V. Kataev) 7) Some of those passing by said hello, others looked indifferent. 8) The tall grass, ready for mowing, on both sides of the lane, barely moved, breathed, and was vibrated by the steamy rain air rising from below. (Yu. Trifonov) 9) The water in the round pond rippled, small waves rose on it.

Semicolon in a non-union complex sentence

I. 1) Suddenly the whole physiognomy of the wolf changed; he shuddered when he saw, probably never before seen, human eyes fixed on him. (L. Tolstoy) 2) All the walls of the hold were covered with mosquitoes; huddled in herds, lean, striped, they waited here until the wind died down. (E. Shim) 3) Viburnum grew under a cliff; its jagged leaves, slightly tinged with yellow, turned away from the wind and showed a fluffy underside, as if covered with fur. (E. Shim) 4) The small moon, rising above the mountains, managed to turn into a round moon and lose weight again; yellow leaves began to fall in the taiga, the first frosts scorched the grass in the morning, and Palan [herder] drove his flock from pasture to pasture, and all his sheep were safe and healthy. (E. Shim) 5) It is not only possible, but also necessary to be proud of the glory of your ancestors; not to respect it is shameful cowardice.(A. Pushkin) 6) The horses stopped near the river, near country gardens and vegetable gardens; In the distance, meadows spread freely and the forest turned blue. (V. Pikul) 7) At eleven o’clock in the evening the living room and office began to quickly fill up; the calls came almost continuously. (A. Aldanov) 8) So we walked for an hour and a half, until the forest thinned out; firs and cedars appeared, the moss almost disappeared, but the rise did not end, but, on the contrary, became even steeper. (I. Efremov) 9) The yellow color of the sand sometimes gave way to reddish or gray; The multi-colored tints of the sun's play sometimes ran along the slopes of the sandy hillocks. (I. Efremov) 10) Water began to flow through the windows, streams of it lashed the plane; a light foam of fog gave way to a cloudy, gray sheet of water. (I. Efremov) 11) It became almost light; the ski track was visible far ahead.(V. Shukshin) 12) I really loved films about pilots; The strongest experience of my childhood was associated with one of these films. (V. Pelevin) 13) A spring gushed from a cleft in the stones; its trickle looked like a thread; it trembled in the air and crumbled into drops as soon as it touched the granite slab. (E. Shim)

II. The room is large, low, with three windows; the walls are smeared with white paint; no furniture. In front of the house there is a bare plain; gradually lowering, it goes into the distance; the gray, monochromatic sky hangs above her like a canopy.

(I. Turgenev)

Colon in non-union proposal

1) Everything was clear: they had confused the direction and were going in the completely opposite direction.(A. Ivanov) 2) Sometimes splashing was heard, splashes flew up: it was fish playing in the cold streams.(E. Shim) 3) Look: the river waters flow resignedly.(E. Baratynsky) 4) One thing is striking in Crimea: all the most beautiful and majestic things were created in the 19th century.(F. Abramov) 5) The rivers of the North have their own special smell: they smell of wood, because timber is floated along them.(F. Abramov) 6) Spring is now coming in short bursts: suddenly everything will sparkle, it will get warmer, and then it will be cold again, winter again. (F. Abramov) 7) Here they write: existence Bigfoot can be considered documented.(V. Pelevin) 8) Front line came to life: troops, trucks with ammunition, various equipment were moving there, to the line of fire, and the wounded were being transported from there. (A. Ivanov) 9) The old man woke up early that morning, despite the fact that he had gone to bed late, and immediately realized that the weather was good.(P. Proskurin) 10) We won’t see you tomorrow: I’m leaving before dawn.(N. Gogol) 11) The upcoming matter was not touched upon in the conversation: everything was discussed and planned in advance.(S. Mayorov) 12) The road along which one could drive directly to the house was blocked: repair work was underway.(A. Marinina) 13) The weirdo had one peculiarity: something always happened to him.(V. Shukshin) 14) The place here is magnificent: a steep cliff goes down, a marvelous view of the sea. 15) The purpose of his visit was clear: to make sure that the measures taken were wise. 16) My expectations were not in vain: on the left I flashed a steep cliff of a deep gorge, with grass at the bottom, the very gorge into which we had to go deeper. (I. Efremov) 17) At the pass, I looked back: below lay a farmstead flooded with sunshine, whitewashed houses, and the sun’s rays sparkled, reflected on the sloping roof of the mill. (M. Sholokhov) 18) Let me note by the way: all poets are dreamy friends of love.(A. Pushkin) 19) And know: while forests live, miracles do not die.(O. Konstantinova) 20) Taking a breath, I looked around: it was already light outside the window, therefore, the time was approaching nine.(E. Yakovleva) 21) The door behind me creaked, I looked around: two pairs of curious eyes were watching what was happening from the corridor. (E. Yakovleva) 22) I go out onto the veranda and can’t believe my eyes: there’s a horse standing at the gate.(F. Iskander) 23) I just want you to know: it is not a dream that will lead you to your desired goal, but reason and work.(V. Shukshin) 24) The wind died down, the taiga was silent; only a short and light crack could be heard: probably the frozen bark on the pine trees was bursting. (E. Shim) 25) As a sailor, standing on watch, I watched many times how the rising sun changes its color: either it swells with a flaming ball, or is covered with fog or distant clouds. (I. Sokolov-Mikitov) 26) Damp, sweeping winds are blowing over the earth, the sun is rising higher every day, sparkling streams are murmuring through the valleys, along the ravines, along the roads and streets, fields that have shed their white clothes soar and languish, the ice on the Great Volga has turned blue, and now distant sounds are heard. crackling sounds and a loud ringing: the ice is breaking and will soon free the river from its long imprisonment. And then the fields and forests will turn green, white cushions of cumulus clouds will flare up in the sky, May thunderstorms will thunder, and the world will be filled with the smells of flowering herbs and the sun. (A. Zhukov) 27) It is difficult to notice a hare lying in the snow: he is the first to notice a person and quickly runs away.(I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

Dash in a non-union complex sentence

I. 1) If you go into such a hut in winter, there is no smell of the living spirit.(V. Shukshin) 2) You enter the forest on a moonlit night - there will be no count of miracles.(O. Konstantinova) 3) Our happiness, my friend, is like water in delirium: if you pull it, it’s inflated, but if you pull it out, there’s nothing.(L. Tolstoy) 4) They talk about strength, but if you push anyone into the water now, bubbles will come out in one minute.(V. Shukshin) 5) It’s barely light and you’re already on your feet!(A. Griboyedov) 6) I want to go to him - you take him with you.(A. Griboyedov) 7) Philosophize - your mind will spin.(A. Griboyedov) 8) Take a bow - they won’t nod stupidly.(A. Griboyedov) 9) Be inferior, but if there are two thousand family souls, that’s the groom.(A. Griboyedov) 10) I want to forget - I can’t forget.(V. Bryusov) 11) There was a scream - everyone poured out into the yard. 12) A crash was heard - the tree fell down. 13) Kick - the ball flies into the goal net.

