Magic words-healers (Kara V.P.). Evgeniy Tikhonov Words-healers

Valentin Kara
Magic words-healers. Ancient formulas that pacify diseases


Valentin Porfirovich Kara Magic words-healers. Ancient formulas that pacify diseases

I express my deep gratitude to Lidia Vasilyevna Kravtsova for her enormous personal contribution to the creation and publication of the book


Traditional medicine has its roots going back centuries. In ancient times, people believed that illnesses could not appear out of the blue—someone sent them. And they turned to healers, sorcerers, sorcerers, magicians, shamans, etc., since at that time there were no pills or all kinds of highly developed methods for treating diseases. But even a real healer, just by looking closely at a person, can immediately tell what he is sick with, and he will make a diagnosis absolutely accurately, without resorting to computer diagnostics.
Just recently in our country it became possible to speak openly about the methods of traditional medicine and resort to the help of witch doctors and healers. And so many of them appeared at once that you’re amazed!
But usually conspiracies were passed down by inheritance and mainly through the female line, for example, a mother to a daughter or granddaughter. The healer could not die until he passed on his skills. Each healer worked in his own way, but unlike sorcerers and witches, he did not resort to black magic and did not use his knowledge to harm people. This has happened in the past.
Currently, a person can cure himself without resorting to the help of a witch doctor or healer, since you don’t know for sure who you will run into - a truly knowledgeable one or a charlatan. The main thing is to remember that after the ritual, one disease may subside in just a few days, and another within three months. This is not magic: there is an interaction of energetic forces aimed at healing, and depending on how severe your illness is, the recovery will occur so quickly. Some diseases are the result of damage caused to a person; first you need to remove it, and then begin treatment - traditional or folk, it’s up to you.
I advise you, before buying expensive medications, to try to get rid of the disease in the same way as indicated in this book, there will be no harm, but what joy can happen when you feel relief and see a positive result!
Valentin Porfirovich Kara is a healer. The choice of this path was not accidental for him. But first - graduation from the Moscow Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Chisinau State University, where he received a PhD in Economics, DEIR (further energy information development) courses, and the Higher School of Medical Association (homeopath, herbalist, aromatherapist, sound therapist). Valentin Porfirovic is a master of sports in cycling and champion of Moldova in bodybuilding. After reading all of the above, you probably asked the question: “Why, having such an education, engage in healing?”
While still in the army, Valentin Kara received a severe traumatic brain injury, and military surgeons, realizing that they were powerless, themselves invited a local healer to his hospital, who actually pulled him out of the other world. After this, Valentin decided to become a healer and help people. He traveled a lot around the country, met with witch doctors, healers, shamans, lived with them and saw the miracles they worked to help people.
Valentin Porfirovich’s treatment has three directions: herbal medicine, spells, and a course of rehabilitation diagnostics. It all depends on the disease and its course.
The experience of many healers whom Valentin Porfirovich met speaks for itself. Here are just a few examples:
Moscow, Russia, - in the rehabilitation center of V. I. Dikul (treatment of the musculoskeletal system);
Slavyansk, Ukraine - with the healer Kasyanov (chiropractor), who once cured the Olympic champion Valery Brumel;
Borisov, Belarus, with the healer Maria Zakharovna, who treats all types of diabetes;
Olonesti, Moldova - with healer Boris Gerasimovich, who treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, alcoholism, drug addiction;
Tomsk, Russia – with healer Stepan Lukich, who treats epilepsy, migraines, headaches, cancer;
Petrozavodsk, Russia - with the healer Anatoly Fedorovich, who treats cancer with sublimate (currently, oncology is treated with the same method in one of the Odessa medical institutions);
Gomel, Belarus - with the healer Tamara Sergeevna, who treats dislocations, fractures, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, smoking habit;
Lutsk, Western Ukraine, with healer Yuri Kharchenko, who treats heart disease, the effects of burns, and infertility;
Kazan, Russia – with the healer Nadezhda Petrovna Gerasimova, who treats women’s diseases and heart diseases;
Tyumen, Russia - with healer Gennady Timofeevich Lyubavin, who treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and blood diseases;
Odessa, Ukraine - with the healer Mikhail Zorkin, who treats general diseases of the cardiovascular system and mental illnesses;
Chisinau, Moldova - with the healer Todiki, who treats chronic diseases of the heart, lungs, stomach, gynecological and a number of others (Todiki’s method was written about in the newspapers);
Rechitsa, Belarus, with the healer Lyubov Ivanovna, who treats joint diseases and women’s diseases;
Kitcani, Moldova, from the healer Grandfather Lukyan, who lived at the monastery and used spells to treat damage and many diseases.
The list could go on for a very long time. Many healers, who received their knowledge from their predecessors, eagerly told Valentin Porfirovich the secrets of healing, so that he would tell about them to those who still retained faith in folk wisdom. V.P. Kara has more than 37,000 recipes in her collection. Some have already been published. Now we offer you a book of treatment with spells. I had the opportunity to try two methods of treating Valentin Kara. I cured chronic pancreatitis with a herbal decoction, which I took for six months, and now nothing bothers me. And chronic thrombophlebitis - with the help of a conspiracy. After such a result, you will inevitably believe in a miracle!
Preliminary advice. When working with a conspiracy, follow the instructions strictly. Here, for example, is a condition that is not mentioned in any book on this topic: when the sun goes beyond the horizon and begins to set, then the plot should be read! It will work one hundred percent. Of course, there are still details of the execution of the conspiracy, for example, the phase of the moon must be taken into account, but sunset is a prerequisite for obtaining the result.
Be healthy!
Lidia Kravtsova


Read the spell in the evening or morning (especially effective and quick action - at the moment the sun appears on the horizon or at the moment when the sun begins to set beyond the horizon).
Read the plot in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening, but not earlier than three hours after eating.
Be sure to read with an open window or window, facing east.
First, breathe in and out calmly. Read in such a way that with the last word (“amen”) you push the air out of yourself. If the plot is long, then take a breath and exhale and read the plot to the end.
Buy the candle that you light to read the plot from the church.
Before reading the conspiracy, light a candle, cross yourself three times in front of the icon, then read the “Our Father” prayer, and then the conspiracy.
If the spell needs to be read on water, then take about half a glass or a glass of water (the volume of water does not matter) and drink it in small sips for 5 minutes.
Read the plot with attention, sincere interest, with a desire to help yourself or the patient. I advise you to do this without ridicule and not to do it out of curiosity.
The plot can be repeated to enhance the effect 3, 5, 7, 9 times. There are spells that must be recited 40 times.
Please note that the main condition for reading a conspiracy to cure diseases, alcoholism, etc. is the waning moon (the first ten days are especially important). If you worked with the plot on the last day of the waning moon, then nothing may work out or the result will be insignificant.
There are conspiracies that are supposed to help women. They should be read on women's days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday); if the plot is to help a man, then choose men's days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday).
You cannot read conspiracies on Sunday, on major religious holidays and fasts.
If you have the opportunity, read the spells in front of an ancient icon, as it contains very great energy (the icon of the forty saints is especially recommended).



Make a curse on the water and sprinkle it on the baby when he cries.
Holy cradle! The Mother of God rocked Christ, and did not know any concern from the child. He slept, rested, did not cry, did not suffer, did not scream. So my child would not cry, would not suffer, would not roll up, would not scream either in the clear sun, or in the white moon, or at dawn, or at sunset. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.


Prepare goat's or cow's milk for the first feeding procedure. As you bring your baby to your chest, say quietly:
God bless! Just as a cow and a goat have milk, so that I, God’s servant (name), have milk in my breasts.


Slander mother's milk.
Just as the Mother of God suckled the Son of God, so you will suckle, grow and glorify the Lord.


Before breastfeeding the baby, the mother should repeat three times:
Lord, have mercy, strengthen the body and spirit of (name), cover him with your shroud, shield him with the wings of an angel and protect him from all misfortune. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


A lot depends on the first swaddling: health, luck and even the fate of the child. When you start swaddling your baby for the first time, say quietly three times:
I take them by the hands so they can take them and do them. I take them by the legs so they can walk and run. I take it by the head so that there is mind and reason. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


When bathing for the first time, say quietly:
Endure the cold, endure the hunger, endure every need. Guardian angel, strengthen yourself. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
On the third bath:
Clean water is good for your health. Bass and beauty - in body.
During the seventh bath:
The Queen of Heaven, Mother of God, washed and drank her son and left some water for you (name).
At the twelfth bath:
From the sky - water, from the earth - God's dew. From the servant of God (name) - any burden.


Wait until the child falls asleep and drop a stream of milk from your breast into his feet with the words:
Child, are you sleeping? - I'm sleeping. – Did you forget the white light? - Forgot. – Also, forget your mother’s breasts! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Place the child on your right breast and whisper tenderly into your right ear:
You are my dawn Marya and you are my dawn Daria, come and look at my baby. He didn’t spend the night, he didn’t close his mouth. Give him sleep, peace in broad daylight, early in the morning, late in the evening, on all the days of the Lord’s week.
Don't cry on Monday, don't scream on Tuesday, don't suffer on Wednesday, don't yell on Thursday, be silent on Friday, don't squeal on Saturday, be at peace on Sunday. Lord, help, Lord, bless. Which word I forgot, which word I dropped on the ground, each one fall into its place. Key, lock, tongue.
Before going to bed, wipe the baby with charmed water.
Water spell:
Quiet dawn Marya, gentle dawn Daria, wipe the baby, take away his insomnia, pacify his crying. Bring him to sleep. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Before going to bed, wipe the baby with charmed water. Water spell:
Homons, commotion, tears, sighs. Don’t go to see my child, don’t look at my child in the evening dawns. Walk to the black cat, to the wooden spinning wheel, to the dry aspen stick. Torment them, wake them up, but never go near my child forever and ever. Key, lock, tongue.
It is believed that half-worts and noon-worts are to blame for this.
Dip the coal from the ash pit into the water collected at dawn, and read the spell over the water (the child’s mother should read it), holding the water to her left breast. Then spray your child in the morning, afternoon and early evening.
Midday noon, noon noon, day, night, noon, don’t play around, don’t make fun of God’s servant (name), a baptized child. And roll and roll over the black soot, over the transverse path. Amen.
The eldest in the family must make a curse on the water in which the baby will be bathed.
Collect, water, tears from the baptized baby (name). Crying bellows, go to the water, the water will go to the ground, the earth will take tears, the baby will stop roaring, so that there will be no more burping. Amen.
Wash the crying baby, wipe him with your hem and say:
Morning dawn, evening dawn, give sleep and peace for day and night (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
At dawn, take the child in your arms and go outside with him. Cross yourself three times and read the plot three times, looking at the rising sun.
Dawn Marya, dawn Daria, dawn Marianna, take the cry from the baby daytime, midday, hourly, half-hourly, take the cry into the dark forests, beyond the steep mountains.
Then bow to the dawn three times and return to the house.
If you have stove heating, then upon entering the house, bow to the stove and say:
Mother stove, for your standing, and for your health to your angelic darling. Forever and ever. Amen.
Put the baby in the crib.


