Anomalies of the Chelyabinsk region (14 photos). Gazetny Lane

It is not yet known what caused the fire in the building. In the city of Taganrog, a 1-story dacha burned down. The fire happened on the afternoon of March 6 at about 15:30 on 4th Alley Street. - The fire engulfed an area of ​​the building of 12 square meters, - reported the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for Rostov region. - The roof, the house and various things inside it were damaged. The fire was extinguished in about 20 minutes. The operation to extinguish the fire involved 5 rescuers and 2 units of equipment...

The Sea of ​​Azov has been consuming the houses and gardens of Donetsk residents for several years; Bugudonia can serve as an example in Taganrog. It is not going to stop there. Now the village of Veselo-Voznesenka, Neklinovsky district, which is located near Taganrog, is under attack. Over the course of several years, a cliff of 30 meters formed near the houses, residents of the village told the NTV channel about this. Frequently changing weather only make the situation worse. Curtains have become more frequent in the Azov region...

On March 10, the last day of Maslenitsa, mass festivities will take place all day in Taganrog in Gorky Park. According to the park administration, all events will have free entry for Taganrozh residents. 11.00 on the central alley the gastronomic fair “In the heat of the heat” and the fair will open folk art"Maslenitsa-handicraft". 11.30 in the new children's town games will take place. Competitions and competitions for children. 12.00 on the site near the Green Theater...

The checks turned out to be legal. The fifteenth arbitration court of appeal dismissed the complaint of Bakery LLC from Taganrog against the decision Arbitration Court Rostov region on recognizing the actions of the city prosecutor's office as illegal. This trial is an echo of the events that began in Taganrog in the summer of 2018. Then the enterprise began to sue the city administration due to the illegal, in the opinion of the bakery management, desire of the authorities to check the bakery for...

The rating voting to determine public areas for improvement in 2020 has ended. Let us remind you that it took place within the framework of priority national project“Formation of a comfortable urban environment” and started on February 25. Taganrozh residents were offered seven public areas to choose from. As a result, the Park named after the 300th anniversary of Taganrog took first place, gaining 4185 votes (35%). In second place is Petrovskaya Street with 2526 votes (21.1%), on...

Taganrog resident Serafim Kuleshov was awarded the “Warm Heart” prize for saving a drowning five-year-old girl. The award ceremony took place in Moscow from the hands of Svetlana Medvedeva, President of the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives. The ceremony was attended by celebrities, including Dmitry Kharatyan, Olga Kormukhina, finalists of the show “The Voice. Children" by Daniil Pluzhnikov and Yaroslav Degtyarev. Seraphim Kuleshov received an award in the category “For overcoming life difficulties and rush...

World Consumer Rights Day has been held annually on March 15 since 1983, and since 1994 it has been widely celebrated in Russia. In Taganrog, prepared for this date thematic program, its events are held with the participation of specialists from the department of the consumer market of goods and services of the Taganrog administration. So, on February 27 and March 4, open lessons V educational institutions cities. The classes are aimed at increasing legal...

They introduce themselves as the City Energy Service. Scammers have appeared in Taganrog who, on behalf of the City Energy Service, hand out notices to citizens demanding access to apartments and houses, reports the official portal of the city administration. Unidentified people are serving notices about allegedly inspecting electrical networks, demanding access to apartments and houses. There have also been cases of delivery of notifications for work to be carried out by contacting the dispatch service. To avoid unjustified...

In total more than 1100 units. Officials of Taganrog customs initiated a case about administrative offense in relation to a 47-year-old citizen of Ukraine who tried to export 463 undeclared displays from Russian territory mobile phones and 690 units of various components for them. The man arrived at the Matveev Kurgan checkpoint (MACP) of the Taganrog customs office driving a SCANIA regular bus. After the bus was sent to customs...

Chelyabinsk region is one of the richest in anomalous phenomena in our country, and it’s probably not without reason that the famous meteorite fell on its territory in 2013. Let's try to put together the main Chelyabinsk mysticism from urban legends to evidence of UFO and Bigfoot sightings.

Almost every city has its own symbol representing mysticism, secrets and urban legends. Typically, this is an abandoned building with rich history and extremely atypical architecture. There is a similar object in Chelyabinsk - a dilapidated building that was once a grain elevator for a state bank.

The building, which is almost a century old, is located in the most inconspicuous corner of the city center, far from the “fashionable new buildings” and mirrored business centers, a forgotten giant, involuntarily attracting the gaze of passers-by and tourists.

