Megalithic structures in Siberia. Places of Power of Siberia

Throughout its history, the Roman state faced enemies, external or internal, threatening from sea or land. It, like in the air, needed complex fortification systems and powerful mobile armies.

However, be it times of prosperity or periods of crisis, the state and rulers needed to devote time to something without which all of the above would quickly collapse, and ambitions would remain dreams - organizing intelligence services. But, first things first...

Forewarned is forearmed.

A striking example of the importance and usefulness of the subject of presentation is the conquest of Gaul by Caesar, because it was the result not only of the superior organizational and combat power of the legions, but also of the skillful use of intelligence. Much effort was made to collect information about the region and its economy, tribal characteristics and conflicts. The Roman commander coldly and cynically exploited the weaknesses of the Gauls: their boastfulness, variability, lack of stability, etc. In addition to strategic reconnaissance, Gaius Julius also relied on a developed and organized system of tactical reconnaissance, using small and medium-sized reconnaissance units to study the situation in front of the marching legion (at a distance of up to thirty kilometers), as well as to reconnoiter the territory and location of the enemy during the campaign. In the fourth book of the Notes, Caesar talks about what his scouts were able to find out about the situation in the Germanic tribes on the other side of the Rhine. He scrupulously studied their habits, food, life and clothing, and from all his observations he was able to draw specific and useful conclusions about the stamina and endurance of German warriors. These data are now of great value in questions about the ancient Germans.

But Caesar did not invent the Roman intelligence system; it was the product of several hundred years of military experience, and the system was not built right away, but on its own bloody mistakes. Titus Livy (Ancient Roman historian, author of “History from the Founding of the City; 59 BC - 17 AD) writes that the Romans began to understand the importance of reconnaissance only after going through the difficult school of battles with Hannibal(in the army of Carthage, intelligence was much more developed). Ironically, even the Gauls, indignum, had their own reconnaissance and signaling system at that time! The first evidence that the Romans began to use the signaling system in military intelligence can be found in Livy's account of how the consul Fabius captured the city of Arpi in Apulia. Three bloody Punic Wars proved the truth: do not fight one enemy too often, otherwise you will teach him how to fight. We can say that it was Hannibal who taught Rome to use intelligence to the fullest.

In preparation for the invasion of Italy through the Alps, Hannibal sent his agents throughout Gaul, causing most of the Gallic tribes to defect to Hannibal's side before the Romans knew anything about what was happening. According to Appian, Hannibal sent scouts to the Alps to explore the passes that had to be crossed.

There was also extensive borrowing. So Polybius (ancient Greek historian, statesman and military leader, 206-124. BC), who had previously studied the organization of the intelligence system in the states of the Diadochi, and had the opportunity to study the system directly on the spot Philip V (king of Macedonia in 221 - 179 BC.) during his wars, actively and in every possible way helped with advice Scipio Africanus. From the analysis of the campaigns it is clear that the winner of Hannibal used the methods of the Persian communications service in military intelligence.

The rapid development of the Roman intelligence system dates back to the 1st century. BC, when the power and influence of Rome spread over vast territories of the Hellenistic East. During this period, the Romans had the opportunity to learn first-hand about various methods of military and political intelligence and methods of transmitting information. Naturally, the further the legions went, the more the intelligence and information system improved. The conquered lands were filled with Roman merchants, tax collectors, and agents. Typically, the spy network in Asia Minor was initially provided by private individuals, because their interests overlapped with those of the state. I think that fans of Soviet historiography have already created in their heads the image of a conventional Flavius ​​scribbling a denunciation, which involuntarily makes you smile. However, the phenomenon does occur.

There's so much you can learn about at the Forum.

The decline of the Roman intelligence system occurred in the 4th century. from R.H. , when the effectiveness of Roman military intelligence as a whole fell. According to V.A. Dmitriev, this was one of the reasons for the military-political failures of Rome in the period under review and in the near future.

We had 2 tours of explorators, 75 translators...

Already by the beginning of the Gallic Wars in the 1st century BC, a fairly comprehensive list of terms applied to various categories of reconnaissance troops had appeared. Let's look at them in more detail:

Lightly armed Roman cavalryman

  • Procursators(lat. conductors) - light advanced detachments, couriers and secret agents. Judging by Plutarch’s statement about Marcellus: “ who died the death not of a commander, but of a soldier from the lead detachment or a spy", had sufficient numbers to protect themselves in the event of a skirmish with enemy cavalry, from which we can conclude that they were used not only in a reconnaissance role, but also for starting vanguard battles.
When the Roman invasion of Parthi began (53 BC), the procursatores formed the vanguard of the seven legions of Marcus Licinius Crassus. After crossing the Euphrates, the procursatores were deployed to clarify the eastern route towards Carrhae: they found the trail of a large number of horses returning from the Romans, but did not meet people
(Plut. Crass. 20.1).

A characteristic feature is that the procurators did not act without the lion's share of arrogance. For example, E.A. Razin in “History of Military Art” criticizes them for careless intelligence activities. Reconnaissance was often carried out in force, relying on well-trained warriors. And at times this led to stupid casualties when the commander, as in the example above, could die in such an operation.

  • Speculators(lat. investigators/intelligence officers) are military units that initially carried out espionage assignments, i.e. were spies. Roman speculatores operated at night to warn of changes in enemy disposition. Accordingly, special qualities were required from recruits: good night vision, ability to navigate by the stars, etc. In addition, speculators often served as executioners.
    Although, researcher Le Boek Yan believes that the original task of the speculatores was precisely to guard and escort commanders, and subsequently they performed reconnaissance, and then courier and judicial duties. Already in the 1st century. from R.H. largely moved away from military intelligence and became associated with political espionage.
Interesting fact: according to E. S. Danilov, the celestial bodies themselves, moments of figurative correlation of constellations with mythological subjects could be easily perceived and used for practical purposes (night reconnaissance) by representatives of Roman military circles, including speculators.

Miniature with Roman scouts

  • Mensores and Mentatores(lat. engineers) - these terms were used in ancient times to define the tribunes and centurions who marked the site for the camp. Later this was performed by technicians who bore the same name. Relatively to a later time (from Diocletian) they are defined as imperial quartermasters.
  • Exploratores(lat. scouts) - mounted military intelligence units, the size of which varies from 20 to 200 people. This is the most numerous part, the rearguard, performing reconnaissance activities. Until the 2nd century it did not form a permanent unit, then it may have become part of the legion on a permanent basis with its own commander. According to Vegetius, the commander personally selected exploratores from the most cunning and prudent warriors.

The main and original function of the exploratores is related to the tactical tasks of the army. The range of their activities was wide: attracting defectors and deserters from the enemy side, obtaining information to develop a plan of the area through which the army was to move, delivering local guides and supervising them (judging by the inscription about the career of Tiberius Claudius Maximus). By the 1st century AD, exploratores continued their service on the battlefield, unlike speculators.

Interesting Facts:
1. In the inscriptions the exploratores are associated with numeri and are divided into 2 types: exploratores et numerus, and numerus exploratorum. In this regard, in historiography there are two directions that determine their relationship. Kallis, Mann, Rouwell consider exploratores and numerus to be two different formations, and Stein, Nesselhauf, Vatz, Wiegels include both numerus and exploratores in one category.
2. It is known that there was a so-called “exploration wreath” - corona exploratoria. It was issued as a sign of successful reconnaissance and was decorated with a stylized sun, moon and star.

In addition, the legion always had special services, to varying degrees related to intelligence activities: interprets- translators, as well as quaestionarii- torturers/executioners who processed prisoners (captives) in all available ways. The role of defectors - transfugae - was no less active, although they were treated with great caution; they were usually accepted into the army, as Pompey and Octavian did. Tellingly, it was the huge number of defectors that provided Augustus with overwhelming superiority in clashes with Mark Antony.

In addition to prisoners, defectors and civilians, knowledgeable people are always the carriers of the necessary information. E. S. Danilov divides them into four conditional groups:

  1. "Expert". This is an individual whose professional knowledge and contacts provide first-class guidance on the issue being developed. It allows you to take a fresh look at an existing problem, provides basic materials, and leads to unknown sources of information.
  2. "Inside Informant". This is a person from the enemy group, recruited and supplying data for various reasons.
  3. "Frivolous Informant". This is any informed person who utters interesting facts in a business, friendly, sociable or intimate conversation. A message flashed by chance can be extremely valuable.
  4. "Random Source". Sometimes it happens that some individual, who was not at all considered as a potential informant, suddenly turns out to be a carrier of unique information.