In order for the child to sleep well, the mother, while rocking him to sleep, must press the child to her left breast and chant the words of the spell.
Baiushki bye! Protect you and have mercy on you, your angel, your preserver. From every sight, from every blaze, from all sorrows, from all misfortunes, from broken bones, from bloody blood, from evil man, from adversary.
While breastfeeding, the mother should whisper:
Sleep, baby, in the corner there is a branch from a dry tree, from a sick stump. I'll send a restless spirit out of you, baby. That branch should suffer, and my baby should rest. Amen.
Dormouse, put the child to sleep, put the child to sleep in the sleepy mansion, open your eyes, and I will whisper three times: “Spitko, sprinkles, dormouse. So that the child can sleep, the baptized soul can rest. Amen".
Read before going to bed.
Evening dawn Maremyana, I ask you: deliver the slave (name) from the maiden from the midday, from the midnight, from the hour, from the half-hour, from the minute, from the half-minute, from the second of insomnia-restlessness. Evening dawn Maremyan, bring sleep and calm down the baby (name). Forever and ever. Amen.
Say a curse three times while looking at the setting sun.
You, insomniac, don’t buzz, don’t wake up my baby. If you want to get lost, go to the owl bird, the nightingale, or the drunken little head. Walk with them, play games. I’m driving you away, a baby’s sleep is not a blemish.


Boil the milk without removing it from the stove, let it cool. Pour into two cups: one for the child, the other for the puppy. Read the spell three times for each cup. Then give him milk intended for the child and wash him, and take the milk intended for the puppy to any puppy.
Holy deeds and thoughts, ambassadors of God and righteous people, stand up for the baby, the servant of God (name), so that he does not suffer or cry day or night, morning or evening. I take off his puppy clothes and give them to the puppy. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


After sunset, when the child falls asleep, read the plot while standing at the head of the crib.
A heavenly candle, lit by saints, my baby will be baptized in church. Mother did not give birth to children for the coffin; mother gave blood from blood. I will face the altar and ask Christ: tame the disease in human blood, hear my words, save my child. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Church of the Lord, in the name of all the saints, angels and archangels, I reprimand the servant of God (the name of the child) for health and life. Amen.


Make circular movements around the navel in a clockwise direction, saying: Water princess, beautiful maiden, you lived at home forever, I met you, and you meet this disease at the right soul of the baby (name). Take your good, and give the right soul of the baby your health. The pain will go away after a few minutes.


Make a wormwood compress: pour 1 tablespoon of bitter wormwood into 1 glass of cold water, boil for 15 minutes, covered, then remove from heat and strain. Place a medicinal compress (every day from a freshly prepared decoction) on your child at night for a week.
You need to cast a spell on the hernia on the waxing moon for three days in a row, and the 4th time on the full moon. The ceremony is performed by two people, for example mother and grandmother.
First, one reads the “Our Father” and then says:
Help, Lord, come to the aid of the baby (name), born, prayed for, baptized. The new moon will rise - the baby (name) will have a hernia.
The second one should then ask:
Grandma, grandma, what are you gnawing on?
The first one answers:
I gnaw (then lightly bite the sore spot).
The second one says:
Gnaw, gnaw without shortness of breath, so that there is no belching.
And he asks:
Grandma, grandma, what are you gnawing on?
The first one answers, and the dialogue repeats again. Do this three times.

Whisper a spell into the holy water and let the baby drink a few sips of water.
Baby Jesus is with mother Mary, and the health of the slave (name) is with him. Amen.


Wipe your gums and mouth with a swab dipped in a solution of soda or borax (1 teaspoon per 1 glass of boiled warm water).
Give your child a crust of black bread so that he can crush it between his gums.
You can put a necklace made of real amber around your child’s neck, which greatly helps with teething.
There is a popular belief: if a child’s upper teeth begin to cut first, he will be sick and unhappy in life. To protect your baby from this, in the evening, after sunset, say the following words once over milk (preferably women’s milk):
I dissuade you from a dashing misfortune, from a vain death, from the tooth of the upper servant of God (name). I call on the Savior and the Baptist as my assistants. Take away the fate from the slave (name). From this hour and from this minute and throughout the entire century. Amen.


If the child has all his teeth, but continues to drool, put a new handkerchief under the child's pillow in the evening. From morning until bedtime, wipe your child’s saliva with this handkerchief. When the baby falls asleep, make a hex on the scarf and hang it in the wind. Repeat the ritual for three days in a row, and then wash the scarf.
The servant of God (name) gave it, the wind took it and gave it to someone. And to whom - only God knows. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Wipe off the child’s saliva and throw the handkerchief into the corner of someone else’s house with the words:
Wipe, Mother Catherine, the lips and teeth of the servant of God (name), so that the drool will come off from him, go to the forest pig, the evil dog, the field slug, the evil sorcerer. Amen.


Whisper three times in each child’s ear before going to bed:
Isaf, Isaf, do not prick the servant of God (name) in the ears. I will stab with knives, axes, sharp rivets, claws and nails from birth to wedding, until death.


Lay the child on his back, draw crosses on his heels with your finger and say:
With the cross, with the royal finger, I will remove that which is not from God, from Satan’s threshold. It's important for an angry dog ​​to howl, but for a child to be healthy. Amen.
Read the hex while bathing your child:
Madam cramp, go and take a walk in a wide field, in pure expanse. Let the baby sleep, not get sick or suffer. Take away the cramps and take them cleanly to the field. Amen.


Read the plot while putting your child to bed.
Screamer, grandfather trampler, take the screamer under the wing of the capon. Put him to sleep, give him peace. Amen.
Enter the chicken coop in the evening with the baby in your arms and say:
Pockmarked chickens, gray chickens, black chickens, take your cries from the baptized, amazed prayerful servant of God baby (name), give away our sleep.
Chickens, chickens, take care of your insomnia, and give my baby, God’s servant (name), sleep and peace for the whole long night.
Stand with the child in your arms on the lid covering the cellar and say three times, spitting over your left shoulder after each time:
Gray Kochetok, motley Kochetok, red Kochetok, take the cry of the servant of God (name).
Place the child in the hem of your dress, go with him at dawn under the chicken roost and read the hex three times. Do the same at dawn.
Dawn Daria, dawn Marya, dawn Katerina, dawn Maremyana, dawn Crixus, take your cry. Scream, scream, go to the ocean-sea. People don’t go to the sea on Okiyan, on the island on Buyan, birds don’t fly. The screaming will subside and be forgotten in sleep. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Place the baby in the hem of your dress, go outside at dawn and at dusk, each time repeating the words of the spell three times in a row.
Dawn-lightning, beautiful maiden, your child is crying - wants to eat, my child is crying - wants to sleep. Take the sleepless night-night away from him, give us a restful sleep.
Having put on the outer dress backwards, the mother takes the child in her arms or by the hand (if the baby walks well) and leads him to the field, where, turning to the evening dawn, he repeats the spell three times, after each reading, stepping back and spitting over his left shoulder.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Zarya-Zaryanitsa, beautiful maiden, take the cries and the cries, the days and middays, the nights and the midnights, the hours, the half-hours, the minutes and the half-minutes from the servant of God (name), baptized, prayed. Then, after bowing three times to the dawn, the mother says:
Dawn, red maiden, your child is crying, wants to drink and eat, but my child is crying and wants to sleep. Take your insomnia, give us your sleep to this day, to this hour, according to my curse. Just as I was able to bear and give birth to my child, so I can dissuade the cries and crybabies. Amen. Amen. Amen.
At the dawn of morning and evening, walk along the street with a child in your arms and, turning to the dawn, say three times:
Dawn, take the insomnia, restlessness, and give us restless sleep.


Night owl or night owl is the popular name for a childhood disease that is characterized by insomnia, the soles of the feet become shiny, and the child constantly moves his feet. In the old days, they believed that this disease was caused by mythical creatures - moths, who tickled the soles of children.
Connect the child’s legs and use a match stump to draw a cross on the legs, saying:
Arids and macarids, arids and macarids, calm down and persuade the servant of God (name) to have a scissor and a half-shear, so that it will not be used forever and will not be touched, century by century, and from now on and forever. Be my words strong and conspiratorial, and to my words be the key and the lock. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Rub the soles of your child’s feet on the ceiling in the bathhouse and say:
Just as this mother with ceilings sleeps and is silent, never screams or roars, so would my child sleep and be silent, never scream or roar. Amen.
Take the child in your arms, touch the mother with his legs three times, each time spit over your left shoulder and say a curse.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Polunoshnitsa Anna Ivanovna, don’t go out at night, don’t wake up the servant of God’s baby (name)! Here's your job: play with a pestle and mortar during the day, and with a mat at night. Forever and ever. Amen.


Speak to the water in which you then bathe the baby:
Christ was baptized in water and with water, and through this the water became good. Good water, remove from the slave (name) what is tormenting him, what the child is suffering from. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Read at the child's bedside for the first time when he falls asleep. The second time - at dawn, until the child wakes up, the third time - during the daytime nap.
Pud-pudishche, I reprimand you from your wild head, from your brown hair, from your zealous heart, from your sinews, from your hamstrings, from your bones, from your joints. On this holy bright day, come to the aid of the sinless servant of God (name), Saint Mikola, Saint Peter, Saint Paul, the Most Pure Mother of God, Saints Cosmas and Damian, Jesus Christ himself. Pud-pudishche, I’m sending you to the mosses, to the swamps, to the rotten logs, to the white stones, to the willow bushes. Amen.
Sprinkle the child with the water on which you make a hex.
Just as a mother is not afraid of her baby, a cat is not afraid of a kitten, a horse is not afraid of a foal, a drop of water from the okiyan, the earth is not afraid of the sand from Buyan Island, so the sinless servant of God (name) will not be afraid of anything. Amen. Amen. Amen.