Lovers of mysticism, paranormal phenomena, “roofers”, “diggers” and other adventurers, try to get inside an abandoned building, sometimes at risk own life, with the goal of finding a mythical treasure guarded by a ghost.

They say that the Tsar Rat, a huge rodent, lives in the elevator’s dungeons. Eyewitnesses also claim that there is an inscription on the wall in Latin associated with something diabolical.

Monument to Lenin on Revolution Square

In the center of Chelyabinsk there is a monument to Lenin, but no one thought about what was under it. The fact is that under the city there is a whole network of underground tunnels and bunkers.

The Ural diggers have already tried to examine them, but every time something stopped them. Some suspect that these are spirits or demons that for some reason do not allow them to pass on.

It was installed in 1959 and immediately became the hero of a local legend. It says that the monument was erected a month before the expected opening date so that city residents would get used to the new look of the square. A few days after the installation of the monument, the local department received a statement from the South Ural Hotel, located not far from the monument: in one of its luxury rooms, several guests died in a row, and one went crazy.

The case was transferred to the KGB, because at that time in elite rooms simple people didn't stop. To find a reason strange deaths, employees secret service was ordered to be on duty in the mysterious room.

And one night they saw a hand reaching out of the darkness. The vision looked very realistic, but then it turned out that it was just a shadow from the hand of the monument standing outside the window. So that the bronze Lenin would not scare anyone else, the monument was hastily redone, but there were some incidents - the new monument ended up with two caps at once: on the head and in the hand. The mistake was soon corrected.

Opera and Ballet Theatre

The Opera and Ballet Theater in Chelyabinsk, according to legend, was built on bones. There is an opinion that the historical building was erected on the site of an old cemetery. Residents were buried there when Chelyabinsk was still a fortress city.

Some of the remains were reburied, but some were left lying in the ground. And now the disturbed dead do not give rest to the living. The builders themselves said that at night or early in the morning they noticed silhouettes or heard voices.

When the theater was completely rebuilt, employees of the institution allegedly began to complain about voices, visions and strange sounds. However, archaeologists claim that the theater building was not built on the cemetery itself, but hundreds of meters from it, closer to the tram tracks at the intersection of Zwilling and Truda streets.

“In 1996, workers were laying a fire water pipeline to the Art Gallery through the square in front of the Opera House,” shared historian Gayaz Samigulov, who took part in the excavation of the cemetery. - When they were driving a trench from Truda Street, the excavator caught the coffin. This is how a cemetery was found, probably founded about three years after the appearance of the fortress.

This mass grave was located near the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which stood at the current intersection of Truda and Zwilling streets at Opera House. This incident had a wide resonance at one time - quite a lot of publications in the press, a lively discussion of the question of the possible date of the emergence of the necropolis. Then more than 100 burials of children and adults were found. The bones were reburied at the Mitrofanovskoye cemetery.

Park of Culture and Leisure named after Gagarin

On the territory of the Gagarin Culture and Recreation Park in Chelyabinsk, according to one legend, it is quite possible to meet the ghost of a cat, dog or even a turtle. They say that ghost animals roam the park alleys because this is where their owners once buried them.

Regional Legislative Assembly building

On the site where the ZSO building is now located, before the revolution there was transit prison. Over time, a black aura underworld did not dissipate. They say that at night near the parliament you can hear the sound of shackles, hoarse laughter and muffled swearing.

House on Zwillinga Street, where the registry office is now located Sovetsky district, built on the site of the destroyed Church of the Kazan Icon Mother of God. There is a legend in Chelyabinsk that those who get married in this registry office will live happily ever after.

The Ghost of Samuel Zwilling

In 1917, the leader lived in the old mansion at Zwillinga 20 (now the Balkan Grill restaurant is located there). revolutionary movement Samuil Moiseevich Tswilling. According to legend, the famous communist personally hacked to death with an ax the local police chief in this house.

Local old-timers say that they have seen the ghost of a chopped-up police chief more than once. Eyewitnesses claim that he silently walked near the house, and then disappeared into the fog. Now he is doomed to wander forever for raising his hand against comrade Zwilling.

Residents of a new microdistrict at ChTZ are frightened by ghosts from the cemetery

On the site of new buildings in the ChTZ area there used to be a cemetery, which for half a century frightened the residents of the harsh area. When construction began, the graves were dug up, and the ashes of the dead prisoners of war and Red Army soldiers were reburied at the Pokrovskoye cemetery.

However, local residents " bad aftertaste" remained. They say that after the reburial they see glowing silhouettes in the darkness of the night.