"Payment to a Briton Spy, northern England, 1st century AD." Angus McBride

It is also worth adding that the Romans actively used information coming from Allied intelligence - socii, local informants - indices, like Caesar, both at the tactical and strategic levels. According to Polybius, during the period of the Republic, the consuls appointed twelve prefects to command the allies. These prefects selected one third of the cavalry and a fifth of the infantry - extraordinarii. Six hundred extraordinary horsemen moved in loose formation and carried out reconnaissance. The Senate also used allies. In many countries there were agents of his influence, clients and hospitality of Roman citizens, peculiar unspoken allies. One of these was Callicrates, who contributed to the growth of Roman influence in the Achaean League.
At times, however, incompetent military leaders ignored information coming from the allies. The most famous and terrible example of such negligence is the defeat in the Teutoburg Forest.

In addition, there is evidence recorded by Ammianus Marcellinus, on the basis of which we can conclude that there were also agents sent in as counterintelligence. This is a mention from 368 about the abolition of such an institution by Theodosius:

“A class of people, existing from a long time ago, about whom I told something in the History of Constant, gradually became corrupt, and in the end he [Theodosius] drove them out of office. They were accused of the fact that, in their thirst for profit, at various times they betrayed to the enemies everything that happened among us, while their duty was to go everywhere in all distant lands to give information to military leaders about uprisings among neighboring peoples.”

From Ammianus we know about the satrap of Corduena, Jovinian, a secret ally of the Romans. Apparently, they turned to him for accurate information about the military preparations of the Persians.


A fly in the ointment.

Of course, the Roman intelligence system developed remarkably over time, but it also had a significant drawback, dating back to Caesar. It was Gaius Julius who institutionalized some of the most important features of intelligence, in particular the right of intelligence officers to have direct access personally to the commander. Thus, agents were always with the commander or commander, and often went on reconnaissance with him, which, on the one hand, greatly increased efficiency, and on the other, exposed him to constant risk.

Ultimately, the crisis of the empire in the 3rd and 4th centuries required the almost constant presence of one of the commanders-in-chief (and by this time there were two or more) with an army on the border to repel attacks. So, in 378 A.D. at Adrianople, the Roman army led by Valens II was preparing to repel the onslaught of the Goths at the Danube Limes, which is typical, its explorators correctly reported the enemy's strength and disposition. And then the centuries of practice of the tandem of the commander and his scouts came back to haunt us. The results of the battle turned out to be monstrous: the army of Eastern Rome was completely defeated, and the emperor died, the empire was on the verge of collapse.

Magister Militum and his bucellarii, 4th century AD. Art by Jose Daniel.

Spies by fate.

War and money always go hand in hand. What Roman traders - mercatores They could at the same time be spies, all the neighbors of Rome understood well, and rightly were wary of them, setting all sorts of limits on their activities, and in the event of war they even began to kill them en masse, as happened, for example, during the Mithridatic Wars. Trading corporations used all available means to combat competitors; they had a wide network of informants and all the qualities more suitable for a spy than a merchant. There were also disadvantages: merchants are always greedy and act only on the basis of their own benefit, and information from them was not always truthful, often being just rumors. However, this quality was also actively used, spreading scare rumors. Traders could also engage in tactical reconnaissance. This was explained by the banal need to sell military booty and acquire things needed for the army, so the former accompanied the latter on campaigns.

In “History of Civil Wars,” Appian gives us information about how Mark Antony, even before his enmity with Octavian, was trying to undermine his authority among the plebs. In response to this, Augustus has to use his agents, sending them under the guise of traders to Antony's camp. This may be the first evidence of work frumentarians as political agents. Appian of Alexandria claims that such propaganda was quite effective, and it was impossible to distinguish honest traders from disguised spies.

Frumentaries- (lat. frumentarii, from frumentum- grain) - in Ancient Rome, initially military personnel involved in the supply of bread for the army, and then employees charged with the functions of political investigation.

Roman soldiers reap bread in the field. Relief from Trajan's Column

As a result, such an original use of persons seemingly not directly involved in the case turned a simple service for the delivery of supplies and letters into an entire surveillance and espionage service. It got to the point that by the 2nd century A.D. each legion already had its own detachment of frumentarii.

Frumentaries shared police functions with intelligence officers, for example, searching and pursuing robbers, keeping prisoners in custody, etc. During the persecution of Christians, the Frumentarii spied on them and made arrests. Moreover, emperors constantly resorted to their help in matters of surveillance and control of their subordinates. Emperor Hadrian especially distinguished himself in this. Gifted by nature with irrepressible curiosity and suspicion, he collected information about the personal lives of his associates, at times even reading letters. Frumentaries were often used to eliminate particularly undesirable persons.

It is not difficult to guess what this abuse of “foragers” led to. By the 3rd century, the frumentarii had acquired such a terrible reputation that Emperor Diocletian was forced to abolish the service entirely. What makes me laugh is the fact that after some time he created a similar service - Agents in rebus(lat. « those who do business") or in the Greek manner magistrianoi, located in the department of the Master of Offices (chief of the palace administration) and performing essentially the same functions. Typically, the magistrians existed in this form until the 8th century.

Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletian, Roman Emperor from 284 to 305. from R.H.

Aeternum institutum.

Systems, however, do not change much unless circumstances change, and during the five centuries of the greatness of the Roman Empire there were few changes in the system of intelligence activities. Reconnaissance throughout the entire period was carried out by ear and sight, orally or in writing, at a speed no faster than that of the fleetest horse. What was familiar to Rome will remain, in approximately the same form, for the world for the next 1500 years.

The collapse of the Western Empire in the 5th century AD. also entailed the collapse of organized intelligence services and many other auxiliary services, such as cartography (although Roman maps will seem strange to us, since they usually took the form of routes), their disappearance was a serious loss for generations after). But that's a completely different story...

The territory of Siberia, from the Urals to Primorye, is full of ancient cities and their ruins. Some are already open, others are still waiting to be opened. There are cities from the time of the Trojan War, the times of non-existence of Egypt and Sumer. Tomsk historian Georgy Sidorov discovered for us the megalithic cities of Siberia, which go back more than 10 thousand years. His expedition found material confirmation of the theory according to which Siberia will soon be recognized as the ancestral home of all humanity; nowhere in the world are there megaliths equal to those in Siberia. For the first time in the history of Russian science, walls lined with giant blocks weighing from 2 to 4 thousand tons and even more were discovered!

In Siberia, many permanent settlements and first cities are now being found, similar to Arkaim and others.

This is done by specialists who study the history of the ancient cities of Siberia, one of them is Ekaterinburg resident V.A. Borzunov. Based on the works of E.M. Bers in the 50s and 60s, he managed to establish “a new, northernmost distribution area on the globe for fortified dwellings, which covered forest areas of the Trans-Urals and Western Siberia between 56 and 64 degrees north latitude and 60 and 76 east longitudes. Probably this area was wider and included the Tomsk-Narym Ob region with adjacent taiga territories. Its constituent monuments (more than 70) date back to the latter five and a half thousand years. Some buildings were powerful log one- or two-story residential structures with an area of ​​60 to 600 (on average about 270) square meters. m.

Among the monuments of this type are V.A. Borzunov identified the site of Amnya I (discovered on the left tributary of the Kazym River, which in turn flows into the Ob River on the right), which functioned in the last third of the 4th - first third of the 3rd millennium BC. e.. The settlement of Amnya I, he writes, is an example of “the oldest monument of the first version, which is the northernmost Neolithic settlement of the world.” In addition, the author claims that this specific type of settlement in the Ural-Siberian region and in Siberia in general arose completely independently of the outside world and that “for the first time in world practice, the creators of defensive structures were societies with appropriating sectors of the economy.” In his other work, V.A. Borzunov correctly characterizes the inhabitants of especially fortified dwellings as “sedentary forest hunters.” Consequently, we can conclude that the aboriginal population of even taiga Siberia, even in the Neolithic era, progressed incomparably faster than the population of Eastern Europe.

Thousands of years ago, life was in full swing in Siberian cities

For example, the most striking culture of the Bronze Age was the Samus culture, named after the village. Samus, Tomsk region, where in 1954 V.I. Matyushchenko opened a settlement, which subsequently gained worldwide fame.

The period of existence of the Samus culture is 17-13 centuries BC. e. What is this culture famous for? Firstly, a large bronze foundry center. Thus, at the settlement of Samus IV, fragments of more than 40 foundry molds were found. Bronze spears, celts, knives, awls, piercings and other equipment were cast in them.

Secondly, the culture is famous for its interesting cult vessels. Some of them are decorated with animal heads along the edge of the vessel, others with the image of a person. The bottoms of such vessels are often marked with sun signs in the form of squares, crosses or circles.