If a pregnant woman is afraid of something, the child may inherit this fear. And then he will experience vague fears and remain in tension. Such children get sick more often than their peers.
Take a handful of soil from under three trees: oak, maple and aspen. Place the child facing east, place the earth on the cloth in front of him. Give a candle to your hand, light it and read:
They sing a psalm, read a prayer, praise the Lord, and light a candle. Fire will be ignited by fire, fear will not be afraid of fear, water will not choke on water, fear will be pumped away from the slave (name). As long as people have this land, the fear of the slave (name) will not eat. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Now mix the earth and spread it under the trees from under which it was taken.


Ask your child to raise his arms up and extend his palms. Take the knife by the blade and, starting with the child’s right hand, touch the blade (carefully!) to each nail, while saying:
The aspen stands, the wind is loud and noisy. The aspen breaks, the servant of God (name) does not toil with his nails. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Rub your fingertips with wormwood, saying:
Just as wormwood is bitter and disgusting, so it is bitter and disgusting for the servant of God (name) to put his fingers in his mouth.
On the full moon, cast a curse on the water and wash the child’s hands with this water.
Not heavy, not breathless, not gnawing, not tormenting, not for morning walking, not for daytime sweating, not for sunset gnawing, not for sorrow, not for joy. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.


Read the spell for water in front of the icon of John the Baptist for 9 days in a row three times a day. Then spray the child and his bed with enchanted water for three days in a row.
The Holy Savior John the Baptist stood on the threshold, wrote scrolls, blessed water. He approached the servant of God (name), washed the servant of God (name) with that water, and took away his fear.
At dawn, go to the spring, put a coin in the water, cross yourself and cross the spring with the words:
Heaven is father, earth is mother, water is holy. Bless yourself to take yourself, not for the sake of cunning, nor for the sake of wisdom, but for the sake of God's great mercy to God's servant (name).
Speak water (see above), pour it into a glass, sit the child on the threshold of the first door from the street. Cross the child with a lighted candle (stored from Easter) and say three times: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". Then, holding a glass of water over the child’s head, make the sign of the cross over the glass with a burning candle, repeating the Lord’s Prayer three times. After reading the prayer, the child must blow strongly on the candle to extinguish the fire in one go. Collect the wax from the water and burn it (preferably in a stove), and pour the water over your left shoulder with the words:
It came with the wind - go with the wind, it came from an evil man - go to the evil man.


Make a curse on the water and wash the child with it at three mornings and three evenings.
During the day, where the red sun is, where there is a window in the kingdom of God, I look with my child slave (name). I look, I don’t look enough, I look, I don’t look enough, I’m baptized, I’m not baptized. I ask Jesus Christ, our Savior, our deliverer: “Deliver the servant of God (name) from night fears, from all commotion, from fear in the night, give him your shield and swords, return him to peace, save and defend.” In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Heavenly Father has everything: the morning and evening rays, the rising and setting sun, the night month, clear stars, violent winds, fast rivers, soft lands. Do not be afraid, servant of God (name), of the gift of the Lord: the blissful darkness, the starry sky, neither in the house, nor from the window, nor on the street. The Lord is with you. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


At this moment, throw your wedding dress over the child and, as it were, sit down on the child (be careful!). Crouching over the child, repeat three times:
The place I gave birth to you is the place I left you.
If you no longer have a wedding dress, then throw on any clean dress.
Sprinkle the child with the spoken water collected during Holy Week.
A child’s body, an angelic soul, innocent before the Savior, innocent in suffering. Cleanse yourself and become stronger. Amen.


(painful attack accompanied by convulsions and loss of consciousness)
Read three times before dawn on Tuesday.
Grandmother Varvarushka, I ask you: remove from the baby servant of God (name) the head birthmark, the interior birthmark, the giving, chattering birthmark; and all 12 Rodimtsy, and all 12 Khudimtsy, and all 12 windy Perelomivtsy, remove from the white body, from the clear eyes, from the white face, from the lung, from the liver, from the zealous heart and from all the scarlet blood, from all the entrails. Amen.
Give the child something to drink and wash with water and say:
I'm gnawing, I'm gnawing a lot on the servant of God (name) 12 relatives (list all the relatives). Just as a dead person does not turn back from his grave, so these 12 relatives would never turn back from the servant of God (name), forever and ever, from now on to forever.
Prepare a decoction of weed grass: pour 10 tablespoons of chopped grass and roots into 2 liters of boiling water and heat in a water bath for 20 minutes, then leave for 4 hours. Strain, read the spell over the broth and add to the baby’s bathtub.
Weeping, weeping, you cried long and a lot, but you cried little. Don’t let your tears roll across the open field, don’t let your howl spread across the blue sea. Be afraid of the evil demons, the old witches of Kyiv. If they don’t let you submit, drown them in tears, but if they run away from your disgrace, lock them in the pits of hell! Be my words strong and firm with you. Century of centuries!
The old master and the old lady get tired while climbing the mountains. So let the servant of God (name) get tired of the illness that torments him, torments him, worries him, tugs him. Amen.
For a full-term baby. Read the spell over the water and sprinkle it on the child, you can give him a few sips of water to drink.
In the midst of the White Sea there stands a copper pillar from earth to sky, from east to west; and in that copper pillar there is a copper copper pot for illnesses and sicknesses. I send the servant of God (name) to that copper pillar that is on the sea, on the okiyan, and I command him with my commanded word to slay a relative in that copper pillar. And from that commandment (name) would have been safe and sound and freed from his relative to this hour, for the rest of his life.
For a premature baby. Talk to a baby born on an odd day on even days, and vice versa. The child must be baptized. While reading the plot, the baby should sleep. Read the plot while standing at the head of the crib. There should be no one in the room, and there should be no dogs in the entire apartment. After reprimanding the parent, submit notes for the child’s health in three churches. Don't tell anyone about what you did.
My child, child, I gave birth to you, I brought you into the world, I breastfed you, gave you milk. You are holy faces, golden frames, you will strengthen my child so that he does not cry, does not suffer, does not know bitter grief. Virgin Mary, Most Holy Theotokos, embrace my child with your holy hand, become his way of the cross. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Make a spell on a piece of bread, let the child take a bite, and throw the rest to the dog.
A mother gave birth to you, not a bitch, the Lord commanded the child to suck the breast, chew bread, and not bite people. To Caesar - Caesar's, to a dog - a dog's, to a child - a child's. Amen. Amen. Amen.


At the first suspicion that the child is unwell, tell him to use water for washing or drinking.
You are field grass, you are dry straw, the wind dried you, ruffled you, tossed you in all four directions. Go, all your illness, all your pain, to the dry straw, to the grass of the field, to the four wind brothers. Let them torment you, let them shake you, and let my child go. Most Holy Lady Theotokos, pray for my child. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


Read over a sleeping child after sunset every day, and so on until recovery.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Just as the mother of the damp earth is not afraid of a knock or a clink, so a small baby would not be afraid of a pinch, or aches, or worries, or a matinee, or a supper, neither from the wise men, nor from the sorceress, nor from the sorcerer, nor from the witch, neither from a bigamist, nor from a triplicate, nor from a two-toothed, nor from a three-toothed, nor from a gray, nor from a blue, nor from a gray, nor from an old, nor from a sick, nor from a small one. May my words be strong, sculpted, durable, memorable, stronger than a strong stone, sharper than a saber and hotter than a hot fire. And what teacher taught me and what words he did not teach me, be locked with a key, the key is in the sea, the lock is in heaven. Forever and ever, Amen.


When brewing herbs for daily bathing of a baby, read the words of the spell three times, then bathe the child. Already on the third day, the baby’s skin will become clearer, but do not stop reading the hex until complete recovery.
Mother of God, I pray to You to stand up for my baby. Bless and heal the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Move three birch sticks (dry and without leaves) over the sore spots: first, each in turn, then all three. After this, wave your chopsticks towards the lit burners on the gas stove (or towards the fire in the stove) and say 7 times in a row:
Go, dry toad, go, wet toad.
Do the ritual 3 evenings in a row. After this, throw the birch sticks away from the house. Repeat next month if necessary.


“Color” is popularly called a small red rash on a baby’s body.
Make a curse on holy water and wipe the baby with it three times a day. The rash usually goes away within 3 days.
Just as a candle in a church melts, so do you, disease, fade away. Just as the dawn comes and goes in the sky, so you, sickly one, leave the servant of God (name). Amen.


When putting your baby to bed in the evening, pour small cereals (preferably millet) into a red bag, shake them over the child’s head and read the hex:
Rash, baby rash, roll off, fall off the servant of God (name). Amen.
Do the ritual 3 evenings in a row, and then pour the cereal onto the road.