Haunted house on Krasnoarmeyskaya street 100

According to legend, another ancient mansion in Chelyabinsk is inhabited by a ghost. The house, which is also called “Larintsev’s Mansion,” is located on Krasnoarmeyskaya Street, 100. Many tried to settle there: business companies, the bailiff service, communal apartments and even the military registration and enlistment office.

But no one could stay there for long. Everyone was disturbed by the constant howls and rustling noises; supposedly the merchant Larintsev himself walked here at night. There is a version that the owner of the house was killed by his servant.

It is known that the fleeing military registration and enlistment office employees even forgot the safe with the files of conscripts, so this ghost was very helpful to someone.

Woman in white

In America there is a legend about a woman in white. A ghost who causes fatal accidents. Similar cases were recorded in Chelyabinsk.

Fatal accidents have repeatedly occurred at the intersection of Shaumyan and Dovator streets. It is known that there used to be an ancient cemetery there. But despite this, developers built residential buildings and built roads over the burial sites.

People believe that the area is full of negative energy, and this is what causes terrible accidents at the intersection of these streets. Let us recall that terrible accidents have happened here more than once. The traffic police called this intersection one of the most dangerous in the city.

Loch Ness monster in Lake Smolino

Lake Smolino is a splinter ancient sea, it even contains sea water. Among many fishermen there is a legend that a certain giant carp, nicknamed “Karp Karpych,” lives in the lake.

There is also a second legend that the lake has a “double bottom”. Another body of water in the city also has its own legend. Allegedly, monsters live in the city river; there are even rumors that these are baby mermaids.

Fishermen began to catch strange creatures more often large sizes. The shield whale, one of the most ancient animals on the planet, was captured on videotape. Usually it does not exceed 7 centimeters, but in the area of ​​the village of Churilov a 60-centimeter “monster” was caught. Most likely, the animal underwent a mutation, but as a result of what happened, the transformation remains a mystery.

Witch's hole on Pushkin Street

This is the name given to one of the houses located near the Pushkin cinema. According to legend, this is where the door to other world. One of the reasons for this belief is that one of the entrances is uninhabited.

People either move out after a while or start getting sick. Of course, all this may be a coincidence, however, it is known that the Kazansko-Bogoroditsky cemetery used to be there. Some claim that they hear voices in the apartment and see shadows of people.

Bigfoot in the Satka region

Residents of the village of Suleya in the Satka region admit that they often see Bigfoot near the swamp. This place is notorious: strange creatures have been seen there more than once. It is believed that getting caught by them is a bad sign.

On July 29, 1990, N. Avdeev’s expedition arrived in Satka to look for Bigfoot. The researchers went to the Satka forests and mountains. That same evening, upon arrival in one of the indicated areas, they met a small “leson” whose legs were like stilts. Then the meetings with the “goblin” were repeated. V. B. Sapunov writes about this in his book “Bigfoot: is the solution to the mystery close?”

It also describes that one day Bigfoot threw stones at researchers. Saw him on close range. It is noticed that the face is clean, dark, the nostrils are large, the eyes are large, the ears are not visible - they are overgrown with thick hair. His height was at least three meters.

Quite often, members of the expedition found beds where goblin rested, large prints of bare feet, wool, even droppings, unusually curved birch trees, which, according to N. Avdeev, were used by the goblin to mark their territory.

Lake Shaitanka

Lake Shaitanka, located in the Ashinsky district Chelyabinsk region has become overgrown with a huge number of legends. First of all, this is a common idea among local residents about the extremely great depth of the lake, reaching 200 meters, and its connection with groundwater.

There are also stories of a coastal village that was flooded when the lake overflowed its banks. In addition, in the nineties, one of the local newspapers published evidence that fishermen allegedly observed an underwater monster (ichthyosaur) emerging from the depths of the lake.

There are also reports of increased paranormal activity in the vicinity of the lake. The media reported that from the village of Uk, located next to the lake, evidence of UFO sightings comes more often than from many other places. settlements. There is evidence of the appearance of certain “ghosts” near or above the lake, as well as “mermaids”.

Taganay National Park

Taganay National Park is also famous for its fantastic phenomena. And in the last 15 years, the properties of an anomalous zone have been attributed to the Taganay ridge massif.

There are constant mentions of encounters with Bigfoot in this area, frequent flights and landings of UFOs, contacts with Supreme Mind, local chronomirages, the appearance of ghosts, changes in the physical passage of time, and also inexplicable feelings of fear and anxiety.

Some say that in some places the usual passage of time disappears, others claim that they personally met the “Kialim Grandma”.