II. 1) The cuckoo will begin to crow - there will be no more frost. 2) The swallows have arrived - soon the thunder will thunder. 3) The holiday will come - it will bring guests. 4) Rainbow across the river - the weather will be good; rainbow along the river - there will be heavy rain. 5) There is little snow on the branches - there is nothing to do in the forest in summer: you will not find any mushrooms or berries. 6) The birch tree’s earrings burst - it’s time to sow bread. 7) Don't waste time: spring will come - you can't turn it back. 8) If the cones on the spruce tree grow low, there will be early frosts, but if they are at the top, the real cold will come at the end of winter. 9) The clouds are floating low - it’s getting colder close. 10) Swallows fly up and down - wait for the storm. 11) If the leaves, falling off, lie face up, wait for a cold winter.

(From"Collections of proverbs and sayings of the Russian people" )

Punctuation marks in the non-union
complex sentence

1) Extinguished daylight, the evening fog fell on the blue sea.(A. Pushkin) 2) And I remembered my father’s house, our gorge and the aul scattered around in the shadows; I heard the evening roar of herds running home and the distant barking of familiar dogs. (M. Lermontov ) 3) The garden not only did not decay, but grew, grew together and was now all in bloom; from behind the fence you could see cherry, apple and plum trees blooming like white clouds. (L. Tolstoy) 4) The most important thing was done: we crossed the river.(V. Arsenyev ) 5) The mirror had this property: it could speak.(A. Pushkin ) 6) The sky, air and trees were still gloomy and promised rain; it was hot and stuffy; Huge flocks of crows, anticipating bad weather, flew screaming over the garden. (A. Chekhov) 7) However, not everyone decided to mock Gerasim: he didn’t like jokes.(I. Turgenev) 8) The weather was beautiful: white round clouds rushed high and quietly above us, clearly reflected in the water, the reeds rustled all around, the pond in places sparkled like steel in the sun. (I. Turgenev) 9) I looked around: an old man in a worn-out frock coat was sitting by the road. 10) The rank followed him - he suddenly left the service.(A. Griboyedov) 11) The nightingale sang in mid-May - spring will come together. 12) Suddenly the closet door swung open - all the servants rolled head over heels down the stairs. (I. Turgenev) 13) The wind will blow - the foliage will fly up, the rowan tree will tremble with a gentle whisper, it’s unbearable even to look at it.(S. Kunyaev) 14) Somewhere dogs are barking: the village must be close. 15) The blue of the sky is clear, the sun has become warmer and brighter, the time of evil blizzards and storms has passed for a long time again. (A. Pleshcheev) 16) He laughs - everyone laughs; frowns - everyone is silent.(A. Pushkin) 17) The hares’ fur has turned white - winter is coming. 18) He looked up: a small cloud was flying unnoticeably across the sky.(S. Aksakov) 19) When blazing, the grass turns yellow; a subtle aroma of herbs spreads over the meadow, disturbing a person. 20) The whole difference between a smart person and a stupid person is in one thing: the first one will always think and rarely say it, the second one will say it and never think. (V. Klyuchevsky)

Control dictations

I have a treasured place in the Moscow region - a forest clearing far from the roads.
It is especially good here in early autumn. Thrushes fly to the rowan trees to feed, hedgehogs rustle in the dry blackberry leaves, and most importantly, moose come here in the fall. It took me a while to figure out why in the evening I almost always see two or three moose here. One day everything became clear: they came to munch on apples. The clearing ends in an abandoned garden filled with red weeds. It is unknown who and when forgot the planted garden. The trees in it have degenerated, and only branches growing from the roots bear fruit. It seems that there were no hunters for unbearably sour apples in the forest, but one day, sitting down at the edge of the garden, I heard apples crunching on someone’s teeth. I stood up and saw: one elk, lifting his head, grabbed apples with his soft lip, the other was collecting apples lying on the ground.
Our memory stores such pictures as a medicine in case of mental fatigue. How many times after a hard day did I come to my senses and, calmed down, fall asleep, I just had to close my eyes and remember the rowan trees with thrushes scurrying in them, the smell of mushrooms and two moose chewing sour apples... (165 words)

(ByV. Peskov )

It became fresh and damp; we wrapped ourselves tighter in our cloaks. Drowsiness began to overwhelm us, but our hearing remained sensitive as before: whether any of our comrades moved, or the rowers exchanged words in a restrained whisper, our eyes immediately opened, as if by themselves.
We swam in this way for about an hour, when suddenly we were awakened from our half-asleep state by a new strong roar. This time the deer stood about a hundred paces from us, on the very shore. Another minute - he fell heavily into the water.
- Row, guys! - Stepan whispered, and his long oar plunged into the water with force, directing the boat to the right bank, where the deer was supposed to go out.
The rowers leaned on the oars, and the boat flew off, and we, grabbing our guns, stared into the darkness, trying to see something. But no matter how hard the rowers tried, no matter how tirelessly they controlled the heavy oars sinewy hands Stepana, we weren't in time. About twenty paces from us, a deer jumped onto the shore with a noise, so that pieces of earth thrown away by its hooves fell into the water and splashes flew. And for a long time we listened to the crackling of reeds breaking under the feet of a galloping animal... (167 words)

(I. Bielfeld)

One morning I went out onto the porch and froze in amazement: yesterday’s black soil had turned golden overnight. A pale yellow light rose from the ground, covered with leaves.
Indian summer has begun. The days seemed to become brighter and cleaner. The air, grass, dry branches - everything was covered with a tenacious web that stretched from west to east (as the autumn winds blow), and every morning thousands of little spiders, like fairy-tale weavers, covered the entire earth with their yarn.
The icy sky at night shone with constellations: Sirius sparkled in the deep water of the lakes, like a blue diamond; Saturn rose above the silence of the pine forests in the autumn twilight; Jupiter was setting in the meadows beyond the Oka River, where the grass was already withering and the hayfields, abandoned and unnecessary in the fall, were turning black. Sometimes at midnight the timid rain whispered in the leafy garden. I went out onto the threshold, listening to the sleepy muttering of the rain, and felt sorry for my dear friends who remained in Moscow, because they could not enjoy this picture.
At night I dreamed of green water covered with linden and birch leaves. Suddenly the leaves came to life, turning into golden flat fish, and scattered across the water with splashes and splashes, frightened by the reflection of the pale sun. (172 words)

(ByK. Paustovsky )