I will be blessed and go out of the door crossing myself into the open field. Three rivers run across an open field: the first is Varvareya, the second is Nastasya, the third is Paraskovya. These rivers are washed with stumps, roots, white stones, steep banks, yellow sands. This is how they would wash the red beauty, the golden scrofula from the servant of God (name). Red rubella, rolled off, fell from his bones, from his brains, from his white body, from his hot blood, so that it would not hurt, so that it would not ache day or night, not an hour, not half an hour, not a minute, not half a minute. Forever and ever. Amen.
Rub vegetable oil (any) into the child’s body and read the plot:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, I will dissuade the servant of God (name) from the servant of God (name). Red beauty, black draft, do not burn, do not pinch my white body, red meat, come out of all the bones, veins, brains, joints and all zealous heart. So that this never happens.
Dawn-lightning, red maiden, come to my aid. Help me, Lord, from the servant of God (name) to pronounce scrofula, judgmental, change of mind, negotiation, midnight, violent riot, yellow yellow, blue scrofula, red beauty and crumbly. Scrofula-krasukha, go from the slave (name), from the wild head, from the clear eyes, into the clean fields, into the blue seas, at the crossroads, turns, into the deep swamps. How Herod’s daughters tortured everyone with deceptions, but the elders did not listen to them and beat them, saying: “Oh, you are, twelve maidens! Let all of you be shakers, water-worts, relaxed students and live in a swamp-student, but don’t go into the world among people, don’t chill human bones, don’t torture the body.” And all twelve maidens galloped towards the student swamp, shaking and relaxed. I’m telling the slave (name) not to visit the fever, called fever. Amen.
Read the spell on sore spots (ears, eyes) after sunset on Tuesday.
So that the eyes would look, the ears would not hurt for the slave (name): they rolled away, fell off to foreign shores, into dirty water, into damp bad weather. Zolotukha - an evil old woman - leave the slave (name) alone. Amen.
Read the spell for the new month.
Just as Father Young stands still for a month, so the servant of God (name) would have scrofula, half-scrofula would appear from his distant brains, from his wild head, from his black eyebrows, from his clear eyes, from his braids, from his eyelashes, from his buttocks, from his soft lips, white teeth, so that there is no aching, mucus in the eyelids from half a century, from now on until the century. Amen.
Read the hex 12 times in a row.
12 ailment, 12 scrofula, come out of the baby. It’s not me who reprimands, it’s not me who persuades, it’s Saint Nicholas the Saint himself who drives it out of the ear, out of the eye! Where there are empty wells without water, you will be lost from the baby. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Read three times at evening and morning dawn.
On the sea, on Okiyan, on an island on Buyan, there lies a stone forty fathoms, and on this stone a girl sits, blowing scrofula: scrofula, scrofula, you shouldn’t be here, you shouldn’t live here, don’t break bones, don’t rot joints.
If the child was born during fasting, use vegetable oil, and if a meat-eater, then butter. Read the spell over the oil three times and then rub it on the sore spot.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I, the servant of God (name), will begin to dissuade him from the servant of God (name). Red beauty, white belavitsa, black chernyavitsa, do not burn, do not burn his white body, red meat! Come out from all the bones, from the veins, from the brains, from the joints and from all the zealous heart. May this never happen!
I apply it to the coal cross from the hut. It is formed from pine sulfur and coal from fiery heat. The cross of oak trees was cut down. That cross didn’t hurt, it didn’t itch in the ear or temple, it didn’t hiss, it didn’t twist. Likewise, the servant of God (name) would not have pain, itching, poking, or aching in his legs, or in his arms, neither in the day, nor in the night, nor in the new, nor in the new month, nor in the morning dawn, neither for the evening, nor for the cutoff of the month. Forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Place a bunch of straw in the oven, set it on fire and read in a whisper through the open oven door, looking at the fire. The stove is made of bricks, the fire is from straw, and the disease is from the servant of God (name). Go through the ashes, scrofula, through the ash pit, through the smokestack. Go to the field, to the stack of straw, there is your place. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
If the child was born during fasting, use vegetable oil, and if a meat-eater, then butter. Read the hex over the oil three times and then rub it on the sore spot (auricle, behind the ear). Do this until complete recovery.
At sea on Okiyan, on an island on Buyan there is a Taratyn oak tree. 12 illnesses and 12 scrofula flocked to that oak tree. You, illnesses, scrofula sisters, scatter along the stumps, along the logs, through the rotten swamps from the servant of God (name). Amen.
Read the hex in the evening on water with salt (1 tablespoon of salt per 1 glass of water) three times.
You can’t be here, you can’t live here. You will be in the swamps, in the rotten logs, behind the dark forests, behind the steep mountains, behind the yellow sands. There you should be, there you should live. Amen.
Now lightly moisten the child’s ears with the charmed water, and pour the rest onto the street.


Look at the light across the river (it could be a fire, light in the windows) and read the hex three times.
Fire, fire, take your light from the born, baptized, prayerful baby servant of God (name). The toad on the river swims away, and with you the toad is taken from the baby by the servant of God (name). Rest in peace, Most Holy Theotokos, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


While stroking the child's back with your right hand from head to legs, say:
The pig has prickly bristles and painful hair, but my child has peace. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Drawing counterclockwise with a knife, say a curse at sunset.
The horse stomped and clapped its withers. The horse ran and took him off the withers. And skin, and body, and my conspiracy. Amen. Amen. Amen.


Nibble the woolen thread from the ball with your teeth, tie seven knots, repeat each time you tie:
(I) – body, flesh; (II) – tears, blood; (III) – morning; (IV) – day; (V) – night; (VI) – trouble, stop; (VII) go away!
Tie a thread with knots onto an aspen branch.
Take two hairs: one from a long beard, the other from the head of the child’s mother. Measure the size of the spot with them, then tie your hair, saying:
Just as these two hairs will no longer grow to the beard and to the head, so the spots on the servant of God (name) will no longer grow. My tongue is the key, the word is the lock, and God’s amulet is for my work. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


On the third day of the new moon, make a spell on water and let us drink it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening).
Mother water, you wash the banks, break the bushes, break up the sands. You have power anywhere. In spring the snow melts - your power increases. So that the slave’s hollow place (name) grows and does not become sick. My word is strong, tenacious as a burr. Like this slander, I will punish my business. Let it be as I commanded. Slave (name), do not suffer for nothing. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Immediately after the child falls, read the hex 9 times in a row and do this for 3 days.
The first time, the best hour, Most Pure Holy One, come and help. I ask you and say: do not hit (name) on the left, right flank, on the ribs, on the joints, on the veins, do not break the joints, left, right flank or veins. Blood with blood, vein with vein. The blood diverges, but the veins close. Where the wind does not blow and the sun goes down, let the blow disappear from (name)’s left, right side, ribs, joints, and veins. Remember, God, the soul of the pointer mother, God grant the mother health that she pointed out. Amen.

Do it on Thursday. Tie a rawhide thread around the baby's belly and tie the thread around the navel. Take a raw egg, carefully move it over the stomach, read three times:
Don't push, don't push, don't grow your belly. From the belly there is sulfur on the wolf, on the rawhide thread, on the raw egg, on the empty nest. Get off the baby by my order, by the Lord's order. Amen.
Cut the thread, wrap it around the egg and bury it. Do this 3 evenings in a row. If necessary, repeat the ritual next month and also on Thursday.


When your baby wakes up in the morning, read while holding him tightly to your chest.
Just as a white birch tree stood in an open field, knew neither lessons nor guidance, so you, baby servant of God (name), know neither lessons nor guidance, and be healthy and long-lived. Ugh! Holy Spirit! Amen.


On a clear night with a full moon, take your child outside. Look around: there should be no people or animals nearby. Lay your item on the ground, place the child on it and say:
Look at the moon: angels live there and take care of your soul. Christ is standing there, looking at you, child, say hello to him.
After repeating these words three times, take the mirror in your hands and point it so that the child sees the reflection of the moon. Let him look through the mirror at the moon, and at this time you read the plot again, adding the following words at the end: Christ loves you. If you remain silent, he will forget you.
Take the child into the house and put him to bed. Caress him and simply say in a motherly way: “God loves you very much, but you are silent. He will be upset with me because of you.” If everything is done correctly, then usually in the morning the child begins to speak.


Make a spell on a green tree branch (preferably a birch tree) and place it under the child’s bed for 7 days.
For the sake of your son Christ, merciful God, protect the slave (name) from violence and evil. Amen. Amen. Amen.



Go out into the open, stand against the wind and shout:
Just as the church is never empty on holidays, so the servant (name) will not be empty. Amen.
Kneel in front of the fire in the stove, look at it through the stove door and say seven times:
How you, stone one, release smoke from yourself, so that I, too, through the meat gate, release the baby into the light of God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
On the first day of the new moon (it must coincide with Thursday), looking at the young month, read:
Oh my God! How you gave people the sun and the moon, clear stars and light clouds, so that I, God’s servant (name), would carry and give birth to a child. Just as you, the month, were born in the sky today, so would my child be born in my womb. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
A spell for newlyweds or childless spouses. Read before and after intercourse.
The horse has foals, the cow has calves, the sheep has lambs, and I have children. As the month grows, let a seed turn into a seed and there will be a baby for me. God bless.
Cut 12 rods and every day for 4 days in a row, taking 3 rods in your right hand, hit them against any fence, saying:
I beat you for your infertility. Help eliminate infertility! Give fruit to the garden, and give birth to children for the slave (name). As I say, so it will be.
Burn the twigs from 7 brooms from different houses in the oven on the full moon. Read St. Roman the Wonderworker:
Surprised by your exploits, Venerable Roman, we pray to you: hear us calling you. In a small cell, shutting yourself up until your death, there you remained, eating poorly and having no fire, in a hair shirt, wearing heavy chains. Having been granted divine grace, you healed many people’s illnesses, Saint Roman, and through your prayer you resolved many wives from infertility. Therefore, we pray to you: listen with reverence and zeal to the barren women who come to you and pray to you; pray to the Lord God that with His omnipotent power He will resolve their infertility and give them children, because our God is good and a lover of mankind, looking down upon us from above and fulfilling our petitions. Amen.
Mother of God, intercessor of all women, have mercy on me, forgive me all my sins. I ask you, Mother of God, send me a child, have pity on my lonely soul. Make sure that I give birth, and I will always remember Your mercy and raise a child in faith to our Lord. Mother of God! Send me your grace and make sure that I conceive and carry my child to term, and give birth to him in pain to strengthen Your will. Amen.
Stand in front of the mirror so that the newly born month is reflected in it. Read the plot while looking in the mirror for a month. Repeat it at every new moon until pregnancy occurs.
A young month, dear groom, dear place, I am your bride. As you were born today, so that I, God’s servant (name), give birth to a child. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Speak water, and then drink water with your husband before intercourse.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Pure heavenly blood, the Lord's wonderful power. His word is for action, and my speech is for a new body. Help, Lord, baptized slaves, begotten by mother and father, to have a child nine months later. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Tie a knot on a rope for 40 days in a row. Each time, before tying a knot, read the hex, then spit three times, tie the knot, call out the name of the person you want to help, and spit again three times.
I'm getting myself an assistant. Your arms will get fat, your body will become stiff, your legs will pound, you will conceive a child. As the month grows and arrives, so the slave (name) conceives a fetus. In the name of Christ the Savior. Amen. Amen. Amen. I call on the Lord God Mother, the Most Holy Theotokos, for help, I take away all sorrows and pains.
Find a dry female tree, bury a rag with blood from menstruation under its roots, saying:
With the blood that is wounded, with the blood that is destroyed. Just as this tree is without fruit or seed, so am I without a burden.
If this does not help, then after three years you can repeat it.
Read the hex, then wipe yourself with sheep's blood.
Lord Almighty, and with him his Mother, the Queen of Heaven, help, bless the seed of my servant. A sheep has lambs, a mare has foals, a cow has calves, a cat has kittens, and give me, Mother of God, a child. Key and lock in my words. Amen. Amen. Amen.
For an infertile man. Prepare the tincture (g):
rue 75 g
dill 25 g
pour a mixture of herbs (preferably freshly picked) with 0.5 liters of dry white wine. Leave in a warm, dark place for 10 days, shaking occasionally, then strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day an hour before meals. Before each use of the tincture, read the plot.
Lord God, bless! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. How the Lord God and the sky, and the earth, and the water, and the stars, and the raw mother earth firmly established and firmly strengthened, and how on that raw mother earth there is no disease, no bloody wound, no pinching, no aches, no swelling; just as the Lord created, firmly established and firmly strengthened my veins, and my bones, and my white body, so it is with me, the servant of God