The burials of the Samus foundry workers, marked by the presence of a large number of bronze artistic castings, are identical to the burials of the Turbino culture (Ural region, Kama River, Perm the Great). In the Kama region, mining and bronze foundry production was at the same stage of development. The Samus and Turbino bronze objects have a striking resemblance to things from the Borodino treasure (Odessa region), the Seima burial ground (Nizhnyaya Oka) and many other monuments. This amazing fact testifies to the existence already in the Bronze Age of a single Samus-Turbino-Seima community on a vast territory Eastern Europe and Western Siberia - throughout the entire Eurosiberia.

The materials from the unique archaeological site, the settlement of Samus IV, are of enormous historical and cultural value. The collection is impressive not only for its volume (6,300 storage units), but also for the originality of its finds.

I would like to note the significance of the finds discovered in Seversk(near Tomsk, Parusinka). In a cluster of mammoth tusks, one of them depicted a mammoth, bactrian camel, red deer, people. In addition, images of solar symbols were also applied here ( swastikas). Finds dating back to the 20th millennium BC, made in a “diverse” style, are very rare in world practice; they are present in the Tomsk region. These monuments are of global significance.

Bronze plaque_g. Seversk

Details of horse harness_g. Seversk

You can visit the Archaeological Collection of the Seversk Museum, which has more than 90,000 storage units and is one of the three best collections of archaeological antiquities in the Tomsk region.

Monuments of the so-called Petrovsky-Sintashta culture (XVII-XVI centuries BC), studied since the late 60s in the interfluve, have also been discovered Tobola And Ishima. This culture is associated with the appearance of real first cities, surrounded by a closed line of fortifications made of clay ramparts, with wooden palisades and ditches running between the outer and inner ramparts. The depth of the ditches is from 1.5 to 2.5 m with a width of up to 3.5 m. Most often, the system of ramparts and ditches forms a rectangular fortress, inside which the main living area is located. The second type is fortified settlements on naturally fortified river headlands. But the cape towns were also covered with straight or slightly curved sections of ramparts and ditches. Their living area ranged from 10 to 30 thousand square meters. m. Ancient bricks were used in construction, for example small ovens with a hemispherical arch, made of perfectly fired bricks. In other cases, the shape of the early bricks is unfinished - mostly tetrahedral, but there are three and five-sided ones

The chariot was invented here (the earliest finds are in Crooked Lake, in the Chelyabinsk region and on Upper Tobol- 2000 BC). Using this formidable weapon, part of the Aryans left from here to the south - to conquer Persia, India and other countries. The same part that remained in the Eurasian steppes was later absorbed by the Turkic-Mongol tribes, who came from the territories of modern Mongolia and Northern China.

It is also known that the appearance of the Russian haplogroup R1a1 on the territory of India about 4000 years ago was accompanied by the death of a developed local civilization, which archaeologists called Harappan based on the site of the first excavations. Before their disappearance, this people, who had populous cities at that time in the Indus and Ganges valleys, began to build defensive fortifications, which they had never done before. However, the fortifications apparently did not help and the Harappan period of Indian history gave way to the Aryan, and its inhabitants began to speak Proto-Russian language, known to us today as Sanskrit.

In the third quarter of the turbulent 2nd millennium BC. e. Almost simultaneously (by archaeological standards) with the campaigns of foundry warriors to the west, a massive movement of the Caucasian population began in an easterly direction. It occurs somewhat to the south - across the open steppe and forest-steppe spaces of Siberia - and is associated with the appearance of the pastoral tribes of the Andronovo culture in the historical arena. They received this name from the location of the monuments they left in this territory - near the village Andronovo Uzhursky district of Achinsk(Krasnoyarsk region).

Like the previous Samus culture, the Andronovo community had a huge area of ​​distribution; the borders of the “Andronovo Empire” were from Yenisei, Altai in the east to Southern Volga region and Urals in the west, from the border of the taiga (at that time north of the Vasyugan River) in the north to Tien Shan, Pamir and Amu Darya on South.

The Andronovo people, who were a union of numerous related Caucasian tribes, can be defined as a cultural and historical community. They knew how to breed purebred white-footed sheep, heavy bulls and beautiful horses - swift and hardy. Aliens are usually associated with the ancient Aryans, some of whom invaded India and laid the foundations of a new civilization there. The Vedas recorded their most ancient hymns and spells.

Here the ancient Aryans also built wells, cellars, and storm drains.

The Sintashta temple complex, which includes one large and many small mounds, was studied in detail during the Soviet period. Archaeologists have written several books and many articles on this basis. The average age of the complex is 4000 years. The generally accepted scientific opinion is that this was precisely the temple religious complex of the Aryan tribes, a kind of cultural capital. Considering that the age of both the fortifications and mounds surpasses Arkaim finds, we can conclude that the temple complex appeared here, perhaps 100-200 years before the construction of Arkaim. Dimensions Sintashtinsky the fortifications are half the size of Arkaim. Presumably, the city and temple complex of Sintashta lived throughout the period " Countries of cities" means at least 300 years.

Currently, thanks to the discoveries of Ekaterinburg archaeologist V.T. Kovaleva(Yurovskaya) it was established that the ancient Siberians at the turn of the 3rd-2nd millennia BC. When constructing their first fortresses, they also used a different, more rational type of architectural, construction and planning solution. It turned out that the early cities of Siberia were round fortifications, fenced with above-ground wooden “residential walls”.

This was discovered by excavations by V.T. Kovaleva at the settlement Tashkovo II on the river Iset, a left tributary of the Tobol in 1984-1986. The monument dates back to the very beginning of the Bronze Age. The date of its existence, obtained by radiocarbon dating, is 1830 BC. It soon became clear that in the valley Tobola there was a whole Tashkov culture with similar wooden fortresses that had a concentric layout. Three of them are located on the left bank and one on the right bank of the Tobol.

It is obvious that the early Siberian first cities with a layout similar to the classical village of Tashkovo II had their own temples of Fire, personifying the Solar and Lunar deities.

As we see and 2 thousand and 5 thousand years ago, life was in full swing in Siberia, people built villages and cities.

Neolithic monuments of the Tomsk region are the Samussky burial ground, materials from excavations in the upper reaches of the Keti, Narym Ob region. I would like to emphasize that this was a time of non-existence of Sumer and Egypt.

The Siberian prehistoric first cities left a long-lasting historical memory. It is impossible not to say this here, at least briefly.

During the reign of Caliph al- Vasika(842-847), the destroyed ancient cities were seen by an Arab traveling through Siberia Sallam at-Tarjuman. He reports that he walked from the capital of the Khazars (apparently from the city of Itil in the Volga delta) for 26 days. “Then,” he writes, we came to cities that lay in ruins, and walked through these places with a caravan for another 20 days. We asked about the reason for this state of the cities and we were informed that these were cities that had once been penetrated by Yajuj and Majuj and destroyed them."

Ruins of ancient cities of Siberia, from the Urals to Primorye

The territory with the remains of monumental structures, called by modern archaeologists " Country of cities", meticulous Arab merchants and spies who followed in the footsteps of Tarjuman across Siberia in the 9th-14th centuries knew it well, and called it “Bilad al-Kharab” - " Wasted Land". This very land with the remains of ancient cities was described in their books not only by the famous geographer Ibn Khordadbeh, but also Ibn Ruste, al-Muqaddasi, al-Garnati, Zakariyya al-Qazwini, Ibn al-Wardi, Yaqut, al-Nuwayri etc. According to al-Idrisi (XII century), “Bilad al-Kharab” with traces of destroyed cities was located in his time to the west of the Kipchak region (i.e. from Ishim and Tobol). Ibn Khaldun repeated the same thing in the 14th century. Thus, the ancient “Country of Cities”, explored by modern archaeologists, was discovered and described by Arab travelers eleven centuries ago, but we have no details about it. We'll only find out now thanks to the work of a large team of Russian scientists.

In this regard, it is interesting to compare the information Salama with data Rashid ad-Dina, Iranian encyclopedist at the turn of the 13th-14th centuries. According to him, in the regions along the upper and middle reaches of the Yenisei there were many cities and villages. The northernmost of the cities belonging to the Kyrgyz was located on the Yenisei, at the mouth of the right tributary, and was called Kikas. It is possible that this was lower Tunguska, since from Kikas to the wall it was only three days’ walk, and Alexander the Great built the wall from the peoples of Gog and Magog in the Arctic. (More on this in other parts).

If this guess is correct, then we can reasonably say that Salam crossed the entire Western Siberia from the Southern Urals, somewhere at the latitude of Itil on the Volga, to the mouth of the Lower Tunguska on the Yenisei. It was on this path that he saw a country of destroyed cities. It is not difficult to understand that his path also ran through the current territory of the Tomsk region.