The Raevsky family experienced happy moments in their lives: the famous General Raevsky, a happy father and charming interlocutor, was full of strength and energy; sons, whose names thundered throughout Russia, were preparing for a great future; lovely, well educated and smart daughters brought an atmosphere of romantic femininity. What awaited the family in the future: bitterness from the failed life of the family's darling - the eldest son Alexander, heroic and tragic fate Maria, the death of the general himself, who did not let go of the portrait of his daughter, who had left for Siberia after her Decembrist husband, until the last minute - all this did not even remotely occur to the participants of this joyful journey. Here the atmosphere of mutual love prevailed, which Pushkin, in his own words, never enjoyed and which he so craved. Pushkin was accepted into this circle as a member of the family, as one of their own. The girls' daughters were younger than him and were also eager to feel like adults, and in the general himself there was a lot of that childish simplicity that happens in real life. smart people. The world of the Raevskys attracted Pushkin with love and happiness.
The poet's stay in the Raevsky family, despite its brevity (only a few weeks), played a huge role in the life and poetry of Pushkin. (185 words)

(ByYu. Lotman )

Thick clouds that hid the sky floated so low that they almost touched the heads of the travelers, who were moving exactly along a low but wide corridor with black walls and a gray ceiling. Wherever the slope of the valley bottom became steeper, the bottom surface turned into an icefall, broken by numerous cracks and representing a pile of ice blocks over which sleds had to be dragged 3 ; people and dogs were exhausted and during the day they walked some ten to twelve kilometers of such a difficult path. The weather was becoming cloudy. The south wind carried low clouds that hid the crests of the spurs; their black slopes bordered the uneven surface of the glacier, along which the sleds made their way with difficulty. In difficult places we had to unload them and carry the luggage by hand.
Finally, in the evening of the third day, we reached the pass, which reached almost one and a half thousand meters above sea level and was a snowy plain. The crest of the ridge was completely covered with gray clouds rushing to the north, and the expedition moved all the time in a light fog that spread over the surrounding areas. Everyone was annoyed by this circumstance, because in good weather the view from the ridge would have been excellent. (164 words)

(ByV. Obruchev)

The village was somewhere behind the forest. If you go to it along the main road, you need to travel dozens of kilometers; if you follow forest paths, the path will be cut in half. Thick roots engulfed the winding path. The forest is noisy and calming. Withered leaves swirl in the chilly air. The path, winding among the trees, climbs hills, descends into hollows, climbs into the thicket of aspen trees, runs out into clearings overgrown with spruce trees, and it seems that it will never lead you anywhere.
But snowflakes begin to swirl along with the leaves. There are more and more of them, and nothing is visible in the snowy round dance: no falling leaves, no path.
An autumn day is like a candle: it smolders and smolders with a dim fire and goes out. Dusk falls on the forest, and the road is completely invisible; don't know where to go.
It’s creepy and scary in the dark, and Marina is all alone. Going further is risky: in the fall, the northern forests are afraid of wolves. Marina climbs a tree and decides to wait out the long night in the forest.
The wet snow filled the coat with moisture. It's cold and your frostbitten feet are aching. Finally, in the chilly dawn, the roosters suddenly crowed. The village, it turns out, was very close. (168 words)

(ByL. Frolov )

Punctuation marks in complex sentences
with various types of communication

I. 1) I absolutely could not resist his charm, and when he smiled at me, I involuntarily stretched my lips in an answering smile and felt absolutely happy. (A. Marinina) 2) The bear cub, accustomed to life among people, grumbled a little, but when he was given a large fresh fish, he busied himself with the delicacy and again stopped paying attention to the gathered people. (M. Semenova) 3) The inside of the studio turned out to be quite decent, and judging by the number of various certificates hung neatly on the walls, it was simply outstanding. (A. Adamov) 4) Her eyes were young, shiny, and when she put on glasses while working, her eyes became completely round and even a little mischievous, like those of a teenager. (V. Lidin) 5) Heat flowed from the stones, and, if you look along the beach, it seemed that it was not the air oscillating over the stones, but the boulders themselves were moving. (A. Konovko) 6) The trio began to move towards the exit of the hall, and when it almost approached the doors, two people in blue uniforms entered the room... (A. Glebov) 7) Some young man without a hat, with a package in his hand, stood on the sidewalk and, when the carriage caught up with him, he suddenly threw the package at the horse’s feet. (Yu. Trifonov) 8) In general, he didn’t like to read books; and if he sometimes looked into a fortune-telling book, it was because he liked to meet there something familiar that he had already read several times. (N. Gogol) 9) I thought about her words and, when I wanted to turn to her again with some question, I saw that Tanya was quietly sleeping, her head leaning on her shoulder. (I. Efremov)

II. 1) Let's consider a book entertaining that you can't tear yourself away from until you read it from beginning to end, and after reading last page, you regret to tears that the book is over, that there is no and never will be its continuation. (V. Soloukhin) 2) But this is interesting: when you rise from the valley to deserted snow-capped peaks, you cross many natural areas and at some point you notice that right at the side of the highway a birch grove begins, then birch and linden trees grow, it seems that you are about to in the gap between the trees there will be modest houses of an ordinary Russian village, a couple of cows grazing outside the outskirts, and, of course, the crown of a small log church. (V. Pelevin) 3) If the conversation concerned important and pious subjects, then Ivan Ivanovich sighed after each word, nodding his head slightly; if it was about household chores, he stuck his head out of his chaise and made such faces, looking at which, it seemed, one could read how to make pear kvass, how big those melons he was talking about, and how fat those geese that run around him around the yard. (N. Gogol) 4) The sun was quite warm when I finished developing the sketch, which later served as the basis for the painting, and moved the easel to take a last look at the lake. (I. Efremov) 5) He already knew what happened, he just didn’t understand why, and he was not surprised when he saw in the place where the ship had just stood, a billowing column of hot smoke, going like a giant corkscrew into the heavenly heights. (Strugatsky) 6) When the expedition finally reached the mountain junction that they were looking for, Arsenyev (any of his St. Petersburg acquaintances should have seen him at these moments!) climbed the mountain himself tall tree, in order to look around and determine the location of the detachment. (V. Malov) 7) Meanwhile, on the farm, income was collected as before: the peasant had to bring the same amount of rent, every woman had to bring the same amount of nuts, the weaver had to weave the same number of lines of canvas - all this was piled up in the pantry, and everything became rotten and a hole, and he himself finally turned into some kind of hole in humanity. (N. Gogol) 8) A stone fell into the pond - the water became agitated, it flew into splashes, and the waves ran in circles, but soon their run slowed down, wilted, and the surface became even, the quiet pool fell asleep again, although ringing bubbles still jumped out on the surface for a long time. (B. Akunin) 9) I was aware that this fog was hiding something important, and I strained my eyes painfully, trying to see what was there behind the milky-white veil, but in vain: the darkness stubbornly refused to dissipate. (E. Yakovleva)

III. For all wanderers, for all lovers of the wind, sky, fragrant herbs and bottomless water, Paustovsky discovered a country with the fabulously ancient name of Meshchera.
Winter evenings when the prickly snow is knocking on the window, you flip through the pages for the coming sleep, and immediately the branches of a heated spruce forest approach the lamp, you smell swamp dampness, you suddenly hear drops falling from the oars, black grouse fly up from the champing of boots on the carpet moss. You will suddenly see: there are heaps of hay standing in the field, swamp hummocks with large fractions of ripe lilies of the valley glowing in the sun; the moon, broken into fragments by a fish's tail, is reflected in the river; black lakes, mushrooms with calf's heads, birds whose names you don't know. You put out the lamp and promise yourself: as soon as it melts, go straight there...