Valentin Kara

Valentin Porfirovich Kara Magic words-healers. Ancient formulas that pacify diseases

I express my deep gratitude to Lidia Vasilyevna Kravtsova for her enormous personal contribution to creation and publication of a book


Traditional medicine has its roots going back centuries. In ancient times, people believed that illnesses could not appear out of the blue—someone sent them. And they turned to healers, sorcerers, sorcerers, magicians, shamans, etc., since at that time there were no pills or all kinds of highly developed methods for treating diseases. But even a real healer, just by looking closely at a person, can immediately tell what he is sick with, and he will make a diagnosis absolutely accurately, without resorting to computer diagnostics.

Just recently in our country it became possible to speak openly about traditional medicine methods and resort to the help of witch doctors and healers. And so many of them appeared at once that you’re amazed!

But usually conspiracies were passed down by inheritance and mainly through the female line, for example, a mother to a daughter or granddaughter. The healer could not die until he passed on his skills. Each healer worked in his own way, but unlike sorcerers and witches, he did not resort to black magic and did not use his knowledge to harm people. This has happened in the past.

Currently, a person can cure himself without resorting to the help of a witch doctor or healer, since you don’t know for sure who you will run into - a truly knowledgeable one or a charlatan. The main thing is to remember that after the ritual, one disease may subside in just a few days, and another within three months. This not magic: there is an interaction of energetic forces aimed at healing, and depending on how strong your illness is, the recovery will occur so quickly. Some diseases are the result of damage caused to a person; first you need to remove it, and then begin treatment - traditional or folk, it’s up to you.

I advise you, before buying expensive medications, to try to get rid of the disease in the same way as indicated in this book, there will be no harm, but what joy can happen when you feel relief and see a positive result!

Valentin Porfirovich Kara is a healer. The choice of this path was not accidental for him. But first - graduation from the Moscow Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Chisinau State University, where he received a PhD in Economics, DEIR (further energy information development) courses, and the Higher School of Medical Association (homeopath, herbalist, aromatherapist, sound therapist). Valentin Porfirovic is a master of sports in cycling and champion of Moldova in bodybuilding. After reading all of the above, you probably asked the question: “Why, having such an education, engage in healing?” While still in the army, Valentin Kara received a severe traumatic brain injury, and military surgeons, realizing that they were powerless, themselves invited a local healer to his hospital, who actually pulled him out of the other world. After this, Valentin decided to become a healer and help people. He traveled a lot around the country, met with healers, healers, shamans, lived I saw them, what miracles they worked to help people. Valentin Porfirovich’s treatment has three directions: herbal medicine, spells, and a course of rehabilitation diagnostics. It all depends on the disease and its course. The experience of many healers whom Valentin Porfirovich met speaks for itself. Here are just a few examples: Moscow, Russia, at the rehabilitation center of V.I. Dikul (treatment of the musculoskeletal system); Slavyansk, Ukraine - with the healer Kasyanov (chiropractor), who once cured the Olympic champion Valery Brumel; Borisov, Belarus, with the healer Maria Zakharovna, who treats all types of diabetes; Olonesti, Moldova, – with the healer Boris Gerasimovich which treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, alcoholism, drug addiction; Tomsk, Russia – with healer Stepan Lukich, who treats epilepsy, migraines, headaches, cancer; Petrozavodsk, Russia - with the healer Anatoly Fedorovich, who treats cancer with sublimate (currently, oncology is treated with the same method in one of the Odessa medical institutions); Gomel, Belarus - with the healer Tamara Sergeevna, who treats dislocations, fractures, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, smoking habit; Lutsk, Western Ukraine, with healer Yuri Kharchenko, who treats heart disease, the effects of burns, and infertility; Kazan, Russia, – at the healer Nadezhda Petrovna Gerasimova, who treats women's diseases and heart diseases; Tyumen, Russia - with healer Gennady Timofeevich Lyubavin, who treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and blood diseases; Odessa, Ukraine - with the healer Mikhail Zorkin, who treats general diseases of the cardiovascular system and mental illnesses; Chisinau, Moldova - with the healer Todiki, who treats chronic diseases of the heart, lungs, stomach, gynecological and a number of others (Todiki’s method was written about in the newspapers); Rechitsa, Belarus, with the healer Lyubov Ivanovna, who treats joint diseases and women’s diseases; Chitcani, Moldova, – at the healer grandfather Lukyan, who lived at the monastery and used spells to treat damage and many diseases.

The list could go on for a very long time. Many healers, who received their knowledge from their predecessors, eagerly told Valentin Porfirovich the secrets of healing, so that he would tell about them to those who still retained faith in folk wisdom. V.P. Kara has more than 37,000 recipes in her collection. Some have already been published. Now we offer you a book of treatment with spells. I had the opportunity to try two methods of treating Valentin Kara. I cured chronic pancreatitis with a herbal decoction, which I took for six months, and now nothing bothers me. And chronic thrombophlebitis - with the help of a conspiracy. After such a result, you will inevitably believe in a miracle! Preliminary advice. When working with a conspiracy, follow the instructions strictly. Here, for example, is the condition which is not mentioned in any book on this topic: when the sun goes beyond the horizon and begins to set, then you should read the plot! It will work one hundred percent. Of course, there are still details of the execution of the conspiracy, for example, the phase of the moon must be taken into account, but sunset is a prerequisite for obtaining the result. Be healthy! Lidia Kravtsova


Read the spell in the evening or morning (especially effective and quick action - at the moment the sun appears on the horizon or at the moment when the sun begins to set beyond the horizon).

Read the plot in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening, but not earlier than three hours after eating.

Be sure to read with an open window or window, facing east.

First, breathe in and out calmly. Read in such a way that with the last word (“amen”) you push the air out of yourself. If the plot is long, then take a breath and exhale and read the plot to the end.

Buy the candle that you light to read the plot from the church.

Before reading the conspiracy, light a candle, cross yourself three times in front of the icon, then read the “Our Father” prayer, and then the conspiracy.

Read the plot with attention, sincere interest, with a desire to help oneself or the patient. I advise you to do this without ridicule and not to do it out of curiosity.

The spell can be repeated to enhance the effect 3, 5, 7, 9 times. There are spells that must be recited 40 times.

Please note that the main condition for reading a conspiracy to cure diseases, alcoholism, etc. is the waning moon (the first ten days are especially important). If you worked with the plot on the last day of the waning moon, then nothing may work out or the result will be insignificant.

There are conspiracies that are supposed to help women. They should be read on women's days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday); if the plot is to help a man, then choose men's days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday).

Child, are you sleeping? - I'm sleeping. – Did you forget the white light? - Forgot. – Also, forget your mother’s breasts! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Place the child on your right breast and whisper tenderly into your right ear:

You are my dawn Marya and you are my dawn Daria, come and look at my baby. He didn’t spend the night, he didn’t close his mouth. Give him sleep, peace in broad daylight, early in the morning, late in the evening, on all the days of the Lord’s week.

Don't cry on Monday, don't scream on Tuesday, don't suffer on Wednesday, don't yell on Thursday, be silent on Friday, Saturday no squeak, be at peace on Sunday. Lord, help, Lord, bless. Which word I forgot, which word I dropped on the ground, each one fall into its place. Key, lock, tongue.

Before going to bed, wipe the baby with charmed water.

Water spell:

Quiet dawn Marya, gentle dawn Daria, wipe the baby, take away his insomnia, pacify his crying. Bring him to sleep. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Before going to bed, wipe the baby with charmed water. Water spell:

Homons, commotion, tears, sighs. Don’t go to see my child, don’t look at my child in the evening dawns. Walk to the black cat, to the wooden spinning wheel, to the dry aspen stick. Torment them, wake them up, but never go near my child forever and ever. Key, lock, tongue.

It is believed that half-worts and noon-worts are to blame for this.

Dip the coal from the ash pit into the water collected at dawn, and read the spell over the water (the child’s mother should read it), holding the water to her left breast. Then spray your child in the morning, afternoon and early evening.

Midday noon, noon noon, day, night, noon, don’t play around, don’t make fun of God’s servant (name), a baptized child. And roll and roll over the black soot, over the transverse path. Amen.

Senior in age the family should be slandered about water, in which the baby will be bathed.

Collect, water, tears from the baptized baby (name). Crying bellows, go to the water, the water will go to the ground, the earth will take tears, the baby will stop roaring, so that there will be no more burping. Amen.

Wash the crying baby, wipe him with your hem and say:

Morning dawn, evening dawn, give sleep and peace for day and night (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

At dawn, take the child in your arms and go outside with him. Cross yourself three times and read the plot three times, looking at the rising sun.

Dawn Marya, dawn Daria, dawn Marianna, take the cry from the baby daytime, midday, hourly, half-hourly, take the cry to dark forests, behind the steep mountains.