Let's make a small digression.

When the Cossacks at the beginning of the 17th century. came to Siberia, they no longer saw large cities, only ruins remained from them. But small fortresses, called gorodki, were encountered by the Cossacks in Siberia in abundance. Thus, according to the Ambassadorial Prikaz, only in the Ob region at the end of the 17th century. 94 cities were levied with fur yasak. Registration of Siberian cities began in pre-Ermak times. In 1552, Ivan the Terrible ordered the drawing up of the “Big Drawing” of the Russian land. Soon such a map was drawn up, but during the Time of Troubles it disappeared, but the description of the lands was preserved. In 1627, in the Discharge Order, clerks F. Likhachev them. Danilov was partly restored and completed" Book to the Big Drawing", in which more than 90 cities are mentioned in the north-west of Siberia alone.

It is no coincidence that in such “permanent settlements” a powerful cultural layer is revealed (in Ton-Tur on the Omi River and in Iskera - up to 2 meters). “In a number of settlements, not only wooden log dwellings and half-dugouts with adobe stoves were cleared, but also stone and brick buildings with mica windows, iron plow openers, sickles, humpback scythes and stone hand millstones” (Kyzlasov L.R. Written news about the ancient cities of Siberia. Special course. - M., Moscow State University, 1992, p. 133).

What ethnic group does the brick culture of Siberia belong to? It is unlikely that it was created by Ob hunters and fishermen. It is equally unlikely that it belonged to steppe nomads. Judging by the discovered openers, sickles, scythes and grain mills, this culture belonged to the farming people, and these people, as is known, were the Slavs, because the Ufino-Ugrians were engaged in gathering. These are mushrooms, berries, hunting, etc., among the steppe people - livestock that must be driven from place to place in search of pastures. Historians often have a question about who ruled these peoples and they are most often inclined to believe that they were steppe nomads, and the Slavs were subordinate to them as a sedentary people, farmers. This is also reflected in the Romanov German historians that the Slavs received the label for reign from the Mongol-Tatars. Even leans towards this Alexander Dugin, philosopher, political scientist, sociologist and he relies on the works of Ludwig Gumplowicz, Franz Oppenheimer, and his book “The State”. Here are the words of A. Dugin: " The Slavs are an Indo-European, Aryan people, related in language to the Iranians, Scythians and Sarmatians, that is, Indo-European. But the peculiarity of the Eastern Slavs from the point of view of sociology was settled agriculture, and therefore in the nomadic Turanian empires, the Slavs occupied the place of the lower strata. This is due to the complete absence of the Slavic nobility, because according to Openheimer’s concept, the nobility and elite were formed by nomads, and sedentary peoples were formed by the masses. Priests and warriors belong to the elite of nomads, below are sedentary peoples, and the Ufino-Ugric peoples occupy an even lower level, as those engaged in gathering".

But we know what kind of history foreigners write to us, and Soros, Rothschilds, Rockefellers and others, this is their elite, we don’t need it. And no one wants to take into account that the managers of the Slavic-Aryans were priests, and even in official history they try to hide who he really was “ Prophetic Oleg" Among the Jews, priests-high priests still exist, but our priests, magi, sorcerers, the military elite were persecuted, killed, they tried to behead the entire managerial elite, and peoples deprived of their priests were pitted against each other. So gradually the borders of the Great Power's possessions shrank to their present state, and the Soviet Union already seems like something distant and illusory. Dugin adheres to the opinion of the Polish historian, sociologist and thinker L. Gumplowicz(his main thesis is the racial struggle) that the elite of any state is foreign, the people cannot govern themselves, and therefore the managerial elite must be foreigners. Does this remind you of anything? Today's events in Ukraine clearly show us how it is there foreign managerial elite, rules the country. They simply kill the indigenous, civilian population, people are shot from tanks, guns, and airplanes, this is genocide. But by historical standards they again make it clear to us that we are worthless, unable to manage our state, and at the same time they are proud that the Romans had their own “Roman law” and forget that the Slavs had more of these rights. Let me remind you - this is clan, community, cop, veche and weight law. Orthodoxy is the usual veneration of the gods given by our ancestors. Orthodoxy is the usual reverence for the code of laws governing communities, our rights, given by our ancestors. Those who do not respect the laws of the law are “beyond the law”, hence the imposition on us of the word “law”, which in its meaning is “lawlessness”.

But let's continue.

Ancient, megalithic cities of Siberia

Georgy Sidorov, the founder and staunch supporter of the alternative history of Siberia, confidently says that nowhere in the world there are no megaliths equal in Siberia, opened in Gornaya Shoria. His expedition apparently found material confirmation of the theory according to which Siberia will soon be recognized as the ancestral home of all humanity. For the first time in the history of Russian science, walls lined with giant blocks weighing from 2 to 4 thousand tons and even more were discovered! Who created them and why? What are these buildings? They are not at all like manifestations of the eternal “game of nature,” and, judging by the traces that have survived to this day, the structures were destroyed by an explosion of colossal power. It could be a catastrophic earthquake or a space meteorite strike, or a super-powerful weapon unknown to us could be used.

The great civilization of our ancestors, which marched like titans across the entire Eurasian continent, left traces worthy of its greatness. Unfortunately, half-erased and silent, and often deliberately destroyed(let us at least remember how they tried to flood Arkaim), these traces are better known to us from the ancient megalithic monuments of Europe - carefully protected and generously financed by the West. Such as, for example, the Wiltshire Stonehenge and the Jersey mound of La Hug-By in England, the Corican stone circles in Northern Ireland and the Ardgroom megalith in Ireland, the Stenness megaliths in Scotland, the Calden dolmen in Germany, the Cueva de Menga megalithic mound in Spain, megalithic temples Malta, Karnak stones of France, stone boat of Scandinavia, etc. I posted a post about this: “Refutation of the Stonehenge fake.”

We have found confirmation that the ancient foundations of all cultures known to us, primarily European, laid on the territory of Russia, or rather in Siberia. If the most ancient European antiquities date back to the 4th millennium BC, then some megaliths of Russia are 10 thousand years old or more. Information about this leaked to the world relatively recently, at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century.

Here is our respected Tomsk historian Sidorov Georgy Alekseevich stands at the “brick” at the base of the wall foundation. Impressive? And you say Baalbek, Baalbek.... Yes, Baalbek is just a dwarf in comparison with what is in front of you in the photo. But science doesn’t even notice the elephant!

The history of ancient Siberia is full of secrets and unsolved mysteries. Famous archaeologist Leonid Kyzlasov, who discovered the ruins of an ancient city in Khakassia, comparable in age to the first settlements of Mesopotamia, proposed leaving its excavations to future researchers. World science, remaining captive of Eurocentrism, is not yet ready for such discoveries that will overturn all current ideas about the historical past.

The photographs below show the most ancient megaliths, which owe their origin to the times that are commonly called, following biblical traditions, " antediluvian"either" prehistoric"Recently the first expedition to Mountain Shoria, where a group of researchers led by a Tomsk historian Georgy Sidorov found unknown megaliths that can cause another revolution in our consciousness, as happened after the discovery of Arkaim in the south of the Urals in the last quarter of the last century.

And where are Sklyarov’s expeditions and why he and others, knowing about these discoveries, avoid this topic, maybe the financed party is not interested in these historical facts?

Valery Uvarov, speaking about photographs taken during the expedition of Georgy Sidorov, he expresses sincere admiration and reverence for the power of the ancient inhabitants of Siberia. The same feelings are experienced by everyone who sees in front of them the giant blocks in the walls of temple buildings and pyramids of ancient Egypt, the giant monoliths of Ollantaytambo or Puma Punku in Peru, not to mention the textbook blocks of Baalbek. More recently, they competed in our consciousness, causing debate about ancient technologies and making us feel awe at the power of the ancient giants, the possible ancestors of modern humanity. But now it turns out that the ancient history of Siberia much older than Egyptian, and nothing like this has ever been found on Russian territory.

Ancient megaliths of Mountain Shoria - filming from a HD quadcopter | Secrets of Siberia.

Megaliths of Siberia The Riddle of Mountain Shoria Full version

More details and a variety of information about events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet can be obtained at Internet Conferences, constantly held on the website “Keys of Knowledge”. All Conferences are open and completely free. We invite everyone who wakes up and is interested...