(ByV. Peskov )

Final control dictations

The warm, windless day faded. Only far on the horizon, in the place where the sun had set, the sky still glowed with crimson stripes, as if it had been smeared with wide strokes of a huge brush dipped in blood. Against this strange and menacing background, the jagged wall of the coniferous forest was clearly drawn as a rough, dark silhouette, and here and there the transparent round tops of bare birches sticking out above it seemed to be painted on the sky with light strokes of delicate greenish ink. A little higher, the pink glow of the fading sunset, imperceptibly for the eyes, turned into a faint shade of faded turquoise... The air had already darkened, and the trunk of every tree, every branch stood out in it, with that soft and pleasant clarity that can only be observed in early spring, in the evenings. Sometimes you could hear an invisible beetle buzzing in a deep bass voice, flying somewhere very close, and how it, dryly plopping against some obstacle, immediately fell silent. Here and there silver threads of forest streams and swamps flashed through the thicket of trees. The frogs poured into them with their hasty, deafening screams; the toads echoed them with a rarer, melodic hoot. Sometimes a duck flew overhead with a timid quack, and you could hear a little snipe flying from place to place with a loud and short bleat. (177 words)

(A. Kuprin)

A person impoverishes his spiritual life if he arrogantly looks down on everything living and nonliving that is not endowed with his human mind. After all, the life of people, no matter how complex it may be, no matter how far our power over the world around us extends, is just a particle of the life of nature. After all, what we know about her today is so little compared to the mysterious, amazing and beautiful that we still have to learn about her. Maybe find out today, when it is important for a person to connect in his mind the latest data about elementary particles, about “white dwarfs” and “black holes” of the Universe with the snow-white daisies in forest glades, with luxurious, pulsating constellations overhead, somewhere in the middle of the endless steppe. 4
We are still interested in the habits of animals and birds - strange overseas ones and ours, familiar from childhood. We are interested in many things: why such a dense animal as a bear is easy to train; whether the gray wolf is in danger of being included in the Red Book (where scientists list animals that are in danger of extinction from the face of the planet); how quickly rock crystal crystals grow and why the leaf of the common plantain is considered healing. (169 words)

(ByI. Akimushkina )

The professor lived in a room where books and paintings ruled and fought, like two opposite principles.
Books managed to take over the entire space of the room: giant bookcases lined the walls like book fortresses; the table, squeezed between the walls, was full of books; They took both the chairs and the small chess table, where they lay in neatly tied piles. They also controlled the air of the room, filling it with the special smell of paper and ancient bindings; books saturated the air, making it dusty and stuffy.
The paintings seemed to want to open up the room and dissolve the wall on which they hung into quiet, calm landscapes. They filled the space with the fresh air of the groves and soft sunlight filtered through the cloudy haze. And if the rustling of leaves and the whisper of grass did not penetrate the room, it was only because silence reigned in all the paintings. The artist depicted only her and the dreamy thoughtfulness of nature on his canvases.
In the evenings, the light of lanterns penetrated into the room from the street, and it seemed to be filled with loose gray matter. In those places where bookcases stood, the substance thickened to a completely black color. (158 words)

(ByA. Kazantsev )

At night, the fog thickened so much that nothing could be seen ten steps away, as if everything had been drowned in milk. The ship stopped near a large ice field, and everyone except the watchmen was sleeping peacefully.
In the morning the fog began to spread slightly. It gradually disappeared, carried south, and the ice fields rustled and also began to move. A free passage opened up ahead, and the ship sailed to the northeast, but slowly, so as not to collide with ice floes and to stop or turn aside in time. The sun, which had been shining since midday, although intermittently, by evening was hidden in a shroud of fog that had moved onto the ship.
This night was less calm than the previous one: a light wind blew, the ice fields moved, pressing against each other, cracking and breaking. The swirling fog made it impossible to distinguish the path, and we had to be on guard so as not to be trapped by ice floes.
The day also passed in great tension: in the morning the wind increased and the fog dispersed, but the ice began to move. Fortunately, the outskirts of the ice fields were badly broken, there were no icebergs, and only sometimes ridges of shallow ice, piled up in places on the fields, posed a serious danger. (167 words)

(ByV. Obruchev )

Historicisms are words and phrases that denoted objects and phenomena of real life that once existed. For example: serf, smerd, cadet and others. Objects are a thing of the past - words are out of use.
Changes in social life take away active vocabulary a lot of words, but they are remembered immediately as soon as we look into the past. Therefore, works on history cannot do without historicisms: not everything in the past can be called in today’s words. So, the boyars as a class went down in history, and in this very history they can only be called by this word.
Naturally, historicisms also come to mind in fiction when it turns to history. Replace them in modern words just ignorant. So, today we will not call a Sagittarius a soldier, a quitrent - a tax, a quarterly - a district police officer.
Historicisms, unlike archaisms, do not have synonyms. Archaisms always have quite modern-sounding synonyms: sail - sail, cheeks - cheeks. Archaisms, being synonyms of commonly used words, express, as is typical for synonyms, a variety of additional shades. They serve to create the flavor of the era, to characterize the character, and are used as stylistic device in journalism. (165 words)

(ByP. Klubkov )

They gave me a marmot, fat and clumsy. In his homeland, in the steppes, he is called boibak, as he has the amazing ability to sleep for a long time.
It sleeps throughout the winter, but when the grasses turn green in the spring, it comes out of its burrow and feeds heavily on young vegetation. The heat comes, the grasses dry out - the bobak crawls into the hole again and sleeps until autumn. When the rains pass and the grass turns green, he wakes up a second time and stays awake until winter.
Our boibak was tame: he allowed us to pick him up, allowed him to stroke him and feed him tasty things: carrots, dried fruits, milk. One day my wife brought him food, but she could not wake him up. She went up to the den that we had made for him in the hay barn and began patting the bobak on the skin, persuading him to wake up. Terribly angry, he jumped out of the den and, standing on his hind legs, fiercely gnashed his teeth. He was, apparently, terribly indignant, since he could not forgive her offense until the end of his life. Although his wife cajoled him in every possible way and gave him his favorite dishes, he always rushed at her, trying to grab her hand. (166 words)