Then bow to the dawn three times and return to the house.

If you have stove heating, then upon entering the house, bow to the stove and say:

Mother stove, for your standing, and for your health to your angelic darling. Forever and ever. Amen.

Put the baby in the crib.


In order for the child to sleep well, the mother, while rocking him to sleep, must press the child to her left breast and chant the words of the spell.

Baiushki bye! Protect you and have mercy on you, your angel, your preserver. From every sight, from every blaze, from all sorrows, from all misfortunes, from broken bones, from bloody blood, from evil man, from adversary.

While breastfeeding, the mother should whisper:

Sleep, baby, in the corner there is a branch from a dry tree, from a sick stump. I'll send a restless spirit out of you, baby. That branch should suffer, and my baby should rest. Amen.

Dormouse, put the child to sleep, put the child to sleep in the sleepy mansion, open your eyes, and I will whisper three times: “Spitko, sprinkles, dormouse. So that the child can sleep, the baptized soul can rest. Amen".

Evening dawn Maremyana, I ask you: deliver the slave (name) from the maiden from the midday, from the midnight, from the hour, from the half-hour, from the minute, from the half-minute, from the second of insomnia-restlessness. Evening dawn Maremyan, bring sleep and calm down the baby (name). Forever and ever. Amen.

Say a curse three times while looking at the setting sun.

You, insomniac, don’t buzz, don’t wake up my baby. If you want to get lost, go to the owl bird, the nightingale, or the drunken little head. Walk with them, play games. I’m driving you away, a baby’s sleep is not a blemish.


Boil the milk without removing it from the stove, let it cool. Pour into two cups: one for the child, the other for the puppy. Read the spell three times for each cup. Then give him milk intended for the child and wash him, and take the milk intended for the puppy to any puppy.

Holy deeds and thoughts, ambassadors of God and righteous people, stand up for the baby, the servant of God (name), so that he does not suffer or cry day or night, morning or evening. I take off his puppy clothes and give them to the puppy. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


After sunset, when the child falls asleep, read the plot while standing at the head of the crib.

A heavenly candle, lit by saints, my baby will be baptized in church. Mother did not give birth to children for the coffin; mother gave blood from blood. I will face the altar and ask Christ: tame the disease in human blood, hear my words, save my child. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Church of the Lord, in the name of all the saints, angels and archangels, I reprimand the servant of God (the name of the child) for health and life. Amen.


Make clockwise circular movements around your navel, saying: Water princess, beautiful maiden, you lived at home forever, I met you, and you meet the right soul of the baby (name) with this disease. Take your good, and give the right soul of the baby your health. The pain will go away after a few minutes.


Make a wormwood compress: pour 1 tablespoon of bitter wormwood into 1 glass of cold water, boil for 15 minutes covered, then remove from heat and strain. Place a medicinal compress (every day from a freshly prepared decoction) on your child at night for a week.

You need to cast a spell on the hernia on the waxing moon for three days in a row, and the 4th time on the full moon. The ceremony is performed by two people, for example mother and grandmother.

First, one reads the “Our Father” and then says:

Help, Lord, come to the aid of the baby (name), born, prayed for, baptized. The new moon will rise - the baby (name) will have a hernia.

The second one should then ask:

Grandma, grandma, what are you gnawing on?

The first one answers:

Gnawing gnawing(then lightly bites [You don’t need to take the word “bite” literally, just put a clean handkerchief or piece of linen on the sore spot and lightly bite it.] sore spot).

The second one says:

Gnaw, gnaw without shortness of breath, so that there is no belching.

And he asks:

Grandma, grandma, what are you gnawing on?

The first one answers, and the dialogue repeats again. Do this three times.


Whisper a spell into the holy water and let the baby drink a few sips of water.

Baby Jesus is with mother Mary, and the health of the slave (name) is with him. Amen.


Wipe your gums and mouth with a swab dipped in a solution of soda or borax (1 teaspoon per 1 glass of boiled warm water).

Give your child a crust of black bread so that he can crush it between his gums.

You can put it on the child's neck from below real amber, which greatly helps teething.

There is a popular belief: if a child’s upper teeth begin to cut first, he will be sick and unhappy in life. To protect your baby from this, in the evening, after sunset, say the following words once over milk (preferably women’s milk):

I dissuade you from a dashing misfortune, from a vain death, from the tooth of the upper servant of God (name). I call on the Savior and the Baptist as my assistants. Take away the fate from the slave (name). From this hour and from this minute and throughout the entire century. Amen.


If the child has all his teeth, but continues to drool, put a new handkerchief under the child's pillow in the evening. Wipe your baby with this from morning until bedtime. saliva with a handkerchief. When the baby falls asleep, make a hex on the scarf and hang it in the wind. Repeat the ritual for three days in a row, and then wash the scarf.

The servant of God (name) gave it, the wind took it and gave it to someone. And to whom - only God knows. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Wipe off the child’s saliva and throw the handkerchief into the corner of someone else’s house with the words:

Wipe, Mother Catherine, the lips and teeth of the servant of God (name), so that the drool will come off from him, go to the forest pig, the evil dog, the field slug, the evil sorcerer. Amen.


Whisper three times in each child’s ear before going to bed:

Isaf, Isaf, do not prick the servant of God (name) in the ears. I will stab with knives, axes, sharp rivets, claws and nails from birth to wedding, until death.


Lay the child on his back, draw crosses on his heels with your finger and say:

With the cross, with the royal finger, I will remove that which is not from God, from Satan’s threshold. It's important for an angry dog ​​to howl, but for a child to be healthy. Amen.

Read the hex while bathing your child:

Madam cramp, go and take a walk in a wide field, in pure expanse. Let the baby sleep, not get sick or suffer. Take away the cramps and take them cleanly to the field. Amen.


Read the plot while putting your child to bed.

Screamer, grandfather trampler, take the screamer under the wing of the capon. Put him to sleep, give him peace. Amen.

Current page: 1 (book has 9 pages in total) [available reading passage: 7 pages]

Evgeniy Tikhonov
Words-healers. 22 Ancient Witch Words That Will Give You What You Want. The book will help you

How I learned about healing words

Several years ago, fate brought me together with an amazing person, one of those who gave birth to the saying “the Russian land is rich in talents.” My unusual acquaintance, for a number of reasons, including his inherent modesty, earnestly asked not to publish his name in this book. Therefore, let's call him Alexey Dmitrievich. We met by chance; I read his article about Slavic writing in a small samizdat magazine. An email address was also indicated next to the author's name. I wrote to discuss some issues that interested me. A lively correspondence ensued, and then, almost simultaneously, we had a desire to communicate in person.

And here the first surprise awaited me. From the correspondence I knew that Alexey Dmitrievich had long since crossed the sixty-year mark, and when we met I was preparing to see an elderly man. But imagine my amazement when a youthful, energetic man came out to meet me - he looked more than forty, smart, strong. My first thought was: “This is it, the miracle of plastic surgery!” But after taking a closer look, I realized that I was mistaken: Alexey Dmitrievich looked completely natural.

We got to talking - first we talked about problems that interested us, and then smoothly moved on to personal questions. And then I was convinced once again: nature generously rewarded Alexei Dmitrievich with everything one could dream of: intelligence, wisdom, youth, attractiveness, great charm, the desire to do something, try, not stand still, as if life had just begun and there was more to come at least another hundred, or even two hundred years to implement all plans. I was convinced that Alexey Dmitrievich succeeded in all areas of life. I can say with confidence that I have never met a second person like him. As a rule, if we achieve success, it is in one thing. But my new acquaintance was a respected scientist, had his own small but profitable business, and, in addition, had a talent for painting - he painted good watercolors. If we add to this a huge house outside the city, a beautiful wife and four nice, smart children, then the picture turns out to be simply fantastic. Meanwhile, after re-reading these lines, I already doubt whether I missed something else in my list.

Did I envy him? No! And perhaps this circumstance surprised me most of all. Man is structured in such a way that he does not really love and welcome those who have passed him by on the path of life. But Alexey Dmitrievich inspired completely different feelings - respect, admiration and, to be honest, acute curiosity. Therefore, I could not resist and one day started a conversation with Alexei Dmitrievich about how he manages to get everything his heart desires, and at the same time avoid envy and enemy intrigues. “No other way than you have a gift from above!” – I sincerely exclaimed.

“When I need something, I just ask for it out loud,” he answered.

I thought that this answer was just a motto, an aphorism: “Ask, and it will be given to you.” But everything turned out to be simpler and more difficult at the same time. Alexey Dmitrievich, in fact, only uttered his request out loud, and spent not twenty or thirty ordinary words on it, but only one, but special one.

The secret of Slavic writing

We are accustomed to thinking that writing came to Rus' along with Christianity, when the first alphabet, Glagolitic, was created. But some researchers (among them my new acquaintance) believe that the situation was different. In their opinion, this alphabet was not created from scratch: it was based not only on the Greek alphabet, close to the compiler of the Glagolitic alphabet, Cyril, but also on the ancient Slavic runic letter, which was used before the adoption of Christianity. In other words, hundreds of years before the appearance of Cyril in Rus', special Slavic runes already existed, which the Russians actively used.

However, not all members of the tribe owned these runes, but only a select few. And not at all because learning the runes was difficult. According to ancient legend, the runes were sent down to people to help them by the Higher Powers. Each rune is a receptacle of power: as soon as you draw it or pronounce it, the power will break free, begin to fulfill your desires, protect you, or help you foresee the future.

If it seems to you that these are just the beliefs of our uneducated, wild ancestors, then let’s remember not a mystical book, but a school physics textbook. It says in black and white that sound is a wave. Each sound has its own strength, each sound produces certain vibrations in space. Unfortunately, a person does not see or feel these changes, but this does not mean that they do not exist. After all, there are telephones and radios based on the wave nature of sound!

Now let's return to the Slavs. They did not know about the physical side of sound, but they did not need this information, because they observed the result. They uttered a special sound (and also contemplated the desired written image), and saw with their own eyes that this sound, its vibration, changes the world: it helps, protects, gives all the benefits that you ask for.