Surak-Kuylyum megalithic complex. Today we will talk about a very interesting place in the Kemerovo region, development of which began quite recently - in 2011. The first release on the network about this megalithic complex was the author’s video called "Ancient city of Slavic-Aryans in Altai" , which collected the most interesting photographs indicating the man-made nature of those buildings. As it turned out later, information about the location of the stone city was deliberately moved further to Altai in order to block access to this sacred complex for outsiders. Subsequently, it became known that the mysterious megaliths are located in Gornaya Shoria and they are known to this day precisely in this bundle “Megaliths of Gornaya Shoria”. Mountain Shoria is part of the Altai system, which occupies the southern part of the Kemerovo region, where the ridges of the North-Eastern Altai, Kuznetsk Alatau and Salair Ridge converge into a complex knot. In the difficult mountain taiga of one of the ridges of Gornaya Shoria, large stone suitcase-like parallelepipeds were discovered, sometimes folded in rows, and sometimes lying in a chaotic order near the top. The first to seriously pay attention to them were twotaiga geologist - Alexander Bespalov And Vyacheslav Pochetkin. Pioneer Fathers. RGeologist Pochetkin first noticed the wines in Gornaya Shoria back in 1991.
- Worked in the South Kuzbass geological exploration expedition, flew by helicopter. Suddenly I see... a structure, as if the walls of the houses had fallen... How many times later I asked old geologists - no one knew anything about the abandoned city in the taiga. Even the guys from the Tomusin expedition, doing geological surveys from above in the 1980s, did not see anything,- recalls 54-year-old Vyacheslav. Bespalov had his own story of acquaintance with megaliths: - Ivan Amelina, father and son, showed me this place. His father was a geologist who worked in the village of Kameshok, and his son was a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences. At first I didn't think much of it, but several people told me that there was a city there. And since I was studying anomalies, first as a geologist-geophysicist, then with anomalies in general - places of Power, I suddenly realized that this is the place that Sasha Savinykh and I were looking for at one time and we definitely need to go there.
In this, the interests of the two geologists coincided, and in 2011, the two of them made their first visit there in order to see what kind of strange place this was. The first was attracted there by the mystery of the hidden city, and the other by the search for energetically strong places.
There are no more clues from local hunters or legends about these stones.
- The Shors generally did not go in that direction for generations. There, they said, “there are no animals” and “trees with eyes,” a feeling as if someone invisible was watching your every step.Pochetkin.
That time,
at an altitude of over 1200 metersfriends found a wall made of giant blocks. - When we got there, I was amazed. I was amazed not by the fact that I saw granite blocks there in the form of those separate pieces that take place in the form of parallelepipeds, but it also looked like they were structures beyond that. This hunch dawned on me and I thought that the place needed to be explored in detail. The location of the masonry and blocks is difficult to explain from a natural point of view, especially since it is the foundation for the “tower” itself, which is not of a block nature. After the reconnaissance, Bespalov began to study topographic maps of the area and noticed a strange feature. The rivers surrounding the complex formed a kind of two pentagons nested one inside the other. - Our territory is unique in that it belongs not to the geomorphological, but to the eniological system. This is a system of energy-information exchange and interconnection of all natural structures. The rivers of this system outline the edges of this structure, drawing two pentahedrons. One pentahedron is drawn by the Mrassu and Kondoma rivers. The central part of the complex is composed of individual magnetite bodies. These are the Sheregesh deposits, the Tashtagol deposits, the Timirtal deposits, and the Sukharino deposits. Bespalov In this regard, the esoteric geologist recalled the theory of the growing crystal of Goncharov-Makarov-Morozov, from which it followed that the Earth has the shape of a crystal and projects its energies onto the surface along the contour of regular five and hexagons. It is in the key parts of this system that mineral deposits are concentrated. Alexander Grigorievich received visual confirmation of the theory of Russian scientists in relation to Mountain Shoria. This, in his words, is almost perfect proof of the icosahedral-dodecahedral theory of a growing crystal - megaliths are in the center of one of the pentagons. After this discovery, Bespalov and Pochetkin with a group of enthusiasts began to actively study the megalithic complex.

Bespalov himself gave a fairly detailed description of all the finds, which, with his consent, was first published on the Slavic website Arigrad . Brief description of the Surak-Kuylyum megalithic complex based on photographic materials for the period from 2011 to 2014.
1. the watershed space of the Zaslonka River forms a ring structure shaped like an irregular hexagon; 2. the entire system is oriented according to the cardinal points quite accurately - there are dominant peaks that are located on vector lines - north-south and west-east, as well as on vectors - northwest and southeast, southwest and northeast have corresponding reference heights; 3. total fixed directions 16, in the following numerical ratios they can be divided into sectors through the center of the structure; 4. which is typical, if you draw the vectors in the west-east direction, then in the northern (upper) sector you can make three connections of vertices, dividing it into three parallel parts, this division also corresponds to the southern end of this structure; 5. in the northeastern part, on the outer side of the “ring” there is a “ridge” with a length of about 1.3 km adjacent at 90 degrees. The ends of the latter are also marked by heights. The eastern part is very similar to a triangular pyramid. Along the ridge in its western half has masonry (block size 0.5 x 0.8 meters, length of the first meters). It underlies the foundation of a single rod tower 5-6 meters high on the west-east vector line. Adjacent to the eastern side of the complex is a semicircular ridge, very similar to walls, 20-30 meters high, consisting of three parts separated by passages. Each rock complex is composed of large blocks of rectangular cross-section (megaliths) up to 7-10 meters long; 6. the southern and southeastern part of the ring structure has steep slopes and the “wall-like” granite outcrops described above. During 2011-2014 We carried out ground photography of the eastern spurs of the structure of Mount Kuylyum and the megalith walls of the southwestern tip. Currently, most of this object remains unexplored. Dimensions of this ring structure: diameter along the west-east axis - 4.9 km, north-south - 5 km, area- 18 sq. km., perimeter - 15.3-15.4 km. The length of the northeastern wall adjacent at 90 degrees is 1.3-1.5 km. Surface flow is carried out from the southwestern side along the Zaslonka channel. 100 meters from the parking lot up the eastern slope there is an unusual “Accordion” structure - the upper part consists of vertical slab blocks, and the lower part - of horizontal ones. The photo shows views of an arched wall composed of megalithic blocks measuring 7-11 x 5 x 3-5 m. Their piles are observed on the southern and northern sides. Some of them grew quite large trees and a ten-centimeter layer of moss. There is a very remarkable place at the north-eastern end of the wall. It was discovered in 2012 and is very similar to the cult one. There is an “entrance” in the form of a hollow separating the walls. Behind it begins a block-elevation on which a cedar with a three-trunked trunk grows, in the butt part of which (in its roots) there is a stone bowl measuring 0.8-0.5 meters. A bowl 0.2 meters deep is filled with water. It seems that the water in it does not dry out, since on these walls there are large bowls in which a person could sit, but they are dry, or rather dry out over time. Further, 20 meters from the bowl of water, to the east, there is a separate whitish (presumed to be an altar) stone block - 1.5 x 5.0 x 3.0 meters, it is completely different from any of the marked stones. Its surface is uneven on top, all covered with hollow carpets, with an average diameter of 0.10 to 0.15 meters, and a depth of 0.05-0.1 meters. On its northern side there is a cliff - the height of the cliff is about 5.0 meters.
The photo shows the main, most remarkable wall (southwest). At the northern end of the wall there is a peculiar structure, which we called the “arch”. The photo is typical of the eastern part of the main ring structure, where the watershed is composed of huge rectangular blocks 10-15 meters in length, there are also curved blocks at an angle of up to 30 degrees. If you move east from the same height, to which a straight watershed wall (west - east) adjoins perpendicularly (90 degrees), then 200-300 meters away, directly on the very ridge of the wall, there is a granite stock-tower 5-6 meters high. Its base is composed of small blocks (size 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.8 meters). The location of the masonry and blocks is difficult to explain from a natural point of view, especially since it is the foundation for the “tower” itself, which is not of a block nature. Further east at a distance of about one kilometer there is a wall ends with a “pyramidal” hill of triangular appearance, its top has a peculiar shape. Large-block “masonry” makes up its central part, and further from the center there are three ridges with fragments of the remaining blocks. Mount Kuylyum itself is very interesting to study; it looks like a pyramid with adjacent rocks in the southeastern end of the “bowl”. Behind the main needle-peak there are three peculiar passages among the rocks to the southern side of the latter, two of them are “closed”, the third is blocked. The so-called “plug” has the same triangular shape as the second one (located 15 meters to the south). From the city of Kuylyum along the watershed, rather flat saddle, there are almost no outcrops, but a kilometer from the mountain there are ruins of blocky rocks like granite sleepers, up to 30 meters long, some of which are laid parallel, and some of which are curved like deformed by the explosion. Further, 300-400 meters up the slope, there are structures already familiar to us. This is a fairly flat watershed, which has been thoroughly destroyed, but the slopes from the southern and ridge parts present photo surprises in the form of this image (a gap is visible below between the blocks). Up the slope, 200 meters from the above location, the direction of the ridge makes a noticeable bend, marked by a large rock. Immediately behind the rock, 50 meters away, on the axial part of the ridge, on a small platform, there is a single menhir. It should be noted that researchers have not encountered single, free-standing, vertical, parallelepiped-shaped blocks before. In this place there is a gentle descent along the mane to the southwest. Further down along the watershed there are numerous outcrops of granite in the form of individual rocks and fragments that look like walls or piles of blocks. Sidorov's expedition. September 23-24, 2013. The ideological inspirer of the trip of Tomsk scientists to Mountain Shoria was Vyacheslav Pochetkin, who contacted Georgy Sidorov and asked to express their opinion about the local megaliths. Sidorov, as a specialist in alternative history, is a fairly well-known personality in certain circles, the scale of which cannot be found in Siberia. This man has been studying the history and archeology of the circumpolar regions of Siberia (mostly the Ob region) and searching for the heritage of the ancient civilization of Arctida for many years. After a short correspondence with Kamushkin geologists, Sidorov’s compact Vasyugan group of 7 people moved into the taiga, and another 10 people arrived from different parts of Russia. The guides on this journey were the pioneering geologists known to us Bespalov and Pochetkin. After the general collection inthe former geological village of Kamushki, the team set off in four cars to the south of the Kemerovo region. Having reached the bridge over a mountain river, the travelers left their cars and began their climb to the top of the ridge, where, according to the assurances of the guides, the Cyclopean ruins were supposed to be located. The six-kilometer climb took the rest of the day and the group did not reach the topand on the second ledge of the ridgeIn the evening I set up my camp. On the morning of September 23, researchers began the main stage of studying the megalithic complex. - What we saw exceeded all our expectations. In front of us stood a wall made of giant granite blocks, some of which reached a length of 20 meters and a height of 6 meters. It is interesting that the megalithic masonry alternated in places with polygonal masonry. At the top of the wall we saw traces of ancient melting of the rock. It was clear that in front of us were buildings destroyed by powerful thermonuclear or some other explosions.Sidorov In the afternoon, the researchers went to the neighboring peak, where they observed a strange cyclopean structure of vertically placed blocks-menhirs, standing on a giant foundation and similar to a stone transformer. TOImagine their surprise when the needles of all compasses began to deviate from the megaliths. Because of an excess of feelings in the heads of researchers, various hypotheses began to arise about the origin of this installation in the mountainous wilds of the Shor taiga. After some discussion, the researchers came to the conclusion that the device actually accumulates energy coming from the bowels of the earth. The guides confirmed that the complex was indeed built not on a random place, but in a tectonic fault zone, and in front of them is probably an ancient power plant with its own magnetic field. Sidorov suggested that the magnetic anomaly is a consequence of the residual phenomena of ancient, anti-gravity technologies, which were used to move massive blocks of stone, folding them into titanic structures. Bespalov, taking rock samples, later found out that it contains magnetite, which has an independent magnetic field. RThe radioactive background of the structure also turned out to be non-standard. Researchers noted its unusually low levels. After photographing the strange structures, the group went down to the camp. It was clear to everyone that they were faced with something mysterious and very ancient. - On the second night in the camp, many of our people, despite being tired, barely slept. We tried to understand what was in front of us. How did such giant blocks, whose weight far exceeds the granite bricks of the Baalbek Terrace, rise to the occasion? 1200 meters. And in general, for what purpose was it all built, and then destroyed by a powerful thermal effect. The only thing we understood, and without exception, was that in front of us were buildings that had been erected by our distant ancestors. The clue was given by the logic of architecture: locks, inclined planes for water and much more. Sidorov Among other finds of this expedition, scientists discovered similar Peruvian motifs in the buildings of Kuzbass megaliths. Let me remind you that just over a century ago, in 1911, in the Mountain Andes of Peru, the American professor Bingham discovered the abandoned city of the Incas - Machu Picchu - for the civilized world. I revealed this secret to him for 30 American pieces of silver. a little Indian boy from a family of city guardians. Specialists from Sidorov’s team who visited Machu Picchu noted the similarity of the architecture of the South American city and the megaliths of Mountain Shoria. Plastic polygonal stone masonry, recognized as the know-how of the Inca city, was also noted in some megalithic structures of the Kuzbass city of giants.