(ByA. Komarov )

Our rook lived freely, walking around near the dacha. There was no end to his tricks. From the house he carried everything he could carry: thimbles, scissors, small tools, although he knew very well that it was impossible to steal.
He played pranks when no one was looking, and always croaked displeasedly and hurriedly flew away if he was caught in the act. Having flown to a safe distance, he observed from afar what impression his mischief made.
Rrach especially closely followed the work of the artist’s wife, who was fond of gardening and worked a lot in the garden. If plants were being grafted and the grafting site was wrapped with insulating tape, he unwound it and, satisfied, hurriedly left.
But, in spite of everything, it was impossible not to love him: he accompanied, flying from branch to branch, the owners if they went for a walk, flew over the boat if they were riding along the river. He never missed lunchtime, patiently waiting for someone to give him something tasty, and if he was full, he hid the tasty morsels in reserve: he put them in his shoes, under the closet or in other secluded places. Having eaten, the rook sat on someone's shoulder or head, while trying to carefully wipe its beak on the hair. (176 words)

(ByA. Komarov )

If you constantly work at your desk in your office, you create your own order to which you get used. You know where and what book is on your table and where your pen and pencil are. Reach out your hand and take what you need. This is your order and cannot be changed.
This is where the magpie comes in. Anyone who has ever kept a pet magpie in their home knows what it is...
The white-sided magpie is a very beautiful bird: its tail is reddish and greenish metallic shine, head coal-black, white spots on sides. She has a cheerful personality, but she has two notable characteristics: she is curious and has an irresistible passion for accumulating wealth.
Every thing, especially something shiny, attracts her attention, and she tries to hide it somewhere away. Everything: a teaspoon, a silver ring, a button - she instantly grabs it and, despite the screams, flies away, diligently hiding the stolen item somewhere.
Our magpie liked to hide things out of sight. She apparently believed that a well-hidden item would last longer, and so from time to time something would go missing from the house. (168 words)

(ByA. Komarov )

Alenka put her clothes near the birch tree and went into the water, feeling the sandy bottom with her feet. When the water reached her waist, she sat down and, splashing her feet, swam to the opposite shore; in the middle, a weak current was felt, and Alenka, turning over on her back, lay for a long time, looking into the boundless sky, already filled with the sun.
Alenka swam for a long time, plunging her face into the water and looking at the bottom and the fish scurrying in the algae. There was a world of its own underwater. In the middle of the river, where there was already a thick strip of sun and it was light under the water, quiet current was noticeable by the barely moving tops of water grasses, and when she approached the shadowed shore, the light changed under the water, and there seemed to be deep chasms filled with darkness and secrets. The shadow of Alenka’s body touched a dark crayfish moving its mustache, and it immediately disappeared somewhere.
After waiting for the water to calm down, she looked again and saw: among the scattered bush of algae, fish were scurrying about, unexpectedly rushing in all directions, but not leaving the confines of the spacious bush. Trying not to move, she followed the rhythmic dance of the fish, who did not want to move away from their bush. (166 words)

(ByP. Proskurina )

Anyone who has not been to the Ussuri taiga cannot imagine what kind of thicket it is. More than once it happened that an animal was raised from its bed, and only the cracking of branches indicated in which direction it went. We have been walking through this taiga for two days.
The weather was not favorable to us: it was drizzling, there were puddles on the paths, and large, rare drops fell from the trees.
The pack train should have overtaken us long ago, and yet behind us, in the taiga, nothing was heard. Concerned about this, Dersu [the guide] and I went back. Suddenly stopping mid-sentence, he backed away and, bending down, began to examine something on the ground. I approached him and was stunned: fresh prints of a large cat’s paw stood out clearly on the path. However, there were no traces when we walked here. I remember this, and Dersu could not have passed them by. Now, when we returned to meet the detachment, they appeared and were heading in our direction. Obviously, the animal was on his heels: despite the puddles, the water had not yet had time to fill the tracks pressed by the tiger’s paw. The predator, undoubtedly, had just stood here and, when he heard our steps, hid somewhere in the windfall. (175 words)

(ByV. Arsenyev )

When rivers and lakes are covered with ice, the last flocks of birds fly away.
Autumn flights take place slowly. It seems that the birds are in no hurry to leave their native places, staying for a long time where there is a lot of food. In the spring, they fly non-stop, as if afraid of being late for the beginning of summer.
The flights of birds aroused surprise among ancient peoples. They did not know where and why the birds undertake such risky journeys. Much about bird flight still remains unclear to scientists.
The autumn migration seems justified: with the onset of winter, the birds cannot get food from under the snow. In winter, the north is hungry: insects are hiding, and the supply of wild berries is not unlimited. True, many birds live here without flying anywhere, and even in severe frosts they do not look unhappy. Apparently, some birds could adapt to our conditions.
It is believed that the homeland of our migratory birds is the north. It's hard to say what attracts them here. Perhaps an abundance of seasonal food, which allows the chicks to be fed throughout the long daylight hours. Probably, birds during the breeding season need a calm environment, and the small population of our northern tundras and forests, where there is no such turmoil as in Africa, creates these conditions for them. (176 words)

(Frommagazine "Young Naturalist" )

Among the many wild herbs existing in nature, we remember nettle for the rest of our lives from the very first touch of its leaves, which burn the skin. We consider it a weed, the lush thickets of which have to be destroyed every year. Meanwhile, this plant has long served man: its long bast fibers were once used to make paper, weave ropes and fishing gear.
Nettle is a valuable medicine. In folk medicine, an infusion made from it is used, which improves the composition of the blood; You rinse your mouth with a decoction of the roots to strengthen your gums, and rub it on your head to prevent hair loss.
It is recommended to collect nettle for medicinal purposes during its flowering: during this period, the plant accumulates greatest number biologically active substances. In the spring, when the body's reserves of vitamins are depleted, salads made from the tender tops of nettles are useful. They are first washed under running hot water, then rubbed with your fingers to get rid of the stinging needles.
Nettle can be harvested for the winter, for which it is dried in the shade and ground into powder, which is then added to food. Another useful tip: if you want to preserve meat or fish longer on a hot summer day, cover them tightly with nettle leaves. (172 words)

(Bymagazine materials )

The evening twilight flooded the taiga, and only in the east a bluish-hazy glow came from the trees. The deep silence, broken by the splashes of fish and the cries of some still awake bird fiddling nearby, seemed to only emphasize the irresistible onset of night peace. Almost the entire channel was covered with a thick layer of fog that came from nowhere, swirling in the coastal bushes. Ilyusha cautiously stepped into it and immediately drowned in it almost up to his armpits. Looking around, he saw: the fire on the high bank was trembling like a fickle golden bush, the trunks of the cedars in its light shimmered with reddish-dark gold. For the first time, aching excitement from the mysterious beauty of the night entered the young man’s soul, and he wanted to do something extraordinary: run, jump from a height, fly. Suddenly it seemed to him that he heard the quiet, insinuating rustle of fog rubbing at his feet and someone’s voice. His heart began to beat faster, and he suddenly wanted to be at the fire as soon as possible. Diving into the fog, he felt its damp coolness on his face, and, having reached the water and washed the pot, Ilyusha returned to the fire. (156 words)