For example, one winter in Dalny Taganay, even the director of the weather station saw her near the bottom well. Seeing the director, the “grandmother” rushed headlong into the depths of the taiga. She was barefoot and lightly dressed, although the frost was fierce.

Vera Island

Island on Lake Turgoyak, located near it west bank. Notable for the location on it megalithic structures. The area of ​​the island is 6.5 hectares. The small island - only 800 meters at its widest point - holds an incredible number of secrets.

After a thorough examination, many discoveries were made that amazed archaeologists. The oldest historical monument on the island is the Neanderthal site, it is about 60 thousand years old! But the main finds were megaliths. Megaliths are prehistoric structures made of large stone blocks joined together without the use of cement or lime mortar.

The megaliths found on Vera Island are classified as dolmens. Dolmens are called megaliths, which in ancient times were funerary and religious buildings. The megaliths located on the island, according to scientists, were presumably built about 6000 years ago, in the 4th millennium BC. e. It is assumed that approximately 5–8 thousand years ago an earthquake occurred on the island and sharply rising water flooded the ancient dwelling and then left.

The megaliths of Vera Island are a mysterious, unique complex of megaliths discovered by archaeologists in 2004. The megaliths were allegedly built about 6,000 years ago, in the 4th millennium BC. uh

The largest structure on the island is megalith No. 1 - a stone structure measuring 19×6 m, cut into the rocky ground and covered with massive stone slabs.

The walls of the structure are made using dry masonry from massive stone blocks. The megalith consists of three chambers and corridors connecting them. In two chambers of the megalith, rectangular pits were found carved into the rock. The connection between the building and the main astronomical directions has been recorded. Two sculptures were discovered inside the megalith - a bull and a wolf. The building is tentatively interpreted as a temple complex.

Cross on the Island of Faith - According to esotericists, the Island of Faith is an energy source of strength. The cult site “Island of Faith 9” is an artificially leveled site with a system of menhirs (menhirs are vertically placed oblong stone slabs). The central object on the site is a menhir surrounded by several large stones.

The height of the menhir is about 1 m, a natural quartz vein gives its upper part a beak-like shape, and an image of a fish is carved into the base of the menhir.

At some distance to the west of this central menhir, another stood in ancient times. Their center line sets the direction “west-east”, to the sunrise on the day of the equinox. The system of landmarks in ancient times consisted of another menhir, which, together with the central one, formed the direction “northwest - southeast”, for sunrise on the day of the winter solstice.

St. Simeon Monastery

The abandoned St. Simeon Monastery, located in the Kasli region, is considered to be a real anomalous zone.

They say that 6 evil spirits live there: nuns who were shot for their faith. Near this place, tourists assure, the compass and other instruments do not work.

Geophysicists with their instruments, together with dowsers with their frames, walked around the contours of the cathedral and received signals about the presence of underground galleries. Detailed studies were carried out on the site in front of the apse.

It turned out that from under the altar hall of the temple two underground passages. Their general direction- deep into the once densely built-up monastic territory. This direction is consistent with the location of some dry wells, as if they, these wells, are either ventilation devices or exits from underground areas.

Damn town

One of the most mysterious places in the Chelyabinsk region is Devil’s Settlement – ​​rocky ridges up to 20 meters high. Almost all of them remind impressionable tourists of either human figures or bizarre animals turned into stone.

There are legends among local residents that sacrifices and mysterious rituals were once performed there. When approaching the Devil's Settlement, tourists' watches stop and their camera batteries run out.

Lake Itkul

Lake Itkul is translated from Bashkir as “meat”. The so-called “Shaitan Stone” rises there. There is a legend that in ancient times human sacrifices were made on this stone for the sake of harvest and good weather.

It is noteworthy that centuries later, people’s lives continue to end here. A lot of swimmers drowned, and those who survived describe their discomfort as if an energy cord is passing through them.

Damn swamp

A small lake overgrown with grass and bushes. Local residents often talk about anomalies in the swamp area. Distance from Miass – 50 km.

Although the lake is small, it is impossible to approach it. No matter who tries, everyone is overcome by some inexplicable fear. Residents of nearby villages tell visiting ufologists that they often see barely visible balls in the sky, hovering over this swamp. Only a few days pass after such “reconnaissance”, and at night a mysterious glow appears here.

And at least once every six months, the sky above the reservoir seems to be illuminated by a huge, powerful spotlight. On such nights, the village dogs hide in their kennels with their tails between their legs. Horses, pigs, cows, on the contrary, rush about in the barns and try to break free. Such mystical nights affect not only animals, but also modern electronic equipment.