Participants of the expedition, researchers from Moscow, having examined the granite masonry on Kuilum, said that the principle of addition was the same as in the buildings of Machu Picchu and they argued about one block. They said: “The same one on Machu Picchu has two ledges.” We climbed up, checked - and found protrusions on “ours”! Approximately 15 centimeters in diameter, protrude eight centimeters from the side of the wall,- says Pochetkin. – At Machu Picchu they are rectangular, here they are round, perhaps the corners have simply been erased by frost and time...
What these protrusions are needed for, we could not figure out. Although there were many assumptions. These include covered windows, ventilation, decorations, and a mechanism to open the door...
In addition to other studies, aerial video shooting of the megaliths was carried out using a small drone. Based on the results of this expedition, Georgy Sidorov decided that in ancient times there was not a city, but an entire industrial complex. City of Sun. Inspired by the similarity of technologies, the ideological inspirer of the research, Bespalov, began to look for other strange coincidences between the local stone city and Machu Picchu, of which he found several more in subsequent years. 1. ResidentsMachu Picchu were sun worshipers. In the Inca city, there is an ancient observatory with a free-standing stone, which is considered a sundial. In Mountain Shoria, studying the wall on Mount Kuylyum and neighboring peaks, Bespalov superimposed his measurements on old maps and aerial photographs, on current photographs from space, and drew a diagram of those places. And it turned out... like the Sun, where instead of rays there are triangles.
- The entire territory's relief turns out to be a bowl-valley with mountain peaks along the edges,- explains Pochetkin. – The peaks are clearly oriented to the cardinal points. Sasha, having superimposed the Slavic calendar on his diagram, says: it matches! There is also a separate mysterious granite block - on the mountain next to Kuylyum. In the direction - south. The “brick” is eight meters high, two meters long, two meters wide, and rectangular. There is one.
2. According to legend, the famous Inca gold is hidden in the dungeons of Machu Picchu. And in the bowl-valley near Mount Kuylyum, researchers found references to gold mining back in Catherine’s times.
End of the mystery. Even at the very beginning of my researchAlexander Bespalov expressed concerns that such places could be dangerous for humans and, accordingly, they should be closed from the uninitiated, leaving only access for specialists. It was obvious that none of the discoverers wanted the local megaliths to turn into another garbage dump. The comments under the video were bursting with cries that such places should not be hidden from people. But such admonitions only ran into a wall of silence. Back in 2014, we ourselves conducted our own investigation and, based on indirect evidence, calculated the location of the mysterious city of giants. Determining it by collecting a few materials is not difficult. But the secret of the location of the mysterious city did not last long. After Sidorov’s expedition to Mountain Shoria, various videos spread across the network, clearly showing selected photographs of individual megaliths of the city of giants. Video footage of the expedition with Sidorov’s comments was immediately shown by Ren TV and the major project “Property of the Planet.” The Internet was not inferior in the race for sensations. The headlines of the articles were full of boastful titles: “Our answer to Baalbek”, “Baalbek is resting”, “Kuzbass Stonehenge”, “What Georgy Sidorov discovered”. In order to attract the attention of alternative historians to the discovery of the Kemerovo region, the organizers of the research notified the results of the expedition Andrey Sklyarov, head of the "Third Millennium" Foundation and its Internet resource "Alternative History Laboratory". However, Sklyarov, after looking at the photographs, expressed skepticism about the artificiality of the Kemerovo stones. After such impudence, Sidorov burst out with an angry articleWho are you, Mr. Sklyarov?" , where he actually accused the researcher of having connections with the Freemasons and suppressing the Slavic heritage of the ancient Rus. In general, it was not possible to bring the Kuzbass find into wide discussion, but I really wanted to announce it to the whole world. The governor of the Kemerovo region was not even against opening a new commercially viable tourist destination. Apparently our leaders don’t have enough imagination for more. And as a final note, I would like to announce the news that after that high-profile expedition in September 2013, there was a big fire in the taiga. The research approach with government participation did not bring anything good to the once sacred place; the place was cleansed in the most radical way. And the coordinates of the megaliths of Mountain Shoria, kept secret by Bespalov and Pochetkin, leaked out into the vastness of the network space precisely thanks to this publicity. Author's opinion: The recently discovered megaliths of Gornaya Shoria already two years later became quite famous among alternative scientists and lovers of domestic megaliths. I would like to answer Igor Prokopenko’s question “Who are these powerful architects who left such large-scale stone structures?” It is obvious that these ancient megalithic structures were not built by the ancestors of the Rus, as Sidorov’s supporters insist. They have a “multi-million-dollar” history, and apparently they have been preserved since the times of the primary continent - Lemuria, described in Blavatsky’s “Secret Doctrine”. At the time of the formation of the Third Race of humanity, this continent occupied, among other things, the entire territory of Siberia. The Lemurians of that era were multi-meter giants with impressive superpowers. To some extent, the prototypes of that person on Earth now are not the numerous Yeti. The process of compacting the shells that had just begun did not allow the ancient Lemurians to lose psychic strength and the ability to influence matter without the use of improvised means and invented mechanisms. II do not at all support the idea of ​​a man-made device for these megaliths. They were built thanks to the considerable physical and energetic strength of the ancient man of that era. Changing the properties of material objects under the influence of the psi capabilities of the Lemurian brain was then a common occurrence. The compaction of the shells did not prevent them from correctly feeling the energy of the Earth and establishing their structures in accordance with the flows of telluric energies. All designs of this complex are intended to work as energy storage devices and converters, since the personal energy potential of an individual Lemurian at that time was almost the main concern, which everyone without exception strived for, since its accumulation contributed to advancement along the evolutionary ladder. The confrontation between Sidorov and Sklyarov is connected precisely with the impossibility of combining the eras of Lemuria and Atlantis, the desire of the former to find traces of a technical device in megaliths, and the unwillingness of the latter to study non-technogenic objects (without traces of saws, drills, cutters) of later eras, the main advantage of which, as Bespalov said, is not the architectural, but the eniological features of the area itself. 12/13/2015 Rostovtsev Sergey Rubicon website Materials