Alexey Dmitrievich told me that even in his youth he became interested in the question of the origin of writing and found evidence that the Glagolitic alphabet is based on Slavic runes. And these are not just icons. Kirill, who was called Constantine the Philosopher in the world, received this nickname for a reason. He penetrated deeply into the essence of the runes, and thanks to him, not only the most important elements of their outline have reached us, but also their sound - that very necessary vibration that can change everything around. Each letter of the Cyrillic alphabet has its own name. We still remember some of these names: az, beeches, lead, verb, good... Listen! Even this short phrase already carries a huge creative charge. Try saying it several times: you will feel a surge of vitality!

I will not present here the evidence that Alexey Dmitrievich provided me with when telling the story of the creation of the Glagolitic alphabet. Firstly, because I would not like to overload you with special scientific knowledge that is of interest only to language historians. I have another task: to give you a magic wand, a method that will help you live with dignity, happiness, be strong and healthy. Scientific information is of no use here, the main thing is that you get the essence. And secondly, my friend urgently asked me not to disclose all the data received. His research has not yet been completed; careful processing is required so that everything said turns into a coherent, well-founded theory. I am sure that Alexey Dmitrievich’s work will still make a splash in scientific circles! And in no way do I want to take away his well-deserved fame and glory.

We are interested in finding and learning to use those same ancient sounds of Slavic runes that our sorcerer ancestors used.

Those who passed on the secret of the runes to Cyril set certain goals for themselves: they wanted the power of the Slavs to go to their descendants, so that no rulers or reformers who wanted to give the country a more modern, Western look would eradicate this magic. After all, along with Christianity, the persecutors of ancient culture also came to Rus', bonfires were lit in which the Slavic deities died, and Christianity took their place. But the power given to our people remains in writing, in something without which not a single people, not a single state can live. Writing turned out to be the most reliable repository of knowledge.

The alphabet that Cyril created has been used for many centuries (unlike the modern one, which is only a hundred years old). In place of the Glagolitic alphabet, the Cyrillic alphabet arose, which existed until the 1917 revolution. The basis of the alphabet has always remained unchanged - ancient Slavic runes, ancient magic aimed at making Rus' prosper, so that its inhabitants were healthy and hardy, which they demonstrated for two thousand years, resisting the invasions of the most ferocious conquerors.

Few people knew about the power hidden in the alphabet. Our ancestors simply memorized it by repeatedly repeating the words that the letters represent. And these words worked! Not all Russians were literate, so life was not easy for the common man. But our land was quite sufficient in the strength of those who repeated the ancient runes - monks, generals, rulers, traders. Unfortunately, when the era of widespread literacy arrived, the alphabet changed. Instead of the ancient “az”, “buki”, “vedi”, bringing healing and fulfillment of desires, came “a”, “be”, “ve”, which can only convey certain sounds in writing. By the way, the ancient method of teaching literacy always involved memorizing the full sound of a letter, and this, as you understand, is not at all accidental. For example, let’s take the name of the letter “d” - it was called “good”. And the letter “p” continued to bear the ancient name “peace”. It is clear that repeated repetition of such words when memorizing the alphabet had a positive effect!

Why does the word become a healer?

Fate would have it that Alexey Dmitrievich shared with me the knowledge that I am passing on to you. I am grateful to him for the trust he showed, especially since, according to Alexei Dmitrievich, he did not transfer this knowledge into my hands at random and not by chance. Alexey Dmitrievich knew that I was interested in various ancient practices of gaining strength and power, and I write articles and books on this topic. I immediately took Alexey Dmitrievich’s ideas very seriously, which is why he entrusted me with his greatest value. This is not a figurative expression, not a beautiful turn of phrase. Knowledge of the secret hidden in the ancient alphabet is as valuable, if not much more valuable, than gold or a platinum bank card. After all, it was this knowledge, according to Alexei Dmitrievich, that brought him success in all his endeavors, gave him extraordinary energy, youth and health: after he began to practice the “ancient Slavic magic” contained in the alphabet, his business went uphill.

Now you have a unique opportunity to test the magical power of ancient runes in practice. Repeat the path of success, follow the same path as Alexey Dmitrievich, and make sure that this method works. This is precisely why this book was written.

Here you will receive a short guide to working with vibrations that helped our ancestors. But first, a little more history.

The instructions that you will find in this book did not appear in one day; they are the fruit of long and careful research and development by Alexei Dmitrievich. The fact is that, unfortunately, almost no ancient instructions have reached us that would indicate exactly how to work with runes. Apparently, these instructions were passed down from generation to generation only orally, as often happened with secret sacred knowledge, with the treasures of the nation. The creation of the alphabet dates back to those distant times when writing was just in its infancy, and millennia separate us from Cyril, aka Constantine the Philosopher. But true knowledge has the ability to leave traces in a variety of sources and still reach a person in one way or another.

Alexey Dmitrievich searched for a very long time for information on the ancient alphabet and its application. One could say that he collected this information bit by bit, like an archaeologist gluing together a once beautiful vessel from tiny scattered fragments. And in one of the documents that fell into the hands of Alexei Dmitrievich, curious glossaries were discovered, that is, notes or notes written in the margins of a handwritten book, most likely by a hermit monk. In ancient times, this was often done: a monk, when copying sacred texts, often added something of his own, making small notes and digressions in the margins of the book. These notes are sometimes of greater value than the book itself, because they allow one to gain some new, secret knowledge. This was the case in this case as well. The document found by Alexei Dmitrievich was not very ancient: at most a hundred and fifty years old. This was a list from an ancient text about the power of words (meaning prayers and words of the holy fathers of the church). But in the margins were the monk’s own thoughts about the power hidden “in the initial letters.” There was also a link to an ancient manuscript from which the monk drew information. It can be assumed that this document was in the hands of the monk for some time, and then disappeared: it disappeared without a trace, like many written sources of that time.

According to the hermit’s notes, in order to obtain the key to extraordinary possibilities, one had to tune one’s consciousness in a special way. To do this, you need to draw a letter, or have its outline before your eyes, and say the word behind the letter out loud the specified number of times. With the help of literal words, you can change yourself (intention, abilities, skills), remake the world around you (fulfill desires) or influence your health. By the way, it is precisely because of the last point that Alexey Dmitrievich calls words “healers.”

Of course, the document did not contain direct indications of how exactly the healer word works. Let's not forget that it was written by a monk - a believer. He pondered whether the initial letter could be a concentration of divine power or not. But in his thoughts, Alexey Dmitrievich found clues that helped him understand when the power of healing words begins to act. Then, through trial and error, he was able to derive more or less clear instructions, which you will find in this book.

How does this magic work? The mechanism here is as follows: we pronounce a word - a sound (external) vibration arises, we contemplate the mark - another vibration, only this time in our consciousness. The ritual helps to superimpose one vibration on another, which leads to a “restructuring of the environment.” This is how the potential inherent in the word-healer is embodied - a wish is fulfilled, we ourselves change, the world changes, the healing resources that are embedded both in vibrations and in our body begin to work.

Each healing word is endowed with its own special vibration and, therefore, gives its own specific, clearly defined result. It can be changed a little with the help of a ritual, directing the action of the healing word to yourself, your health, or externally. Anyone who controls these vibrations gains the ability to control the world around them and their destiny. My friend Alexey Dmitrievich is direct proof of this. He said that, having received the necessary impetus, he experimented with healing words for several years. Everything he now owns came thanks to these exercises.

What you can do with healing words

Of course, not all the possibilities of healing words have been discovered yet. Alexey Dmitrievich believes that someday he will find a vibration formula that can radically change the world, for example, improve the environment, transform one substance into another, look into the future, etc. But for now, the results obtained are important to you and me. After all, with their help you can already do a lot.

Firstly, healing words allow you to change something in yourself: develop abilities, talents, change your mood, get rid of fear, gain any skill, for example, speak beautifully, make quick decisions or think logically.

Secondly, you can change something around you. Your work, career, personal relationships, well-being - all this can be adjusted.

And finally, healing words change the functioning of the organs of our body. Unfortunately, this area of ​​their application has so far been studied less than others, and although Alexey Dmitrievich has deduced certain patterns of the healing effects of words, they are not absolute. In any case, those who do not want to wait for the results of future studies can give it a try. You will not be the first on this road! Alexey Dmitrievich tested the effect of healing words on himself, and then initiated several trusted people into their secret, who willingly agreed to try these words in practice. The results exceeded all expectations! It turned out that in the field of improving health, healing words improve the mood and state of mind of patients, help overcome fears associated with certain diseases, relieve loss of strength and even accelerate and stimulate the usual treatment prescribed by a doctor. So know: in any case, there will be no harm from using healing words. Yes, they have not yet been studied enough to completely replace medications! Therefore they need to be applied only in parallel with the treatment prescribed by your doctor.

Words-healers in this book

So, this book is a practical part of Alexey Dmitrievich’s research. On its pages, based on Alexey Dmitrievich’s explanations, I will talk about each healing word: the meaning, significance of each word, the effect it can have on you and your life. Also, mood-rituals developed by the author based on the sources found will be given for each word.

But before you plunge into the world of Slavic runes, which I am sure will change your life, I would like to give a small warning.

Everything that is described on these pages has not yet received official confirmation. This knowledge should still be checked and supplemented. Unfortunately, discoveries are not made in five minutes. And even the most brilliant idea leads to decades of research.

But this book still exists. And it is intended for those who do not want to wait years to be convinced of the truth of knowledge. A book for those who are looking for their luck, who are ready to discover everything new and unusual. The author of the theory, Alexey Dmitrievich, is such a person. And for me, the best argument in favor is his life, the results he achieved. If you have a desire to change something around you, this knowledge will definitely benefit you.

How to get help from healing words
38 healing words

Healing words can act in three directions:

✓ Change a person.

✓ Change the circumstances around you.

✓ Affect health.

We have 38 healing words in our hands. Each is responsible for its own area - protection, strength, talent, etc. Naturally, in each direction the word performs its own special work. For example, if it is responsible for acquiring knowledge, it helps you tune in to learning, extracts the necessary information from the outside and transfers it to you, and can also improve immunity, that is, it opens reserves in the body to combat ailments.

Don't be alarmed, everything is complicated at first glance. In this book you will find a special guide that will very quickly indicate the word you need.