(ByP. Proskurina )

Winter, moving from the north, captured new spaces; Everything: roads and villages, forests and steppes were covered with deep snow.
On blizzard nights, when even the forest giants groan, crackle and groan, when the sky merges with the earth and underground bells frantically thump, all living things try to hide in the calm: in houses where the fire flickers merrily in the stove, in holes and inhabited nests, and even just under a spreading spruce, between its lower paws and the ground, still smelling of the leaves brought here in autumn. A thick layer of snow covers the spruce paws, but between them and the ground there is free space, where it is light on a sunny day. A ray of sunshine will flash, and a stone fruit berry on a tall stem that happens to be there will glow with red light.
Such a shelter is safe from any bad weather. A brown hare, or a black grouse, or sly fox, or other living creatures and will freeze, hide, then doze off under the howl of a blizzard. At such a time, unknown forces begin to wander and live in a person, and bizarre, ghostly dreams bloom. And it is impossible to figure out where in them the understandable ends and what has no explanation begins and what comes in the rustling and light of the stars. (167 words)

(ByP. Proskurina )

To the right of the path lay a hummocky plain, dark green from constant dampness, and at its edge there were gray houses, like toy houses, abandoned; on a high green mountain, at the bottom of which a silver strip shone, there stood a church, white, also like a toy. When the train, with a ringing metallic screech that suddenly intensified, flew madly onto the bridge and seemed to hang in the air above the mirror-like surface of the river, Petka even shuddered in fear and unexpectedly recoiled from the window, but immediately returned to it: he was afraid to lose even the slightest detail of the journey. Petkina’s eyes have long ceased to look sleepy, and the wrinkles have disappeared, as if someone had passed a hot iron over this face, smoothing them out, and making her face shiny and white.
During the first two days of Petka's stay at the dacha, the wealth and power of new impressions pouring on him from above and below crushed his small and timid soul. He often returned to his mother, cuddled up to her, and when the master asked him if he was happy at the dacha, smiling, he answered: “Good!” And then he again went to the forest and quiet river and seemed to be asking something from them. (169 words)

(ByL. Andreev )

Kusaka rushed for a long time in the footsteps of the people who had left, ran to the station and - wet and dirty - returned back. 5 Here she did something that no one, however, saw: she went up onto the terrace and, rising on her hind legs and looking into the glass door, scratched with her claws. The rooms were empty, and no one answered Kusaka.
It began to rain frequently, and the darkness of the autumn night began to approach from everywhere. Quickly and silently he filled the empty dacha; he silently crawled out of the bushes and poured down with the rain from the inhospitable sky. On the terrace, from which the canvas had been removed, making it seem strangely empty, the light sadly illuminated the traces of dirty feet for a long time, but soon they too receded.
And when there was no longer any doubt that night had fallen, the dog howled pitifully. A ringing note, sharp as despair, burst into the monotonous sound of the rain, cutting through the darkness, and, fading, rushed over the naked fields.
And to those who heard him, it seemed that the hopeless dark night itself was groaning and striving for light, and they wanted to go to the warmth, to the bright fire, to to a loving heart. (159 words)

(ByL. Andreev )


Contrary to my companion's prediction, the weather cleared up and promised us quiet morning; round dances of stars intertwined in wonderful patterns in the distant sky and faded one after another as the pale glow of the east spread across the dark purple arch, illuminating the steep echoes of mountains covered with virgin forests.
To the right and to the left dark, mysterious abysses loomed black, and the fogs, swirling and writhing like snakes, slid there along the wrinkles of the neighboring rocks, as if sensing and fearing the approach of day. It was quiet in the sky and on the ground, only occasionally a cool wind came from the east, lifting the horses' manes covered with frost.
We set off; with difficulty five thin nags dragged our carts along the winding road to Gud Mountain; we walked behind, putting stones under the wheels when the horses were exhausted; it seemed that the road led to the sky, because as far as the eye could see, it kept rising and finally disappeared into the cloud, which had been resting on the top of Gud Mountain since the evening, like a kite awaiting prey. The snow crunched underfoot; the air became so thin that it was painful to breathe; blood constantly rushed into my head. (176 words)

(ByM. Lermontov )

In the morning, well-rested and full of fresh strength, I went out on duty. How nice it is when the smell of iodine fills the air and the ocean spreads around like green silk.
There was, however, an admixture of some strange smell in the fresh air, and I could not understand what it smelled like. Looking around the horizon, I noticed a dark stripe in the distance, as if from a running cloud. The sky still shone blue, and yet there, on the shiny surface of the sea, something was dark. Are we approaching another depth or is a storm approaching? Lost in conjecture, I suddenly see: dolphins are rushing towards us. In a clear formation, now emerging and then disappearing, they flashed along the left side, and it seemed to me that they were running, as if fleeing from something.
The navigator, who had been looking through binoculars for a long time, finally guessed: oil! It is clear what smell was mixed with the freshness of the ocean. We encountered oil stains more than once during our voyage, but this was the first time I had seen this: ahead was a continuous oil field. First, rainbow stains appeared - orange, blue-violet, then some silvery spots, which became more and more numerous. Soon we saw: it was a dead fish, floating with its belly up. (167 words)

(ByA. Sobolev )

Strong wind rustled at the tops of the islands, and along with the noise of the trees came the restless quacking of chilled ducks. For two hours already the raft was carried along the rapids, and neither the shores nor the sky were visible. Raising the collar of her leather jacket, Anya sat on the boxes and, shrinking from the cold, looked into the darkness, where the lights of the city had long disappeared.
Only the day before yesterday, after transferring from a train to a domestic plane, she arrived in this Siberian town, an ancient merchant town, with modern loudspeakers on the streets strewn with yellowed pine needles, and, one day receiving an appointment, not finding the courage to ask about the new place , was now sailing into a geological party with complete strangers. She was restless, as she had been during the hour and a half flight on the shaking plane, and the feeling of a strange dream that was about to end did not go away. However, everything was real: the yellow sparks of the lanterns melted into the impenetrable darkness, she was sitting on the boxes, and the gusts of wind at the end of the raft flared up the light of someone’s pipe; the oar creaked evenly; a human figure appeared as a black spot. (160 words)

(ByYu. Bondarev )