Here is another opinion: The famous archaeologist Leonid Kyzlasov, who discovered the ruins of an ancient city in Khakassia, comparable in age to the first settlements of Mesopotamia, proposed leaving its excavations to future researchers. World science, remaining captive of Eurocentrism, is not yet ready for such discoveries that will turn all current ideas about the historical past of mankind upside down.

The photographs located just above show the oldest megaliths located in the Andes and Syria. A group of researchers led by Tomsk historian Georgy Sidorov found unknown megaliths that could cause another revolution in our consciousness, as happened after the discovery of Arkaim in the south of the Urals in the last quarter of the last century.

Valery Uvarov, speaking about photographs taken during the expedition of Georgy Sidorov, expresses sincere admiration and awe for the power of technology of the ancient inhabitants of Siberia. The same feelings are experienced by everyone who sees in front of them the giant blocks in the walls of temple buildings and pyramids of ancient Egypt, the giant monoliths of Ollantaytambo or Puma Punku in Peru, not to mention the textbook blocks of Baalbek (in the photo below). More recently, they argued in our minds, causing discussions about ancient technologies and forcing us to respect the power of the ancient giants, the possible ancestors of today's humanity.

Georgy Sidorov, the founder and staunch supporter of the alternative history of Siberia, confidently says that nowhere in the world there are megaliths equal to those discovered in Mountain Shoria. His expedition apparently found material confirmation of the theory according to which Siberia would soon be recognized as the ancestral home of all humanity. For the first time in the history of Russian science, walls lined with giant blocks weighing from 2 to 4 thousand tons and even more were discovered! Who created them and why? What are these buildings? They are not at all like manifestations of the eternal “game of nature,” and, judging by the traces that have survived to this day, the structures were destroyed by an explosion of colossal power. It could have been a catastrophic earthquake or a space meteorite strike...

Meanwhile, other scientists are not inclined to see the results of the expedition as something unique.

According to excavations carried out on the territory of Mountain Shoria, the age of the most ancient finds does not exceed 10 thousand years, explained Valery Kimeev, professor of the Department of Archeology of KemSU, to Sibdepo. - As for the so-called “Russian Stonehenge”, if this expedition had discovered some remains of a cultural layer, then we could say that this monument is man-made and not natural.

Doctor of Historical Sciences Vladimir Bobrov and Honored Scientist of Russia, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Anatoly Martynov agree with Kimeev’s opinion.

It must be said that recently such “sensations” have become very popular. What I saw in the photograph was created by nature. Findings of such geological formations have been known for a long time, since the beginning of the twentieth century, and even then the nature of their origin was not in doubt, said Yuri Shirin, deputy director for scientific work at the Kuznetsk Fortress Museum-Reserve. - Archaeological excavations are necessary, as a result of which artifacts can be discovered, because such places have attracted people for thousands of years. As for the wall that the expedition discovered, the question of its origin is not difficult to resolve - man built walls from different stones, which would differ in structure, but here we see a single stone mass that took on the appearance of masonry.

The mysteries left to descendants by ancient civilizations of the past still remain in the category of unsolved. It’s hard to even imagine how many secrets the mountains on our planet keep. For a long time now, scientists have been struggling to unravel the purpose of huge structures, the basis of which were stones - megaliths. These buildings are found all over the world, and archaeologists have put forward more than one version of how and why these amazing structures were built from immense boulders, which are not even possible to simply move from their place. Our country can also boast of such buildings. Of course, the megaliths of Russia are not as famous as the English Stonehenge, but no less mysterious. In our article we have collected the most famous megalithic buildings located on Russian territory.

Megaliths - what are they?

Any study of mysteries begins with terminology, so we need to find out what megaliths actually are. In the mid-nineteenth century, an English explorer first introduced a new term that was supposed to characterize a large group of buildings of the late Neolithic era. Translated from Greek, megalith means “big stone,” which allows this term to be used in a fairly wide range.

Classification of megaliths

Despite the fact that the purpose of many megalithic structures is still being studied by archaeologists, they have managed to classify these structures. Conventionally, they are divided into two groups. The first includes megaliths, which were built from practically unprocessed stone blocks. In them, one large stone was installed on top of another, thus forming walls and a roof. Such architectural monuments have been preserved in large quantities all over the world, sometimes they are represented by labyrinths of stones or a group of blocks with petroglyphs painted on them. Scientists called the cultures that left such monuments megalithic.

The second group of megaliths is of greater interest to archaeologists. These structures cannot be called crude, and their purpose has not yet been determined. Most often, ancient megaliths are a masonry of large blocks, in some cases weighing more than a hundred tons. They are carefully processed and have a clear geometric shape. Each block is perfectly fitted to the other, so it is difficult to even insert a knife blade into the gap between them. Surprisingly, usually the quarries where such huge blocks of stone could be mined were located several tens of kilometers from the construction site. How ancient people moved them is still unknown. In addition, written sources do not even contain any mention of the technology for processing megaliths and the purpose of the building itself. Scientists are constantly putting forward new versions on this matter.

Purpose of megaliths

Archaeologists and historians cannot come to a consensus in the dispute about the purpose of megalithic buildings. Most of them believe that the megaliths of the first group were used mainly as burial chambers. Ritual ceremonies were often performed around such structures, and subsequently the first stone observatories appeared. They observed the celestial bodies, calculated the days of the solstices and kept the lunar calendar. In many megalithic buildings, archaeologists found various stone devices that helped make observations, and drawings of the starry sky at different times of the year were applied to small blocks.

Scientists often argue about the second group of megaliths. These structures already resemble residential buildings, because sometimes some kind of cities were laid out with such blocks. But what technologies allowed people to carry out such construction are unknown to scientists. They know one thing for sure - with primitive tools it was simply impossible to process stone blocks like this (many of them have an even angle of ninety degrees), much less move them. Megaliths of Russia are mostly represented by the second group of structures. They are located in different parts of the country and are available not only for research expeditions, but also for those who are fascinated by the mysteries of the past and seek to become familiar with the secrets hidden in the depths of centuries.

Mysterious Devil's Settlement: description

In the Perm region, it has been the main attraction of this region for several decades. Nine years ago it was recognized as a natural landscape monument and organized groups of tourists began to come here. What is the Devil's Settlement?

At the very top of the Rudyansky Spoy ridge there is an entire city built of stones. There are huge squares, narrow streets and squat houses. You can walk from one part of the city to another through beautiful arches, and a wide avenue runs through the very center of the settlement. The stone city is located at an altitude of 526 meters, from here you can enjoy an incredibly beautiful view of the taiga, which reaches the very foot of the ridge.

In some parts of this amazing place, the rock massif is cut with cracks up to 12 meters, many of them have a smooth structure and seem to be made with a laser. The stones that became the basis of the Devil's Settlement are slabs of quartz sandstone. Over the years, under the influence of wind, water and sun, many blocks have taken on bizarre shapes. Tourists saw here turtles, rats, seals and various idols, which are now among the only inhabitants of the majestic Stone City.