Study the table

Your guide is a table in which you will find the names of all healing words, their images, as well as their healing effect.

First, you need to decide what you want to change - yourself, the world around you, your well-being. In the appropriate column you will read a description of the work of the word healer. Find the one that most fully and closely reflects your situation - and here is a lifesaver in your hands.

Of course, human life is so diverse that it is impossible to describe all the situations that can be influenced with the help of healing words. But this does not mean that the impact of the word is limited only to the area named in the table. The possibilities of each healing word are much wider. I myself was convinced of this by using healing words, because sometimes, along with a fulfilled desire, I receive some kind of pleasant and unexpected addition. For example, I wanted to earn money for a trip to an exotic country, and on this trip I unexpectedly met an important person who changed my life. Remember, the possibilities of healing words have not been fully explored! And words may well bring you surprises!

If you take the task at hand seriously and analyze what you need, you will be able to find the right word. In this choice, do not forget that the word is so powerful that it can choose you. Say the word out loud. Feel its vibration. Is it pleasant to you, does it evoke positive emotions, warmth in your soul, a surge of strength? This means that the word is yours, which means you have found exactly the word that you now need more than others! The longer you work with the book, the easier it will be for you to find the right words.

Having found the right word, proceed to the description of the ritual.

On the need for ritual

The ritual consists of three parts.

First, contemplation of the image of the word-healer. Remember that contemplation creates the necessary vibration in your consciousness, that is, it prepares the ground for changes within you.

Secondly, you need to create a vibration outside - say the word the specified number of times. This will need to be done at the time indicated in the ritual.

And thirdly, you need to create a mindset in your mind that will connect the two vibrations and start the process of change.

Every action of the ritual is necessary. If you skip any part of the ritual, you will not be able to get the result. .

Why does a word need to be repeated a certain number of times?

Each healing word has its own number of repetitions. This number was also established experimentally and tested in practice. It is still difficult to explain unambiguously why one word needs to be repeated seven times and another eleven times. But there is a hypothesis from the field of the ancient science of numerology, which humanity has been successfully using for millennia.

The point is that there is also a certain power in numbers. It is not for nothing that we consider three a divine number, seven a lucky number, and thirteen, on the contrary, a bad number. The power of numbers helps release the energy of the healing word. Words act differently and have different powers. And their assistants should also be different. Therefore, the number of repetitions changes.

Two repetitions - are needed to achieve diplomacy, gain the ability to communicate, and negotiate. Two twos (22) increase vibration.

Three reps– needed in words that give strength and additional energy. Repeating it three times also releases sexuality, determination, enthusiasm, increased ability for self-realization, courage, drive, mobility. Adding a one adds strength to the vibration, a two eliminates possible excesses, unnecessary assertiveness, which can frighten or repel people. Two triples (33) enhance the desired vibration.

Four reps- needed where the word provides stability, peace, gives endurance. It is not for nothing that the simplest stable structure (for example, a table) has four points of support. Sometimes it is necessary to pronounce a word 44 times, that is, to connect two fours, in order to obtain a particularly strong supporting vibration. And in some situations, the energy of one or two is added to the four. One gives vital energy, and two gives diplomacy and calmness in communication.

Six reps– you need to do if you are looking for protection and patronage. They also open sources sympathy, kindness, love, tenderness. The “sixth sense”, or intuition, also requires repeating the doctor’s word six times. One adds strength to this vibration.

Seven reps- give wisdom And knowledge of truth. By adding one, human wisdom becomes the wisdom of a leader.

Nine reps is a skill penetrate to the very essence of things, gain knowledge, skill think analytically.

As you can see, not all numbers are involved, because some of them carry heavy energy. But you don’t need to understand all the intricacies of the ritual: having found the desired page using the table, you will receive clear instructions on how many times to repeat your healing word.

Why does every medicine word have its time?

Another feature of the ritual is time. In some situations you need to say healing words in the morning, in others in the evening or at noon. This is due to human biorhythms.

Biorhythms are characteristic of living matter at all levels - from molecules to galaxies. The rhythm of our life is set from birth - this is the frequency of heart contractions, breathing, fluctuations in the intensity of cell division, and metabolism. And the planet dictates its conditions - the time of year, time of day, positions of the Sun and Moon, ebbs and flows regulate our well-being and affect our abilities.

All these features were learned when creating the ritual. Therefore, try to adhere to the time frames indicated - this is the time when your consciousness is most open and receptive to any changes.

Brief instructions for using the book

Now let's briefly repeat what you need to do:

1. Decide what you want: change yourself, the world around you, your health.

2. Using the table, find the situation that is closest to yours. Remember your intuition, listen to its voice! Sometimes, in order to find the right healing word, you need to pronounce it and feel the vibration.

3. Open the book to the word indicated in the table.

4. Perform the ritual described on the page.


There is a part in this book dedicated to improving your health.

Remember, healing words are not a panacea. In this book they are published as an additional means to combat the disease. By using them, you will not harm yourself. Do not give up the treatment your doctor prescribed for you!

The vibrational magic of the ancient Slavs will enhance the effect of medications, help remove the body from illness, cleanse the body of excess chemicals, prevent side effects of medications, eliminate pain, speed up recovery, etc.

Table of letters and their meanings

Evgeniy Tikhonov


Witch Doctor –

"Evgeny Tikhonov. Words-healers. The Big Secret Book of Slavic Healers":

AST; Moscow; 2015

ISBN 978-5-17-089460-4


From time immemorial it has been known that powerful power is hidden in words. The power of the healing word

was familiar to healers, priests, and shamans.

This unique work contains information about secret Slavic healing words. IN

The book contains more than 70 ancient words that affect the physical condition of a person:

restore the body and heal, help develop abilities, improve mood.

Words-healers will help you build strong relationships, attract money into your life,

increase well-being. This ancient magic has already helped many, many. Now you too

there is this possibility.

Evgeniy Tikhonov

Words-healers. Big secret book of Slavic


© Tikhonov E., 2015

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2015

Excellent book, I managed to try one recommendation: for insomnia, -

It helped effectively. It seems to me that it will soon be my reference book. AND

conversation is not only about health...

Svetlana, Kazan

parts - everything is very clear, understandable, to the point. But the theory turned out to be surprising

exciting. I didn’t even realize that behind a simple word there was such a


Anna, Moscow

Some people probably won’t believe that such strong words exist -

healers. But the practices in this book work. And here you can’t say anything.

I practice the healing word “good”. And goodness - both material and spiritual - in

my life has become more.

Pavel, Novosibirsk

help to better understand how healing words work. A very useful book.

Tatyana, Pskov

health and solve an unpleasant problem at work. I didn't even expect it. Now I

I started practicing a few words and very quickly felt that the world around me

is changing. I was shocked because I didn’t really believe in the power of words. Now

I recommend this method to all my friends.

Tamara, St. Petersburg

Why I decided to write a third book about healing words

Dear reader, you have come across my third book about healing words. Occasion

I was inspired to write the first book by my fascination with the mysteries of Slavic writing and

acquaintance with a like-minded scientist who worked on this topic. After several

At one time, he, like me, was interested in the history of the creation of the Glagolitic alphabet, later

Cyrillic alphabet. According to a number of experts, this alphabet is based on the ancient runic

letter. Joint work with ancient texts, already the first finds, one might say,

radically changed my life for the better, as happened with


It turned out that the magic of letter designs and their sound can be put on

service to modern man.

This is how words-healers appeared - letters of the ancient Slavic alphabet that carried special

energies that can heal both body and soul.

But I didn’t stop there. Together with a group of like-minded people who tried

developed practices for working with healing words, we went further and began

decipher entire words from runic texts. And new secrets were revealed to us

ancient words and new opportunities for humans. Thus the second book was born.

And then reviews followed, stories about the success of my readers in mastering

developed methods. Although I myself have witnessed the wonderful changes that have taken place with

members of our group and their relatives, acquaintances, I am very interested and, most importantly,

It was gratifying to learn about the achievements of complete strangers. And not only about

achievements. My readers turned out to be skilled researchers. They experimented

creating new opportunities to work with healing words.

This is how the third book was created, in which I want to talk not only about words -

healers, give the rituals necessary for their correct use, but also bring

real examples of working with these magical sounds. And they shared examples with me

you are my dear readers!

Your stories are an important part of my book.

I systematized the reviews, corresponding with my now students, in detail

dealt with every life story. As a result, I noticed a clear pattern: not always

immediately, but still with a positive result, use the restored technique

our ancestors succeed, as a rule, to people who strictly follow the rituals and recommendations,

set out in my books. The same people who want to solve their problems in one fell swoop

Usually results are not achieved. But here’s the paradox: it’s with them that I’m most interested

communicate, jointly finding mistakes to untie life’s “knots.” I

I try to ensure that “not exemplary students” after our joint “debriefings”

They themselves found their mistakes and corrected the situation. Recently Boris contacted me. He

I earned money by driving my own car and have long wanted to change my old one

“Zhiguli” for a foreign car, and there was only enough money to support the family and a vacation once a year.

Boris was sure that only a miracle would help him fulfill his old dream. Having met

words-healers, he chose the word “shta” (working with it implied getting what he wanted

result - unplanned luck). Boris bought a lottery ticket, performed the ritual and

began to wait for the draw. At the same time I worked with the letter “good” to get rid of

extra pounds. A little time passed: there was no result either here or there. In what

Boris was wrong, we found out together. You will also know this when you reach the letter

"shta". But he found his mistake himself. And he fixed it, eventually getting both a new car and

beautiful figure.

Why am I telling this: it was not by chance that I selected for this book not only

positive, but also problematic stories, although I could leave only the first ones so that

the reader has seen how well our method works. But I think it's better to learn

on other people's mistakes, so as not to waste time searching for your own. In addition, getting to know someone else

experience helps you decide on your goals and objectives. For example, a person wanted

get rid of his boss's nagging and would work on it, but in reality he needs

would be to start with ourselves: to “ask” the words-healers for persistence, to gain leadership

qualities, etc.

I considered it necessary and useful to include stories of real people in the book as well.

because I remember very well how happy I was when words-healers helped me and

to my loved ones, how luck filled me with energy and faith, and they, in turn, attracted

even greater luck. May these stories fill you with the energy you need to