Televisions in the homes of surrounding residents usually work poorly: they only receive two or three channels, and even then the image is like sand in a kinescope. But as soon as the light comes on over the swamp, the televisions in the houses are transformed, and then it seems that the Ostankino tower is in the middle of the village.

Someone even saw ghostly silhouettes rolling luminous balls across the field. Old people say it's devilry. Even the atmosphere near and on the field itself was sharply different from usual state. People were seized with inexplicable fear, and the horses stopped listening and always wanted to turn in the direction opposite to the field. They say that animals sense danger.

Until now, the swamp has been characterized as something strange, incomprehensible and inexplicable. But it is impossible to deny the fact that these “damn” places have high energy. Perhaps this influences surrounding nature, for the appearance of glare, lights and glows, for strange behavior animals, on the feelings of people, on their condition and on time, which flows, sometimes faster, sometimes slower... changing our lives.

Ignatievskaya Cave

Ghost hunters love to visit Ignatievskaya Cave. It is located in the Katav-Ivanovsky district, near the village of Serpievka, on the right bank of the mountain river Sim.

According to legend, the spirit of St. Ignatius comes out to the edge of the cave at night and looks at the Moon.

As tourists note, strange voices and footsteps are heard here at night. In the cave itself and near it, batteries quickly run out, flashlights burn out, camera flashes refuse to work, and people seem to sense someone’s invisible presence.

And in one of the halls it is very difficult to get high-quality photographs - a “white transparent veil” always appears on them.


This ancient underground complex on the banks of the Ai River was discovered in 1995 by speleologists. The complex includes 43 karst cavities: caves and grottoes, rock overhangs, karst arches and bridges, buried and half-buried caves.

This unique monument covers an area of ​​425 square meters. Traces of human presence were found in the caves historical eras. Also, according to legend, Bigfoot lives here, which local residents called “shurale” (“goblin”).

Sikiyaz-Tamak is in second place after Arkaim as a natural-historical monument of the Chelyabinsk region.

The city is a mystery Arkaim

Perhaps the most anomalous zone on Southern Urals Arkaim is considered. This is an ancient settlement located in the south of the region in a foothill valley on the eastern slopes Ural mountains. In legends this place is called the main spiritual center ancient Siberia and the Urals.

Following the scientists, psychics, prophets, members of various religious sects, and simply people thirsting for healing and enlightenment flocked to Arkaim. They all unanimously declare the power of the local energy. In Arkaim, in fact, various energy phenomena are not uncommon.

By the way, they have not only a fantastic, but also a completely scientific geophysical explanation: Arkaim stands on the site of a once active paleovolcano. The ancient city has a ring structure and is clearly oriented according to the stars. It is curious that many legends associated with Arkaim talk about mental disorders the people who got there.

One of them tells about a girl, a student, who came here for excavations. In the midst of work, she heard a voice that called her to the center ancient city. When she returned, the girl said that she had met ghosts. The frightened student ended up needing the help of a psychiatrist.

On May 27 (new time), 2018, St. Petersburg will celebrate the 315th anniversary of its founding. It was on this day in 1703, by decision of the tsar, that the Peter and Paul Fortress was founded on the lands conquered from the Swedes, which were called Ingria.

In reality, as archaeologists have established, already in the 8th-9th centuries they came to the banks of the Neva and settled them East Slavs(Ilmen Slovenes and Krivichi). These lands were of great interest to Sweden, too. for a long time fought for them with Veliky Novgorod.

At the end of the 15th century, according to Novgorod sources, these territories were densely populated. In the lower reaches of Okhta there were 15 villages, on modern territories - Petrograd side, Vasilyevsky Island, Admiralty part - there were several dozen courtyards. In 1500 on the spot modern city there were already 21 settlements, there were 128 households.

IN early XVII century, in Time of Troubles, an agreement was concluded with the Swedes, according to which they were supposed to help fight the Poles and for this they were given the lands of Korelsky district. In 1611, at the mouth of the Okhta River, the Swedish Nyenschanz fortress, and on the other side is the city of Nien. During Russo-Swedish War In 1656-1658, the fortress was captured by Russian troops, but there was no expansion of the territory.

Even before the start Northern War The Swedes actively fortified the city and fortress. In 1703, the army of Peter Boris Petrovich Sheremetev's comrade-in-arms approached the fortress, and on May 1 (12), 1703, Nyenschanz was captured by Russian troops.

We were faced with the task of protecting new borders. He himself explored the area for new capital and identified Hare Island as the construction site. Here in 1703 they began to build a fortress (fortification), the date of its foundation is considered to be the official date of birth of the city on the Neva.