When they arrived at the place where it was necessary to fight, Lermontov, taking a pistol in his hand, solemnly repeated to Martynov that it had never occurred to him to offend him, even to upset him, that it was all just a joke and that if Martynov was offended by this, he was ready ask him for forgiveness... wherever he wants! “Shoot! Shoot! - was the answer of the frantic Martynov.
Lermontov should have started, he fired into the air, wanting to end this stupid quarrel amicably. Martynov thought not so generously. He was quite inhuman and vicious to approach his enemy himself and shoot him right in the heart. The blow was so strong and sure that death was as sudden as a gunshot. The unfortunate Lermontov gave up his ghost. It is surprising that the seconds allowed Martynov to commit this brutal act. He acted against all the rules of honor, nobility and justice. If he wanted the duel to take place, he should have told Lermontov: “Please load your pistol again. I advise you to take good aim at me, because I will try to kill you.” This is what a noble, brave officer would do. Martynov acted like a murderer. (166 words)

(A. Bulgakov , contemporary of Lermontov)

1 Tell students about the use of a colon.
2 4 Talk about putting quotation marks.
3 Narty - a long and narrow sled used in the North for riding dogs and reindeer.
5 Commas may be added.

Lesson 1.
Introductory lesson. Introducing the first educational book - “ABC”.
Goal: to determine what knowledge and actions will help students become schoolchildren; promote the formation elementary ideas about the word, sentence and text; getting to know the characters of the book (schoolchildren Masha and Misha); formation of educational and cognitive interest in new educational material (models of Russian language units, symbols); develop attention, coherent speech, memory.
Equipment: symbols in the textbook.
During the classes:
Organizing time.
- The long-awaited call was given,
The lesson begins!
- Well, check it out, my friend.
Are you ready to start the lesson?
Is everything in place?
Is everything all right?
Pen, book and notebook?
Is everyone sitting correctly?
Is everyone watching closely?
Everyone wants to receive
Only the mark “5”.
Introduction to the ABC textbook.
- You have an important and necessary book- ABC. It is very necessary for everyone - even those who already know how to read. Its first pages will be “read” even by those who do not yet know the letters.
- Look at the textbook. What did you like about it? Are there many pictures? Different stories?
- There was a time when no one had heard of letters, but people still knew how to transmit information to each other. They used what was on pages 2 and 3 of our textbook. Look and tell me what people used to transmit information?
3. Conversation on the illustration of the cover of “ABC”.
- Look at the cover of the ABC. What season do you think the artist painted?
- Why do you think so?
- Yes, it's the end of summer. Autumn will come soon. What signs of autumn have you noticed?
- What is the boy doing? Describe his puppy?
- What do you think the title of your first book means?
- in the old days, the first letter of the alphabet was called not “a”, but “az”, the second - not “be”, but “buki”. Let's combine the names of the first letters (az + buk) - we get the word “alphabet”, that is, the name of the book from which you and I will learn to read. In it you will get acquainted with all the sounds of the Russian language, learn to isolate them from words and pronounce them correctly, designate sounds with letters and read syllables, words, sentences and entire texts.
4. Physical education minute.
5. Conversation on the illustration of the title page.
- Look who's drawn. Give names to children and nicknames for animals. Write a story about them. Give this illustration a title.
6. Physical education minute.
7. Working with the textbook. Consideration of conventional signs on pp. 2-3.
- Open the textbook to pages 2 and 3. Look at the signs. What do you think they mean?
- We see a lot of signs on these pages. We will call some of them “models” and use them in the second grade. Even those who can read do not yet know these signs and do not know how to use them. In order to study at school, you need not only to know letters, but also to be able to read and write words. You also need to know well what models mean in our language. The conventions will also help us use the textbook. We will gradually remember them.
8. Reading the poem “Finch”.
- Determine whether the boy had a goal and how he managed to achieve it.
I wanted to have a bird
And I saved up money.
And here at the poultry market
I bought a Chaffinch.
The guys came in
Look at the Chaffinch
And everyone wanted
Have the same one.
S. Mikhalkov.
9. Lesson summary.
- What do you think is our goal today? What have we achieved? What did you learn and understand?

Attached files

Lesson 1. INTRODUCTORY LESSON. INTRODUCTION TO THE FIRST EDUCATIONAL BOOK – “ABC” Subject: can: listen to the text of a fairy tale; make sentences on the topic of illustrations, correlate specific sentences with a graphic model of the text, title a story given by an illustration, answer the teacher’s questions about the text he read, work with template elements of printed letters;has an ideaabout a sentence as a statement containing a message about something and designed for auditory or visual perception.

Personal: developing a positive attitude towards school and educational activities, the student’s internal position at the level of a positive attitude towards school; development of interest in educational work; knowledge, acceptance, observance and appreciation of basic moral standards of behavior and the following basic values: “good”, “tolerate”

nie", "homeland", "nature", "family".

Meta-subject (criteria for the formation/evaluation of components of universal educational activities– UUD):

Regulatory: will learn accept and save the learning task; evaluate the results of your actions; adequately perceive the assessment of their work by the teacher and comrades, organize their workplace under the guidance of the teacher.

Cognitive: will learn understand asked question, in accordance with it, build an answer orally, search necessary information in different sources, understand signs, symbols;will have the opportunity to learn focus on the possible variety of ways to solve a learning task, subsume the analyzed objects under concepts different levels generalizations, draw analogies between the material being studied and own experience, navigate through the textbook, determine the skills that will be developed based on studying this section.

End of table.

use the rules of politeness in communication; will have the opportunity to learnconstruct statements that are understandable to your partner, participate in dialogue in class and in life situations

Forms and methods of teaching

Frontal, individual; verbal, visual, practical

Main content of the topic, concepts and terms

Textbook "ABC". The role and significance of books in the lives of people and society.

Offer model


Subject pictures, magnetic board, flannelgraph, strips of paper for constructing a sentence model

Organizational structure of the lesson


Teacher activities

Student activities

form of control

carried out


I. Organizational moment.

Lesson topic message

Frontal conversation. Checking the readiness of the class and equipment. Creating a positive emotional

Where are you now?

In this first week of school we will get to know each other, learn the school rules, that is, we will learn to be students.

I wish you all success! Let's start our lesson
and get acquainted with the first educational book -

They know how to accept

Continuation of the table.

attitude towards the perception of educational material


I. Organizational moment.

Lesson topic message

Frontal conversation. Checking the readiness of the class and equipment. Creating a positive emotional mood for the perception of educational material

Where are you now?

For what purpose did your parents bring you to class today?

Congratulations on your start school life!
In this first week of school we will get to know each other, learn the school rules, that is, we will learn to be students. I wish you all success! Let's start our lesson and get acquainted with the first educational book - “ABC”

Greetings from the teachers. Answer questions. Organize a workplace, check the availability of individual educational supplies.

Reviewing the ABC textbook

May be emotionally responsive to funny questions, awakening curiosity.