You can come to the Devil's Settlement at any time of the year. It is always amazingly beautiful here; tourists especially love to admire this place in its autumn colors. Then the city acquires a certain liveliness and seems completely inhabited. It is especially beautiful in winter, when snow caps hang over the streets and roofs of stone “houses”.

The legend of the origin of the Devil's Settlement

Local residents are happy to tell the legend about how the Stone City appeared in the taiga. Once upon a time it was a real and rich city, its inhabitants rejoiced at their ruler - a wise and fair king. But one thing saddened the hearts of all the inhabitants of the city - the king’s daughter was blind from birth and could not see the beauty around her. One day a sorcerer appeared in the settlement and promised to cure the young princess. But as soon as she was able to see the first light through the veil of darkness, the entire city and its inhabitants turned to stone. Since then, the Stone City has stood in all its beauty - motionless and beautiful.

Education of Stone Town: official scientific version

Of course, the legend of the Devil's Settlement is quite beautiful, but in fact the history of the formation of this natural monument is much more prosaic. Scientists have found that several million years ago there was a riverbed on the site of the Stone City. It was she who made these magnificent arches, avenues and tunnels. Unfortunately, for those who are looking for traces of ancient civilizations in the Perm region, the Devil's settlement was not formed as a result of human activity. But that doesn’t make it any less attractive and beautiful. Every year more and more tourists come here and even All-Russian mountaineering competitions are held.

Megaliths of Siberia: the mystery of Mountain Shoria

In the south of the Kemerovo region there are megaliths that are the subject of the most fierce debate among Russian scientists. Researchers became interested in this place back in Soviet times, but most of the roads leading to Gornaya Shoria were then blocked by checkpoints. There were places of detention in this area, and it was not possible to explore the megaliths. In the early nineties, scientists made another attempt to study the mysterious blocks, but the collapse of the USSR cooled the ardor of the researcher for a long time. After all, archaeologists did not have the financial means to assemble an expedition.

Two years ago, thanks to the enthusiast Georgy Sidorov, a research expedition was assembled, which came to simply sensational conclusions about the megaliths of Mountain Shoria.

Data from Sidorov's expedition

In different parts of the mountain range, researchers have discovered megalithic structures of incredible size. One of the walls was two hundred meters long, and its blocks weighed about one thousand tons. Many blocks measured twenty meters by seven meters, and the wall made of them is located at an altitude of one thousand meters. It is difficult to imagine how the megaliths got to such a height.

Their processing caused real delight among scientists, because almost all the blocks have a clear geometric shape, and many fit perfectly together. At the top of one of the walls, scientists noticed traces of rock melting. A similar effect is caused only by thermonuclear reactions, which once again led archaeologists to think about the extraterrestrial origin of the structures.

Some distance from the wall, members of the expedition noticed another incredible building. It is built on an extensive stone foundation and is a round structure of vertical megaliths. Separate blocks are scattered next to the main building; this picture resembles the destruction that occurred as a result of a powerful explosion.

Surprisingly, all members of the expedition said that compasses near the megaliths began to deviate from the stones. This is associated with the action of a negative magnetic field. But where it could come from, scientists are only speculating. Georgy Sidorov himself adheres to the version that Siberia was the ancestral home of all human civilization. And it was here that people lived who possessed incredible technologies that disappeared as a result of a cosmic catastrophe. Many scientists believe that the megaliths of Russia may be more ancient than the pyramids of Egypt or the abandoned cities of Peru. And the blocks in Gornaya Shoria are definitely the largest ones found on the planet. According to preliminary estimates, some megaliths weigh more than four tons. Such a discovery may well change scientists’ ideas about the course of human history. But, unfortunately, it is these facts that frighten the modern scientific world. After all, engineered megalithic structures do not fit into well-known historical milestones. Therefore, no one is in a hurry to provide the general public with the data obtained by Sidorov’s expedition. In the future, enthusiasts plan to gather several more initiative groups and continue studying Mountain Shoria.

Place of power - Mount Pidan

Mount Pidan in Primorye is one of the most famous. There are many legends about it, and none of the research groups have been able to explain the magical energy of the mountain.

Pidan is located two hours by car from Vladivostok and rises one thousand three hundred meters above the sea. Thousands of tourists come here every year, and during the season you can meet several hundred tourists on the trail at the same time, ready to spend the whole day on this difficult journey. What is it that attracts people here so much? After all, it is known that having climbed Pidan once, many become “attached” to this mountain and come here every year, or even twice a year.

Historians say that in the fifth to seventh centuries AD, the Bohai civilization lived at the foot of the mountain, possessing incredible knowledge. At the moment, several versions of the origin of the name of the mountain are known, but scientists believe that it means the phrase “stones thrown by the gods.” According to legend, the gods threw a handful of stones to the Bohai warriors who were competing in strength and dexterity. But these are all legends, but in fact Pidan is filled with secrets and riddles that excite the minds of our contemporaries.

Under the mountain, scientists have found a large lake with healing water, it helps to gain strength and relieves fatigue. Getting to the lake is quite difficult, but every tourist can swim in mountain waterfalls and drink water from the streams running down the slopes. The water here is surprisingly clean and tasty, and it really gives you strength (if you believe the tourists).

The megaliths at the foot and on the slopes of Mount Pidan are of great interest. Bohai legends say that at the top there was a crystal that only priests could climb to. This was clearly monitored by the Maori - five-meter stone idols in the amount of twenty-seven pieces. They were located at equal distances from each other and surrounded a wall of even stone blocks. Each Maori had a guard nearby who was energetically tied to the stone idol and obedient to its will. In cases where an outsider entered the mountain, the Maori began to glow and buzz. At the same moment, a guard was sent in search of the intruder; he had no pity and could flutter like a bird along the slopes. Anyone who entered the mountain without permission was killed. To this day, the remains of the wall and one Maori at the foot of the mountain have survived. The second idol is located on the way to the top, it is said that this is where the crystal used to be.

Through him, the gods spoke to the Bohai priests, instructed them and helped them. But one day they took the crystal and stopped talking to the priests. The Maori became dead, and their energy weakened. Neighboring tribes took advantage of the situation and completely destroyed the ancient Bohai civilization.

On the way to the top, many tourists are overcome by an unprecedented feeling - some experience fear, others euphoria, and still others cannot climb the mountain at all. Such cases happen very often, which indicates that the rise must be stopped. Next time, perhaps the situation will change. An incredible sight awaits those who are “accepted by the mountain.” There are large and small dolmens all around, and at the very top there is a sacrificial altar, on which you must leave some of your little things to thank the gods.

Every climb to Pidan gives a lot of emotions and strength, but it is not always safe. Often, especially at dusk, tourists encounter a flying man. It is a rather large creature with hairy legs and webbed wings. It does not harm people, but it causes a feeling of horror and panic. Perhaps this is exactly what the ancient guards of Mount Pidan looked like.

Karelia is a favorite place for ufologists, historians and archaeologists. Various adventurers are drawn here like a magnet, who are ready to spend whole months in the Karelian swamps to find some new mysterious place. The most picturesque and mystical corner of Karelia is Mount Vottovaara. It is part of a mountain range in the Muezersky region and is considered a place of mysterious power and witchcraft.

When ancient Sami tribes lived near the mountain. Their Noida priests had supernatural powers and helped their people survive in difficult natural conditions. It is known that noids could, by force of will, subjugate large groups of people and force them to do anything. Even the Soviet intelligence services sought to acquire the knowledge of the noids, but were never able to do so. The priests performed their rituals on Mount Vottovaara with the help of seids - huge round boulders standing in the strangest places of the mountain. Surprisingly, many megaliths weigh several tons and practically balance on the abyss. But they have been standing in their places for thousands of years.

Scientists are surprised that birds and animals do not live there, and numerous lakes are completely dead. All the trees are twisted and twisted in a bizarre way, and after the last fire they look somewhat ominous. You shouldn’t rely on grief and technology. She constantly refuses here, and the most incredible things happen to people. Many hear the voices of spirits, acquire paranormal abilities and miraculously begin to predict the past.

The most interesting places on the mountain are the seids, a stone staircase of thirteen steps ending in a cliff, as well as an unusual black well surrounded by smooth geometric blocks.

The so-called amphitheater is of great interest. It is an almost regular-shaped area with a marshy lake in the middle. The amphitheater is located on the top of Mount Vottovaara, which is a must-see for tourists.

The megaliths of Russia are amazing and, unfortunately, still little studied. But thanks to enthusiasts, they are becoming increasingly popular every year. These places of power were left to us by ancestors who possessed incredible knowledge that was lost over the centuries. Studying megaliths will help us better understand who we are and where we came from in this world.