They know how to accept
and maintain the learning goal and objective

Frontal. Teacher observation

II. Discovery of new knowledge

Conversation on ill-


ki." Job
with contents, cover, table of contents, symbols textbook

Look at the cover of the textbook. What season did the artist paint?

Why do you think so?

Yes, it's the end of summer. Autumn will come soon. What signs of autumn did the artist depict?

What is the boy doing?

Describe the puppy's appearance.

How many of you will read the title of this textbook?

What does the word "alphabet" mean?

Looking at the cover of a textbook
"ABC", title page and content; read the title of the textbook (author’s name and title); get acquainted with the orientation apparatus
in the textbook.

They know how to work
with a textbook, determine the educational task for studying this section; search and select the necessary information; apply information methods in practice

Frontal. Oral survey.

Continuation of the table.

In the old days, the first letter of the alphabet was called not “a”, but “az”, the second - not “be”, but “buki”. Let's combine the names of the first letters (az + beeches) - we get the word “alphabet”, that is, the name of the book from which children learn to read.

In it you will get acquainted with all the sounds of the Russian language, learn to isolate them from words and pronounce them correctly, designate sounds with letters and read syllables, words, sentences and entire texts.

Summer. Beginning of autumn.

The grass and bushes are green, flowers are blooming. There's a rainbow in the sky. The cranes are flying away. The girl is holding a book and will soon go to school. Walking with the dog.

tion search, listen and engage in dialogue, participate
in a group discussion.

Conversation on title page illustration. Front work according to illustration.

Look who's pictured here.

Give names to children and nicknames for animals.

Write a story about them.

Give this illustration a title.

Look at the illustration of the title page in the textbook and answer the teacher’s questions.

Can consciously
and freely construct a speech utterance in oral form, use an illustration to solve a learning task, accept and maintain a learning goal.

Frontal. Oral answers to questions.

Physical education minute.

The stork spreads its wings,

The stork opens the book.

The book contains letters and words.

The stork sees the letter "A".

And, putting glasses on my nose,

He reads: Ab-ri-kos.(G. Sapgir)

Initial position– feet shoulder-width apart. Recite a poem while performing the movements.

Ready to care
about maintaining the active performance of your body and preventing fatigue.

Frontal. Teacher observation.

Continuation of the table.

with models of Russian language units and their symbols. Heuristic conversation, game moment. Practical work
with models of Russian language units and their symbols

Everything we say is speech. Guess what the name of the speech that you and I are using now is called?

Such speech is called oral, because we use our mouths (mouths), pronounce everything with the help of voice apparatus when we tell, listen, ask. We hear and pronounce oral speech. But besides oral speech, there is speech, which is indicated by letters in books and newspapers. This written language. Consider conventional signs on page 2 of the textbook. This is a stripe. We will use it to denote any of your thoughts about someone or something that you say out loud ( oral statement). Take the strip in your right hand and show it to me. Put it back. Below is a house in which our thoughts – statements (sentences) “live”. Here is the roof, on the left is the “wall” as the beginning of the house, below is the “floor”, and on the right is the end of the house where the “lock” (dot) is located.

Express your thoughts about our book “ABC”.

Take the strip and place it in the offer house.

When we learn to write, we will write down our thoughts in letters, starting the first word with capital letter and end the entire sentence with a period.

The teacher answers the questions and looks at the symbols on page 2 of the textbook.

"ABC" is our first book.

Perform actions with a conventional strip sign.

Can consciously
and freely construct a speech utterance in oral form, work with a textbook - look at the cover, title page and contents, read the title of the textbook (author’s surname and title)
vie); know the apparatus of orientation in the textbook and are able to search
and highlighting the necessary information, apply information retrieval methods in practice.

Frontal. Oral answers.

Practical work

Continuation of the table.

In the upper left corner there is a house in which sentences “live and are friends,” for example, the text of a fairy tale, story, poem. All sentences in the text express one common thought that “lives”
in the topmost sentence, “under the roof.” There is no period next to this sentence. This is the title of the entire text. Show it.

Rectangles are meaningful words, they mean something, for example, objects(wood, table, desk) , signs of objects(high tree, low tree) , actions (walks, runs, flies).

Triangles indicate helper words who serve t to connect words in proposal.

Here is the proposal model.

Consider whether the sentence “Children playing in the park” fits this model. Check it out.

Now tell me whether the sentence “Children are playing in the park” fits this model or not? Why?

Use templates to display this sentence on your desk.

Consider the scheme of the sentence, find a point in the scheme
and show it.

Consider the scheme of the proposal, correlate the proposal with this scheme.

Lay out the proposal on the desk using templates
“Children playing in the park?”

Can model various language units (letters, words, sentences),
use logical thinking techniques (analysis, comparison, classification, generalization) at an accessible level.

Continuation of the table.

We will get acquainted with other models of the Russian language later.

Physical education minute

So we threw up our hands,

As if they were surprised.

And to each other to the ground

Bowed to the waist!

Bent over, straightened up,

They bent over and straightened up.

Lower, lower, don't be lazy,

Bow and smile

Starting position
standing – feet shoulder-width apart. Reciting a poem
performing the movements

Show a willingness to care
about maintaining the active performance of your body and preventing fatigue

Frontal. Teacher observation

III. Primary consolidation

Game moment. Practical work with models of Russian language units and their symbols

Reads riddles.

Small bird

He will dive with his nose,

Wags his tail -

He will lead the path.(Needle.)

Grandmother sews with a needle.

Two ends, two rings,

And in the middle there is a carnation.(Scissors.)

Mom has sharp scissors.

When they collide - knock and knock!

The silence will be scared around.

They solve riddles. Make up a sentence with a guess word

Able to use logical thinking techniques (analysis, comparison, classification, generalization) at an accessible level and understand the meaning of the riddle; are able to accept and maintain a learning goal
and the task, consciously
and freely construct a speech utterance in oral form, model
various linguistic units (letters,

Frontal. Individual. Practical work

End of table.

The fat one will beat the thin one -

The thin one will hit something.

(Hammer and nail.)

The nails are driven in with a hammer.

Bows, bows,

When he comes home, he will stretch out.(Axe.)

Grandpa has a new axe.

He eats quickly, chews finely,

She doesn’t eat it herself and doesn’t give it to others.(Saw.)

We took a saw.

A new vessel, but it’s all full of holes.(Colander.)

What do all the guessing words have in common?

These are the tools

word, sentence)

IV. Summarizing

Analysis and assessment of the success of achieving the goal and prospects for subsequent work. Summary conversation

What new did you learn in the lesson?

Tell us how the word “ABC” appeared?

Name the tools you know

Formulate complete answers to questions.

They make assumptions

Able to formulate own opinion, adequately perceive qualitative assessment your work

Frontal. Detailed oral answers to questions